Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 06, 1907, Image 7

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Luke Wright Sega Hha Has No Money
lor Gigennc War.
Total Has Mors Than Doubled Dur­ Officiala Know No Reason for Dala>
ing Past Tan Year*.
In Oregon Case*.
Washington, Hept. 4 .—According to
official ligules, the traili- of IJ in Uniteti
Hlattw with the latlm American coun­
tries In the liticai year just ended aggre­
gateti more Ilian »900,1)00,1)00, against
1284,000,000 In 1897. hi I.«tin-Amer-
loui countries are I iii 'I ui I im I British
Hondutaa, llrillsh and Dutch Guiana,
and the Wot Indian ialand* under
British, Dutch and Iktnulsh control.
The liii|»irte from the aattie countries
In 1907 amounted to (360.000,000,
against JI65,01*».(MX) in ik 97, having
tints a little mote than doubled during
tin-ill-cade, whiltt the export« thereto
aggiegitU-l »266,000,000 U> 1907 against
»80,000,000 in 1897, having a little
more than trebled dmlng the dr-cade,
from the latin West ln<liva anti th«
French Weal Indian |M»a<walnna the
linp rta in 1907 were 4124.000,000,
a gal mt »24,(881,000 lit |H«7, and Hie
t-X|-oita thereto in 1907 »82,000.000
against »17,000,000 In 1897.
Comparing the trad« of 1907 with
that of 118)9, a gain of over »20,000,000
In export« Is sliuern, iximpoesd allinei
vicinalvely of manufactured ariklte,
which form nearly II |w-r cent of Ibi-
«xpoita to Culm, aI»-ut 70 |a-r cent of
thiet- to Mexico, and alami 86 |«-r cent
of th-«- to Central and Hnuth Ameri­
ca, while from all of the lyaintriea In
quoatinn. tin- Imports conaiat chiefly of
fisxlatufls and inunufactinerv' materials.
Do«» Not Know Wall Street
Secretary Wil»on.
Wtohington, Aug. 31Secretary <>!
Agri<*ultiire Jeune Wileun ha* returniMi
It» Wauliingbm nfU’r »n abm'ner of
■rvi'rnl eorkii ill the Wwt, bringing
glowing account* From that JH^tion of
tbe country.
•‘The Wnl io not worrying t>ver fu­
ture ¡ainira or hard tiinr», but in tend­
ing money U> tba Ea»l right now," hr
»eld. ‘’The tMMiple out there du not
know Will I alrtrel exiata except mn they
read m I mui I it in the nrwwjMi|>rr». The
gram rrupa are generally good thir
year, and lem Western money I n going
into Canada than laat year
There i»
Mane fear of another coal famine dur­
ing the coming winter."
H|M«kmg of politics, Mr. Wilton
"Evt rylkody I talked to out Weat wn*
fa voi a Id»* to R<N»»»evrlt, and will inaiat
!i|)uii the nomination Mini election next
ymr of a man who will carry out Im
Waalilngtoi), Aug. 29.—Ho tara» offi­
cial Washington is awate, Uiere la no
known t*«s<Mi wuy th* (heg-ui lami
fraud trial* aliould mA to liumedlately
resumed, not la there any known r«*«on
why tlwy ceiiruit !>« cooeludod before
Deoamber 1. Il la the expectation of
the olfielal* her« that District Attorney
Bristol will MHiii begin the pi.sieciitloii.
The Hermann case will wait until F.
J. Heney can drop hla graft work st
Han^J-'ratK-isco, for It was he who work»
ed up thia oaae and II la hie desire to
conduct th« pr-ereution in person. All
olbeia, it la believed, will !>« conducted
l*y Mr. Ilrlatol. There boa lieen aouie
delay, b*«»aiia« Mr. Henry had In hl«
pueeeaaion Some farla ami evidence re-
quired by Hie govemtneut pronecutor,
but Mr. Ilvney aom* time since prom­
ised to forward this «lalkir to Mr. Jill«-
tofil. and It la picaume-l »II tmro-aarv
-lata ia now In the hand» of the district
Both the lh-|«rtm«nt of Justice and
Die Interior d»[>ettm«iit ar« miziuu«
that all |H<n<ling land case* in Oregon
aliali lie elm red up without further de­
Woman to Aid Uncle Sam.
Washington, Aug. 31.— With thè
ap|snutii>rnt l«m|—rarily lo thè itnmi-
gratlon M-rvice of Mise Ili-Irti M. Bulli*,
o( New York, who recenti/ ha* teen
connscted wlth th« Travelrr*' Ai-1 *ocl.
ety, thè govmnment wlll bend ila ener­
gie* toward thè detection of thraysti-iu-
isad "«hit« slave" traffic, believed to
ex irta in thè Uniteli Statar.
