Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 06, 1907, Image 8

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' ’
Lots For Sale
' montavilla
is the most familiar household word in Montavilla
and we mean to keep it so.
••••••••••••••••••••••••a« now road to Cotbslt.
in Regner s Addition to Greshdm
Level, Well Drained Soil
Finest Location in the Town
Water Easily Obtained
Nothing Better for Home or Profit
Watch this space for plat of
Regner’s Addition
These Lots will be sold at
low prices, on easy terms
Secure your Lot or Lots at once.
wnte to
Call on or
J. D Regner,
Wanted, For Sale, Lost,
Found, Etc.
Hale See Smith A Wheeler. Grenhani,
ESTR A Y>—Thrw Inai <■! !. n -
two grey», one cheetnut norrel. came to
my place. Ottner can haw same by
laying costs. Elsie Mala**. Sandy. Or. •
FOUND—Monday night. July 29, a
jmr»e containing money ami other grti-
clee at Grreham Baptiat eburvh. Owner
can have same by proving property ami
tiaving for thia a«t. Apply to Mrs. J
IL Chalker. Gresham. Oregon.
WANTED—A girl to n to Portland
Idgb school and work for her board.
Miss Beasie MacKetuie, 10B E. 3:11 St .
Portland. Ore.
FOR SALE—Fresh cow. Apply Reg-
ner's farm. Aug. 30 to Sept. 0.
WANTED—Fresh milch cows.
Howitt, Gresham. Ore.,
T. R
If you have any fat stock to sell, write
or see T R. Howitt at Gresham. Ore .
who will come and examine them at
your ranch.
GILES BROTHERS, st Montavilla.
for choicest meats. That's all.
FOR SALE—Eight dairy «-owe, singly
or in a bunch, some fresh, all gixal
milkers, must reduce herd. Apply at
once to J W. Townsend. Troutdale. Or­
egon. Phone. Farmers’ 2Ks.
FOR SALE — A car of draft and
driving horses. all well bmkrn gentle.
.. .....................................
at farm eight mile* eaat of f Port-
land on Section libe road
Scott 41. Wm. Nagel.
Notary Public, Buys and sells Real
Estate, Loans .Money, etc.
131 Base
Line Road, Montavilla, Ore.
Guarantee«!. Chas. Cleveland, agent,
Gresham. Ore.
WANTED—< >ne hundred tons of tim­
othy and oat bay. one hundred tons of
>>ats, one hundred tons of Imrley, high­
est market price paid. K. T. Herald
offiice. Gresham Oregon.
FoR SALE—lhasi team of horaes.
weight 13S0each. Geaxi and true, work
single or double, cheap. Apply Dr. A.
Thompson, Gresham.
FOR SALE—At iny place at Powell
Valley, one work mare 11 years obi,
weight al*»ut 1100 lbs., also one g'M<i
3 1-2 inch Fisk Bf<*. Wagon, 3 inch tire
in goo order. Will l>e sold cheap if tak­
en aoon. R. M. McBride.
WANTED—To rent small farm ne»r
Gresham. Will pay cash in advance,
best of references given. Address J. O.
T. care of Herald office Gresham. -
WANTED^ well drilled at Kussell-
Russellville H. A. I>ewis.
LOST—A small white and tan dog,
named Teddy. Notify Esther Deraney,
FOR SALE—20-acre farm in Gage.
Ore. House and barn. Enquire John
Biberg, bl«A.-k 7, Stewart's Park, Arleta.
WANTED — Oats and other grain.
Carl Shattuck, Gresliam, Ore.
Additional Gresham Locals
(Continued from («age 1.)
W. K Merrill, reprewnting (be l a-
cific Telephone and Telegraph company,
lectured in the Grange hall, Gresham.
Monday evening. The lecture »«> il-
. lustrattsi with 140 stereopticon views
and was packed full o( interesting and
telling facts relating to telephoning,
(cast and present. l»f course, the l«e-
tnre was a go«xi advertisement for the
Pacific Telephone company and the
speaker was not sparing of words in
showing its magnitude and importance.
Mr*. Grace M«tiger left last week for
Houlton, tire , where she will again
have charge of the school there. Her
little daughter Helen is with her and
will attend the school there.
