NEWS OF THE WEEK PACKAGES IN RURAL MAIL. ISSUES PROCLAMATION Postmaster General to Maks Recom­ mendations in Report. President Set- Apart November 2H as Da« of Thanksgiving. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST OREGON BANKS QUIT HIS MEMORY HEERESHED. Gallagher Confirms Confession and bars Rust Especiad Immunity. Phila-lelphia, Pa., Go*. 29.—Poet- Washington, Det. 28.—The presi­ Han FraiM'isee, Oct, 2ft.— Whan the master General von L. Meyer, at a din­ dent's annual Thanksgiving proclama­ Fold briliery tlisl as« resumed yester­ ner st the Union laague club last tion, iaaued Saturday, «electing I'liura- GOVERNOR AIDS. O. R. th N. REPORTS. day the enw examination of sa-Nu|ier night, made an address in which he day, November 98. for the people to as­ called attention to recommendations visor James I. Gallagher waa contin­ semble to pray that they may Iw given which he purposes making in his an­ Chamberlain Notitiss War D.partm^nt Net Income of Road Nearly Six Mil­ strength so to order their Ilves aa to de­ ued by Fari Rogers, lor th« defense, nual report for the consideratioo of the of Act of LagHslatur*. lion«—Accidents of September. serve a continuation of the manifold who laid stiess on the meetings of the next congtees. On the question of par­ Salem—Governor Chamberlain has Salem—The O. K. A N. has filed ito bleaaing» of the past year, triumphant­ witness with Rudolph Spreckels at the cels post he «aid: diclarv« that nowhere in the world ly sent letters to the secretary of war at report. It show« the following Total “I shall itxxrmuiend the same rate. Washington. D. C., saying I'residio when the promise« of Immun­ I cost of construction »nd equipment to is then* such an opportunity for a fi<'« k 12 cent» • pound, and the same limit ity were alleged to liave Irceli made. "The legislature of thia stat* at its June 30. 1907, *54,523,984.2;* cost ;wr people to develop to the fullest extent A Resuma of the Laaa Important but of weight fivr parcels, whethei intended last session pxwed a bill appropriating all power« of body, mind and rharneter. ” *............. * Gallagher «aid he understood that Rurf lor point* in tills country or abrvwd. *300.000 to be paid to the United mile. *<521,3M.tl3; groas earnings from '‘During the |«at year we have bevti Action of Portland Clearing Hous» Not Less Interesting Events *12,942.- • l«o could have Immunity It he would which means a redaction of four cents State* for th* puri-*»' of assisting the operation the past year, Nscsss fated by Halusal ol Eastern fiee from famine, from pestilence, from of the Pa«t Weak. testify. Mr. Ileney protested at at a pound and increase in the maximum United State* in x-quiring by eondeti- S15.49; operating expense«, *6.999,- war," it declares. "Our natural re ­ S21 56; immune from operation, *ft,- Banks to Honor Balances. tempts of Mt. Roger» tu contuse the weight to eleven pounds.” nation or eonstruetioh of a Ixwt ronal 972.61ft 93, iiicorue from other source«, source« are at l<«at a« great as thox> of witness by testing his memory, lull Taking up the rural parcels post ques­ and locks around the falls of the Wil­ »1.204,363.13; total income, »7,177,- any nation. Much ha« been given ua Judge lawli-r allowed the examination Kansas hanks remain open but pay tion he said: from on high and much will rightly lie lamette river at Oregon City, Oregon. ‘ 356.25; deduetioon, rents, taxes, _____ in- Salem, Or., LVl. 29.—«By order of a to proceed. "I shall rocommend a parcels poet all demands by check. The present and only canal and hx'is tercet, etc., *1,383.572.04. net income, expected ol us in return. Into our cure Al the afternoon session, Mr. Ileney, lamation beued late last night hy system on the rural delivery route«, a around these falls is owned by a pri­ Hie 10 latent* have been entrusted, and The Western Union has opened a ¡*5,793.784.90; dividend 4 per eent on Governor Chaml>ct lain, Oregon Itanka while re-liiertly evaiiiliiing Gallagher, special rate to be charged on pa< kages number of ita branch officers in Chi­ for delivery from the distributing offices vate corporation which ha* the power preferred stack, *440,000; surplus for we are to