Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 02, 1907, Image 8

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Wanted, For Sale, Lost,
Found, Etc.
Al kxwl advertlM-mi nt, are run un.l.r tbl>
head al the rule .4 OSS I'KNT A WuKI> ll> It
lsnt'K No ait imhtlahed h>r Jeu, than lAcenla
I'aah In advance i-os-pl l«> regular a.tierlleer*
It you have anythin, to aril, nr wish l>* hu>
anythin, or hate toat anythin«. THY A
" WANT All " In Ihl, column Th. retail» »111
surprise you I'aah or poslaae stamps
Hotel and Summer Resort
REST and RECREATION •••••••••••••••••••••••••a
Some of its Advantages
Additional Gresham Locals
The track wa* moved over and the
work i» going on with no ressatiou of
car m>rvice.
Ihic Carter has sold his interest in
the bowling alley and has gone to
Rev. C. R. Elwy of l >« Angels» and Kouthem Oregon for a hunting trip
Jason Royal of W.sallawn cnllvd on the
Contractor G K
Howitt has the
latter's brother. Rev. T. F. Royal, at work of grading Misner strei't alsiul
the home of II Olwnt on Wednesday.
All «tage» »top at d«»ir
IÑietoffice, »tore ami fns* camping ground.
FOR SALE—A »eeond hand buggt The stale Fi*h Hatchery i» healed al this point
for aale or traile for otte-borse spring
There were several acceaaiona to the
wagon. Addres» W A. Roweu, fil­ Here ta fiHtml the flneat hunting and Halting tn Oregon.
of Nature
for hiver»
one, Oregon.
(31 There are innumerable inviting, shady madia
Methodist church Sunday
Best of home cooking for those desiring to I------ '
There will t* a lawn social on the
KTRAYED—Red yearling heiter frvm
place in Pleasant Valley. Finder cali
ground» of the Methodist church Friday
TU MT H Ovili
or phone John Thoma» and aeeure re­
George Rolfe moved on Wednesday
For further |«arti«-ular» atei reservation» write to
JERSEY BULL—Year and one-half
to Arleta, where he lias bought a place.
old, Melruee. Chas Milter, phone 374.
The attendance at the reading ruutu
Greaham, Oregon.
of the branch library has Isen g>»«l
STRAYED-Jeiwv bull, »..lid dark
Oregon during the last few weeks. Though not
fawn color; 8 mos. old B C. Altman,
s<> many books were taken out during
Gresham. Route 2.
these warm days, up fo July 2» the at­
sale. See Smith A Whwler, Grerham.
Crow took possession of the Gresham tendance ha.I Iwvn 438. The following
11 regon.
hotel.of which Mrs. Vim had prvvfoualy perkaiicahi are found on the res.ling
(Continued from page 1.)
charge. Mr. Crow has resided in table: ’Century, Garden Magaaine,
REWARll-jr. dollar- reward will
tie paid for imfomiation leading to the of things, but he was rather thinking of Hillsboro of late, but was formerly at Harpers Weekly. Ijklies Home Journal,
arrest and conviction of the |«-r»on who the shadowy side Wednesday when he Forest Grove.
Outlook, St. Nicholas. Sc ientific Amer­
tired into my house on the evening of was tn Gresham hunting a cool spot; I
ican, Worlds Work. Youth* Couipaniou
July 16. E. r. Smith.
Our Itaker, J. II. Hatch, has just and Bird Lire.
he didn't tiud it and left in a hurry for
milch cow . black and Fairview
and a chance to get a waft of installed an up-to-date »«»la fountain.
Fid \l>— -Stray
Mra. M. M Sayer of Silverton is visit­
white apotte*l, with coane sounding the Columbian broexra at "that place,
H. L. Ball recently went to Roseburg ing with her .laughter, Mr». E. A. Cole
bell around her neek. Owner can hav.
Ed. Smith, one of our .launch sub-
attend the funeral of Lis mother. leigh.
same bv proving property aud paying
costs. E. A. ____________
Yunker, Gresham,
Or _
seril>ers at Cleone.was in Gresham look- Mr». (.. Ball.
We acknowledge receipt of a letter
ESTRAYS—Three head of horses, ing for a cool place Wednesday, coming
8. F. Ball, who bought John Thomas' I from Mr. and Mr». DeAngle« announc­
two greys, one chestnut sorrel, came to to the Herald office he waa immediately place south <4 town, will move to Port­ ing the marriage of their daughter, May,
my place. Owner can have same by relieved—of a dollar—and the editor re-
land where he has the principalship of at Portland. July 31, to Roy N. New
paying costs. Elsie Malar. Sandy, Or. -
combe, son of Mr. and Mr» J. W. New
| juiced.
one of the West Side schools.
