Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, September 06, 1907, Image 4

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.'el I a M by terai»« Cvltt-
rlaai lea*S Wteelly Vnwarrweled.
From time to time Americana are
agitated by th« crlll.'al coomieuta of
Maw foreign writer. u<ually English,
who send* his iBkpremloM to his |«a-
per», sajs Harriet Quimby In I^alle’a
Weekly. An an American. with all the
characteristic patriotism of one bom
under the stare and atrip«*. I hare al­
ways been among the first to iteuounce
such writers as prig» Ignorant of their
subject; but after a neason of unpreju-
dlced obaerratlon along the famous
French and Italian Riviera and con-
: tinned Into Egypt, the Mecca of the
majority of our travelers thia season.
It Is forcibly tori'* In upon me that,
after all. foreign writers are not as
far wrong In their critic! sms of Ameri
cans abroad; but that tbelr obwerva
tlons lacked completed«*» la also ob­
vious for th»y falle«! to enumerate ths
failings of the English and al*> thoae
of rhe tiermana
The most flagrant mistake which
- young feminine America mak<* when
she has safety landed from her fa­
vorite Hamburg liner on tbto side of
the Atlantic la the exereiae of that
freedom and natural coquetry which Is
her own country Is undershwd. but
which Is In contrast to the conduct of
her far less attractive. It la true, but
better behave«! English and German
sisters Is no more or less than hoyden-
lah. and In too many Instance» de
scends to vulgarity. “We are abroad,
and nothing matters." Is the general
attitude. She of go«! family am! de
mure behavior In her own city coquets
recklessly at the wrong time, think
Ing nothing of it herself. for she meant
nothing, but in the buoyancy of bet
spirits and the safety of being un­
known she manages to attract that nat
ural crlticlam which she so bitterly re­
sents when she returns to her own
home and chances to read what th«-
foreigners have thought of her What
is Innocently called a lark and la In
Itself Innocent enough, no doubt. Is re­
garded seriously by foreign men, and
even to the unprejudiced American eyr
the extreme unconventionality, to use
a mild term, loses the charm with
which It is sometimes regarded In our
own country, where It Is better under
CopyngM 1M. hr Tbe UiMüaOb
Excellent Remedy
for Constipation
There are many ailment»
directly dependent upon con­
stipation, such a* bilioutne**,
discolored and pimpled »kin,
inactive liver, dy»pep«ia, over­
worked kidney» and headache
Remote constipation and all
of these ailments disappear.
MAN-A-LIN can be relied
upon to produce a gentle ac­
tion of the bowel», making
pill» and drastic cathartic» en­
tirely unnecessary.
A dose or two of Man-a-lin
is advisable in slight febrile
attacks, la grippe, colds and
Not many years since a pastor it
New York State read In bis pulpit thii'
portion of a hymn:
Reanh ef Craeade for Protecllo»—
Baft»«» of Sparrow. sad
The protection of birds tn England
has reached such a stage that they have
become a nuisance and now it Is not
unlikely that a systematic war will be
waged on them. The complaint Is not
of the game birds, which pay In sport
and in the market.
It la the little
feathered creatures that are bothering
the farmers and gardeners.
Of course, the sparrows are the
worst. They have grown to millions
Parlor Magic.
Mr. Kyboah. »bo was in search of ■ In the »'Uthern part of England and
late copy of a monthly magaime. atoeai the Kentish farmers have had to organ­
mindedly stepped into the parlor.
ise battues to redu-e their numbers, as
He was just in time to see the younj they were devouring seed and grain and
man hastily remove his arm from the destroying fruit to a ruinous extent.
beck of the chair in which Mias Kitty
Tens of thousands of them have been
-was sitting.
"Pressed ! 01 Change 1” be muttered shot or caught with birdlime.
In Herefordshire. Just north of Lon­
Instantly stepping back into the sittini
don. the bullfinches are the worst of­
For Mr. Kybosh remembered that he fenders. swarms of them darken the
was a young man himself many yean air and settle down on the fields and
In the orchard. The statement made
Is that they absolutely denude the trees
Wlaeoaa nod Valor.