R. R. Carlson and family returned
Saturday from an extended trip through
the middle and southern states. On
their wav home they visited I>enver,
L«w Angeles. Pasadena ami San Fran­
cisco. Mr. Carlson is a very olsserving
man and thinks Oregon and Portland
compare most favorably with any of
the places he visited.
Mrs. J. W Shattuck. Mrs. E. L.
Thorpe and Timothy Brownhill were
visitors at Fairview Grange Wednesday.
Mrs. J. P. Sails of Portland, and
daughter I sire tie. have gone to Welches
for a short outing. Miss Sails has not
been well for some time, and it is hoped
the mountain air will benefit her.
Virgil Duly of Powell Valley, the
ten-year-old son of Geo. lhilv, while
plating with a dynamite cap Sunday,
the cap exploited, blowing off half his
first linger on the right hand. It also
pellet rated the right eye. which will
probably cause the loss of sight.
N. I. Smith's big gTvy mare I>ell
died of spasmexiic colic at hi* home
last Tuesday morning
Master R. II. Gibbs, one of Cìrvtfh-
ani'i brightest youngsters, ea lieti on
the editor this week. Come again Roy.
The Herald office acknowledges a
pleasant v isit from Ed Metzger, who
return«*! Wednesday from Seaside,
where he has spent the summer. Ed
says the trout fishing is par excellence
at .Seaside just now. large catches of
salmon trout being the order of the
week. Ed managed the society «lances
at Seaside to the queen's taste, making
quite a reputation for himself along that
line. He proposes to continue the gi»»l
work, having ordered posters advertis­
ing the opening ball at Metzger’s hall
for .-utuniay night, Sept. 14.
The Eastw-sxl nurseries are just now­
sporting a change in colors pn <luce«l bv
a tree of < iregon ja-aches. E. P. Smith
and son, E. B Smith, kindly thought
of ye editor and associates and brought,
for their benefit, some fine samples of
this delicious fruit. The Herald force
bad only one criticism to offer. There
wasn’t enough to go around. E P.
promises to remedy this in the future,
and will do like A. L. Stone of Fairview
fame recently did. eater to the editorial
apfietite in half-bushel lots.
The Knights of Maccabees of Rock­
wood bail a great blow out last Satur-
Mail Carrier s Row on Stanley Avenue
E. L. Thorpe has just completed a
tine wash house and wool she«!.
The new fence around Geo. Cottrell's
place, which has just been finished, adds
much to the looks of his home.
John Freeman will take a three «lays'
vacation Sept, pt-20-21. He will attend
the State fair in company with William
K. W. Thorp is having his vacation,
which will last until Sept. 1H. He will
attend the State fair and will spend
some time at the Willamette Valley
E. E. Chipman and wife have returned
from a two weeks' vacation at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Craswell of Pleas­
ant Home spent Sunday at the home of
E. L. Thorpe and wife.
N. L. Smith is just completing a tine
big potato cellar and machinery house.
Miss Lottie Allebachof Portland s[>ent
Sunday and Monday with her aunt,
Mrs. E. L. Thorpe.
Jerry Stanley has gone to the hop
fields, and will spend some time there.
John Freeman was on the sick list
yesterday, and was unable to carry the
mail. Miss May me Itoane and Charlie
McColl substituted for him.
Thoroughbred Lincoln Ram Lambs
All Eligible for Registration.
Everyone a Prize Winner.
Carpet and rug weaving by Mrs. Fred
Ough, near Hurlburt. Address R. D.
Latourell Falls, Ore.
FOR SALE—Young pigs. Call on or
address T. C. Townsend, Phone Farm­
ers 167.
day night. State Commander J. W
Sherwood, assisted by Captain F M
14* nt» of the uniform rank« and J F.
Werl in, commander of Tent N«». I. and
tin* officer* of Ruck wood lent dedicated
the hall. Thuer present at the (cant
numbered ICtL and it wa* «urvly the
biggest and best lime ever held by that
Harrison Johnson returned from Cor-
belt thia week.
Miss Lula Parniely. who ba* spent
the summer in California, wa* in Grveh-
am yeatenlav.
Dr H. H. Ott an«l Bert Thoma* went
on Tuesalav to southern Oregon for a
two weeks’ vacation trip.
