Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 06, 1907, Image 6

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    and refinement of breeding, she adds
much to the board as chairman of mu­
sic and art
A tireless worker la a l
things In which she Is Interested the
writer congratulates her colleagues
with more than passing pleasure, to
which a cheer for the editor is most
heartily tendered
Yours Nir an unqualified success.
Publiahed Every Friday at tlreaham. Ore , by the B iavi * S tati Pvauaitixo Co.
M am agii .
M ontaviu . a Ornea, SIS Villa Av. ; P obtua WO Ornea, 'AW Goodnough Building
Knierad an Mcond class matter at ’he p«wtoffiee at tireaham. Oregon.
of the community, who have to
pass that way. These proceed­
ings either ought to stop, or the
boys and men offending, taught
a lesson that they will not soon
Eitfht saloonkeepers kept their
places of business open in Port­
land last Sunday in plain and de­
liberate defiance of law. They
make no secret of their determi­
nation to circumvent, evade and
John D. Rockefeller, says
destroy the laws that do not
Landis, will be dead a
please them, whatever the rest
before the fine of
of the people may think. They
do not propose to be bound by $29.240,000 assessed against his
statutes of which they do not company is paid, and the New
approve. There is thus repre­ York Times appears to think
sented a question not of the that there is more truth than po­
evils of intemperance, nor of the etry in the statement.
particular evil of selling liquor thing is certain. The fine will
on Sunday, but a question of the not be paid if it is possible for
right of one class of men delib­ the Standard Oil people to avoid
erately to set at defiance the it
laws of the state in which they
The supreme court has re­
live and the protection of which
versed the ruling of the Marion
they claim.
county court in all three of the
It has often been said by men
referendum cases recently de­
who are opposed to the liquor
cided by Judge Galloway. This
traffic. “I have nothing against
submits the University appropri­
the saloonkeeper; it is his busi­
ation and the anti-pass bill to
ness I oppose.” That attitude
the people for their decision, and
may consistently be taken where
a saloonkeeper conducts his busi­ puts a quietus on the graft of
Sheriff Stevens in the feeding of
ness in accordance with law.
Multnomah county prisoners.
But when a liquor dealer or a
man engaged in any other occu­ The postal authorities are plac­
pation purposely and persistent­ ing a ban on art postal cards
ly operates his business in direct that are so nearly obscene as to
and defiant violation of the laws become a menace to the public
in which he lives, then the op­
Postmaster Minto of
position of all law-abiding people
Portland and District Attorney
must be not against his business, Manning are both determined
but against him. The man who that the sale of such cards shall
sets himself against the laws is be prohibited in Portland.
an enemy of the state, and he
must expect that the friends of
Restricted immigration will do
organized and orderly govern­ much toward ridding this country
ment will be numbered among I of crime. Our foreign popula­
his enemies.—Oregonian.
tion is but 20 per cent of the
total population, yet furnishes
37 per cent of the white crimi­
All the papers published in nals of the country.
Washington county, says the
Forest Grove Times, will, com­ The one who is successfully
mencing October 1st, raise their farming a ten-acre tract by his
subscription rates to $1.50 the own labor is not worrying over
year. The papers of Yamhill the hired help problem.
countv are doing the same thing,
so are nearly all the other dollar- j A genuine gentleman is the
a-year papers, not only in Ore­ product of a mother who knows
gon, but all over the United her business.
States. Newspaper proprietors
are usually the last to raise Home'» not merely four «quire wall«,
prices, but a move of this kind Though with pictures bring and gililed ;
Home is where affection calls—
is imperative and should have Filled with shrines the heart has
been done long ago. The Her­
ald has long contemplated such Home ! Go watch the faithful dove
a move, but for various reasons Sailing 'neatb the heaven above us;
has failed to put it into effect. Home is where there’s one to love!
