Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, October 18, 1907, Image 2

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Indans, Scans
and Wreckage.
Schedule nt Stupa Mapped Out fur
Trip tu th« Pactic.
Washington, tK’t. 16—According to
Fontanet, Ind., Oct. 16.— By the ex-
the itinerary, th* sproial service squad­
I plosion of the DapOSt powder works
ron will pnxecl direct to Trinidad. A
yesterday between 25 and 50 persons
stop of four days will lie made at that
were killed, 600 injured, and Fontanet,
a city of 1,000 people, was wipad cut. Many Sales Of Rogue River Valley Blue Mountain Reserve to Have 7 Par poet, when the squadron will aail lur
Where stood a thriving and busy town
Riu Janeiro, where It ie due November
Cent Lees Hhesp.
there is ruin and scattered wreckage
*. A stop ol seven .lays will tw made
The dead and more seriously injured
have been taken away. Five hundred Rogue river valley oteliard lands re- erations of the sheepmen's advisory al the Brazilian capital,after which the
inhabitants. all mote or lew wounded, .■ently as never la fore and numerous board with A. F. Potter, head of the Squadrou will proceed to Moutovldeo,
gtaaing department of the forestry bu- where it is due on the 13th proximo.
A Resume of th* Loss Important but remain to gather scattered household sales have been made in every portion
lean, he lias agreed to reduce the num­ Haven days will also be spent at that
goods and sleep under tents, guard«d by
Not Lea* Interesting Events
ot the valley at prices that a few yeais ber ot cheep allowed the eastern divi­
soldiers of the state?
port. The next stopping place will be
of the Past Week.
Without warning the powder mills, ago would have been counted fabulous, sion of the Blue mountain reserve to al Bunts Arenas, ue«r the entiamv to
seven in number, blew up at 9 15 yea- but which in reality are demonstrated the extent of 28,000. This means a the Magellan alraita. There tbe ves­
teday morning.
They employed 3tk’ to be only fair values wheu the returns reduction of over 7 i*r cent in the sels will remain thiee days Iwfore pro­
number allowed last summer.
No fur­
Emperor Francis Joseph's condition men, and of these 75 were at work iretn them and the possibilities ol tbe ther cut will be n<v-earary after next ceeding through the straits to Callao,
Peru, where they are •■hcdiiled to ar­
does not improve.
future are taken into consideration.
the press mill. In quick succession the Hundreds ot thousands of dollars ot spring, aa the range will be sufficient rive Dtoetuber 7. Oue week will be
Mulal Hatig's army ie marching en glazing mill, two corning mills and the
spent kt tliat port, In order to permit
Casa Blance «here an attack on French powder magazine blew up. followed by outside capital ate being poured into next summer. Mr. Potter announ rad ot viaita to Lidia, the Peruvian capital.
troops is to be made.
the cap mill. In the magazine, situ­ valley, in the purchase of bearing orch­
The last leg of the cruise will be from
aa last year, but that instead all should Callao to Magdalena lazy, wheie the
A passenger train left the rails at ated several hundred yards from the ards, as well as in the planting of new
tile applications for range with Henry vveels will engage iu target practice
Shrewsbury, England, killing 16 per- mill, were stored 4,000 kegs of powder. orchard». Inquiries for larger or small­ Ireland, supervisor of the division.
The concussion when it blew up was
and tuaiieuvere.
eons and injuring tnanv.
er tracts ol the highly prized real estate
felt 200 miles away. Every house in
This cruise tuarks the («.ginning of
President Small defiee the telegraph this town was destroyed. Farmhouses
Trails tor Reserve.
the extensive movement ol «ar«hi|w
operator's executive board to depose two miles away and schoolhouses states. Those who thought prices of
La Grande—Forester Schmitz, of the from the Atlantic Io the Pacific cast,
orchard lands had reached the top notch
him and promises a tight.
equally distant were torn to piwes and a year or two ago are still wondering Blue mountain reserve, announces that which movement will include a fleet of
Mitch of the old French machinery at 'heir ocupants injured. Indianapolis were it is going to stop, andp.<ople who it is the Intention of the forestry de­ 16 battleehlps commanded by Rear Ad­
partment to open 20 mile« ot trails miral Evan*, and a large flotilla ol tor­
the Panama .anai is being used which and even Cincinnati felt the shock. A sold too soon are sorry.
across the Blue mountains during the pedo boat*. All th« . esse Is will follow
passenger train on the Big Four rail­
had been thought entirely useless.
