OUTSIDE THE FENCE. A UNOLk MAM'S MEAT TRAUE. I OU VALUABLE IU BE HULD. Uvar Tan Billion Dollars Hspreasn-, Japanese Nay Philippines Thrive Un­ ted In Industry In America. dsr American Rule. Washington, Oct. 23.—Mail ndvlosa from Manila report that Ak»«s T«uks, the J hjhiiks « consul for the I’hilij»- pinrs, has rweutly conclmled his first visit to the southern Islands. U|M*n bis return to Manila, lliu consul »a <1 that the great natural wealth of the Houlhsrn I’lliIi|>|>ins« Mtoni»hwl him and that I«« ran r«««llly •«•«« that lhe United Ktates will never desire to sell the islands. lie was very much imj>rr«sr«l also with tlie military government of the Moro provincas. lie consider» it one ol the must «ff«ctlve ami praeticnal «ye- toms that ul«l lx« ilovistxi lor tlie Mona. "The Moro,” h«> said “seems lo l«e bright ami h< nest, ami will, under the prraeul system ol government, develop into u fine citizen Some «lay, as have the nativiw of the mountain« of For­ mosa uiulei the JajMne»« government. "Everylxxly in the southern Islam!« ■e«m« to l>e talking hemp and copra ami leaving politics to al«lft lor them­ selves, auriHlii<-««a mal of qiwlily aultabi« fur the manufacture of coke. Civil War Pensioners Decrease Rap- Idly During 1007 1 be c«>ketnaklr>g ««iterations of Wash­ ington are not of »ixx ial importance Washington, Oct. 2V.—The decree«« wlu-n eomiarcd with tlie output of of la,fiuti in the number ol jiensi« nets other «-ok«*««taking state«, but they «re on the roll« at the end of the fiwal y«-ar of Interest as eatabltalilng the fact Gist 1WO7, as cunijrarexl with the year previ­ It la | »»a « fila to pr««l«a-e metallurgical ous, I« tlie Irature of lhe annual rejtorl coke from Pari tic mast mal. ol Peti-lon Com ni «relouer Warner just Then« are th«« colt« «-«lalillHlimenta in i«eued. Till« is the greatest «Ircrtwae the alate, three ««f which ma-lc coke in in lhe history of the penatoti bureau. 1906. Two |»lal>la, having a total of The total trumlwr of |H-n«l»ner« June 31 ovens, have tx*en vile during tlie 30. Itrt>7, was 1*67,371, and the total la»t two year«. The production in vain«« of the pension roll at that «late 1(616 anXMintml to 46,642 ehoit («m», was $140,660,8HU. Th«« is greater by Valued at $226,977, against 63,137 $4,613,131 than lhe value of lhe roll short l«>na, valued at $261,717, in 11H>6. for the year previous and I« a«x'ounte«l All of th..... al m««*«l in c«>kenaking In for l>y the higher rate« ol pensions |>ro- Washington in linai »a» washed. Two vidrel for by the set of February, lt»H7, ol the plants umx I wasliml run-of-mine, under which act thvre hake were jrrolucml. Wellington, Got. 26 —A capital of 110,626,0161.0(6) is dlrivtly ooncerne«l it* lhe rslsing ol meal animals ami their slaughter Ing and |«ckliig, accord­ ing to a re|xirt on meal nujqdy issuixl by lhe department of agriculture Thin amount In tlve niiths aa large aa all capital lnveete«l In manufacturing In 100$, Keveti rlghtlii ol lhe meat and meal |irrl aon«x| fiy tlie United Htatca Hu- ptetne court morder t«« affolli thè at­ tor ney generai an or.jsirtunily t>> pia­ llare bis argument. The moti*>n to jnwt|xine made by thè g«iverriin«4it wna rrelnle-l by Ih» «ttorrx-v» for William- non, who were anxiou« to |unli tire caae t<> immediata hearing, il having lavri orlglnally set for argument ttxiay. A« customary in «iteli e*«««, the court grant«*! a postponement. Wara 1« Danled Appeal. Washington, Oct. 26.— Washington jHxtmarteir a|>jx>lntml Christojdxer, Maurioe W. Thompson, vice J. A. Khoff, re«igned; O'Brien, Anna K. Ibirke, vice F. H. Warner, resigned; Richmond, Ralph P. Kt. John, vice S. F7. Holloway, re- algnt'd Elmer E. Hales has lx«en aj>- IMiintml regular, A. II. Kirby, sulwti- tute, rural carrier, routes 1 and 2, at Ajx>itune mo­ ment lo lake »lock. It a natural falling off over the winter month«. The remarkable bature of the matter, however, is the stability ol the Having» atcounla. Predictions were freely made that Kan Francisco couhi lie built only Ujron tlie saving« of it« citizens Al­ though $100,000,000 in bujldrng« are under way or completed, the saving« accounts In the local Ixuiks have «hown but a sruall decrease and still eland at the comfortable tigiir«' of $ 1 .'