W II Markell A Co., the big Port-
lan«l east side department «tore, have
their new building, covering a quarter
block, on the southeast corner of east
Morrison and Union avenue, alamt
ready for occupancy. The lug eaat aide
«tort* of Geisler A IMrrea w ill occupy
the vast side of the store. The balance
of the store, two »toriea and basement,
will I m * occupied by Marked A ('«». with
the finest stock of gents’ an«! ladies.
«Iry goxids and furnishings ever brought
to Portland.
S. P. Cope, manager of th«* Webb
farms, was a pleasant caller at the Her­
ald office this week.
R«jckwoud grange met Wednesday
and ma«le final pre|>arati*>ns f«»r the
meeting of Pomona «>n Sept. IS.
Fairview (»range held a most enthu­
siastic meeting last Wednesday.
Leete - Roberts Company
To the many citizens of northeastern Clackamas county that they have
opened a First-class General Store in connection with the Post-
office at Bull Run.
They will also operate a daily stage for the accommodation of passengers
between Gresham and Bull Run.
STAGE Leaves
Bull Run 7:00
Gresham 10:00
Gresham 10:30
Bull Run 2:00
Another work
man acehlsntally hit lum »n the forearm
with an ax. Mr. Evans went to Gresli
« hi to have the wound dressed.
Rev. Geo. Houghton hehi serviews in
Mr. and Mrs. W V Howitt had Hurlburt hall last Bunday afternoon.
their chiklrvn and gramlchiMreu all at Fherv was an unusually large attend -
home for Sunday dinner to surprise atuv
their oldest daughter, Mrs. Pitta, on I
her thirty-seventh birthday, and the
Howitt family dog. Cuff, was nine years
the inclement west her. 1
old the same «lay.
Edward I'ealxxli of San Franciwo lher«< are still ixuiie campers toll, and '
visited his cousins. Mrs Tyrwl and Wm. the hotel has a goodly number of guests 1
Howitt. He also called on oilier
The principal form ol amusement
Mwms to lie the climbing ot old lluckl««-
Mice Beede Howitt of Fairview visite«l berry (or lw«rries. wild every one «mines
at her Grandma Kelly's a few days last back loa.hsl down witli the delicious
fruit. Mr. Kern save lharv are more |
lietrie« in the mountains tiiis year than j
Reuben ami Ganleti Pitts hav«> gone to
tie has ever know n Hie bushes to Iwar j
th«-imp tielil and Mrs.
R. lewis and
eon and daughter «<<nt also. Mrs. Bill- liefore.
R. V . Sefton recently fuuiul a I hm *
mentlial wanted to see what the hop
Ire«' that is a "ringer.” It i» an iiie
tiekls were like and she went.
fl v e (eel
The Gill boye and Mr. Emery have meiiM' enlar some (our or
through ami the t»eee cxnne out three
gone with a team to the «-«Mist.
hole« in the tree. The upper ami lower
Mrs. E. C. Howitt of Fast fXirtlaml hole« are tome 15 (re| n|«art and aa the
visitnl with the Howitts and Mrs. I.. D. tree trema to bo hollow, tjiere ia every
exhlence that Mr. Sefton will vat honey
Mrs. Jeager had company from Port­ thit winter.
land Thursday.
The geological turvey«»rt are cam|Mxl
Mr. and Mrs. louis I'itts of Monta- at the Rockwood place up the Sandy
villa has sold his lions«- and lot and lias and expect to make that their h«*ad-
gon«- to Everett, Wash.
quarter« for the coining month.
A. I. Robinson ot Vam-ouver. Wash ,
and Miss Lillian Batchelor of Monta
Walt hlnq Ik Crab Usters
villa were married Saturday night, Aug
The Herald receive*! an intereating
31, at the new residence of Rev. Gilman
Parker in the presence of a few selev't letter from our friend P M. Cathey,
friends. Mr. Robinson is a prominent who aa« taking a vacation al (»earhart
young mtn of Vancouver wbltber they Park on the c«m«t. Space tt ill not ¡»er
departe«l immediately after the cere­ mil of it« publication in it« entirety, but
we quote the following bit al«»ut crab
: "Scurei of men, women and
Rev. John Beiuien. city missionary,
will preach next Sunday morning at the children lined along the water*« edge,—
«■race Baptist church, and the pastor and aometinwBO a little further in- -grals
will preach a sermon in the evening bing and «crumbling after the fl»h that
the angry wave« threw on the pebbled
aidresse«l especially to young women.