bo paidoned neither if «. will enjoy five biunnww holidays, in esilisi to the counsel lab1« Mu» Ella squander and waste them, nor yet if we and doe* impose a tax of 51' cent* per cago. which interim it is expected that the I'olilot, the grand jury's st«nographsr, of the rural route, or if mailed by a ton on every ton of freight that paws the veatj »535,3784 20; total surplus tide them in a napkin entry general balance sheet, »28,930,- Oklahoma has proclaimed a public patron of any rural route for delivery "Wo ahould mineetly pray that the situation in the Kant will I mvoiuv more and from her procured the «horlhand from the upper to the lower river or 4tM>.03. clarified and the coast tank* will I m * note« ol Gallsghei's confession to holiday that runs on banks may tw pre­ to a pation on the rame route er at the from the lower to the upper river. Thia The following 1« a summary of the •pint of righteoiiauees may grow great­ enabled to e«vur** thv cash balances due Messrs. Hpreckels, Ileney and l«ngdon, vent*!. distributing office of said tout*. The tax aa the atate grows la an annually er in the heart» ol all and that our souls results of accidents within the stat« for them from New York. inaile III the latter's spsrtnieiito. and In A tight money market has suspended rate would lie five cent* for the first incieasing burden and the people for a the month of September prepared by may be inclined even more toward the This action was taken at the instance ounsidsratlon of which the witness work on the new Dupont Powder wotks pound and two cents for each additional number of year« past have been stren­ the railroad eonimisaion from the re- virtues that tell ol genttenees, for lov­ pound, up to eleven pounds. This uously demanding government owner- ing kindlie«» and torelwararice one Willi of thv Portland ch'aring hou»e commit­ game-1 his immunity o nlract. Galls- at Tscoma. would be a great b«xxi fol the farmers.” «hip and control of the locks at the i )'ort* of the various line«: Collisions another for without these qualities tee, which »net lant evening to talk over gher Identified his signsliirs to tlisss Secretary Taft lias had another close Regarding poetal savings banka, the fill, of the Willamette to the end tie of passenger trains, 1; freight trains, neither nation nor individual can rive thv situation with Governor t'hamhvr- notes. estimated damage to property of the call in the Philippines. This time an postmaster general said: The prosecution csll<--l ei Supervisor lain. The bankers arrived in the city to the level of greatness." river may be opened to ftee navigation automobile ran away with him. by special rar. John J. Furey, now a rsl-sin kee|*er "As an evidence that it is not the de­ Ita entire length. The delegation from railroad companies. *5,150; ktlltvi pas­ sengers, none, trainmen, none, other Briefly stated, tbe situation a* de­ The offer of his testimony market Ilia fixes sailing date . Many Seattle people condemn the sire of the government to compute with Oregon to the congrvea of the United employee, ft, other perrons, 2 ; injured scribed to thv governor is that Oregon eoiiiiiieiieeinelit of liitrialm'lloti of "svi- mayor for asking Federal aid in pre­ ’he private savings banks m obtaining State« intend to bring thia matter to passenger», none, trainmen, 3, other lianke have heavy de|Mwnts of ua»h in deiu*e of similar offenses," the coutil deposits of the people, I shall advocate the attention of congress and urge upon venting a spread of bubonic plague. Total, All Plans Complsts tor Flea! to Sail thv Kawt Mini thv Eastern l from Abe Ruel through Galla­ My own taking the liberty of encloeing you aged. Astoria—The announcement rvcent- definitely settled that the Atlantic fleet by dr|MN>iii in upon Portland tanks, gher for Ina vote in lavor ol tbs United twlief ie that far from its being a detri­ herewith a copy of the act of the Ore­ Hehevii g that in one week they can Railroads trolley franehises. The national president of the W. C. ment to the established banks, it would gon legislature beariug upon the aubect ly nixie at the annual meeting of the will leave Hampton Riarda un Itocenilier Union Px-idc at Salt