WANT COLUMN Wfit C ms I MdfJi Grds MONTAVILLA Special trips will be made to the sum­ mer resort» from Asteria during the regatta and county (air, which will lie 1 held in conjum-tion with the Norwegian Wanted, For Sale, Lost, •aengerfest of the Northwest on Sep­ •••••••••••••<•••••••••••• T. F Higgins is on a lO.OODniile tour of tember ft-«, ami the annual outing of Found, Etc. the United States and Canada. fhe Oregon Slat«* Editorial a»*x-iation Mrs. R. T. Marshall haa jual returned The aaengvifext «ili I* hold from Au­ Al turai ad r* ri I m * men ( b atv run un«Vr thin brad ■! lb«* rale <»f <>NK t’KXT A K u H soesseseeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeee from a visit to her aistsr at Hillsboro. gust :k) to September 2 Ita laggol INNI F No ad pubi I « hex 1 for I« mwi than 15« enl* <’a»h in ad vane? «-icrpi in regular adveriiwr* aggregation of celelirations will I* in Rusaellville grange will give an ice If )ou have anything lo aril, or a Uh tu buy The «x-ond class meeting «d the |>u- vream social next Saturday night. charge of the Astoria Chamber of Com* anything or have tuat anything TRY i ” WANT AD ” In ihH oolumii Th«* mull* will pila of Mies Lena M Meria was held tuerce, and the members of this urgaii* aurprlar jrou. Chat **r postage >iam|* lien Spear has accepted a position Saturday, August 10, at 2:30 p. m. Aft­ iaation are working Imrd Io make the with Marshall Bros, as clerk. JERSEY BULL-Year ami one-half er the u»ual 1,-eson ami ear teating. a j event the biggest »necea» of anything old, Melrose. Chas Witter, phone 374, iwogram was rvudervd, the following ever held in * Coast city. The county Greaham, Oregon. pupils taking [-art Esther ami Ruth fair will aleo have exhilata which will EASTERN OREGON lioRSI S : Johnson. Waunita Kolb, l.illie Olson. astonish the people interested in tin» »ale See Smith J. Wheeler, Gresham, Ada Strange, Jeanette Rigdon. Ixirina feature of lhe big program. Oregon Paulson and Albert Rigdon. The editorial association will be given A. C. Williams of the William»' Sad | an ovation ami nxeption by the ;>eople E8TRAY8—Three h«-ad of horse», two greys, one chestnut sorrel, eann- to Iron Works and wife were visitors at > of Astoria on their arrival in tlie city. my plmv. Owner «-an have Sana- by the home of E. P. Merta and family j World’s Greatest Show Exhibits Every visitor, ami there will lie the paying 4 ter than ever before, living made up Portlaml have Ix-en vmiting with Mr Bullrun Wednesday, where he left his almost eutirelv of Eunqiean performers and Mrs. F. G>tatafaon the |«ast week. LOST—Umbrella, Aug 7, 1007, on t*:20 Gresham car. Please return to nephew. Lloyd Idleman. and family, new to America. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vester ami children w ho will spemi a week or ten days at James H. Preeton at Gresham 1*. O. The equipment of the circus is alf nf Barton visited «u^i Mr. ae«l Mrs. J. I that place. branif new. ami over a u>i. J. J. Herman, Lloy«i Herman ami ; was spent in adding novel features The Taylor, Troutdale, R. F. D, No. 1. .33 Albert Sedig ha.* returne.1 from the FOR SALE—Baby buggy for sale Frank Barringer returned from their i greatest parade ever presented will take hot springs.' cheap In good condition. Apply at Ixwiting trip on tlie l^-wis River the place in the foremxm. In it will lie Mrs. AedeBiulst am! »on visitnl Mr» Herald office. fore part of the week. 1,3*44 men, women ami children, tiSS ' F. Gustafson last week. Vager Bn*. ’ delivery team, when horses, nine herds of elephants ami WANTED—Fresh milch cows T R Mrs. R. Gustafson and two chiklren near Arleta Wtiinewlav aftermwu. ’ | three miles of hand carved golden cliar- Howitt, Gresham. Ore., of Portland viaited with her parents took fright and ran away. 7" No mishap iota. Hosts and den», ami gorgeous spec- If you have any fat stock to sell, writ*- here last week a • S^VMU they croeed tacnlar a attractions, or see T. R. Howitt at tin-sham. On-, «•f consequence o»x-urvd until tkev* Mrs. J Palmbla«! entertains,! the who will come ami examine them at the Section Line road, where one ui the Space will permit of only brief men- your ranch. l.orses struck