"It takes a wise mao to know wbec of fruit
Each apple or pear has only a little
to change bis mind,” said one states
peck taken from It, but It Is thrown to
“Yes." answered the other, "and a the ground and rendered totally unmar­
brave one to own up to it when it 1» ketable. The farmers and fruit rais­
er» here talk of organising formal bunts
accomplished.”—Washington Star.
to thin out the flocks of birds Starlings
Th» Hits and the Miao«».
bare also become extremely numerous
"What are the requisite» of a sue and are badly In need of daughter, the
eensful musical comedy?"
country people say.
“Ob. about a dozen song hits."
The pigeons are the only birds con­
stantly shot all the year around In
"And twice that many attractive England, and In spite of this their num­
misses."—Washington Herald.
ber never seems to diminish. In one
farm outside of London the proprietor
The Premature Preas.
First Reporter—I see by the last edl-I reports that be shot recently 340 pig­
don that our old schoolmate, Jones, has eons In a single day.
Farmers and gardeners and fruit
tommltted suicide.
Second Reporter—Hurry down and growers are proposing to memorialize
rou may be in time to prevent hla do­ the government for the establishment
ing It—Smart set
of a scientific system to combat the In­
crease of sparrows, finches, starlings,
Don’t Grow Stale!
crows and pigeons In the Interest of
Many a man bewails bis lack of suc­
husbandry and horticulture.—New York
cess In life after he has permitted him­
self to get Into a rut While dreaming
of success be has been as blind as a
A Loa« Contract.
bat and slower than two snails. He
A pen once lost me an order. I had
blocked his own way.—Manchester Just worked up the executive of a
large concern Into a desire to buy. I
bad my contract form lying on bls
Rrapeetn Work.
desk with my finger on the dotted line.
°I am afraid you don't like work.”
"Yes I do." answered Plodding Pete. He reached over toward bls pen rack,
"I have so much respect for work that took off a pen and plunged It Into the
when I see a piece of it to be ’tended to Ink well. He turned to me with a
I alius feel Ilka turnin' it over to some-1 frown on bls face—the well was empty.
body else that wouldn’t be as likely to
I was ready with a fountain pen.
•poil it as I would."—Washington Star.
Tbs pen was uncapped. I banded It to
A» Expert Opinion.
He started to write.
Tbs Ink
"What we want to do.” said the mor­ would not flow. I took It and shook It.
alist. "U to strive for the uplifting of Again be made the attempt, with no re­
our fellowman.”
“That is easy." »aid the flying ma­
"I will get one,” be said.
So he
chine Inventor. “The difficulty Is to stepped Into the other room. Evidently
keep him from dropping back to earth some one stopped him with a question,
with a rude Jar."—Washtnzton Star.
for he did not come back for three
minutes Then he stood at his desk.
He IwAed down at the contract.
"I believe I had better think this
matter over again.” be said. And all
the talk I put up could not budge him.
I bad lost a sale because my fountain
pen was empty. Now, one of my regu­
lar morning duties, week In and week
out. Just as regular as my shave and
my checking over of calls to be made
and the making out of my expense ac­
At any rate, you accm to be
count, Is filling my fountain pen.—
Janies N. Bowen. In System.
getting rid of it on auction-sale
Well, the delightful day will come
When my dear Lord shall take me heme
And I shall see his face—
Just then be was stricken with paral
ysls and died in a few moments. Tblr
ty-tbree years before In the same pul­
pit another pastor was reading the
very same stanza when be. too. was
stricken and died.—Scran Book.
Buy Hair
at Auction?
principles: “going, going,
g-o-n-el” Stop the auction
with Ayer’a Hair Vigor. It
checkafallinghair.and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also. Sold
for over sixty years.
Peorly Erpreaaed.
"That young lady and gentleman at
tbs next table appear to be getting
quite thick.”
"They’re In love with one another,
if you mean that; but they could never
get thick at this boarding house.”—
Houston Post
Wkxl'i Hla *s«t
“After all, you know,” said Duhley,
“a man is only as old as be feels.”
