Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 16, 1907, Image 7

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Largest Orowers In State Will Pay Eugene te Have Bettor Buildings and
• I.10 Per Hundred.
Cement Walks.
Portland—Fifty-five tenia s l>ox la
Eugene—Aaute from the loss of stock
thv price tluit will I m * |>sld for picking ' and lurnllure auffc^ed In the fire of Au-
iropa In il>a Willamette valley thia fall. * gnat fl, the general redult has b*-en and
Kreba Bros., the largest growers in lire will Ire very Iwneficlel to the property
alate, anirotmce that they will pay holders along Willamette street, anil
»1.10 per hundred lor picking on tlrelr
yards at lnile|a>ndence and Brooks, totliecl'y. Tire oouikdl has definitely
other growers have not anneunoed any decided to extend the fire limits amt It
fixed price, but «a the oon>|a<titloll lor la likely that all future buildings put
plckrrs la always strong. Il Is more upon North Wills metis street will be
than prol*sble that this price will Irave
to lie met In all the hop-growing sec­ ol brick or atone.
James Hanford, who l<«t about hall
** We have d«cld«d to pay »1.10 per the buildings ilrelroyed by tbe recent
hundred for picking our crop of hope," fire, will erect a modem brick on bin
said (.'.onrad Krebs. "We leel, notwith­ property, the work to commence thia
standing th« prospects of a low market, fall. A brick building will be put up
that the pickers are entitled to a fair on tbe Betman property and tbe bah
and) of the block is too valuable to I m *
remuneration for their services. High
aliened to lie Idle.
wages are being ¡raid for all kinds ol
Cement sidewalks are being put in
lalior, consequently the price paid for
along WJ Barnette street, with one or
picking should tie In proportion. Fur­ i
two exceptions, as far as the depot, and
thermore. the hoppickers have nothing
every fool of sidewalk in the front of
to do with the market. They did not
tire lire line has lawn taken up to give
rrcelve any more on a 3i)-cent market
par-« to cement walks. The council
when tire growers were piling up a for­
will likely order all tire b*«rd walks
tune, therefore they uro entitled to
supplanted by cement.
good ;«y now regardless of tire market.
"Trie crop of the state looks as well
County Aide Fair Project
as could te exprM-ted. There la not
Pendleton — The County court lias
much foliage, which will make It very
profitable lor pickera. We have never Instructed the clerk to draw a warrant
ha I s finer crop Ilian Uris year In our in favor nt the Umatilla-Morrow Dis­
trict fslr in the sum of »1,000, this
own yards."
living the amount the Fair b*ar*l re-
quested the countfy to give. The lair
is to I* held in this city year, dur
ing the lost work in Heptrmber, and it
Now BO Cants a Roll, and Will Reach is expected that It will greatly surpass
•I by End ol Year.
the one held last year, which wss the
Portland—Butter la going to be an first since the district wss create*!, and
rxpenxive luxury in the Portland mar­ which was a einvw from every stand­
ket in the coming tail an*l winter. A point.
,,■„>■». The
■„<- pw,,,»,,
pavilion ia living
-„n ■uiprirvww
dollar a roll or more will kefors long be [and
of «tails w.»>*
and stables
w-na tbe ..
wiv .^ i
th*' price charged at the retail Store«. lor the stock exhibits is to lie nearly
The price Is now 80 cents, and during doubled.
the remainder of the year the advance
is certain to be stea*iy.
New Law Works Well.
Butter prices are rising all over the
Salem -As n result of the act re­
country. The consumption, taken aa a quiring banks to furnish the secre­
whole, exceeds the production, and for tary of state with a sworn statement
this rreson but little surplus butter lias of the deposits In their keeplug be­
lx<eu put into cold storage during the longing to deceased or Insane, per­
(lush reason in the big butter renter* of sona, W. N. Galena, private secretary
the United Htstes. The current make, to Governor Chaiubertuln, found a
until nest eprlng, will have to satisfy deposit of »50 In the Hat furnished
all requirements, and as the produc­ by the First National Bank, of Port­
tion naturally le«aens at this time of land. In the name of Iris deceased
year, the natural result Is a rise in mother, the existence of which he
) d no knowledge. Mr ti.rtena Is ad­
ministrator of his mother's estate
Two weeks ago the Portland market and will make application for th«-
was raised 2% rents, to 32'y rents a mon.-y.
