Succeeding 4ireaham Vindicator, Greaham Gaivtte, East Multnomah Record, Multnomah Record and Monlavilla Herald. Published Every Friday at Gresham, Ore., by the B kavkr S tatb P dblishino to TIMOTHY BROWNHILL, Eonvi and M anaobb . M omtaviixa Orrica, 315 Villa Av. ; P obti axd Omct. 2U0 ihxalnough Building Knler«l a* wccud c. to torvljn «wuilrl«*». 1-«»’ »1» Mouth, h.. Three month. Inal .utwrlptl"» «• »in«lc * *.» tor . luhbtn, rale. KMtnMCCI -l »mid be MM by Kiprn. or F»MO*e« Mon.) Order. letter or Ch« k Stamp# actvpusl up to 30 «*rnU OfCfIFTS for »utMarriplion» are not »ent unlea* r#que#l«M The label on your paper will ln»li cate within two week» the receipt of your remittance. If It doe# not plra»e notify u» MCMTlWABCIS In keeping with well re»>«tnited bu»inea» principle» all »ubeerlplion» will be »topped promptly apow expiration *4 time paid for. CMAR6I W ROMfU lu »»Mering change of addreM give old a* well aa new addre»* CHRfShMOfRiS n wanted in every community It no corrvaBoadence appear* from neighborhtMwi, you are respectfully re^v .wted to send u» a» many local item* a» yoo can. ttffiWK UTU Ub'AL ADVKKTtSlNG, act in leaded ail pniat. hv per line flrM ln»eKi*»u Ac per line each »utwequrnt Inaerthm DISPLAY ADVlBTWIXt* No pnaitioa guaranteed 25c per single column inch each iasue; 15 incite# or over. Sfer per inch each iaane inrhe» or over. 17 1 Jr per inch each i#»ue. «» inebea or over, 15c per inch each i»»ue. For p^itton (any site) 5c per inch additional. BBADKBB. tc per word each laaue; no reader accepted for lea» than .»»cent». Uh Al> (Waul Column only), lc per word each iaaue, exmating two figure», an initial or an abbreviation aa one word. No l»w'al accepted lot lean than IS ■ H t \ n - ing two inches) W cent» LETTERS OF CONDOLENCE (not exceeding four in. hea) 21. OBITUARIES for actual »uberriben or member» of their familte#. up to 3B> wofda. tree all over 100 worda. lc a word (invariably in advance). Count the words and remit accordingly All Lodge. Grange. SrbooL Church, or other notices or ad vert t»e menu of »»w tai», parlie». dar»t^ concert*, theatricals, etc . given for a profit, charged for al regular rate* in onler to insure change of ad. advertisers must have copy iu thi» ottce not later than Tuesday preceding day of publication. )M rtiRTiet; is our MIN laity W e are well equipped to do the best work at current pr . • Especially farmers and busine»* men's Letter Heads. Envelope#. Butter W rappers. Statement.', etc in »mall or large quantities. Auction Bills. Dodger» Boaters, etc printed on short n>>iu. Why don’t you sail in? D«-1 nounce that gambling-house in the Smith block; get after that joint down in the Jones building; run those women out of the town; go after this and that fel- [ low whose everyday life is rot- ( ten,’ and so forth for 5000 words. As a rule, men behind news­ papers have as much courage as other people in the community. They n«*ed it every day in the week, and develop it by constant practise. They are use«! to pub­ lic criticism and are hardened to abuse. They don’t care what people think of them, So they are easy prey to men with axes to grind. But how- the I ahy I hates axgrinders!” I S 1907 NOVEMBER SUN MON TUE WED THU 3 10 17 24 4 6 11 -12 18 19 26 |26 1 6 13 20 27 1907 FRI 7 14 21 28 J. M. Short, M. D S. P. Bittner. M. I). 