"Yes?” replied Wise. "How about
ths fellow who Teels like a 2-year-
oMT”—Philadelphia Pre«*
Mint married men do as they please
—la their uilnda,
*»« *m«Xl»a Mexlcaw « l»ar«
««row» om «»» Bmol«»e,
"It has always bawl a matter of sur­
prise to me.” Mid a traveler quoted In
the Waalilngtou Star, "that Mealenu
When theblixxl is pure, fresh and healthy, the akin will l>e soft, smooth
cigars ami tolwoxi have not attracted
•nd free from blemishea, but when some acid humor t ikes r>>.-t in the v ik il­
the American taste, Inaamuch ns we are lation its presence it manifested by a skin eruption or disease.
a iialkHi of amokera.
t into the blixxl, gem-rally because of an inactive or sluggish
"I make |x«rkxllcal trl|m to our al* condition of the tncinbcrs uf tlie Ixxly whose duty it is to collect ami carry
ter republic, and although you might off tlie waste amt retuse matter of tliosvstcui. Tills unhealthy matter is left
equipped with lightning rod*, and as think It was the back eyed aeiiorltaa to sour and ferment ami »<x«u the circulation becomes charged with the u< i<l
th» electricity play«! about hlui. so- which first attract«! me In the land of poison. The bl«xl begins to throw off the humors and sc ids through tho
coin pa u ted by crashing thunder, sound perpetual sunahiue. It waan't; It waa pores and glands of the akin, producing Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Psoriasis,
Ing louder because of his elevated |xv the big black cigars that can tw> («ought Salt Rheum and akin eruptions of various kinds. Eczemanp|ieara, usually
with ii alight redness of the akin followed by pustules from which them
slttou, "Risky" thought that his last ro cheaply, from th« American |x>lut of
There are but few pla«iw lu flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, uml the itching is intense.
hour had surely route. To add to the view.
It is generally on the back, breast, face, arms uml legs, though other |>aits
danger th» sudden down|*»ur of mln this country In the cities where you
of the txxly may be affccte«l. In Tetter the skin dries, cnicks and b!««cdaj
bad made the ropa-a hol-llug his chair can get a real Mexlreu cigar, though If the acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, which lire intend«-«!
so stiff that he scnrvvlv could undo you aak for such a>me adisna-ii will Io keep it »(«ft and pliant, causing a dry, feverish condition am! giving it •
them lu order to let himself down. hand out th» INirto Rico article of roll hard, leathery appearance. Acne makes its appearance on the face in the
Filially he succeeded tn getting hl* «1 tobacco leaf without cracking a
. —__ , ...
. form
........ of pimp
let and black, while
I sa(T»r*.t with Eo»»wia f<r forty
rope loose and swung clear of hto dan ■nil*
years amt e 'uld And i>othii>a to Psoriasis comes in acaly patches un differ­
“Mexican tobacco has a flavor pecu onr» n«» until I tried
I ent parts uf the Ixxiy One <>( the wntrt
geroua position.
ruttered intensely with th» itch-
Au umviufortable accident occurred liar to Itself and untlk» that of th« neand burning: pustule* would fornis of »kin trouble is Sult Rheum;
while Evans was working
ths real Havana; It Is more bitter, and form rrom which there flowed • its favorite point of attack is the scalp,
sticky fluid; crusts woul-t coma on
steeple of Trinity Church lu New York. ;>arhapa some men would call It rank, th» skta aad wbon scratched cfT sometimes cau*in|f baldness. Poison Oak
stein w»» ten »• raw a* • piece amt Ivy arc also disagreeable t vp< s of skin
“Frenehy," the man who was after compared with th» tXibati product. I th»
of b»»f. I suffered »gony lath«
ward kill««,!, was with him. They had have always likened the taste for the long year« t was »ntict».l, but disease. The humor pnxtucing the trouble
I ux»d B. B.■. I found a t-«r- lies donuant in the libxxt through th«
rlggsd up a chair to which were at­ Mexican cigar unto tluit for the olive wh»n
Itect oure. There ties n»»»r L»»n
Winter to break out and tonueut tho
tache«! ro;-ea by meaus of which they —It Is acquired, aixl once acqulrvsl it say return of th» trvublo.