l«ke that the 16 for ita cruise to the l'acide coast, effect a **atl»facb ry arrangement with Now. in in order that your department may lie I T. U. predict* that prohibition will be in the end an advantage. company had puivh.aed water frontage This annoiinei-ment followed a confer- county tank»» and also arrat gv for thv rule throughout the South within five order to get this money tuck into the fully advised in the premise«." and terminals here is now supplement­ ence held at the White House, to fdupmvnt of money duv them from thv IMPORTANT WATERWAY OPEN channels of trade. I purpose to ask con­ years. ed by authentic inL’rmation that the which the president summoned Secre- Ea>t» thv bankN A*kvd (hat thv remain­ gress for authority to place the savings Feed Cattle at Klamath. Conditions have greatly improved in I Hill interesta have not l>een idle. A. taty Metialf, Rear Admiral Evans, who der of this week ta made a Irgnl holt- First Link of Dssp Water Channel in the National banks.” New York, bat throughout the Middle Klamath Falls—Within the last 10 B. Hammond, who p.n» large trait, of will command the fleet on its cruise to day. November 2, the la At day men from Lsk«e to Gulf. Weet there is a stringency amounting days there have beeu brought in over water frontage between Warrenton and the Pacific, and Rear Admiral Biown- tioiHHi Iti thv proclamation, ia Satur- Stelling, III., Gel. 2A —A distinct 9,000 head of beef cattle, which will be almost to a panic. DEVELOPS A NEW GRAPE. Fort Stevens, lias stated aa a positive •on, chief of the bureau of navigation day. M ornlay will therefore hr thv I and llii|H>rtsnt step In the nioveinriil to fed on the large feeding grounds bor­ fact that the Hill interests purchased of the Navy department The confer­ next tanking day. Taft is visiting the principal towns »retire a deep waterway from Ijike California Scientist Believes He Has dering Lost river, between Klamath 2,200 acre« in that vicinity at the time ence was called to continue more in de­ It is undvretood that the Portland Michigan to tiie tiulf of Melico ww of the Philippine«. Fallsand Met rill. The largest buyers Precident Hill vi.ited in the vicinity. tail the cabinet meeting discussion ol tanker» sent telegrams to all tanks in taken yester-lay with the -qs-iilng to Variety Surpossing the Tokay. Rumor again has It that Harriman of alfalfa bay this year have been C. Stockton. 0*1., Oct. 29 —An entirely Swanston A Co., of Sacramento, Lcuis The property include« 1,800 aertw naval affaiia. The discussion related thv state notifying them of thv hum- nav igation ot the Illinois and Missis­ is to be deposed as king of th* rail­ new kind of grape is being developed at Gerlier of thie place, and the Oakland owned by the Flavel l*nd company, a« particularly to <1-tails of the Atlantic nine of thv pnelamati«»n. Th«« pur|»o*v sippi canal, which baa I hvii completed roads. well aa the personal holdings of Ham­ fleet's cruise to the Pacific. i a to prevent cal Is for money from after 30 )<«is of work. The ln>|x>rtancs the government experimental station Meat company. They have bought mond. The purvliMM* price ie «aid to A man has just been arrested in Eng­ near Lodi. and Professor H. C. llus- It ie underst-xxl that matter« were in country tank», Induce them to cl«ev for of I lie event was evidenced l>y the at­ average over 6.000 tons and paid on an be »800,000. land who threatened to kill King Ed­ mann is of the opinion that it will re­ such «hape that the preaident was thor­ the wo’k and bring them together in an tendance of Governor I>eneen and many »6 50 a ton. The cattle drive for the ward. oughly informed on all important items arrangement that will natlsfy demand» ether notables at the opening cervino- sult in a grape that will excel the season will ptolstbly be nearly 20,000 in the itinerary. Admiral Evans, who tafore next Monday. lhat Portland ulva. The work of oonatiucting thv Much Fall Grain in Linn. Governor Vania man, of Mississippi, famous Flame Tokay, which has given head. Albany—With ideal seeding condi­ lias been eoi fined to hia apartments on tank» art« solvent and in fact were nev­ canal, which wa« formerly known aa •aye