1 8 16 22 29 8AT Ph«»kUu»-Su>g«»a* Greeham, 2 9 16 23 30 < «renimut. g[ Q A new feature will be found on the editorial page of The Her­ ald this week. It is our first at­ tempt at a legal department. One of Oregon's ablest lawyers has been secured to write on legal topics of every day interest to our folks. This week the ar­ ticle is on Wills, how and who may make them. Be sure and read it for it is worth good mon­ ey to you. This department will doubtless develop into one of the strongest features of The Her­ ald and will of course be read with a great deal of interest by all. If you like this feature of The Herald, tell your neighbor about it. It may be of interest to him, too. < >1 Ctf» »i i $1.00 a Month ATTORNEY • AT - LAW NOTARY PUBLIC . o PROTECTS YOU ngiiiii»! Siekne**, U’vhlont mid Ih'Btll. Accident« »ill Hippen «yu»«|M»i» .»4 <»r« K«>ii I«*' |x riMhi S Q ing l«» uiMli« t ' <ur (ulk' NORTHWESTERN HEALTH ANO ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION Allome} at Law or l*«»HTI 4 51», OHKiiON 4'all ««i w rii* John Brown. Agi., R«M*kwtMid. <>r. The «ray Ml. Ilo>»! roni|*ny I» pu«h in« it» work here looka »» though »<■ would haw a railroad «.» hi . Grtshum Lodge No. 125, I. 0. 0. F„ The Methodiat Horn«* Mimiion n»'irty M sh U a » \« is Buturduy night in (hid I » I met will* Mr». Ed S«*»ter la»t WcJne»- lows' Hall ii ami Mr». Grieve» ol l>eople than any other Portland vi»it«l their father, Mr. Nei- ... o—.-.- , ,, tiou. lamer, who ha» ta*«*n very ill for the Editor Woodward of the New­ No perron shoukl attempi to draw a pa»t two week». He i» not improved at berg Graphic has just returned will who doaa not undcrataml the law of thi» writing. in tn from a very enjoyable trip to his will» Thi» d'H'a not nec«*»»arilv mean Ralph Nciliauer ami family attended the funeral of Mr». Hamlin, Mr». Net- that »uch a perron nnwt be a law yer. old home at Mooresville. Indiana. liauer'» mother, laat Thursday. Each »tate ha» it» |>articular »tatutorv ... o— —- ... ••••••••••••••••• Min Kittle lamg of Carrolton, Wa»h , on wills an«! what shall »»nstitute a Give the practical politician all law valid will tn that stale, and the alaturs vi»it«l her mother. Mr». Ralph Nel- Nuildsy hirh»»ol. rwry 10 m lu the rope he desires and there is o( each state an»! the devisions ui each bauer, a lew day» laat week. l’r» »4 hlug II » na #u»l S i> u» H > Pl ; . . no business or enterprise that he stale differ in suiue reepects from Chose C»»ttagv I'r*p« r hi«-»liug Thiifs4’> ul ht will not tie up.—Condon Globe. of every other state. Asa general rule, 411 lM( • late D will« tna»le aro»rdinf to the statutes aud i \ . . . sttsnof * • •••••••••••••••• lan«l on Monday. laws of every other slate. L public iu««tuent. A Harve K**»terron from eastern Oregon M ia # Mite Walker returned to het In Oregon, any person over twenty- -pent .Monday and Tueaday in thi» vi- ' one years ot sge and uf sotin«! mind, home st The I ullvs WednvuUt. cinity attending to buainee» and visiting may make a will di#|»osing of his per' L. Evans dUpu4M*d of a car of flour and ECHO REGISTER friend». sonal an«! real property, but cannot ef­ fecit this week. WILLS ()r poltri 4NI», 4>m«H)N liH'urp»»tal«Ml Insurance al «climi e«»«t. Tried und not found wanting Agent* w iiiite«! in every eotmty. Fur par iH uUrw w rite In Services al 6resham Baptist Church Î THE TRENO OF THE TIMES J : COKHIII I SYCAMORE The state could profitably em­ ploy idle men at building roads, paying them low but living wages, thus taking up the slack labor, compelling professional hobos to work or leave the state and re­ ducing the bestowal of unworthy charity to a minimum. Such a course would also reduce crime and encourage honest men to stay that way. Besides, it would PAY. NORTH YAMHILL RECORD That there are hundreds of re­ WERE NOT DRINKING AT SANDY forms needed and many repri­ The Herald is in receipt of nu­ mands deserved by the officials merous protests from the prom­ of our land, is true, but it should inent citizens of Sandy to the i not be left entirely for the news­ charge contained in the Portland I paper man to point out all the and Oregon City papers and the evils that exist. The following Beaver State Herald that the article, which is taken from an parties responsible for the kill­ exchange, hits the nail squarely ing of the Hindu at Kelso on on the head: “Don’t ask the editor to write Hallowe’en night were not drink- ingat Sandy on that night. It has up every evil in the town or com­ always been the policy of The munity, but when convinced Herald to publish the truth, that such duties need attending hence it gladly corrects the er- to, write an article for the paper yourself and sign your name to ror. it for publication. The man A few high-class thieves are who is too big a coward to thus permitted by the laws of our express his opinion is the very country to create the necessity one who will stand on the cor- for the government to issue Pan­ ner and talk loudly about the ed­ ama canal bonds and other se­ itor. The world is full of moral curities to the amount of cowards—men who see evil and $150,000,000, in order to relieve are afraid to grapple with it. the money shortage, largely _ - cre­ Probably if the shoe tracks of ated by said thieves, j An ordi- _________ __ people who nine-tenths of the nary thief is sent to jail, and his come to an office to teach the ed- family, if any, are left to rustle ¡tor could be traced home, the for themselves, but these birds track would be found to lead to in gilded cages are immediately the homes of men who never go given the benefit of government to a caucus or interest them- support. It’s queer, but it s the selves in the candidacy or elec­ facts. tion of a county attorney or at­ torney general who would en­ The President suggests that force the law. The world is full what is needed most at this time of men and women who like to is that the people should “realize play to an audience, who like to how fundamentally sound busi­ sit in the galleries and cheer the ness conditions in this country man who is loosing his hide and are, and how absurd it is to per­ most of his respiratory and di­ mit themselves to get into a pan­ gestive apparatus in the arena ic and create a stringency by fighting the beast of evil. Not hoarding their savings instead of one in 10,000 climbs down and trusting perfectly sound banks.” helps. A good many American people Every newspaper receives would feel very grateful to the enough unsigned communications President if he would point out in six months’ time to keep him the "sound banks.” in trouble the rest of his lifetime if he would publish them. All Out of dire want and peril newspapers get them. Let the came our first Thanksgiving cel­ editor stand up for decency as ebration. Thanksgiving Day is per instructions of the old, val­ still celebrated after the manner ued subscriber; let the editor de­ of its first establishment, as a nounce the evil which his friend day of praise and feasting and is afraid to hint at over his sig­ joyful sociability and neighborly nature, and when in the stores kindness. It is the only general and offices of the town the devil holiday of America that has not is fighting back, accusing the degenerated from its ideal stand­ editor of double motives, calling ard. It should be, and usually him a blackmailer and abusing is, kept as a day of thanksgiving him generally—who is the little to the Giver of all good things. man drawing his head down un­ der his collar like a turtle? That, “And great was the rejoicing gentle reader, ia the chesty gent