Lots For Sale in Reyner’s Addition to Gresham LARGE LOTS Level, Well Drained Soil Finest Location in the Town Water Easily Obtained Nothing Better for Home or Profit MONTAVILLA • ••••••••••••••••••••••••e i Unta fnr tho fltmon I ,hc ^M',n ol lh,> ,t,rn,v‘l1 ,or ,hc fUlu IUI Ilio Qlluull i (offilmi (tMinly and (trunuc Idlr t MONTAMI I A S CANDIDATE ls lo I h * elrct(**l bv |«*pular vote. We ladieve in bvlpinit along a g*ssl tlting, so w ili giva one (Nel v**lo (**x*'epl au s «'I iih *I l.siks) ufi eveiy dol.ar's worth pumoscd ut our storv A full lino ol **»ery- Hong in \ LOCAL NEWS ITEMS : •••••••••••»•••••••••••••e Mr» Nettie I. l.vpperr, lately ot Rterg last Friday elected, »»he certainly will do credit to Siile, Rent or Trade and Saturday. the occasion. There will be no preaching service in < > the Methodist church Sumlav morning. Phone Tal»*r 528 One door Weal of Pcstoillce Mr». Hecht s|»‘nt four days at the recently to help themselves to all the State Fair, ami brought home a line aj>- musk ami water melon that they could They found out that tiie Gill ple weighing 15 ounces that was grown vat Is Beautiful for Situation, in the very heart of the city, only a short brothers could raise just as good melons in Columbia county. the O. W. P. Company ’ s Depot. distance from a* cabbage. The quarterly communion service will I - • •••••••••••••••a •••••••••••••»••••• Finest Residence Addition in the country. Deep fertile soil. No sand or gravel. Fine Drainage. Miss Mattel Mickelson and Arthur be held in the lii»|»e Presbyterian church BUY NOW W HILE LOTS ARE CHEAP I Sunday at 11 a. m. The subject of Rev. Hager of Russellville are attending the ('lay ton White's sermon will be, “ Reasons for Portlaml business college. Church Going and Reasons (or Staying Lewis attends the Portland academy. at Home." Mr». Covert, Mr. Kretier and Mr M. A. 1.1 XV IS, Proprietor The Indies Aid of the Presbyterian Hagerman have returned from the hup LOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS church met at the home of Mrs. Kin­ field». Montavilla Station, - P ort I- and , O regon caid on Friday, and s|>viit the afternoon Aleck Barrell will soon move into the Dr. Thompson, the owner, has de­ sewing for her. • 4 4 • new residence living erected on Mr cided to sell direct to the purchaser, Win. Lancaster, who »old his place on Weal’» (arm on the Base Line roa»l. « 1 » « a variety of fruit tree», ornamental ami l*t*rry Ebey street to C E. Ilowhtt, and pur­ Mr mill Mrs. G W Farrier of Mont- giving everyone the benefit of the • 4 < N chased the Ikdanu properly. 201 Wabash avilla visited at W. W. How itt*» Sumlav regular agent’s commission. Every avenue, is putting ewrvthmg into tine < > 4 Mr. And Mrs. McCarthy were out this < ► fur particular» ami price liât. hape. This is one of Montavilla'» beau- way .Sunday. They lliink of building lot in this beautiful addition is ex­ . i Ì < » iful reshlencrs. here* in the near future. • •••••••••• •»••••••••••••••••• pected to be sold before Nov. 1st. L ’ ' 4 The Baptist Y >ung Peoples I'nion The Pitts boys, who have s|»rnt the The following art» »ome of the bargains in held their regular monthly business |*art two weeks at the hop Held», arrived • grouped lot* : meeting and social last Friday at the home last Monday night. • 1 : »• Six lots. I’xii': 3 1* *ts, |3» k1 : lots, » : church. About fifty young people dis the 3 lot». 