Bryan will be elected our next Lodi so much fame. The new variety tions for the past few weeksj Linn account of an indisposition, looke-l ami er in letter (Condition than they are the Hennepin canal, was i-oiiunvmed Polk's Prune Crop. president. is somewhat similar to the Tokay in county farmers have been planting declared himself to be much improved today, w am AASvit<«tl hy thv tanker« wh<> many years ago. In law coiign-as sp- texture and tolor. but is impervious to Dallas — From information given by There has been s marked slump in The bureau of insular waited ii|H>n thv governor. propriatmi money to -arre on the wotk hundreds cf acres in fall grain. From in health. the consumption of liquors in Kansas the rain, is much firmer and can be prune growers in Polk county it is esti­ present indications the acreage of fall affairs Inday rtvelved a cablegam from Governor Chamberlain at first doubt­ and altogether the appropriai luna have shipped longer distances w ithout dam­ mated that the pt une crop this year will the past year. age. It spears to be a cross between a aggregate 1,675,090 pounds, or a gam grain this year will far exceed that Governor General Smith, of the Philip­ ed the wisdom of thv action rtM|Uveted amounted to about *H,UOO,OIM). The mam line ol the canal. 75 mile« Seattle has appealed to Governot Tokay and Farerra and is of an im­ of 625,000 pounds over the crop of 1906. planted last fall. This is due to the pine«. asking that the Atlantic fleet l>e by thv Portland tankers, but when thr Mead for funds with which to fight the proved flavor. If properly developed it Most of the growers have dis|een good weather for work. am vol in Pacific waters by that time in the West, Mr. Chamberlain readily long, extends from Rink river at tins eirike at Yonkers, N. Y. complied. |e>int to the main line near Sheffield out about 30 varieties of grapes, five portion of the prune crop of Polk coun­ Kain is beginning to be needed now, precludes this. Mr. Metcalf stated that the quration Letters of the late Queen Victoria different kinds of each variety, for ex­ ty ie grown and dried in the immediate however. and I» of th.- same gvtieral dimensions SAYS IT IS ON THt BOOKS of allowing newspaper cofTeapondenta na ttie main line. coverirg 24 years of her life have just perimental purposes. Already 130 va­ vicinity of Italian, the town being sur­ to accompany the fleet wa« discussed The -vinal is 5.’ feet wide at the bot­ been published in book form. Big Lumber Company Admitted. rieties of grapes are being grown at the rounded on all sides by orvhanls, large in Ford Trial T*,t>fi.* That tom, so h-vt at the water line, ami has Salem—The Miami Lumber company and the conclusion reached not to allow The Pettibone trial for complicity in station, and it is believed that the and small. Bribe Mona, I. Entered. a minimum depth of seven fea*. There of San Francisco I .as filed papeis with newepafwr men sl>-«rd, buttliat officers the murder of ex-Governor Steunenberg vineyard will receive great benefits San Francisco, Oct. 29.—Sia-h rapid are 32 l-x-lia on thv main line and one the secretary of state for permission to of the fleet would be designated to send Surveyor* Cross Cascades. has been postponed until November 18. from the experiments being made at This la a such new« as might be thought desir­ progrea« «a« made yesterday by the <>n the feeder. Water is to be forced the station. Additional apparatus is to Albany—The surveying party of the do business in this state. The North Bank railroad from Pasco be installed at the plant in the way of prosecution In the Ford bribery trial -town the canal by a great dam, one- »500,000 concern. The Oregon agent able to make public. Eastern that has been to Vancouver, Wash., will be in opera­ thermometers and records of tempera­ Corvallis A ______ tliat II thr defense, adopting It. proced­ fourth of a mile long, li«-at<«i al tills ______________ ____ is W. L. Ducy, of Hobeonville, Tilla- TWO-CENT FARE PROFITABLE tion by January 1, and the bridges tures will be made so as to make com- working eastward from Detroit iaa ure In the former trial, decline, to put point. At one end ol tlie dam are 31 They