thereof” when the Oregon Agri­ who pranced into the office the cultural college team defeated day before and said: ’Some- the State University boys in a times I wish I owned a news- game played at Eugene last paper just for one day to de­ nounce the evils of this town. week. A liaby girl came to brighten the ( fect a wife's dower or a hushapil's cour­ home of Mr. and Mr». J. Siuidt laat - tesy right. Every ¡»ersuti ot the age of Saturday. eighteen years or over ami of souml Will Chilcote hat bought ■ tine large inirnl may make a will disposing of per­ farm near Junction City, Ore., »her«* be sonal property, am! such will may l»e in writing or it may t»e verl»al, provided intend» moving »on. Mm Myrtle Snaehall ha» returned that if verbal, H I* reduced to writing from California »here »lie ha» »pent the I within a certain time after «¡token by pa»t year. She i» now with her parent», the testator ami I t offered (or probatv within six months alter the »¡»raking of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Snaahall. the tesiamentorv words. Charlea and George Vallum and O»«-ar The statutes of Oregon provide that a llolmquiat were gueeta uf .Mr». Ida1 will intended to devise real estate in Hamilton on Sunday. | this state, made by a non-residents, must be executed acconling to the laws Renew early! ’‘The Herald.” >1.50. | <»( Oregon; while to bequeath ¡tersonal --------- property, it may conform to the law# A Good Liniment either of Oregon ur the state, country When you need a good reliable lini­ or territory where made. ment try (.'uamlier lai n't Pain Balm. It hat no superior for sprains and swell­ ing*. A piece of tianne! slightly damp­ ened with Pain Halin is »uperior to ■ plaster fur lame l«ck or pain» in the side or chest, It alao relieve» rheu malic pain« and make» deep and re»t possible. For sale by all druggists. G«l holncli»« Avoid U’hig a east» of charily al the hand# uf other# i » < ’ i- r i< i». WSILDS Our Legal Department | A FEW MINUTES WITH THE EDITOR THE HERALD'S NEW FEATVRE Wi’ liuti' II imk I 4 ìirtinb«'! I m I ii ' a ('oligli Retuvdy III <»itr homo for srveu yvars, end il I iian slwsys pri»vcd In I h » g ridigldr ivinvdt \\ «• lune fouml liuti II w«mld d<> more tinnì fi»»' initnuliu turvr« < I mìiii (or it li ìa cHiH'clnlly giHwl for cronp «imi ulioophig votigli. Ilio .lutni'N A. I cmia , penh»[ Mila«-«, Mimi, M E. cliuivh. 4 I iaiii I h ’ i I. iiii ' a Coligli Hi'ini’«|y Ì m sol»l bv all diuggiNlN. I > 1C l< I NS( >.X E, is home again. A» Miaa Myrtle Dun« uf Portland «¡»ent Bunday with her aunt, Mrs. U>1 la Ben- fold Aqtnl (hrqon lire Kelid Assuldliofl HOUR. FHD AND GROCERIES AT LOWEST rofSlIII.E I'ltlCKM Rockwood, JOHN BROWN, Every written will must lie signed at the end thereof by the ¡»erson making SIKM KIBE Full ••THE IIERALH** From »late until Jan. I, I‘.MX*, for $1.50 it an ! shall !>e signed by two or more •‘The Popular Home Weekly” witneases in his presence. ' There are provisions as to how a will may be revoked, the effect of mar­ riage, the birth uf children etc, which will be treated of next week. l*hone .III Hotel St. Philip ■ I 4tli, úth am! Bum«!«!