FOR SALE—Bay horse 1350; Sorrell
combe of 714 Anderson street, Monta­
Consult the "Want Ads.” on jsege fl.
horse. 1300; both good and true. Also
small new wagon and new harness.
Tuesday was undoubkdly the warm­ Pleasant Home, was in town on Tues­
Subscribers wishing to have their
Apply to Dr A. Th«>ni|su>n. Gresham 31 est day we have experienced in a num­ day.
ad.lremes changvd should give the old
WANTED— Fresh milch cow* T R
Miss F.lva Ikilan visited Mrs. A. Gor­ atl.lrv«* a* well as the new. We are
Howitt, Gresham. Ore.,
ing 108 in the shade at noon and at 5 0 j
unable to remember the address of each
don on Sunday.
of the more than 13UU copies sent out.
HOUSEKEEPER WA N T F D —On in the afternoon in the Herald office it
A. L. Turner lost his best cow last !
ranch, to cook and keep house for two stood at
Rev. Cha*. It. Ebey of Lie Angeles,
men. A widow preferred, n t more
ex-editor of The Free Methodist. Chi­
Charles McColl spent a few days in I
than one child No milking to do. < ::h
Mrs. Chas. Van Buren and daughter cago, will participate in the tent meet­
Wages, $15 per montli. j Gresham the fore part of the week be-
Addres M. Pexsoto A Co., R. F. D No. ' fore leaving for Rooster Rock, where he Florence of Montfort, Win., are visiting ings at Cedar Park.
at the home of O. Thomas.
2, Barton, Oregon.
' is employed as tlagman on the railroad.
Mrs H. Oberg's Sunday schisil class
G. A. Hawley, who luui had charge
PASTURE FOR RENT—(■■««1 gra-
enjoyed an outing on Tuesday, going
of the Gresham hotel, has sold his inter­
running water, shade. Enquire Gre*h-
out Villa avenue alsmt two miles,
ai I- ig st -re.
(-> picnic at Bullrun last Sunday, in which est to Mrs. Crow and will return to
returning loml. d with haxelnuta.
FOR .»ALE—One Shutter truck,
in having
(or 1>wk, A Ilw.k,
_2 . relative»
_‘_2. __ joined
_ the time ch>nfv oi ,
Clara Lewi* and G. II Temple of
high wheels, wide track, four-inch l
tires, complete, a bargain at $45
If of their lives. Luncheon was served by
French lake. Indiana, were married al
sold soon will let it go at $3o cash Lo­ the young ladies that would tempt the j Mr». Florence Wilson of Portland ia the home of the bride's ]«rrnt«. Mr.
cated at Box 100 R F D 5 Mr Ban­
visiting her mother, Mra. Frits Stoker. and l-eander Lewis of Russellville.
i- palate of any musician. A splendid time
Miss Ida Menaies of Roslyn. Wash., The ceremony was perforawd by Rev.
was had by all and except for the un-
HORbES—-For trade, - range horses, titnelv accident on the return trip, it is visiting her aunt, Mrs. I*. M. Rob­ II Oberg Sunday. July 21. They wont
for good 1300 pound mares or over with
on Monday to their future home at
the heaves. Enquire of Ed Smith, was voted a grand success.
French Lak«, Indiana.
Gresham. Ore.
The Gresham concert band practices
If you have any fat stock to sell, write every Tuesday night. One night each Frita Wirts returned on Mondar from
The Methodist Sunday school will
or see T R. Howitt at Gresham. Ore. week open-air concerts will be given Welch’s where they have »pent a two enjoy an all day picnic at Columbia
who will come and examine them at
Juring the months of August and Sep­ weeks' vacation hunting and tíshing. Park on the St. Johns line Saturday.
your ranch.
tember. New music has receutlv been The boys brought home a tí ne string of Aug. 10.
GILES BROTHERS, at Montavilla. purchased and the band is doing well trout and had abundance to eat. They
Rev. T. F Royal, pionei-r Methodist
for choicest meats. That's all.
under the leadership of Fred Field­ made the biggest catch so far.
preacher, preached in the Methodist
MEN WANTED—For steady work at house.