«7.«ax.«« hi . It ha« been jroinlrel out tlist it re- quiiod two year« for Baltimore to erect building« to 0,(661,0(6* after its fire, but Kan Franciacc has done four times a» well in six months less time. Army Activity in Philippines. Baltiracre’« achievement was comment- Washington, Oct. 29—There are e«J u|x*n at lhe time as marvelous. strong surface imlli-atlons that Imp port­ ant military developments are lk««l Burlington is Af er Coal. f«>r in tlie Philippine islands in the Helena. Mont., Ort. 26—A special to near future. Chief among the thing» the R«cor«l from Bridger gays that iviinting to that conclusion ia the fact Chief Engineer Ensign, lhe superin­ that Major Genera! I.eonard Wood, tendent ol light ■>< way of the But ling- commanding I list military divinion, and ton, ami Ge«>rge Crosby have arrived Brigadier General Tasker H. Bllas.com- the«» ami make the positive announce­ mantling tlie artment of Mindanao, ment that the Burlington ha» accepted have a>ked for further service In the the survev of a proposed route from archipelago. General Woo«! will start Frannie, Wyo. to Fromlierg, Mont., lor the l'nlt««l Ktatos next month by ami thst construction woik will begin way <>! Europe to take rommanu of the at once. This will give the Burling­ department of the ea»t nt New York ton access to the rich coal fields of Aller a brief stay II tlie United Sta tea, Koutliern Montana, a« well ax tapping General W ikm I plans to return to the ■ splendili agricultural «ml horticul­ inland» ami reauine command. Gene- tural section. The r«snl will follow the ral Bliss also han asked that lie 1«« con- Clark’s Fork river tinneil in command of tlie Philippine« for another two y««rs, following his A Washington, Gel. 23.—The Bupreme court ol l'uite«l Htatra t«»lay decitxl tire |H-titl"«i for ««-rth-rari lo bting Ix-forc It t he «*am* «■! Itov George G. Wa'e, c«»n- present term of service in the islatula. vliteil ot compllcity in Intxl fraixls in Ncbmak» and »« nton«*«xl t«« one vear in Report on Land Grants. pneon and t<> |«nv a $1.1661 fine. Ware WaHhnigton Oct. 24.—A. McD. Me- indc«'*-«i oih « McKibton to make entry Blair, ap««« lai iva «ata nt to the attorney «ni I60oofas "i land an U m !' n. i. general, «lui lias I hh - u «saiating B. D. calti«« ranch In N'i-brarka and fiitnirlHxl Townsend in the lnv«*»tigatn>n of lhe t he ti lisi» «a f r tbe unii« rtsking un«l««r i Oregon «(■ California land grant case in an sgrix-mcnt wherebv he su to jiaa- Oregon, will report soon. When Mr. ture (ila calile on thè larvi until title Townrend’s report is tecoived, steps wh » <>lita i ne«l. will I h < taken by the department look­ Northwest Postal Affairs. (¡real Structures Stand Where Explosion on J. N. Teal Results In Loss ol Two Lives. Earthquake Lett Waste. ing to the jircjuitation of a bill «j>eci«l counsel will bo engagi-d and the care wil be taken into court in the hupe of e-inpelling the railroad company to dispnee of It« «urplit« land in at'curdanre with the term« ol the grant. Grafisrs Teil Stories. San Francisco, Oct. 26.—Ex Super- visors P. McGualng, James Kelly and E. I. Walsh — ‘ yestorday mornir.g teriti- til'd at the Tirey I. Ford bribery trial. Each retold the story of his bribery in the interest of the United Railroads trolley franchise. Their eroe« exam­ ination eliciteli nothing of importance. Ex-Supervisors Charles Boxton, Er«1 P. Nichols and C. J. Harrington also tratified before the noon recess, their evidence being substantially the same as was given at the former trial of Ford. A few discrepancies, however, were develo|>ed on utoes examination. Chinese Attack British Tars. Industrial Peace Fund. Washington, Ort. 23.