4 h»U, $.375; 3 lot». $>■»: 3 1-t- I.. D. Thoma* it quite sick. itoeexl of the bu-ine*s, and later en­ t - 8 for $275 ; 2 for $175. AU good and desirable joyed simple games and reading» by Mrs. Mrs. Phillips and little Erleanof Mon- C >• Iota. >mith and Mis* Ihaver. lev cream and tanlla,vi!*it«*d her |Mirvnts, Mr. ami /LDD/rw* < v Mrs. W. W. Howitt, Sunday. cake were served by the social commit- Special Price In Single Lots next 30 Days fo- TO tee. 1 • « « T. T. Phillip* ami family intend nmv A* follow*: 1 lot. $.’*»•: 2 lots at $ÛÙ each ; GRESHAM .... 7^. will give one (ßc) vote for Miss Isom. 1* rtlaml librarian, and i ng to East Port land us soon as they can 8 at $75 each ; 4 lots at $!«■> each : It) at 1125 find a I hhimv . the conn tv de- Miss Nellie Fox, In *i i of each ; 1 at $135 each, and 13 at $145 each. |vartmvnt, visited the Montavilla reading Ruswlville grange gave an oyrtrr sup­ room and public reading room last Fri­ per Saturday evening, tin- 21st. There TERMS: Half purchase price down, balance in easy monthly payments. day afternoon. They expressed'1hem- was a large attendance <>l young |M*oplc. For information concerning this Addition, or if special terms are desired, address svlveti as much pleased with the work The proceeds will go to the hall fund. done here, and promise anv assistance ERNEST B. THOMPSON, Gresham, Ore., Box 127 in their power to make tiie winter's work entirely successful. on every dollar pur- Mrs. C. B. La Follette and family re­ clia-HC from their store, villa and Miss F.mma Gantenbein of and renewed his subscription to the turned from the hop yards at Cheualh last Monday. John McAllister is assistant agent at voting may be done at Portland were guests of Miss Jessie Herald by paying to Jau 1, 'OB. before Bert Gilman won third prize in the Boring. the store. We carry Francis during the week the raise in price goes into effect, Nov ast»*r contest recently held in the city (Continued from page 1.) Ead hand. near Gates, on the Corvallis A Eastern last week from Seaside, where they H. T. Cummins, pnrsident of the to a child living inside the city limits. Miss Clara Gunderson is visiting her railway, where he has been for several spent the summer in their cottage. Al­ Electric Mining and Smelting Co., Mrs. Bennett, formerly a resident of Montavilla, has been visiting Mrs. A. ¡«arents at Kelso. weeks. though they had the best kind of a which has large holdings near Elkhorn, Parent. School <>|H*ne«l in district 28. with Mms S. A. Knighton, the barber, has pur­ time, Mrs. Leslie says, “There is no Oregon, was a Herald caller on Friday ! C. Ixiveridge has moved his family Powell of Portlaml as teacher. chased property in Gresham both busi­ place like Gresham, after all. Mrs. E. Ball of Pleasant Valley at­ He was on his way to his farm at Lus­ from Villa avenue to 248 Ebey street. ness and residence and will begin build­ A serious accident was narrow ly avert­ tended church in Portland Sumlay. C. W. Doane returned Wednesday ted*. Give ua » trial Mrs. C. l.amlMTt returned to Pleas­ ing a house on Roberts avenue at once. from eastern Oregon, where he has XV. H. Raymond, special agent for ed last Sunday afternoon, when the ant View from Portlaml W etlnesday. Harry Huxley is taking a short vaca­ had charge of a threshing outfit. Mr. the Liverpool, London and Glob«- In­ horse driven by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bar­ ringer step(»ed into a deep ditch, caused Miss Ella Bottleson of Portland visit- tion from painting and is «[lending the Doane says threshing is not near com­ surance company, was doing buisness bv a leak in the 12-inch water main on