|M*un*> at wh'dceale. The official« of
the llaudwood Cream company, at its
Hop« Early In Dallas.
last meeting, decided on anolhet 2'4-
Dallas—Hops In the Dallas district
cent advance. A* all th** city creamery promise an early crop, Vermin have
cotn pa niiw «re running shorter than appeared In nearly all of the yards,
last ui<>nth, tbe new price will prob­ but are being held in check by the
ably be general Immediately. Lrut hot weather and vigorous spraying
- year al this time the highest wholesale I’rospecta of low prlcea early in the
price of butter in Portland was 32 Hcason caused many of the growers
rente, and the 36-cent mark was not to cultivate lightly In order to save
reached until Ihvember fl. Two years extrenae. and as a consequence the
crop will be light. No trouble is an-
ago at this time butter waa worth SO
tlclpated in securing pickers for the
cents, and the highest price in that yard« In thia district as many have
year was 32% cents wholwale.
signified their Intentions ofpicklng
Tost New Prison Dogs.
Salem—The y<»vige«t two of tbe trio
ol tl*or<*ughbred bloalhoumla recently
added to the state penitentiary equip­
ment were given a practical tert by
Warden Curtis, and they worked fully
up to the guarantee and thr expecta­
tion« <>f the prison officials.
Two trn«ty convict« w* re Inmeal out,
one at a time, and each rreoitrd to all
the tiivka known and practiced by fugi­
tives to evade man-hunting dogs, such
as back-tracking,
wading through
streams, climbing trees, and each was
given an hour start, but the dogs,
which wvte Isshed together, followed
the scent unfailingly and treed both
mon In short order.
County Court Aids Fair.
Oregon City — Permanent organira­
tion of »be Clackamas County Fair as­
sociation is now complete anil the pro­
moter of the scheme for an annual
county fair are i-tK-onraged by the ac­
tion of the county court, which has
offered to appropriate »460 as soon as
organisation la complete. The fegirla-
lure of 1906 authorised county courts to
expend »600 annually for advertising
the county, and it is thia fund that the
Fair association will utilise. The fair
will lie held this year October 9, 10 and
11, on the Cliautauqua grounds, in
Gladstone Park.
Light for Hood Rivsr.
Hood River Rnnchers within n
radius of five to six miles of Hood
River will soon enjoy the conven­
iences of electric light, duo to the
fact that they have secured enough
patrons for the Hood River Electric
Light and Power Company to extend
Its lino to them. Already the com­
pany la stringing wires and It la ex­
pected that moat of the territory will
be covered in n few weeks. The first
to secure light will bo the residents
of tbe Bnrrett and Belmont districts,
lifter which several residents on the
cast aldo will bo supplied.
Naw Portland-Frisco Train.
San Francisco - General Manager
E. E. Calvin Issued orders today to
put express train service on all lines
out of San Frnnclsco and within a
week this will be Installed to Port­
land. to El Paso and to Los Angeles.
There Is a train already In operation
between here and Ogden that hns
brought such good results that the
general manager has decided that the
service be extended. It la expected the
train will carry only express and
mall, but may tnke some baggage
Hops Bring Good Price.
Oregon City Fifteen cents Is the
ruling contract price for hops and
three contracts have been filed In
the office of County Recorder C. E.
Ritmaby. The contractor Is Ed. C
Herron and ho gets from H. A. and
Hnmuel W. Wolfer, of Needy, ’<*
hales from a 16-acrn tract; B. Mors,
of Macksburg, 6,000 pounds from a
seven-acre tract.
McArthur Is Reappointed.
Olympia—Announcement Is made
at the executive office of the reap­
pointment of J. W. McArthur, of
Rpokane. as a member of the State
Board of Pharmacy, to take effect
November 1.
Bee Their First Autos.
Mi-Krnale Bridge-—This place had Be
tlrxt experience with automobile* the
other night when two motorcars ar­
rived on their way to Belknap Springs.