—Seth Low, of New York, the treasurer of the Indus­ trial r«'aee fund, has reporteii to Secre­ tary of Commerce ami lalxir Strauss that contributions are being receive«) to the fund. Mr. Strauaa says the trus­ tee» hope that thia fun,I will be in­ creased by contributions from lalxirers ns well as from capitalists. The fund la aliont $40.000 and it is hoperactice ride of officer« of the department of tbe Columbia, so a« to make them conform to orders olieerved elsewhere. The dejrartment will only require officers to lx> examined by setv Takes Up Meat Packers’ Case. ice surgeons before ami after the ride. Washington, Oct. 24.—The Supreme Th<> ai-cretary of war has authorize«! the conrt of the United States today took erection of u gymnasium at Ft. Crutey, jurisdiction of the meat packers' case Wash., to Cost approximately $20,000. wherein the Armour, Swift, Morris and Cudahy packing companies were tint'd Wall Loss« Rich Mlns. $16,(6'0 for accepting a preferential rate Waahington, Get. 24.—The Kup- from the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy retne court today decided the case of railroad, on shipments of meat for ex­ I .eon I-Ina M. Ijtwaon anil oilier« versus port from Mississippi river point« to lhe United Htatea Mining comjwny fa­ the Atlantic seaboard. The case in­ vorably to the company. The case in­ volves the application of the Elkins volves a question na to lhe right to fol­ act to export shipmente. low mineral veins from th«« apex in the Earthquake in Indian Ueean. Jourilan extension, Northern Light anil <>th«'T mines In the West Mountain dis­ Washington, Oct. 23.—The Weather trict, near Briglmm, Utah. bureau today announced that its instru­ ments registered an earthquake begin­ Commissioners Hear Complaints. ning at 11 o'clock last night and lasting Waahington, Oet. 24.—The members until early thia morning, and that its of the Interstate Commerce commission origin may have been ata joint west of go this week to various parts of tlie Australia. in the Southern Indian ocean. country to hear I undreds of com­ It is believed to have been of considera­ plaints. Chairman Knapp goes to New ble intensity at it origin. York, Commissioner Prouty to Buffalo, Northwest Postal Affairs. Kt. L inie, Kansas City and Denver, and Washington, Oct. 23.—Charles E. Commissioner Clarke to Kanaan City. Maclean has lx»«-n appointed regular, All told, 2,700 complaints will be Margaret E. Maclx-an snlretitute, rural lies rd. carrier, route 1, at Georgetown, Wash. Washington |Hi«ima»ti-rs appointe«!— Barred from Use of Malls. McCormick, Arthur N. Reggs, vice II. Washington, Oct. 24.—The post­ W. McCoimick, resigned; Plaza, Har­ master general issued an order denying vey II. Mott, vice W. J. Nickerson, re- the right ol the Health Appliance com­ signed. pany, of Keattle, to hereafter use the Bourne Stays In Washington. mails. Tlii« is a reputed quack medi­ cal concern of unsavory character. Washington, Oct. 26. — Senator Bourne will not return to Oregon be­ Plane to Receive Warships. fore the convening of congress. He Wahlngton, Oct. 24.—Secretary Met­ finds thst various matters of Import­ calf teen landed made a mur­ derous aarault last night on the English ship Woolwich and her crew. Many men were seriously injured in lheaffair ami five may die from their wounds. The Chinese would have swept all be­ fore them but for the timely aid brought by a large force of Federal troops and gendarmes. Cleaning Oriental Quarter. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 26.— Pr. A. 8. Oliver, appointed special medical in- spector of the city on the bubonic plague preventative work, started out with a force of eight sub-inspectors to clean up the Oriental district yester­ day. More men will be added to the force if the demand arises. The leading .lajianese anil Chinese met the board of health ami gave every assnrance of their «tipport to the work of the board. Notices in Chinese and Japanese will l>e circulated explaining the measures necessary in the Oreintal quarter. Call Strike Off at Butte. Helena, Mont.. Oct. 26.—The Ana- conda Telegrahers’ union, with which Butte is affiliated, today decldeil to call the strike off an«l return to work to­ morrow. There are 16 ojx-ratora in Butte ami Anaconda including the As­ sociated Press operators, who have askeii for reinstatement. The Western Union opened Ita office in Great Falla t«xlay and, according to reports re­ ceived here tonight, Billings will open up tomorrow. Strikers Qo Back to Work. Chicago, Oct. 26.