«* St*. - PORTLAND, • ORI (ION Kick the Printer I In the city of Brook­ lyn, N. Y., there has been for many years a con­ spicuous signboard out­ side an office which reads, “KICK THE PRINTER.” Bibulous p e r 8 o n » sometime« go inside to carry out the apparent request, but they <1 im­ cover that the printer is a gentleman by the name of Kick. In every town there are persons who, if they do not actually feel like kicking the printer—the nesrapaper man—at any rate do a lot of kick- ing at the way he con- ducts his paper. Please DON’T kick the printer; ho is doing the best he can. And what he does for the town and community, despite his occasional mis­ takes, may be p great deal more than the kickers themselves are doing. Did THAT ever occur to you 1 We are all neighbors in this town. What helps one helps the others. What hurts one hurts the others. Every community is a mutual benefit aMociation, whether organ­ ized or just running wild. The printer is a charter member. If you had no printer—no newspaper—how would you like that ? Do you know what happens to towns that don’t support a newspaper ? Nothing happens. Nothing ever happens in a town like that. As soon as things begin to happen in a town the newspaper comes along and tells about them. The newspaper boosts the town. It records progress and offers suggestions, by the editor or the readers, as to further progress. Every copy of every issue advertises the town. This is all free advertisement It costa the town nothing. It costs the people nothing. It is a part of the business. In view of this fact, which nobody can dispute, it is much better to pat the printer on the shoulder now and then or to speak kindly of him than to kick him. I ■ NO ; DON’T KICK TIIE 1 »KIXTEIL j == Books! POPLLAR I • Books!! COPYRIGHTS Sandy Stage and Livery < • RICHARD CAHVKI. TIIK JI SUI.R 8T ELMO. < ALL OF THE WILD, M l. K m I i h > M«ll M i -U M0R6AN 1 DONAHUE ” Proprietor» "amly (or Hyland Bros. [ "' |- in. O N m » n. in. < > I 42 p. in. ¡ ¡ Boring (or iiHikcN run- < > 188 Fifth Strtet Oppositti Piiiotfict Branch Slori 211 Stcond Str»»l Port'a nd Oreron Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. Frequent Rapid Comfortable Springwater Division The Secret of a Beautiful Face lies in keeping the akin pro- te< -trdas well as cleansed. Just washing is not enough—that only leaves the delicate surface more exposed to the irritation of dust and germs $ to merci­ less attacks of sun and weather. After washing, ap­ ply Robertine and experience its delightful refreshment. You will admire the linedess softness it im|>arts to face, neck and arms. It not only stimulates a radiant glow, but protects the skin from becom­ ing coarse. Prevents burn­ ing, tan and freckles. STATIONS t4SI BOUND »*1 4» I on in ill a A WIST IOURO Ar 11 0J4 111 17 A4 104 201 24 SI 114 211 10 01 20 4 101 14 05 I » u loll fitf IO *1 .17 l<> fl »no H f. 111 S2 10 II 17 4 4ÎI 17 10 01 NN 401 3» I SI 24 4 141 24 I 12 A 70 7 2112 Ml mi Ml 1.12 KI 35 4 4SI 41 21 A K12 XI 114 All 12 111 OS I 13 21 N 121 02 4.12 «II 4S4 10 17 M SI io r»i 12 ■ sie in ■ M M 12 • mn «3 i «1 • loll l<> 1 a 204 101 20 I 40 24 4 141 M 01 114 211 10 I A4 214 111 41 14 114 211 It III »II 01 7 I M Ml MS 041 I II IT 1 ITI 071 011 03» fl 1 11 n Ml 10» 101 24 it» 4«. 43 < I 42 I 41 I »- l.v SI Ar <1 7 I H I M u Mil Ml 124 OSI H 0 u 4M II 4!»1 412 HI 40 • 12 V •nit 4»*1 «2 HI 40 • 14 n V 4.111 431 422 131 43 1» 3711 37 1 272 471 37 9 •> 11 4’1 401 30 0 0 1 00 0» 11 Jii >nr Ikuf/ltt f»r n Troutdale Division Between Cedarville Junction and Troutdale BlliouAne»» and Conatipatlon For year» I »»« troubled with billona- i ri«*»» and <-ntion, whieh nm*h* life miaerabte for me. My appetite faile*l ‘ me. I lo»t my uaiial force and vitality. I’epein preparations ami rathartica only iiiiu I i * matter» worae. I do not know I wliere I »honhl have lieen belay hn*l I not tri«- w 4 U « SI t 20 hai I" Krady Mirili Tr.mtdah' ii j » 4 Ji « 31 M >1 42 41 I 1 2 1 1 1 II 14 >1 42 4S I A. M. n»ur<*» In Roman. WfSTIOUHI 02 ■ M I*. M. flgnrn in Mnrk. II SO I 04 0 01 I 401 4SI 401 17 I 32 I 10 10 14 12 00 01 02 00 >1 D»lly «mpl «wni