The trip waa made from Eugene in leas
than eight hours with no accidents.
Fish Traps Removed.
Astoria—The fish traps at Point El­
lice, which were condemned recently
by the War department as be ng a
menace to navigation, have been re­
moved by the owners in accordance
with the orders of the United Blates
State's Forestry Apportionment.
Astoria—Senator Fulton lies received
a letter from Associate Forester Price
stating that the amount which Oregon
will receive from th« forestry service
for the fiscal year 1907 will approxi­
mate »18,980.89.
Wheat—Club, 80c; biueetem, 82c;
valley, 80c; red, 78c.
Oats—No. 1 white, »26;
Barley—Feci, »21.60(422 per ton;
brewing, nominal; rolle!, »23.60(4
Corn—Whole, »28; cracked, »2» per
Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1, (17<I
18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy,
»21(423; Hover, »9; cheat, »9(410;
grain hay, »98110; alfalfa, »13(414.
Butter—Fancy creamery, 27%4SOo
per pound.
Poultry—Average old hens, 12^(8
13c per pound; mixed chickens, 12^0;
spring chickens, 16(416c; old roosters,
8(49c; dressed chickens, lfl(417c; tur­
keys, live, 12(415c; turkeys, dreeve*I,
choice, nominal; geeee, live, 8(41 lc;
ducks, 8(414c.
Eggs—French ranch, candled, 22®
23<* per doses.
Fruits—Cherries, 8(412t^c a pound;
apploe, *1.60(42.26 per box; Spitxen-
lN*rgs, »3.60 per box; cantalon|*ee,
»2.60813.50 per crate; peaches. 60 (9
»126 per crate; raspberries, *1.26(4
1.50 per crate;
blackberries, 5(47c
per pound; loganberries, »1 per orate;
apricots, »1.60(42 per crate.
Vegetables—Turnips, »1.76 per sack;
carrots, »2 per sack; beets, »2 per
sack; aspatagus, 10c per pound; l*eans,
3(»4c per pound; cabbage, 2t»o per
pound; celery, »1.25 per doxen; corn,
25(435c pet doxen; cnenmbers, 50c(<ii»l
per Irox; lettuce, head, 25c ;>er dooen;
onions, 16(.i)20c per doeen; |***es, 4(r)5c
per pound; radishes, 20c per doxen;
tomatoes, »1(41 -25 per crate.
Potatoes—New, Il^,®2c per pound.
Veal—Dressed, 5ig®8l^c per pound.
Reef—Dressed bulla, 3t*8l4c per
pound; cows, fl<4fl^c; oountry steers,
Mutton—Dressed, fancy, 8®9c per
pound; ordinary, 5®7c; spring lamne,
9(41) tfc c per pound.
Pork—Dressed, 8(48t^c per pound.
Hops—6®7J»c per pound, according
to quality.
Woo)—Eastern Oregon, ayerage beet,
lfl®22c per ponnd, according to shrink­
age; valley, 20®22c, acoording to fine­
ness; mohair choios, 29®3Oo a pound.
Operators Rafusa to Work With Non­
union Mon at Loa Angolas.
Chicago, Aug. 9
Tbe telegraph
operators who are employed by the
WMlern Union Telegraph Company
In Chicago went on strike tonight at
12 o'clock. The trouble waa precipi­
tated by the Loa Augeleo strike,
which was started two days ago.
Tonight the local executive board
of tbe Commercial Telegraphers'
Union mot and discussed ths remov-
Ing of the men who refused to work
with the non-union operators em­
When tbe
ployed In igre Angeles.
men were notified of thia step all
operators employed In tbe overland
division of the local office refused to
work any longer with tbe uou-unlon
men. When this action was taken.
Night Chief Harry Price ordered all
who refused to work to leave the ot-
flce. He then went Into other divi­
sions and requested the men to go
luto the overlaud division, lu every
case he was met with a refusal, un­
til over 70 men were sent home.
