Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, November 22, 1907, Image 2

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ln i Condensed Form lor Dur
Busy Readers.
A Resume of the Lose Important but
Not Lass Interesting Events
of th« Past Weak.
A daughter «>f Theodore P. Shonta is
to marry a French duke.
One of the closed New York banka
haa reopened for business.
Roosevelt has forbidden Southern
Federal officials to work for his re-elec-
ti n.
The new Issue of csnal bonds and
certiefiatee is likely to be oversub­
Many sawmills in Colorado are clos­
ing down ou account of the money
J. J. Hill has appealed to the people
of the United States tor a cesration of
anti-railroad agitation.
Engagement« of foreign gold since
the money stringency in the United
States now total »75,000,000.
Tbs New York Court of Appeals has
refused Hearst a recount of the mayor-
ality vote of the 1905 election.
The Tampa, Fla , cigar factories have
laid off 1,000 workmen on account of a
shortage in the Cuban tobacco crop.
John D. Rockefeller denies the ru-
nr r that he is boarding »100,000,000
in government securities which he re­
fuses to sell or loan.
Roosevelt for
Senator Borah says Idaho is for Taft
or Hughes.
Secretary Taft is at Vladivostok and
will burry heme.
Law abiding Chicago Italians have
organised against the Black Hand.
Twenty-four escaped political prison­
er» from Russia have just arrived in
New York.
A fire at Kansas City, Mo., destroyed
several buildings, and an unknown
woman wax burned to death.
Nearly all congreesmen agree that
the first measure passed at the coming
aeesion will be a currency bill.
Three convicts escaped from the Ne­
vada penitentiary by overpowering
their guards. Two of them were cap­
tured and the third committed suiide.
The importation of precious stones
for the first 10 months of this year
shows a decrease of more than 16,000.-
is».) compared with the corresponding
period of last year.
Gillett R»cow-mec<l* Inquiry and 1 alt*
Causa ot Stringency.
Oorts I you Annouec«* Plan to Rails««
Financial Blluatlon.
Sacramento, Chi., Nov.
special aeroion of the legislature railed
by Governor Gillette convvnod yreter-
day. The governor's mrarage. which
was road in both house», ray» the *«o-
aion ha» been c-mvenet! to enact leg!»-
latron believed to be imperative brrau»»
ot unuanal financial stringency brought
about by conditions existing in the
E«st. Ths country is pro«perou» and
legitimate businee* »aa never in better
condition. The present state of affair«
is attributable to extraragant living,
wild sptculatlon. the frenai«*! finance of
the stiH-k and Kurd manipulator« ot
Wall »treet. The message adds in »ub-
The banking laws need to be amend­
ed »>' a» to afford better protection to
depiwitots. Ttust comiwnies and cor­
porations doing an interstate buainess
al «Mild be placed under Federal laws,
and if neceraary the constitution should
be so amended.
A committee should be appointed to
Inveetigate the methods of doing bank­
ing business in California.
Owing to conditions in the East, Chi-
iforma banks are unable to secute the
balance« due them.
Thia, with the
withJiawal of money from the banks
and the boarding ot it, has deplete«! the
cash reserve.
A bill will be pieeented
extending the time for the payment of
taxes; alao provisiona for permitting
court« to pr«wed on legal holidays, to
ratify recent amendments to the charter
ot San Francisco.
Waalilngtou, Nov. 19. — Secretary
Coitelyou ha* made the Imporiaut an
nouiK*meiit tliat a* a iiieau* of aflurd-
ing relief to the financial situation, the
treaiury would irone »50,000.000 of
Panama bond» and »I<81,000,000 certi­
ficate* uf Indehtedne*«, or ao much
thereof a« may be nnu-eaary. The cer-
tlticeiro will run'tnr ons yrar, and will
(rear 3 per cent interrat.
Tbe sveretary'a action lu coming to
the relief of the financial »itnation
meet« with
lirarty approval, and the plan is the
outcome of tlie aeteral White House
confeieiicee which hat* Iwen h« Id with
in the last few day*, when the financial
situation was under conalderatlon.
Secretary t’ortelyou xeys that the
Panama bond* will afford sulwtautial
relief, aa the law provides tliat they
may Iw u*ed ax a Imai* tor additional
national hank circulation.
lie also
statea that the ptreeeda from the aale
of certificate« can l>e made iliroctly
»callable at point» where tlie need 1»
moat urgent, and e«q>«>ei»lly for Hie
movement of cropa, which he rays, "if
pioperly accelerated
will give the
greatest relief and result in the moat
immediate flnancial return».”
