A Talented writer Praises Peruna Always si It. Mra Pene« My hut ba nd end ! ne ref I filfpute before tbe children. We always ■«nd tlirtii out when a quarret arema I Imiiihient. Mias Nliarp Aw, I’re often wondered why they're so inu< h In tbe atreet! < baure. as a I Catarrh Remedy ¡1» faro an Interflow and what he ta d Wat iwiatvd Io a manner moat capri­ cious ; When be refused ot talk It merely led Tu statements that bis alleuce awmed auspicious. — Washington Kt ar. I Bpleadld. Half a century ago Ike crossing of tbs Allani ■' wan an ordeal to appall the etout- tal. To-day babies la arms and Invalids need not fear It. There le a good deal Io fashion, and If It la tbe fashion to hurry It Is also the faabluu to hurry splendid- Observer. Brwkw. Mrs. A. When my husband on bls vacation he always tells la coming bmk I shortly. Mrs. 7.- And does he touts slmrtly? Mr*. A — No, lie generally back abort. k Rs r. M. IINNEY Mia. E M Tint sy, atoty writer, 32fi E Nt>evs Hl , Han Antonio, T.s., wilt»»: “During 1901 1 auffe bo or la of a pale, sickly yellow, the wrap­ back CUID«*« A Terrible Vkoaskt. •••••••••••••••»•»»e..eee..»aee»eee»aee.s.a..«e..e TUB TOBACCO HABIT. "I want to be loved for myself,“ ex- claimed tiw» routa it tic helms. "My dear lady." rejoined Ila ran Fu- ca.lt apprehensively, "la there any pos­ sibility of thia bi llig a case of mistaken Identity Y' Washington Klar. In Tasmania no person under years of age la allowed to smoke In a public pla<-e. Nearly everybody smokes lit Japan; the girls begin when they are IO years of age, tbe boys a year earlier. The amoke from tlte bowl of oue'a pipa Is blue, because, couilug direct from I be redliot tobacco. It Is very highly oxidised; but the smoke from one's ll|m Is gray, because It Is highly watered and hydrocarbon I sod. Catarrh Invites Consumption Hood’s Sarsaparilla AND SYSTEM DISORDERED Catarrh i t not merely an inflammation of the tissues of tlte head and throat, ns the symptoms < f rin^itiff noises in tlicears, mucous dropping back Into the throat, continual hawking an«l spitting, etc., would seem to indi­ cate ; it is • bltxxl disease in which the entire circulation and the greater part of the system are involved. Catarrh is due to the presence of an excess ®f uric acid in the blood. The I.ivcr, Kidneys and Bowels frequently be­ come torpid and dull in their action and instead of carrying off the refuse •nd waste of the body, leave it to sour and form uric acid in the system. This is taken up by the blood and through its circulation distributed to all parts of the system. These impurities in the blood irritate and inflame the different membranes ami tissues of the body, nnd the contracting of a cold will start the secretions and other disgusting nnd disagreeable •ymptoms of Catarrh. As the blood goes to nil parts of the body the ca­ tarrhal poison affects nil parts of the system. The head has a tight, full feeling, nose continually stopped up, pains above the eyes, sitgut fever cornea and goes, the stomach is upset and the entire system disordered and afleeted by this disease. It is a waste of I had Catarrh far about fifteen Fiars, and no man oould hava time to try to cure Catarrh with sprays, >an worse. I trlod everythin» washes, inhalations, etc. Such treatment could hoar of, but no rood ro- •ulted. I than beaan B. B. *., end docs not reach the blood, and can, therefore, ?ould aea a llltla improvement do nothing more than temporarily relieve rom the first bottle, and after To cure ■taklnr it a short while wee on red. the discomfort of the trouble. This wee eta yosre a cue with a bottle of Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The hair wss ssved! In grstitude, It grew long snd heavy, snd with sll the deep, rich color of esrfy life. Sold in sll parts of the world for sixty years. “ About rm* year apo I ln*t nearly all of my hair folloWiiaM «U attarfc of in•»*'•«. | wm *dvl*«4 t»v • fiUud to Ayer's Hair Vtaor I did *o, and m * roeuit I now hav* ahouutTful husd ot hulr M ma - W J UoijOfK Meituta rail* Wla per la a certain criterion of the cigar's contents. Ml* Ellen Nagle, 414 4th alu-et, (Jr»en Bay, Wle., write»: "I have often heard I'ctuna pral.ed T minti V». and It I. more widely known here iban Many believe that cigars marked Nan Ja«k Brrfu« to IX» rofiíldíTBbljT any other m*-d.cine. but I never knew devoted to in*, don’t you think? with light ateila are Indicators of tbe what a »p'endid tnedicine It really