Tini* far, thè immigra Iloti servire ha*
breti unal-le to make *ny lu-adway
ugni io t thè evil. Mi** Bulli* lisa rep-
rvaente-l to Commlsaionsr General Bar­
gelli, head of thè Immigratiou Service,
that «hr wlll he nhli- to gain thè «ri­
dane* nccasary, nokonly to check thè
Importation of women and girl* for
iinniontl puri*-««*, but U- bring to jus-
lice th» inett who are getting rlch
through thè infamoo* bu*ine«e.
Heattie, Wash,. Aug. 30.—Luke E.
Wright, *1 ■mtoasudor to Japan ■nd
prior Io that governor of the Philip­
pines, returned to thia country belay
on the ateemer Mlnueeola. Hpeaklng
o! J»|«uie*e oondltiona, Mr. Wright
“There will be no war between thia
noutitry and Ja|an. In the drat place
I do not toller« tliat Japan la able
financially to wage rah a war aa aoon-
tlict with Aineriiai would involve. 19»-
■ld«a, It la a fact that the Japan««« gov-
nrninent la «incerely In favor of |MSM*e
and will fiend «very effort to keep the
relatione between the two government*
“I hope nothing will happen that
would imluo* thi» governin'nt to con-
abler giving up po*se*«i<j<> of the Philip­
pi nee. Wr must retain llusw lalamla
■ ml develop them a« they are c»|s»ble
of living developed.
Furtherrnoie, we
need them to strengthen our trade rela­
tion* witii the Orient."
Gel Greater Revenue From
Corea Out of Land.
Tokio, Aug. 29.—An important state
council which was to have lieen held
today has been postjioned until Fri-iay,
owing to the fact that some of the min­
ister* and elder «tatentnen from out of
town have lieen detaini-d on account of
the recent flood and <-on*equeiit damage*
to the railway*.
The council ha* lieen
apeclally cdlwl to cor,alder Marqitia
Ito'* plan of Corean jioBcy, nec«**ltat«d
by th« new relatione «etal>liah«d by the
laet convention between Corea anil
The detslla of Marqni* Ito's plana are
unknown, but tbe fundsm«i,tal point*
are tielieved to conaiat in effecting a
thorough reform in the land syatem,
which i* now In a rhaotic condition,
and alao l)te eetaldishlng of a new aya-
tetn of judiciary and police on the Jap-
•ne«e plan.
There ineaaurea will
naturally be conalderalde of a drain on
the Japanese treaauiy.
Il ia thought
tliat Marquia lb- plan* to oak an extra
annual outlay of a little over 1,000,000
yen for a period of five years.
Scared Foreigners Flee.
TX.r« la
Lllxea 1«. H« Heave.
Scores of Vorkmeo Thrown Into Drive Wisconsin Telegraph Op
SI. Liwreoce River.
erator Fron His Key.
Structure Near Quebec We* Mile and Western Union Office and Records at
Half Long, and Half of It Fall
Arkansas City, Kan., Burned
Without Warning.
by Firebug*.
Quebec, Aug. 31.—A section of the
new bridge acr<«s the Ht. lawrence
river, five mile* below this city, col-
lafised late yesterday, isrrying More« of
bridge workmen and meclianira into
the water. It i* eatiuiated that the low«
of life la at least 00, and may exceed
tliat tiuntlier by 20.
The bridge w*a about a mile and a
half long and half of it, from the south
shore to midstream, crumpled up and
dropped Into the water.
Ninety men
wereatwoik on Uns swtion of the
structure, and the whistle luel blown at
6 30 for them to quit work for the day,
when there came a sudden grinding
sound from the bridge midstream.
The men turned to see what had hap­
pened, and an iu*tanc later the cry
went up: “The bridge i* falling.’’
The men made a rush shoreward, but
tbe distance was too great for them to
Tbe falling rei-tlon of the
bridge dragged others after it. The
snapping girders and <ablee Loomed
like a crash of artillery.
Terror lent HH-tnna to the feet ci
the frightened workmen as they bjh »I
shoreward, but only a few of them
reached safety tofure the last piece of
iron werk on the south shore war
dragge.1 into tbe river.
Near the shore the wreckage of the
bridge did not go below the surface ti
the water and eight workmen who re­
mained above water were rescued and
taken to the hospital at Levis.
The steamer Glen mon t hail just
cleared the bridge when the first ac­
tion fell. The water throv/n up by the
-iebri* tame clear over the bridge of the
■teamer. The captain at once ordereii
out all tbe small bats.
They plied
lark*an! and forward for lialf an hour,
but there was no sign of life.
