MONTAVILLA THE LAST CHANCE t Buy a dollar* worth and get a vote for Queen of the Carnival. Success of ReoJlnq Room Assured LOCAL NLWS IILMS : The luroting of ritisrns in lha Head mg room Mouday vvviiing mads up in i cuihu.ia.iu what it lacked in numbers. A library a.«^«H'iatnui a* a separata or- Mrs. J. D. Sullivan, presManl of the ganisatiun luul been suggested but attar Home I’laining asaociatkM, preaidral in speeches by Dr lh»Veney,* W. G. Smith her ca|Mble manner, ami reviewed the and D. McMiltan. it was voted to leave step, taken in eatabliahlag the reading the business in the hand» ot the Home room from the time lamks wore placed in Training Mociation* and the president Mrs. McMillan'» stura a year and a hall war instructed to appoint a committee ago, up to the opaalng ut the public o( three men to work with their com- I i i reading room and library station in Feb- mite» in securing subscription» to meet ruari HW7. Miss Matlock, chairman of the necessary expenre. Several dollars the library committee, made a (Inancial were given that night, and it i. Imped report showing that |I72 ba«i Ixen raised that the people will res|»«iul in their and expended on furnishing the ruoiu, usual liberal manner to help keep this rent, heat, light, etc. institution of public lienetlt in our Mis. Fox, lies«! of the county «leparl- midst meni of the Portland Library aaaocia- Tim large collection ol children*» (ion. was present ami spoke of the pur­ liooks is expect.vl at the reading room pose «it these library station», the work in a few days. «lone by them, the reasons why a pro­ Rev. Harold Oberg, pastor of the gressive eomuiuiiity the sia» ol Monta- Methodist chm. h of Montavilla, has re- . villa should maintain such an institu­ . turncvl lor his «.s*ond year. The church tion, ami the lieuetita derived from it. is in a splyndid condition, and it is She congratulate«! the |ieople on l.«iiift hoped that the coming year will Im even able to secure the servir«» of Mrs. T. K. Mitchell as librarian and urged that the Imtter tliaivtbc last one ha» leeu. people take adiantage >( the privilege »1 Philip of Akron. Ohio, came requesting any book desire«! from Hie home with H It Dickenson, and ex- main liliray. . peeta to locate «..mew here near Portland Tlie question of how to provide mon­ with liis family, if Im likes the country. ey (or the running expenaes (or the year The Montav ilia people take great pride was tlreu taken up. in tlm improveuieut ol' Hibbard street. — a— w- - Coutwat tloaea at Midnight, Monday, October I4lh. •••••••••••«•••••••••••••• Supt, Casswell has secured at a large expense a great feature for the Fair Bennett’s Big Railroad Dramatic Shows, showing under a mammoth tent, seating 2,000 people in comfort, thus assuring to the Fair visitor a genuine attraction, Also Bonnett's Military Band, this band being recognized as a high-class musical organization, This same company has been playing in the East for years, and its success has been unqualified. The show has proven popular with all people in all towns where it is played. It is not the common vaudeville or stock company which so often tours the country and proves a disappointment to its audiences. It is novel, clever and interesting and is worth the while of anyone to see. THOMPSON S ADDITION TÜ GRESHAM i i I > ;; IJ ;; ;; The ( ► gr«rtljHtl k»t- ( > Bix are VMM ' ** $ r '* 3 » 1 "B • r '* s h • i 4 j 3 • tg t f < < r T- -7— • 1 » * * i • 1* bt j.. . - ■- $ - i i • - $ - < • 4> fl •!<- rablv < ► lota. * / • •« Special Price in Single Lots next 30 Da>s < > A. MkHM: 1 l"t. ts 1 • 4 ;;«»( |75 esu-h . t-l.'ts at »111 .-a.-h . 1" at $125 , , each ; 1 at < a«h. and 1:< at $14.‘> . a< h. >ADD7TIOA/ • J • J 4 »• < * « t >• < t 1 V .... GRLSHAM T 4 ' * ’ä • . 4 ’ « -♦ -1 < > TERMS: Half purchase price down, balance in easy monthly payments, For information concerning this Addition, or if special terms are desired, address ERNEST B. THOMPSON, Gresham, Ore., • » Box 127 : During the eveuing the coui|tanv was drlightfwHy entertained hv the singing of Mrs. Virginia Jain<*s Mia Rider acconifianie !. Thage.) Conrad Miller is having bis house (1M2) in the Oregon country. Mrs. plastered T. !l Blencoe an. has to bear it whether he grins or not. bad an enjoyable time. The wn entartauird a num­ • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• a ber <4 her friend» l&»t Friday evening al her home on Pearl street. The |tarh>r» wer^ taatrfully «lecotated with autumn leave» and cut ntaea. H. A. LEWIS, Proprietor A content in which th» guests wrote Is Beautiful for Situation, in the very heart of the city, only a short distance from the O. W. P. Company’s Depot. Finest Residence Addition in the country. Deep fertile _____ _ soil. No sand or gravel. BL V NOW ........... ‘ ots are . cheap i u hile L Groceries, feed. Hardware, tinware, Paints, etc Electrical Wiring, Fixtures, Et FOR A QUICK LUNCH SHORT ORDER HOUSE Steaks, Chops, Eggs, Ham, Sandwiches HOT COFFEE P ortland , O regon - . Offers a good variety of fruit trees, ornamental idirul* and ta rry planta. Write for iMirticulars any ut the baby nt tin* Baby Show Though a pretty big man now. ho «ays lx* w<-igli<«l