r~ Catarrh TACTICS OF THS THREAD TRUST. For the Children li • eon at Hut tonal dlaease originatine tu Impure blood and requiring constitutional treatment acting through and purifying the blood for its radical anti ¡»rrmanent curtu The greatest constitutional remedy is Hood*3 Sarsaparilla To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour­ age, strength. How is it with the children? Are they thin, pale,delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tableta known a« Sarna tabs. lOOdoaesfl. Nasal and other local forms of catarrh •re relieved by Cat ar riel», which allay tn- fiammaUon and éaodorire discharge. Ma. Haw ta Werk HiltrakalM. Wh»u working s buttonhole In a heavy doth, or on» that pulls snd frays, it save« much trouble to work the hole by bastlug thread, then stitch Ing close to thl* on tbs machine, put ting In two rows just the length of th» buttonhole to be Cut with s sharp penknife between these line* «nd work closely In the ordinsry way over th* machine stitching This buttonhole will keep Its shape and remain Intact as long as the cloth holds together aaer* AboBt 1«. (Ooecermng th* fair maid of Nanfa» kst. wbo put th* marked <*cg ia th» ba» k»t. a cwrrrapondenc tell* th» r**t of the story.) A young am in old NarrsgansotL On finding the eg», aa.d "I chanco it" Rut decided quick not to. For the egg, when it got 'O Old 'Oaao»tt. had addled ia transit. Tke ehUdran raw wot po««lblv Save ®*»*i health unleea the bowel« are In proper ceadl tton a aluotah l»«r givea a coateU toogua bad breath ■■ouat|p*el« Correct all latlre donee at Ayer e igar coated. J.—I'd Ilk» ts get a cheap edition of Sbakspeare'* plays. New Salesman (after an extended search)—Sorry, ar. but ws haio't e day break this rvmorselewt eviublue and punish the lawbreakers who are behind It A* the trust aqueeseil Its rival* to the wall It raised the price of thread. It cost a great deal to crush the tittle fellow* and this charge nas been levied upon the housewives who buy thia !nd!st>ensable article of drvra. The tactic* of John D Rockefeller making a big gift to a public Institution and then Increasing the price of oil to make good th» outlay, har» not been followed by the thread contingent. They neks the consumer pay the ront of forcing out of buslnew thone who would not accept their Impossible terma and no gift 1« made to placate the public, With the field won after this fashion, the thread nabobs are carrying things with « high band, laist year their profit« rose to 132.00(1.000 or over 00 per rent on their watered stock. This year they will do many millions better All over the United States cotton thread sold at from 4 to 5 rents a spool several months ago. Not so now Stx rent* Is the least that a spool of thread may be bought for. and In some stores the price ha« been 7 rents, and now the edict ha* gone forth that thread Is to coat 10 rents a spool. The reason Is that the truat suddenly discovered that rotton and labor nnd wool have !n- ervased In root, and al«o that—It need« the money. Tbe women pay the freight when stockholders of the thread trust think they are not getting enough money. Tbe immense dividend paid last rear Is not euough for these moguls. and. In ronwsjuenre. millions of women In tbe country, with aching backs and bursting eye*, bending over sewing machine« and working perhaps by dim light until late in the night, are contributing to this dividend. In the opinion of the Utica Globe, the managers of the thread combine fear that the ruling of the government against trust« may Interfere with their huge profits and they are seeing to It that tbe public are squeezed to the limit before the law designed to punish tb.we engaged in the restraint of trade Is enforced. oiranne r nets. California has ¡L500 artesian wella Bacon—I see It Is said that a man 1» The Bank of England employ* 1.U00 regarded as of greatest value to hit persona country at tbe age of 34. Egbert—And yet that Is about the The Saturday half holiday originated time of bis life that be goes about with in England in the eleventh century. a hank of some girl's hair In hia watch Four-flfths of the commerce of east­ case.