Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 22, 1907, Image 6

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Invlt«« Consumption
It weakens th« delicate lung tissues,
derangro the digestive organa, and
breaks down the general health
It often cause» headache and diasi-
Beaa, impairs the taste, smell and
hearing, and affreta the voice.
Being a constitutional diseaas it re­
quires a constitutional remedy.
Adoption of Proposed Cbaips Will Mab a Radical Changi In Ropri-
smtation-Rocall Moasun Will Lift fro« Office
All Who Fail to Oo Thiir Duty
a Friend?
Then tell him about Ayer's
Hood's Sarsaparilla
< a*
They Have Never tee*.
Drafts ot const Rational amendments lie tie*«ury the whole amount of I is
Cherry Pectoral. Tell him
and laws
laws sought
sougnr to
to ba
no adopted
suopieu by
oy the.
in* •»!*<’•• for «ha preceding election.
Radically and permanently cures.
how it cured your hard cough.
Tho proposed bill fot the selection ot
la weual llauid farm ar tn et>oeelei»4 teblete people ot Oregon have been prepared '
Tell him why you always keep
I United Stales Mnatora by a vote of the
knows m Seraatabs. us doeea u
and are being circulated thtoughout the people ia short and to the ponit. In
it In the house. Tell him to
elate by a largo committee of promi­ effect It ia nothing mois than an ex-
ask his doctor about It. Doc­
nent men with a view of getting the preeeed instruction of the legislature by
Farmer MsddergrsM
I reading
- ------------
- paper
— 1-
measure before the voters for tneir con­ the people to vote for one candidate for
tors use a great deal of It for
The< Vaudeville must it be a great show adoration.
Efforts will bo made by senator. It Is argued that after such an
throat and lung troublea.
I those who have diafted and are pro instruction no politician would put hla
" I hss s 1-clM« a«M s *4 <*« s » sea w*a
Mr* MeddsrgraM Why s* pe?
moting tbe meaenrea to form a Poop I m ' private opinion above tho voted oxpteo-
iy**t«**a *nk r**->-—i
"W'y. I sm here where aaoihsr sea of
CUrrv e«r(.u.l **4 it
*>*«al*k **« •«•
Power league and to raieo >3,000 to de­ sion of tho people ot the state. Tho
f*ei rvb*( ft ia «*0*1*1* a mml e**«*-(*!
our grMtest actors has made amago
fray the eipeneea of tbe coming cam­ bill aaya:
Kuf? f
neats t* etay r.gbt thar for a ball eeaaoe."
paign to bo carried on for the eucceaa
"Section 1. That we. tho people of
— Puck.
of the measures
the state of Oregon, hereby instruct our
Included in the list ot the meaeuies tepreaentativ«« and Mnatora tn our leg
V saasCwl.
• a xs aal* »OaiFAMUA.
An iaLativ» assembly, as such officers, to
"I don't know about waiting oa that which are being presented are:
customer out there." Mid the lunch coun amendment to the state constitution vote for and elect tho candidatM for
ter girl. "Hie order ia something Scree" providing for tbe recall of unworthy Tailed States Venator from thia stats
“What does he vast?" naked the cook. offler holders; the draft of a bill lor who receive tho highest votes at our
haeron rwcotrory. Conti» lauMthro.
"Smothered onions, beaten biscuit. 4«r the election of Vnited States senators
general elections.**
Had eggs, sad whipped cream ”
by people's instruction; the draft of a
In argument for the proportional rep­
bill providing for proportional repre­ resentation bill, it is shown that tho
Homely Kaeseh-
$100 R«ww< $100.
sentation and majority elections, and a present house ol representatives in tho
Tawae- llsaemn s flau.-oe must sim­
»h. Huntley corrupt praettoe Oregon legislature is coni)x«ed of 69 ply be rolling In wealth.
that •ciano« bu been ab> to cut« in «11 iia ICt.
Hrewso Oh! are you
Republicans and one Democrat. If tho
Btarrh Hair« Catwrb
Those who bare compiled the list of
with her?
