OS OF THE WEEK la a Condensed Fora tor On Busy Reader! RAFPEMNGS OF TWO CONTINENTS BORAH CASE OPi^lD. SMALL FOR ARBITRATION. Government Begins Prosecution for Lsnd Frauds. Tafia Operators PresMent Roos»volt Oan End Strike Boise, Sept. 25.—The government yesterday revealed the charge in the ease of United States Senator Borah, charged with timber land fraud. The jury was completed at the morning res sion, and during the afternoon Judge M. C. Burch, of Detroit Mich., special assistant to the attorney genetai, tirade the opening »tatement of the prosecu­ tion. He arraigned the late governor, Frank Hteunsaberg, as the central fig­ ure in tire alleged conspiracy by which it is alleged that more than 17,000 acres of virgin forest land, thick with towering pines, came fraudulently into th« possession of the Briber Lumber coaytany, a Wisconsin corporation operating a plant in this city. Mt. Burvh connected Mr. Borah with tire land transartions only as attorney, first for Steunenberg and then for the lumber concern. He declared that Mr. Borah interested himself in all matters having an outward bearing on the land claimed by dummy entrymen, turned over to dummy trustees, and by them deed#*! over to the Barber company. All of the deeds went through Mr. Borah's office and stand in the county clerk's office as being recorded at his request. It it alleged that Mr. Borah approached tire register of the land office with regard to several claims which «ere held up and sraa warned by that official that the claims were fraudulent and ehould be let alone. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST — W .J. - mw - ru atâ EASY TO GET CARS. Trolley Line Proves Groat AM Freewater Shippers. EARNINGS OF SLEEPERS. to Pullman Company Reports to Blate Railway Commission. Chisago. Sept 24 —’*1 tiave poaitivv inside information that the eurupaulee are ready to arbitrate, and 1 pred ct to you now that you will all be at work withiu ten days, and that victory will be yours." This was the information given cut by President 8 J Htuall, of UM «trik ing coinniercial telegrapher», at the twat attends#! meeting held since the •trlks was declared. There were loud cries of "No arbitration" when Presi­ dent Small liegsn «[leaking, but these grow weaker as he said: "I think I iiavs heard that ery be­ fore, but 1 want to say something on the ether side. It President Roossvelt should ask the companies to arbitrate, arid they coueeutrel, wliat pwitl.m would it place you In If you refuaadT* **1 don't know that you will get a chance to arbitrate," he raid aa the orie* continued "If Colcuel dowry has bts way al«>ut It you won't be given the chance We liave had some bitter ex|>esvnce with arbitration, but If it comes this time with the stamp of the United States government on it 1 be­ lieve we can afford to accept it.” Although he did not say so, Presi­ dent Hina 11 gave the Inference that Pres­ ident Roosevelt was In a fair way to end the strike. Hs «Id it had already coat the com [allies <12,000,000 Chairman Wesley Russell «Id the cotton grower» of the South ate clamor­ ing for better telegraph facilities, an#l that many Southern asaoriations had appealed to Preaident Roosevelt The situation, hs said, looked decidedly hopeful. M. J. Reidy, of Beaton, and 8. K. Konenkauip, of Pittsburg, ¡membsia of the national executive board, said the strike would t#e over in two weeks. WILL PROTECT CHINA * -wz PrKWtnl R oomy lit Cogilzmt o Japin's G odi . COREA ONLY A STEPPING STONE ESTABLISH RR'Zt COURT. Hague Peeta Conference Votes on Great Tribunal. Tha Hague, tiept. 23 —Tha aixtii pleuaiy aittiug ul Hie pesiw confarama teday attracted an unusually large au­ dience. Tha meiulwis of the Interna- tloiial Heiaiuologlcal and iMiiy con­ gresses, whlcli were meeCing hare, were luseent. In the course of the d'ecua- •ion regarding the establishment ol an international pr ae court, Hanot F.steva (Mex eo) announced that the Mexkwu delegation would now vote tn lavor of th## pro|H»ltloii, a* the liiodltleetion permitting a ouuutry liitetaalt'd In a #w»e to have Ita own judge on the tri­ bunal largely does away with Hie objec­ tionable features of the earlier pu po- ailiuu which he «uid cuiittavene#i the principle of the e#|uality of nations. Heuor Katav* added thsi while Mezlco would support the proputlt oil to ©stab- Halt a prise court, sin# did not withdraw her opinion, rep atc#!ly eipiesatvi, •gainst the project to islablish an In­ tel national