IhHhasrr a »urprlar on Thanksgiving. They presented her with many >«»krta Mr* F Dn krn»oii it entertaining her of g<»»l tiling« and after hearing a ser­ daughter, Mr*. <’r«*»k mon by Itrv. 1» A. Wattei», and whil­ Della and Pearl ItobílIN ing ‘ Grandma” many l>»pl’y return» of w *k. till, day, tbcv left, leaving good cheer A I »a by girl wsa born to Mrs Harry Mr. and Mrt. Ix-hiixl. Flak last Sunday morning. her mother, Mrs. Elsie Prvltyinan, thi* .Mr Dreifkiel and .Mr. laris, were out Mr». J. P. Hetlin left Saturday (or week. from Portland this week' The flallrs, where she will visit for a I>. L. Herring I.a» rented hi* place Io Mr. »nd Mrs. A. J. KUrmiller were few day» before going on to Baker City, I a family recently from the Eatt. Portland visitors till* week. where »lie Mill *p*ml the winter with Mr. ('amp and Mr Taylor have ju t Mr and Mr». B"W« Usrk dinner with i her daughter, Mi*» ('alia Hrslin. finisheddigging a < ropof pot »tor* grown the Keith family Sunday. Mr. Fulkerson and «laughter spent on G. Zirfiiiiermaii*» pl.ire which yield Mr. M'C'lurc went to P«»rtland last nianksgiving with relativ»* at Haley e«i budiela I r the acre On Friday they vLilqg Mr Falker->>n's Saturday. Th« «lance given by the M.u aU*«*« <»n nephew, N. M. McDaniels, in Portland. | J. W Elon is flnlahlng up the work Thanksgiving night WKS a great *ucc« **. Mrs. I*. L. Flaielers has returned! on hi» |*>talo patch this week M. Grimshaw and family u«it«d with I from Gillian» county, where the went hi* wife’» folk* at Vancouver, Ua-hing- i with her hu»l»an kwierd Grange in pianiii|rt6 give a Th«- Bull Run sawmill is doing a rush- dance New Yeai’arve Mi»« Ih-lia Moriaon of Portland has ! Ing business. They don’t evvu »top for A. II. iU-ll and family were «wiling on ( Humlay. been »pending a few day» here, the gueot of Mr». J. M. A»hcruft. Kockwood In« nd» Munday laid. The Grami Ball at Handv *as well at- W Child«* rs and family visited hi* »ia* i ti-mh-d By people from Bull Run. Mr. O. A Jackson ami daughters viaited Murk Evans and wife at Hurl­ ter in Washington a few daya l«»t week. Miss Z«-ll d th«-( line famiii luMt M*-ek. i .,,, . . , i her little daughter, have l»e« n visiting Master» filen ami Earl Andre s|ient Mr*. Win. Butler, <• I. K A N I N <• H th« ir vacation at Bull Run where they l*aat Sunday marked the 17tb anni­ Inid a fine time. versary of Rev. W. T. Keutt’c paaturate Chanci« Clark s|**nt a tew dais » itii Smith Memorial Pretbyterian church. SANDY his parents last week. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Reece «»(Salem WATCH HANI Y GROW ' will preach hit initial termon in the j The *|ir*-ial road me«-ting held Ijist Methodist church. COIIKILL Saturday evening in .Meinig** bsll was Mr. and Mr». Wrn. Byer*’ return to Cliristian Endeavor was lead laatSun- Fairview ia wehmmed by their many well attended Judge Dimn k of Ore- gull City presi«lcd, and uflt-r u tlormy ‘ d*y « vening by Newton Hedin, after friends here. Mr. Byera ha* built a * which llev. S. (’. Sherrill g;uv a stirring hou*e on hit o-a«’re trad in the ea-t part argument on r«md business, it a ms dr- ri»f five mills talk on ‘ <>b «lienee.’’ of town, where they are residing. for the impr«»vrmrnt of ro.tds Mst V\ «-dm-*!ay afternoon the Cot­ Mrs. J. If Staph-ton »pent a few day* bool gaic un entertain merit, with her daughter, Mr*. G. Water», in A larg«* mimls-t attend«**! I hr Thanks­ trell rhrr«- u«’re 27 preterit bethh* the schol- Portland. giving ball at Junker's ball. Paul Meinig atf«l family t«»ok .