It, however, cannot longer be Home is where there's one to love us!
not merely roof and room—
deferred if the paper is to be Home's
It needs something to endear it,
kept up to its present standard, Home is where the heart can bloom,
hence, commencing Nov. 1, 1907, Where there's some kind lip to cheer it!
the subscription price of the What is home with none to meet,
Herald will be advanced to $1.50 None to welcome, none to greet us!
Home it sweet, and only sweet,
per year. All subscriptions may Where there's one who loves to meet
be renewed for one or more
years, prior to that time at $1.00
per year. If your subscription The Multnomah Fair and Carnival
expires on or before Jan. 1, 1908,
Dear Mr Brownhill:
Among the
many complimentary things being said
or, in fact, at anytime in 1908 of
the fair prospective may I. too, give
you may, if you see fit, renew my opinion. No words can express
your subscription between this my approval of the plan to draw near­
er together the people of GreHham
and Nov. 1, 1907, at the old rate, and her neighboring grange Institutes
And again coming from one whose in
$1.00 per year.
The Oregon Press association
held a very enthusiastic meeting
last Saturday at Hotel Moore,
Seaside. E. H. Woodward of
the Graphic, Newberg, was elect­
ed president; J. S. Dellinger of
the Astorian, Astoria, vice-pres­
ident; Dr. Coe of Portland, cor­
responding secretary; D. M.
Bath of the Independent, Hills­
boro, recording secretary, and
MissGotschall of Portland, treas­
urer. Practically a new re-or-
ganization was effected, new
plans outlined, and a new cam­
paign started for the upbuilding
of the association. It is hoped
every newspaper in the state
will be enlisted in this move­
It is reported that a number
of young men and boys are in
the habit of swimming-minus
even the proverbial fig leaf -in
Johnson creek near the trestle
east of the depot, to the constant
annoyance of the female portion
"The kindest and the happiest pair
Will find occasion to forbear;
And something every day they live
To pity—and. perhaps, forgive.”
terest in all affairs pertaining to the
prosperity of her townspeople gives
the press the right to superiority over
all other business elements.
ft is the columns of the home paper
that sets forth the advantages of such
an undertaking
It chronicles the
progress as time runs along, and when
the end Is come, the success of the
The struggle for growth and sub­
stantial business foundation acquires
a new strength when some enterpris­
ing man of the town steps forth from
the ranks and says. “Let us have a
Ix-t us unite and make the
strong pull altogether and exhibit the
industries and husbandry and talent
of our people in one place, for "In
union there is strength "
There will be disappointments and
dissentlons along some lines, perhaps'
but in the end all will see what a
stupenduous prestige to Multnomah
County this enterprise will lend. It
Is to the broadening of the community
what the glass Is to the pastel paint
ing. the life and natural effect, when
something along grander lines is per
fected; that binds the interests of
men Into one harmonious whole
And in the admirable selection of
officers and committeemen. permit me
to congratulate the association on its
selection of Mrs Martin Kronenberg
Associated with her in dramatic and
other home entertainments, my per­
sonal experience compels me to offer
tribute to her executive ability, one
of her best known qualities Blending
the possession of a magnificent so­
prano voice with Innate artistic tastes
O. R. & N.
Oreqon Buildinq Activities Wosderiul
S| w <-I a I Corrssp,»ndencs.
1’oan.AMP. Oregon, Sept. 2.—Oregon
sent a magnificent lielegation to the
National Irrigation Congress at Sacra­
mento led by Gov. Chamberlaiu. who is
president of the congress, and many of
them will attend the Oregon irrigation
meeting at Granta Pass Sept. 10-12.
The 16,000 offer in cash prize* for ar­
ticles on Portland and thia part of the
United Stale« in newspapers printed
outside of Oregon and Washington is
open to every cititen of Oregon, and it
must not l<e forgotten there are eighty
chances to win. This has leeu slated
tiefore, but there seems to lie a general
misunderstanding «bout it.
The prominent citissns of New York
composing the Brooklyn league «eut
sway delighted with Oregon.