Vureia the ottivpaaltiv« curenow known toth» I--------a
3 ------ —
*_ a cm-
j uii
---------- j a----------- r voters in tbe state were represented in
medP a | fraternity. Catarrh be n« a coaxtltu- Amendment« And bill« «nd are now
Tawae—No: but I saw her ie-day.—
proportion to the ratio of their numeri­
Uona*.l»«aM require« a conai tutional treat- sanding
----- ----------------------------
—■» —
them out and
asking for the cal strength as shown at the last elec­ Philadelphia Pree*
Hall’s Catarrh Cur«U taken internally,
acting directly upon th«blood and mucousaur> formation of a people'« league are: tion the house would bo composed ol
faewe ot the«) stem, thwreb» d«at"oyinf lbw to ¡n- Johnathan Bourne, Jr., Earl C. Bron­
aoubt 33 Republican«. 20 Democrats,
d»iiou of th« d!«ea»o. and giving t • pat en|
•Wen«th by building up th« eurmitu ton and augh, Jerry Bronaugh, W. C. Bristol, four Socialists and three Prohibition
•oniat1 ng nature In doing its work.
Tbc pro- Lee M. Clark, H. W. Drew, C. H.
prieto-a have no much faith tn He* urat ve^w
member». It ie urthsr pointed out
era hat they effer One Vundred Doll ana for any Gram, Thomas G. Green«, Clyde V.
that since 1893 the Republicans have
com that it fail* lo ewra. head for lut of
Huntley. J. E. Hedge«, V. R. Hyde, always bad from 44 tc 59 of the mem­
G. W. Holcomb, Harry Lans, T. M. bers ot the house, though In 1895 and
Laabo, T. A. MsRtide, Henry E. Mc­ 1898 the vote of tbe Republican party
Ginn, E. 8. J. McAllister, F. McKtr- throughout the state was I vm than one-
choc. P. McDonald. G. M. Orlon, B. half of all the votes cast.
Lew C«*el4er*t«.
Lee Paget, C. Scheubel, Ben Selling,
It was at aa amateur concert
It is argued that proportional repre­
That girl." M d tbe envious meld, Alex Sweek, C. E. 8. Wood, Frank sentation would give each party a fair
“has a voice like a seventeen year Io­ Williams. W. 8. U'Ren and John C. proportional vote in the legislature,
jnst as it has in the general elections.
In discussing tbe measurea which
Tho text of the proposed law is as fol­ PR CT Alt f THIS SIMPtt MOMT-MADt
“Tea” rejoined the smart youth, “but
they have placed before tbe people the lows:
as a singer the locust le mere Mt Is fac­
promoters set out their idea» as fol-
"Section 18. In all elections au­
tory. It only appears once la Mven-
i lows:
teen year*"
"We believe all eitixens agree that thorised by thia constitution until
[•very political party should be repre- others lee provid* d by law, the person
or persons receiving ths highest num­
“My lawyer recommenda thia to mo »ented in the government in proportion ber of votes shall be declared elected,
to the number of its euporters among
ce a fosal ble course."
but provision may be made by law for
"That proves nothing so to Its mer­ tbe people; that no political party elections by equal proportional repre­
should ever have a greater majority of
sentation of all the voters for every
A well known authority on Rheuma­ «•■alrr Hiaia* Near WaalklaBSea.
the officers of government than it has
“It doesn't!"
office which is filled by the election of tism gives the readers of a largo Now
of the votes of the people; that tbe
Formerly we could ride acruro coun­
“Of course not My dear, to a law
two or more persons whose official du­ York daily papor the following valua­
people rhould be able to express their
yer all courses are fse-sible."—Balti­
ties, rights and powers are equal and ble. yet olmpie and harmlroa preserp- try In any direction around Washing­
dii-approval of any officer's acts by re­ concurrent.
ton ; and almost as a-KMi as we left tbe
more American.
lion, which any one can easily prepare
calling him from office; that the people
tumiutlful tree-shaded street« of tbe city
"Every qualified elector resident in at home:
should elect and choose their United
we were In tbe reel country, writes
his precinct and registered, as may be
Fluid Extract Dandelion, ana-half
States renators; tbat character, and not
required by law, may vote for one per­ ounce; compound Kargcn, one ounce; President Roosevelt In Scribner’* llut
the poeaaroion of wealth, or th« secret
son for each office. Provision may be Compound Syrup Sarmparilla, three as Washington grown It naturally—
or public eupiort of great corporations,
made by law for the votet's direct or ounces
and to me most regrettably l*e.ouies
or wealthy eitixens, should be of ad­
Indirect expression of his fiist, second
Mix by shaking well in a b>ttle, and less and l<«a like Its former, glorified
vantage to any man aspiring to public
The horse can draw the
or additional choices among the candi- take a teaspoouful after each meal and village self, and wire fencing has de­
office. Tbs measures herein offered by
datee for any office. For an office which at bedtime.