The »ec'retary rail* attention to lhe
attractlveries» ol tlie bond* and certifi­
cate« aa al*<>lutely «ale Investnieiita.
Secretary t’ortelyou add* that these re­
lief meaxuro» will enable him to meet
public ei|>enditurra without withdraw­
ing for that purpose any appreciable
amount of the public monsys now de-
pulled in national banka throughout
the country.
1908 No Liquor Will Be Sold
in Stats.
Montgomery. Ala., Nov. 20.—Un­
precedented scenes were enacted in the
senate chain tier of the historical capitol
of Alabama yesterday when the statu­
tory prohibition bill was paase.1 by a
vote of 32 to 2. Women and children
thronged the corridors and galleries
and even invaded the sanctity of the
floor itself, pushing the senators from
theit seats and giving vent to their
enthusiasm by shouts and cheer» that
svhoe«i and re-ech<<ed through the build­
ing.» wht opposed the bill
were hissed down when they aroee to
speak against the measure.
When two carloads of Mobile men
came to lobby against the bill they
found that delegatee who favored that
measure had filled the senate galleries
until not a Seat wag left. It was the
plan to crowd them out and it succeed-
»1. Little children stood in the lob­
bies and pinned ribbons on everyone.
Children were kept out of school
yesterday to work against liquor.
The statutory prohibition bill, which
was passed, was in the nature of a
compr mise between the antis and pro­
The antis, seeing the
handwriting on the wall, agreed to
give up the fight, provided the time
was extended until January 1, 1909,
when the sale of whisky will be forbid­
den in the state of Alabama. This
amendment will be sent to the house
and will be concurred in without a
itala of cement .
University of Oregon to Mak* Ex- Governor Chamberlain Asks Dellver-
hauatrve Experiment*.
anco from the "Knockers "
University ot Oregon, Eugene— The
Salem—In Ids annual Thanksgiving
department of engm«<ering of the Uni- previa mat Ion Governor
veraity ot Oregon liae begun a eerie» ot made a very pointed though indirect
exl>au»tive testa on the »trongth and reference to the financial trouble. Th*
impermeability ot concrete tor building proclamation is a« follows:
puipoee» and (or the construction ol.
“The president has set apart Thurs­
,i*m* and teeervoir».
The ordinary day, the 28th day of November, A. D.
waterproofconetuto i* mixeu in the 1907, «■ a day of thanksgiving and
proportion of one part of cement to two prayer. Therefore I, George K. Cham­
part» of »and and four of stone.
If, berlain, a» governor of the »late of Ore­
through electrolytic action, induced by gon, do proclaim said day a holiday in
the addition of a small peroentage cf thia state.
clay, alum or other agent», the approx-1
“Let It be properly obeerved. Thank
im.vte proportion ran tv changed to the God for the main old ble«»ings we cu­
ratio ot one to three to six, lt
can be joy and pray hint that we may iiave
eaeily seen that a large raving
_ can be more confidence in our neighlx<rv,
made in the coat of ruateiiala, aince the that tbe good thing* we have'may eon-
cement is the expensive part of Hie tinue to abide with u».
Certain <nrperim*nta already |
“In testiumny whereof 1 have here-
made have tended to show that concrete unto aubscrilwd my name and caused
so tuned has both greater strength and the great seal ot tbe state ot Oregon to
greater impermeability. To determine be affixed at the rapitol in the city of
whether or not this is true, some three Salem, this 14th dav of November, A.
or fout hundred tests will be made, ex­ D. 1907. (Signivl)
tending through tbe year, with varying
definite amount« of el«ctrolytic agent« F. W. Benron,
added. Each sample will be submitt«!
Secretary nf State.
to a water pressure tiwt ot from forty
to one hundred pound» to the squtae
Fruit Rats Lowered.
inch, in addition to the tegular com­
Portland—Tbe Southern Pacific com-
pression tests
The department of pany November 23 will put ¡irto efl«vt
chemistry is co-operating, and the most a uew rate of 30 cent» per 11H> p«tumi*
thorough work possible will be done. on canned go«xis in cariota ftotu Ash­
C. A. McClain and J. W. McArthur, of land, this being the same rate made
the department ot engineering, will ! recently for Grant» Para.
The com­
have charge ot the tests.
pany's intention is to encourage devel-
Since tbe university has at present opment ()| the „nninil ¡„du,trT in the
no ------------------
money available
for Uie
on Kogue river vallev.
Hnrnl.r rat««, will
of such work, the expenses will
" be i*, niaje from Willamette valley and
borne by the men in charge.
other point*. The freight traffic de­
partment is busy revising Ita traître to
GOVERNOR NAMES DELEGATES comply with the Inttrxtate Commerce
commission'* order that the lung and
Oregon Men to Attend River* and short haul feature l>e eliminated and
specific rates Iw made from each point
Harbor* Congre«*.
in a proportion nearer the through rate.