sufferer with the return of Spring. Thelicst
rould let themselv,-» out of tlielr j ■nemo to stick. The beat Mexlcau Btoctemen, Nab.
treatment for all «kin» Is Ji. S. S.
perches onto the roof of the streple cigars coins from the provln«-» of X era
It neutralises the acids and removes tho
and thus climb down to the gable, ( nil. Just as the beat flavored Cuban
humors so that the skin instead of twinjg
through which they came out of tlx- tobacco rouies from a cvmiparatlvoly
irritated and diseased, is nourished by a
-elfry. One end of tlie roi«e was kept clrcumacrlbt'd area near ill» city ot
supply of fresh, healthy bhxxl. External
knotted, to hold It lu tlie ebalr. After
applications of salves, washes, lotions, etc.,
Frenehy" had gone down one evening | Vera Crus cigar* to uiy mind, hni» a
while they aootho the itching caused by
after work h» undid the knot and the[ very fin» fiavvr, and they are «torn
sk in affections, can never cure the ttoublo
rope slipped through, leaving “Risky”! paratlvely cheap, a good »moke selling
because they do not reach the blood. S, S. S. goes down into the clrculati->ts
in the pursuit of yvur Ire» ’v.«
marooned at the top of the steeple,' for 6 cents each, white th» prl«e ot I and forces out every j«article uf foreign matter and restores the tilixxl to its
you had seen five tueu drop fruiu
with no way of getting down other cigars la Mexico raugea from 3 rents normal, pure condition, thereby jwrmnnently curing every form of sir it»
your side at a dizzy height to a terrible
upw ard.
than Jumping.
affection, lhx-k on Skin Diseases am! any medical advice «tesired scut lied
death far below, would you continue tn
He waa «>ui|«elled to remain on tbs'
"Altiiongh Mexican tobacco Is ver) U> all who write. JJ. S. S. is for sale at all first clsas drug stores.
that vocation? If you did persist lu It.
steeple all night, and wheu an effort! dark. I have not found It us strong or
would you baie xufficleut «»ufideiiee In
was made to rescue him early lu the as bard upon the u «rves as tbe dark
yourself to rvtalu your "uerve” under
morning a uew trouble was encouti ! niadurv cigars of Cuban make; It s«-iu>
all circumstances for thirty Ove years?
Tbe Pyg«r Cattle af aaa»aa.
Tim» TatelM ter Ctelte»».
tered. He had no rope nor string to let tv b» drier, aud. although black. It
That has been a brief part of the
Tha 5aa>oan Islsada arw t!»a natural
“I was walking on
down that a line sufficiently strong to not so strong. This la ;>erliap» due lu
many exciting experietH*» tn the Ilf»
habitat af tha must dlmlautlva
bear a ro|>e could be raised. Finally ha soil ludueix'««* It was thought when avatius In Washington ou» day al lilgh
of variety of thr gt nua Nia now known
of H. F. (“Risky") Evans, one of the
cut off the »leeve» of hla Jacket aud' Forte Riro was made an American ;«•-» neon when a 'nigger' loomed up on uiy
to the naturalist Tha avrratf« noiglit
most daring of the few famous "steeple­
tore them In atrip». These he tied to- j session that ths tobacco aixl cigars horlsou coming rapidly toward ui*" of tha inn lea of thee» llliputlitn rattle
jacks" who risk d»ath and like It
gether and let the Improvlaed rop» , from that Island would mak» heavy In
seldom eireetla 200 ¡»»undn. the aver-
"Risky" Evans Is now 49 years old.
down to the gable, where hla would be roads upon the domestic and the Cuban "Ha waa wearing th» most outlandish aie h«*ln< n«»t <rratrr than 150 poinds.