load without help, if you
stroyed our old crosscountry ride*
members of the People's Power league
io filled by tbe election of one person
Ha »tates that the Ingre-l onle can be Fortunately there are uvw many de­
of Oregon are expected to aid in obtain­ it may bo required by law that the per­
reduce friction to almost
obtained from any good prescription lightful bridle trails tn Rock Creek
ing thee results."
nothing by applying
son elected shail be tbe final ehoice of pharmacy el «mall eeat, and, being a
park and we bare flxed up a number
In diacuMing tbe recall amendment
vegetable extraction, are harmless to of good Jumps at suitable places a
to the constitution the proposers say it i
candidates for that office.
These prin­ take.
will be second only to the initiative ciples may be applied by law to nomi­
stone wall, a water Jump, a bank with
This plroront mixture, if taken regu­ a ditch, two or three poet and ralla.
and referendum. It is pointed out that nations by political par'.ies and organ-
the people of tbe state cannot now re- izatione.”
about four feet high, and eome stiff
almost any case of Rheumauem.
«11 an officer once elected without
Tbe Hnntley corrupt practice set is pain ar.d swelling, if any, diminishes brush hurdles, one of 5 feet 7 Inches
to the wheel*.
proving him guilty of a crime beyond a
The last, which Is tbe only formid­
known to a great many of the people of with each dnao. until permanent results
No other lubri­
reasonable doubt.
the state, aa it is tbe bill which was ere obtained, and without igjuring the able Jump, wan put up to please two
It ie poinetd out tbat almost contin­
cant ever made
introduced in tbe last session of tbe (tomacb. While there are many so- »porting members of the administra­
ually district attorneys and sheriffs
wears so long
legislature by Huntley, of Clackamas, sailed Rheumatism remedies, ¡«tent tion. Ilacnn and Meyer. Both of them
and saves so much
and defeated on the ground that it was medicines, etc., some of which do give school their homes over It and my two
laws, or an aseeee >r says it is impossi­ too voluminous and detailed.
horsepower. Next time
relief, few rmlly give permanent re­ elder boys and Fitzhugh law*, my cav­
ble to aseesfl all property fairly or to
In brief, it provides for I he regulation
try M tea Aria Gaxas*
make great wealth bear its just share o* all elections as to campaign expens* sults. and tbe above will, no doubt, be alry aid. also whool my horses over IL
Studard OU Co.
of the burden if government. It is ar­ es setting oat a maximum expense g eatly appreciated by many sufferers On one nt my homes. Roswell, I bare
gone over It myself, and an I weigh 3)0
here at this limo.
gued that if one-fourth of tbe voters of bill for every office voted upon
by the
Inquiry a: the drug store* of even th« |a>un<ls without my saddle. I think that
the state or district could bring such
people, both at the primaries and at
small towns elicits the .nforiaation that the Jump, with such a weight. In <r>ld
Laalvu.a, CalorBaa SpacuMn wricaa: Ovid, officers face to face with public dis­ the gen-ral elections.
These amoanta
Hirer. Load, W ; Go.d. K!lT«r, 7>-; Oold. Me ; B’ bc or charge for incompetency they would do
those dr jgs are harm see and can to blood, should be credited to Roswell
tapper. | l vyaatda t***ia. Milllii< »□▼•.opea aad
are gr del according to the importance
bought separately, or ths druggists will for righteousness.
their WOTK
work Or
or C1BC
else LD9
the people
people VOU1U
would get
get j
Roswell Is a bay
foil prira lilt Mnt oa arp.ieaOoa. LoeuW and Vm- mCIT
of the office and tbe scope of tbe cam­ mix the prescription if asked to.
grj-arkMU«*“4' be«~«i cwwmme s* officel, who woald do it for them. It
gelding. Audrey a black mare; they
paign necessary to present tbe candi­
I is arserted that should the law be
are Virginia home«. In the spring of
date before the people.