Salem—One of the most important
All railroad companies have until Jan­
delegations Governor Chamberlain ha» uary 1 to make ti e neceroarv eliangee.
appointed to represent this state at an
unofficial gathering of citixens of the
Suspend Timber Proofs 30 Days.
United States is the delegation to the
la Grande—The register and receiver
National Rivers and Harlors congress,
which will meet I>ecember 4 of this of the local land ortira have received
year at Washington, D. C. The ap­ instructions from the general laud office
pointment of this delegation is import­ at Washington to suspend proofs for 30
ant tweause Oregon is deeply interetted days in all cares «herein they are satis­
in river »nd harbor improvements, and fied tliat the apolicanta cannot with­
be«-ause this convention will be held draw their money from the tanks to
while the United States congress is in make the requited payments. This or­
session, and the representatives will der will not only be of great benefit to
have an opportunity to do personal the applicants for public lands whose
money is tied up in the banks, but on
work in behalf of this state.
The delegation named by the gover­ account of the recent great rush to pur­
nor is composed of: E. Hofer, Salem; chase timber Ian Is will be a great relief
Walter Lyon, Marshfield; B. F. Irvine, to the tanks.
Comllis: Ira A. Phelps, Harrisburg;
W. A. Messner, Independence; Alex
Lafollette, Wheatland: William Gill­
strap, Eugene; J. L. Stockton, Salem;
James McEvars. Salem; A. Hucken-
stein, Salem; J. R. Grogg, Ontario;
Fred J. Blakeley. Roseburg; C. T.
Locey, Ironsides; Philip Boehner, Port­
land; J. N. Teal, Portland; Peter bog­
gle. North Bend; Orvill Dodge, Myrtle
Point; J. E. Peters, The Dalles.
Policy Pursued In Far East Distaste­
ful Io Groat Britain
Pekin, Nov. 19.—The sp«>ech deliv­
ered at Kobe by Count llkuma, who
was at one time head of the Progressive
{warty In Japan, m which he declared
that Japan would sorely diaap|xiint the
people of India as well aa ignore th«<
opportunities given by heaven If she
tailed to afl< rd protection to lhe mil­
lions of Indians now being oppressed
by Europe, has caused great excitement
among lhe British ne«eps|iers publish­
ed in Northern China. In this section
of t^e empire the Japanese expansion
movement is interfering greatly with
British Interest«, and there 1
warfare between Japanese and British
Since last May Englishmen have
been the leaders in the anti Japanese
campaign in Pekin and Tientsin.
Times, which is the principal British
organ in North China, give« expression
to the
wrath," of Briton» in the Far East and
accepta Count Okutua's words as a na­
tional expression.
The pro-Ja|«nese Briti»h'pre»s in the
South of China has recently indicated
its purpose of fighting the Japanese,
"wimee operation»." It Is declared,
"now conflict with those of Great Brit­
ain from the Y angle« to Manchuria."
One |«per »»presses the conviction that
agitation of the ptesent situation prob-
ably will ro»ult in breaking up the Au-
glo-Japaneee alliance.”
Extension of Time Granted.
Tillamook—At a meeting of the citi­
zen's committee, having in hand the
matter of the right cf way for the Paci­
fic Railway A Navigation company, at
which Engineer Geoige L. l>avia »rui
present, representing President FL E.
Lytle, ft was requested that the time to
have the road completed and In opera­
tion 1« extended from December 31,
1908, to November 1, 1909. Mr. Lytle
had bound himself in the sum of »20,-
Certificate* Good at Corvallis.
Corvallis—Portland clearing house 000 to have the road completed by the Explains Roseon for Unfriandlinass o>
certificates are in circulation here and fir-t named date, but »wing to the
Governor Hcggett.
are accepted by all businers house« ar m >ney stringency, work has »topped.
Reattle, Nov. 19.—A special from
cash. The Retail Grocers A Merchants' ’
Fairbanks Lithe Prat-Intellig*ncer says:
Long Expected Strike Made
aerociation, which is tbe local organic-'
"The Wickersham otter of resign*
ation of businra» men, has adopted a
tion was made public in the News of
resolution which al) have signed de­
Tuesday. One of the princi|«l reasons
claring "that the «aid certificates will Oregon l a- just been made in the fam­ for the nsignetion is the enmity of
be accepted by the members of the said ous Rid Boy mine, in the Sumpter dis­ Governor lloggatt. The letter says
The Red Boy hrs pr'duced a
Retail Grix-ere A Merchants' »«xociation trict.
