r Trade« tkat Kill. Weak Lungs Bronchitis One of the moat dsngervua of trad««, accorillng to the I’llgriui, “la the «-over In* of toy anliuala with akin, cteaun»» Ion ther bei ng used, for Instance, for the el«*phai>ta, calfskin tor the horse, and gontakln for the cautela camels Thia ooveringt nmat of course tit without a wrinkle to look natural, ao the wood­ en model la first dqqied Into glue, then aprlnkled with chalk «lust; then the akin la put on. Tbs chalk Is a> tine that It fill» the sir and is drswn Into the throat and lunga A year at thia ■ort of work ofteu reaulta In death. Auotber very Injurtoua toy la the rub­ ber balloon. The fuiuea and solvent» uaed In reducing ahe»*t rubber to ttie neoem*ry thinness while retaining it« strength and the dyeing of the bril­ liant yellow« greena aud purpl, in» most at them poisonous. 8EI.MAS PREFERENCE. If Wa|>olntol iiilatrew» ua they happiness and right living mid know- .urvejvd togviher the »1» kly colored re- e Do-v to Take Ov ledgu of the world's best products. ault. For over sixty years doctors re KMuuv and Bladder I'rotjuels of actual »'xcellence and "No. Selma. I an hl one Oh. I must have endorsed Ayer’s Cherry 1 rouble PrompOv. rciisonablo claims truthfully presented bnv, m I<1 •« level tnanpooiiful.’" Pectoral for coughs, colds, la he a man who uses gmwl Jtalg and which havo allaim'd to world* —I'hat a ao,” Selma agreed, triumph­ mentr “Kieellent. Ilui tie always wide acceptance through the approval weak lungs, bronchitis, con­ There is «o much Rheumatism «very- antly. put« it to use about a day too late"— of the Well Informed of the World; "She look» ao B»ea't..aiul bright." Mm sumption. You can trust a wheie that the following advice by an not of Individuals only, lull of the -...^ for .„. read- ,r.„- . Vnnkiirnn .xiutlded to her husband .Milwaukee Sentinel. eminent authority, who writes medicine the best doctors ap­ Rollingstone N oiuom « Ye«; I IWW rm of a large E*»tetn daily paper, will tlmt night, "that | enu't help giving many who have tlm happy faculty of prove. Then trustthisihe next be highly apprwiated by thoee who her credit for more luteUlgence thau bo a ¡H»et. Tatforodon Torn I ofteii selecting and obtaining the btqtl the wondered how yon got your atari.— tuffer: time you have a hard cough. j she has.“ world affords. Philadelphia Re mg sensed to do Hie *tn Seed I tr’e«? nine« Fluid Extract Dandelion, ow there,** he answvnsl. “It takes pa­ Aycr'a «'harry I -«-»or*! and was »»>'« ciir»j I«anout parts, an Ethical 1 racrktiimand It t*> all mv fr?«i ds w»>»r»vrf nine« Ccmpound Kargou, three ounce» T«»e Aera k*neata. tient's, of courts, to teach them, but she pl«*a«e? fftallbolder (at b*a»tli of eburoh th-v hav« a r ■iigh." - Mia» M U iiku , Aw lafalllblc lyMfftoai. remedy, approved by physicians and Waahti>ii?«Ms. D C. >f Compound Syrup Sara.par 11«. In R»lgluui a two acre le'ldlng la First Student What, you foreea*» Shake the«» well in a bottle and take roiupreheuded perfectly when 1 »¡»oke fair, age Hi llow much has your commended by the Well Informed of aurtlcieiit to maintain a farmer and hi» to her.” mother given you to «¡»end? Punch. that our tailor, poor cha;\ would the World as a valuable and whole­ in teavpoonful done» after each meal family. The typical two acre farm In “Yes: and what dkl you any? Xhxx! mad? Friend What's the matter, old boy? some family laxative la the well known «nd at bedtime; alao drink plenty of evening?