Big Voting Contest for Queen of the Carnival Now on in All Parts of Multnomah County CONQUERED. Mr QRESHAM and MONTAVILLA, MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1907. Volume 3. ROUSING MIMING IIFLD DY DIRK IORS 01 FAIR New Goods We hi «* celling That tlu* Mulliioimih County ami the «rang«* hall They ha«l heard of the meeting ami < amr to lend th« ir aaaiatance, mn Mayor i Dr. J. M. Short aaid: ’'We are ready lo w|»eiid time and money to help on thia grk «»I ««II kind* timlly «ml •Iuh hl) , W««ck «»r .Molili» EMERY Undrrtdkcrs and Imbdimers < f r«»lWn« and furnUhln*« ll< «tr»« lurnihli« «I lf«l« •>»»• •! (If csli.itll (If • all* proiiiptI) •U«'ivl«''l ’ 5. W. RENFRO, FAIM I I NO, w< » lOnNIBHlNO, < i They are going an fast a» we can get them ready! Get a drink of Ice Cold Soda from our new soda fountain All Flcavorw. X«w mui up to date. Ice Crearn too. J. H. HATCH, Prop., (SuereMor io Mrs. c Jobnwn.) Powell st., Gresham, Ore. Women (limbers Again View I dlls GRESHAM SCHOOLS OPEN SEPT. I6TH ATTEND AT ONCE WELCH’S GENUINE Removal Sale you will save DOLLARS and DOLLARS by so doing N.-W. cor. First St Oregon Gresham Drug Store •••••••••••••••••••••••••ft GPESMAM, ORE.. Ah’OI HURRY!! Tl.i» will lie the third vear of the full high school course, there having la-eli On W«*dn«»iiday, Aug 2M, a ¡»arty ul two graduates from the twelfth grade six, including Ed. R o I mt U and wife »»( each of the pree»u*ding years. There Vancouver, Wash , Ellie Rolierta ami has Is-en no change in price» of tuition, Marie Dmg -r of Gresham, Ralph Fox it being «20 for the year in tbe high a end ('onratl J. Hieljrrts of Portland, left school grades and «12 for the year in Excellent Corps ol Teachers Writ hes camp slid walked to the sur­ the grammar grades. Any fMipil, whose Elected—Another Large veyors* cabin, a distance of ten mi lew in home is in the district, is entitled, of three ami one-half hours. course, to free tuition. Boarders in the Room Provided. After eating a lunch they pr1, an almost perpendicular cliff of lava sixth grades; Miss Grace McKenzie, board invites correspondence with par­ making it liumly lo bring atuck into the rock and an uprooted tree down its side, thin) nnrs to aid and only a stick or study, expenses, etc. The coming year I'armelv, first amt second grades. uf the water supply at thia point. two wedged between the l«»g ami cliff to A new course of study ban been out- promises to be l*y far the bent in the Dr. I.«»uia Itechtuann, in making hia aid in the ascent made one's heart ¡ml- lined for the high school, lhe same bav- history of the school. i re, orl aa chairman of tin horticul­ pitatr with fear anti his knees to trem­ I ing l*een made nennsarVby the adop­ tural «*ommiltc«* «ahi: ”!f we «uceoed ble, but looking upward saying, ”1 tion by the state Board of Kdncation of fair Executive Committee Elected 111 «bring half what wv are undertaking a ill,” wr reached the top, where we W hen in Gresham a new series oi text laioks. The new The member* of the Grohain Com­ Patronize the w«» will have a fair to lw promt of.” again journeyed on, viewing the grand course is aa follows: mercial and Develop?ment league held Dr. I hH-liiiiann, with the a*» ¡at a nee «»I scenery of beautiful cliffs and lx*atitifiii in income-bearing property First year, F.uglish 1, Algebra 1, Gen­ an enthusiastic meeting at the town E. P. Smith, ia prr|>ariiig to have a tine stream until wtsfeached the foot of the eral History 1, Bookkeeping I. in Gresham, bringing $20 hall la>t night. At this meeting plans exhibit, whifh will cover a large a|«acr inagnitlrent falls. Iler«* they make the Second year, English 1. Algebra’s, were |M»rfectv< fifty feet or more and send up Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Crow. Props. Geometry ls. Physiology Botany *4, hibit* and stock at the