only 2*, pound« when horn, henee i. intvrv.tvd lu the tiuMMt baby. H. W. Wilcox, of (’Icone, win a caller at tlic Herald ottico on Fri.lay. lie el- presse«! the opinion of many, when hr •aid, he "could not get alow« without It." A refinr»I widow Indv Would hku hi timi n hoinr for hri tw«ib>»ys aged ihr«t* and niiir years Will |M»y fi»r young* r I mii '» Intani, clothe Imth of them. The elder !s»y i» a g*M«l worker, t an milk ■ and do many useful things stami » Mareua Burnham, formerly of Wau­ farm-sufficient at least when out of paca, Wie., but at prsarnt of Stanley, M'h«s»l hours, I«» pay a portion or all of Fur further partit-ular« g,| Wia . is trialling J. II. Hatch, A T. Ai­ his board I d rese tar rie < I Mlll»|anigh, iA> Alm v tali, Fid Smith and other«. i street, Montavilla Math»n, Portland, I--------------------------- , Oregon. (41) WANT COLUMN Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc. Al advrrtlariurnl« arr mu under Kiln hr»d at the rale of <»NK < FAT A W'i|(b K, m || isril'K. Mo ad |»tibli«h*Nl for !«••• than i‘»<-rule <’a«h In advanrr rierpt to retftelar »Dcrilxir» It you have khUlilni to «i li. or «*l«li to buy » anything, or hate l«eut, WANTED—Girl to «hi dining room aud chanda-r work. Apply .Mrs. Mag- gif Crow, Gresham hol.'l ••••aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa KIND THAT MAKE MONEY FOR THE GRESHAM LOCALS. Rev H. E. Ryder, lecturer and preacher of note, will give an illustrated lecture in the (¡range Hall to-night, Friday Oct., llth. For further infor­ mation see advertisements. The Rev. gentleman will also preach a t the Gresham Baptist church next Sunday morning and evening. Ehler G. C. Carl will preach at Ri«k- Wood next Sunday evening at 7:30. Everybody cordially invited. The Ladies Aid Society met at the I RAN’iiEMAN Imine of Mrs. A. Thompson on Wednes­ day. The following officers wore elect­ ed: Pre»., Mrs. A. Thomson; Vice Pres., Mrs. B. W. Emory; Hec’y., Mrs. Mayor of Gresham, and who-* gressive, intelligent effort an chair­ J. G. Metzger; Troa»., Mrs. J. N. Mew- man of the Gresdiam executive com­ hirter. Lunch was served and everyone mittee ha» done much toward tl»e en­ had a very enjoyable time. larging and completion of the Fair J. W. Renfro, the Pleasant Valley plan». painter, has be«-n doing some work for D r . J. M. Sffoirr Archie Cornut and is at present at work ' for Mrs. R. R. Carlson. Mr. H E. Collins and R. F. Jennings ' Nnlmcritars asking for change of ad­ have opened up a short order counter in ( dress wdll please give former addr> ss the Cartaan building. as well as present one. a Everybody Enjoy* Home Cooking The place to find it is at Montavilla's New Hotel a Meal» and nwima by «lay, wi«ek or month. A. E. Ilaanax, Prop. End .fear Ila*. Hibbard St., Maatavilla The larat, rheapest and moat endur­ (-) Chas. Cleveland returned early this able iron fence. Al llart, agent. at Milltriont; th cemetery. The nym- paty of tin ir many newly made frienod true - I T Royal, who makes hi» home to the lleiney cottage on Roberts ave horse», weight 2700. Very cheap at I 2200. Nearly new wagon; nearly new with In- ter, Mrs. Oberg, ¡ h vi»it* nue. harncRM; plow; two cultivators; two •••••••••••••••••••••••••a ing liiw n, I John Metzger, who has been visiting Vancouver. *** relatives in Gresham, returned to his Gresham. THEO. A PAIR OF THE ma Multnomah County and Grange fair and Carnival If you have any fat stock to m il, write or *ee T R. Howitt at Grvsham, Or»*, i who will come and examine them at yntirrsiHli. GILKH BROTHERS, at Montavilla. for choicest meat». That’s all. or He is well A largf- nuiiilier of people from Mon* Imine in Ohio on Tuesday. tavilla arc p! uming to attend the Mult* pleased with Oregon, and will have nomali < M'.trty ami Grange Fair and many things to tell his eastern friends. Carnival at ‘» n sham next week. Mrs. Frits Stoker has again opened lip her reHtaurant to the public. Gresham Grange, No. 270, expect to The pb o i purgative effect experi­ give a Chrysanthemum sliow sometime enced l>y all who use Chamlierlain's in November. All the ladies on the committees for Stomach arid láver Tablets, and the healthy < n litoin.of th» body ami mind the Fair are requested to meet at the which they rri-ata Makes one feel joy Grange Hall promptly at 1 o'clock on ful. Price, ernt». Sample» free at Monday afternoon. lhey Mak* Vou Feel Good I all drug store*. V ROY BOO ESS & CO. FOR BAI.E—Five cow», all more or lea» Jersey blood. Call and examine or addreau Isert Chamberlain, Route 2, Troutdale, 2S mile» raat of Troutdale. 21, niih-a treat of Corliett. (44] FOR HALE—Two fresh Jersey cows Apply to G. Kingner, Regner*» farm.¡411 Wholesale Potato Dealers Have removed their office to IK5 Morrision St. We pay the high- cat price for fancy Burbank »nd American Wonder |s>tators, Call us by phone if you wish to cell a ear. Pacific hum MM HOI Horn« Stesa 1 5429 LOST—A l>ay mare, weight alsmt lPIO lb«., hrandetl E F on left ahoulder, PORTLAND, OREGON alaiut 12 year« old; thin in tlesh, due to foal: war last wen at Boring and had a •••••••••••••••••••••••••a pony colt with her. Lila-ral reward F. B. Stuart A Co. are selling ladina of!ere