i-oiiil ol permanent arbitra­ tion, If I mb «) on a pilin'pls coutiaiy to the equity cl the states. The proposition to establish an In­ ternational prise cuiirl was ultimately approve#!, Brazil alone casting a vote against it Russia, Japan, Hlaui, Van- eauela, Turkey and I'vrala abstain*! from voting. Un the motion of !'re«l|4- ed, togilher with the expression of gratitude to Emperoi Nichols*, as the initiator of the conference and to Queen Wilhelmina for her hospitality. Pi lor to the vole, M. Taiikul, hi«' far they have not been re­ publicans. who have arrived at Han Franctsco with R. A N. a rents have " loosened up" ceived. The government will spend <42,(KU The Swift Refrigerator Transpcrta- woudetfully, and even take the trouble the advance guar#I of tire fleet Uiat is to in removing obstructions from tire Co­ to call up tbe growers over the long tion oompany tiled its report uuder be mobilised in Pacltlc waters. Ac- lumbia apo vs Wenathee. distance telephone to ask if they can protest, as not being a common earlier. cording to these authorities, the fleet The Sunset Logging company reports supply them car». Such a state of The influx of Chineae into Jamaica haa l«en orderer! tu the Pacltlc not so affairs ha.« heretofore been unknown in turnings of >10,914 06, operating ex­ is becoming serious. Some action by much aa a warning to Japan for her this city, and of course the »hippers pense» <64,810 88, a deficit of <53,- the government la likely. [vast act Ums aa for a float lug protest 896.83. appreciate it. Borah will insist on trial, even if the against her contemplated seizure of The rulltnan eompany fives Its gross The apple crop is a good one and top others Implicated in the Idaho land China. In fa# t, the*© naval men inter­ notch prices have already been offered earnings iu operating or» wholly In frauds ©scape on technical.ties. pret tiiat the presence of ths fleet on and accepted. The apple trees have Oregon at <57,479 08. gross earuinaa this side of the continent as a message Every Hindu in British Columbia been well sprayed tills year and the on al) line« tillering Oregon <1,373,- to Japan clearly saying "Thou aliail who can raise the cash is going south good derived thereby is already showing 640.04, Oregon's proportion of the not steal China." before the cold weather sets in. itself by the absence of scale. There latter 1333,289 49, receipts from car These authorities bring f#irwar#l a will be over 100 car loads of apples mileage on lines entering Oregon An attempt was made to kidnap ex- nuuilwr of interesting f«x>gnlsed generally ernment was the only big power with have been sent Ur Milwaukee by the 31.500, were from the United States. ments. It is only in the part few days and svsn by ths nxwt optimistic in ths the exception of Germany not inc I ode* I forced to take the witne*e stand an#l un­ condemned as unsafe. der <«th divulge certain secraia of lite The statistics apparently show that end of this week. The local firm seeks that thia condition liar existed gene­ ¡«ace movement, that tbe second inter- In thia arrangement. Heney feels confident of convicting the tide of immigration from the Unit­ to purvliaae sufficient seed to make out comt Inal ion 's history, which he, belter rally, though one shipper has had an national peace route re nee has been and Tl#e naval officers above referred to Tirey L. Ford, of the United Railways, ed States into Canada is reaching a a shipment of seven carloads with a artier in for 25 days for one car for an will be at ita coociesion. barren of re­ give it aa their opinion that the III (eel than any other, la able to remlnr ac­ now on trial. curately. Other leading figure» In tha stage which should awaken interest. total valuation of about <25,000, This Oregon shipment and no car lias come. sults leading to [»ermaneal measures of ing »Hired up between the Unitrd trust, who. It was expelled, would es­ Standard Oil lawyers say it is not Mr. MacLeod states that during the opens up a new market for the clover Several orders have been in a week and t«netlt to the Htates and Ja|«n «aa the work of the of the world cape the ordeal, al»#» will be called to the policy of that company to drive last decade a total of 272,609 people seed taised in this section and will are not being realised. Japanese government. While Ja|>an Even the pro[M«ition for a future face Itaputy Attorney General trark have left the United States and have have a tendency to