vd home folks hi Powell Valley Sumlay. time with hie brother at Cazadero. Broad street. Mrs. Barringer was pleted out there and in some instances in Gresham Thursday. Miss Annie Jarl of Kelso has rvsumc«l thrown from her seat, ami sustained John Traer of Estacada has been vis­ farmers have not been able to head Mias Nellie Ruegg was visiting ;*ainful injuries of the left arm and her studies in the Portlaml high school. THE Mr. and Mrs. O. Braiidl>vrg enter- their grain yet. iting his nepheyr, L P. Manning. friends and relatives in the “Fair City” shoulder. tainvd friends last Sumlay in Powell Roy Gibbs has his bouse east of town Walter Burch ami family have re- Thursday. On account of the illness of Mrs. Par­ Valley. Rev. Gilman Parker was alsH*nt nearly ready to occupy and will move turned from the hop fields. Mrs E. A Stites of Greeley, Colo , is ker, Mr. ami Mrs. Peter Storms have HER VEH from his pulpit ls>th morning ami eve­ into it soon. Dr. II II. Ott will occupy Miss Rena Knapp of Latourell is a visiting her sister, Mrs T. Ginder. also ning of last Sabbath. Rev. Herbert inovt*»| into the Hicklin ant View. Short Orders. Oysters, Soft the Gibbs house in town. [ student at Gresham high school. a daughter at The Dalles and relatives Rv« er of Idaho preached in the evening. Mr. Sahin of Boring received a car- bewis Shattuck is home from a trip Ere«I Vogt was thrown from his bicyc­ Drinks, kc Cream, he., he. Emory Roberts left yesterday for Cor­ in Portland. loiul oí goats, allieti I k * is pasturing on WANTED—Girl to do dining room to southern Oregon. vallis, where he will enter the Oregon J. M. Shaw of St. Johns was in this le Monday and badly shaken up. AT Al l lIllCHM, his place. and chanilter work. Apply Mrs. Mag Among those who attended the State Mrs. J. C. Myers and Miss Ruth Al­ Agricultural college. vicinity on Friday tooking for a l*s-a- Fair Mr. ami Mrs. Morami *,f Boring s[s*nt gir Crow, Gresham hotel. were Mr. ~ Bartlett, Grandma Dan- ( ’as t your vote here for— len of Lebanon were guests of Mrs. J. C. a few day* visiting rehitives amt Iriends tion. Mrs. D. W. Metzger and ‘laughter. iela, Mr. ami ...... Mrs. _ Bryson ___ ami Fred W WTEI> — A gin*! frewh eow, half or at Dayton. Quits if Multnomah Count) ind Grisft Allen on Sunday. Miss Lucy, were Portland visitors last We acknowledge receipt of the an­ Daniels, Mrs. Webb, Mrs. l>ndge und Fiir ind Cirsivil : ; Seliool *qs*m*.| ill district No. 4H on m<»rr Jvrxvy. I.. P. Manning, Grv»h- Chas. P. Lord, a brother of Mrs. W. Wednesday. mn. nual calendar of the Oregon Conserv­ Jas. Kelly. Monday with Miss Simmons as teacher Mrs Jensma, who has ls*en quite ill, D. McMILl.AN, Bum* Line, M oktavii . i a B. Parsons, has recently come from ami an attendance of 23. XVilliam Harrison of Seattle visited atory of Music. 10th year, 1907-H, Mrs. is reporte«I as greatly improved. FOR SALE—Two mares, one eoli eastern Oregon to make his home in bis uncle, 8. T. Crow, recently. L. II. Hurlburt Edwards, director, in Mr. and Mrs. Atan ami Mr. Buck of Mr ami Mrs. Ira Rider ami Mrs. Enquire II. R Kun**, two mile* «-ant *•» •••••••••••••••••••••a this locality. Colby, Kansas, are visiting with Mc­ Gresham. 