The Quebec bridge was begun about
seven year* *go, and was to have lieen
finished in 1909. Hubaidie* had hern
granted by the Federal and Provincial
government* and the city of Quebec,
■nd the estimated cost for work was
110,000,000. The Phoenixville Bridge
company, of Pennsylvania, had the
oontract for tbe construction of the
' i I4gt.
Chicago, Aug. 29—Attacked by
mob of atriklrig telegraph operater,
John bar, a non-union operator in
charge of tbe Postal com[*ny'a office in
Waukegan, Wla., waa forced to leave
hi« key yesterday and flee for hie life.
The office was chamd last night.
When the strike older waa iwned
Mr. Ijtux refuted to walk out. He was
visited TueMlay by a committee oi
strikers frem Chicago and urged to join
in the fight against tbe companie*, but
he refuae*). Yesterday a large ciowd
of Striker* went to Waukegan and pro-
ceeiled to the office. As it entered Mr.
I.aiiz escaped through a rear -loor »nd
hid ander ■ torn, where he remained
for several hour* while the ^strikers
•earched for him.
Telegraph blank*
and other* papers were torn up and
thrown around the office and the atrik
era complete-l the job by nailing a big
sign acr<»*a the door with the word
“scab" printed on it ia large letter*
The Western Union office in Waupke-
gan ia clooed, the operator having quit
when tbe strike wm ordered.
In apite of the efforts of the telegraph
companie« to diacover the men who are
tampering'with tbe telegraph wires,
mere trouble was experienced last night
than at any time since the strike began.
There is practially no trouble in send­
ing meeeagea East frem Chicago, bat
Tbe neighbor, pushing .qien the kltcb-
•'i door, mw little Lu«y Ellen standing
twelde tbe table, watching her mother
aruear a strip of flannel with lard and
then sprinkle It wltb i-epper.
Ellen'* eye* were dim with tears and
her little thib fac* was full of Inteiuw
"Wbat’a the matter?" tbe neighbor
aakril. rhaerlly. “Lacy Ellen alck?"
“If* tier threat again,” Lucy Ellen's
mot tier replied. "Hhe takes it frem tbe
Ely aide Mr. Ely’» »later« were *lw«r«
having sore threat* Mta-'a been making
a great fus* over the lard and flannel,
but I tell her It'* no lire. Rhe'* got to
have some hard thing* In life, like ev­
erybody el»e. and «tie might «• well
learn im » w that crying won't help them,
or her. either."
"Horrid stuff. Isn't It. Lucy Ellen?"
tbe neighbor an Id. «lulling Into tbe
small, miserable face. "J used to have
to have lard and i-epper on my threat,
■nd I bated It, too, but do you know,
after all. I think there’s «omethlng In­
side ua that like* to tie brave: It make«
ua feel sort of worth while—don't you
think *0?”
f-ucy Ellen'* eye* met tbe neighbor's
•earcblngly. Then without n word she
llfte<! her chin for her mother to put
tbe flannel reund her thront.
winced a* tbe gresse toflehed her skln.
but made no sound. and went out of
tbe reotn wlth her bead held like a
“Well, that's th« first time.” her
mother declared, "that I ever got It on
without ■ battle, I don't know what’s
come over her.”
A* the year* passed. Lucy Ellen out­
grew her delicate throat, but. as ber
mother bad predicted, worse trouble*
came. I.ucy Ellen's husband lost most
of bls money, and there were several
severe lllnesae* among tbe children, and
once their bouse burned down. Lucy
Ellen, tbe neighbor* declared, stood
thing* wonderfully. They did not see
how abe did It One day a discour­
aged woman asked her.
"Oh,” Lucy Ellen answered, "it isn't
a *ecret.
It was a sermon I beard
when I was a child, It gave me my
first vision of tbe soul's true heritage,
and made me ax ba med to be a cow-
“It must ha re been Interesting.” tbe
other woman said, vaguely. "Wbat »at
the text?”
Lucy Ellen laughed. “The text.” abe
answered, “was l*rd and flanneL”—
Youth's Companion.
rani*. Mr Kia*,
lack at me with thy large brew* eyes,
Philip, my King '
Round whom the rnshadowing purple Ilea
Of babyhood', royal dignities.
Lay on my o.--k thy tiny hand
With love's Invisible scepter laden;
1 am thine Esther, to command
Till thou shall find a queen band,
Philip, my King!
Ob, tb. day when thou gneat a wooir/
Philip, my King I
When (boas beautiful lipa 'gin ant'4.
And some genii, heart's bwr, und« ng.
Thou dost enter, love-crownsd, sa^
Rittest love—glorified.
Rule klndlR
Tenderly over thy kingdom Mir;
For we that love, ab I
a lev. as
Philip, my King!
t’p from thy sweet mouth up to thy brow,
Philip, my King I
Ths spirit thst Ib-r, Ilea sleeping now
Msy rise like a giant, and make men bow
As to one Heaveo-chonen among hie
My Haul, than thy brethren taller
end fairer.
