Topics of the Times snoassisni •»«■>« wsx* haa dls**»vered that Haywood trial* curne high Ttw high <'oat of living might lx re du red by cutting out a* »me of the high Ilf* t ~ *»■ -aH--na A firm nf kid leather makers haa failed. Too young to carry on the bust uaaa. likely Rhootlng people by mlataka makaa It awfully uiq»laaaant and liu-ouvenlant for the people who are shot. nj»W acre* of unoccupied land, hut tlx transports tl»u facilities ar* poor and no ga* and water plpee have aa yet been laid. Indlgeetlon 1* aald to be unknown tn Norway That being lb* caee, there niuet lx big nx-ka In Norway that do not bear advertisements of anybo*.<»»> Auspicious people will at omv ronclude rtiat Japan'* directory aatlmator* bar* been Imitating weetern •uelleal* A farmer tn New York ha* an •arthot tlx foaall remain* nf an emr inotia but unknown quadruped. I •rot* ably It was of th» dumaetk* anl male txlonglnf to the Cardiff Giant Toa trouble with the new oolna after the St Gaudette deelfn waa lliat they couldn't be piled up. one on the other. With men like Mr Itocfcefellrr auch a fault would I« (xmeldrrvd quite Bert «MM. pennlty t* Mlggreted, not to avenge'the offrnee. but to safeguard th* law alild Ing ■■lllxen« Mr Bonaparte I* hardly epl to gain «U|qa*rter» for tin* next Im portant feature of Ida ¡»»Iley by advo rating in till* way the death penalty. The extension of the death |M*nalty la oppoaed by too large a pnqe.rtlou of tla* ¡xople on himianltarlan grounds for tlx suggestion to meet with favor lint the particular ¡wnalty la In reality a mere Incident to the eeaentlal point Ul> derlylng Mr. Itonapart*'* remark*. That eaaentlal point I* tlx aegregatlon of professional criminal* Every stu dent of criminal statistics know* that tbers are two great typaa of crime, whk-h should lx separated In study, this I* the crims of pasalon and vlo- leno*, growing out of exceptional cir- cumataiies* In th* Ilves of poorly dis­ ciplined Individual* Tlx other I* the professional crims, which I* sdopte! b) certain mm as their rnaaix of gain Ing a flvsIUeeel When a man lx* en­ tered upon a profession*! career of crims It I* rare Indeed that bs will re­ form. Kelesae htoi from tbs peniten­ tiary and he goes bark to hl* "Imai rasa," hlng for Ixtter luck In the fu tore It Is highly Irrational for society to treat the»* two ty|xa of crime alike What la needed la Intelligent test* of men who commit crime for gain, ths pieserration of complete record* of rncli caee. and a special Inquest upon tlxru whan they have been two or three times convicted, with a view to determining whetixr It I* not wise to Imprison them for Ilf* or otherwise make certain that they will not con­ tinue as [wets to their follow mon. It I* of course, of the greatest Impor tone* that every convict who haa no trade be taught on* and that oppor­ tunities to work at the trade bs pro­ vided for every conviet on hl* relsaes. It la only when he haa repeatedly pros w! himself unwilling to pn.flt by such measures that tbs last etepe for aelf- protection should lx taken by society. Hut tbixe last stope should than be taken thoroughly end peniiansutly. RAMINO THI BABT An Italian poet recvtitly won fin.ori» In a lottery llo Announ«TW that lie will quit writing l»ut d«we not riplaln whether thte la to t*e takrti aa a proof of hie gratitude or whether It la to I m attributed to latlnrae *7’— ■ ■■—r-» Ttw» German crown prlnceii <*h«f, who Is coming to thia country to learn the vrajra of American t*r*rrto, the new composite lan­ guage. the Inventor« of which leqx to make It the tongue of International In terurae, la creating more of a atlr among «Indents than waa prodm-ed by Volapuk, Ila predecessor After the recent congress of It, friend* In Cam bridge. England, n.aiiy of The delegatee went to I .»inion and attended n nerv­ ier In Kt. Clement l»anca Church In th. Htrand, conducted entirely In Ee ¡wrantv». Thia la Intcrvatlng. not ou.y n* allowing the extent to which the lan­ guage la tielng need, but klan from the tact that It ndila to the number of "na­ tion«, and klndreita and people, and tongue«" by which God I* worshiped. TTie privately endowed taime* for the agxl mowtltutr a form of benevolenc* next praiseworthy Those bl eased with • liundnnt mean« ennnot uxka txt ter uae of their aurplua than to direct It Into thia channel. It la nothing lea* than