shore. Il was a laughable sight to see
There was a full house last Sunday the people catch the fi«h ami getaway
evening in Grace church. One ot our I k * fore the «urf caught them, a multi­
highly respected young men was b*|>-
tude of «pectalore— with adeaire to catch
tiled, making the sixth of our I h **1
tUh, but not get their feet wet,— burst­
young men to be received into the ing with tits of laughter at the men,
church in as many weeks.
women ami children scrambling for tl«h
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Blencoe, who was the order of the day. .
recently sold tbeir residence at I«*« Mie- hart is a quiet place with no «al«»on».'*
ner street, have move«! to 3H Has«’ Line
road, where they will move into their
Resolutions of Respect
new cottage, now in course of construc­
tion, in Mansfield addition.
Whereas, It haa |*l«*a«r<| the great Au
The Central Store”
is the “Leading Store’’ in its line and this we say
without thought of boasting. We have confidence
in our business.
Good things to tempt the appetite and make
the housework pleasant.”
e .
M c C aslin ,
End of car line,
• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••
H. A. LEWIS, Proprietor
Montavilla Station,
P ortland , O regon
Offer» a good variety of fruit tree«, ornuiiirntnl uhrtiba and l»vrry
planta. A discount allotted un order« received Itrforv Srpti iuIn t I
Write !<>r |>arlicul«rs an<l price ¡¡at.
Watches and Jewelry
Potato Diggers
Grain Drills
Syracuse Plows
AU Work <<uar«ulrr*l
For Bpwlal Hargalu« h» Welch«». Hr«*
Fred D. Flora,
Polson >
191 Morrison St.,
,i a
< i
X I red (I. Conley, Gresham, Ore.
Near I'ap’s Itwalaurant.
< I
K aa ( M iHn.«tii«li «U.I « U m halli«*« i ■>
Everybody Enjoys
Home Cooking
Vetcriiwry Surqm and Dentisi
3D Y«**rw El|ivri<*lirv
((¡»••ration«» a S|»reially
Eiaininalioiiw ini'
I* r •>»■» pt I y All« n«|v«l lo
< >
< i
Thr place U» tin«! it i« At
Montdvilld s New Hotel «•!!•
lO'Fh K lu «iresbain llol«-l
th«»r of the I’niverae to remove (rum
our miil«t our late brother, John Ma*
ronay, pa«t grit nJ of Samly I /nig«*, No.
105, 1. O. O. F.
Whervai«, It ia but juat that a titling
recognition of hi« many virtue« should
be had, therefore, be it
R«*aolve«l, That in the death of our
brother, John Maronay, thia lodge
lament* the I om «>( a brother who a a*
ever ready to proffer th«* han«l of aid
liy* Spezialist
an«l the voice of sympathy to th«* needy
and di«tre»Med of the fraternity ; an ac­
Phonr Main 1*74 fariner III
tive member of thia society, whoee ut­
oline utili l»r. Attwood
most endeavors were exerted for ita
ttelfare and pro»q>ertty; a friend an«l
111 Sixth St.. Portland. Orc.
«*om|«nion who wa« dear to u« all; a
citizen tthoae upright and noble life a a«
a standard of emulation to hia fellow
Hulmcrilx re asking for «’hange of ad- l
Rvaolved, That the h«*artf«dt tyinpn- dn-ss will please give former atldrvss
thy of this hxlge I m * extended* to hi« as well as present one.
family in their atllicti«»n.
Reaulveal, That tlie*e r«*aolutiona I m *
apreaii upii the rec«»nl* of the lodge [
and u copy thereof I m * publi»ht*«l hi th»*
1. F. Bat nh ,
F. F. iHOIAlIt a,
Committee i
Mral« mi«! rtMiuiN l»y «lay, tt« rk
ur um mi I li. A E I I mk u « v, |*nq*
Munta» ill.»
kn«l •( t»r liar. IhLUaf d Si
1). 11. PERKINS
Dealer in SLAB WOOD
Gasoline Saw
l ull Measure
T H E 0
The Mi«**«*« («race and Minnie l«aw-
ren*e returned yester«iay from S«*aai«le,
where they »pent several days.