—Twenty-six strik­ ing Western Union telegraph operators repotted back for work yesterday ami were employed in the Western division. Of these 10 were employed at Helena, Mont., where the strike was called off. Emperor Is Nearly Well. at Portland, Ort. 24.—-In a fire that fol- lowed an explosion on the Ojien Hiver Traris|>oriatiou company's simmer ì. N. Teal, at the loot of Oak street, at 4:46 o’clock yesterday morning Mrs. Amanda E. Jackson »nd James Collins were incinerated, Jack Hasley was seri­ ously burned and the vessel's super­ structure was totally destroyed. Whether the accident was caused by the explosion of an oil burner or of one of the boilers is in doubt. An official investigation will Ire stalled hy the United State» inspector« to determine the facia. The «trainer •»« practically new, having heen launched the latter part of May. On June 20 she was place«l in commission lietween Portland ami the state jjortage road at Celllo, connecting with lhe steamer Relief, which wax operating on the uj>per stretches of the Columbia. During the 4 months the cralt had l»-en in service she never misitol a trip. Hhe completed three round trips a week. It is ltciareal that no other boat on the river ever ran more »tradlly than she, and this is the first accident the Iroat ever exjierienced. Though not regarded as an unusually sj>eedy boat, «he su«-ceedrt. Her seacocks must have been opened, but bow, no one can ex­ plain. Her main drek on the port side is aws»h with several leet of water. Hhe sank and keelmi over on her port side, so that th« main deck ia now at an an­ gle of alxnit 45 degree». Her engine» and dynamoe« are entirely under water. She is resting on a mud bottom, but the problem in raving her will l«e that of righting the vessel and preventing her from completely turning turtle. Just after 6 o'clock the steward no­ tice 1 that the water waer-oming in over a lower deck. All day the liner had lawn laading flour, 500 or 600 tons of which is now being slowly turnevl into paste in the watery hold. Instantly the steward gave tlie alarm. Officers at dinner hurried to their stations as the big vessel began to list. All hands manned the pumpc, but it was too late to rave her from sinking and soon every j«eraon was ordered ashore. Supervisors on Stand. San Francisco, (Jet. 24.—Two of the prosecution's most important witnensex. ex-8upervisors Jennings J. I'hillipe and James !.. Gallagher, occupied the stantl yesterday in the bribery trial of Gene­ ral Counsel Tirey L. Ford, of the Unit­ ed Railr««ds. They retold the story of brilx«« received and supwivisoral ser­ vice«. On cross examination, Earl Rogers, of the defense, drew from Gal- lager an admission tliât no money was jvassed to the supervisors until August, or approximately two months after the final jn-aage of the franchise. Will Pound to Bits. Crescent City, Cal., Oct. 24 —The stranded British atiwmer Queen Chris­ tina ll«>s in the same jxisition she took when she ran agrouml last week. The «««a continues running smooth ami the upper deck has been dry ever since the accident. It is the opinion of I« xts , seafaring men that the first heavy stortn will pound the vessel to pieces. There is no chance to salvage the heavy articles aboard from seaward, as it is too late in the season and because there are too many sunken rocks around the steamer. Chopped to Pieces by Murderer. « Maay Frlrada for tter l*Nrdrnffr. “Tbe violet 1« a modest flower, ain't It?” 'lhe Indy km-ellng on tlui grana ■turt«.