torture for a man or woman ae- cuatomed to refined surrounding* to tx obliged to go to a public almshouse; but In that*, privately eialowed taime« their declining year« are ¡maaed In com­ fort and usually In contentment. There caniait tw too many such home*. It la almost always potable for an aged ¡xr- ann of gund life and character to ee- cur* the fee required for admission. There la generally *on>« relative or group of friend* to furnish It, If the •ppik-ant haa nothing left from Ida or her former ¡»ro«Rxrlty. Th* Inmate* •re not regarded a* pauixrs and need feel no humiliation. The ixenpanlon- ahlp la uaualty omgenlal. and the hon* Ing and food equal to that of well to-do fandllea. The knlsldoaniplc change* at fortune leave many «tramted who were once fl.aitlng blithely. A contributor to • fund for a bom« for the ngod who la now In th* prim* of Ilf* may penrhanre tx providing for hl* own leas proper- wa future. Attorney General Bonaparte advó­ cete« th« death penalty for all crim­ inal* who have txen four time« com vlcted of a major erta* II* balls**« -that society’« greatest duty in th* cm * •of crim* 1« to protoot Itself. and that when any man ha* four times bee* proved guilty of serious criminal acta society can *afaly aaauma «hat th* man II* Incorrtglbl* and aa aoW • standing TTi— to tW OMMraaKy. Tbe daath ; »»»»♦♦♦»♦ t » » ♦ r 1 1 TTrrT y r■ ; ODD NODE IN iTRNNT CARA TbevaseSa et ArXtelee kF A beest-MleSe* Opinions of Greet Papers on Important Subjects, ' ’ 4 ; ^»d,4d,d,d„t,» g,g,|,|„|,g,g, THE MAN WITH THE HUNCH. II, I just had a hunch.” That I* the way the *ur<-osaful man often explains a partic­ ularly wine and remunerative move on bl* part to the friend* who want to know bow b* did It "Lucky dog,” the less sucres* ful oixs remark a* they walk away. Was he luckyt Or did ho simply use a little of the ordinary amount of brain* with which be was en­ dowed. Where did he get the bunchT III* “lucky" In- ■plration canx from a habitual. Intelligent use of brain* The “lucky dog" almply put two and two together and believed that they mad* four. He combined logic with cunfldsnce snd won. The man wttbout the bunch la what bs to for two reeaon* Either lx Is too Indolent to put two and tw* together, or else after be bad put them together, be wm afraid that tw bad made a mistake and that they made aometblng else besides four. A logical mind, ever on the alert to Iwneflt the owner, alinoat without bl* conscious volition, to a product of careful training. If you are coxnplalulng that you never have bad any lucky bunches, set yourself now to grasp ths full mean­ ing of every minute Incident that arise« In connection with each day's work. Ito thia every day. Ito not let each day bo complete in Itself. Relate each day with It* complex activities to each Other day. Roos you will dierover that some Inrldent of to-day has a direct bear- tng upon some Incident of son* other day. You may bo the only person who Iwa made thia discovery. If you ar* energetic, you will ues It to your own advantage And there you are Tour lucky “bunch" baa come. Try It Iton't be envying other lucky dog* Make yourself an object for eovy.--í.’hbego Examinar. THE C A ETTAL CITT. rroHTH are being made to create In Wash Ington a great national university. Buch an Institution would find already made In the Congressional Library, th* Muaeuru, tbs Hinlthwinton Institution and the various aclentlfli* departments of the government, an enormous materia! equipment better then the oldest and richest universities can afford. These departments would alao provide, to supplement the regu tor teaching force of the university, a rich corps of spe­ cial lecturers and assistant* Whatever may come of this plan. It to a significant expression of feeling long cherished in thia country that the national capital ought to be the chief center of In­ tellectual activities The older cities of natural growth and commercial [El Jesn Baptiste la a ivitnmon tiams among the french Canadian folk. One family, which liad American aeplrs- tlone. did Its txst to avert this univer­ sal cognomen; with what sucrase to told by a writer In ths New Y’ork Hun. who give* the explanation tn the words of the neither of the unintentional Jean lta|>tlate "Fader Ixjeuneeas. •* aay. 'Wat for dat chile ain't christen' yetT An' I •ay. 