Multnomah a spray that has all the colors of the $1600. Enquire of i(‘ontinutxl on Editorial page* General history 1. First Claw in every particular County and («range Fair and Carnival, Third year, English I, Geometry 1 to lx* held in (inshani, Oct. 15-19. An Ballis in connection. ♦ Physic» 1, Latin 1. Chicken Dinners on Sundays. executive committee, coni) used of May­ Fourth vear, English I. United States or J. M Short, Lewis Shattuck, B. W. History I, Economics ’t, Chemistry, Emery, R. R. Carlson and The«tdorv Caesar I. Brugger, was elected, whose duty it It will la* noticed that bookkeeping is will lie to appoint live sub commit tees, required in th* first year; economies in of which one metnlter of the executive For SADDLES, HARNESS and ALL daughter and Effie Roberts returned at HARNESS ACCESSORIES introduced, lieing required in the fourth committee will act as c hairman. the same time after a stav of five weeks). vear; three s|*se the equipment of th«* Io aviva or iuor<* of ground* adjoining the buildings shown alvovv. Mrs. J. G. Metzger will give a tea The Herald is indebted to J. .1. Rob­ young people for the practical affairs of ertson for a fine sample of an Oregon next Wednesday afternoon, Sept. 11, everyday life. with the same intelligent Basket Social dl Pleasant Home rainK»w a* the nun played on it, mak­ A new nsitii lias licen added for the grown fig. Tlu* fig is about the size of for the benefit of the Ladies Aid society. care that you select AU are cordially invited to attend. ing uh wonder at lhe handiwork of God a small pear. The tree, which is just Multnomah grange, No. 71, of Pleas- use of the high school classes. It is your doctor. uh w<* feanted our vyva on the beauliv* Miss Pearl Lindsey left Saturday for coming into bearing, has several crops mil Home will give 11 liasket social on 18 x 2<> feet in size, is plastered, has You select vour doctor because of nature. I Columbia City, Ore., where she has ac ­ during the summer and will produce Saturday, Sept. 28, in W. O. W. hall. you have confidence in his ability. We returned to tin* cabin and *|«vnt plenty of blacklioard space and is seat­ this year about a gallon )>ail full. cepted the position of teacher at the A literary program will la* rendered by Choose yourdruptist for the safue ed with university chairs. In the base ­ the night there. The next morning IPv*d reason. The work of each local talent, after which the baskets Mrs. G. 11. Sunday has found it nec­ school there. ment is a well lighted room, fitted and depends for its success on the wan *|M*nt in Hailing, 75 ftptckled la*au- 1 Mrs. Chas, Doane is on the sick list will la* sold at auction. The proceeds essary to prolong her visit with her work of the other. ties Iwing caught. The return trip wra* furnished for a chemical labratory. r. this week. will go to help build the new grange Read this again and think of it. Having running waler, it ia admirably daughter at Hutchinson, Kan., on ac­ made the following afternoon in three hall. Program will commence at 8 p. Hubert, son of J. 11. Schram, is suf­ adapted for this put pose. The board is count of the serious illness of the latter. , hour* and ten minute* and in a heavv , m. sharp. Don't forget lhe date, Hept, I making several other improvements, i John Rolierts Slid wife returned on > fering from a wound received from step­ 28, at 8 p. m. Colne one, come all and rain, but though wet we would not have ! w hich w ill add materially to the school's , Monday from Welches after a sojourn ping on a rusty nail. Mail orders promptly attended to iniaaed the trip, uh it WM one to I m - bring a liasket. (Continued on page 8.) of three weeks. Marie Dinger and equipment and ca|*acity. rembered a lifetime. FIRST STATE BANK I HI KRY ' At the GRESHAM HOME BAKERY to get some of our fresh baked goods Your Druggist ««••♦«♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a ij^llir “Stop Thief! ” GRESHAM LOCALS 6resham, Or«. ••••••••••»•••••• Treat* all diniuiæ* without «Irtig* by improv«*d iih ’II mm I h , bv iii « m I ìch I «•!