Rigid pro­
About >40 per year ia cbarg-d fer an
psaeed tbe mere threat of invoking it visions are made agaimt indirect cam­
1007 I had photographs taken of them
would be effective in the great major­ paign contributions and secret expens­ uaUaa.ted téléphona service in Pane, but going over tbe various Jumps.
la addition to thia the wib*crib*r muat
ity of cnees and the people would bear es, and it ie required that all political
purchase hie rwo inetruaeet. which mar well la a flue Jum|x*r and usually g,»*a
ties purchased. LOANS made.
lees of maintaining the dignity of an
parties must file statements of expen-e, be any eoe of a iumh*r of d tfereat kinds. at his Jumps In a spirit of matter-of-
office and more of maintaining its effi­ aa must the candidates, with tbe offi­
fact enjoyment. Hut he now and then
cials having record jurisdiction over the
shows queer klnka In Illa temper. On
Commercial Block PORTLAND. ORfGON
In the draft itself it is provided that positions ter which tbe candidates are The popular ditty, «io It ba« begun
one of these occasions he began by wish­
Ite brief but «arprisiag career.
25 per cent of tbe voters who cast their contesting.”
Ia pers!««atly «bo<><ed t.ll soon it i* OS« ing to rush his Jumps and by trying
j votes for an election of justice of the
to go over the wings Instead of
That nobody's willing to haar.
Drainer for Wash Bollen.
, Supreme court st the election prior to
Jumps themselves. He fought hard
tbe action for recall may file their pe­
A simple device that greatly adds to —Washington Star.
his bead and as It happened that
tition demanding tbe recall of an effi- ffie usefulness of tbe wasbboller Is a
Aeewentod For.
best picture we got of him In the
oer who ia not enforcing the law.
recent patent of an Oregon man. As
“How 4o you like the show?"
was at thia particular time. It given a
The petition shall set forth tbe rea­
shown In the Illus­
Sample, Booklet and Whla Farter Game ISe.
Faclfle Croat Borax Co , One,and. Cal
wrong Idea of bln ordinary behavior
sons for demanding the recall and if
tration. It consists
"Oh. that's rhe suto they use In th«
the officer does not reeign within five
of a drainer tbat third act that you smell.”—Houston and also. I nlncerely truat, a wrong
day« after the filing of the petition
idea of my hands Generally he takes
Is attached to the Poet.
Write Us then a special election eball be held
bla Jumps like a gentleman.
top of the waab-
within 20 days to determine whether or
boller. The drain­
THE MILK PAN^ are quickly clean
net the officer »hall be recalled.
er Is formed of a al and rid of all gr>-aay ''feel” when
On tbe sample ballots at this election CLOTULO DMA1NEB
series of parallel washed in Borax and water in the fol­
the petitioners shall set forth in not
more than 200 words the reasons for ’ode, which rest on the top of the lowing proportions—1 tableapoonful of
A clergyman In Kivitlnnd otwerved
their action while the officer shall set waahboiler. Each rod terminates Into Borax to a quart of water.
with much |>erturl>ati«ri tliat a memtier
forth In another 200 words his justifi­ l book designed to engage the beaded
Aaotbev RescttouarT.
of hla congri-gatlon wan greatly given
cation for his acts. At this same elec­ 1 d of the boiler. Around the edges of
"It le pvrmiseibls. I bel «e ve." u>d thè
tion other candidate« for tbe office «ball rhe rod la a projecting ledge, to pre­ leeturer, by way of making bis idss etili to tbe use of strong liitigunge. Over
be nominated and the one receiving tbe vent tbe water dripping on the floor. pialner, "te tske n llustration from che and over again he remonstrated with
highest vote in nomination shall be After wringing out the clothes they are great beok of naturo-------
the man to give up the bad habit
"I protMt," iaterrupted a sour-faced time the ninn hlmaelf came to M-e
deemed to be elected.
xmvenlently placed on the drainer, the
In the event the accused official re­ water dripping back Into tbe boiler. man la thè eadien-e. "President Roose­ error of hla way* and desired no
ceives tbe highest number of vote« st The device la readily removed when da- velt ewne thè copyright oc tbat book !”
afforded by a
earnestly to break himself of tbe
tbe election he shall remain in office. il red.
of bad language. The difficulty, how-
Al (he Ball Game.