—Yonkers Statesman. ern Europe is carried on the Danube. It Is said that out of Brazil's navy A Hoof Guardian. The new Singer bulldlu« in New Ysrk of forty-five vessels only five are sea­ 1« now up to its thirty sixth floor and worthy. has only sixteen more floor« to add. Japan is one of the few countries Of course it Is ■ little early yet to where the men outnumber the women. select an aerial whitewing«, but it will Tbe ratio there is 980 tn 1.000. have to be done pretty soon. Two hundred and fifty million dol­ The duty of this important official lars a year would be saved if electricity will be to push the clouds off the roof. was to supplant steam entirely. —Cleveland Plain Dealer The Bank of France bolds a reserve of «88,000.000 In gold, which la more than any other bank In the world ha*. Tbe mole Is one of the greediest of tbe animal kingdom. It will die of starvation if deprived of food for twen­ Axle ty-four hour«. A 580-mile oil pipe-line from the Grease Baku district of the Black Sea has re­ cently been completed. Its yearly ca- Helps the Wagon up the Kill < parity Is 400.000.000 gallons. The oldest coin tn the world Is the British Museum. It is of g The load seems lighter—Wagon mixed with silver, and probably be­ and team wear longer—You make long« to the seventh century B. C. more money, and Live more time t3 make money, when wheels are All that remains of the great royal greased with library at Nineveh, founded by Asaur- banipal (688-025 B. C.), the last of the great Assyrian kings, is now In the British Museum. —The longest wearing and most It Is estimated by the head of one satisfactory lubricant in the world. of the large tobacco establishments of STANDARD OIL CO. - New York that at least «5.000 worth of tobacco la dally thrown away In the city In unconsumed cigars and cigar- MOWAKD E. PrRTG.T -Aftftayw ar2 Cherr.'-t. ettes. I-eadville, Colorado Kpactmea price«: tsusd, »liver, L*a4, fl ; Gold, Stirar,; Gold. ; Zinc ot According to the census of the Board topper,|1. Cyanide t«-«ta. Mailing «ava.opt? and füll price list s«ut oa application. Control and Um­ of Health. Manila has 11.022 houses of pire work solici tad. iUfwntnc«: (.Artwaxi« N«r strong material. 15.142 of light materi­ Uoaai MaAk. al and 3311 of mixed material, a total of 30.745 bouses. The population Is 223.542. says tbe Manila Dally Bulle­ tin. ties purchased. LOANS made. In Hungary the narrow gauge rail­ H. E. NOBLE roads are of fifteen different gauge*, Commercial Block PORTLAND. OREGON from 18 Inches to 39% Inches. The i government has now decreed that henceforth such railroads may be built I of only two gauges. 27% inches and 30 Inches. It takes four years to train a Hon for exhibition work, but only one ani­ OVEt mal in four la available for training A few accomplishments Increase« the animal'« value five fold. ! Mica Axle Grease Mortgages *£ TripstoCalifornia “The RoadofaThous and Wonders” From Portland to Los Angeles Through San Francisco Aa »rustie book with 114 b-*itlful cslored uictum hs, 1e--n publlrh -4 tv the S,>«lh»rD t’srlflet (impar, illu-trsk In* snd daaerlbiat th* sttrs, tlon» ot ikli wendertsl road and tbs «euntry ibrourh which It puiw It c*n h* ob- taln»od or I bad luck. They must be continually on their guard, either to propitiate a I bad spirit or return thanks to a goonnds which may augur 111 for the day. Should one sneeze, or should he hear the cawing of a crow or the cry of a kite, or should he meet an old man. or one blind or lame, or see a cat cross his path, he would tie greatly distress­ ed as to the day before him. On the other hand. If a fox cross** his path. If he hears a gong or shell summoning him to worship, or If he meets a Brih man with his head uncovered, he would rejoice, hailing It ns auspicious. Home are so superstitious that If any evil portent occurs on tbe way they return home, have a smoke or chew a betel leaf, and proceed afresh. Worse than Before. W kst H» SSvasS. Goodley Of rourse M«*n!»y 1»! s «»ry bad Ilf». Knox—Yea, and h»'s going from bad to worse. Goodley—You haven't beard, tb»n. that he's dying? Knox—Yee. I bav«.—Philadelphia Pre*». Love** Awakeolo*. “I'm almost sure tbe rount Is la let* with u>e.” excitedly »claimed tbe ft rat heiress. “What makes you think so?” laqutrod the other. "He asked m» today bow much I was worth."—Philadelphia Pre» Moth.n will find Mr*. Window's Snothles Syrup th«* b- *t remedr to ua* tve their chUarea turi*« ib* leeihlu« period. AS y I p ». “So you tire anxious to go Into pub­ lic life.” said tbe Influential man. ”T««» How would you advise me to go about It?” “Well.” If you are per anally am­ bitious I should auffest politics. If your wife Is socially ambitioua I ahouid . Y. St»««« <•■*»•■«. “1 suppose.” said Cltlman. “you find the ride home to Swampburat »very day pretty long sad lonusoai», don't you?*’ "Wall," replied Subbubs, "of »our** It's long, but I can't say It Is lone­ some. You *«e. I usually bare a new servant girl wltb ms.”