«•«•- triclty nini pliywlcal iiieth«*!*, by- gi«*nv. 4IB Hibbard Mt. M»» ytavii . i . a , O k « Powell Street. G resham , O regon TRY Gresham Harness Shop Livery, Feed & Sale Stable ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦; DR. |. E. I EWELL James Goodfellow, Gresham, WHEN II NEED OF 1 GOOD RIG ... . C aia IMIVIWI, r irKHii A'niivi < l ». Rn . rtfSMiil vif*» Av . < I’liolK* 7 1 « »umilimi, Ora. 4 1 have juat inntalleii Horvefthoein^ Spirka, ami am ■ * xvllVv now prepared the moat vicious aa well aa the gentle honk», th«* home. I have al*o also a dmml modern _____________________ f tire netting w machine ... __________ and other up-palate tools an«l machine* which, with additional help, place* uh in a position to do good blai k*mithing on abort notice. Vehicle« painted. GRESHAM HOTEL MRS. I. McCOLL, Gresham 1 I r| |z A Good Investment Diara Äk* & GRESHAM. OREGON - - ••••••••••••••••ft (dumbid brjphdphont's anJ S ch riKinoqrdph Retords CARLSON Main Street. 221-223 Morrison St.. Notion Store ‘'"“r. h !' .... USD ANYTHING ELSE YOU NEED. SEE The American Clothier have notions, others have none. If you have dis­ ol your notions or »st them, get a new supply Cy linder* 25c, Groceries, Flour, Feed, Shoes. Hardware, Cutlery Welch 2 X . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ THE to Supply Your Need» at the People» Cash Store F. B. STUART & CO. Choice Peaches ’ 1 : IT WILL PAY YOU BIO < » Baby Show to be an Interesting Feature—Industrial Work lor Boys and Cirls. Our (eriMffles Irish und (kun • tKMIHM PROMISE IN A LAND OF PLENTY I We buy with great care, «ell cheaply for caah, treat all courteously, make prompt deliveries and u«»r« tx> ths sqtASS thixo . W«« nr«* «*«11111 li mt I lv rrph uialiing «»nr MpM'k with thu mid Ik'Mt G imm I m lu I m * lind licite«' hik I A CITY OF Number 36. UM IX 'Y PM K i I'llAS. MADDOX, the notorious crook, when arrested recently »1 Canyon City, Colo., had bunk l«*oks showing credits to him under differ­ ent mimes amounting to «.VI,(MM) »¡nee Apr. 3d. Among them *8« the llnnk ■>( Newlwrg, Newlierg, Ore., for «185. May 1st he was at Ottumwa, Iowa; May 6th nt Burlington, Win. One week later lie wan nt the Farm­ ers Banking company of 1’aulding, Ohio, where lie deposited «I2,l7fi. Thin notorious crook may have Is-en an advantage to Imnks but WHY NOT "CUT OUT THE MIDDLEMEN" in thin claim id business mid do Inminean with your home bank direct? Do you realize that you are only encoiirairing the crinikn when yon hold money about your homo or place of business? Prompt lie.» mean» a great deal in Imnking your credit» and it in well to Imnk where you can make deposits regularly mid quickly. ‘¡PATRONIZE YOÜR HOMEBANK We are Headquarters for LEWIS SHATTUCK, Buggy Shafts, Poles, □nd Lane Wagon Jacks Dealer in ‘‘Goods of Quality »» Oregon Gresham, Wedges, Sledges and Splitting Bars LOGGERS’ TOOLS made to order Intending Purchasers, Attention! We are in a position to save you money on your purchases for Fall and Winter Footwear, Clothing and Furnishing. Our Winter Goods are now in and ready for in­ spection and a finer line of goods you’ll not find in any place. Horseshoeing Always First Class Always your Money’s Worth — at — Shoes Al. Harfs For Men, Women, Children Rubbers Fine Goods, Very Cheap ¿S* of Every Description for Everybody Very Fine Goods, Very Low Prices, Invite Inspection and Patronage GRESHAM, OREGON I School Supplies We have a full line and can fit you out easily and early Car Cement 2 Cars Feed TO ARRIVE THIS WEEK Don’t forget it! We are sell­ ing Agents for CENTURY FLOUR The kind to use if you want the best bread