* You’d have u merry time. You look dlNapimlnted. \lg\ I thought that cxnmtry rontalna a patcii of wheat Hyrup of Elga and Elixir of Henna To The Second Sure; oa the 23th of .prod water. r Another or rye and auotber of barley | though, teaching her to cook, with your last month he wanted «oine money get its bencilclal effects always buy I had appendicitis, but the doctor «aid It ia claimed that there few victim« ‘ ' _ry Your mother told me her- It «a« ouly hkllgcatlou t'ourt Jour* fair portion grown potatoes a row of the genuine, manufactured by (Its from ■>•!—Tranalatad for Tranaatlar if thia dread and torturoua diveaae who : teyer'a Pill* keep the bowala regular, cabbage (rowa all round on the t «loping rew'd'v rs’li7Ti7 th.'.th“ »w,r ulk *“* *“ nal. California Fig Hyrup Co. only, and all vegetable and gently laxative. tic Tel«« from Mrggvndorfer Rlaetter will fail to find i - . ...i— _ ,_____ >■ ald«*a of th«' di tehee, with i row of for sale by all loading diukgtsta rimple home-made mixture, and in words of three syllabi««." I'alienee They «ay your brother walk I "Nonseuse !” But he laugti«*d aa he uaed to have great luck aa a fisherman. onlena Just out aide. leas>n< bar« Clarence Knew. most cases a peiuianent cure a the re- ln< r>«wn between them and the grain Fata« Pr*fe««M, said IL “I dr»n’t take any stock in the pr»«fes- rult. RiroBNoas Item« * Pntrkv Yea, he did have. Nearly ev The shade trees round the lenise srs "He adv«rti»ed for boa niera who «ions of these politic ans,” the viiitor was A month had passed when Mr» Van­ erybody umx I to believe him. Yonkera Thia simple recipe ia said to strength "Hull? maekorsl!" «zelai usa»! l!« pear trees Every foot nt land la mads remark ng. 'They ’ ve all got some seifi*h Iked pea.'hea ’ *n and cleanse the eliminative tinsuea kurau emu« ainlllng Into her ii usba ud« Statesman freckls«) lad who was ¡tarring over t!»« achene to put through. You never cao <,••!?*’ no worn off than th« doiueMIc men iey» are not healthy and active, or wh. That « too bad’.* To my surprise, ahe Whem It Klees. Landlord (to new tenant) I auppo*«* tl<>u«d I« Hluetrated Hit« wbu«e *a«rt-h ,lace."—Houston Poet "Naw. ‘cauae he la going to get t>ad- 'nffers from any urinary trouble what ­ Teacher (of f*»zraphy cianai—Nam« straightened up and answered, ’No? you would re*julre a bat broom In the for amployaient w«« hindered by an dlsd when he gate home “ With the Awclewt«. city on the Ohio river. the largest ever, aho «hi not h«(itate to make up house? Tenant Ob. we don't need a The Greek commander was msking ths Saarty Haired Pupil — C.«cianati. hia mixture, as it ie certain to do Why, y««»‘ I told her. ’Ikm't you «re batbnwvm. We go to act» every year - unteward circumstance. Haid tb« mat Hrcult of : he walls of Troy, iook ag tar ma'am : but it ain't on the Ohio rivet this black edge?* Ye*,' ahe said. *1 ter of the house to an applicant ouch gcnnl. and may rare you from There once via a maid named \!r<ÎlanIty, i vulnerable spot, when hi* automob.le •o’y part of the time ace burned, but not too bad * I thought Hvggendorfer lilaettrr. "Caii t you find any work at allY* ■ouch misery and suffering after while. The fa i real on« 1« «b» vi> mil), •tuck fast in the mud. lalttle Willie Say. Pa. wbat Is the Teacher—Indeed! Where is it the re«/ she wua being saucy, ao I rebuked her. “Plenty. «Ir; but everybody want« Rbe loved a young man “Gat a horse !* jeered the Trojan sen­ of the time? ■ and she got «oletun, un• i««t employer.“ Takaw at Hta Word. Name« ra’ricb McGann - I tinels on the walla. Shaggy Haired Pupil—In It. Pa 1 have notletMl, my aou. that about where It might bine led If she hadn't Can ’ t you get th«w v * “ Master Waiter, aged 6. bad eaten the Hut wwide«I a rieb «Id affinity. Smarting under their rid.rule, he treat “No. air H«*a been dead tweaty aeft portions of hla toast at breakfast, ha Planed to «ay, almost with tear», the only time you are g**od la when you • nd built a huge wooden bore*. The rest . rissaed Hla..lt eight years.