Reports received (roui many of the
cities and towns throughout Oregon in­
dicate enormous building activities both
within their limits and throughout the
surrounding country, and there is every
assurance ot a very active and prosper­
ous fall and winter.
Both city ami farm real estate is in
demand all over Oregon, but it is hoped
there will be no stiff advance in price
which will deter the thousands of colon­
ists bound this wav to find a home in
The Corral at the State Fair
The amusement street or concession
space at the Greater Oregon State Fair
.Sept. 16-21), at Salem, will lie called
the Corral. This name was adopted
from a long list submitted tiecause it
has a Western flavor, and because the
Corral will be a general round-up and
meeting place for pleasure seekers who
will visit the big fair. The place itself
will be in the form of a corral or enclos­
ure living built around three sides of a
square. A num tier of good shows and
acts are living signet up for this depart­
ment. Free open-air exhibitions, bal­
loon Ascensions, moving pictures, etc.,
will be presented to the public on a big
platform in the center ot the enclosure.
Get in on the round-up at the Corral.
(Continued from First page.)
Dr. Dechmann expects to
tiave from 175 to |1<X) distributed in
prises from his department alone.
The prizes offered for livestock will
be larger than any other, as is always
the case. Charles Cleveland expects to
have the stock displayed on Thursday
and Friday of the fair, allowing exhib­
itors to take their stock at 4 o'clock on
Friday afternoon. Mr. Cleveland thinks
it inadvisable to try to displav livestock
more than two days, because of the at­
tention they require while on the
H E. Davis, chairman of the agri­
cultural committee, says : “Most people
people think it very late to secure a
good display in this line, but I think
we can succeed in getting a fairly g<»x)
.Mrs. H. L. Vale, chairman domestic
science, has been soliciting Portland
business men for prizes for her depart­
ment and has succeeded in securing
prizes for all her displays. f>he proposes
to give first and second prize to the
lady making the nicest bread, also to
the girl making the best bread, the first
prize being $5 and the second, $3.
There will also lie prizes for the best
cake, pie, canned fruit and various
things for which any lady may compete.
Among the prizes Mrs. Vale has se­
cured two valuable rings, donated by
Mrs. A. N. Wright, proprietor of the
Iowa Jewelry store, also two nice chairs.
Mrs. E. M. Douglass was given, in
addition to the needlework department,
the industrial work for boys and girls.
Mrs. Douglass wanted to lie sure the
boys were not left out, so brought up
the matter, with the result that she was
given charge of the boys' department
with the understanding that Mrs. Vale
would assist her in the needlecraft de­
W. P. Muli hay, traffic manager of the
Portland Railway, Light A Power com­
pany, was present and said, although no
definite plans had been made for rates
as yet, owing to the fact that he hail not
been informed except through The
Beaver State Herald, of his duty in the
he would give the direc­
tors an answer in a few days and
promised the rates for («rsengers and
also for freight would lie very reason­
able ami that plenty of cars would lie
put on to accommodate the crowds.
The baby show is to lie one of the
interesting features of the fair
dent J. J. Johnson proposes giving each
lathy on exhibit a stamped blue riblion
as a souvenir of the fair, besides the
first and second prizes to lie offered.
A motion was made and carried that
all matters not determined by the di­
rectors while in session should lie left
to the executive committee for decision.
The president was also given full power
to act in case matters came up which
needed prompt attention.
A motion was made and carried that
all warrants be signed by the president
and secretary. Providing the countv
court will agree.
Powell street from
Main street to the grange ball will lie
used for concessions.
Electric lights and water will lie se­
cured for the grounds during the fair.
Brass lands, quartets and various kinds
of music will be engaged. The firesham
will sell tickets
September 11, 12 and 13
Chicago and return,
St. Louis and return,
Ninety day»' limit 1» given on ticket« at tlieae rale« and »t<>pov«*r* al pl«a»ure within limits
pointe in the Northwest at correapondingly low rates
The Only Way
Kansas City and return,
St. Paul and return,
l'<> oilier point« in tlie l ast and Middle Weal ami trom all
wm. M c M urray .