“ ‘At the reo-nt term of court held at
of Corvallis, in payment for goods, large amount of gold aIrealay. The vein Juneau, on special request of the attorn­
wares and merchandise sold and deliv­ struck is seven feet in width and a-says ey general, 1 had the misfortune to de
ered by the under«igtied members of show that it runs »41 in gold ami high cide an important case involving the
in silver. The Rd Boy Consolidated
said association. '
case of a young lawyer in a way contra­
Mines company, which owns the ptcp-
ry to Governor Hoggatt'x views. There­
Eugene Company Leads State.
upon the governor withdrew the friend­
Eugene—C ompsny A, of the Oregon year on • tunnel to cut this vein.
ship. which I highly valued, and criti­
National Guard, at Eugene, has just
cised ir e, go that the loss of h>e confi­
Will Resume Work at Eugene.
been notified by Adjutant General Fin-
dence became publicly known.
zer, through Captain Raymond Babb,
Eugene—J. O. Storey, president of views were unjnst and presumptuous,
that the Eugene company received first the Eugene A Eastern Railway com­ but hie opposition and hie refusal to
place of all the Oregon companies for pany, states that work on the Eugene- support the court added greatly to my
military efficiency in the annual state Springfield line will be continued as burden.’
competition, conducted by Inspector soon as the tank holiilay searot» is over
"President Rixisevelt, In reply to the
General James Jackson.
The Eugene and wages can be paid through the letter of resignation, aa.vs the resigna­
company scored 184 pointe out of a banks.
tion la accepted with regret."
possible 200.
Company K, of Port-
land, recieved second place.
Start the Wheat Crop.
An American firm has secured the
contract for designing and engineering
s »10,000,000 iron and steel plant for
British India. The plant will be tbe
Bank Examiner Does Not Expect Bark
largest outside of the United States.
to Open Sooner.
The third Russian doo ma promises
Portland, Nov. 20.—Bank Examiner
but little relief for the Jews.
Claude Gatch has only fairly begun
Anna Gould is to marry Prince de
actual examination into the conditions
Sagan, a worse spendthrift than Boni.
of the suspended Merchants National
Fire haa destroyed the mining town bank. It is said a period of 60 days
of Clears Citv, Alaska.
Tbe loss is will probably elapse before the public ,
placed at »250,000.
can be apprised as to what coarse the
Mayor Taylor, of San Francisco, says bank will pursue.
So many interruptions have occurred '
be will appoint whom he pleases to
offices and has warned the Citizens' Al­ that the bank examiner has not been
able to get down to steady work.
public has in a limited way access to
New York Democrats are advocating the banking rooms, and many wish to
Bryan and Hearst as their standard see the bank examiner on business af­
bearers in the next presidential cam­ fecting the bank's affairs.
These in­
terruptions are said to be nearly always
Tbe Philippine assembly is consider­ a preliminary to the work of investigat­
ing tbe advisability of sending dele­ ing a suspended bank.
Most of the urgent callers have now
gates to Washington to attend the com­
been disposed of, and the examiner ex­
ing session of congress.
pects to push the examination with all
As a result of anti-Japaneee agita­ possible speed
After hie report has
tion. the m kado may stop tbe depart­ been made up it will not be given out
ure of his subjects to both the United here, but will be foiwarded to the
States and Canada.
comptroller of currency at Washington.
With the election of Mayor Tavlor
Urges Constant Practice.
and District Attorney Langdon San
Francisco is to make an effort to com-
Tokio, Japan, Nov. 20.—The grand
Seattle. Nov. 1». — Arrangements
Third Largest Orchard.
Wheat—Club, 84c; blurotem, 8flc;
pietely shake off control of the ma­ army maneuvers closed Uslay.
finally concluded yesterday at a meeting
luncheon was given after their conclu­
held here in the Bank of Commerce be­
Oats—No. 1 white, »28.60; gray,
the largest orchard, with two excep­
tween representatives of the l«nk, of
French officers have arreeted a man sion by Minister of War Terauchi to
tions, in the state. A company baa se­
the wheat exporters and of tlie banks
near one of the Toulon forts believed to the foreign military attaches and news­
paper correspondents.
In an address cured an option of 300 acres southwest
and wheatgrowers of the Inland Em­
be a German spy.
Terauchi said that while the maneuvera of town. Work will soon begin on 200 ing, »30; roiled, »30031.
pire, ensure the financing of the move­
Corn—Whole, »32; cracked, »33.