fall aud winter months. As a result of practically the course adopted (or the
way, four mil<w away, had every conch
■ A store has just been onearthed by window broken and several passengers
the work gvxxl «agon trails will be spewial service equadroti.
the grand jury at San Francisco that were injured by flying glass.
used by the inhabitants of tliat district
Ruel and Zimmer were to be kidnaped
Tbe mill went up with three distinct Cody Plant Will Cut 150.000 Fest of instead of the rough and in many in­
to prevent them giving testimony at explosions, followed 90 minutes later
Lumber Daily.
stances Impassable trails now being
the bribery trials.
by a fourth, even more serious than
Bandon The new Cody mill «awed used. The trails will lead to la Grande
ami other paints in the Grand Ronde First Philippine Congress All Head*
The floods in the vicinity of Barce­ tbe others, when the magaziue went
the first log of last month which marks valley. The government is offering
to Convene.
lona, Spain, continue to be most aeri- up. Immediately after the explosions
oua. Up to the present time five per­ the wreckage took tire and the inhab­ an epoch in the history of the sawmill *2.35 per day for laborers on this work.
Manila, Gc*. 15.—Great interest is
sons have been drowned and 30,000 itants of the town who rushed to the business on the Coquille river.
shown in the first Philippine cengre««,
rescue of the mill employee, found plant is ths largest in operation in Cooe
thrown out of work.
Success In Dry Farming.
which will meet this week, and the ar-
themselves powerless to aid those in county. The daily capacity, at present,
Clarence Mackay, of the Postal Tele­
graph company, porpoees to organise the burning ruins. They worked frant­ is 100,000 feet, and two re-saws and a success in dry farming in this county. rival of Secretary Taft, who come« at an
an asecviation among the men who ically, in constant danger from pa-ible pony band saw will be added, which They have received good crops of ler- opportune lime in the Inauguration ol
McKnighl Bros, the Philippine home rale.
stood by him for mutual help and ad­ succeeding explosions, unmindful of will give a capacity of 150,000 feet per ley, rye and wheat.
their ruined homes.
report they have over 100 tons of hay
justment of complaints.
Dead and dying were picked up and day.
from their dry ranch and will plant a
The plant is equipped with labor large acreage ot wheat this fall. The showing great activity and at the caucus
Mu la . afig has gained stength in collected.
Eighteen bodies horribly
Morocco and raided Maxagan.
burned and mangled were carried to a raving machinery and appliances, man operating the Gray ranch on Wil­ recently held the first brush occurred
over a motion to have the assembly
A Pennsylvania preacher advocates protected spot to await identification, among which are live rolls everywhere low creek reports a large yield ui wheat, pr-x'eeduig« opened with prayer. This
while the badly injured, numbering the lumber lias to be handled. The considering the year, by dry farming]
hanging for assailants of women.
upward of 50, were put on a special mill and grounds cover 35 acres and methods, and will plant a larger acre­ was defeated by one vole on the broad
The anti-swearers’ league at New train and taken to Terre Haute for hos­ .iave log booms accomuuxiating 15,-
age* next year. It is believed dry farm­ ground that church and state should be
York paraded and 14,000 members pital accommodations.
000,000 feet of timber. Already there ing will suoeeed ami a number of farm­ kept distinct.
ThecaiK'Uf was attended by 38 dr le­
turned out.
Scarcely one of the 1,000 inhabitants are 6,000,000 feet of timber readv for ers will try the experiment this fall.
gatee. The position of the assembly
There seems no chance for Seattle or of the town but carried blood on hands the mill and the various logging carnpe
on questions relating to the |«>lttical
Denver to capture the Republican na­ and face from his own wounds or those belonging to the ccmpsny along the
Beet Harvest Is On.
future ot the Philippines is ex|wcted
of people who had required aid. The river are placing more timber in the
tional convention.
La Grande—The La Grande Amalga­ to lw determined largely by the opin­
mills were located one mile south of river daily.