strengthen the local rivals to the wall. meeting of ths conference, which was was belligerently protesting against the Bellegg's forniidable inquisitorial bat­ taken up homes in Canada, and that market and bring the top price to the Rich Strike in Quartzville. attltu#ie of the Californians toaaid the unanimously adopted has twen so alter ­ The Russian government has resum­ 57,919, or nearly one-fifth of these, valley growers. It is raid that the Albany— A rich ledge of quarts has ed aa to suppress its most important Japanese, it «aa doing nothing moie or tery. ed ita policy of »booting suspected re­ went there during the 12 months ended supply is not equal to the demand and Tlilve June 30, 1906. The number increaser! that a lucrative business awaits grow­ ing district by Grant Lindley, a resi­ ings. morely providing for the tailing titan holding America at a distance Htandard Oil'as a corporation violator The United States Circuit Court of from 2.412 in 1896-7 to 57,919 in 1905, ers who will specialize in the growing dent of Lelanon. Lindley came out of of a third conference, but eelabllahing with one hand while with the other it of the Sherman ant I t rust law decided Appeals has decided that tbe Great and fell off to 31,500 during the year of clover for seed pui poser. the mountains this week with rainplea nothing with regard to convening of the «as choking the life out of Corea. Northern must pay its fine for giving ju«t ended. of some remarkably rich ore, but raid future conference» The naval officer» hold that as soon to#lay that the issuing of mor» »ulipe- Freighting at Klamath. iias is necresaty. Although Mr. Kel­ Duting the greatest year of immigra­ rebates. little about ti e mine, aa he had not The prevailing opinion a* expreeeed as Ja|«u took puaaeaalon of Corea Mr. Klamath Falls—An average of 150,- logg would not toll who will lie com­ tion from the United States into Can­ Pennsylvania and Kansas are assured aria. there came into the country from 000 pounds of freight every five days is yet died his notices of location. He by one of the leading delegatee 1a that Roosevrlt «as convinced that the next pelled to testify, th # fact remains that of a 2-cent paseengear rate by action of Great Britain and Ireland 86.796. Dur­ being tianled into Klamath Falls by lias now returned to the site for that the alaence of results in the conference move w<#ul#l involve China, an#l accprd- the cnly men in posseseion of many The samples of ore Lindley on the great queetious was due to the ingly began preparations for active in­ the executive officials of the roads in­ ing the past 10 years Great Britain and ths J. M. McIntyre Transportation purpose much nought secict* who have not b*en iounu have not yet l«en aa*ayed, but lack of preparation by all the countries terference. The United Htates ent terested. •ar#l are John l>. Rockefeller, Ireland hare sent a total of 311,747 company. Other freighters are carry­ the discoverer exptvts it to prove richer represented Thie, he «aid, was eep#c- quietly by while Japan put Corea in William Rockefeller. W. 11 Flagler, The Standard Oil announces that as people, who have found new homes in ing smaller amounts. The merchants than anything yet found in the Qnartx- lally striking in the ca*e of tbe Ameri­ its back picket. Il will not ait quietly soon as present suits are finished it hrr American colony, and this number are stocking up for winter trade. aa the ville country, and rays he has plenty can delegation, which was sup|»aed to by if Japan makes the effort to ileal in Oliver II Payne, John D. Archbold arid II II Rogers will reorganize and enlarge Its ©capital, is not very much in excess of the popu­ freight rates are higbe* during the bad of the ore. have come here in ecmplete accord with the «me manner with China. It ia believe#! that, with tlie possible lation which the United States has roads season. The McIntyre company also that earnings will be published. The big fleet of warships to 1« gath- the istin-American count nee exception of William Rockefeller ami is keeping 13 teams on the road, each furnished Canada. Immense Pear Crop. ere#l on Hie Pacific coast will aerv» to Judge Locbren, of the United States making a round trip every five days. Medford—Two de Anjou pear trees remind Japan tiiat the entity of China If. H. Rogers, all th#»e men can 1« ooort, has issued an injunction which HIS VACATION DAYS OVeR. William After October 1 the freight will