waa Fan Yea ; h« » tiü » to b# considerici pn.lntory habits of an Inawt which at­ until a few weeks ago when I «»light a whether io be a-op«a pre of a good cigar also should aland well. phiiiKP, my aon. to trll on the "A fvr to take tablets, rather Iban to lake Physicians, chemists and physiolo­ tneeo|ile ■tiler fellow nrat.” Unit I mure Amerl- gists (many of them smokers them­ -an. can obtain Peruna tablet», which tepre selves) agree that smoking le^ore ma­ sent the eolul medicinal ingrwlieuta of Now Objeetloo «o That, turity Is reached always leads to a Peruna. “Go and take _ your bath, _________________ dear," Mid waste of nerve power and brain force, Yla mother, “libs a little man." ami thus squanders life by weakening How Ike MliaHl.retRwdw« llsri.4. "That's the way I want to do!" bowl­ the very center of strength. Ou account of a blockade the itivilee. five wbo amoke bridge ntiieatit-e la !'* be said. cigars, and only two who are cigarette "You don't have to play it unless you smokers Hlltl the French ransutne want to. Mr Jytura," answered the In dig more titan 9011.000,000 cigarettes a rear, bant bost'-aa. It wrakrna Hie delicate lung tissues, or enough to go mund tbe world Tupelo, a Southern wood, la now being deranges the digestive organa, and tittles If they were plai-vd ettd to end extensively Utilised -n tbe place of ploe breaks down the general health. In a line. It often causes headache and dissi- and cypres. Il ha. been heretofore re­ In all Ixtrd Wo1m»lejr*a campaign« he garded Sa of little value, but under th. neas, impairs the taste, stuell and made it a rule, where |e>aalble. to allow pressure of Increasing demand it la found hearing, and atft-«'te the voice. Being a eonatilulional er available for a great aiany purposes. but month, which he considered a fair al­ where it romei In contact with the ground quires a constitutional remedy. lowance. In Italy the military authori­ It Ir abori-llveA ties reragnlxe the weed aa one of the Tho *»»»n» |.|s Ks platee*. Radically and permanently curra. comforts essential to the troo|>a. and "Blowbard aaya blu vacatimi rnet In usual liquid f>»mi or in chocolated tablets clgare are served out to them with known a* Saraataba. iuu duaoa si. bini |d00." their dally ratlot». “Well. Blowhard waa aralng doublé After lefoa ThflMpaoB-KrBMt. a guon a Quralion of Prevention. The floating population of the world One of them attacked the honey (reed Pinks, drain«, ratin* and cocking utm la 1.300.000. This means the people lly. •Ils. sick room llnrn and clothing fre- "The little darling!" exclaimed the hap­ who follow the sea. qurnlly carry the tlrwaded dlvcaac germ py old mother bear. "He bse cut hu Tlte female brain begins to lose anno Icod by the b •uaehoid. • west tooth !" weight at the age of thirty, but that of Th r ugli and hygienic cloan«ln* lathe the male not until ten years later. twit «afa unni agninat infecliun, and such $100 Reward. $100. a safeguard la found in the unlYsraal house The Pled Bull Inn. at Islington, la Th* r*>*4lers of thia t aper wtU bo pleased to l<*arn 1st thrroi* at )ea»t one dreaded diweaM «till tn have been the first house In bold nrcraaily Borat that Bclenro h*a been able to cure in ail Ita This «Impls provenite« carries In Itself, ataiou, and that la Catarrh It all's Catarrh England at which tobacco was smoked. dlainf- lingqualitleo win henter the fabric Curela tbe only poollib e cure now known loth* The New York State Excise Depart- medical fraternity. Catarrh be n< a roBttltu« or art upon tha nrli 1« io bo clran«rd in a tlotial ring nil th«- upph- Bold by all druggist*. 7ftc. they are ten years of age, aud the boys ealh n neo'ssarv «and r«*«|ui ing co pre •crip­ Take >1 all's Family Villa for constipation. a year earlier. lion, It can I* obtained irom anv gr«»cer or druggi t m < •nxri.irn , rc B0MM 1 IMMM More isitenta were applied for and glaring That Trip. hold pa k gen. Mississippi Valley Man (with enthu more patents Issued and reissued by Ina dilion t<> Its di«enfrrtln • qualities Borax h r-prclally a household necessity, asm)—Well, Mr. President, what do you the I'nlted State» Government In 1906 a« It ca I* used f u softening water, cleani­ thiuk of our grand old river now? than In any other year In Its history. ng and whitening clothe , vlenrlng the Tbe President (wiping his glasses and akin, whitening hands, makes an eicrllent The nutnlier of application waa 50,482, looking at It again! — It's bully, But date ruff remover and ran b< uaed on thr and of patents 31.905. finest la« e«» or must d« lkntr fabn« « w ithout don't you think the water might be lai- inju y, while as »n adjunct lolhehuthll proved a little by boiling it?