Popular subscriptions are being tak­ town. With the first explosion tbe
ions ex pressed by Secretary Taft In hla
the fall ran and will ba in operation address opening the session.
en in Sweden to raise funds to build a employee ran fo.- safety, but most of
This is
Medford's New Record.
challenger for the America's cup.
the view held by Filipinos aa well a«
them were killed or wounded by tbe
Medford—The first carload of Beurre superintendent has lord a crew of over
Nelson Morris, the packing house quickly following explosions in tbe Bose pearms ever shipped to New York 100 Jaj>e at work near here pulling Americana. The latter are generally in
man, left a fortune of 130,000,000. All other mills. When the heat from the from Oregon has sold there at auction, beets during the (suit few weeks. favor of a specific pronouncement in
burning mills exploded the giant pow- grossing (2,335, or an average on. all Nearly 100 Indians from the Umatilla Philippine policy. The course of legis­
but *75,000 is given to his family.
der magazines 90 minutes later, de­ sizes ot *4.10 per box. J. W. Perkins reservation near Pendleton are also at lative action will de|>end mainly on
Vincent St. John and other Federa­
stroying the town by the concuasion, is the grower. This ie the record price work in the fields. The crop ie large tbe result of the tight of the Gomes
tion men under arrest for murder at
many of those engaged in rescue work for fruit of this variety. Nearly every and ar least six weeks' work ie expec t­ Radicals tor continuance of the Nation­
Goldfield, Nev., have been released for
al party.
were badly injured and several killed. ear shipped from Medford this year has ed.
lack of evidence.
The Nationalists, when united, exer­
Fronts, roofs, sides and even founda­ broken existing records All pear re­
cise controlling intlnencr' but their in­
The telegraph companies claim that tions of many' buildings have been cords at all varieties now held by Med­
Exit Wells-Fargo Exprsss.
ternal divisions give the Progressive
men are now flocking to them in great blown to pieces. Great holes are torn ford growers having been wrested away
Astoria—W. E. Carpenter, traveling Inde|iendent« the baiauce of power.
numbers asking for their old places. in tbe ground, fences have vanished from California within the past two
In the West, however, ¡nearly every and household goods from the ruined years, up to which time California had auditor of the Wells-Fargo Express
union voted to stay out.
homes are in confused heaps of debris taken and held all pear records. Five company, has been engaged during the
past week in closing up the company 's
hundred acres of Beurre Bose pears affairs at the express offices along the
Australia has adopted a protective in all directions.
will come into bearing here next year. line of the Astoria A Columbia rivr r Count Okuma Believes Immigration
tariff against Great Britain.
tbe Bwitch leading to the mills was
Rtailrosui and turning the business
The army will ask an appropriation practically destroyed by the explosion
Question Will Be Settled
Tests of Douglas Fir.
over to the Northern Pacific Express
from congress for war balloons.
and the wreckage caught fire.
Oct. 15.—Count Okuma, who
University of Oregon, Eugene—The company, which will conduct the ex­
Three school buildings were destroy­
An Italian chemist will turn several
in the first rtagee of immigration
animals to stone to show scientific men ed at Fontanet and Coal Bluff, two made by the government timber teeting ture.
troubles In America strongly disap­
miles away.
All were filled with
what he can do.
proved of the government’s pacific atti­
scholars and everv one of them was station have been completed.
John Philip Sousa recently celebrated more or less injured by the collapse of Knapp, who is at the head of the sta­
Bright Prospects for Weston.
tude, now practically jplmita that the
the fifteenth anniveraav of the organi­ tbe buildings. A four room school
Weeton—Prospects for a good school
rad ical utteranc.-a of both sidea were
sation of his band.
building was torn to pieces and not one where he will prepare the notes for year at the Weeton normal were never
largely prompted by politics. In til
Free import duty on bops has almost
haustive and will be of great import­ ing the crowded oondition of the school interview fishy Count okuma «aid tliat
killed out that industry in England ac­
room school building at Coal Bluff wa.* ance and benefit to the lumbermen of rooms and living quarters. The regis­ Americans misiindenitisal the Japanee«.,
cording to growers there.
turne-i over and collapsed. The teach­ tbe northwest. It has taken two years tration in the normal department ie who are astounded at pie utterance« ol
A young Loe Angeles woman has re­ er and 90 pupils were more or lees in­ to complete them, and every possible now 155 student*, with prospects of 2(>0 American newrpa; Report» of the
ceived five infernal machines through jured.
test has been made. They will be pub­ by Christmas. In the training depart­ possibility of war, he «aid have always
the mail. A negro is under arrest but
ment there are about 100 young pupils. emanated from the United Sratra and
Tbe force of the exploeion destroyed lished by the government.
very naturally are copied by the news­
denies hie guilt.
all telephone communication with out­
papers of J»|ian.
While he believe*
Two Hundred in Line.
Yields Big Clover Crop.