To get the Ix-xt there is in traveling. |>artieulallv on a trauaconiiliental trip where lime 1»
an im|a>rtant factor, i» to buy vour ticket over the Oregon Hailroad A Navigation Co. Auv
igenl of thia eou>|<any w ill sell ymi a ticket, give any de»irvd information ami make all
nivesaary arrangements.
brass land and also other land» have
offered to assist in furnishing music.
Entertain iiients aside from the eonees-
■ion«, will be given each evening and an
auditorium for this purpose will lie
erected. A "Trail” or "Furrow" will
prolably be one of the features of the
grounds and a wedding may lie one of
the attractions if parties can lie bribed
by free license, minister's service ami
various presents to consent to the jar
for m anew.
The four days ot the fair will lie di- |
vided as follow»: Tuesday, opening
Notable speaker» will I* secureil
for this day. including Gov. Chamber-
lain, Mayor Ijuie and others. Wednes­
day will be children's day and educa- 1
tional day. On this dav will lie the
labv »how. and the school children are
expected to assist in providing enter
tainment for the day. Thursday will
I* pioneer and fraternal day. Ou this
■ lay the G. A. R. and all lodges are
expected to take part. Friday will be
Portland day and Portland is expected
to turn out in force and see what Gresh­
am can do with a little outside assist­
The price of admission determined on
was 25c and 80c. Season tickets will be
furnished to those wishing them
nice little booklet containing premium
list and all information in regard to the
fair is being prepared and will soon In­
road v for publication.
A pleasing feature of Monday's meet­
ing was a dainty lunch pre|ian«l by
Mrs. J H. Sliattuck. Mrs. George Sleret
and Mrs. Ed. Sleret and came as a de­
lightful surprise to those who came from
a distance
The ladies had also deco­
rated the rooms very prettily with tlow-
ers of the season.
The next mer tifffc will In* held Sun­
day. Sept. K, tieginning at 1 ikl p. in
Attack of Diarrhoea Lured by One
6rtshdi Lodge No. 125,1. 0. 0. F.,
Dose of Chamberlain's ColK. Chol­
Meets «»very Sntunluv night in < Md Fri-
era and Diarrhoea Remedy.
low«1 II ill
i » > Melagvr. n 'i , I »
I was so weak from ail attack of diar­ M. Roln«rtii. Secretary.
meets 1st ami 3rd Wvdnemlny« ot bhc I i
rhoea that I could scan’i-ly attend to month. All visiting brother« •pvrinlly
my duties, when I took a dose of Cham­ invited to utlvml.
berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. It cured me entirely and I
had been taking other medicine (or nine
days without relief. I heartily recom­
mend thi» remedy as living the best to
my knowledge for bowel complaints.—
R. G. Stewart of the firm of Stewart A
Bro«.. Greenville, Ala. For »ale by all
Portland, Or*.
tien Paa*. Agl ,
Read the «ant a»ls on laat
; Hyland Bros, [S-.
Have Removed to
• 16« FIFTH
orroKirit thk rom»rrie»
IriMb Ihn 111 S scm O Strut
• Whrrv they will be plcasatl tu •«’«’ all
• tlivir uhi ■ lutmiirr, a ini many n»w nur»
Re me lit Iter place
P orti
ami »,
Herald want ad* bring good rvmtltj«
Flour, Feed, and Groceries
Had Tetter for llilrty Year*
I had tmffertNl with tetter for thirty
year« and have trir»l ahm^t countlm*
rvimsliea with little, it any, relief.
Three lioxea of ChamlM«rlain*a Salve
cured ma. It wax a torture. It break«
out a little mtmetimea, hut nothing to
what it uaed to do.—*1). H. Brach, Mid«
land City, Ala. Chamberlain’« Salve ia
for xalr by all druggixtx.