'We alu't got no name yet, w« ART IN TAPENTRY WEAVING. ain't' “An* Fader Ixjennesae aay. 'You call Neewearlss Nevel *■• lelevwetleg dat cblle Jean H'ttote.' An* I aay, *N* Cxlxe aebeswee I* Testtlee. sir. nevalre I »at chile golu’ have nlc* One of tlx oldest weavlugs known good Yankee uame. an' dat chile go In' in Europe to the Norw«a man she aay, ‘Ryracus*' when the museums and a talented Nor­ l>cn Fader lAjeunesas 'e so m|d 'e wegian woman. Mme. Frida K-whler- Ilanaen, caused a revival of the beau­ mos' iln»p de chile. Mme. KoehJer-Hanaen'a "'W'at kin' name dnt for chlleY 'a tiful art. yell. 'W'at for you don't tack on Cher- work* have become world known, hav- I Ing been sold to Euroiaxn museum* ubusen, too f "An' •> we name her Jean B'tlate. to the board of education. South Ken­ Jus' de same, and Emil* '• don' get ees nington. and to Uie royal bouses of Eu- ro[w. nice red toque from Mon'real.” At the universal exposition In I’arla How to t'wre lor Feet. In 1IMMI a **rl.x of these textiles was No other |*a rt of the body, ex rept the awarded the grand prix and the same waist, says the New York Mall, auffere honor was accorded exhibits at the •> much abuse and distortion aa the world's fair at Rt Louie a* well aa In fee/. They are auareptlble to »Il aorta London, Hamburg and Turin. Tbe Jury of defortnltlea and the subject of all at the ex[a>eltlon In l’arto gave the fol­ sorts of ixglect. lowing concise description and appre­ Many |ex>ple i AI anprsmacy, Ns* York. Philadelphia, Boston, and newer clllea. Chicago and Ran Francisco, bars necessarily, each as metropolis of a section, remained the brain canters of the country. Washington has rxver filled out and disguised It* artificial framework. A seat of power and Ixauty, It haa not become a city of homes. As natloixl unity develop* the capital city must be­ come more and more the heart of the country, Berlin and Ht. I'etersburg. hardly lees artificial In the manner In which they were decreed a* national capital* Indicate the poeelhllltlea of the city of Washington. It I* becom­ ing a favorito place for wealthy people to live in winter. Each year an Increasing number of the Interesting throng drawn to the city by apsrlal Interests finds permanent lodgment there. The geographical position, tbs natural facilities for traffic, without which no city can have healthy Uf* tbs unlimited resources of the government to build up a model municipality, all conspire to make Washington In every sense one of the great cities of the world.—Youth's Com paulo* NATIONAL FOREST FOLICT. GW and then from the West come protest« and complaints against the policy under which tbs national forest* ar* managed. Hom* of these are mads In good faith, and 'should bs met with a clear statement of just wbat the national forest policy to and how It to being carried out, other« ars tbs result of knowledge that th* theft of timber, toads and mineral* and monopoly of the range, will no longer bs permitted. Much of ths honest opposition to tbs crea­ tion of national forests comas from a wrong Idea of tbelr purpose and use They ar* tbs flrat outooxns of a general policy that to slowly taking shape la the public mind the conviction that our natural i earruresr. forest* waterways and land, are put bare to be used In a dsfl- nlta way, and that this use must be open to all altk* National forest« ars created to Insure to tbs home-build­ er and to home Industries a perpetual aujiply of timber, to preserve the forest cover on watershed* and so to Insure a steady and constant stream flow, and to make certain the fair and lawful use of forest and rang* They are open to ell persons with the sole restriction that tbelr permanent resources shall be used In such a way that they will not become exhausted, but will re­ main for the use of others la the future development of tbe nation. The wise use of all tbelr resources— timber, water, land* minerals and range—1« encour­ aged In every way. The chief alm 1* to make than large factors in tbe upbuilding of tbe West and In ths permanent wealth of the entire country.