Sir William Laarier, premier of Can- side towns, and it was with great diffi­
Klamath Fails—Report« come from
Amity—E E. Robbins, of this place, that tlie Americans ar* over wnaitive
a>la. says be lias not yet formed an culty that aid was summoned. Terre
or the subject of Japanese immigra­
opinion as to the beet course to pursue Haute and Brazil sent physicians and Lakeview to the effect that 200 people has threshed 1,089 pounds of No. 1
tion. he holds the opinion that the
in tbe^exclusion question.
curses with supplies in carriages and
office awaiting the date of filing, Octo­ farm, making 495 pounds, or 8J^ bush­ whole disc'.i«eion is largely due to the
During the first six months of 1907
ber 28, on the lands recently opened to els, per acre. At 22 cents a pound, fact that the United State« is to have u
dishonest employee embezzled *5,482 • made up and ran on tbe Big Four rail­ entry. County Treasurer Lewis and
this makes a return of *107.80 per acre. presidential campaign next year. It is
687, according to figures given out by
D. G. Brown, of Fort Klamath, in their In addition, the land furnished the not likely that the immigration ques­
the bond companies of New York.
tion will 1« seriously discusaed or ever
Haute company of militia to patrol tbe search for claims went to an out-of-tbe- best of green pasture during the spring
become an issue in the coming session
Harriman has ordered expenses cut ruined district and to protect life and say place, south of Silver creek, where and early summer.
of the diet. The Japanese government
on all of hie lines.
property. The governor arrived last they supposed no one would be, but
believes that the entire question will
found the woo la full of people, and
Rockefeller has given *600,000 more evening He brought with him 700 came home without trying to locate.
he solved by the «present discourage­
tents and cots for tbe care of the home-
to Chicago university.
ment of immigration and the strict ob­
Wheat—Club, 89090c; blnestem. servance of the laws.
Reporsts received at Washington in­
secure at least a contest case.
91092c; valley. 8909Oc; red, 87088c.
dicate that tbe Moorish rebellion is
Few Injured Will Survive.
Oats—No. 1 white, *28; gray, *27.
nearing a collapse.
Too Much Business.
Freight Via Weed and Bray.
Terre Haute, Ind , Oct. 16.—Of the
Barley—Feed, *25.50 per ton; brew­
Salt lake City, Oct. 15—Daniel
Klamath Falls—A petition h being
The Russian council of ministers has 50 victims of tbe disaster cared for at
ing, (96.60027; rolled, *26.
Guggenheim, brad of the American
appropriated *9,500,000 for coloniza­ St. Anthony’s hoepitai, 14 were in a circulated among Klamath Falls busi­
Corn—Whole, *31 ; cracked, *32.
Smelting A Refining company, arrived
tion purposes in Siberia.
Hay—Valley Timothy, No. 1, *17@ in Salt Lake City yesterday.
Five of them have died and little hope cific company, asking that all freight
Coal mines In Montana have been is entertained for tbe recovery of nine and passenger business I* routed via
Guggenheim is on a tour of Inspection
closed in order ’o give the railrcads a others. The remainder are expected to Weed and Bray over the California
ot the plants of the West, lie rays
hay, *11012 alfalfa. *12013.
chance to clear the blockaded tracks.
that the recent curtailment of cop|H-r
survive. One of the seriously injured Northeastern. The petition cites the
Fruits—Apples, (I® 1.75 per box;
The railroads of the country have de­ is Miss Susan Biehop, a schoolteacher, difficulties encountered on the Pokegama cantaloupes, 75c 0*1.25 per crate; output was a natural outgrowth of the
cided to stand a strike rather thin who was caught in tbe collapse of the route during the winter, especially peaches, 6Oc0*l per crate; prunes, 50c fact that the world Is doing about 5 per
cent too much bueim-ss for the money
make more concessions to labor unions. school house. She sustained a fracture with freight, «nd the high rate for the per crate; watermelons, 1 '4 1
per it has. He says he does not anticipate
of tbe skull and at first it was thought hauling to this city. Tbe company is
Commander John D. Briggs, of the she could not recover. Attendants say aksed to route via the new road at the
serious hard time*.
He says their
3500*1.50 per crate; casaba, *2.25 per plants throughout the West will soon
United States navy, is going insane. ehe appears to be improving.
earileet possible moment
He was in command of the cruiser Bal­
increase their capacity
huckleberries, 708c per pound; cran­
timore when that vessel went ashore in
Swamp Land Problem.
Shark's Tooth In Benton.
the Philippines in 1904.
Watches Rivals Closely.