Mrs. A. H. Itowsett and children from church on Sunday night a very able
Columliia Brick Works, Hogan station
Mrs. L. M. Little of St. Johns, recently Minneapolis, Minn., arrived last week and acceptable sermon.
near Gresham
sent to The Herald, through her sister, and joined their husband and father,
C. F. Wiebusch ha* returned from a
FUR SALE — One-half lot in busi­
ness part of Gresham. Inquire at post- Mrs. E. M. Douglass, an elegant bou­ who has been here about three months. short outiifg at Heaaide. John Wie-
bu*«*h has g'MiC to Seaside.
FoR SALE—Eight dairy cows, singly is raising for the coming fair and car- manently.
Cha* llvle expects to go t«> the
| Nellie Forester lias resigned as cen- Sound aud Seattle next week on bust
or in a bunch, some fresh, all goal n*v*l-
milker», must reduce herd. Apply at
The Portland board of water commis- tral girl and her place will lie till«*«! Aug ness.
once to J. W. Townsend. Troutdale, Or­
egon. Phone, Farmers' 288.
(-) sioners have a surveying crew locating 1 by Miss Essie Crenshaw,
The car <*oin|«ny i* pushing the work
a route for the proposed new pipe line
The Mt. Hood electric company is of being in the line up to new require­
DRESSMAKING or general sewing from Builrun.
I putting in a private telephone line be- ments <>f the grade on Hibbard street
wanted to do, at home if desired
baseball team tween Portland aud Bull Run, using I
Gresham's amateiir
Laura Harvey. Gresham Phone 164 ¡31
expect to play at Seaside Sunday.
the old Pacific States poles. The line '
FOUND—Pair of note glasses near
W. O. Cathey made the editor a will soon be completed.
Free Methodist Church. Owner may
have same by calling at Herald office . friendly call on Thur*.lay.
Mrs. L. C. Farmer of Portland visited
and paying for this ad
Jay Lewis of Portland is visiting old her cousin, Miss Mayme Hoss, on Sun­
FOR SALE— A car of draft and friends at Gresham
driving horses, all well broken, gentle.
J. W. Shattuck ami wife, Mary, Carl
Mr*. Geo. Howe is spending a few
Call at farm eight miles east of Port­
John, went on Sunday to Welch's
land on Section lihe road
:: To Spend tbe
her husband’s mother, Mrs. A. I ,. camp for a few weeks.
Scott41. Wm. Nagel.
H. E. Davis and family went on Mon­
BEE HERE—Get your wagon or bug­ Howe.
gy tires set with the latent u|>-to-date
A. J. Krider of Spokane is visiting day to Welch's.
appliances at J. H. Latham’s ahop, his mother, Mrs. Mary Cleveland. Ed
Walter, son of John Brown of Rock­
Troutdale» Oregon.
Price is also a guest.
wood, fell Saturday nigh',' dislocating
H. E. Lewis was unable to attend hie left elbow.
Notary Public, Buys ami sells Real the county fair meeting at Gresham
Chas. O. Merrill is engineer on No.
Estate. ’ Loans Money, etc.
131 Base
Thursday on account of the illness of 112 on the O. W. P.
Line Road, Montavilla, Ore.
Mrs. Lewis, hut he proposes to be on
Chas. Merrill, wife, Ethel and late
A SNAP — 35 Acres, 30 acres in high hand with a big exhibit.
went Wednesday for a two weeks' out­
state of cultivation, 1 mile from good
On Thursday evening auto No. 24-4 ing to Welch's.
railroad town. Price $1500. Address
frightened the horse owned by E. J.
A. O. Bornstedt, Sandy, Ore.
R. H. Childers and brother ami Sabin
Graden, and it being tied to a tele­
For »lab and block wood, or gas saw phone pole in front of Iatrson's harness Alexander went early this week on a
fishing trip in the mountains.
call np W. R. Moser, phone Tabor 553.
shop, eaeape was impossible. The an­
Mr. and Mra. D. W. Metxger spent a
PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE. imal broke the left shaft and the bridle
Guaranteed. Chas. Cleveland, agent, bit. Only that it was tied with a suf­ few days at Seaside early this week.
Mrs. F. L. Rugg ami dauglithr were
Gresham, Ore.____________________
ficiently strong rope, more serious
pleasant callers at this office Wednesday.
LOST — Between the Reservoir and damage might have been experienced.
Gresham. 1 Jersey heifer, solid color, The matter of adjusting tin- damage
Mrs. Ethel Millerof Wilbur, Oregon,
small white spot on flank. ”C” brand was taken up by the owner of the is spending a few weeks with her sister,
on right hip. very dim : alsmt 14 mo*
Mrs. Hester Lawrence.
old. Chas. Cleveland, Gresham. Ore ¡It horse. This ia only another example
calling forth action governing the
Jas. Lawrence returned on Wednes­
CAMPING PRIVILEGES, with wissl speed limit and responsibility of autos day from Seaside.
and water, at Seaside, Ore.. $5 month. and their drivers.