—Tbe Outlook. [Ñ1 “PUNCH YOUR JAW,” BAID YANK TO ORANO DUXX Left BeMag Feveee«. Ons of tbs fevorlte places of ths ab­ sent minded eltlMa for leaving proper­ ty Is oa a trolley rar or on one of tbs rers of an elevated tral* says tbs Brooklyn Eagle It la so easy and so oatsrsl, when riding from place t* place, for a passenger to toy a package low® by bls or her side and then, when arriving at bls or her deoUnatls* to get off. calmly Ignoring tbs existence of tbs aforesaid article. Is there s maa or woman la Brooklyn who has no* bad sorb aa experieocs or many reesrrencea of tbe same sx*arleaee? It Is doubtful, and It Axws that to bs careless or abaent-mlndsd la one of tbe brsnohes of th* old saw i “To srr to human." Gloves are a staple artieia Tor tbe conductoro to tura la at tbs different stations sf tbe various Haas of tbs company, but It to usually a slagls gtovs, and not la pair* that they ooms. The more eoxnmoa arttriss that are found during tbs oourea of a year are jswsiry of almost every description, from tbs cheap end trifling article to diamond* There are watch«* ring* plaa and bracstot* watch ctalas and fob* match aafs* bunches of key* psn- clto and fountain pen* memorandum books of all kind* novsl* Bible* deed* bill* onstreet* nail cutters and tools sf every dsscriptlosi. Of ths many odd tbtn^ that bare bsau laft oe ths eompsnyto care I can thtek of nsthlng stranger than a small fiaataiin« for a grave. One of tbeas was left on a FTatbusk avsaos ear •bout two years ago and it waa never reelataed. Its alas to tbs only thing that would account for Ito being left an a car. It bors no Inscription—at Isast R had no aaras chiseled sa I«— bu* that it was tntendsd for tbs grave sf a littls eblM waa evident, for the words "Our Dartlag" and “Bast la Peace" ware chiseled upon it It wm a pathetic little thing to And, to aay tbe least Ons of tbs “cuts” findings latently was a satchel containing a pair of pet kitten* They were no common feilBS* either, bat as pretty as ons would care to aee. with dainty ribbons tied around their necks. They were kept tbs usual length of tlm* and then, aa no owner appeared to claim them, they were given away. Another one of the odd finds was a complste “dope eet," Including an opium pipe and Its aoceaeortra Not long ago an employe of a toad pencil company reported ths loss of a mnall gold brick—real gold, and not any "libonsy" article It was valued, be said, at 1330. Tbs costly little article waa never turned In at the company's oflkw sad was probably picked up by another passenger. We do not believe there la much dtobOMSty among the company's employe* Articles picked up by them are almost always turned In. and as a rule tbs conductor la more than ordinarily honest. As an Illustration of bow absent­ minded some people are, I may dts tbs case of a young man who boarded a Fulton Ferry car. carrying a dfeas-sult case. He placed tbe case between bls knees, so ae not to forget It. «nd when be left the car bs noticed tbs caee. but. forgetting that It was hto ow* be called the conductor’« attention to the fact that some one bad left th« caae on tbe car. Tbe conductor turned In the esse at the company’« office and made bls regular report. I.eaa than an hoar afterward tbe young man. who had discovered hto atrtpld blunder, reached the company's offles In a dreadful state of mind, narrated tbe circumstance* and. after describing ths contents of tbe case, bad his property restored to him. How to ▲▼old Re4 Nosea and Hands. GRAND Dl'KE MICHAEL. While «¡»ceding toward Paris Grand Puke Michael Mlcbaelovltch was put to the trouble of coughing aa a speedier car whlxxed past, leaving a cloud of dust. Indignant, ths Itumlan entered hta chauffeur to “catch that Impudent dog.” amt the driver did hto beat, overtaking tbe offending car tn a suburb, where the owner had stopped. When hto rer came up with ths man whose dust be took the grand duke alighted, hto whiskers standing on end, so Infu­ riated was he. and approaching the rer. In which the «trangcr bad taken hto seat, he shouted: "I demand an apology froiu you. str! I am a grand duk* and want an explanation of your want of respect." He added some Insulting epithets aa emptiest* Calmly looking over the spoiled offspring of royalty the stranger replied: “Bell, I am an American, and If you don't stop your gab I’ll punch your Jaw.” The terse reply cooled the ardor of the man at whose word million* tremble In benighted Russia. The unconcern of the Yankee tourist was such a shock that the grand duke turned hastily and went txck to blc rer. Ths “lead” of a very cheap pencil to often nothing but coke. Tile ixa*!