Washington, Oct. 15.—With the evi­
Albany—J. G. Crawford, of this c'ty,
Vegetables—Turnips, *1.25 per sack;
The O. R. 4 N. company has started dent intention ot supporting the na­ while inveetigating the gravel beds on
York, Oct. 16.—If. M. Tilford,
beets, *1.25 per sack; carrots, *1.25
proceedings to prevent the Washington tional drainage bill at the coming ses­ the Benton county side of the river,
per sack; cabbage, 101 4gc per pound: president of the Standard oil company
railroad commission from enforicng sion of congress, the department of Ag­ found a shark’s tooth and considers it
cauliflower, 25e0*l per dozen; celery, of California, and of other subsidiary
the joint wheat rate between its lines riculture has issued a pamphlet en­ as additional evidence that this was at
35c0*l per dozen; corn, *101.50 per companies of the oil compine, was
and the Northern Pacific.
titled “Swamp and Overflowed Lands one time an inland sea and the abode sack; cucumber«, 10015c per dozen; again a witness yesterday in a hearing
The Arctic steamer Fritbjof has sunk in the United States,” in which some of marine life.
Mr. Crawford is an onions 15020c per dozen ; parsley, 20c of the government’s suit for the disso­
with the crew of 16 off the coast of general facte are given in regard to the expert geologist and student of all forms per dozen; peppers, 8010c per pound; lution of the Standard Oil company of
areas of the United States which would of life and is gradually making a col­ pumpkins, 10) 'p- per pound; radish­ New Jersey. He said that reports of
comiietitors in tbe field of the Conti­
be reclaimable should the bill become lection of evidences of prehistoric and
The trial of John R. Walsh, former a law. While the publication is in­ ancient life of these lands. His col­ es, 20c per dozen; spinach, 6c per nental Oil company, a snlxiidiary of the
president of the Chicago National bank, tended to strengthen the bill, still it lection is valued at a higa figure and pound; squash, 5f)c0*l per boz; to­ Standard, were furnished him ;>eriod-
matoes, 35050c per box.
hr.s been postponed until November 12. contains several statements that mav is highly interesting.
ically and filed in the statistical de­
Onions—* I 5001 65 per sack.
Potatoes—75085c per hundred, de­ partment. The Continental sells oil
Leas than 500 men were at work in
Eighty Par Cent 8old.
livered Portland; sweet potatoes, 2'-4c in Colorado ami adjacent states, x
the places of the 10,000 cotton handlers
Curb the House of Lords.
Athena—Eighty per cent of the per pound.
and loaders wbc are on strike at New
Taft R-achss Manila
London, Oct. 15 —The Liberal cam­ wheat crop, which is estimatd to be ♦Butter—Fancy creamery, 27>g035c
Manila, Oct. 16.—Secretary Taft ar­
paign for restriction of the power of the 500,000 bushels in the vicinity of per pound.
The Austrian steamer Gnilia from house of lords to alter or reject bills Athena, has been sold. Bluestem has
Veal—75 to 1—5 pounds, 8J$09c per rived at 4:30 p. rn. yesterday from
Trieste to New York, took fire during proposed in the house of commons, been selling at 75 cents and club from pound; 125 to 150 pounds, 7)kc; 150 Hong Kong and received an enthusias­
tic welcome. Ilia reception la-gan with
the passage and was only saved after which was inaugurated by Premier Sir 60 to 71 cents. The farmers are now to 200 pounds, 607c.
heroic work. The vessel carried 763 Henry Campbell-Bannerman, 1s now arranging to do their fall seeding, most
Pork—Block, 75 to 150 pounds, 80 a water parade, beade«l by Governor
Smith, General Wood and Admiral
in full swing. Memliers of the cabinet of the land having already been pre­ 8J4c per pound; ;>a< kers. 7>i08o.
Poultry—Average old hens, 12<a Hemphill. The secretary waa escorted
Emperor Francis Joseph is seriously are addressing meetings almost daily, pared, and they are only waiting for a
the eubject of their sjieeches being the little more moisture.
Considerable 12)$c per pound; mixed chickens, lira to the palace by troops and distin-
ill, but much improved.
government’s complaint of the treat­ wheat is being hauled to the ware­ 12c; spring chickens, 11 012c; old giiished Americans and Filipinos and
Cassie Chadwick, one of the most ment of measures of first importance by houses daily.
roosters, 86z9c; dressed chickens, 130 formally welcomed by the mayor and
notorious swindlers in American his­ the upper house.
Thouaamla line«!
14c; turkeys, live, old, 16; young, 18; governor general.
tory, ie dead at tbe Ohio penitentiary.
Prepare Permanent Exhibit.
geese, live, 809c; ducks, 12J4 c : pig­ the atreeta all day awaiting Mr. Taft.