1 he grievance committee of the
union called on Mr. 1’rlce and noti­
fied him that unless every mun whs
reinstated by midnight every union
man In the office would be called
out. Thia was refused and promptly
st midnight, by a prearrangement, a
whistle was blown and every opera­
tor employed In tbe main office, with
the exception of six wire loop chiefs,
Including Mr. Price and bls two as­
sistants, left their keys uud with a
round of cheers filed out of the of­
fice. The men employed by the com­
pany at the various morning news­
papers had been notified of the con­
templated strike and they also quit
The local officials of the union to-
night staled that the day operatora
employed by the company, most of
whom belong to the union. Would re­
fuse to go to work In tbe morning
This will IhHude all branch offices
throughout the city.
FlOH r f\JH CAN IttN
Spanish War Veterans Plan to Storm' New MUHT
by Receiver Earl Against
Sugar Trust.
Neat Congress
Washington, Aug. 14.—The fight to
reetore the canteen st army poets is to
Ire reopened with renewed vigor next
Plans have been perfected for
making a strong appeal to emigres* to
wipe from the statute books the anti­
canteen legislation.
All prominent
officers of the army in their repute to
the department making suggestions for
the improvement of the army utge the
re-establishment of tbe canteen.
Aside from tbe great mass of these
reports, which may not I m * considered
to express a disinterested opinion, the
Hpanisb War veterans are sending
thousands of letters In bel*alf of the
canteen. The veterans last year opened
a campaign which was vigorously pros­
ecuted until congress refund to srrmnd
tbe law.
They have prepared once
again to s make a fight and expect to
win this time with the argument that
the W. C. T. U., tbe liquor dealers’
association and disreputable resort«
Irave combined to prevent the re­
establishment of the rentven.
When wins of the literature which
has Iwen prepared is circulated the W.
0, T? U., which foiled «-origree** to
a Iro I rah the canteen, will put on ite
armor and enter the list In repudiation
of tome of the charger concerning the
interrete which ire alleged to be work­
ing with it. The veterans seem deter­
mined to join Issue, and lively times
may be expected when congress meets
in Ilecember.
Trenton, N. J., Aug. 8.—A bill in
'equity which calle upon the American
Huger Refining company to give an ac-
oounting of its business lor the past
feur years waa filed before Chancel log
Magee Vxiay on belialf of George fl.
Earl, Jr., receiver ol tbs Pennsylvania
Huger Refining company, of Philadel­
phia. The suit, it is «aid, is the only
one of ths kind ever tiled in thia coun­
try, and tbe atep taken by the Pennsyl­
vania company may lx> the means of
opening an entire new field for investi­
gating trusts.
The suit is separate
from that lor (3Q,U00,000 damages
which Mr. “Earl instituted against the
American .Sugar Refining company, of
New York.
Mr. Earl holds that in procuring tbe
controlling interest in the Pennsylvania
company in 1903, the company became
a trustee tor the concern and is reepon.
sibie to it for an accounting, although
the Ameritan company never operated
tbe oppaitron company’« plants.
Visitor -How la that?
Tbe Medium—Do firn believe that
Huburbanite—Don't yon umlsratand
communications can bv reel red from
that every time a train paaaes It cre­
the dead?
ates a nr»h of air and changea the at-
Tire Caller—Sure. Only this morn-
moephere In my garden?—Mourlre.
Ing I received a letter from Philadel­
la the irirvk.
lardy (to rustic)—Tell me. bava you
tea* I.lit« a Maa.
seen an automobile come Into tbe vit­
“Queer duck. Tompkins."
“lu what wayr
Hustle—I ain't seen one coms In. hot
“lie bought an alarm dock and then
fixed It so It couldn't go off.”—Mil­ I saw one fall Into that ditch half an
hour ago. There were three ;>eople In
waukee Sentinel.
It : maybe that'« the one you're wait­
1er P»l*.
ing for.—Bon Vivant.
Hearing of Standard Oil Ossa Begins
September 3.
Attorney Qenaral Bonaparte Will Get
Cash or Bust Company.
New York, Aug. 13.—Attorney-
Native Tribes of Morocco Bent on
General Bonaparte, who
Exterminstlon of Foreigners.