Petitions of recall may be filed against
Tbe But War to Do It.
Fanny—I thick Slabber le perfect­ ever, was to find a method of doing no.
'4a MuO
members of tbe legislature after he has
A writer gives a recipe for making ly grand as a pitcher, but I can't see One day the clergyman bit upon a hap­
stale cookies fresh. The best rw fps on why ho over married ouch a bomsly py thought,
•easioa following his election. In the
“Get a bag." he said to the man, "and
tbe subject, however, la to make new girl.
ease ol other officers six month« muit
Clean -Light
one* Fresh cookies are a deLight, but
Fred—Don't know, unless he was every time you awear put a pebble Into
• laps« before such a petition is filed.
Curves.—Kansas City It. At tbe end of the month you will
After cne recall petition hae been stale ones an abomination, and no self, struck on
fpry Guarantied
bring »bat bag to me. I will count tho
uyte'i Waterproof
fl *d and election held no other petition respecting housekeeper should tolerat« Tima*
lobbies and nee what tbe effect has
‘3— ~
: may be filed against tbe same officer them nor spend time trying to restorfl
unless tbe petitioner« pay into the pub- them to fresbnea*
The man accepted the idea with alac­
• •
rity. He got a bag, and. rellglounly,
Apple Saae«.
One perk of green tomatoes end eight
every time he ewore what Mr. Gilbert
Wash but do not peel tart apples. largo onion* Slice aad mix with a cup­
in the "Pinafore” call» a “big, big D,"
BI Ice them from tbe core, add Just ful of salt, l-et stand five or six hours,
bo duly put a pebble Into IL At the
enough water to keep them from burn­ drain and add one quart of vinegar and M«y beptrmancnHy overromehy pruper end of the month he went to the cler-
The well know» reJtette
ing and set at the side of the range two quarts of water. Again drain and
gyman, taking the bag with hlm. It
perional s^orti 'with the assutonr c
to simmer slowly. Cook until very soft, add two pounds of sugar and three
o| tlw orw truly bertelirRjl InvqTiv» was not an easy tnak, for. aa any one
rub through a colander and return to quarts of vinegar ; aleo two tableopoon-
Syrup o| Lj(c and Duiro|Senn* might see, the bag was very full and
tbe Are with sugar to taste, a dash of fula each of riove* cinnamon, ginger,
very heavy. He went Into the clergy-
one to form regular
cinnamon. If It Is liked, and tbe juice allspice end mustard and a dozen Anely
man’s study and put the bag on the ta-
rwibita daily so tliat assistance to na­
of a small lemon. Rtlr until tbe sugar eboppod green peppers Boll again from
V m mede • life st «dr
ture may l>e gradually dispensed with
be Ciro a nd n h.l Is dissolved, then take from tbe Are one to two boars, and seal la glane ot
The minister looked up with a Aerî-
e u<hy dU-rt**
. a .
T'o Ç-? ~t* k
tefl to the word kJ woeder
and set aside to cool.
eartben 1er*
ous expression. "This la very serious,
fuT remedlee
remadia«, »dren required, a re to assist
my friend. I am sorry to see you have
Mercury, P»Aaw««o ar DrMfe Uaed Ha Car««
Will Pvrlffr Refrigerator.
Wflri Oaer attoa. «r WM««ri the Aid ef «Half«
nature and not to flupplunttiw natii* so many pebbles In the bag."
Flak I«4 Poaekoe.
Oereateee te <%• Oaflarvh. Aeflhm* I. g »a.
A good thing to have about tbe re­
ms, which muit depend ulti-
"Hoot, minister!** exclaimed the man
Take those of full growth, rips, but
frigerator la a saucer of charcoal, or
ale Week ess« aad All Private Diseases
upon proper noursahorvent. cheerfully; "thia la only tbe 'devIl’B*—
several saucers, for that matter. Place
the ‘damns' are all at the dlkeeide In
Htlck three or
Rerolveg foam
CMro fl*»., Sm one oa tbe shelf where tbe milk la kept cloth, or pare them,
another bag. They were over heavy
and also where th* butter la kept This four cloves Into each peach and lay
to bring up!”—Excelsior.