HcdJqudrters lor the famous EDISON PHONOGRAPHS and RtCORDS
If wr haven't what you want
we will get it for you ...
Give tia a trial order and I*
convinced it'«
Or Pi'BTi IMI,
Having pUt in
and n I \\<>ltK|Xti b(»K< I , I am in a Itettrr |Maiitit>n than
i to ■ *i" : t jm ui wanta along gt m nd blaolunBithing Unea
: Farmers’ Mutual Fire:
• • Relief Association e •
. |\|ew F:orges and other
Modern Tools and Machinery
• •
O m MM
i ■ eepofetsd Ml
J J KFUN. s .
MS K»-i 1 «inli 111 si l’.,rll«riA Otsgoa, *
IE Sixiza, Agt . Boring, Ore., _
H. W S nahiiai . l , Pre«., < • re« ha in.
Harness and Vthkles of all kinds al rlqhl prices
• Orland Zeek,
• In-iininii- st actual coat. Tried e
• and not fnund wanting
Agents ,
• wantvil in rvi-rv couuty. For par- -
• tit ulars write to
pleasant home , ore .
Frank Ogburn is seriously ill this
week, the result of a stroke of paralysis
Howard McGowan of Bird City, Kan­
sas. and bride stopped a week with the
Attorney - at - Law,
They have spent a con- i
Notary Public . . .
pie of months in California and Oregon,
<>FFi< « fiO7 <'omtn«-rrlal Hlilg (’or -*»>•! and
looking for a suitable place to locate in
Waflhingt'n H< . C ortland
Phone P mc 1«’»1
io Villa Avenue. M ontavii .I a At
the real estate business, and are much K kmidksi
home evenlUR«
pleased with Oregon. They and three
other families of Sigourney, Iowa, will
prolwbly come in March and settle in ot
near Portland.
Hontu-pathic Physician and Surgvun
Herb Rankin succeeded in capturing
Call« attended <lay or night,
office phon«- Main
Rei pitone. Main *s.
the stork. It is a I toy.
Office, over Stuart * «ture Main Stn« t real
dence. Main «trevi near Third. GRKNH a M
Miss Mildred Mollit of Portland visit
< I
ed at the "Wavside" Sunday
Ed Hiefer and men finished graveling
the Sycamore and Damancua road Thurs­
Miss Agusta Siefer, who has lieen
»rending a few weeks at the coast, «ill
spend a week or two at home. Is-fore
going back to Portland to work in the
telephone office.
Mrs. Teevin and children have gone
to Silverton with the Baxters to pick
Miss Mary Wilson is suffering with a
severe cold, contracted while visiting at
Dr. Short's.
Mrs. Johnson, who has not lieen well
since Mart’ll, has lieen taken to Oregon
City for medical treatment.
Many of the Damascus people have
returned from the mountain« with a
goislly quantity of huckleberries.
A daughter was Ixirn to the wife of
Frank Irwin last week.
Miss Annie .lari has gone to Newport
for a week’s outing.
H. Francis and family are
into the Carlson house.
Miss Ella Jarl of Portland visited rel­
atives here several days last week.
Jonsrud Bros, logging donkey lias ar­
rived at Boring.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy One of
the Best on the Market
$1.00 a Month
Portland Railway, Light & Power Co.
Call or write
John Brown, Agt., R im -U mihk I. Or.