A strike of coal miners at Newcastle, had been the most extensive since the acres, and the remaining hundred will I
ment of the wheat of that region. The
Nr« South Wales, has been felt close of the recent war, they were ne­ be set out later
Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1, »170
There is already one
wheat crop of the Inland Empire is
throughout Australia.
CL. D* per ton; La stern Oregon timothy.
cessary in order to maintain a high orchard of 100 acres near town. The
conservatively estimated to be worth
»23; clover, »15; cheat, »15; grain
The engagement of foreign gold to standard in the army. The great pow­ cannery here is causing a great revival
t ill.000,000 and It- movement to the
hay, »156(16; alfalfa, *14.
eat sfy the urgent demand in this coun­
markets of Europe, Asia and Alrica
armies, and it was necessary for Japan
try has reached »67,905,000.
will eventually result in the return of
' per pound.
Aid for Entrymen.
to do the same.
that amount of money to this country.
Great Britain has just launched the
Pendleton—In answer to his spiral
fastest destroyer in the world, the ves­
to the secretary of the interior on be­ 125 to 150 pound*, 7c; 150 to 200
Japan Satisfied at Present.
France’s Action Significant.
sel making 40 miles an hour.
______________w__ ____ ____ pound*, 7c.
Victoria, B. C., Nov. 20.—Owing to half of the Oregon land entrymen, Con-
Paris, Nov. 1» —Rome nt the French
The copper miners at Calumet, the favorable conditions under which
hankers who siip|x>rtfd the recent futile
from Secretary Garfield, saying that packers, 6>^(«)7c.
M ich , have had tbeir wages cut 5 per Japanese sealers may now operate in
negotiation between J. P. Morgan A
Bering sea, the proposed treaty between
cent. About 3,500 men are affected.
Company and the Bank of France to ob­
Great Britain, the United Stater, Japan to receive and suspend proofs in cases per pound; mixed chickens, 10f«)llc; tain between »20,000,000 and »40,000,-
Sewer diggers in the suburbs of Los and Russia for the settlement of the where applicants cannot withdraw spring chickens, 106^1 lc; roosters, Rc;
Angeles have dug up fossils of sn ele­ sealing question and the indemnification their funds from hanks to make pay­ dressed chickens, 12(S)13c; turkeys, 000 in gold for direct shipment to New
i live, 15606c; geese,
live, 9fiqlOc; York consider it possible that some
phant, a mastodon and a two-toed of the pelagic sealers is being held up ments.
I ducks, 12)^6.130. pigeon*, »1^1.59; other method may lie found to procure
by the refusal of Japan to enter the
Chemistry Instructor Arrives.
gold from the hank direct to America.
'squabs. 72ia3.
A fire of unknown origin at the Rus­ agreement. Japanese sealers are still
University of Oregon, Eugene—Dr.
Eggs—Fresh ranch, candled, 35(^40c In certain quart* rs there is believed to
sian Baltic ship yards deetroved two
he a connection between the altitude of
F. L. Shinn has taken up his work in per dozen.
gunboat« and damaged several other garding only the international law, by the department of chemistry.
Fruits—Apples, 75c<a»2 per box; the French government toward the re­
Shinn takes the place of Mr. Huddle, peaches, 75cia»l per crate; [»»are, »ifin lease < f gold and the pending Franco-
within three miles of the rookeries.
who left the university to become gas 1.25 per box; grapes, 75r4<b»l 50 per American tariff negotiations.
Many foreigners who have been In
inspector for Wisconsin.
Professor crate; quince«, flocfoitl per box; cran­
this country are returning to their
Boycott Against Tobacco.
Work for Deeper Harbor.
Shinn comes here from the University berries, »9.50602 per trarrei.
home lands on sccoont of "essati^p of
work in various mills and factories*
of Wisconsin, where he has been teach­
Cincinnaati, Nov. 19.—Secretary El­
Vegetables—Turnips, »1.25 per sack ;
can Federation of labor, after a long ing phyeical chemistry for tbe past four
carrots, »1.25 ;*er sack; beets, »1.26 lison, of the National Rivera and Har­
An attempt to secure gold from discussion, vesterday rejected an amend­ years.
p<-r sack; beans, 76t-9c j>er pound: cab- bors congress, is in daily rrcelpt of let­
France for American banka has failed.
brge, 160'4c per pound; cauliflower, ters from mem tiers of the senate and
tration or dispute between members be
Enforce I4-Hour System.