Ixrndon, Aug 9
The horrors of President Roosevelt at Oyster Bay,
the looting of Casa Blanca by native stopped for a brief period In this
trlbesmon are becoming known and city before going to his home in Bal­
their r<-cltal Is Inflaming the minds timore. While here he talked fully
of tb« natives against all Europeans of his conference with the President
Tbe situation In various coast towns and Intimated that next month
Is worse. Thu natives are excited. A might bring further developments of
holy war is being preached at Rabat. Importance In tbe campaign against
Antl-forelgn s*-ntiment Is growing alleged lawbreaking corporations.
as a result of the activities of fanat­
"I do not wish to make any secret
ical agitators. There Is fear of a gen­ of the fact that the talk between tbe
eral outbreak. A number of Euro­ President and myself was In refer­
pean families are preparing to flee ence to tbe fine Imposed by Judge
from Tangier.
The Angers tribes­ I-andls against the Standard Oil
men In tbe Immediate vicinity of Company of Indiana.” said Mr. Bon­
Tangier are restless and may break aparte. "We discussed that, also SAILORS WAN I NEW UNIFORM.
out soon. The Moorish authorities what step should be taken as a result
huve practically no control over the of the Investigation of the Interstate Naval Committee Coisid«rirg Entire
Change of Costume.
Commerce Commission on the Har­
There are many complaints among riman railroad system
What will
Aug. 9.—The Jack tars
the Europeans that France acted in­ be done in regard to both these ques­
advisedly at Casa Blanca In bom­ tions I cannot tell at tbe present of the United States navy have made
such a mighty protest against the
barding the town before protection time.”
time-honored headgear and blouse
could be arranged for the Jews and
"Will the Standard Oil Company they wear ashore and on dress occa­
Europeans there and elsewhere on of Indiana be forced to pay tbe fine
sions aboard ship that the navy de­
the coast and In the Interior.
If Its appeal fails?"
partment has appointed a committee
The news from Casa Blanca as to
"That is a question, the answer to to decide on changes In the uniform.
the situation there today unites In which can only be found In the fu­
Captain Hugo Osterbaus, commander
showing that the bombardment was ture." said Mr. Bonaparte smiling.
of the battleship Connecticut, is
continued for longer than waa first
“The President and 1 talked over chairman of this committee. Captain
supposed and that the lack of an the amount of the fine Imposed by
Osterhaus has sent out a statement
adequate French force to afford pro­ the courts and we both sympathised
to the captains of all warships in the
tection resulted In an opportunity
for barbarous looting, rapine and very much with the company,add-1North Atlantic squadron and to the
the Attorney-General, and his commander of every ship In the ser­
pillage, with all the accompaniments ed
smile broadened.
vice. asking for suggestions.
of murder and horror. The French
"But how can the Standard Oil
The enlisted men are desirous of
landing parties could not control the Company of Indiana pay a fine of
situation. Moorish authority van­ over »29.000.000 on a capital of only obtaining coats and visor caps. Many
them want the wide flaring trous­
ished with the first French gunshot
»1,000.000?" he was asked.
ers changed Into the ordinary pat­
and lawlessness reigned.
"If the decision just obtained Is I tern. But the chief grievance relates
It Is now reported, however, that
affirmed by the Court of Appeals,
between 2.000 and 3.000 French and then we will go after our money and to the blouses and the old-fashioned
pancake caps. These caps are said
Spanish marines and bluejackets are
Mkor« at Casa Blanca and that or­ get it In some way/' answered Mr. I by all seamen to be absolutely useless
der has been restored. The Euro­ Bonaparte. "It is true that a stone on a windy day, as they cannot be
peans there are all safe. The loss of has no btood.” he added, "but a kept on the head. They afford ne
shade to the eyes and seem to exist
life among the Moors resulting from stone may be ground up.”
merely as a relic of tbe past.
the bombardment appears to be
The protest over the blouse is con­
Canned Butter for Navy.
much greater than was first indi­
sidered well Justified in the nary. In
Manchester, la., Aug. 14.-^*-The Dairy the first place the seamen object to
City Creamery company has jnst fin­ the wide collar, which blows up
Two Warships for Salvador.
ished packing 217.000 pounds of choice .around their ears on windy days.