Do you know that you save one-half your money
by insuring your buildings, contents, crops, etc., in the
Skk Headache
The Oregon Fire Relief Association
Thin dnease is catifted by a derange­
ment of the atonia« li. Take a done of
Chamberlain’* Stoma« b ami Liver Tab­
let« to c«iire«-t this «ÜHonler ami th«* tick
headache ttill <h«ap¡»ear. Eor sale bv
all driiggints.
of McMinnville
Lame Back
This is an ailment for which Cham­
berlain's Pain Balm lias proven espe­
cially valuable.
In almost every in-
stame it affords prompt ami iM-rmanent
Luke IxiGrange or Orange,
Mich., says of it: “After Using a plas­
ter anil other remedies for three week«
for a bad lame back, I ptircliH»«-d a ls>t-
lle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm, and
two applications effecie«l a cure.*’ For
sale by all druggist«.
TRIED, TESTED, and never found wanting. For
full particulars and insurance, call on write or phone
John Brown, Agt., Rockwood, Or
X Livery Rigs by day or trip
Transportation of
Baggage or Families +
Phone Orders Promptly Attended to
When Going to the Mountains Take..
Boring Livery
Stable’s Stage Line
Roland Morgan has gone back to the
mines in Idaho, where he is running a
compressed air engine.
Miss Constance Ernily has returned
New^ills are being put under the
Hurlburt s< hoilhouse, lamides other re­
pairs. Hchool will liegin Hept. M. Mrs.
Maud E. Graham, the form« r teacher,
will teach again this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ough and son
spent Sunday afternoon with M. Rick­
ert and wife.
lx« Evans met with quite a Imd acci­
dent Aug. 31, while working on the
W. McMillen han rented hia honor»
now occupied by Mr». Maud F. Graham»
and ex|«et*ta hi* family here from Nova
Scotia in a few «lay«. Mr«. Graham
ami children will move Imck to Hurl­
burt, where «he will again have charge
of the «chool.
The <>. R. A N. com ¡»any are having
their water tank re|iaire«L
A. 8. Milne ha* returned from a trip
to Southern Oregon.
Mr». Aaron Fox ha« l»een entertaining
her siater-in-law, Mrs Hannah Faulk*,
of Baker City.
Mr«. C. H Irwin and mother. Mm.
Wheelhouae, railed on Troutdale friend»
on Monday while on their way to Col­
fax. where the Irwins will rvvide in thr
M im Irene Latourell will attend the
Catholic School in Vancouver this year.
Dan Mi« kley and wife ami John Hef­
lin ami wife «¡«-nt laibor Day In Port­
Mm. H. A. Richardi*<»n entertained
tiie iunlie* Aid society Wednee«iay after-
Aaron Fox hat been *umrnonr«l to
serve on the jury.
Mm. Klien Wright visited Fair view
friend* Wedne*« lay.
Miss Martha Griffiths of Wtxxllsml,
Wash., has I m - cii a gu«*st at the home of
her uncle, D. B. Griffiths.
Mrs. Francis Allard has returned
from a visit with her daughter, Mrs.
Morse, of the Iialles.
Mrs. John Larson and father, Mr.
I^toun ll, left Monday for a two months'
trip to the East. They will go by way
of Canada, where they will visit, as Well
as New York and other eastern cities.
L. Helming ami wife went on a short
trip to Spokane last week.
Prof. J. E. Patterson, who had charge
of the school here last year, will lie at
Russellville this year.
A. E. Iterry and family visite«! friends
in Portland this «reek, where they at­
tended tlw wedding of Mr. Derry's
The graders, who were at work grad­
ing for the the Troutdale to Ht. John
extension of that». R. A N., have fin-
islied their work for the present and
have nioveil away. Nothing more will
lie done on the road until faither right-
of-way is^secured.
Harlow Bros, have installe>l a number
of lock b«ix«-« in the postotfice.
MEETS 9:30 car from PORTLAND, arriving at BORING 10:35 a. m.,
making connection at SANDY with stage- for SALMON and
LEAVES SANDY at 12:30 noon, connecting with car leaving BORING
for PORTLAND at 2:05 p. m.
Morgan & Donahue, Props