“ ^re not nell. Penver Poat. i ‘Not two bad one bad.’ ” • history. Miss Caust'qne—You evidently have and plied the crusts on bls plate. “There’« a lesson for you, though.” “Yea, air,” aald the man in cell 711, “When I was a little boy." remarked 1 pleaoant diatxwltlon. Mr Sapieigt. At Kdwla’e Explanation. Wrest ««III. I hie father, who aat opposite him. “I al­ 1 Mr. Vankuran rejolnexl, after the “time o aa wt>en I wae admit ted to the Edwin, aged 3. who fondled tela small least you aeeai to be easily pleased. "Iairy.” called Mr llarker. frvm rha ' laugh. “ I ’ d suggest that jruu avoid And w hat brought •cry ta‘»t houae*. Sapioigh Why do you —aw—think I ways ata the cruet, of my toast " eat overmuch and unwisely, ap;*ared front porch, “where la that babyt Juel i "Did you like them?” Inquired bls idiomatic expressions.” you here?" * riu*y vnught me coining now he was In the dining room, then before bls mother one day. his little air.—aw- -easily planned ? I, the num who At that Instaut Selma appeared In Statcmuan. offspring, cheerfully. out. ” — Yonkers face guiltily pained and a scatcb upon Mtsa Gau«t!que—By the way hi wbiob I saw him In the parlor and now he I the dv*orway to say that the Chinese ho, tried to <;rt "Yea." replied the parent Ml« e things Uvau*« 1 Inhale earn t at there 1« at least one dreaded d. -ra* • Hix You sal J your fun would shoot hat <«*?ene< baa beva able to cu-e m all t s lug. while Selma atariM. *d the party of the first part, as over- the auioke. fuel«* George Not at all, Bobby—Oh. he will wag hla tall after uages, and that ia Cata rh Hall's Catarrh “No hurry. Selma. Mrs. Vankuran •00 yards t»ard at the street corner. .'uro is the on. v positive cure now known to the tuy Inty. I object to them beenuae you a whtle. You aee It tekce a long time aedical IMx I know I did. fraternity. Cat&rrh be tig a eonstfto- aupplemented. but before the door had “They’re not as bad as the honey moon for bls r«xxl humor to get from hl» .mnal di«ea«e. requires a constnational treat* fairly closed behind the girl she turn- exhale the »moke. Milwaukee Seuti- tat." said bis confederate in crime. Illa—Its marked to atioot only SSn i »3*25 neat Hall's Catarrh Cure i» gakeu snterna.lv, Del. bead to hla tall. “The honeymoon hat?” acting directly '.jw»n theblood and mucous sur- evl on her husband. "Of all tnessuges yards lace, aces of the a* s? »teta, stem, tbervb t hereb destroying de-t-oying the to fo in* in» -Wbata that you’rv no busy writ- “Yea; bij enough for two." to aend to a 1'hlnaman by Selma ! IMx — 1 know, but there ere tw» bar iation dSease, and giving t e patent iati >n of the dSeaw. « pat ent After He’d Bren Irntrsrsi. nren^th busMsag const * ‘------- * rtrenath by hu ’.Miav wpthe an the eon.tltu'loa and ’No immediate exlgei.«*y.’" she quottal. Ing? You’re regularly perspiring over Until recently the most convenient way Lawyer (in courtroom»—What time usisttng nature in doing its work, The pru- "When you’ve atudled Anglo- It“ "My wife la givlug an adme your 803 logue which t«vok place betwevu mis­ a little girl 1 always wnabed my face. Hie Pimform aa Amended. Otto’s bills?” laughed the caller. lk>lly—Yea, an’ now look at It!—Cleve­ “My platform.” ah outed the orator, Is a Constitutional Disease tress and maid th«* next day. •*Ye«,” sighed the benevolent father, bringing his fiat down with a reeoundinz "Mr. Vankuran talk nl«*e English-— land leader. It originates in impure blood and “Otto is a very wild youth. I should thwack on the deck before him. * ia. Leave requires constitutional treatment, acting “Frau Lehm.vnn «aa any Ing «ome aw- more nlej aa Mrs. Vaukuran." the girl ■well enough alone !