9()c(a;»| per dozen; celery, 50(|90e per house, from governors of states and
Campbell-Bannerman, of considered unless all parties in interest
Salem—The Oregon Rai Irr ad com­
from representatives of commercial anil
E lgland, is seriously ill.
agree to be bound by the decision. The mission has forwarded to District At­ dozen; corn, H5c69»l per rock; cucum­
per rack; onions, 156»)20c per industrial organisations, accepting invi­
Federation adopted caustic resolutions torney Reamer, of Jackson county, a
Russia’s third douma is in session.
tations to aitend the meeting of the
against the American-Continental To­ statement of the evidence collected by dozen; parsley, 2ftc per do*en; pep­
congress Io I* held at the New Willard,
Cannon has declared himself in favor
bacco company and calling for the boy. Commissioner West concerning viola­ pers, H607c per pound; pumpkins, I (*
in Washington, December 4, 5 and fl,
of the army canteen.
cott of drugstores all over the country tions of the 14-honr law governing rail­ lj^c per pound; radishes, 20c per doz­ and the assurances of a representative
en; spinach, 6c per pound; sprouts, 8c
The New York banks are beginning having certain kinds of cigarstands.
way employes. The commission asks per pound; »quash, Italic per pound; assemblage are most gratifying.
to retire their clearing house certifi­
Mr. Reamer to proeecnte the Southern tomatoes, 256f50c per box.
*30,000.000 Damage Suit.
Pacific for the violations complained of.
Cupid Is Bruised Again.
Potatoes—506675c per hundred, de­
New York, Nov. 20.—The suit for
livered Portland; sweet potatoes, 21»
Annapolis, Md., Nov. 19.—Th* com­
Bryan says that while he is willing
damages brought by the Pennsylvania
Railroad Work Continues.
@2J6 c per pound.
mandant of midshipmen ba* iaauad an
to be the Democratic candidate for pres­
Sugar Refining company against the
Klamath—D. D. Griffiths, locating
Hope—1907, fitafle per pound; old*, order which puts a l«n on the practice
ident, he is not anxious.
American Rugar Refining company came engineer of the Southern Pacific, and 3@4c.
of midshipmen surrendering their over­
A jury haa been secured for the trial np for trial today before the United party have lieen withdrawn from work
W<nl—Eaatorn Oregon, average best, coats for protection of their women
of John R. Walah, ex president of the States court for the Southern district north of Klamath Falls and left for the 136j20c
per pound, according to friend*. The new order is similar to
Chicago National bank, indicted for al­ of New York. The plaintiff company railroad. Construction work on the shrinkage; valley, 18<*20c, according
the one isensd at West Point, which
leged misuse of the funds of that instl- asks for damages in the amount of California Northeastern continuée with to finance«; mohair, choice, 29^30
caused such a storm of protest from th*
B n U ob .
unabated vigor.
per pound.
iMClal oontlngant.
Conurassman Barlholdt Proposes
Big Bond Issue.
Would Make Waterways Commission
Permanevi'—Work In Night to
Cost S400.000.000.
Washington, Nov. 19. — Representa­
tive Bartholdi, ol Missouri, after a talk
with President Roosevelt today, an­
nounced hia intention of introducing a
bill a* noil as congress meets to give
legal status to the Inland Waterways
»unmlsaion, which was created by ex­
ecutive a< t, and another bill providing
for a »MU’ ,(100.IMAI iamd issue to er tab-
liah a fund for permanent great water­
way improvements, leaving the smaller
project* to I* taken rate of In the regu­
lar river and harbor bills.
It is proposed to have the Waterway
commission a permanent laxly, which
shall employ ex|>erta and keep congress
officially advised as to the merits of
waterway project«. Mr. Bartholdi says
the president regards the plan with fa­
Of his bond plan Mr. Hart hold» aald:
"I believe that the future general loris
of the country who w ill lie benetltted
by Improving navigable el reams should
tut In the case ol the Panama cnnal,
Irar the burden of the expense. Chair­
man Burton, of the committee ou rivers
ami harlxm, has told me that there are
meritorious schemee landing lie torr Ids
committee tliat call tor an expenditure
of at least »400,000,000. Hardly one-
tenth of this can Iw provided during a
session of congress, and the ecnaeqiieix-e
is that work which would tie of im-
mens«) lui|x>ttance to the United Htatee
is deferretl Irom year to yeai because
the money to carry it on is not avail­
able. All this can l>e remedied by a
bond issue of sufficient else. I do not
know of any tlnng more important than
much nmxhsi improvement to the great
navigable streams of the country."
Savor«. Earthquakes 1 arrlfy Boutharn
Italian Towne
Reggio de Calabria, Italy. Nov. 19.—
The province of Reggio di Calabria,
Italy, was visited by another severe
earthquake at 2 21) y««aterday afternoon
It was e»|ieclally severe at Brancha-
leone, Feruuano and Bianco, and a
number of bouaes were »battered or
The people, who hail »nmmoned up
courage to return to their honiea after
the earthquake of October 27, again I*
came panic atricken and tied a second
time to tlie country.