He has a wife au<l a sou and daughter
rescuer was waiting for him.
product* Although the Forto lllcali
The female« usually average at*uut a
grown almost to manhood and woman­
A strong wind was blowing, and the product Is now well »old throughout on or off th» stag». Ills trouser» were huudri*d poutnls larger and are very
lie has a profitable business
fragile rope sting In the wind far out this country, it Uns Its own particular fraysd suit torn abov» hto sh<>»topa "atouky** built. n«’!doui bring taller
which lx- --an pursue without the risks
from the steepls. Finally "Risky” tied eltentete among «mokers, tor that to It» »ore a musk co Io r«l woolen shirt, than a Merino sheep. Tlw*w dwarf
to be run by steeple climbing
a bunch of keys and a penknife to the bacco, like ths Mexican, Is very dark a celluloid roltor aud a tatter»! Mck cattle are nearly all of the same color
risks hate been the essence of bls Ilfs
On hla head waa a eoiubrero
end of the string and iu-«wl<d In get­ aud of a flavor pw-ullar to lta«*lf. It Is coat
—"reddish niouar color, marked with
since be was a boy. He has climbed
ting It where It could be reached. The much more bitter than tbe Cuban leaf, which luukix! a* If aaveral doga bad white. They have ««n»1* tirade ns
steeples and buildings all over Ameri­
rest was easy, and he was aixm tucked which. Ilk» Its color, Is no doubt also
compare«! ulth their Inntira nml their
ca and has done some climbing In Eng­
th» crowning effort was a n«w and Im horun are of excrtdlanal length.
safely In bed.
due to th« lull In which It to grown,
land as well.
rua-nilate full dress rest
11» had pull
aud It does not have that peculiar sul
"Risky" than to be dluglng. In a
•d back fils coat and stioied
hto CITO R’
r 11 d . « sm
s •” • ■•»*••
boatswain's chair, by slings or by his
ttiuiulra Into the armholes of that vest 1
li « ■ T . ' I r - -
bare bands and feet, high in the air. Thuaiandi Caught, Numbered and
As be cum» «ailing t>efor» (tie wind tf««HB*. l»r IL ILhli i», I*1 BAI arch hi . I’bUa-.r*,
with the blue sky beckoning to him.
I m certainly waa til» uioat cvtnleal fig
rreraaltoBi of Old TI mb * D»<H«re.
Put Rack In British < hanael.
hard to obtain may be mads of Mexl
with abmlute confidence tn himself and
I couldn't resist lb»
It waa formerly the practice among
>tciilng fish, measuring and mark­ can filler with a Havana wrapper. This urs I ever saw
bls ability to hang on to the merest ing them and then returning them to
temptation to atop him.
phyaltiana to carry a *anr having a
“ Txx>k hare,’ I Mid. 'what do you hollow bruti, thr top of which
the sea with tbe chance of retaking which, wlieu oure enjoyed and striking
mean by appearing at Hila tins of day pirren! with holes Hkr n pepprt* U»1.
“Risky" Evans Is a type of the dare­ them later la part of the work carried
the fancy of tlie «>nflrui«xl smoker, has tn such a dr»M? Don't you kuuw that
devils that are growing s<-arcer each on by the Marine Biological Assx-ia-
The t<*p contal nod a »nwtll atnouat of
first call over all other tobacco cum you're de tropf
year. The Inventions of modern times tlon of Great Britain.
aromatic powder or of antiff. amt «»n
binntlons. It may be that the experi­
“’De what—what's tbatr
entering the houar or room where a
have eliminated much of the necessity
By means of a steam trawler the ments with Cuban tobacco wed tn e>uie
“ 'Don't you know that you're d» .tupi»»«rd to I* Infrs-thMit |>r<*-
for risk which was ruu In necessary fish are caught in the usual way. Each'
of the Southern Stntca In soil which trap?’ I repeat»(l. 'that It lan't ;>ertuto
climbing of steeples and high buildings haul Is carefully recorded. the fish are
valied tbe doctor would strike his cane
in the earlier day» He himself has counted and measured and all details the agricultural de|M«rtnient has declar­ slbto to ap|>ear In full dreae before « >n thr floor to agitate the |»owdrr and
been one of the foremost In making tile of locality, time, number, tqieclex. sex ed bears an affinity to the orlglual Cu­ o'etock In tbs »van I ng?'