San Francisco, Aug. 9.—Provi­ butter to be used exclusively in Vbcle ¡They want shorter neckerchiefs and
sioned for three months with a large Sam's navy. The creamery has been coats but like those of marines.
supply of ammunition and a cargo of working on thia contract the past three
quick-firing machine guns of the lat­ months, and in addition to the amount
Protect O. R. & N Roadway.
est and most deadly type, the Salva­ put up for the government has turned
Washingtoa, Aug. 8.—Authority
dor warship Arcata was ready to sal) ont «0,000 pounds of choice butter for has been granted to the engineer in
last night. The other Salvador war­ Swift A Co. All the butter was put up charge of the UmatlMa Irrigation
ship, the President, la also In readi­ in three-pound cans,
hermetically project in Oregon to construct a
ness to follow the Arcata.
She is seeled, and warranted to keep for one wasteway on the storage feed on the
provisioned for six months and is year in any climate. All butter has to canal about three-fourths of a mile
also said to be heavily armed. Both
below the town of Echo. The point
the President and Arcata have been score at least 94 points.
at which this structure will be built
nalnted a gray war color. They have
the operation of the renal
Powder Trust's Fine Work.
been strengthened In the construc­
throughout a section about four
tion of additional armor
Washington. Aug 13.—It
miles long where the canal very
stated at the Department of Justice closely parallels the O. R & N. rail-
Largest Locomotive Ever.
road. This section has heen con-
a. threatening the safety of
New York, Aug. 9.—The largest trust case at Wilmington, Del., al-
steam locomotive In the world is leglng that since the preparation of*lne ™‘‘ro«u.
about to be turned out from the the government's petition on or
Still After Them.
plant of the American Locomotive about July 7 last, the E. I. Dupont
Works at Schenectady for the Erie de Nemours Powder Company of ■ Washington, Aug. 14.—It was offi­
It will haul on grades a Delaware transfered a lage part of cially announced today that proceed­
train of loaded cars a mile and a half Its unsold finished poducts aqd raw­ ings are to be commenced immediately
long without the aid of helpers. Its materials and things necessary to in the United States courts in New
weight Is 413,000 pounds. The en­ the operation of Its business to the Yoik to compel Harriman to answer
gine Is really two engines and one E. I. Dupont de Nemours Powder
the questions he refused to answer
boiler. It has four cylinders. The Company of New Jsrsay,
when under the probe of the Interstate
engine Is designed for pusher service
Commerce commission last spring.
jind will operate between Susque­
Trying to Settle Strike.
This, it is stated, is the only proceed­
hanna and Gulf Summit Pass.
Washington. Aug. 9.—Charles P. ings against Harriman immediately in
Mund practical more will be built.
Neill, commissioner or labor. Is in sight. It remains to be seen whether
telegraphic communication wtth P. criminal prosecution will follow.
Remarkable Mateor.
11. Morrissey, grand master, and
El Paso. Aug. 9.—A remarkable other officers of the Brotherhood of
Call Harriman Into Court.
meteor waa seen here at 4:16 thia Railway Trainmen, in an endeavor
morning and was visible slowly mov­ to bring about a peaceful settlement
Sew York, Aug. 14.—United States
ing across the heavens from the of the strike of switchmen employed District Attorney Stimson today filed
southwest skies to the northeast at 5 by the Colorado A Southern Railway in the Circuit court in tnia city a peti­
o'clock. It presented the appearance Company, and to prevent. If possible, tion that E. H. Harriman and Otto H.
of a comet about the site of a foot- the enforcement of a general strike Kuhn, the latter of the firm of Kuhn,
ball with a tall apparently 60 feet order calling out all the trainmen
l.oeb A Co., be summoned into court to
long, fromiwhlch showers of meteors employed by the road.
show why they should not answer to
fell continuously. The ball was of a
certain questions relating to theoon-
greenish yellow color while the tall
Sultan Still Offers Fight.
trol of the Chicago A Alton several
was white. It did not appear to be
Washington. D. C., Aug. 8.—The months ago.
Stnte Department today received a
cablegram from American Minister
Bonaparte Back to Work.
Texans Amend Constitution.