have made arrange- 1 mook county. The lavoee Car-i Book in any evidence, the case should lie In sluiceways, which will be used lor elec­ ecro*a the Columbia and Willamette by parisons with grape growing points in come out. 7 company, to have ita place of business mente to croea thi mountain« by the the middle of the summer. France, Spain, Italy and South Africa. old Willamette Valley A Mountain at Portland, was also incorporated with Two Roads in Missouri Make Money the hands of the jury within the week trical |«iwet development. Twelve witmsres were rxamitml, all Under Naw Law A few more small banks In New York wagon road, commonly known aa the a capital stock of *50,000. The incor- p- rators are TA W. Thomas. C. H. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 28.—Having bftt the last one of whom «ere rondini- have cloeed, but the big ones stand DEATH IN EARTHQUAKE. old military road, and take up the work IMPROVE MARE ISLAND. G*>tg« Wilcutt, seotetary found the two-cent fare profitable, two cl with. film. on the opposite side of the mountains Thomas and W. B. Palmer. and controller of the Unite! Railrimds, of the rallroxls operating in Missouri Five Hundred Parish In Italian Trsm- There have been 48 cases of bobonic Works of Extension Planned to Cost eastwardetoward Prineville,. It is the have -d—to the iincoiK'eale.l .arprix- Record Price in Barley. plan to make a complete survey from blor at Calabria. ami manifest diatrust of the prosecu­ p'ague at San Francisco which proved Several Million Dollars. other month'« trial. the eastern terminus of the road, at Weeton—A record price of *25 per fatal. tion—that the !««>«• of the .1 reel een paid for barley at corporation do carry an entries the An armed man held np a freight ative Joseph R. Know land visited Mare Eastern Oregon country. j Weaton, where a great deal of this of Missouri, said this morning that he *290,000 with which Fordand Ruel are resulted from the rartlnputke sh-s-ks train near Loe Angelas and robbed the Island navy yard today and had an ex­ cereal is grown, and where the a- reage had information from a reliable source alleged to have bribed lh« super visor r« that -«-currtsl throughout Calabria yes­ train crew. lie annually in-reaaing. This was that two of the railroads operating in to [airs the trollev franchise. The wit terday. At first it was tlioi.glit lew Portrait of First Pres dent. tended conference with Commandant ' |>aid by 8. A. Barns, of the Pacific Missouri had found the 2-eent fare to m«a was directed to produce the corpor­ pt-ranna had perished, but later re,« rts Phelps and Civil Engineer Rockwell. University of Oregon, Eugene — The The Commercial Telegraphers' union mid to the mortality liat. Coast Elevator company, who purchas ­ lie protittable. ha* decided to ask terms of the tele­ Plane and estimates were given Know- announcement has been made that the ation’s journal and ledger. At fl o'c « ‘ ls ed 18,000 bushels from five Weeton land for the improvements desired at university will soon be presented with graph companies. Issile» li».I been taken from the earth­ say the 2 cent rate has proved profit ’ growers who formed a pool. Mare Island, which call fcr the expend­ a portrait of President Johnson, the Prison Official Killed. quake ruins. It is now estimated that able, while others take a different view The Vancouver, B. C., city council iture of eeveral million dollars to make first president. The Alumni associa­ St. Petersburg, Oct. 29.—General thv deaths will surpaas BOO, but It la of it." Mid Mr. Hxll.v. has appealed to the government to ex­ this station the finest naval establish­ tion and Rev. Her tie rt Johnson, eon of New Asylum Superintendent. "The fact that the railroads can't Ma xnnoff-ky, dirfctor <>f tbe drpatt* im|M*»ible to gi t a-xturate information clude all Asiatic*. Salem—In accordance with an un- ment in the world. The epur dikes, President Johnson, will make the gift, agree on the propo-ition caused them ment of prison* of the ministry of the on thv subject, ns many villagra are derstanding. which lias existed for which were designed by H. H. Koseeau, which will be valued at *509. R. Le- The Japanese at Vancouver, B. C., to