Home of them
cam pad laat night In the open air.
while other« Lark refuge in suliterrane-
an grotti«. Men and »"Hirn, rich and
poor, prlcsis and •oldlrrn, are thrown
together, and the devout are raising
prayers to the Madonns and the «anils
to succor them in tbeir misery.
Banksrs Predict Normal Condition of
Affairs In Short Tims
Chicago, Nov. 19.—Ths decision of
the national government to issue »150,-
000,000 In Ixinds and cer'lficatea met
wllli general approval throughout the
I he benefits expected to result
from the move were anticipated in the
higher grain markets, here and in
other grsin centers of the West.
were more dispieroi to tmy lha" for
some time, and shorts took cover hasti­
ly aa sixin as the plan was announctxl.
In this city some of the leading hunk­
ers announced that prejM rat Ions were
under way for tlie resumption of busl-
nesa on a normal cash basis and it wax
believed, It is said, that inside of 10
days at the outside, the clearing bouse
(hecks would tie withdrawn from circu­
Imprstaivs Carsnionlas Mark ths Aj-
mlaalon to Union.
Uutbris, Okla., Nov. 1H.—With Im-
preasiv« eeirin >nl«s, befitting lhe blrlli
of lhe n«w alate of Oklahoma, lheoatlia
of ortica w«rs adinlnisteied lo
Cbailss N. Haakell and other itale offi­
cials a few minutes liefure noon Halur
■Iny, The oaths wrr« administered by
lavile U. Niblack, a newspaperman.
Th« eer« monies Lsik plane on Ilio
■te|» ol Hie Cntnegle library, lliere
being no state building li«r<>.
Following prayer by a clergyman,
the prix'laniatron of President Kiosw-
v. It admitting Oklahoma arid Indian
Territory into ths union «aa reed by
Charlvs Flleon, »«crstaiy ut Oklahoma
A 1st nd of Indian Isiya then played
"Th* Star H|miiglix| Banner."
Governor Haskell walked forward Io
the center of the platform whet« he
was met by Mr Nlblai k and took the
formal oath Turning tu Hi« ct< wd Hurt
cln«e«l iti frolli »very direction, Governor
Haakell dellvtrvd the Inaugural ad­
dregs. Herald:
"In Its coirne through the day the
run will have lighted the |«thway of
millions, and hsika down on the peoplw
emerging Irom the divini»r arid uieoon-
tent of liureauciatlc girveriinwiit, I*-
atei«toil to the |Hiliit of lie I pl h I lie«« ami
neglect to th« limit of oppression, Into
a condition of lilvrty ami »elf govern-
"We are not »e«emld«>d here to wor­
ship lhe public otllier wh«i liltliiistely
conceded OS our rights, especially when
we n»tl«x»t that lung ago, frinii every
stai"l|Hilnt of paipulatinn, «ealth an I
Intelligence, thia territory was ei title I
to all the blessing« and privilegi« of
statslnxxl, ami now to tliank tlie public
otbeers iu over gracious terms *hu have
finally pertnrmed a long and iinjnally
deferred duly would lie in the nature of
hngglrg the tert of a dilatory ilebtoi
who finally |«ya his jml indsbted-
Movement Begun to Annes All Sub­
urbs Around Bay.
Han Francisco, Nov. 14.—At a meet­
ing held this afternoon, the rbamlwr of
commerce issued a call for a conven­
tion to tie held next Thursday, at
which a campaign for the consol Ida lion
of all the lav cities will be formally
The commercial sneocia-
lions, civir and labor tadles of all the
« Ities and towns In the hay region have
l«vtl Invited to send delegates
matter will be placed squarely before
the convention in outer to see Imw the
plan la reralved Ly tue various commit­
As contemplated by the chamber of
commerce. It is pro|a»ed to annex to
Han Francisco all of Han Mateo county
and eolions of Alameda ,-ounly, Marin
munty and Contra Lustra county. Il
is planned to extend lhe city limita to
all ponlta within lfi miles of the city
hall. Thia will include all the citie*
down the peninsula as well aa across
the hay, and gl»r the gyrator Fan Fran­
cisco an area of 181 square miles ami a
population of 807,000. Included in the
proposed greater city will lw> the cillew
of Han Francisco, South tllty, Han Ma­
teo, Bill lingams, Ocean View, Oakland.
Berkeley, A la metis, Fruitvale, Han l-e-
andro, Hayward, Han Rafael, ‘Haii-allto
and Belvedere.