* ” through and purifying the blood, lor its have called him Auto.“ ful thing« atwHit you yeatenlay*“ Well, announced, calmly. “Auto?” *^eg pardon.“ whiiperrd the chairman radical and permanent cure. Tbe 1 hr KI ik I You Ila.« Il<>ii|(lit Inta born« th« *i|;nii- "What makes you think no?" did you at lek up for me?” "Oh. no, I of the meeting, id eminent Boeton citi- greatest constitutional remedy is “Yes; he’s such an expensive sport, tur* <>f Ckutn. II. Flct.-lirr. nuiutl nupcrvi.lon lor over 3rrlni«nl*. unollen feel are promptly relieved by Antiseplets or ': '•re, corn*. in11 known rei labi« Cantor!., i« it harinlr«« aubatltuto for Cuxtor Oil. I’urc- nee« 1« dull he often «end« me a check > y, I -tn.lie. -*m;ler.« ■ ¡FREE. Addre« LEGAL LVFOBMATION C. I. Hood Co., Lowell, .Mass. Rorir, Drop« mid Noothlnir Njrtip«. It in I'lrivuint. It Alien S. o.nuted, Le Koy, N. Y. for Inserting pie and puatry re« l|>«*H. — rontalti.« neither Opium, Morphine nor otlirr Ni.rcotlo I.lpplni'ott*« Magazine. nub.taner. Itn ace 1« it« KUamnt«M*. It tlcnlroyn Worm« Accordi Root and Kerb anil alht). Er.erl.hnr««. It rtirr« Dlarrlnrn ami XV iml SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER! Tlie Rev. J.- Tut. tut! I low dure Gentry—You can’t leav«. Hie to mar Colir. It rrllrven 'Iretliinc Troiihlr«, <*urr« Con.tlpatloll Mail a« »cy sta Soidler— But I have th« eaptaln’i unil Elatulem v. It itn.inillitte*. tile E ihh I, regulate« tlio <11 »graceful order for D X and ry you when hr la In that transportation compeuy ¡ joshcss I oh of; Ntomiu li mid iloxvrla. gi.ing lieitllhy aud nntiirul nieep. we will rftb! you a •oral ;>eriDiss‘.oiL - H-ua triple • life «tudy of Wee I, sur, beautiful pboto ea <*undition? Would Be-Bride t3| T«'’* Bt.end of plead« guilty to three weakneaaea—rand] L. IL A. (N. S.) 1149, to be guilty of man who has run »way with your wife rhrout. Rheiimatiro. S*’rTo»ji»Dew. X«-ri Dehilitr, your fi m» to b< «fo itomach. Liter. Kidne* TroatdeN &boLoat M»-rar*! Bears the Signature of eating, cook.ng strange dishes and making larceny. bad known her «ome time? Iluabund - vejoi^d and Ln;»bed Wen. In case of his lu­ •vents," said the ronnolsseur. TOR PRINTING —In the cutlet, »lr. — MeggMidorfer r. N. u “I don't know about him," answer***! fury, tn bold the carrier Hable to án HICKS-CH ATTEN Blaetter. •m ployer. Mr. Cumrox ruefully, "but the dealer Portland “I »uppoae you visited all the point» K».» TB»«. A «abatttat«. To determine the degree of the crime who sold 1» to me was."—Washington "Whet has come over the spirit of “Tou’rw rather a yonng man to be if one who by means of false conne**« of Interest while you were abroad?** Star. tions conveys gas around bls meter and said one young woman. “No,” answered left lt> charge of « drug «tore,* anlr it ’t in property, pla<«s it upon a platform I ted? Mrs. Newrlcbe «enthuslastlcal- Rheumatisn, the sufferer i l apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other your money. Everybody where the Intending thief la planning ¡y)__It's far au|>erlor to all the others. externa! application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by prolucing to get It, with instructions to his aorv- Why. my dear. In Rome one ran bify tountcr-irntation on the flesh. Such treatment xvill quiet the j>.