40 Fay Tombling is renewing old ac­ which the names of Miss Bessie Ihtiley King have returned from the hop fields, Clungs ami Wilmarths. and Miss Lucy Metzger both appear as greatly improved in health, and much More than 100 persons took advantage quaintances in Gresham. Everybody Enjoys FOR HALE — Team of go<«l true Mrs. Halbs k and Mrs. Dutton of please»I with their ou.ing. students. of the hay rack ride to the home of Mr. hiirses, weight 2700. Very cheap al Heppner ate visitors ut the Reynolds Home Cooking £ Lee Merrill has returned from Bull ami teachers of the public school and Mrs. McCulloch, and enjoyed the lessie Crow of Portland is visiting his are Pupils $2's> Nearly new wagon; nearly new w aiting anxiously for the completion ranch, Columbia X iew. Run to enter school here. The* plurv to fin«| it in nt bountiful supper provided for them. father and mother at the Gresham hotel. of the new building. The enrollment The l.uilies Aid sST- Red cow, no mark», gone aincr F. E. Clark of Bull Run, who has keep well informed concerning his for­ turned. Th»* new hot-air furnace is in lections. Bright moonlight made the Meal* ami rl oil to it. berg, Barton, Ore. |39 all voted the supper a success, The i on the editor last Saturday. by open windows. will get the Popular Home Wee kly. Miss Nora lambert and Voltie Hnash- End «(car liar, Hibbard Si., Moaiavllla FOR " \l.i \ ii* -ii oow, four year» amount of money raised w as $23. There will lie dancing at Warren’s nil * f Montavilla vi«it**l tin- hitler’s pa­ H. L. Ball showed his appreciation Miss Grace Lawerence is the latest Hall old. Enquire I. Scott, Kelao, Or. on Wed lie ■slay evening Sept. 25, •••••••••••••••••••••••••a rents at Pleasant Valley Hunday. B. C. Altman and wife, Chas. Sr., . <*f the home paper this week by hand­ acquisition to the Herald force. She and every We Inesday thereafter. Mr. Mr. Hoonichsen, late with Mr Tawney FoR HALE—Small pigs vfor sale. D. Chas. Jr. and Wendell Cleveland and ing in the price of a year's subscription. I is assisting with the office duties. Marshall ami Mr. Burg, managers. at Samlay at Sandy, is blacksmithing at E. Manary, Gresham, routes. i'.> Timothy Brownhill were among those Ed. Price has gone to Rainier where Rev. Mr. Fanner, former pastor of Boring ami also building a resilience. D. H. PERKINS attending the State Fair. the Methodist church, was in Monta­ MON EX'TO LOAN — In small or large he is engaged as night watchman in a Mrs. ‘Ilison of Boring is visiting at DAMASCUS Dealer in SLAB WOOD villa on business Monday. <|uanliti«*s on first mortgages on r**nl James Goodfellow, one of Gresham's box factory. Ed. has been working in Wenatchee, Wash., urn I Glen Allison Mrs. Johnson of Damascus was so estate, at I* per cent. FL E., care of Dick Strand and his sister Etta re­ lias gone to S|s*kane to att*-n I school. (iaftolinc Saw l ull Measure popular blacksmiths, has bought the the hop yards recently and is much im- much improved that she was able to I m - Herald. [40 turned home from a trip of three weeks limci*. i t ■ Hil>l*nf>l nl UAMTillll t * nnr Mr ami Mrs. < . I- Ki-str-rson ami son old Hamlin bouse near his blacksmith 1 prived in health. brought home from Oregon City Sunday. to Tacorna ami Seattle, ami report a i * i . .... T.ts.r.... i MONTHILU, ORE Keith visited relatives in Portland Sun ­ I.) 1ST — A bay mare, weight alstnt shop, is remodeling the building, and Arthur Ileacock and Victorina Wil­ joyful trip. It is reported that John and Charles day. Their home is Pleasant Valley. 