—Philadelphia Press. Aver. Harrel-Ito,,» Aeeklo I« < hokvU to tlealll. Nature fakirs, attention! Here la the »tory of a vain shark that attempted to wear a barrel hoop as a nts*klare and choked herself to death, says tba New York World. Of rourao. It uniat have been a female shark She was toimd on the beach at Rockaway today, having arrived at night with the high tide. The shark waa about ten f«**t long. Fitting eloaa shout her nock was a tetr- rel hreqi »nd hanging fnsu a point where her Adam's apple ought to be. It a shark had an Adam'« apple, waa a barrel slave attached to the hoop, like a pendant Early arrivals on the beach aaaert that the stave was brandesl "Oy­ ster Bay.” but this rould not be veri­ fier. for one of these roufiscated It as a souvenir. The carcass of the ahsrk floated »shore at a point near the Park Inn. It waa dl»siver*il by a ni*n on his way to take an early morning silk». 11« spread the tidings aud »on a crowd gatbemd. In the crowd was a des-p, ee* Sherlock Holme«, wtto knows all afcout th« babltn of dwellers In It» ocean. "It la all very plain.' 'he explained. “Ws know that sharks fmjueut ths oc«au out where the gartwigo mvwa are dump«! This was probably a social lender ot the sehouL “Hom* time yesterday she enoiun- tered this stave and hoop floating on tbe wav««. Tbs Idea of dworatlng her­ self occurred to har. She slipped ths hoop ov»r her head aud held a rvrvp* tlon, tn the course of < which rvfrwh- insnts w*re abrveti. “After partaking freely f of the re­ freahmenta her »hark ladyship attempt­ ed to removn the ueckjaiw but dl»-or- ered that It had boevsu« attached to her. Theoo marks «round the edge of the hoop show where her niskl sad hu» band made vain attempts to remove (ho ornament. Finally discovering that tho roaourco* of h»r habitat were Insuffi­ cient to rid her of her deocrallon. »ho started for Rockaway, la the bo|«< that Hill Dovory might run acre»» her and take It away from her." At the roik'lualon of the lo-ture the deep-aen Sherlock Holm«*» those tho audience fell upon the remains the vain shark and despoiled them. Commuter^ under th.« Inspiration of tho signa they read every morning on tho palnles* dentistry emporium a«*runa from the Atlantic avenue station of tho Ixmg Island roa«l. removed the teeth. Others backed off the tall aud fin» Va­ rious boardlug tmu*o ke«*i*r* were not­ ed hovering In the dlataure awaiting tho departure of tho souvenir hunters and various gsstronomlcal novelties will undoubtedly appear on the tables of some Kock a way feeding plarea thia evening. An enterprising showmau endeavored to corratl ths carcass for purp*”»*« of exhibition, but wao det er ret by a re­ cital of the exi>erlenre to a couple of amateur P. T. Barnums. who ran a show consisting of a de.-vns.vl shark at Coney Island some eight or ten years ago. Between the board of health and the exhibit they were driven Into bank­ ruptcy, one losing «4 nnd a tent, live other a straw hat am! a megaptione. Nath m Straus, an eastern philanthro phi st, haa established in New York City a aerie« of milt booths where pure ster­ ilized milk is sold to the poor for one cent a bottle. Absolute antiseptic clean- TUGBOAT ENGINEER AT OR. IneM i» required by him in all branches of the ent*rpr.se. In cleansing the milk Native of Brooklyn, of rnturoa* bottles he uses two things—-hot water Life, Hope« to (so to tea Aftftln. and BORAX. The glistening bottles tes­ Dr. Osier's age limitation 1» strik­ tify to the effectiveness of this method. ingly falsified In the case of an Ameri­ can ; Sydney Talbot, aged UM years, s lw Servile Flatter. Alexander the Great had mounted bi« worked all hts life without nn ailment fiery Bucephalus and was puttinf lb« until a few weeks ago, when he was admitted to the Seamen's hospital hers famous war horse through hi» pace«. suffering from a »light stroke of paral­ “How do I look?” he avked. “Like a Cbicafo mounted policeman, ysis. says a Ixvndon cable to the New •ire.” said his cbi«*f of commissary. York Snn. Pleased with the comparison, Alexan­ He was then earning $25 weekly ns der spurred Bucephalus straight at a five engineer on the ocean going tug Ulin, barred gate and n > 1 kd to the young man to which he hopes to return In a few ■with tbe camera day* He Is already able to walk brisk­ ly with the aid of a stick, nnd Is other­ $100 Reward, $100. Th* of thl< naper will be pipas**! t* wise quite fit. He Is a remarkable l*arn that th-re is at lea«t one d¡» cam • it •-"■"*! :. m !»• a «-..f to cure m all ita specimen of hale old ag»‘. being upright •tago«, and that in Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh and active. Cureia the onlv ;>oahive rurennw known toth« He was born In Brooklyn, May 1, medical fraternity. Catarrh !»