fhen a¡*ply It to hla eoee; hrnoe all
“Th» darky drew hlmsvlf up very the old print» of physicians rrprrMtut
business of those who must work at and size are put down, together with ban soli will produce In a generatlou
high altitudes as safe and as easy as act-urate observations on the water the or au tobareo as well flavor«! as tbe proudly.
them with cauro to their
"'Look heah.' lie aald. ‘I'll have you
If they bad solid ground beneath tbelr depth and bottom of the n. the kinds real Cuban product, but I think the
Mother« will fln«1 Mrs Winalow** tL...thing
feet. But still, every tract In a while, and quantity of food available, etc. question of' tbe orlglual soil anti cli­ to know that I don't 'low notxxly to Syrup th* b ot rrtuotlv to u«o tut ihoir t LllJroa
•Risky” fimls It necessary to go to a These data are subsequently tabulated matic Influences cannot be »•> easily make time tables for my clua*’ ”— luring th« leotblug period.
solved. In tbe meantime we will smoke Kansas City Tima*
great height to carry up a rope on and charted.
and wait"
which to swing a scaffold or to attach
Hill Hid you aay h* hat h<vr«o Mnic?
The method of marking the fish Is
block and pulley, that bls men. less Interesting and has beea attended with
Jill- No; why. he hadn't otrn got tnulo
Meanin* of ••Caliber.”
versed In the art of climbing, may per­ valuable results. The fish chiefly used
sene*». ! never knew hirn to kkk In hie
All who have to do with firearms |
life !—• Yonkere Rtstraman.
form tbelr duties with safety. There during the few years the experiment
For Infants and Children.
are plenty of men who work at great has te-en In ;>rogr--aa hare been plaice, know that the word “caliber” refers
heights as nonchalantly as does the ar- tiecause tlie proposals which have been to the diameter of the bore of a shoot­
•rage person on the ground. Practical­ made to Interfere with the catching of ing plere. Thus a pistol of 22-callber
Bears th»
ly any painter must be cool-beade«l them were based on Inadequate knowl­ means one In which the to of
twenty-two one hundredths of an Inch Signature of
enough to go hundreds of feet In the edge.
In diameter, w hile 4A«llbar means one
air without a tremor. Carpenters, ma­
The fish are marked on the dorsal
<i«Mr»g n««wh«ra.
sons and other builders must have the surface with a very thin convex met­ with a diameter of forty five one hun­
Th» Word K(l»»»«ta.
Mt. B. r. wmGtn.
dredths. There to. however, a more
same contempt for the dizziness that
Th» very high word atl i J42S WashtagtonM.
Portland OragM,
al disk bearing a number, This Is at- extended use of the word, which Is un­
quelte hsd s very hunvbls origin, for I
affects the average person who looks
tacbed to a fine allver wire which Is derstood by ronipnratlvely few jienpte I
down from a great height. But even
passed through the thinner part of the outside of army and navy circles and etiquette mesnt simply s label. It re
write us
the work of such men is these [Hiles
fish near the fin and secured on the un- gtinmakors. "A 30-caIlber 0-lnch gun.” relvw! Ito present algnlfi-atlos from
before the accomplishments of the few
tb» fart that a Bcotcb gardener who
per side by a small terne buttou. The says a naval man. "means one that
left In the country of the caliber of
told out tha grounds at Vamllles for ,
lish do not appear to suffer Inconven­ Is fifty times six Im he* or twenty-
“Risky" Evans.
Ixiuto XIV. was much annoyed at the
ience and tbelr growth Is not Inter­ fve feet long, the length of the bore
courtlvrs walking over hto newly made
On a wager be once climbed at night fered with In any way.