1400 II»*., bramhsl E Eon left shoulder, will soon have a very neat and commo Duly have bought out Win. Byers’ son attended the State Fair, and report J. D. Ehler, Montavilla’» heavy ex­ Mrs. Alice Richey ami Miss Alice alsiut 12 years old ; thin in flesh, due to quite a grsxl fair and a large attendance. pressman, left last Thursday morning dious cottage made of it, was last seen at Boring ami l»a*l n livery barn. In the Damascas news of last week the for the Arkansas country. lie ex|s*ctM Cameron returned \\nlnesut a month. Mrs. Ebler ant X'iew after a visit at Forest Grove. offereil for information leading to her The basket social at Boring Saturday Sunday and Monday. property ami move to McKinley, Wash, raise*) by A. L. Heacock, should have will oversee ins express work «luring his evening given by the ladies' Aid ws'iety recovery. Wayne McFarland, Boring, been 70. , absence. (41 The many friends of Miss Mary Shat­ where he will spend the winter with : The east wind of ths last few days Born to Mr. and Mrs. White, Sept. 20, was a grand success, alsiut *50 l*eing Oregon. tuck of Gresham will regret to hear that hi« daughter and three s«»nn. seems to be an unlucky r one, as it has an ll-pouml ls»y; to Mr. ami Mrs. Rue- realized. FOI'ND—A lady's purse, between she has withdrawn her name from the Mr. an*! Mrs. J. F. Stephens ami Springdale ami Troutdale, Several weeks caused considerable sics mess. Mrs. Laura Sunderland and children -------------------------------- i ben Frank, Sept. 2I, a 9-potind boy ami daughter I-atirn visite*l Mrs. Stephens' Queen of the Carnival contest. The accidental death of Mr. Lahman to Paul Ze»iwi<*k, a 10-pouml lx»y. All ago, containing money, ring, etc. Ad­ and Lester Hamilton of Wmidlawn, brother, Jas. Richey, Sunday in Pleas­ dress James Burns, Troutdale, Oregon, ing in front of Kelso store Mr. Jons- D. Cameron of Boring was a welcome where guests of J. T. McCullock Fri­ was very sad, and the bereaved family are doing well. ruerts has just returned from Rev. Mr. Johnson has submitted the Several buildings are lieing built in it«*! .Mr. ami Mrs. .1. A. Richey at Bor­ Renila, kind and true. II. !.. Bull, I 1 , plan for his new bouse to Is-n Heifer. Welches, where he has built a new Bum­ I^ty Electoral conference on Taylor' Mansfield ami South Montavilla, which ing Sunday. miles cast of Greshiim. street church today as a delegate from It is to lie a commodious structure, ami will be nse«i for meat markets. mer home. will add much to his well hs ated farm. Frank Memlall from Portland ami John Barrne, who was seized with par­ Doc Gresham charges. LOST—Plaid silk Is-lt lietwom Gresil- Reunion of Kansdsans at Montavilla Palniater of Currinsville were visit­ Mrs. C. M. Harvey anriurn, was moved to View, Sunday. Plea«« return l<> llerald office. dav last at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Mrs. Sarah Kincaid visited Mrs. Myr- the county hospital last week, where he drying seasnn at Cazadero with her Metzger were chosen at the Quarterly Mrs. Frank Richey and daughters, died Friday. He was a good, honest H. VV. Buller of I'leaniint avi-nue, it l>e- conference recently as delegate* from ta Reel last Friday and Saturday. brother, Mr. Huxley. Gladys ami Florence of Pleasant Valley Miss Ethelyn Smith was a Portland citizen, ami although he has no relatives visit*-*! relatives nt Battle Ground, ing n reunion of old Kalman friends. Gresham to the Ixiyinen's association A telephone line is being put in on here, he leaves many friends to mourn Those present were Mr. ami Mrs. Fred which will meet tomorrow in Taylor visitor Friday. Wash., Inst w««ek. his loss. Hood avenue. Miss Eva Reel was taken to the Good Pitcher, little Harry mid Will Pitcher street church. English services will la* conducted in Geo. Barringer, C. L. Idleman, <». K. Samaritan hospital