( Hip to nr*. All hud an enjoyable time. John Shoemaker ha* move«l hit fam­ D. P Matthews of Portland visits«! ily to Oregon ('ity. Marmot 'a«t Hunday. wlu rv lin y ii«it*-d Mrs Mrinig’s parents, Mr. and Mis. A. hi« wife, who is teaching the Cottrell R**alie and !,i!lie lm*cher visited sell« ol, lust weelt. A «chuff. | their aunt, Mrt. C. Dalmer of Terry la«t Arthur Smith, who hat lieen going to • week. They also visited relatives at Mrs. Raney of Th ret-Hix spnt a few school in Portlan«!, uas out h«»me on a Fulton. days here last week. Cha*. Hhubl»e, who has not I m «*» Erie fisit lurt week. Maud Burch of Greaham visited Mau­ Mi»» l»ottie Roeebootn, who has been nie Anderton Friday and Saturday. f >r several year*, is visiting hi* iiiutln-r, staling at Columbia Reach, has returned I Mrs. John blrau«*. <». A. Brown of Portland was hereon M. J. East of White Salm«»n *|»rnt home. business the first of the week. Mr. Matthew* of Portland was a Cot­ Thanksgiving at Kandy visiting his sis­ E. A. Whitney is building an addition trell visitor a few days last week. ter, Mrs McElr«»y. j on Mrt. M. C. Cornett’» cottage. “Topey Turvv,” a comedy in three Mr Gmy and family, rc<«ntli from Minnmotn, are living in the lions«-, (• r- acts, will be given at Ball * Dryer Fri­ day night, December Sth. A basket mrrly occupied by C Clias«* Mrs. ('hat. Ohlaon of P«»rtian«l and »Nial will follow the drama. All ladies* her *<»n Raymond visited her daughters, arc rr«|Ue»ted to bring Imskets. Mr. and Mr«. Wordetrom of Minne­ Mrs. Hwansrii and .Mrs Younger, Ht sota are visiting «>l«l acquaintances and | Olton's mill last week. Victor Forsberg is now ready to «Io relatives of thirty years ago near Cot- : W. Lenf< rth and wife entertained Mr. b lain«««» in lilt new liarm-s* sh«»p. Mr. trell. Steele of Seattle and Mr. Martin, lately a id Mrs. ForslaTg are comfortably Io- AH* 't^illen has taken up hi* resi­ of Denmark. Thanksgiving Day. The oat*sl in room* in the r«-ar o* the shop. dence in Grandpa Heer*» house near the I hostess, who is an English lady, treated her guests to real English plum pud- q>ent Thanks­ E«l and The,«lore Bornstedt retnrneil to Portland Sunday, after having *|*-ut I r ■ itdalv, now living at Sandy, visited giving with Mrs. Larsson's parents. 11. Latourell an.l wife, at latourell Falls. a week with friend* and rvLitin - h«-rr. rd.Hn«•« livre hist Wvvk. Pulfvi ’s mill, it is re|*»rtcd, w ill start The Forrester’» annual l>all given in Mi»* May Shumway ia li-ning tier up in full blast in two weeks. Tiller hall on Saturday evening was well sister, Mr*. Alf AL*II. for a few w«rk*. attended. Geo. Ruegg s|M*nt several «lays vi*iting Mrs. E.l Woodard i. ent< rtaining her Ills sister, Mrs. A. G. Barnstedt la>t Kl I SO 0 sister, Mrs. Constance Emily, of Port­ u eck • Annie JarL Margaret, Angela and Joe Rad Nalaon and w lit I I u • spent I'aiming »pent the Thanksgiving holi­ land. Mrs ban Richardson of St. Johns has Sunday with hit sister of this place. day* at bon e. * been spending a few days with her sis­ W. B. Cooke of Marmot went to Port­ K«d»vrt J<>nsrud» with the aid of Au- ter-in-law, Mrs. D. B. Griffiths. land Thursday, returning Saturday. gnat Ktucki, is building a wood nhed and Mrs. II. Bauman and daughter, Miss W. A. Stone of Cherryville was a cellar. Hannah, have Is-en visiting S. S. lx-gar* Sandy visitor Mornlai. (’■ »1. Sindall i* having his house fin- and wife. Tliumas Brown of Fish Hatchery fame ij-l ed r.nd improved up.-tairs. Mr. And- Mias fails Stevens has l>een quite ill. want through Sandy Monday, enroute erven is doing the work. Miss Edith Holm is recovering from to Oregon City. an attack o* dyptheria. Ward Ihiugla** of Eagle ('reek un* Miss Margery Hampshire, who at­ ESTACADA seen «>n our streets Sunday. tend* (Cbool at Vancouver, spent last The masquerade given at the Estaca­ week with her parents here. F. C lA*hrman and wife att«'ml«*t waltrer wa* awarded to V. II. Tapp . who*«» apple* are a* g«>od Portland sometime ago, is recovering ns the Iwst. is kept busy marketing fruit. Mrs. Washburn of Redland, and for - and returned to his home here last I.