—Chicago Amherst college Is to be bene- removes all odor of l«er»piralioli and leaves Tribune. fitted by the will of the late Edward tne akin soil and v« Ivety. W. Currier to the amount of aleiut J«it Asr Mas. FrSsbifsl Baampge. He was a member of tbe Miss Huddle She aaya she will never *500,090. "What a curious old crank Rqulro clnsa of '05 and died twelve months marry until Iter Ideal cum«« to ber and Blood is! He has named hie youug.it ago. He left *50.000 to hie alma son Hood Food. .................... Think of it—Good Food aaya: "I love you.” mater, subject to the life Interest of a Mfits Knox—Yea, I know. Blood.” She died recently and tbe« Mias Gaddle—But what is her Ideal? relative. "Yrs; he aaya he wants ths boy to bs an object lesson showins th* trsusrand- Mien Knox A man, of cours».—Phil­ college comes Into its legacy. sail beauties of English orthography. adelphia Press. CATÂRRHÆS HelpIHelp! Pm Falling The man who rides In tbe day coach gets there juet ns Mam as the man wbo rlites In the parlor car. It doesn't do any good to tell the submarine taint people that there It plenty of room at tbe top. There are lots of iieople wbo will wear out ten cents' worth of shoe leather to save five oeute In car fare. Benners—la he such a stickler for style? Jenner» -Yea, he Is even par­ ticular about the way bls beef is dressed. Boyce—Do you tbluk that It la better to give titan to receive? Joyce—I don't think there Is a whole lot of dif­ ference when It conies to kissing. Bill» -Did you say that In trying on a pair of shoes a woman never puts Wills—Yea; on the right oue first? she puts on all there are In tbe store. On le Him. “If you tnarry me you shall have ev­ erything you tlealre.” "Everything?" "Everything." "All right. I’ll ntnrry you; but re­ membar the first thing you must give me Is whnt m.v heart la set on.” "And what Is that, my darling?” "A divorce and alimony.”—Houston Tewthfol Tb.sa». Clara—I hope you would not marry «galt. th. «onlrary. Jealews af tbe Ansels. “She Is half frantic sines bar bus band died.” "Yea; she Is sure be went to heaven and she has just read that tbe majority of angels ars women."—Houston, Tax. Post Tom—No; not If 1 could money without marrying her. get 4 bar . .. I MAN 1S/Í HIIDItl Ä Promotes IhftesticnCheerfuI- Mss and fest Contain netttar Otautn.Morphine nor Mmerol N ot N ah c otic . Tbe Fare of HI "It won't be good for you If you ca my face,” remarked ths man with th« sample case, aa be took his seat in th« barber’s chair. "Why. what will you doT asked the barber. "Nothing,” rejoined the other; “but you'll bare to get a new raxor.” M ^OU Dr SAMLTLKnxnt Jsit Asr Msa. Mias Gaddis—She nays tbe will neve, tnurry uutll her ideal comet to her iu< says: “I love you." Mita Knox—Yes. 1 know. Mist (»addle—But wnat Is her Ideal' Mias Knox—A man, of course.—Phil adelpbla Press. Hrallil.s A perfect Remedy forCansIp*- fion. Sour Stomach. Diarrhoea. Worms .Convulsions feverish- ms* and Loss OF SLBBP. Dr. F. Gerald Blattner, of Buffalo. N. Y., says: "Tour Castoria la goo4 for children and I frequently prescribe It, always obtaining tha deslreA result*." Dr. Gustave A Elsengraeber, of St Paul, Minn , says: **I have use* your Castoria repeatedly In my practice with good results, and can racom mend It aa an excellent, mild and harmless remedy for children." Dr. E. J. Dennis, of St. Louis, Mo., aaya: "I have uaed and prescribe* your Castoria in my sanitarium and outside practice for a number of year, and find It to be an excellent remedy for children." Dr. 8. A. Buchanan, of Philadelphia. Pa. aaya: "I have used your Cam tori* in the case ot my own baby and find It pleasant to take, and have obtained excellent results from its use.” Dr. J. E. Simpson, of Chicago. Ill., says: "I have used your Castoria la eases of colic in children and have found it the beet medicine of Its kin* on the market." Dr. R. E Eaklldxon, of Omaha, Neb., says: "I find your Castoria to be a standard family remedy. It la the best thing tor Infanta and children I have ever known and I recommend it” Dr. L. R. Robinson, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Tour Castoria certainly has merit Is not its age, its continued use by mothers through all