Miss Grace Lawrence is attending
Address Mrs. Mary Leslie, Seaside,
___ _________ (33
That goats' milk is g<*xl for weak in­ the Holmes Normal this summer and
FOR BALE — Lease on 26-acre tract fants, is being proved on H. W. Coo­ expects to teach in the fall.
adjoining Gresham. 22 acres in late ley’s farm a few miles east of Gresham.
C. W. Doane left Thursday for Kent
Burliank potatoes, in fine condition .Mrs. Cooley’s sister, Mrs. E. R. Coch­
Lease expires Man'll, lists«. Investigate ran of Condon, Or., came alsiut one to take charge of a large threshing out­
fit for Raymond A Co. of Portland.
at once. A. Henrikson, Gresham, RED
month ago to the alsive farm, bringing
3, box 11.
Harry Collins left for eastern Oregon
her sick baby. Mr. Cooley has a herd
WANTED—130-pound horse. Must of goats and the baby has been fed on
be sound and well broke. L. A. Davis. goats’ milk with the result that it is
H. B. Huxley is kept very busy these
Gresham, Route 2. box «7.
getting well and has gained three
having several jobs of painting on
i hand. He has recently made Chas.
J. W. Brundage of Portland was iT1 ^'eland’s houses on Main street look
Good Cooking
is only accomplished through the use of
Good Groceries
OUR PAST REPUTATION for fuir dealing is sufflcient
to warrant you in buying of the HONEST GROCER
Katharine addition is selling rapidly
and there is a good demand for building 1
lots. A great deal of building ia going
on in the north villa.
The city ia Mating the new, 12-ineh
main on Broad street
All is ready for
the connection and it is expected it will '
be in use sihui .
Home initiations are on the program
for the next Artisans meeting.
e .
M c C aslin ,
••The Central Store”
Rev. W W Shuler died Sunday.
July 21, al his residence, KM Misner
He was a retired Methodist
minister and had ls*en ill for some time
Miss Ida Shuler and Mi* 4 lien Ben-
*>iu, sister» of the <I ucm *<*I, slaru«l
Monday with the renmlns to Radcliffe.
Iowa, where services were held last
Sunday. Mr Shuler was a flue man
and faiorably known
Miss Shuler
w ill return to Montai ilia A memorial
service will be held at Montavilla on
her return
lav ills, is quit«* disabled with rheuma­ Drtmlkxi Home lor Juvcflttc (wt
A two-story detention home fur the
A party nt young folks are planning Juvenile Court will I* tmllt in the neat
to apend this evening al The flaks.
all wveka al Montavilla The work will
I* done by the county for the Juvenile
Court, and the improvement will coat
Moan-Murrsy Nuptials
(roiu lll.tiai b> tl.'uai n,r bulldina
M um Ella Murray and K !’ Hloan
will la> ready tor <«vu|>ancy by the end
were married at* the home <»( Mr.
of the year, and will provkle accomoda-
Hbmn'a bn»ther, J. H. Sloan, mi Sunday»
Ilona (or all the ward, of the eoort with
July 3S, at ail p m., Rev. Harold
rural surroundings, clean Itume com-
The first da*« meeting of the pupils • HnTg otlleiating
torts ami with Liatraetors ami guide»
of Mr* Merts wa* held Saturday after-
M um Murray wan formerly a real«
mam, July 27, at the homo of the teach­ debt of Montavilla. recently of Mill i for the cldldrvn a Ini have Imen unlucky
er on Misner street. These mcetiiigs fit). Ore Mr Sloan i« an enterpria- «■iiough to nilas the home surrounlnga
will occur every two weeks to study ing young hu«me«« man of Montavilla, and have lieeii left to grow without any
wales and bravura playing. Following and at |»rv«ent i« in |aarinenilii|» uith , |<arti«-ular lie««I t«> their haliiteur liiture.
i - People's Prrsa
lathe program rendenal: (a) Child'» l> MeMillan, the confectioner
llay—Rehr; (b) A Simple Story- Amb­
Kd. Auapach wa» brat tuan and Mi»»
Hulisa'rilier» asking for change of ad-
er— Waunita Kolb, (a) Dream Fairy— '
Mary Murray, aiater of the bride, acted j dress will please give former address
Scwboeek; The Chase — Riirgnwiller— an bridesmaid.