Awful famine on the coast of labra­
Shock Felt at Cincinnati.
North Bend—The chamber of com­ eons, *101.50 per dozen; squabs, *2<<i3.
Close Mexican Coppar Mines
dor has caused the natives to take to
Eggs—Fresh ranch, candled, 32'40
Cincinnati, O., Get. 16.—A slight merce of North Bend is preparing a
cannibalism and eight people are shock, similar to that of sn earthquake, permanent exhibit of the various pro- 35c per dozen.
Hsltillo, Mexico, Oct. 16. — The
known to have been eaten.
Hope—1907, 9010c per pound; olds, slump in copper has closed a large
was noticed here at 9:30 yesterday ductAf the city arc! the surrounding
number of mines, not only in the
Over *500,000 worth of merchandise morning. Professor Porter, of the Uni­ country. The exhibit will be arranged 405c.
Wool—Eastern Oregon, average beet, southern portion of the republic but in
has been stolen from the Burlington versity of Cincinnati, reported it very attractively in one of the warehouses
A number of
railroad between Chicago and Denver light, but distinctly noticeable. South­ on the wharf so that it may be inspect­ 16022c per pound, according to shrink- tbie section as well
during tbe past year and 300 Italian ern Indiana points reported a shock in ed by passengers on the brats which age; valley, 20022c, according to fine­ large mines have reduced their output
per «vastly one-half, while the smaller unes
laborers discharged for pillaging the somewhat more severe form, and it stop hare. There will be samples of ness; mohair, choiea, 29030
many different kinds of products.
have closed down enlirsly.
was also reported from Hamilton, O.
freight cars.
In a Condensed Form for Dur
Busy Readers.
Lane Has Proof Reaales Vere
Paid bj Souibern Pacific.
Interstate Commission
Will Call on
Bonaparte to Prosecute—Offense
Contlnueb to 8«ptamber.
Wsshington, Oct. 15. — Intelstate
Comment' t'oiiimissioncr lane, who
went to California in re»|iuu*e to re­
pot te from agents <vf the ouiutiilaaion
• l.vlariiig that the Soutlu-ru fttaifa
Railway company wa* giving retiatc«
and that pt not could lw olitainsd, lie«
returtuxl to Washington, lie mv * that
the result exervdrd hl* r«|xvtatioiia.
Mi. lane twltevra that ilagiant viola­
tion ol the law can 1« proved, and II I*
the pnwent understanding that a* wain
a* the facts eullevied are submitted to
the lull ixumuiMloo, certificate« ot the
tllrgal o|wrallons ol the railway will be
made to the department of justice, with
a re.pKwt tor iiiimediale prosecution ol
thoee teepuneible. The law. a* it now
■lands, provivhs two years’ Impiison-
lucnl lor each offense.
Whether Mr. Harriman ran lw in­
dicted will depend upon whether hi*
responsibility lor the alleged violation*
of the law can lwdemonstrated. Mem-
twig of the !ntei*tate Commerce com­
mission believe it can. They »ay lie la
the president of the Soutliein I’ai itlc
company, and either knew, or should
have known, wlist _his *ul«>nliii*lr*
w«re doing.
According to Mr. lane. Investiga­
tions, however, reliatiw were being paid
iv* late u* September 34 of thi* )<sr.
Man Falls Into Japanese
Laundry at Frisco.
Striking Talegraphera Refusa to Con-
Sider Surrender.
Chicago, Oct. 14.—Die national aa-
«ulive foia id ul tile Conimercial Teleg­
raphers' union Iasi night sua;>*ml«<«l
President Hmall, tbe order intake «Reel
The notification adds
that the axscutlve kwrd will berrà Iter
direct the strike, and that II will ire
"run by men with rwl bl««j«l."
New York, Oct. 14.— Fbilirwed by a
storm <d denunciation and hissra. Ham-
uè I J. Minali, national president of the
Commeti'lal Telegraphers* union, was
practically driven out of Clinton hall at
a mas* iii««ling of striking <>|wratora
yesterday attarnoup
Mr. Hmall at-
leiii|H«'d to «■■plain Ills action in send­
ing out notices t< all lucal* Saturday
night asking them to vote <m th* ques­
tion of suneildrr, hilt before hn could
finish abolita ol "resign," “get mil,**
and other rselamathina even l«wa com­
plimentary drowned his voice.