Washington, Aug,. 14. — Attorney
Austin. Texas. Aug. 9.—Early re­ Gummere, now in Tangier. Morocco,
turn received from today’s special stating that the government troops General Bonaparte returned today from
election held throughout the state to have occupied Maxargan. French his vacation at Lennox, Mass. He waa
pass upon several
constitutional cruisers were sent there last night unwilling to discuM the report that he
amendments Indicate that the amend­ »nd two other cruisers wore sent to had returned to begin criminal prose­
ment providing for a confederate Casa Blancn. More refugees from cution in the Harriman and Standard
women's home, an agricultural bu­ Casa Blanca have arrived at Tangier
reau, and for a road tax. will be car­ and report that the town Is still oc­ Oil ?ases, but, speaking generally, he
said the department stands ready to
ried. while those providing for an in­ cupied by the French forces.
bring criminal action when there seems
crease In the pay of members of the
a good chance to convict.
legislature and for a state printing
Standard Hit In Manila.
plant will probably be defeated.
Manila, Aug. 13.—The Attorney
New Northwest Postmasters.
General has been Instructed by the
Russia Will Rebuild Navy.
Washington, Aug. ».—Postmasters
Department of Justice at Washing­
8t. Petersburg, Aug. 9.—The Navy ton to file suit against the Standard appointed:
Oregon—Pokegatna, George
Department intends, in the course of Oil Company to recover »40.000 im­
the enrrent year, to lay down two port duty on an old claim dating McIntyre, vice G. B. Walters, re-
battleships of a low type. Their dis­ back to the time when the military signed.
placement Is to be 19,970 tons, arm­ turned over the government to the
ament ten 12-lnch guns and minor civil authorities. The amount repre­ Geer, vice O. B. Asgard, resigned;
batteries, turbine engines, and a sents the difference between the Bingen, Melvin Wetheroil. vice 8. G.
Dingley rates and the present tariff. Hadley, resigned.
speed of 11 knots an hour.
Jack—Ton have written that your
love will never fade? Be careful, old
chap. Yon know It Is dangerous to
write love letters these days
Dick—Oh. but I didn't say the Ink
w»*ui*l never fade. Thar’P fade In twu
or three days and I'll be safe.
"Iron't you know the editors say you
should never roll your manuscripts?”
said tbe tall cave man.
■'rbat may tie." replied tbe poet of
tbe stone age, “but bow In the name
of tbe great dlnotherlum am I to get
them to the editorial office without roll­
ing them In a wheelbarrow7”
St. Louis, Aug. 10.—Tbe first testi­
mony in the government’s suit to dis­
solve the Standard Oil company and
kindred companies on the ground that
they constitute a trust will be taken in
the poetoffice building in New York on
September 3. Ex-Judge Franklin Fer­
ries, of St. Louis, who was appointed
sptcial examiner to hear testimony, has
issued an order for the first testimony
as above and copies were nfslled today
to all the attorneys on both aides.
Frank B. Kellogg, of St. Louis, and
C. B. Morrison, of Chicago, special
counsel for the government, requested
Judge forms to rseue the order. Judge
Ferries has not been informed what
witnesses will be called st the hearing.
The taking of testimony will mark
the actual beginning, of the govern­
ment’s fight to overthrow the Standard
Oil company and the 70 or more sub­
sidiary corpora tic ns allied with it. The
suit was filed in St. Louie early in tbe
year, and all preliminary matters liave
been cleared a wav.
It's aa 111 Wl«4,
Visiter—No. candidly. I cant any
that I think mm*h of pour a*iburl*aa
dlavivery. ITa* bouse la all right, but
the fa.-torlea al tbe be*-k send out au
awful smelt, and you're really too near
tbe railroad.
Huburbnnlte But. my dear fellow,
don't you are tbe advantage of all this?
I grant you that tbe factories are un­
pleasant, but tbe proximity to the rail­
road makes up for all that
“Yea." aald the lady gooslp. “1 know
"Darling,” declared tbe sentimental more about tlie affair than I care to
man. “I would gladly die a hundred tell.“
Ttrat must be an untumal experience
deaths for your snke.”
you." growled tbe savage bachelor.
“And so would any orher man." re­
joined tbe practical maid, coldly, “but
Fleatr »• Sag.
tbe trouble Is that oae death la a man’s
Hilton—My wife Is a metter of fWct
woman. Abe only speaks her mind.