Springwater Division
The Publisher’s
Claims Sustained
ita r rant
A ib I »> V «>1l mi
7 IM w in H | n i
* 2U M
12 03 2
* 27 N 10 10 Iol2 102
* XI M 1*lo le 12 102
« «7 •» Jilo 2U12 20 2
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... B im 10 >12 M2
■ ■ iB L 10 4,12 412
N >1 10 M 12 112
... « MIO 5412 142
... I* 57 10 57 12 17 2
unii <M 1 «23
d V loll 10 1 102
C laims
The Publisher« of Webster'« International
Dictionary alieae that It ‘'is. In fa< t.the |>opu-
lar I ’nabrDlKtMj thoroughly rc-edite«! in every
detail, and vastly enrlrbod In every part, wltn
ths purpose of adaptln« It to meet the larirer
an ! severer requlreiuenta of uuut her ict-nera-
We are of the opinion thiit this allr-iration
most clearly and accurately <| q « ot II m - s the
work that has lieen a< «-ornpllalM-d and the
reat< It that hue lieen rea<h<-«l. The Dictionary,
as It now stafida, hns lieen thoroiurhly re-
e<ll'ed In every detail, line lieen corrected In
evei v part, and la admirably udaptc«l to meet
the larger and severer requirement* of a
iren' ration which dci.iands more of popular
t>hIk .logical knowledge tlmn any generation
that the world ba*«ver contained.
It is perha|Mi noedlCMl to a III that wo refer
to t'ie dictionary In our judicial work a-« of
the highest authority In accuracy of defini­
tion and that In the future as in the ¡mat It
will lie the auurce of constant reference.
XI 441 44 7 II Ar
02 7 12
034 130 U 1 40
104 XO 24 1 II
114 210 X 1 01
X4 XI 34 1 09
24 4 341 X 1 X
204 fil 43 • 14
X4 410 40 1 20
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414 III 10 0 X
III 01 ? 09 0 M
Ml 047 N 0 H
174 «7 7 11 1 42
Ml 1>7 17 0 40
101 X7 24 1 13 Ar
(lulf June
lx-nt* June
Ka«lr t.'rwk
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« '.ZIU W1, ,2, ,21 (1, ,21, t,
« .'.T » 17 10 11712 »71 111 «11 111, H
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I Wil 1. 1 212 41, >1 0 M
Lv. ■ 1 7 :•> , vu21 *>| M2 Ml M 0 M
Troutdale Division
Between Cedarville Junction and Troutdale
•^niHQriiLD, MAM.
¡ ¡
Get Protection
Avoid In-ing a cahh of charily al
tin* hand* of other«.
U nitcd S tati « C ourt
Sandy for Boring
ORR ;>
Boring for Sandy.......
againat Nirknct*«, Accident mid
I »ai h
Accidents sill Happen
i >
< i
■ «
For many year» f'bamlirrlain’» Cough
Remedy has constantly gained in favor
and |sipiilarity until it is now one >f the
most staple medicine« in use and has
an enormous sale. It is intended espe­
cially for acute throat and Inng diseases, INTERNATIONAL DICTIONARY
such as coughs,' colds and croup, and I
can always I m * depended upo.i. It is <the hikrheat nwanl) was riven Io the Interna­
pleasant and safe to take and is un­ tional at the World's Fair, bt. ixiula.
doubtedly the Is-st in the market for
purposes for which it is intended. Sold
J'oM tfi/1 ba infrrMfrd <n our
by all druggists.
fpeeiaieN faiv*'**.
Give former address as well as pres­
ent one when asking to have The Her I
aid changed Ui new ismtofflce
Sandy Stage and Livery
V. 7
M 7
01 7
(K» 7
>l M
«I m
«rj a
Ofi -
OK 8
IS *
31 12 21 2 21 4
ai 12 14 2 24 4
>/ 2 |7 4
12 12 42 2 42 4
41 «
44 4
47 1
12 •
11 I N
40 I W
!<«■•• Line
* . 23 a
* -jn'a
* IN|7
4« I M I M 7 U I
For Oregon City, Canenmh Park and way point«, change car« at Golf June
For IzeiitH, Mount Bcott ami cart aide |M>inta, change ear* at Lent« Junction
W. P. MIJIÄ HAY, Traffic Agent.
General Uffici*«, Firat ami Alder 8U», P orti . ani », O ka S ún .