these years, and the many attempts to imitate It sufficient recommendation? What can a physician add? Leave it to the mother»" Dr. Edwin F. Pardee, of New York City, aaya: “For several yeara I have recommended your Castoria and shall always continue to do so, aa It han Invariably produced beneficial results” Dr. N. B. Sizer, of Brooklyn. N. Y., says: *T object to what are calle* patent medicines, where maker alone knows what Ingredients are put la. them, but f know the formula of your Castoria and advise Its use.” GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bean the Signature of Bas Sunils Signature at Beatas. "I have always thought I knew what grinding poverty is,” said Ardup; "but I never did until th,a morning." "What happened thia morning?" asked Short. “I caught my wife putting burnt bread crusts in the coffee mill.” NEW YORK. \t 6 muntbv old J, Dos« s -J jt inis L~ correr wrapper . HOME MADE MIXTURE Ns Necessity UID TO Bt INEXPENSIVE AND EASH Y PREPARED BY ANYONE. for Rut.. Hl. Qualiacatlow. Bulk. Windlg—See here. Hammerton. what did you tell Muggsby I waa a liar for? llammerton—Muggsby must bars misunderstood me. I didn’t say yo« were a liar. Windlg—Then what did you say? Hammerton—I merely told him that you were fully capable of bolding down a job In tbe weather bureau. Mrs. Hokey (looking at postmark)— Convalescent—Doctor, do you mean to My busband mailed this two days ago. tell me that's my appendix? and it has a special delivery stamp on It. Surgeon—Yea, sir. How does it happen that it wasn't deliv­ Convalescent—Great Scott! It looks Is Said to Prompttv Rete. e Backache anc ered yesterday? more like a comic supplement I Messenger — We have to be mlgbty keer- Overcome Kidney Trouble and Blad- ful with them special delivery letters, Mother, ______ will _____________ find Mrs. _________ Winslow's Soothinc Weakness Thou th H arm less ma'am. They're gener'ly important, and Syrup the I k at remedr to use for their childma and Pleasant to Take. iurln* ths leelhtuf period. it won't do to hurry 'em. Governaent Reports. “He's ths boy after your own heart. Isn't bef “Not much!” replied the old mnn. "He's the boy after my pocketbook!”— Atlanta Constitution. Dlda-t quite Mean It. "Avery," said Mr* Gayman, "I want ■o send an important message to Aunt Kate. — Do you suppose I can send it soon ■nougb by fast mail?” “Certainly,” answered Mr. Gayman. ab­ sent mmdedly reaching for his bat. I'll lake it.”—Ch.cago Tribune. I t’p to Date. Vp tanxon, "tbe young women of to-day tangou, -re not what wbat they were in my tima' time” "No?" No?" replied Miss Huskle. "No, Why. all you young “ No, Indeed. n-omen nowadays are muscular ath­ letes." letes.' "Tbat'a so. In tbe proud lexicon of 'emlnlne youth there is no such word Geminine is 'frail.' ” " —Pbilad. Ipbla Iphia Presa. Not Eetlraly. The great flouring mill had stopped. "What’s tbe matter?" inquired tbe re- re­ porter, finding tbe proprietor alone in ibe : ha establishment. "Strike.” Are you absolutely idle?” No—not absolutely !" answered the miller, grinding hie teeth.—Ch.cago Trib­ une. INSURE YOUR HEALTH AND COMFORT on stormy days by wearing a 'S« ma» SLICKER One piece is a portion and a luscious dessert—Preferred Stock Peaches, from the Highlands of California. These mountain peacnes are universally conceded to be the finest peaches in the world. Preferred Stock Canned Goods Pw«k*4 WkiMTgr th* B*»t AT* Grown Clean - Light Durable Guaranteed Waterproof Syrup tffigs ^OixirifSenna Mortgages *30? Everywhere > Br'Vîwa V » A. ties purchased. LOANS made. M. E. NOBLE Commercial Block PORTLAND. OREGON In order to secure extra superior quality and flavor for Preferred Stock Yellow Dessert Peaches they are selected, when ust ripe, juicy and spicy, plucked in the morning, then hand-peeled and canned right in this mountainous, peach-growing country. Panty a»J jaahty [’iara.trrJ— PrtfemJ Stint —aryeav Grtctr’i ALUtn S LBWIS. Wholesale Grocois. PORTLARD. CRXG0R. V. ». A. W. L. DOUGLAS S3.0O&S3.5O SHOES THE FOR EVERY MEMBER OF FAM'LY. AT ALL PRICES. *** $26,000 ■ Arts naturali n Laxative. Best for Men\v ngraving E Write Us PLATES FOR PRINTING HICKS-CH ATTEN Alwavs buy the Genuine wìi has ihe jùll name of the Co pany CALIFORNIA fic> S yrup C o . by wham it n manu|urturati. printeii on the pock «tic. SOLD STALL LEADING DRUGGIST^ •no six* only, regular price 50« "Here are some bulletins about the real state of affairs In Russia.” said the first man, outside tbe newspaper office. lnapoaelble. “I want to know nothing at all about Miss Rinkles—Everythin* costa ea it.” replied tbe other, disgustedly. much nowadays! I suppose I’ll have to “Well, you want to read these Julie live plainer. tins. then. They are official.”