New Yolk, Ge*. 14 —Following the
visit fi> this city of labor t'omiiiissmii-
er Nell, President Minali, of the Com­
mercial Telegraphers* union, Haturday
afternoon took ueclsive sltqw to close
the talegrapheia' strike, lie gent the
following telegram to all the lea«l>iig
Cities ill the emintry :
"New York, Oct. 1J. 1607.—Prom-
Invili New Yorkers ap|«alc<l to me to
call the strike off. All «flottasi nrgo-
tfoliona are eihsitsle«l, and the votn-
|«any's officials »ay they will tight to a
finish. I'lie tr<sauri is depletml and
no more funds are available. Requests
(or relief from all aides are heavy ami
The general aaaanibly isnnot
meet them. The strike liavlrg Ix'eii
ordered without the president's sanc­
tion, I recomtiivml that Iwala vote on
the propraltloii '*
Lana Bays the T raffic Grow* Faster
Than iha Nupply.
Washington, Oct. 14.—Interstate
Commerce Commissioner lane rvtuinci
t«»foy from a trip to the Pacific crasi,
thorngubly convinced that the buslneaa
•d the Northw«*t fo going hi suffer by
reason of th« general rar shortage
found tbimighout that section that, al­
though the rallr«'a«i» ate increasing their
equipment, some very extensively, bus­
iness is growing twin« aa rapidly, sud
tn cutieequence the ralltoad» are Iwiind
to fall farther and farther behind.
He did iu>l diaruss the quraiion in de­
tail or Indicate what actmn the Inter,
state Commercr commission Is likely to
take, for he has not yet had an o|qx>r-
tiinity o! conferring with ina col leagues.
Mr. lane «aid there would b« a fuel
famine in the Northwest if there should
increase of
be a long, hard winter.
manufactures and In. rrasni use of coal
by tatIroada calle for more oral than
the old markets have been a<cu*l< m«<i
to supply, and w.»«l fuel cannot supply
the deticivtH’y lor domeetlo use. I^'ause
ol the high «agre demanded by lumber­
men. making it unprofitable l«i place
worn! on the market In large quantities.
it the winter is mild and short, the
N«irth«est may es««-a|* without suffer­
ing, otherwise there will be hardship.
San Fram laco, Ort. 15.—.4* a re«ult
ot an attack upon a J*;iant*c lam dry
last night, the proprietor and one ol hi*
employe« are In the emergency li.wpi-
tai, many whlttw are nur»>i;g bruise«
caused by the cluba of tbe ;4>lice and
tlie exterior of the laundry is a «reek
The trouble was oceasiooed by J.eeph
King, sn
intoxlcatvvi logger, who
crashed into the window of the laundry
<x>ndncted by T. Umkekeubo, at 43*
Fell street. The proprietor slid 11.
Oiuura rushed out and dragged Klug
into a n-ar rvxiin. «her« he «aa placed
in rbarg«' of a young J«|wne«e, who
stood guard srmcl with a red Ion of
gsrpipe, while tlie other Japanese bur
rie.1 to sum moo the police to arrest
Three intoxicated companions of
King witnessed the inciileut and they
planned to re»cue their friend. Othei
whites a ere cal le«i on and there fol.
lowed a rottzbinrel attack on tlie laun­
dry. The street nan aeon filled by s
forge crowd, and a dozen Japanese on
tbe inride sought to repel the irtvadera.
Policeman Thomas Collier »*• s«Min
<>n the scene and altasked tlie crowd
single liandi-d. A riot call which was Canada May Throw Down the Bare
sounded I roiight reinforcements. Th«
Against Mongols.
police charged the crowd wllh c ub«
Ottawa. Oct. 14 —At the apptraoh-
and many were hit.
King was found asleep in the rrar ing ••«■ion of l lie lkiin inion par I is men t,
which opens next month, it is undet-
roum, innocent of the trouble.
»4>«»i that a move will be made to throw
down the Iwrilers against Chinese tin-
migration into Canada by afo'lialung
Special Panel in "Court for Trial of the hrad tax on Chinese, which Is
praclirally prohibitive. It is aM«>rtrd
that this step aould afford a solution
San Francisco, Oct. 15.—The 300 ol tbs (irlental problem, »hleh fo now
talesmen for the format ion of the regu­ assuming an m ute phase among llm
lar jury panel, from which shall fo- se poipl« of I’ri iah Columbia, |>aitic8l«r-
Ircted tbe juries to try various of the ly ill the «iszst cities.
public service corporation officials
It is po nted mit that, when the ( hl-
charged with bribery and under ar­ near were allowed to enter the Isnnln-
raignment in Judge lawlor's defart- Ion at a nominal tax rate, there waa
meut of the Superior court, were very little trouble aith Japanese arriv­
brought into court yesterday by the als, and absolutely none from the Hin­
sheriff. The next of tbe bribery graft dus. If the head tax were al>ol>*he<l or
i nua to be tried, that of Tirey I.. For«l, even reduced fit a nominal amount,
general counsel for tlie United Rail­ there would follow a big inrnah from
roads, accused by tbe grand jury of China. The Chinese would work for
bribing stqwrvisora, is on the calendar such small wag.« that the people of
for commencement next Thursday.