«-t costumes to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. IL Chalker and wife visited at Bor­ ! week. Linn of lx»gan. * ing Bunday. , The I .igle Creek Grange Dramatic ,H. A. Richardson a!t»l family spent Frank Rodger* has l*»ught out th«* in­ club will present the eomerly-drama, Thanksgiving with Mrs. E. A. Stafford terest of W. B. IbHigert in Sandy I dr "Captain Racket,”.at the Eagle Creek at Melrose. niturv coni|miiy. Mrs. M. Allard Metcalf of Portland Grange hall on Saturday evening, I>e- W. J. Wirts made a flying trip to cemlsT *th. A basket MK'ial will follow. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Gresham on Monday. Francis Allard. All are cordially invited. (ieorge Ruegg has lanight out the in­ Miss Harriet Harlow, who attend* Miss Freda Duus attended the terest of Bert Lindsey in tin* tlriu of ball given at Logan on Thanksgiving school in Portland, s|>ent Sunday at her Born*te«lt A Lindsey. livening ami reports a most enjoyable home here. A piece of solid rock about t>0 feet in time. Halfred Yonng of Portland has been length by 25 feet in width recently fell The I. O. O. F. of Estacada gave a visiting friends here. into thw Sandy, damming the river. turkev supper nt their hall on Thanks­ I Chas. Hewett and wife of Springdale. W. B. Kodgiu-s has gone to California giving night. Ore., are moving into F. I*. Hubbard's to take up the study of astronomy I!obt. Guttridge and Miss I.inhie Ra­ cottage. Miss Manarv of Portland was a guest ney of Springwater were married last week. of Mrs. A. T. Tiller. DOVER Miss Jennie Young of Portland has Herman Puns spent Thanksgiving Burch Roberts killed a ¡»ant her la*t with friends at Pamaseus. been visiting friends here. week that measure«! 9 feet And 2 inche*. Joe Burns was given a day in the city Mrs. Florence Punean is seriously ill The people of Dover gave *‘< irandnri” at the home of her father. J. Pavia. i jail and fined 110 for drunkeness and ROCKWOOD 0 Holiday Goods « at the Leading East-Side Department Store i > • • The Largest, Most Complete and IJp-to-date Showing of Holiday Goods liver At­ tempted on the Fast Side HEM EMBER ! We own the building we occupy, which placcM uh in n position to give RE'ITEK VALUES than it in poHHiblc to get elsewhere. Old Santa Claus’ LARGE own headquarters, and a tremendous showing he has Hereof l><> I. I.S, TOYS, GAMES, WAGONS. DOLL ( AKTS. ETC.. ETC. And all at remarkably reasonable prices. Toy Departin'! IN BASEMENT Your Holiday Shopping’ Can lx- done here in this new, modern, light, big and cheerful store with the greatest comfort to you and every assurance ot finding all kinds of satisfactory HOLIDAY PRESENTS FOR ALL AGES and just at the right price. I o trtui iriunniuvis ui. vnivii ntt. LISIIDS UiMiiitH'h th un h-isitig Livi a K4>hl time» While cr>>*HÌri£ th«* Katniv river «mu rail our •»( Mr. Rickert'« «oil* ha«l the n»i*h»rtUfir to (all In nini found it rather ic « m »I Imth. IL wu* in »«-arch of nome mt ray g"UtH. Grandpa Nvilmuer h | h * ha* l»wn tick lot the |«a*t three s«vk»i* »till very low PllASANI HOME Correspondence John I. gi ra in enttmg w < mk | (or J Ilownrr uu hi* ranch. I’ m rt Hamilton, id Vancouver, wawvia- iting hi* unde and aunt, E. I>. Hamil­ ton and wife, laal work \\ I C iumwv II I» »uttering from an attack of the grip. Mr and Mrs. Oster, of Springdale, visited with I I Hamilton last Tuesday. Bev. Mr Kvvre, who ha* taken charge ot lid* territory, «Ivltvrrrd hi* sermon to u large nu lienee Sun Im im ruing. Ser­ viert will I m * held toil Sunday morning. P Hair and *<>n I jcou