Let me behold tbee in future years I
Yet thy head needeth a circlet rarer.
Philip, my King!
A wreath, not of gold, but pain. Ooe
Philip, my King I
Thon, too, must trrsd. a* we trod, a way
Thorny and rru«l and mid and gray ;
Rat*lx within th«« sod fur* without
Will snatch at tby crown. But march
on glorious.
Martyr, yrt monarch, till xn*rl* shout.
Ax thou sltt'st at the feet of God
Philip, my King!
—Dinah Maria Mulnck Craik.
KlscXoa or Saxoar lb« Cealer ol
Cyaoebawr—AatborlaeS by Law.
Not only I* tbe flesh of horses ar*l
mules eaten In Germany almost as
much ss In Frame, but also there Is
a growing consumption of dog meat,
and in some locality dogs are fattened
for market, and there are even special
abattoirs for slaughtering them. The
use of d<-g meat Is said to have bad Its
origin In Saxony, and there are sta­
tistic* going as far back as ltesi But
on June 3. 1909. a law was jiaased
which authorized tbe sale and consump­
tion of dog all over the German em­
Dr. Vllapadlerna. a Spanish physi­
cian. who investigated tbe subject ami
prepared a report on It. Is quoted by
a Paris paper a* saying that
growth In Saxony Is steady. In 1801»
tbe number of dogs recorded as killed
for food was 408 : In 1900 It was 1.200;
tn 1902 It was X8U9. latter figures are
wanting, but the consumption In 1908
1* said to have been at least 5.000.
All tbe dogs slaughtered for tbe mar­
ket are rigidly Inspected and qnly pass­
ed If In strictly healthy condition. Tbe
meat Is again Inspected after killing.
This Is required by tbe law which au­
thorises Its sale, but no other step Is
taken to discourage tbe growth of tbe
habit of "cynophagy." Relatively to
the population, tbe city of Uesanu Is
tbe largest consumer of dog. It Is tbe
capital of tbe dwby of Anhalt, which
Is wedged Into the Saxon provlme of
Prussia. It has a population of about
50.000 people, and eats 250 dogs a year.
In Cbemnltx 312 dogs were eaten last
year, and In I-elpalc 103, but these are
vastly larger places.
Tbe taste for dog Is reported as ex-
tending throughout Slleala and Into
In Munich dogs are regu­
larly slaughtered and tbe flesh Is sold
by low grade butchers. The Germans,
however, declare that they do not buy
It In that region ami that the demand
I* confined to tbe lowest claao of Italian
laborer*. No dog flesh I* sold In Berlin
as yet.
the service to the Pacific ivsujt and to
tbe South west is uncertain.
Oregon Fruit In Demand.
“If the telegraph companies got com­
Washington, Hept. 4.—Oregon •»»•
petent operators they would have lees
pie* will find a ready nu.rki-t In East­
trouble with their wire*,” said Secre­
ern cities during the coming winter; in
tary Wesley Rusnell. “We know of a
fact. Western fruits of all varieties will
dozen <asra where incompetent oper­
lie in demand.
Han J ore scale lias
ator» have horned out the wires.*'
wrought untold liavoc in the old or­
At the offices of both telegraph com­
chard* of the Ea*l during the past year
panies tbe usual information w*s given
or two, and in conaequenee many farm­
that all business waa being handled
ers who normally reaped large profits
from their fruit* will thia vrar ge( »o
Dispatch«* from Arkansas City, Kan.,
return whatever.
The H*n Jo*i< scale
today stated that the Western Union
has Ixrn | ■ r t leu I* r I y <1 least rou* tn New
Cannot Glva Tents to Sick.
office there was completely destroyed
Washington, Hept. 3.—The War ■ 1.
Tbe Supreme Court of Iowa In Pierce
by fire. All the records, furniture and
pertinent has decided to grant tbe re­ ptoduci- ennrmou* quantities of apple*.
Anarchy Rule* French Navy.
instrument* were destroyed and the lo­ v. O'Neil. 109 Northwestern Reporter,
-pleat of tbe mayor of Han Francisco fot
Paris, Aug. 30.—A full report of the Organized by Pac fic State* Concern cal authorities nay the tire was of in­ 1082. tohta that a sale In strict accor­
tents to accommodate the |mlletita in
Help Jap* Going to Canada.
dance with tbe terms of a trust dee-1
to Keep Out Rival.