• n< a mn^tlt i* tonal dlauaae. ntpilrea a constitutional treat­ 1WM». and came to England when he ment Hall « < atarrh Cureia taken Internally, a^tiri^ <| r> < tly n the bio >d and mucous aur- was 21. After «even years In an engi­ fai»-* .if thea> »t»T.i. thereby 'lent-oyl n< the four»- dat! >n of the <1: a«e, and giving t • patent neering college lie aoon got employment strength by i mlding np the constitution and ns a marine engine*. which profession MB'.’tlng nature In doing Its work. The pro t-rietora Lav»* ho rnn< h faith In itacuratlvepow« be has followed over since w ith experi­ era hat th-y < iter One Hundred Dollars for any ences enough to fill a library of Sen ro­ ease at it taijg to cure, bend for lut oí mances. He nerved the White Star testimonial«. A IdreftB F J CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Steamship company and nnmerous oth- Hold by al 1 druggiatfl, 75c. Take Hall's Fanu.y Pill» for constipation. "er employer». He wont around the world In Ix>rd Brasttey's famous yacht A Dora Diplomat. Canvaaaer- -»rood morning, madam Sunbeam. He has been wrecked four fl mow. and I'm Introducing a polish for cleaning was once cast away for five days In the silver It Is superior to anything now Ited sea. when he and his companions on *?io market and tho price la only nearly went tnnd from thirst. B0 rents s box. Ho confidently expects to live and hire. Smart (sharply)—Don't want work for six or seven years more. ba»* any. lilia- rMnvaaner--Borry to have troubled Ing his expectation on hl* family lOfl» yon. madam. I nee tbe lady nert doot tory. Ills father died nt the ago of his mother at IOS nnd bls sister at 102. teas right Talbot has always l**en teni[>erato In Mr*. Smart—Eb I What did sbe nayl drinking and smoking, but he Is not a Caneaasnr- Sbe said 1 needn't want» teetotaler. He snya cheerfully : my time cal.Lag bam. as you had do “I hope to rejoin the Ulin In a few silver Mr» «mart—The impudent thing' day«. I am almost well, nnd when I get to SOS again and get nicely soaked Give mo *1x fioree I will he all right.” A man with that peculiarly ngonlz- Ing expression whicti It>IIcate« corns came bouncing through the gate« at the Broad street station not long ago and caught the rear platform of the through express for the south Just as it began to gather headway. He limped Into the car and >pperdy, form« uric acid which 1« abaotbed hito the blood and distribut»} to all parts of the body, amt Rheumatism get* possession of the system. The a« hrs and pain« »re only symptoiaa, and though they may >«e «cattewd or relieved for a tun« by sutface treatment, they will reappear at the firat ei|H««ure to cold or latupness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheum«- lisnt can never be permanently cured while the circulation remain« ««lurated with irritating, pain producing uric aci« the patient beuoma« i «.a * for - • life, * . S. S. 8. thoroughly c Iranees the bt«x>d and Jefortned ■ and ■ crippled ing the «ody is fed nnd nourished by rich, health sustaining blood which completely and permanently cures Rheumatiam. 8, 8. S. 1« composed PURELY VEGETABLE of both purifying and tonic properties— just what is needed in every ease of Rhett- xtatism. It contains no potaah, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but 1« Stade entirety <>( purifying, healing catractg and juicca of root*, hetlus and Mt Its. It you am suflrring front Rheumatism do not waste valuable tliuo trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. 8. nnd write is al«ial troatise ost Rheumatism. s.s.s mr «mrr «pcc/no oo^ atimta , 1 ga ., s ..............V~ ' . Ssee*v4»a. t ertian Hire Bnwn Uewtlr. Nvw Contributor I try to writ» witb Arrhls (deeply mortified! Teu prefer in dispense with uiy visit* kereaftsr. Mi** ft free, utihamperel *tyl». Editor (looking over his manuscript> — Pinkie, do you? Mix Plskie Why, ye*. Mr. Feather Wall, you aureeod. I never aaw any­ op. Io these depressing time* one mu*t thin» quit» ao niofnlfirently lnd»|>»ail»at at th» rulva at grammar aa thia la. liapense with one's luxuries, you know —1 personal «upervtslou for over ill) years. Allow no onn to oil ” »re bitt Experiment*, and endanger the health of Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Caatorta ia n In* rm less substitute for Castor Oil, I'are*. gorlc. Drop* anil Nonthlusr Nyrnps. It ia l*lea>u«nt. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other Narcotic nubslstuc«. Ita inre I* its giukrasttee. It destroy« Worms unri alia)* Eeverlshue*«. It cures Dlarrlnaa anti Wind Colic. It rellevtss Teellilnir Troubles, ettrea Constipation and Flatulency. It uasiniilate* the Food, regulate* tlm Ntonuo li anil Itowcl*. giving brislthy nnd tuittirul sleep. The Children’s 1'anuce«* The Mother*« Friend, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. Every b't of Preferred Stock Salmon i> spring-packed Royal Chinook from the Columbia River—the bert ulmon in rhe world—*nd the pick of them, the choice run of the season, caught before they leave the salt water Preferred Stock Canned Gooda P m « »4 Uh Mat oainaken, who renai ve the highest wngv« paid in I ha ■hoei ndufttrv, an