decide to give it another month's interior, was shot nnonNlble airiictlon of roads and telegraph lines, state insane arylum have elected Dr. R. been engaged to make the portrait. Mr. and have proved such a success in deep ­ ages sustained during the riot*. shall not take any further steps in the official con nett ««<1 with the R nasi an and no word from them can Iw had. ening the channel to the yard, will be Goodwin ie a portrait painter of con­ E. L. Steiner to succeed Dr. J. F. Cal- The earthquake shacks continue, but matter unless the railroad« makes prison. A young woman who han not There are rumors that the Ute In­ breath aa superintendent of that insti ­ greatly extended at a cost of eeveral siderable renown dians on the Cheyenne river reserva­ move. I shall be satisfied if they de­ tieen identified, presented her«» If at they are alight. The |HX>ple are still tution. hundred thousand dollars. The stone tion are about ready for an outbreak. cide to continue the 2-cent rate indefi­ the weekly reception of General Max- In a oondltion of apprehension, which Big Timber Deal in Clatsop. quay wall, to which vessels under re­ imoffHky and remainel by each tremor. In spite nitely.'* PORTLAND MARKETS. Representative Burton ie likely to re­ pair are tied, will also be extended Astoria—A deed has been filed for crowded anteroom until it was her turn of the torrential rain that Is falling, main chairman of the rivers and har­ about a mile southward toward the record here whereby J. L. Washburn, to enter the gemml's private office. they alisolutely rrfuse to remain under Senator Owsn for Suffrage. bors committee during the next session magazine. At present the quay wall ie of St. Louis, sells a tract of 4,715 Wheat—Club, 87c; blueetem, 89c; Muskogee, I. T., Oct. 28.—The xL When she wha in his presence the cover. of congress. so crowded that many of the ships acres of timber land lecated on Upper valley, 87c; red, 85c. vocatea of women suffrage will find a woman fired »even shots. Oats—No. 1 white, *29.50; gray, powerful ally in Ro0rt L. Owen, sen­ Dsfinss Immigration Law. Thirty-three suits against the South­ have to lie in midstream or at a point Young b river, about six miles from Olney, to the Youngs’ River company, *29.50. Chartas Deere, Plowman ern Pacific have been filed at tbe re­ below the lighthouse. ator elect from Oklahoma Uenalor Washington, ikd. 2ft. — Attorney Gen­ a Minnesota corporation. The consid­ Barley—Feed, *28.60 per ton; brew­ Owen has long held strong idea« rela­ quest of the attorney general for viola- Chicago, Oct. 29.—Charles II. Deere, eral Bonaparte has made the fidlow­ eration named ie *50,000. The tract ing. (30; rolled, *30(^31. Georgia Negro Lynched. t on of the 28-hour law. tive to the rights of women to the bal­ of Moline, head of the great plow and ing rilling Any atate may pay the ie heavily timbered and the price ie un ­ Corn — Who'e, *32; cracked, »33. Macon, G*., Oct. 29.—Passengers cn lot. I*st fall when the constitutional implement company founded by Ins |M«s»ge of ns many immigrant« as It Kansas City is working for tbe Re­ derstood to have been considerably in Hay — Valley, timothy, No. 1, *17f«, the Central Georgia train coming from convention was in session in Guthrie, father. John Deere, died at the lakots chooses as an inducement to them to publican national convention. 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, he openly espouse.1 the cause and aa hotel in t tow city alter a lengthy illness settle within the lairdrie of the state. Byron, Gs., brought an account of the excess of the amount named. *23; clover, *13; cheat, *13; grain More than 20 person* were injured lynching of a negro named John Wilkes sisterl in every way he could to get a He was immensely wealthy and a great It may show the immigrant whom it Umatilla Dams Kill Salmon. hay, *13^14; alfalfa, «13^14. n a street car collision at Chicago. at that place last night. The Degro favorable clause in the constitution. power in hia home city and commun­ w isbrw to aid w’tli passage money all Pendleton—One hundred and fifty Fruits—Apples, *16q2.50 per box; ColonelSOwen Is also a "white rlhbon- ity. The little business founded by Ins prill toil matter setting forth the re­ It ie said Roosevelt will try for robbed two small boys of 75 cents. resident* of Pendleton have signed a cantaloupes, »1 <31.50 per crate, Platt's seat in tbe senate if a president When Marshal Johnson made an effort petition to the state game warden pro­ peaches, 60c3»l per crate; water­ er,” and never touches liquor in any father has grown to vast proportions, source« of the state and ita wealth in to arrest him the negro attempted to test ing against the darns in the Uma­ with branches in Ht. 1/iui«, Dallas, timber, mines and farms. 