»enatorlal commission on the exploeion
cendiary origin.
city h< «pitala who are to l-e removed
Tokio, Aug. 29.—The clauae of the March 12 at Toulon, which destroyed
In which the wife of the grantor had
from the buildings to reduce* the chance emigration pr< lection law, making ship* the lattleehip lt-na, just published,
not j-rfned was In effect a Judicial sale,
of extending the ravages of tl-e plague. carty emigrants subject to official p»r- charges that ths disaster is directly
and that tbe dower rights of the
Acting Hevrelary Oliver was urged to miesn-n. which has hitherto lieen lim­ traceable to irresponsibility, general phone A Telegraph company in 1905
grantor's wife were, therefore, barred.
comply with the application by Hur- ited to vessel* -le«tine-1 for Hawaii or indifference and lack ol harrnoy pre­ sought to prevent tbe entrance into Subject** to Severe Examination in
Tbe court says that the sale Is a juri-
Oakland of the Home Telephone com­
germ General Wyman, but failed to find Honth America, will be made to operate vailing in the navy.
The report de­
-lal one under the statutory provision
Glass Bribery Trial.
any legal authority for the gift of the in rraard to similar ships destined lor mands the inauguration cf several re­ pany by organizing a "straw’’ Home
Kan Franeiseo, Aug. 29.—State Sen­ that trust deeds may be foreclosed in
tents. Hr n-pplie-l, however that be Canada on amt after the first of Sep- forms, an<l say* t tot the vat ions branch­ Telephone company and obtaining for
would sell the city of Han Francisco tetnlK-r. Till* will liave no effect in es ol tbe naval service are divided by it a franchise «as tesumed at the con­ ator Russell Lukens waa a witness yes­ accordance with their terms.
Whetlter a man Is justified In break-
any number of the tents neceeaory. Ho reducing the number ut emigrants wh-i jealousy an<l there is no superior au­ tinuation of the Glare bribery trial terday in the trial of Louis Glass ,for
Ing s marriage promise by the fact that
far no anewci has lieen received to hie arc already tinder certain restriction* thority. Each branch works apart, re­ yesterday. William A. Beaely, an at­
torney of Kan Jose, testitied that he bribery and was subjected by Assistant the woman la suffering from tubercu­
but is almr-l prineijially towaid assur­ sulting in a state of anarchy.
lukl bld in the franchise and furnished District Attorney Heney to an examin­ losis Is raised In the case of Grocer v.
ing the safety ami interests of officially
a surety bond of »2,500 to the Oakland ation which could not have beeu more Zook. 87 Pacific Reporter. «38. and the
Plan to Reseed Rang**.
recognized emigrants.
Strict Patrol on Strait*.
council, and then had signed and de­
Washington, 8*pt. 4. — About one-
Supreme Court of Washington comes to
Port Townsend, Wash., Aug. 30.— livered through Halsey all of bis stock severe had he been placed on the stand
tlnnl of the entire ar-n of tbe t'nitrd
the conclusion that in view of laws en­
Examine Officers for Promotion.
by the other side.
Htate* is graxiltg land, and the govern
acted for preventing the spread of con­
Washington, Aug. 39.—The follow­ Juan de Fucs wit- Instituted t-xiay, tc E. J. Zimmer who at that time was
Senator Lukens was preceded in the
uu-nt ia imprerae-1 with the ini|-ortance ing bat rd of --llicers is appointed to
preclude the possibility of any vessel auditor of the Pacific State* Telephone witness chair by Benjamin A. Pendle­ sumption. and on the ground of public
of making thiw<< last ranges prodiu-tive meet at Fort lawton, Wash , for the
policy, the breaking of a promise under
of sufficient forage to meet all demand» examination of such --Ifk-eta as may Is- running past a strict quarantine recent­ A Telegraph company.
ton and Eugene T. Thurston, Jr., who such conditions Is justifiable, even
of the great livestock industry. There ordered la-fore it to determine their fit-
result of the discovery of bubonic went to the clerk of the Oakland coun­ were members of the city council of though he knew that tbe woman was
an- now over 4(81,188),1881 acre* useful ih - sm (or promotion:
Major W. Y. plague. The day patrol will be done cil anj caused the franchise to be for­ Oakland in the fall of 1906 when the Infected with consumption at tbe time
for |Msturlng, but unlera some plan of Stamper, Third Infantry; Captain If.
the encasement was made.
roeiM-dlng is devised, cattloralslng will A Smith, Third infantry; Captain by the quarantine launch Cascade, feited and the bond released. He re­ Home Telephone company was seeking
a rival franchise in that city against
The necessity of showing a trespass
m-t long | h < profitable.: The department John W. Barker, Third infantry; First while the night wotk will lie done by ceive. 1 for hi* services »100 a month
The quar­ and about »11,000 lor expenses.
the efforts of the Pacific States com­ In a prosecTitlon for larceny Is raised
of agriculture baa «tarted a reties of Lieutenant Jrase R. Harris, assistant the revenue cutter Arcata.