were Portland vi*ilora this ww k Ida Miller i* visiting her |iarenla, Mr. and Mrs. P. N. .Miller, fur a few day*. Mi«- \Jariitn R«»l«ert*on entertained a Mr». Nellie Winken and daughter lew of bei friend* last Saturday. Th<»*e KII* of Portland attended her niece,». present were Minuet Olive Limted and Alice Hair’* funeral, Friday. I lin i Pilkm»<>n of Grcnham, Zelma Co«» Mr. Ihlhar l and daughter Hora went and Ivy Blackburn. They expressed to Portland Saturday, Flora remaining < Co visit her grnnyi< r, Mr*, latke, a lew day* 'the molding I h 'II* rang la*t week when Mr*. N («arsoii waw united in mar­ riage t>» Mr. Gr«*g»*r*»»n «»I Gr< Hinm. .Mark McKinney is uniting the ('an- non family thia week. Poat hole* «ire living «lug for "Hie tele phone along the r<»a«l running south ironi Orient pu»t other. The death <»( Alice I fair wn* very *n«l- den and a severe ahex k to her many friend*. She attended achool until nearly a week Indore her death. Jn conn« i lion with ll»<’ pottoíRcci Mr*. (’Im*. Hunter led Chriatian En­ at Bull Run. deavor Sunday evening. M i - h I.inline Ijutn <»f Melrose called <»n Irene Douglas* one day thia week. leaving Bull Run at 7 a. tn. Leaving (irenbain at 1 p. m. Mr* \ Uriel of Grvalmm viaitnl her aiatrr, Mt*. Orland Zcvk, Salnrtlay. •••••••••••••»• •••**•••••••••••• LEETE-ROBERTS Daily Stage to Gresham » OOiOtOi ooo o o O OO O OlOt K fi ALL MY LITTLE FRIENDS.............................. I Arc Rv«|iie*tc«i to Prepare for the fi s now DOLE fi Which will I mi hehl the First Saturday in DecetnlMT fi E. M. Douglass, fi Ki Pleasant Home o OOiOOl Ol 01*001 IOOiOK3l«^*OOl Get Holiday Goods Here! think «hut n nice «i(t an Id bon Phonograph and Records would be! We are headquarters for the and many other things you nee.1. “S£SILOUR. ffED AND GROCERIES AT LOWEST POSSIUI.E I’KICES Aqcnt Oregon lire Relief Assoddlion JOHN BROWN, Rockwood, Phone 311 AARON FOX TROUTDALE, - ORE. Phone Farmers 2N1 Il you want to save money on large quantités see me Prepare for Holiday Comfort Now All the necessities for the Christmas and New Year’s dinner can be purchased at our store. DON’T FORGET That we also carry a full line of up-to-date goods that will make fine Xmas presents. Clackamas County TROUTDALE ■ We take your CERTIFICATES AT PAR f STANDARD BRANDS FINEST COFFEES, BEST TEAS Groceries and Provisions, Dry Goods, Shoes, Hardware, Etc. FEED BY THE SACK, TON OR CARLOAD WE ALSO BUY YOUR BUTTER, EGGS, ETC. Phone Fanners 281 ------------------- , disorderly conduct on Thanksgiving. Misa Edith Reynolds visited her par- Joe was the first occupant of Troutdale'» ents here last week. Miss Edith is em ployed in Portland. . ity jail. A. E. LINDSEY A. G. BORNSTEDT : ORNSTEOT & LINDSEY Dealers in--------- General Merchandise OUR LATEST Is a nice line of Nobby Men's Clothing. If you need a suit for the holidays come and make your »election liefore the line is broken. XMAS GOODS We have already on hand a large assort, incut ot Toys for children and ap­ propriate gifts for young and old. / WOULD BE A NICE GIFT EOK YOER WIFE We arc agents for COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPHS AND RECORDS We Accept Clearing House Certificates any day at Face Value CUSTOMERS ALWAYS SATISFIED AT THIS STORI n I3KK Harlow, Blaser & Harlow » GENERAL MERCHANDISE The Procuring of Groceries^Possessing Real Merit Thiseis assured every time you buy them here. We have taken the greatest ol pains in the selection of our stock* The result is First-Class Goods at Reasonable Prices. For the Holidays you will want a good assortment of groceries, confectionery and all the little and big things that make life enjoyable. You will make no mistake in bringing or sending your orders to us. TROUTDALE I OREGON » t