«>rt gyeteni ilatix back to ths time of tlx Cruaader* One-seventh of Great Britain's for­ eign connneroe |xsaes through the Rues renal. An average* of SOO persona are killed In the t’nlted States each year by light­ ning. This means one In every 100,000. John Bull flgnrea out that hto coun­ try ha* lieen amx'vaaful 111 S2 ¡»er cvirt of the ba tiles tn which It has engaged. a year froxn tlx sale of her mistress' rest-off clothe* which are given to her ae a perquisite. The purchasers are for the moat |xrt American tourlet* Rlnre 1880. when the Grand Army of the Republic had 400.-ISO members en­ rolled. Its numerical strength has been cut down almost one-half. There are only about 212,(XX> comrades now. The losses by death run up to 9,000 or 10,- 000 a year. There Is practlcaly no chance to gain recruit*—Cleveland Leader. Tbs bead maM of the Qussn Dow- tbsir friends do for them |g to o*y, "Ifo too bur l«eehlerar. Oh, young Lochlavar Is coms sut sf Iks w«et. Through all the wide Border kis «teed waa the best. And «er* hl« good broadsword he weapon* bad non«; II« rod« all unar-inad. aad he rede all •Ion* He faithfol la lev* and da net lam la war— Thera navar was a knight like tbe young Lochinvar. H« stayed oot for brak* sad be stoppai not tor alona, Be swam the Eetae rtvar where ford there waa aooa ; Bat era ha alighted at Natharby gala. The bride had consented 1—tbe gallan« rama late ! For a laggard in lov* and a dastard Is war, Waa to wed ths fair Elian of brave I.x>chrover. He boldly he ente rad rti» N«th«rt»y Hall. 'Mong bridesman and klnaman, aad brutt­ erà and all ; Tben spoke tka bride’« fatbar, bla band oa hia «word (F ot thè poor era rea bridagroom aaid never a word), “Oh, come ya la pmoa ber* or coma ys In war?— Or to dance at our bridal, young Ixrd Lochlavar?" “I long wooed your daughter; my suit you denied ;— Love «walla Ilka th« Solvay, but abbs like its tide— Aad now I am com* with this loot lov« of mine To load but one maarer* drink one cup of via* Thara are maidens la Scotland more love­ ly by far That vould gladly tx bride as the young Lochia ver” The bride kleeed the goblet, tbe knight took It op, Ila quaffed off the vino, and ha threw down the cup. She looked down to blush, and aha looked up to rlgh. With a «mils oa bar lips and a tear la bar «ya. Ila took her soft band, ere bar mother could bar, “Now tread we a maMurs!" aald young Lochinvar. So stately hia form, and so lovely her tac* That navar a hall such a galllard d.d grace; While her mother did fret, aad her father did fam* And the bridegroom stood dangling hla bonnet and plum* And the bride- ma ideas whispered. “ Twer« better by far To have matched oar fair esoala with young Lochinvar." One toacb to her band, and one word la her ear. When they reached the hall door, and the charger atood near | Ro light to the croup the fair lady he swung! Bo light to th« saddle before her bs sprung! "She la woo ! We ar« gon* over bank, bash, and scaur; They'll have fleet ateede that follow," quoth young Lochinvar. There waa mounting 'mong Graemes of the Netherby clan; Forsters, Fenwick* and Musgrave* they rode and they ran ; There waa racing and chasing, on Can­ noble Lee, Bat tbe lost brida of Netherby ne'er did they aee. So daring in lov* and ao dauntless in war, Hava ye «'er heard of gallant Ilka young Lochinvar? —Sir Walter Scott. Red hands and red noaea are often caused by an unwise diet and by ths use of Impure soap* Tight clothing LaSr and Coedeetor. to another cause. Wear your belts and ”G!r« me a transfer, conductor.'* collars very loose. Keep your hands aald a ml Id-look Ing woman on a Madi­ out of hot water as much as possible. son avenue car. Eat lean meat* fruits and vegetables "Why didn't you ask for It before?" and avoid all pMtrle* salad* greasy growled the conductor. foods and strong coffee. “I forgot to.” “And now you want me to forget th* Immediate Concern«. “So you have dtemlssed your for­ mice of the company and give yoa one?" tune teller?" “Ain't he fresh?'' commented a young “Ye*"’answered the Cxar. "Have you ceased to worry aboat the girl who was wearing one of those wide-brimmed bats which begin on tb* future?" "I’m so busy dodging ths present apex of the pompadour and end some­ that I don’t have time to think about where near tbe small of tbe back. "They're all fresh and nobody sav» th« future.’»