will keep the refrigerator very sweet, them In a stone jar. Allow half a
and la an easy prevention of
i gar and carols and other spicas IS
•“There la no telling how fame Is gw
i taste. Let the vinegar eome to a boll,
I ng to be acquired," said tbe ambitious
aklm and pour It over tbe peacba*
Let thana stand two weak* pour oC
"No.” answered the sardonie person ;
the vinegar
Boil again, and pour II
“sometime« It comee from doing some­
l back over the peach«* They are
thing great and snmetimee from saying
At Alexander, In llutte County. Geor
gla. there are two little negroes who
have mine Insight Into the realms of
Whenever a sore refuaea to heal it la because the blood Is not pure ami
the occult. aa,vs the Baltimore Hun.
healthy, aa it should be, but is infected with poisonous genua or Some ol.l
The little girl la 1.1 and the boy la 10 blood taint which haa corrupt«*! and polluted the circulation. 1 hose mo«t
years old. Their father la a negro runt usually afflicted with old sores are persons who have rear hed or j>a»»e<l mid­
doctor One day, while the unit her aud dle life. The vitality of the blood aud strength of tho system have uaturally
llattle were at the springs, eome 30 begun to decline, and the poisonous germa which have accumulated becauae
yards distant from the house, her moth­ ol a sluggish and inactive condition of the eystem, or come hereditary taint
er told llattle to run and get the bucket which haa hitherto been held in check, sow force au outlet on the face, arms,
fester a au<i
and take aoaw water tmek with ber. legs or other port of the body. The place grows red and angry, faaters
llattle looked around and up, aud eats into ths Mrrounding tissue until it becomsfl a chronic aad stubborn
seemed to at inly a while, and turae.1 to ulevr, fed aad kept epee by the impurities with which the ble«*! io saturated.
her mother and said: “It la all right ; Nothing ie more trying aad disagreeable than a stubbare. non heal lag tore.
Hilly will be here In a minute with the The very fact that it resist* ordinary remedies aad treatmeaU is good teawin
bucket and take the water with him'* for ausplcios; the aamo gcrm-produciag cancerous ulosia ia back ot rvwy
Thia la the manner lu which their pow­ old sore, aad «spacially ia thia true it ths trowbls ia aa inherited use.
Waahee, solvwe. Bar indeed anything elro, appliad directly to the sore, caa
er was dlwovered and Ibelr father
do any permanent goad ; neither will remov­
made them develop It.
X w««
vttb a ««r« «a RT ing the «are with caustic pl sat era ar ths
Many people have visited these little wa« a »all ÀBUM« alTr«t b«l It
surgeon*a kulfa make a lasting cure.
' negroes and hare them tell them thing* 5radially vf«v lar*ar
article ot the diseased fleah »«ere
I «vary
WBtn I Waatm« every
; One young attorney, who had been hav-
tahen aaruy aaalber aaro wvuld come, be­
Iarma4 ab««l
I Ing a prank played on him hla shoes
cause the trouble ie in the blood, aad the
, being fill«*! with water every morulng —
•too« oAMN«r x evr away .
to trow w«r««.
decided that he would go to Alexander v«rtl««d
Th« cure muat ceme by a thnrongh daaaa-
and ••
and And out If they could tell him who • nd aitar takla* |l
ing of thablaod. In A. 3. 8. Will be found
eoaploUljr cur
It wa* Ila was surprised to flud out
a temedy tor aoraa aad ulcere ot every hind.
how dose the description came to one
It iaaa uneouallad blood purifier—on« that
of hla roommate* ami when he return­ rVZVsAifL
goes directly lata the circulation aad
Cnaaptly c lea mob It st all poisons and
ed he accused hla friend of It. who. of
Wee« Vaie*. 0
lata. It gets down to the very bottom of
course, professed Ignorance of the plot
the trouble and feroea out »very traca ot im-
against him
However. It leaked out
purity aad makes a complete and lasting
that tbe attorney had been to see the
curs. S. 3 8. ahaages tke quality at th«
little clairvoyants and that was ths
blood so that instead at feeding the dlroaaed
end of It.
with Impurities, it noautshce the
When asked how many were In a cer­
irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood.
tain family, one of tbe family being the
questioner, the boy told exactly bow Thea the oars begins to heel, new flesh ia formed, all pain and inflaiamatios
leaves, th« place scabs aver, and when S. 3. 3. has purified tbe blood tha
many; the girl hesitated and Anally the
Bore is permaaeatly cured.