Chilton— So does .mine, but She
Her Es perir are.
The Maid—I can't understand wby change** t«-r mind ho often that It kevi«t
Tom wants to [lostpone our wedding her talking all tbe time.
till he gets bls salary raised. They
say that two can lire *<wap^r than one.
Tbe Widow—Yes; as a matter of
fact they've got to.
Sanmiy’s piloto of Mrs. Jones In her
new tonnet gave th* neighbors a chance
for much criticism—
While really tbe hat waa very be­
Aa Time Rolla Oa.
He (after a year's absence)—I aup-
"Did be forget his old friends after
he liecame rich ”
pose you and your husband are still
“I should say not. It waa useless living happily together?
to try to borrow money. He could tell
She—Oh. no; we are now living hap­
an old friend as far as be could see pily apart.
him.''—Washington Star.
A Daaavr Slsaal.
Hix—Omre. let us burry past that
Not Stlo*y.
bouse with the red flag at the door.
“He's a man of liberal views”
Mrs. Hix—Why?
“As to how?”
Hix—Because It Indicates danger—
“Distributes 'em freely."—Washing­
either smallpox or an auction.
ton Herald.
HU Ne Klek CwaUa«.
“I hate work." said Languid Lewis.
“I don’t see wby.” rejoined Humble
Harry. “It's a aafe bet det wort, nev­
er done youse no harm.”
Fee HU Health.
Mrs. Ilamhasb—Mr. Boothby. I be­
lieve you were about to leave this
bouse without paylug what you owe me.
Bootbby (the actor)—Madam, you
wrong me. I was merely intend!^ to
take a little stroll of five hundred miles
or so.—l*uck.
Asked «■< Saswsrea.
Little Willie—What Is silence. pa?
Pa—Tbe counterfeit of wisdom, my
Little Willie—Wbat Is reform, pa?
Pa—I don't know, my eon. but It
Isn't wbat It's lectured up to be.
A JiRfO.
"Father,” asked little Rollo, “what
Is a Jingo?”
"A Jingo. my son. Is » num who la
firmly convinced that somebody other
than himself ought to go out and whip
somebody-”—Washington Star.
I.onit Strtaa.
Btubb — Royal babies are
Penn—So? Has the Spanish belr
much In bls own name?
Stubb—Well, I should say so. Eighty­
seven letters.
“There have been times In my Ufe.”
said he. gloomily, "when I was tempted
to commit suicide."
“Oh. well.” she said “It’s no use to
grieve over the past. We can all look
back and see where we've made mis­
They were seated on a bench In Jack-
son Park tbe other night
"Suppose, Marguerite,” said the
young man In low, but paaslonate, tones
te the sweet young thing by bls side,
"suppose 1 told you every time I look­
ed at you my head swlma; aupposs I
Oat o.
Hyker—Young Westlake la certainly tokl you your eyes are deep brewn
wells; suppose I told you the scent of
financial genius.
your hair fairly Intoxicates ms; sup
Pyker—He Is. eb?
Why, he made his pose (edging closer) I told yon yon
debut in Wall street six weeks ago are tbe sweetest, dearest little angel In
with »l.OOO.OW», and be still has half all the world. What would you think?"
An answer came ont of tbe darkness
of it
clear and cool: *T would think you had
Knwltab a« «be I« Spoke.
Myef—I’m going over to tbe barber a bralu storm.”
Tbe silence that followed was of ths
shop to get a lialr cut.
Gyer—Why don't you get than all density commonly described aa capabls
of being ent with a knife. —Chicago
cut while you are at It?
Inter Ocean.
She Waa leg •• KMW.
Lady (to Irish
“When I want to go to sleep." be told
“obliges” by the day)—Well, Dan, and
wbat do I owe you for to-day?
her, “I simply think of nothing.”
She looked thoughtful.
Dan—Sure, ma'am. I'd sooner be
“But can you always concentrate you»
taking the half crown you'd be offering
me than the 2 shillings I'd be asking thoughts on yonrsetfT” she ««•til
of you.—Punch.
asked.—Cleveland Plain Dealer