Thursday, where Attention is called to the grange ten Mrs. E. C. Rossman and her father, she underwent a slight operation. At Howitt ami the Osburn brothers were the Norwegian Lutheran church, Kelso, son of Powell Valley ntteiidi’d th«* cor­ of.Arleta; Mr. mid Mrs. Oscar Burr of cent tea at Mrs. Merrill's tomorrow aft­ Tuesday evening, Oct. I, by Rev. Mr. nerstone laving of the new Hwedisli Gresham; Mina Volum of Portland, Mr,. Win. McCollum, of Portland calle«! on this writing she is getting along as well at the State Fair grange day. Hague* of I"« rtlaml. ernoon, Saturday, Hept. 28, instead of Lutheran church on the eaet side in Ethel Kesterson of Cecils ami others, Mrs. F. B. Stuart and other friends on as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Stuart of Engle Piirtlnml Humlnv. Sept. 23, as we said last week. Mr. ami .Mrs. R. P. Rassmussen re- nuniliering nineteen in nil. Before com­ Tuesday. Creek are visiting Mrs. Stuart's brut her, Mrs. Frank Gustafson gave her son turnel from the State Fair Friday. Miss Catharine Cox »pent Saturday .1. F. Wing. The latter's father from Harold a |«irtv Saturday afternoon in ing to thin section nineteen yearn ago Miss Mildred Carlson has entered Miss Alice Rassmussen went to Mon­ and Sunday in Portland visiting friends school at Willamette University, al Iowa is also visiting l*iin*at Pleasant honor of Ins tilth birthday. Alsiut 21) tlicne families wire neighlsirs in and mouth Monday, where she will attend Valley. , ■nd relatives. littli* children were preeent ami a pleas­ near Haynesville, Kann. Mr. Pitcher Salem. State Normal. A pleasant house party was given at ant time was spent in playing games. han just recently aettled near Arleta, ami Miss Laura Burkholder took up her II. A. Darnell of Portlaml was a very II. Hewston of T^tourell Falla called Mrs. E. C. Howitt of East Portland the Ilale home, Columbia View, Satur­ Dainty refreshments wero serve*!. The it brings a smile to their friends to hear studies at Gresham high school this pleasant caller recently. on friends here Wednesday. and Mm. W. W. Howitt of Russell ville day week. Their son Sylvester will re­ family live in Powell Valley. them nay, “Thin in the place for me;“ Floyd Reed and Hans Henrickson _________ visited relatives near llillal/oro three turn to Corvallis Agricultural college in week. We acknowledg«- a pleasant call from There was quite a serious runaway a few days. to Bonneville Monday in the em­ days last week. at. Kelso last Monday, when Davi«l "I only wish I Invl come sooner," etc, Mr. and .Mrs. Adolph Gantenbein George Reynolds last Saturday. While went ploy of the Columbia River Packing The Gill brothers invited the young Rev. II. H. Nystrom, P. A. Htefansnn Wolfe’s horse got lse anil ran Into Il was d****ided to hold the next reunion of Portland, Floyd Perkin, of Monta- here George took advantage of time association. people of the grange over to their farm ami daughter ami Miss Eether Stefan- B**rt Jonsrud'n J»rse and buggy stand- with Mr. Burr at Gresham. t Groceries, feed. Hardware, 1 inware, Paints, etc j. E. M c C aslin , J. D. Regner, O. P. POTTS & CO Montavilla, Oregon • • THE RUSSELLVILLE NURSERY €0 Special Sale of Lots < -- - — • ••••• • • WANT COLUMN T^pW\\LLl Russellville Store Queen Correspondence in Brief Multnomah County and Grunge Fair and Carnival Additional Gresham Locals Groceries, Feed Hardware Notions, etc. Marshall Bros. Russellviie Elite Confectionery Parlors • ••• Montavilla’s New Hotel p-i Russellville Doings ROY