—Phila­ Miss Sharptun*—Why, dear, yea delphia Press. rouldn't be any plainer, and live. "Well, well,' well,” remarked old Mr. Pas- Customer—Where is your boss depart- stent? New Floor Walker—Er—garden parlor variety, madam? front of a woman for her money? Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas. H. Fletcher. "Nasty medicine, la it? What 1rs yot taking it for? To help your cough?" “To help It? Great Petar, no! T< kill it." The Ota Mas's Ksporlswos. A stitch In time tnay eave nine, but you cannot always find a tailor. /"''ASTORIA 1 b a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Boothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It ,T‘ contains —‘-1------ —n--------------------------- neither Opium, Morphine nor I other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm« and allay Feverishness. It cures DiarrhtBa and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The childrnn'R Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher, and has been made under his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good ” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment Tw» HostPMB You M«ui«d «œbarrAMod at ■Htilf Mr. RxnoyM^ Mrs. Trar&oo. (*u rat—I i bought you knew. Mrs Loofsiioro. He's my my sntepeaulti- mate buabacd. What will appear very interesting 10 many people here is the article taken from a New York daily paper, giving a simple prescription, aa formulated by a noted au horlty, wbo claims that be has found a positive remedy to eur* almost any case of backache or kidney or blrelder derangement, in tbe follow ing aimpie prescription, if taken before the stage of Bright's disease: Fluid Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kat gon. one ounce; Compound Syrnp Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well in a bottle and take In teawpoonful «loses after each meal ami again at bedtime. A well known authority, when aske«i regarding thia prescription, stated that the ingredients are all harm lees, and can be obtained at a small cost Iron: sny good prescription pharmacy, or the mixtuie would be put up if asked to do so. He further stated that while this prescription is often pree-ribed in rheu­ matic afflictions with splendid teeulto. he could see no reason why it would not be a splendid remedy for kidney and urinary troubles and backache, as it has a peculiar action upon the kid­ ney structure, cleansing these moot im­ portant organs and helping them to lift SPLINTERS. and filter from the blooi the foul acids and waste matter which cause eicknees Hardly fair—Cloudy weather. and suffering. Those who suffer can You do not necessarily have to be a make no mistake in giving it a trial. manufacturer to make money. What is Castoria. botila. Portland P. RL U. Or«gm Utah 4 5-ar 1 mofwMwr»'« $3$ ^3.50^9—•• I f/wBaayoffter menWecfwfWF. THE REASON W. I.. Do lglaeshoe« are worn bv more neo 'le in all walks oflifa than any other makeM because of their excellent at\le, easy-fit mg, and euperi r wearing qualitiea. The select ion of tho I eat tier* and o'her material* for each part of tho shoe a d e rrv detail of the making i »looked after bv the moat complete organi ation of superintendents,foremen and skilled shoemaker«, who receive the highest wages paid in tho ahooi nduatrv. and who e workmanship cannot be ext elled. If I oould take you nto my large fac'ories at Brockton .Man., and show you how carefully W. L. Dougla* «hoes are made, you would then understand whv thev hold their shape, fit better, wear anger and are of greater value than anv other m*ke. My ^4.00 *3.00 QILT EDOE3h— e»Aoot ** CAUTION! The genuine have'V . L. Douglas name and pr ___ W«» Mvabatitnte. A»k vour dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes. If he cannot supply you, “enA direct to factory. Shoes sent everywhere by mail Catalog free. W. L. Douglas, Brocktow, M m < PUTNAM FADELESS DYES uolor more goods brighter and faatar colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors silk, wool and cotton eq to guaranteed to gl.Y* perfect results. Aak dealer, or we will send poat paid at 10c a package. VVrlto for w to dye, bleachgadd mla colera. MONROE DRUG COMPANY; Quincy