Ii> the same way a 10.45 ptotol means path* and at length had lal>eto (>lac«t
without ropes, ladders or any other
The thoroughness with which the one the barrel of which Is ten times
to Indicate where they might pass. At
paraphernalia, the 'eeple of St Jo­ North Sea Is swept by the nets of the
tbe diameter, or four arid a half Inch** | first those labels were not attended to.
seph's Church In Cincinnati, stood fishing fleets Is demonstrated, says Dis­
long. This nomenclature Is found con- - but a hint from high quarters that In '
erect on the topmost part of the cross covery. by the fact that out of A,039
venlent because tbe shooting qualities future tbe walks of the courtiers must
dnatrviy« all tha
surmounting the steeple, set fire to two marked plaice of all size» ftti'J were re­
Ìlio* and afford«
ot a piece depend in aorue measure b* wlttiln the "etiquettes” or labels
«-«■»fort <<» a*«*r
newspapers he bad carried with him captured within a year. This repre­
home In <llR<n<
on the ratio of Its length to Its dtome waa promptly attend»! to. To keep
pv-.m, aloovlng
In bis pocket, and dropped them, blaz­ sents 19.7 per cent., or nearly one-fifth;
r«~>ia and asnry
ter."—Philadelphia Rerord.
within tlie etiquettes t>»-ain» th» ror
l>l*. « whara flis«
ing. on either able of the steeple, to but for the medium-sized fish the fig­
'lean, naat and
prove to the man with whom be had ures are far higher, ranging from 2X.4
Bahr*» Share nt Blame.
■•J . »«
*111 no« «oil ot
Injiim anything.
made the wager that be was at the
She had tern fitted for two gowns,
to 39 per cent for file whole of the
!■«» wit limit tl.«m.
top of the steeple. The wager was for
Mnsleal Tote».
North Sea and to 43 per cent In the the total cost of which w-ns nearly
$50 and the time allotted him to ac­
The young man wiw was better
more northern portion*
complish the feat was half an hour.
"Now.” she sold to the aaleswoman, posted on baseball than on opera was
The men of file regular fishing fleet
"Risky" Evans’ first real experience <v>-o[*Tate by forwarding to the Inborn-! "I want you to do me a favor."
rather out of hto eloment In tho gather
at any great height from the earth was Tory of the association at Lowestoft all !
“Certainly," was tbe prompt re- log of Intenaely muaical folk, yet be
In the early ’70s. He was a boy who the mark*1«! fish they catch. At the lab­ aponae.
managed to keep blinaelf and others
A Girl«’ Frhnol of the hlghrnt ria«« ('nllagt-
loved all sorts of adventures. A bal­ oratory reference to the records easily
The customer colored deeply.
ata department. Mualr. Art. Kloeutlon. tiyu»-
loonist of then national reputation
"I s«re that tliey played ’Parsifal’ In naalum. Fail term o|iena Hrptrmber I®,
establishes how much the fish has gain­ want you to make out the bill ¡eirtly
came to the city which was "Risky's”
ed In size and weight since the previ­ for gowns for me «ml partly for baby Bayreuth yosterday," emmnented the
home. He needed some one to go with
long haired person with the newspaper
ous catching. Moreover, the distance dresses and a baby’s cloak."
the ba loon. In which he was taking up
"Did they? Who won?” queried th»
The »aleswonian was used to the
tietween the spot where It was released
several passengers, to go down the rope
young man.
and the place where It was again whins« of fashionable women, hut this
on which was fastened the anchor to
"We've Just been to a concert to
caught gives an Idea as to Its uiove- wns amnethlng she was a little slow
make It fast when a landing was made.
In comprehending. The customer ex­ hear a solemn tn a as," remarked tbe
This was to "Risky's” liking. He took
soulful young lady.
at»« Posted
the Job. When the "professor" wanted
"Who waa he?" th» benlght»1 young
"You see.” she said, "my busband to
to land “Risky” waa hoisted over th»
"Hands up!” said the footpad.
very fond of our baby, and If he sees f si tow Inquired, with a great ehow of
eoavLAxo. o.iao.
side of the car. Down the swinging
"And If I refuse?” queried the be- that the bill hi partly for dressea for Intarast—Selected.
rope he slid, legs gripped tight around lated pedestrian.
her—well, he won’t mind so much.”—
M.ale a»S M»thnS.
It, band over hand.
"Well, In that case,” resumed the Chicago Inter Ocean.