Has Ceded Magdalena Biy
tor Use of Navy.
Mexico City, Nov. IM—Mexico haa
coaled Magdalena Isay, on Hie c««at of
IxiWer Calilroma, tn tie used f< r the
purpose ut a ■ rating station by the
Uniteti Stata»« navy. This la cunsiderod
the Diet fruit of tlie recent visit of Sec­
retary Root bi thia republic. The an­
nouncement of tlie session of lhe west
coast harbor, which has lieen iietxl for
years by ships of the Uniteli Hlates
navy (or tlie purpose of target practice,
was qualifiedly suletantl'teil by tlie
State de|«ltment when lhe secretary
of foreign relations raid that the
t'nlleil State* would 1« allowed to
maintain two roaling ships at Magda­
lena lay for a peritai of three years,
provided a like coticessli n was made to
Cuban Firrbug at Work.
Santiago, Cuba, Nov. 19.—An nn the government of Mexico.
No at raugrment wax entered Into cov­
sinvexxlul attempt wn* made here yes­
terday to set fire to the government ering tlie matter of naval yai ila anil for­
headquarters. A man entered the civil tifications.
department of the fialace carrying a
Governor Avert* Panic
large can of gasoline. As he «ss |»»s
ing the office of the governor lie threw
Manila. Nov. 18.—Four sharp earth­
ills can to lhe floor and then, slashing quake shock* were fell in Manila and
it open with a knife, applied a lighted rurrnundln provinces on the night of
insti ll to ths liquid. Considerable fur November 16 end the morning of No-
nitore and dra|>»ries were burned, and vemlier 17. There wrur no damage.
the building itself sustained some dam­ The first shock wa» felt at 11 26 in the
age. In the confusion the man who evening. Governor Gaaeral Hniltti and
made the f»r»iMe got away.
psrty were attending the thrater, where
the Australian children were playing
"The Mikado." A pani* was averted
Good Effect Fait in London.
London, Nov. 19.—The official an- by the preaence of mind of the governor
nouncement from Washington that general, who aroee in hi« lox and com-
treasury certificates to the amount of manded to [wople, who had already
»100,000,(MM), bearing interest at 3 |s>r risen, to sit down.
cent, and Panama bonds amounting to
Proclamation I» Signed
»50,000,000, would lie issued immedi­
ately in order to relieve the financial
Washington, Nov. 1H.—The tilth star
stringency in the United States, had an whs added to the American flag by tlie
immediate effect on the market here. admission lormslly into the union of
Prices promptly moved upward, the the state of Oklahoma
firms and members of the stock ex­ Roosevelt, at 10:16 Saturday, slgneti
change believing the action war bound the proclamation adding lhe territories
in a great measure to remove the strain of Oklahoma and Indian Territory joint­
in the money market.
ly as one nf the American stales.
tle formality attendivi lhe ceremony,
Fight Begun In Nsw Doums.
which meant ei much to the |ieiiple nf
In appending hie
Ht. Petersburg, Nov. 19.—The ticket ths two territories
of the Octolierixt-Conservativs coalition signature lhe prteidnnt na<d as pen a
was succeMful in thn subordinate elec­ quill plucked from the wing of an
tions for officers of the lower house of Ameriian eagle.
parliament yesterday.
Prince Vlads-
mlr Wolkensky being chosen first vice
After Trust First Thing.
president and Professor Heron von Mey-
McAlester, Okla., Nov. 18,—The flr-t
endorf second vice preeident, receiving act nt Attorney General West, who was
263 of the 402 votes cast.
The Consti­ sworn in here today, was to bring suit
tutional Democratic candidate, Mr. against 47 coal mining companies in
Mavlakoff, received 133 votes. The So­ Oklahomia, alleging in his complaint a
cial Deioocrata refrained from voting.
combination in restraint of trade and
in aelling the output of the mines.
8top Csnal Emigrstion.
The result of the amt is looked forward
Guayaquil, Nov. 19,—The Chilean to with much interest, as the price and
transport Caaiina, until recently the sale of <<>al f om thia setffion of the new
school ship Maranon, state affects the biisini’se Interests of
which was solil early in the month to the entire Southwest.
Chile, and which was to have engaged
in the emigrant traffic between Panama
Havana's Population 299,278
and Chile, haa lawn ordered to sail for
Havana, Nov. 1R.—It is announcer!
Valparaiso instead of Panama owing to that the recent census taken In this city
the opposition of the isthmian author­ shows that Havana haa a population of
ities to allow canal lalxrrera to emi­ 299,27R, being an Increase of 45,860
grate to Chile.
over the census of 1899.