'Die only form. to his liking ie elected. shoot the officer. Quick work prevent­ tilla river and the dam of the Maxwell melons, lc per pound; ;>earB, *l(g)l.75 New Orleans, Kansas City, Denver, thing the atate must not do is to make per box; grapes, 75cfi^»l.<5 per crate; There have been four deaths in Se­ ed this. At a late hour unknown per­ Omaha, Portland, Indianapolis, San a specific proml.e of employment to the Talk on Trust Problem. Land A Irrigation company in particu­ casalia, »2.25 perdosen; quince*, *1C<«> attle in which the symptoms were very sons dragged the prisoner from the jail He WHS pr<-fi§»l per dozen; celery, the railroad ha* commenced. When it The trane-Atlantic liner Luaitania time for the man with a little money combination when properly regulated. the Oregon A California (Southern Pa­ made by the $100,000,000 corporation has crossed from New York to Queens­ to invest it in good securities. Tne ie finished there will have been eeveral 50cO »1 per dozen; corn, H5cfi»,*l per The opinion of several who «poke fa­ cific) railroad grant In this stale In a in the government Rilit to dbflolve it. sack; cucumbers, *1 per sack; onions, thousand head of rattle ehipped from town in 4 days, 22 hours and 45 min­ opportunity ie fleeting and I doubt if it vored national control as oppmed to few days, when he will submit hia re- It wan Ilia conception of the defenim utes. will ever knock at hie door again." lake county, bringing into the county 15(a;20c per doxen; parsley, 20c per state regulation. National regulation |«»rt to United States Attorney General that caiiHe 1 the Standard to employ dozen; fieppers, 8fi*17c per pound; So said Edward H. Harriman last approximately *250,000. The unusu­ was heartily supported l>y Isaac N. Se­ Bonaparte. Mr. Townsend will not him at the un precedent« d »alary which pumpkins, per pound; rad ­ A big prairie fire lias swept the Sioux evening to a reporter who asked him to ally high prices paid for beef cattle ligman, of New York. Seth Izrw, of discuss the result of hie investigation, began la»t apnng. Estimating Roecn- Indian reservation Dear Valentine, express an opinion on the financial sit­ thia year has caused an increase in the ishes, 20c per dozen; spinach, fle per which has co vere-1 several months and thal’a Hidmy to represent a return of 0 New York, also favored that plan. pound; squash, Hk)l per |x>iin>l;to- Neb. uation and the outlook. "It would be number sold. has included a carolili research of all percent in property value, hi« friend* toniaos, 25firi50c per box Indicted for Grafting. the records ami dis iinx'iita pertaining here figure that the actual market value Mill Makes Good Run. The Alton and Burlington roads in­ selfish of me,” said the financier, "to Onions — »2 0002.25 per sack. « f nia brain exceed* $0,000,000. Elgin—The moet suee***fu) run made Indianapolis, Oct. 2ft.—The Marion to the grant and its terms. tend to cut the passenger schedule from remain silent at this time, if any word Fotafi*«—Deliver*! Portland, 8Oc0 Chicago to Kansas City and Denver. from me would tend to aid in clearing by any sawmill in the history of Elgin *1 per hnndred; sweet potatoes, 2jak- the Cheyenne river agency repirt that delegation from Nome to the number of Men Going Back to the Keys. police clashed again in San Francisco cut 4,300,000 feet of lumber. Thie is Veal—75 to 125 pound*. 85’ft^c; cr of the Indiana house of representa­ troops are now marching toward the 50 arrived yesterday and will go to the with the result that a conductor was Birmingham, Ala., Oct. 29.