«t «nd rose, and dividing the freshly gathered bum-h of violets In her hand, offered half to the «mall girl, clinging like a limpet to tbs feu«-«, whose longing eyes begged for them. "A im ! I hope teacher will be plesaed, ■f*e mid. "Why-so!” marveled the child. “Itow'd you know 1 wanted 'em for Imu-hsr F* “Oh. I Juat gucaaed,” said the lady, laughing. "But It was easy.” «he told a friend afterward; “It often la. Tractor's In­ fluence on the Infant mind and v«x‘at>- ulnry la aj»«-lally In evidence ilrxv the «lay of nature atudy and actmol gar- dena came In; and then, there always have Ix-en the jioets, and '«jx:aklng pieces' In school. Only the other day a little freckle-nosed boy was fawcln- ate«l by my long row of crlmaon tulljx*. He hung on the gate a long while In faw-lnated «Hence, and then: “’Gee! Them are flowers!' be broke out, aae of a flre-foot shark making off with his bunch of weakflsh. The shark had seized ujion one of the lower fishes In the hunch and now. as It begnn. with the line broken, to more away, weakflah began to appear on the mirfare In the shark's wake, flahea that worked loose as the shark «warn, and allpj>ed up and off the free end of the line. Aa. with the bunch decreasing and so much less weight In It to haul, the shark made faster prog­ ress. the fishes i*ame up farther and farth«*r aj»art. but still you could trace the shark’s course out to sea. with one of the fisherman’s weakflsh In Its teeth, by that Irregular line of weakflsh slip­ ping off th* cord and coming to the surfare as It fle«l. The American Abroad. It han for years been brought home to ns—by comment more or less compli­ mentary—that we Americans, traveling abroad, are closely scrutlnlxed by the Europeans But perhaps we have not realized, says the Youth's Companion, that the observing eyes of the younger —In fact, of the youngest—generation are turned upon tin A Parisian woman, itolng to her chil­ dren's playroom, discovered her little boy and girl absorl>e«l In a remarkable ixxmpatlon. The boy stixxl. motionless and solemn, on a small table In the middle of the room: the girl, arrayed In grown-up hat and coat, walked slow­ ly round him. regarding him thought­ fully. now and then peering abstracted­ ly Into a red-covered book In her band. "What are you doing. children T’ aske«l the puzzled parent. “Oh, Paul Is the Column V enitoine, mamma,” gravely explained the sister. "and I am a tourist from America— with a book, you know.” Haady II«,«,»-Made Teal. All growers ot blai-kberrles au, • i TOOL FOB BEBST GSOW tened to the handle In the manner shown In the cut. and when working among the caues of the berry bushes use It In the way Illustrated. This tool will be found extremely handy for this sort of pruning any­ where on the farm. It will work quite well for cutting out suckers In the or­ chard as In the berry row. If the canes are quite tall a straight handle may be attached to the blade so that one may hare It of any desired length. Such a tool costs but little, and If one has a considerable area In berry plants It Till pay to hare several tools made. Brant. that never reduces ths «otlmata. *'«>mpnaHloa nt t'rn^n. A bulletin of the Minnesota Experi­ ment Station *U*««-iisaeH the composition and characteristics of the more common farm croj«. aa alfalfa, clover, peas, raj««, corn fodder, timothy, millet, etc. In connection with the romjxvsltlon of some of the crojxi the protein con­ tent of the seed 1« ronstilered. In the case of clover, alfalfa. j«eas. beans and rape two distinct types of seed are shown to recur, one of high an«! the other of low protein content, and ths relationship of the physical character- lstlcs of the seeds to the chemical com- jxwltlon Is noted. The larger protein rentent of the seed Is considered as a jx-sslble factor In the production of for­ age crojia of high nutritive value. The quality of the forage In live-stock feed­ ing Is of great Imjwjrtanre. because by the use ot more concentrated nitroge­ nous forage rations can be prepare«! requiring smaller amounts of grain« and milled products. The result Is a materia! flnan«6al saving ot stock. How to Save Steps. In spite of the extensive development and use of com harvesting machinery the fact remains that much corn Is still cut by hand. Therefore the ac­ companying sketch recently sent to the New England Homested by a reader will prove of Interest. He has figured out that If the plan outlined Is followed a slxty-four hill shock, or «took, of corn can be cut at a minimum