I»eltna* elieted from the witness the pany to maintain it* monopoly.
In Topolewskl v. State, 109 Northwest­
experiments with cultivat'd grasfes ami surgeon; First Lieutenant John Bosley, antine embraces inspection of passen­
Mr. Pendleton and Mr. Thurston tes­ ern
gers and the crews of steamer* and lu- statement that the legal papers con­
Reporter." 1037.
The accused
may nw«.-d the rang««,
aasiatant surgeon.
migation of sail packets.
nected with the attempts of the tele­ tified to hospitalities extended to them through a confederate had arranged to
phone company to suppress opposition by Agent Halsey, of the old company, obtain by criminal means the product*
Filipinos In Island Service.
New Oregon Poatmeatera.
liad been prepared by the legal depart­ and by Lukens, who was in its employ­ *f a packing company, but tbe plan wa*
Want American Education.
Waaldngton, Hept. 3.—Twenty-two
Washington, Sept. 4.—Oregon post-
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 30.—Tactai ment of the company preeideJ over by ment as a lawyer, but no testimony abandoned upon the confederate dis­
A Mewl oi Loews*«.
of the young Fillnlnos who were edu­ masters appointed
Miles, William
Mr. Pillsbury, who on the stand swors^ was forthcoming of any improper offer» closing It to tbe company. Subsequent­
cated in the United States liave arrived H. Colton, vice Rena E. Cumming, Wan, a mandarin of the second tank,
In tbe West Indies tbe negroes eat
that this work had been solely under being ina-ie to then-. The prosecution ly. however, a meeting was arranged
at Manila to undertake a period of ser­ rtaigued; Belinoti, Winnie M. McIn­
freely of tbe big grqb found In palux
will conclude today.
the direction of Glass.
at the request of the company between tree*. Tbe fat white morsel, which
vice for the government e*|ii«l to the tyre, vic* L. E. Palmer, resigned; Minnesota in charge of a party of ten
tbe confederate and the accused, and they call "grugru." Is not cooked or
time spent In this country sc-piiring an Kpringbrook, Michael G. Matkell, vice young men and six young women, pick­
Tunnels and Bridges Fall.
One Trust Sesk* Peacs.
the latter proposed that tbe former salted. Tbe eborigiuew of Australia
e lucation at government
exjienee. Aima L. Chrl’lopher, resigned; Wal- ed by the Chinese government for edu­
Tokio, Aug. 29.—Flood reports con- should procure packages of meat to be
Dallas. Tex., Aug. 31.—A new turn
Those having I mm - ii graduated frem the terville, William H. Rennie, vice cation In this country. The girls will
live almost entirely on a butterfly
be taken by the mandarin to Wellerley
normal, engineering and agricultural Irene C. Rrownaon, resigned.
Rural for a five year course of training and was taken today in the anti-trust suit tinue to be received. A number of rail­ placed on the packing company's load­ known as the bugong. The flies ap-
of the state of Texas against the Inter­
courses will I h < given employment under route No. 1 ordered establish*».! No­
ing platform, ami that the accused
Several would drive to the platform and re­ pear In batebee on the rocks, and tbe
the Philippine board of education and vember 1 at Snnret. Whitman county, the young men are to enter Yale and national Harvester company of Amer- bridges have been damaged.
natives smother them with smoke from
ica for II,000,00c* penalties and to days must elapse before traffic is re­ move the patongee. This plan was car­
the law graduates w ill tie given other Washington, serving 3(8) [»copie.
fires built below. It is said that a Hot­
graduated as engineer* and the others drive the coinpony out of Texas. Ef­ stored to normal conditions. Tbe route
ried out Tbe Supreme Court of Wis­ tentot. with an appetite made sharp
given a preliminary training for diplo- forts were la-gun to settle the case out of Tokio’s food supply is yet obstructed
consin bolds that under the facts tbe
Ph.llpplns Wood for Lead Pencils
ma tic miss ions.
of court, and indications, it is said, are by water. The sanitary authorities of accused was not guilty of larceny, a* by tbe simple life, can devour 300 fat
Glvs Sattlers Their Patents.
Washington, Hept. 4.—It ia learned
locusts at ■ sitting and feel better sat­
Washington, Aug. 29.—The Interior from Manila that »amples of Philip,
the element of t-et»pass was wanting.
Criticise the President.
isfied than If be bad paid »8 tar a ten
of the agreement, if one lias been made, busy with precautionary measure« to
de|»rtment is revoking the or-lct« of pine woods believed to l>e available for
Boston, Aug. 30 —The 100th anni­ have not Iw-en made public. The at­ prevent the outbreak of epidemics of
cuurae dinner. Tbe Arab* dry tbe k»-
Hole. Irr Ike !.«■■.