British Cclumbla would lie able to solve
th« Japanese itrimivralion problem by
Loses Right to Appeal.
giving Chinese labor the preference.
flan krancirco, Oct. 15 —According
to the district attorney’s office, Eugene
Founders In Superior.
E. s-hmitx, ex-mayor of San Frsnciaco,
flaolt Hte. Marie, Oct. 14.—Bound
but now a convict, lias lost the right of down from the head of the.lakes on the
spi>enl to a higher Court through s m -< mid trip she had made since being
blunder of his attorney, Charles II. launched at l.orain, <> , on August 17
Fairall, and must go to tlie peniten­ last, the line steel freighter Cypress,
tiary forthwith. Moreover, thecharge 44(1 feet long ami owned by the lacks-
is made that sfler Mr. Fairnll dlaeov- waonria Trans;»>rt*Ton oompany, of
ered his mistake, hn sought and pro- Cleveland, foundered foat night m lakn
cure«! a change in the record of the Superior off Deer Park, taking down
transcript of appeal to cover hie own with h«r 23 memhera of tliecrew. Bee-
error. These changes in ink occur In ond Mat«- (’ J Pitt, washed ashore
the printed volume.
lashed to a life raft, is tlie only per­
son left alive rf the ship’s people. He
Htandard Used Alias.
was unconscious when found.
Now York, Get. 15. —Hampton G.
Westcott, vlca president <>f the Stand­
Prairie Fira In Montana.
ard Oil company of Kentucky, bstitied
Great Falls, Mont., o<t. 14 —One of
loony in the hearing of the Federal the biggest prairie fire» in recent year«
suit against the oil combine that In in Montana la »weeping the range- in
several of the Southern states the the Ermtirn pa it of tlie state, not lean
Stamford had found It expeilient to sell than MU mil, * •,) rh«>ii*e grazing ground
much of its product through coinpanh s already having I hvii burned nvi-r In the
which the public believirl to he inde­ vicinity of Cull ertami. Htockmen are
The practice ol selling making desperate «florta to stop the
thrfaigh so-called independent coni pan- spread of the fire, bit tlie ffoniea fantu-d
ies which were owned by the combin« by wind, have thus lur find little check
«as discontinued two years ago, ac­ put up>n them. On the Fort f'e. k res­
cording to Mr. Westcott.
ervation many honaea and building«
belonging to tlie Indiana have been de­
Big Slide In Culabra.
Panama, Oct. 15.—The American
engineers are having trouble with the
Toothache Mak«a Hiatorv
Cncburacha elide, at the south end of
Berlin, Oct. 14 —A learned Egyptol­
the Culebra cot. This point of fond, ogist, who Ina atmlie«l Mineplitoh'a
always a source of trouble to the French mummy, declares that, the plismon,
when they trie«l to dig the canal, is who ruled w hi n the children of Ivrael
»gain jn motion, and will proven were dellvenil from I nrptian Iximlage,
hindrance all during the wet season. suffered exmiieforingly from tootha>'he.
About half a million yards of dirt fo in I he acute agony hi- endured so angeretl
motion. All of this dirt must ulti­ pharaoh, so "harderuil hla heart,’* aa
mately lie removed, but tlie engineers the book of b zodus has it, that it was
would rather get it. slowly.
necessary to inflict the plagues on hie
realm More he would consent to lei
English Officers Arrsstad.
Mose and the fornidlte hosts go.
Berlin, Oct. 15.—A correspondent of
the Tagebfott, at Emden, telegraphs
Elevators and Coal Chutes Burn.
that according to a dfo|«tch receive«!
Madison, III,, Oct. 14.—The Clover
from Borkum, a yacht with English U-af grain elevator, containing 26,(MM)
naval officers on board had lieen <ap- hnahefo of grain, waa deatroyed by Hie
trned by two Wllhelmabaven torpedo early to.lay.
Several small oottagea
boats. The officers are suspecte«! of near the elevator, together With the era)
having taken aonndings and made pho­ chutes of the railroad company, were
tographs In forbidden «raters.
also destroyed.
Loss, *00,000