number of stejm. The clr- cles In the center represent the four bills tied together or between which the shock la built, After the founda- tion for the shock Is ready the man g< es to No. 1 ami cuts In the direction “Beans” Is the title of a rerent farm­ ers’ bulletin, by Professor Corbett, the well-known horticulturist of the United States Dejiartrnent of Agriculture Beans belong to one of the most fmjx>r- tant families of economic plants with which man has to deal—that of le­ gumes. The bean furnishes food for both man and and beast, and at the same time Increases the fertility of the soil. It Is, therefore, an liujx>r- ft’--«----*/ •—*3 tant crop, both In farm rotation and V--- u In market gariien work. The new bul­ s » JI 99 letin treats fairly of its cultivation, f’ ¿ care and use. --® »- • • ■/# 0 ÍT ■ ® Professor Wlaneko. of Purdue Expe­ riment Station, has Just issue«! an In- a» ...yf 0 & o O Ir-. •w terestlng bulletin on soy beans, cow j>eas and other forage croj». The cul­ ........ /t o o Q if--- ture of row jieas and soy beans Is be­ 0 coming Imjwrtant with many farmers, @ >*- - a-. - aa they make good forage crops and at if- --J1 s »>• -n ,9 the same time add fertility to the soil. They belong to the l«*gumes. and the A '» ■ ¿O fn In the way the hills pro<««w<, the ojierator to lx» careful of are numbered until the shock Is com­ the temperature, however, which is pleted. It will be noted that In addi­ very Important. When milk is boiled tion to saving steps this plan brings the natural flavor Is destroyed, and the cutter near the shock with his heav­ some jrersons object to It. Milk Is also iest load, or when his arm la full of Injure«! to a certain extent by boiling. corn. To Pastuerize milk, procure long­ necked bottle, which must Ire scrupu­ lously clean ; jx>ur In the milk ami plug the taj* with rotton wool, which ex­ cludes all germ«. Place the bottles in a deep pan or other vessel ami heat to a temjierature of 158 degrees, using a thermometer. If the temjx'rature reach­ es 160 degrees the milk will have the odor of being bolleti. Kt'ep the milk heated for half an hour. The cot­ ton stojiprers nets! not lx* re'.novtxl un­ til the milk Is desired for use. The bottles rontalnlng the milk may be placed In a refrigerator or some cool receptacle. Milk so prepared can lie kept for two or three days. To sterilise milk It must be boiled, hence I’asteu- rizatlon Is a different process. Ponltrr. A careful observer of poultry needs no better sign of Its condition than to watch the comb, A bright rd comb shows that the hen or male Is healthy and vigorous, and If a hen, she will probably be a go«>d layer. After the egg supply has failed the comb will generally lose Its color. In cold weath­ er fowls with large combs must have extra warm quarters, as they are very easily frozen. It Is frozen combs more often than anything else that makes Leghorns and Mlnorcas poor winter layers. As their nann-s Imply, they are native« of warm climates, as. Indeed, most fowls are. They very rarely get Into as warm quarters In winter as they could And anywhere In the coun- tries where they had their original home. Bee Kreplns. Helena, Oct. 24.—A special to the Recor«! from Livingston. Mont., says A cellar ta a good place to keep bees, that T. 0. ('ram, employe«! on an ex­ but. If sheltered from the winds and tension of the Chicago, Milwaukee A exposel to tbe sun. a strong colony will Of Cour««. St. Paul, has been fount! foully mur­ "It Is nonsense to say that a man do well out of doora dered near Willow creek tunnel. His never has the last word in an argu­ Slnbbl» Field». throat was alaehetl in five places and ment with his w ife." Fields that are left to stubble, or there was a dozen ugly stabs in his “Lots of them get the last word.” that are revered with weeds, cannot chest, while hie head was badly bruis­ "You admit it, do you?” now be benefited by cultivation, where ed, as if with a blunt instrument. The “Certainly; their wrves hand It to the «eeda of the weeds have already iiientity of the murderer is not known, them."