an iron w heelbarrow, one tion of the many European novelties, Istdies' Mission circle of the Baptist GILES BROTHERS, at M-uitavilla. of the handles of which penetrated his presented in a tent twice as big as that church of Portland, Wednesday. Aug. 7, for choicest meats. That’s all. intestimss. front the effects of which tie ot any other circus. The Ricobonno about til) persons having come by ear died two or three hours later. The horses wear boots, eoats and trousers. from Portlaml. A Ixiunteou» dinner MEN U’ANTED—For ateadv Work at Columbia Brick Works, Hogan station horse was valued at *300. One site in a chair and reads a news- was served to all. The Mission circle near Gresham Mrs. A. E. Herman lias been suffer- I*per When the duck »trikes ten he presented Mrs Palmblad with a nice FOR BALE—Eight dairy <-*>ws. singly ing from ecsema for several weeks lights a candle, goes to his b«i, removes set of silver knives ami forks, in appreci­ or in a bunch, some frosh, all gtxxi ation of her entertaining. Mr. ami Mrs. J. E. McCaslin ami Mr. bis clothes, even to his punderous Ixxits, milkers, must reduce herd. Apply at On Saturday, Aug. ID, alxiut •'*> friends : blows the candle out ami retires Isast once to J. W. Townsend, Troutdale, Or­ ami Mr». II. R. Jewell were sight seeing winter people went from all over Europe gathered al the some of Mm. E. John­ egon. Phone. Farmers' 2sx at i’leasant Valley last Sunday. son? the occasion being a aurprise in to Paria to see the act. FOR SALE — A car of draft and Miss Lillie Bryson is r»porte«l ill at driving horaes. all well broken, gentle. her resilience on Hibbard street ami . An agent of the show secured through honor of Miss Emilia Johnson in grati­ the etiorts of an American «liplomat tude for her faithful work in-the Sun­ Call at farm eight miles ea.-t ot Bort­ land on Section «¡he road. Phom- Villa Avenue. permission from the Shah of Persia to day school. A sum of money was pre­ Seott 41 Wm. Nagel. 1-1 James tiroom, who recently bought bring to this country the sromlerful sented to her. Dainty refreshment» l>oc Carter's interest in the bowling Mine Golem troupe, favorite« of the were servixl. GEO. F. BARRINGER. Notary Public. Buys and sells Real ; alleys, is overhauling same, prepara­ Persian monarch'» court performers. A. C. Sword ami family, O. Ilraml Estate, Loans Money, etc. 131 Base tory to the fall business. It is the first time thoy have ever been borg, J. Backlund ami P. X. Almqilist Line Ruaki, Montavilla, Ore. peruiitteii to leave Persia. No one ever returned Friday from a visit in Warren. PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE. »aw the act except royal visitors at the Mr. an«l Mrs. C. A. Limfgren enter­ Guaranteed. Chas Cleveland, agent Shah's |*lace Other European per­ tained a numlerof Portlaml friends last Gresham. Ore. formers are Daisy Hodgini of ftaly, the Sunday. CAMPING PRIVILEGES, with w««xi ooly woman who can turn a somersault A number of friends ami relatives vis­ and water, at Seaside, Ore.. *5 month. on a horse; tbe Marnello Marnite«. who ited at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Gist Address Mr» Mary Leslie, s. aside. while turning somersaults anil hand ­ Ore. (33 Watch for the announcement of Rus­ I last Sunday. sellville’s candidate for the Queen of spring» from shoulder to shonMer (day Miss Ruby ami Harold Elliot visite*! Swiss hells; the Patty Brothers of on HAD AN AWFUL TIME Multnomah county ami Grange Fair at Mrs. Win. Harris’ Sumlav. Paris who hop up ami «town stairs ami But Chamberlain * Code, Cholera and ami Carnival. Voting will commence skip tbe rope on their hea«ls; the De 8. E. Hunter of Portlaml, a former next Momlav at Marshall Bros.' store Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him music teacher ,d Powell Valley, V noted Watch the Herald next week for an- Kocks from France, with their wonderful “It is with pleasure that I give you ! nouncements. «fog which walks on its himl feet around thia place Momlav. tbe ring, balancing a man on its hea«l : E. L. Elliot and family visited rela- this unsolicitel testimonial. About a Miss Julia Mi<-kle«on entertaine«i the year ago when 1 