Secretary llitclicock suspending thou- making lead pencils have la-en sent to
ternary of the abolition of the slave torneys on Iroth i-.des have lieen in twin- cholera, dysentery and fever in the in­
casts and pulverize them Into flour for
san<ls of public land entries in the New York to to tested.
1-ead pencil trade was observed by representative
The Moor*
ference today at Houston and something undated districts whk’h cover a very form a function not known to any oth- breadmaking purposes.
West, and as soon as possible all en­ woods have become so scarce that if the
colored cit Irena of the country who were may develop.
extensive area of Central Japan.
tries where proof is complete and Philippine woods are satisfactory it will
er animal, and that is an escape plpe
attending the annual meeting of the
against which no chargee are pending create a large market therefor.
or pipes for tbe discharge of waste tn water for a few minutes they are
Nicaragua Movement society.
At the
Deep Enough, but Not Too Deep.
Naw Call for Arbitration.
will I m - |ass<«l to patent. Hundreds of samples shipped to New York are o
water or sweat not used In the econ­ eaten with salt, pepper and vinegar.
evening meeting an address was adopted
Seattle, Wash., Aug. 29.—Tbe state­ omy of the body. These escape pipes The locusts found In Central Africa
Salt 1-ake City, August 31. — The
thousands of acres were tied up by Mr red lauan ami balballwcan.
calling u|K»n colored voters to oppose Commercial club of Halt lake City to­ ment contained in yesterday’s dispatch­
are enormous, and the native negroes
Hitchcock's orders of suspension, and
any candidate for president endorser! try day passed and through its committee es from Washington that most of the are situated upon tbe Inside of the cut thorn In two and fry thran In fat
there is not a single word of evidence
Not Coming to Portland.
RtxwevelL The address severely criti­ on arbitration ts-legraphed to Preei-ient watei for anchorage in Puget sound is
In the files of the dt |«rtui«nt to justify
fore legs and above the gambrel points and find them not only appetising, but
Washington, Aug. 30.—It i* not the cised the president and the governor of
Roosevelt, the presidents of both the more than (»0 fathoms and that hence In the hind legs, but In tbe latter they nourishing. A flight of these big Io­
this notion In the great majority of
present Intention to rend the hattieship Georgia.
big telegraph companies, the president al) of the naval vessels coming to the
are very small and functions light custa la a matter of tribal tbanksglv
fleet to Portland liecaure naval ofllceni
of the Commercial Telegraphers’ union coast cannot lie accommodated here has
Upon the Inside of the fore leg they lug.
fear then- is not euflk-lent depth of
and over 50 commercial clubs in various called forth the protest of Senator^Pilee,
Bill for Increate of Pay.
are In the healthy hog always active,
water on the l-ar, but practically the
Bow and Arrow Fiable*,
Washington, Aug. 29.—A joint loard whole fleet will visit Puget Bound. The
so that moisture Is always there from
In the south seas and In varions
cotn|M>*ed of Acting Secretary Newbei- ships will anchor opposite Heattie. ber of commerce tixlay adopted reeolu- that the difference* between the com­ and others. They point out that the about or bekiw these orifices or duct*
ry, of the navy, General Ainsworth, of Because of the extreme depth st Ta­ tion* deprecating agitation aa ten-ling panies and their striking operators be government chaits show the harbor at In tbe healthy hog. The boles In the groups of Islands In tbe Indian oceerv
to call forth all feelings between the submitted to arbitration.
The gooil Bremerton and vicinity has an average
the aborigines shout fish with the bow
the army, and Assistant Hecretary of coma, no stop will be made there.
United States ati.l Japan.
It declared offices of the l-x-al commercial club tu depth of about seven fathoms, with an leg and breathing In the hog are bls and arrow'. ♦ Tbe art la extremely dim
the Treasury Beekman Winthrop, has
extreme depth of 24 fathoms.
this end were tendered.
cult, as In taking alm st an object un
compirteli a bill for rrcommendation to
Northwest Postal Affairs
an excess of heat above the normal,
to -lisetiminate against Japan or her
congress providing for a general im reaae
dor water the archer has to allow for
Will He Trust Lawyer?
Say Strikebreaker* Dstert.
of pay for officer* and men of the navy,
refraction. If he were to alm directly
postmasters appointed: Hover, Thomas
Georgetown, Ky., Aug. 29.—Caleb the mouth and breathe through that at tbe fish as he sees It, he would, of
New York, Aug. 31.—In a circular
army and revenue cutter service.
sent out today by the officers of the tel­ Powers, in commenting on the proposi­ channel aa well as tbe nostrils.
bill provides for increase* ranging from II. Dry, vice H. A. Hover, resigned;
course, miss. Long practice baa. bow -
Paclfii' Beach, Arthur O’Nicholas, vice
Casa Blanca, Aug.30.—Genetal Prude egraphers’ union it was declared that tion made by Governor Beckham to
1(1 per cent in the highest grades up to
ever, made the natives expert to »
It Was T«»ah.