—Washington Star. anything to them. But I beard a lady A Sier oe a Great State. the other day giving a conductor rat* It is told of the Right Rev. Daniel She called him everything six could R. Tuttle, D. D„ LL. D., who had been think of. and she kept It up for half attending an Important conference at an hour. I wan glad to hear her. for Ixmbeth palace. London, that during ladle« don't often tell a conductor Just a very formal function be und hto wife wbat he I* Some of them don't hav* were loudly announced aa "the bishop the language. Bnt this lady had It all of Misery and Mr* Tuttls!"—Harper's right Pa's a longshoreman, but I never Weekly. beard him do better."—Chicago Inter HeeS e*4 Feet. Ocean. “Mtoe Gldday," remarked Mr. Walt* Race Setet4**a Foe. “Is a splendid dancer; so light on her Prof. L. C- Marshall, of the Ohio •set" Wesleyan University, who attribute« "Think ao?" said Mr. Grouch. race suicide to exceaxlve Immigration, "Oh. y«a; light In tbs extram*" said on this subject recently: “Huh! unfortunately six's just aa "But In the summer time the effect of light In the other extrema'—Philadel­ Immigration to largely offset by the va­ phia Prea* cation's effect Nothing encourage* The Way te Keep Feeteg. “You must read a greet many books The murder of a family In a lonely country tn Hungary has had a re­ tn keep so well acquainted with cur­ markable sequel. Gyi«lee are suspect­ rent publication*'’ "No." jnrwrrri Miss Oaysnne. “I ed, and every trltx and caravan In ttie province surrounding Budapest has don't take time to read boo** It would been placed under arrest ou muqik-lon. Intsrfore with the constant etudy of tbe It Iw believed the government will advertisements that te necessary to keep utilise rhe occaalon for stamping out really Informed.”—Washington Star. nomadism In Hungary. Tie» Blalsxp of Victoria, at llong kong, who Is apixallng for help, baa a diocese In Southern China nearly aa CVIonel Clowry, prtxldent of tbe large aa half of Europe. Western Union Telegraph Oompany, en­ Members of the church defense com­ tered the ownpany'a offlee at Joliet, IIL, mutes of England are pledged to make ftfty-flve years ago and offered to work church and eehixil the foremost con­ six months aa a metwengvr without pay sideration In voting at election* If bs were allowed to team telegraphy. Many French vineyards ars likely to At ths and of that tiros he was an ex­ bs turned Into roae garden* Ths per- pert operator and was given an offles ftxms factories pay «1100 per klkignuume at Ixwkport He won hto military tlt> for pure essence of rosea, ami the ds- tn tbs civil war. rnanil la greater than the supply. New Deaeltloe of Me wsy, Ths production of oleomargarine In "Willis Green." said the tsaebsr, the year ended June 80 roae to M,(MR,- “you may dsflns the word memory." 8B0 pound* an lm-rsaes of 1B.MX191 "Memory," aald Will I* "to what ws pounds over 1MM. Ths government de­ forget with."- Philadelphia Record. rived an inonxne of from its tax on ths srtb-le. When people are la trouble about all «là Itauorite» Might la Ht« Ltae. “I’m surprised that yon should be so Intereeted In watching silly dudes." "Force of habit. I guess. I'm presi­ dent of a real estate Improvement com­ pany” "Wslir "Wall, they're a vacant lot"—Phila­ delphia Brees. ?fBetter O®. "I suppoas you never had anything to worry you before you were mar­ ried "Ob, yes; I was always worried for fear I would gst marrisd."—Hosston Post r marring* of the good, honest fruitful sort like a summer vacation at the sea­ shore or on the mountaintops Th* other day I met a former student of mln* a prosperous young business man. He looked brown and flt “ 'Hello,* I said. ’You are tbe picture of health.’ “ 'Ye*' said be. T am Just back from my vacation. I gained 115 pound*’ “'Nonsense.' I cried. “I don't heller* It’ ••’Don’t you?’ said he, 'Well, here It comes now. any way. Walt a till nut* and I’ll Introduce you.’ ” J«e< Talk. "Ye*" said Dr. Youngman, "I've got my degree of M. D. now, but I'm no wealthier. All I’ve got to my title.” “Well," replied Joakley, "all young doctors get their title« by degree* hut they mast have patients before they be­ come wealthy."—Philadelphia Ledger. Ths average town Is nersr as oneat- tefav?'"« as when providing entertain* meat for a hwfsr. Marrtsgs Isn't aHrays • fsltare;- «• _ thsrs Is usually * fighting ehanc*. Better make excuse: *k*n throw th*