be un­ on the old Soli as place on Griffin creek, ia one of the car.lnial foreign policies of forced to appear in court IMMUNI I Y FOR ALTON. suspends the Minnesota rate law pend­ itockrteller suddenly diaappeare#! from loaded at Keno, 18 milee down the which made a passing recon 1 two years the American governtnenL To just ing a final settlement of the case in the President Roosevelt Returns to Wash­ river from Klamath Falls, and brought what lengths the country will go to the city the other f Georgs G. capant of the White Hoose. The re­ dictment» found sul»e<|iient£to_March the state as it is a trust. vided it assisted in good faith iu the and taxes, <79,765.35; income from Brown clerk of the board and George cords «Low tiiat since June 12 the pres­ last. thia meeting tiiat the fullest authorized prosecution of the Standard company. Dewey does not favor disposing of operation, <831.74; par value of capi­ Mitchel, of The Dalles, deputy clerk. ident has received 126 [lersons at Haga­ The attack was made <eaiIng on alleged relationship Japanese Imperial ordinance No. 325, Prohibitionists aim to make Wash- 1 accounts of a violent volcanic eruption <19020; clover, <11; cheat, »11; a hagggae car, «ggage on over­ body. | gration affaira, will probably be cent Rallwsy Route to Lakeview. dozen , parsley, 20c per dozen; peppers, by contributions from hnndre#ls of t hens­ following statement to the press rela­ land limited trainsand asking (hat the France and Canada have just signed to 1 Japan immediately to attempt to ar­ Klamath—Engineer Journey and hi« ’V" IO<- per pound; pumpkins, 1^0 ands of persons tn this ami othfr coun­ tive to the bubonic plague situation: road place chair cats on the overland a restriction of immigration of corp» cf engineer», who are aurveylng a > *4” P*r pound; radishes, 20c per dox- tries and errete#! nnder the dirrctlon ol "From our knowledge of plague, the and Loa Angeles limited, so that local a new commarcia) treaty. France is range 1 This proposition has not line of railrosd from Klamath Falls en; spinach, 6c per pound, squash, 50c the McKinley Memorial ass#«lation, prevention of a sudden outbreak in epi­ passengers will not be forced to pur­ given many more favorable terms than Japanese#-. ' The president of demic form can he predicted with chase Pullman seats. The attention of been finally decided upon by the Fed­ east to Lakeview, have just succeed»! 0<1 per box; tomatoes, 40050c per will be dedicated. before. the United Htates will be the principal aMiirance, but a certain number of the eommiasion is also calle#! to the eral government, but it was given out Eastern critics can’t prevent the voy- ( at Ottawa today that the question was after four surveys in finding a grade box; «weet potatoes, 2\c per pound, speaker of the occasion, and other lnted a commit­ operators, was made at a meeting of haa begun. At leant one syndicate Is tee an# I Instrncted It to rail the atten­ States. I the Picayune from Lake Providence, New Salmon Industry. [ackers, 7$k08c. the local telegrapher»’ nnion today. being organized and possibly more. tion of President Roosevelt to v.hat the La., ravi: It has been learned that Poultry—Average old hens, 146*14 Astoria—Another industry has just ( China has taken a decided step to- ’ the proposed bear hunt of the president been foatereil #»r developed through the' per pound; mixed chickens, I30l3^e; After a long debate, the resolution Everyone appeara to he of the opinion aeeociatlosi asserts I* an unlawful com­ ward parliamentary government. will be made in East Corroll parish, canning or salting of salmon. It is the spring chickens, 13(*13t»e; old roost­ which has before been introduce#! at tiiat the management will be veateal in bination of [*|>er iriannfacturer* to England is preparing to build a opposite < A Irate «tat ion, on the Iron salting of salmon heads and exportig er*, 86».9r dressed chickens, 1 fir* 17c; meetings ol the strikers, was again E. D. Morgan. Those mention*! as keep up the price of white papr-r and fourth battleship of the Dreadnaught Mountain ] railroad. The camp will be them to Sweden on orders received from I turkeys, live, 15016c; geese, live, 80 tabled, but it was said later with the generous subscribers are Edward H. to demaner pound, according to shrink­ the offensive, and burned the Moorish snow fell here late yeatenlay. The fall tory workers out here, at 25,000. The Pekin, Sept. 26.—The reappointment The Wee