James G. Avery, resigned.
Rural ha* decided to dtspach a portion of the the strikers would ignore any suggee- furnish W. 8. Taylor with a military
25 per cent in the lowest.
The waiter girl knew a thing or two wonderful degree In this sport.—Lon­
routes 1 and 2 have lieen ordered es­ French force five ntilee south to endeav­ tlon of a compromise and stand im­ escort to protect him if he times here
table etiquette, so slie sniffed don Saturday Review.
Confer on Standard Case.
movable on all demand*. It was also to testify in the Powers case. ea<d: “If
a* she said. ”It'a not our
Oyster Bay, Aug. 29.—Frank 11. Kel­
asserted that many strikebreakers had Taylor refuses to come to Kentucky
ple and 152 families.
sasslnatioii, pillage and connivance left the companies and wholesale de­ will he agree to let any competent law­ custom to serve a knife with pie.”
logg, special counsel for the govern­
Men occasionally walk well, but all
sertions are alleged to have taken place yer in the state, agreed upon by three
ment, conferred with the president to­
ought to walk better. Women are a
Northwest Postal Changes.
from the working fore** in the ottices non-ivirtisan Democrats in the state •Then bring me an ax.”—Christian despair. They shuffle, stride, waddk-.
day, supposedly on the detail of the
8ultan May Be Killed.
Washington, Hept. 4.—Neils A. Jen­
yesterday. Tbe public was asked to use not actively engaged in politics, try his Register.
suit to dissolve the Btnndsrd Oil com­
prance, »curry and think It no dlsgraew
London, Aug. 30.—The Tangier cor- mail* instead of the wires.
case if appointed as special judge?’’
pany, of New Jersey, the hearing of son has been appointed regular, Thomas
HI* Own Portrait.
to walk like a mechanical toy.— Ixindorx
which comes up in New York Heptcm-
Mr. MIMlt (savagely)—Before I mar­ Lady.
_ __
l« i
Cleveland I* Very III.
ried you, waa there any doddering Idot
Enjoins New Rates to Creameries
rick has lieen appointed post man ter at Sultan Abdul Aziz has been aasassinat-
It I* necemary to become acquainted
New York, Aug. 29.—It Is announced gone on you?
Chicago. Aug. 31.—Judge Kohlsatt,
Newcastle, Wash., vice Ell Manning, eil in the palace at Fez.
Build More Huge Ships.
with most people to find bow lm;-ollte
Mrs. Mlaflt—There w«» one.
In the Federal court, on complaint of tlist Grover Cleveland lias again lieen
Now York, Aug. 29.—The Times to­ resigned.
Mr. Misfit—I wish to gcxtdneaa you’d they are; only a few are rude to *trat»-
14 creamery concerns of the Middle attacked by acute indigestion, and has
Mazagan Acclaims Naw Sultan.
day says: The next naval appropria­
West, temporarily enjoined 14 West­ consequently relinquished his ides of married him!
Bucketshop Man Are Indicted.
tion bill presented to congress will re­
Tangier, Aug. 30.—It is announced ern railroads and five express compan­ visiting his summer home in New
Mrs. Mlafit—I did.—Illustrated Rita»
Some of th" linen coats men wear
commend that two and perhaps four
Washington, Aug. 30.—The grand that the sultan's brother has been ac­ ies from estsblishing, September 1, Hampshire.
Mrs. Cleveland has re­
The broken heart cuts so little figure make a hunting coat look like a tai loo-
totteshipe of at least 20,000 and per­ jury has Indicted five brokers on a claimed sultan by the entire population new rstee for transporting milk and turned to Princeton from New Ham p-
la the death rate.
made article by comparison.
haps 26,000 tons be authorised.
charge of conducting bucket shops.
of Mazagan,.
shire with their children.
Pittsburg, Aug. 30. — With their
Imuses slipping and creaking and win-
dows breaking, several hundred for­
eigners have deserted their homes at
Port Vue, a suburb, fearing death in a
landslide which threatens to bury Hcott
slr-vt and 26 dwellings. The trouble
is caused by the digging of a new rail­
road cut 100 yards below.
The earth
totween the cut and tbe hillside where
the houses itand is underlaid by a soft
shale *a|istone. and the whole msse is
slowly moving towards tbe cut. The
(suit 24 hours 100 yards of Hcott street
dropped 30 feel below its original level.