S. 3. 8. Is for sale at alt first class drug store*
number came to her. Then they told Write for our Specas! book on sorer and ulcers aad any other medical advkg
her how many were dead
lou desire. Ws maha no charge for the book or advice.
Another story la told of tbetr dee-rtp- r
tlve power*. A woman went to see them
and during her talk with them th>y
Vasts Allo*.
said that the woman's mother was vis­
“Bay, bans,” bogas tbe beggar "gim­
"Maay a o««.''
iting a slater of ths woman who was
asking tbe question* When thia wom­ ■ pork* "who goes buathag ted buailiag me de price of a square erosi, won't
through thia world has nothing to show yer? I don't want boos*
I'U gs right
an returned home her mother wan told
for it but a lo< ot barked »lacro oa bls la ter die restaurant------ “
the story and aba said that she was at able*"
"Haven't got any money for yen."
the daughter's during the afternoon.
growled the dyspeptic who had Just
Many tales are told about their remark­
i-oma out. "but I'll give you a Up
able faculty of telling thing* and the
rou Ao gel the price don’t ge la there
negroes believe them to be [*a>»raaed
her a square meal, far yes weal got
of eome sort of au|>ernatunU power.
It.“- Philadelphia Preaa
Pee aal Cea.
Don’t Push
That the "early bird catches the worm”
la aomathlag we've often been taught.
Aad yet we may stato it tbe worm bad
slept late
It aurely would aot bare bees caught.
—-Kaeai City TTmee
Moxhors win flag Mrs WiaaUw-a *—ihlog
Svr I, ta* k-«l ram«4* le uso Iw« lh*lr Oliaci
l*(IM the loolhlag parlwU
Keep «•
"What la the best way to proceed
agalMt this new merger?” asked th*
aMlataat attorney general.
“From the rapidity with which It Is
boosting price*” replied the attorney
teserai. “I believe we eoUld proewsits
It for eicoedlag the speed limit.“—Kan
ass City Time*
A atloblee fee Beeveooleo.
“There la ealy uao objoctloa I have
to thia hotel." said the pedantic por­
"Whet's tbatP* Inquired the elect
“la quoting ratee It epeaso of ths
accommoda11eaa It offers
l fe eae ed
the moot uaacvoenmodatlng placca sa
earth. The laefllrteacy might be oa-
euoed. but the mendacity la unforgiva­
ble.“— Washington Rtar.
For Infanta and Children,
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
I mants C hiidkh
Bears the
Prometes Di^extioniTverfii
nessaart itati on Ulninrar
11 ¡mini Merphinr nottate.
N ot N arcotic .
Aperfrrl Remedy forrnmllp»
Hon .Sour Stomrh.Dlarrtoa
ncss enl Loss or S leep .
feSnfc Siyurwv
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
S ucker ?
C. Gee Wo
• Jr
For Over
Thirty Years
They’r« very different
ths tittle Preferred Meek Green Lima Beane—from
ordinary lime beans. There ia not a more eronornitaj
or mere wholesome food than theae little beam. They
ere dainty and delicioua, too—among the moat de lie i owe of
all ths vegetable« on ths long list of
Praferrad Stock Canned Gooda
raeSM Wkwevw Ue Beat an Oree•
Serve them hot, aeasoned with butter,
pepper, mlt. a bit of cream and a couple of
teainoona of heef extract, or two tablespoons of
beef or veal Juice, from rooster or frying pen.
littltpm hmai-rrrfirrtJSltrf-atynr/rmr'i
Aites a iswn,
....... roe via so oaseoe o I a
aasnetblag foeHah."—Washington flta*
•3.00 & S3.5O 8HOE3
m^roaflHnu «OR IVfWY MIMBIR
KARON W. L. Dougla« ahoM ara worn by mor« mo «U
Uia «fl If« than any other Kflake ia because of their
Myto, aaev-fttiinf, and «uperinr wearing qurdillee.
i«e «f the leathers and other material« far aaoh part
» and every detail of the makingi • leoked after by
m plate organ* latioa of fluperia tendee te
maker«, who resat va the highest w
ry, aad whaaa workmaaehip «anaat
leba yaw ate m/largef