—-Houston Poet been w-ettered, but as soon as the frost nor is there any trace. does Its work and the weeds are dry, When a man talks, ns a rule, he la rake over the fields with a hors« rake Ruef Sentence Postponed. representing his prejudice, or bls In­ and burn all the refuse. Dead wewls San Francisco, Oct. 24. — Judge dividual trouble. Very few people con­ form harboring places for field mice Punne yesterday postpone«! the trial of demn a thing because It Is wrong, or and Insects, and during windy days, Abe Ruef on the fonr chargee of extor­ praise It because It Is right after the weeds are thoroughly dry, tion for two weeks. Ruef was also Whan a girl la 16 years old, she Tai­ they are blown to other field«. By given two weeis’ respite before being sentenced on the extortion charge, to nts herself at $16,000,000, and after burning all refuse, there will be fewer Vienna, Oct. 26.—The physicians in attendance ujeen largely eliminated. An or­ dinary threshing machine can be made to do good Rhreddlng. but the grain is not left In the heat condition. The greatent drawback In the use of both hunker and thresher I« that they re- >1 ulre a large force of men and teams, Irene« the work Is quite expensive. Perhaps the chenprat corn husking la done with the little old bimklng |>eg. But It Is almost lmj>o««lble to feed long stover without considerable waste, and the refuse stalk« nre a nuisance when It comes to handling the manure. These difficulties may he overeome by running the handhusk««! stover through a com­ mon cutter and shredder. This work can usually tie «lone without employing much. If any outside help. In case ev­ erything In hired, the cost of the work, adderl to that of haml-hunklng and put­ ting of the corn and stover In crib and mow or stack may equal or even exceetl the expense of machine husking and shredding. Thin Is a point for each to decide from hln own ntandpolnL—Agri­ cultural Epltomlst. weed leads turned umler next spring. It Is «loubtful if there Is any kind of fn.lt that will come strictly true to va­ riety when grown from seed, as there 1» a tendency to deviate from the orig­ inal. One may secure something sujte- rlor or the fruit may revert back to so- e undesirable kind It Is a slow and uncertain process, Chestnuts may lx' graftofl when 1 year old. The nuts ar - usually placed In the ground In ro«- s. 6 ir.i’hes , early in the spring or late In the fall, hilling over them If In the fall, and uncovering tn the «lirltig. They are very unreliable In germinating and prefer a sandy loam. The Eurojx-an varieties are larger the native. The native chestnuts greatly, no two trees producing exactly alike In size, flavor, etc. foreign varieties are grafted on the American stocks. Trees grown from American nuts can not be depended upon for quality of product. A Peacetal Bee. Beehives on every front porch, giv­ ing each family a aupply of delicious honey close at hand, while at the aame time the bees will Inculcate their les­ son of industry, are a possibility, for the I>epartruent of Agriculture has suc- iw«le«l In luqairtlng from abroad what may be termed a peareful bee, which flnda our fickle climate to Its liking. Tbe newcomer la known as the Cau­ casian bee. The name la derived from Its native locality, and la emphasized by habits of life which rank It distinct­ ly as tbe white man's bee. It Is civil- Ize«l. dignified and high-toned, It rushes with reluctance Into anything that smacks of warfare, having. In place of the belligerent Instincts of others of Its class, a predisposition to arbitration. Bones and l.ime for Poultry. Nearly all kinds of find contain lime. Oyeter shells, clam shell«, marble, lime­ stone and chalk are of the same com­ position (carbonate of lfme), bones being phosphate of lime. Fowls utilize oyster shells and other forma of lime largely as grit, while fresh bone from the butcher Is an excellent fiaxl. pro­ viding both lime and nitrogen. As green bone cannot be ground, owing to Ita tough condition. It must be cut with a bone cutter. When bones are dry they may then be ground and can be used at all seasons.