had a severe case of members of the Russellville Dramatic the Holloway family of fzuidon, the tives in Damascus Saturday and Sun- greatest high wire artiste on earth; the day. measles I got caught out in a haul rain club an«l their escorts at her home Mon­ Jordan family of aerialists, the greatest day night. The occasion being her and the measles settled in my stomach in the world; the Kanffmann family and bowels. I bad an awful time and birthday, Miss Miekleeon was the re­ of nnicyle riders; the great Belford», cipient of numerous presents. the Clark Brothers of England, the B«r- had it not been for tbe use of Chamber« (Continued frffm Firat page.). Clayton D. and Walter Lew is and Earl iarrh<*a Brown returned thia week from a fish­ of Berlin, the Noetxel family of Dresden Bargains ip the "lit-rald Want Ads.’’ Remedy I could not possibly liave lived ing ami hunting trip in the Coast range ami 31)0 more of the pickot talent of the Mr. an>l Mm. Charles Stilson of Trout- —„.¡.I but a few hours longer, but tl.anks to Alec Barrell was a visitor at the home 1 I world. silale have moved to their wheat farm at ' • • ■ ■ this remedy I am now strong ami well. of his parents over Sunday. I have written the above through sim­ W. E Marshall spent Sunday at Or- IdiniCH GfdlltJC To Help BilJ Edii Endicott, Wash., for the summer. ple gratitude, and I shall always sf«eak <*g»n City with hi» [«arents. James Reed, Miss Ethel Clarke and At the laut meeting of the grange on Herliert Clarke of Portlaml, Chas Cleve­ a good word for this remedy.”—Sam H. Jack Lynch of Section Line is stay- Wednesday, Aug., 7, many plan« for a»- land, Wendell Cleveland and Mine Maud Gwin, Concord, Ga. For sale by all ing with his sister, Mrs. Herbert Lewis, sisting in the County Fair aml Carnival druggists. . , „ , , , . at Gresham were discussed and adopted. Cleveland »|*nt a very pleasant vacation G. J. Painter of eastern Oregon has Mnt C shepanl was elect«! lecturer at Sefton’s place near Mt. Hood, return- Subscribers Making for change of ad­ recently bought tbe Borg place and to take the place of Mrs Alma Hall, e »ver uno («et long, and In Ughi Home Cooking ¿ capacity of 30110 bushels. «aiuly sulla wltk little full thla «tlstnnce ahould la- reduced. The leiiitth of III» Tin* plrtre to Hinl it ia nt till« Richey and family returnetl on ftirruws may he resili ly «hortemxl by Monday from a trip by wagon to Tilla­ puttlng lu Unire head dltchea. Short mook. They report a pleasant time, furrvwa liiaure a more even dlalribu Meal« ami itami, by «lay, week also that Miss Culy ami mother and flou of water ami frequentty prevent or month. A. E H uhmxs , Prop, Mrs. Anders >n ami daughter, all of tujiirv to lite crup by tho wateiTogging • whom they fouml well, will return to of a pari of thè aulì. S Furti««. tad sf car liar. HlbbstUM.. MsstsvIUs a a Gresham early this fall. seeeaeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeoeee Marshall Gullicksen ami II. F. Raney made a hunting expedition to the mountain» recently by way of Eatacwda. Hotmipullik I’hiskian and Suigvun I). H. PERKINS t'allu 4a) *»r iilglii A number ot fans from Oregon City iifftci ’ |»ht*n«* Main <*. Km Multi were on hamt to see the lull game Sun- Odt**. uwr Hiuart’a •t*»rv M«ln Mrvd real Dealer in SLAB WOOD «lav. 4«urc. Main atrvvl. near l hir«l tUO-MI KM Gasoline Saw I ull Measure Montavilld’s New Hotel C. II. ATWOOD, M. 0. Nubecrilwrs wishing to have their arcix» u i contributing a big «toiler to the success < ìrrnlmm, > llilibnrtl Htrrvt of the Herald. Would like l*> liguri* on ymir |. G. McElroy, Mrs. Elliott ami daughter, Mrs. F. I. Wihlon, of Powell's Valley were in PllMBIM. AND GAS IIIIING PHYSICIAN SI EGEO) tiresham recently. Call« Prvmplb atlcndeil ta. The stis-k of tlie Multnomah ami tlib.c »I X*«J, Hotel. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaeeo Clackamas county Mutual Telephone MANIkY. till i Hf I e a company lias lieen mliam-eil to *.to per a »hare. I MHO. ROY II. HOG FEEDING. Soy ■sana Proved to Be a Valuable Adjunct ta Carn, Hykmd Bros. 11. DICKINSON Attorney - at - Law, Notary Public . . Have Removed to 16« FIFTH ml m>iniiH»n l«l 1114« « <»r WantiinrUu Ml roBtkAhM Pltoll« l a» l*M R k »II>««< k •»> Villa BVt-niw. MuBTAVIIT* Al holt*«* rVculligw An experiment in feeding a lot of hogs al the Purdue uulveralty station Notice tor l*ubll«.atl<-n leads Io these conclusions: TiMtirr l4*ti*l <*i Juti<- L I g > So.v tirali» proved to Iw a very rata­ l’ulta! *<•(•■• ldM*4 «Mthr. l*t»riMn«l, «»rrv«*n. .4». IMU7 ble adjum t to com. la-lng the most effl- M ax N«Hlrr I« tirri t.y giteli that hi ■ «tnpMi»iH . clent fixai tested. wllli the i»r«»il»lt»n* th«- «rt ul • ••iigrr*» *»1 Pigs fed a ration of one part noy Jill»« II tS, milt I««! Au art MB th»' »air »4 (l«.l»rr larvls hi th«- Mtal« • <4 • • Ul<»riiu hr«- beans to two parts com pr<, r pr«»««t In «ho«» that Ihr 537 poutkds (1er loo |Hiuuda of gain lami Botighl I* more valuahl«- t«>r H« Ihiilr-r or ■tain«* than for agruultiiral ttur|a»ar», ai*4 to where *-orn alone was fed. ralabliah hrr i lalui to aal4 lalol Ir-forr Register Comparing the soy bean ration with ami Rrvrlvrr al Portlaml •*r«*g««n on Turatala). , Ihr loth ala) a.I Jtrptrmbrr. IlBK tbe middling* ami tankage rat loua, tlie ll<* liant« * a« w lina ••« al II U ICallJ a«f I'aift amount of feed require«! per 1«H > la fiai. <>ra-gam <> I. K» mua)) <>f Port lami, or«- «un, J • uf Pairtlaiial hr« gon • It pounds gulu stands—«oy ta-aus and rii. Juiu-JN I’ a »7 . Ia«t Aug *£l third soy beau meal anI*| nmi |TK Branch Sfere STREET TH It HUHN IFF |R’/rutiry. Knraminriit iii * m *I m IM nn«l 3r»> Wnlnrmlny« <»( meh UHHitlo. All \h*itniK bmlhrrM N|«*riallv in v II on I ta» Atte*n«l. W. 0. W. <’h»vur Cmnp V» BIN. <*r.M*h * am, iiMfta in Regnar'* Hall on 2*1 aim ! till Mondimi Ht N p m. J N. ('Imialinn, C C. ; I. 1* Manning, Clerk. Viaiting WiMMlmen Wr'rume. THE RUSSELLVILLE NURSERY GO i : it. A. I.r.WTS, Proprietor Montavilla Station, FAIRVIEW Is no longer doubted, and to be thoroughly convinced just drop into the town on the 24th of this month at about 1:30 p. m. and take a bird’s-eye view of the crowd coming from Portland to buy lots and acreage. Don’t Come Expecting to Get Something for Nothing YOU CAN’T DO IT It has taken a long time’to overcome the convincing arguments of the knockers, but we have won out and progress will be our motto until our town is fiHed with progressive people. A L STONE, FAIRVIEW, ORE P ortland ,-O regon Write for iiartiiiilnrx and price list. Gentlemen IS TO BE A RAILROAD CENTER - cornmeal produced 402 pounds gain. A rution of one half middlings sial true- half ronimeal prodm-e pounds («In. One sixth tunkuge and five slub« cornmeal produced 34H pound* gain, while a ration of cornmeal produced only 183 pounds gain. Htuted lu an other way, cornmeal alone produced less than one half tlx* gain made by a ration of one third any la-ana uiul two thirds corn, one-half a« much a« mid­ dling» aud corn ami but little more than one half aa much a« tankage and j cord. i | Cornmeal alone I ill pa I nil the diges­ tive < aparity of the pigs, as shown by the feed consumed, which was 320 pounds less than any other lot con slimed. 'Hie longer tlie pigs were fed ou corn alone the more inefficient It became, requiring 1,214 pounds of feed per 100 pounds during the last work of tbe test against 500 pounds the first week ami an average of 567 pounds. Cornmeal aliaie prialm-isl jaair nppe tltes, light lame, delli h-nt development In valuable portions of tlie carcass and a general alate of uiithrlft, a« shown by tin* hair, skin and hungry look of file a n I ma Is. Tlie gains on pigs fed under the con­ ditions of till« test coat *.'>.01 per KM) pounds where cornmeal alone was used, *3.44 with one half middling». *3.50 In the lot receiving two-tliird» cornmeal and one third soy bean meal and *3.71 where five sixth» coru and one-sixth digester tankage were fed. You Make the most Money by Attending WELCH’S Genuine Removal Sale Men’s Outing Suits, Men’s Straw Hats, Men’s Summer Suits, JOHN B. STETSON $4 HAT, THE LEE $3 HAT, THE SPHINX $2.50 HAT, THE BEST $2 HAT, Half Price Half Price (ireatly Reduced Sale Price $2.55 Sale Price 2.45 Sale Price 1.95 Sale Price 1.35 ê Welch II not right WELCH ■atti H RI8HT The American Clothier 221-223 Mirrison St., N.-W. cor. first St