«’n tempo­ ’ lirifr These and You Will Be Safe Fro« agrees K C has no ant In charge of the platform to de­ souvenir postal« for a ¡*nny that «•»»st rarily, but can have no e scattered or relieved for a time White there is no occasion for alarm. It 1« «1- aio-t, that gives [»eopla a few polnta Lippincott’« Magazine. by surface treatment, they will reappear at the first exposure to cold or SMAJlf* ff«vs well to be forearmed on the theory that “No. Geoffrey,” protested the beau­ dampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma­ ’An Ounce of Prevention Is Better Than a that they don’t appreciate. The queen ' 1 - -• no - - - of prevention bee and «iiinw the hive, JilRt like ma I h > sm <"W tiful girl, “you mustn’t do that, I hav« tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturate«! ia« yet been o. I.Seovered 1-«- that !•» t- more mvtv simple. »nupi«?, ' . . .... pffertive yet harnlei? barmlpgs to OUT hOIIHe. I he «Irone bee 111 like pa; sever allowed a young man to put Ida with irritating, pain producing uric acid poison. The disease xvill shift nor» direct ar.d 1 morp more effective, he human system than is Borax. he don't care mu* h about work. There arm around my waist.” ’’That being from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing Borax ha« been known and »«ed for gener­ ations a- n purifier and preventive agairiht are other kinds of bees, Including po­ the case. Gwendolen,” be answered, inflammation nnd swelling mid such terrible pains that the nervous system epidemie Influent • s on trina ing from uno lean ly Inexorable firmness, is often shattered, the health undermined, nnd perhaps the patient becomes lou'iitJons resulting from unsanitary sinks and litical tiers, quilting liees and husking sadly, but with Iraln-, and when u-e«i a« a hot aolution in the tiers. Hut the teat here of ell are the “you will have to take your bead off deformed nnd crippled for life. 8. 8. 8. thoroughly cleanses the blood nnd »roportlon of two tablespoonfuls to a gallon of renovates the circulation by neutralising the at ids nnd expelling nil foreign There la a kissing tire my shoulder.**—Chicago Tribune. rot water flushed through the offending loca- kissing tiers, matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead ion«. r»-m ’ve« every trace of dls< a •- germ« and In our parlor every Sunday night and «3.00 & $3.50 SHOES th «’ wto !T l . enders the pip«*« clean and wholesom». FOR EVERY MEMBER OF«^. ■«, Flahrrman’a l.eek. of a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit­ It B .rax In addition to Its hygenk qualities Ja a I get a nickel not to tell about THE FAMA.Y. AT *LL SR CES. jo .««•hold nece’-hity.and «an t»e used f«>r num- When It cotni-e to a choice of here, give ing acrid and corrosive mutter in the nnis- The Judge—For two yearn yon* men ( Fo«nyono wSo can prove W.L, P^OfUUU OoaHaa doaa not mafia iaail »ericas d< m«?«tlc purp«.*-«- It softens the water, cles, nerves, joints and bones, thebody is feti moroMon'a 93t$8.fothpot nakes linen dazzling wh te will cleanse every me a kissing bee every time.”—Chica­ have fished together, penreably, and yet and nourished by rich, heslth-sustainin^ i than any manufaotwr. r in - i and maki you fought over thin fish. t brivhT, will prevent moths, soften and whiten go News. THE REASON W. I.. Dougl** "hoe« are worn by more people blood which completely and permanently The Sportsman—You see, your hon­ he skin, remove dandruff and cleanse th«* In ail walks of life than any other make ia berauae of their «alp, and f »r «Jeansing and sterilizing baby’s cures Rheumatism. 8. 3. 3. is composed A «'raah. or, this In the first one we ever caught. excellent style, easy-fitting, and auporior wearing qiiaAties. nilk botti* and nipple has no equal The selection o f the leather« and other materials for each part "John, what was that awful no!«« In —Translate«! for Transatlantic Tales PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic properties—• Borax, unlikeevery other cleanser and disin- of the shoo and svery detail of the makin