Tba sane, healthy way to study the
Quality la our sexto. Wa edueala for aiirree*
"When I got to the end of the rope footpad, "I can only say that you don't
piano to to apply ons’s thought direct­ and »and aa«h atudant to a poaltlor. when <u«n-
As A as were* rrayee,
and sat down a straddle of the anchor know the rules of the game. I decline
ly to ths work told out methodically by petent - many more rail* for help than we ran
"I sent my little girl,” writes a cor­
I felt pretty good," Evans said In tell­ to negotiate with one so grossly Ignor­
ths teacher for a certain length ot time treat. Indlvklual InatrurUon Inauraa rapid pro»,
ing the story. "Then I began to watch ant.
Good night, sir.”—Philadelphia respondent, “to the butcher’s with 30 •very day.
That length of time de­ reaa All modern methode of bookkeeping are
cents to buy some st«uik.
She came
for a treetop to grab the anchor In. Ledger.
pends entirely upon the future that the
taushl; also rapid eelrulatlona, rorreaponde«»*
home 10 cents short In change and was
We went through one or two, and I
student may decide upon.
If he or
Th» Emerald lai».
sent back for Jbe missing coin. Pres­
eommerclal law. offlre work. eto. Chartier Is
bad my clothes torn Into shreds and
Ireland is called the Emerald Isis ently tlie butcher’s boy called with the
got all scratched up. But I hung on,
our shorthand
aaay, rapid, l-aibla Baautlfal
because of the richness of Its verdure, dime and explained that hla employer four hours dally should be given to
and finally got the anchor around a
study; If ss an amateur, two hours rataloaua. buatnaaa forma and panmanahlp free.
limb, signaled to the 'professor,' and
had found out his mistake, although
liam Drennan, the author of "Glemlal- they had seen nothing of my little are enough. In both cases the division
p . a. u.
n «. m - bf
the landing was made.”
of time devot»l to practice should be
In an Eastern city Evan» waiApalnt-
YV11 rN writing to R<1 vrrtlawr« |>lwa«w I
daughter. The time went on, and I
not lone than one hour.—1. J. Paderew
latter psrt of the eighteenth century.
lng a church steeple, when suddenly,
felt anxious until I heard her singing
mwntinn thia pqpflr.
ski In Strand Magazine.
out of a clear sky, an electric storm
It’s a brave num who will marry a merrily In the garden. ‘Did you go
broke over the city. Th» steeple was twin.
beck to the butcher'»?’ I asked. ‘No,
mother, It 1» such ■ long wny, so I
naked God to send fur the dim* Has
■ C«T IN
It not come yetT ”
Ths Kind You Have Always Bought
D usiness collegl
$3.00 & $3.60 SHOES TMK WORLD
An Irish lad on tba east side wna
«bilged recently to seek treatment at
a dtapenMry. On hla return home from
the first treatment he was met by this
Inquiry from hto mother:
"An* what did the dorthor man »ay
waa the matter wld your eye?"
“He said there was some furrln sub­
stance In It”
“Bburs!” exclaimed tbs old woman,
with an I-told-you-no air, "now, maybe,
ye’ll kapo awny from thlm Eystallan
boy»!"— S ocoom Magaaln*
S25.OOO \
T1I R RKAHON W. L. DotiglM ahowa are worn by mor« |»wonlw
fa all walla of Ilf« than any othar maha, la baZauaa of th«lr
atyla, aaay fitting, and auparlor waarlng nnalitlwa.
The talartion of the laath«ra ami other maUrlala for earh part
of the ahoa, and erery detail of the making I a looked after he
t!!?ii,n?lLeompauperlntwndenta, foremen and
akilled^hoemataere, who rneelre the hlghaat wag«« paid In the
•hoe Indnatry and who«e workmanahtp cannot hi eicelled.
a 1 large fartorlea at Brockton.Maae .
70,1 a °W
W T-. Ikm.lae ahnweaie made, von
would then underetand why they hold their ahe
-Bre nf
eelae than any
•i4 r//r f
W. I*. Iiougiaa itami»e hla name and price on
S»J Interior Jhrea. Take No »nteatllnto. Ito
Zax »Har Zea«»« eaad anlMoN*. Car ala« aMUag