—It was cooaiderxi exceptional for a small mill, tives. George W. Baxter, cashier of Ute camp and expect to reach it to­ Republ.can convention at Juneau next 125 to 150, 7 ‘4 c : 150 to 200, 807c. shot and an officer beaten and three announced last night that a large ma­ and averaged about 31,640 feet per day. Pork—Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 8fi>- the company, was indicted also. The night or tomorrow. The Utes are well month Indorsing home rule for Alaska arrets made. jority of the telegrapheis who have been company has contracts with the city of armed and Hay they will light if any and for the immediate removal of Gov­ cn strike in Birmingham since August Mother»' Congress Del.gate Wanted. 8XC> juckers, 7)k08c. With the Fairlianka The panic in the East occasioned by 11 will resume work today. They will Poultry — Average old hens, 12% streets. Harry Bronaugh, agent of the their children to school or to work. A delegation headed by Judge Wicker­ Wall street operations is about over. the governor ’ s office asking him to ap ­ go back to both the Western Union and sprcisl from Sturgis, H. I)., where Fort sham ami delegations from Juneau, company, has been brought back. point a delegate to represent the state 12'Ac; spring chickens, 12012’^c; old Meade is located, ssys that late reports Skagway, Reward and Valdes opposed Chicago clubs have started a war Poetal companies under practically the roosters, 809c; dressed chickens, 13r«( same conditions they were working un­ at tbe Mothers’ congress to lie held at Indicate that the Sioux Indian police to the present governor It looks bad for against tipping. Considera Suez Route. 14c; turkeys, live, o ’ d, 16c; young, der when called out. Local managers Washington, D. C., next March. Pres­ lloggalt. Rome, Oct. 2ft.—The United Statin already have the Ute« tinder control. Ex-President Small is continuing his of the companies state that the men ident Roosevelt is named as one of the lftc; gfteee, live, 9010c; duck«, 14c; contuls at Naples, Palermo and Minai. pigeons, *101.50; squabs, *203. fight and may split the telegraphers* will be re-employed as individuals as directors of the congress. Buys Bar Gold In London. Five Drowned In Alaska. Figgs—Fre«h ranch, candled, 27)^0 na have received instructions from onion. they apply. Bort Will Paint Asylum. Izrndon, Oct. 29.—The United States Washington to ascertain what amount Heattie, Oct. 25.—Five men were 30c per dozen. Salem—The contract for painting the Hope—1907, 75{01Oc per pound; of coal and provisions the three cities secured all the bar gold offered trslsy drowned at fiatalla, Alaska, Sunday, In a speech at Nashville, Roosevelt Increase Railway Rates. interior walls of the state insane asy­ olds, 4(35c. can supply on short notice. The In­ in the market, totaling nearly *5,009,- October 13, according to Information declard he would not ctxnge hie policy Mexico City, Oct. 2».—It was au­ lum has been awarded to Charles Bort, Woo)—Eastern Oregon average best, quiry is believed here to imply that the 000. The price paid was *19.150. This brought to this city yesterday by the on account of Wall atreet. thoritatively stated today that a gene­ of Salem, at *3,388. Tbe contract for 16022c per pound, according to shrink­ United State* Navy department contem­ is cents higher tlian previous quo­ steamer Haratoga. The dead are J. The fight between Harriman and ral increase in the railway rates ol the supplying the paint was at the same age; valley, 20022c, according to fine- plate« sending part of the Atlantic bat­ tations, indicating the keenness of the Higgins, Meet tie; H. Hendrickson, Port Fish for control of the Illinois Central country would go into effect in the time awarded to Fisher, Thorsen A Co., nees; mohair, choice, 29030c per tleship squadron to the Pacific by way competition. Both Paris and London Blakeley; Edwin Oleon, Arthur Wil­ near future. of Portland. ■say be settled out of court. bid against the United Htatea. of the Hues canal. liams and Tony da Pasquale. pound. In a Condensed Form tor Our ' Busy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS Want Time Io Get Money Due from the East. GOVERNOR ISSUES PROCLAMATION