I as wejj as present one
Ruth Johnson. Mehsly Kohler—Jean­
The d«vorati«me were moat appropri*
ette Rigdon, (al Mama’s Walts—Rose­ ate, tNineieting of a large bt*ll «u«|*rn<l-
wig; (b) Under the Christmas Tree— ad from the naan with d«*<M»rated mpr.
His Own Ides.
I>ormg—lallie Olmtii; Child's Ihuice- feaUMMM of gre« n and Hower«.
Little Ted Brown was a strenuous
Kohler—L>rena Paulson.
The bride waa beautiful in white lad and bad formed the out uuusual
Mehsly—Kohler—Ada Strange, (aj La. Japenem* «ilk and the grotMu «*« habit of kicking aud thumping hla play
Babillardi—Rurginuller; (b) la Styr- tin* mm '* I in conventional I »lack
ieti no— Ru rgm uller— Flat her Johnson.
One day his mother found him not
The imiltMl gue«tM numb red AL 1
A tire broke out on Rocky Rutte last tine wolding dinner wmm served. The ouly kicking ami pounding oue «if bl*
frleuda, but eveu spitting on him
Tuesday night and considerable damage prem'iita were numenm« and imet a|»~
Hbe waa dumfuuuiled at thia and,
wa* done tn J N Hartley's place, which pn»priate.
taking Tsd lute the bouse, said to him:
i* at the liaae of the butte. He lost aev- : Th«* young <i»uplr were heartily rhar- Ted. I don’t know what to make of
era! acres of grain. It ia thought that ivariad during the evening an«l they you
I thluk the ite.ll baa got Into
the Are started from s|iarks from an tl have taken up their In »me, which is in your bead aud taught you thia kicklug
RAN. engine.
and striking and »i>Ktlug "
the Kioan A Metamer bl«<*k.
Ted. gvttlug mure Indignant every
-------- »
Th«* regular monthly meeting of th«*
secoml, looked up al hla mother ami
Improvement Hoard will la- held next
Mullnooidh Pioaeef Ihodsed
Monday evening at the office of secre­
"Well, the devil may have taught iue
Mr. Margaret Shcplwnl. widow of
tary t>. E Carter, and a lull attendance
the lai«* <*. L Hh.'ph<*nl, died at her the kicklug aud striking, but this here
1« desired.
home oil ths Columbia Hlougli ami spitting la iny owu ktea!**- Lippincott's
Mrs. Crecraft's lialiy ia very sick
Sandy roada Tuesday night
Hlw ia
Ids Lewis.
Mr». Dan Sullivan and daughter* deeply regretted by a wide circle of
A catlaaU wss cs|>elsed lu INA* usar
are *|iending a lew weeks at Lmg friend* in Portland and the vicinity Ulne Rock llgbtbouse. Newport. K I .
of her late home, where »lie had lived ami tour young limi were left slrug
gllng lu Uie «-old wavee of a ciMppy
Mr*. A. li. Lmg ami daughter Mil­ for »to* pa»l 34 years.
Mrs Hls-phenl wa* horn in 4thio In ses Keetier 1-ewla was nut al boote,
dred <>t Portland are visiting Mrs I,. J
IKI4. ami came to Portland in IK7o. aud bla elck wlfe coukl do uothlug.
was married to C I, Hhephenl in bui tbelr daugbter Ida. Iwelve yeara
I., J. Tolh in ft|wn«linx nomr tiayn at
old. rowml out In a amali boat and
She ia survived by two daugh­
(’mm Bay <>n tmainewi.
aaved ttie uieu. Durtug thè osai tblr-
ly yeare alio reecue<! ulne otbers et va-
The attendance at lodge meeting« la
The funeral was held in Portland rloue tluioa Iter Work waa «Ione wltb
i«nid to tttlTer them* u arm evening«, and
yeatenlny and the interment waa in out aeelslani'e aud stiowed aklll aud
noine new liainmoclt« are thought to I m *
Riverview cemetery
endurance fuUy oqual tu ber *eat
the reason.
coorti ge.
•------- -------------- —
Sila* Abbott, an old resident oi .Mon-
Bargains in the ' Herahl Want Ada.’*
• UverybiMly Enjoy»
! Home Cooking
Cherry Trees
Place your orders now
' >
I have for sale 3UOO one - year
i [ Cherry trees,
; Binqs, Royal Anns, Lamberts. :
i ;
' 1
, '
Trees are well grown, ch an and
I do my ow n budding
from liearing tree». Price on ap-
H FREE BOROUGH. Ssariu lurtery,
• Kinsel st., MONTAVILLA. OR
(Continuel from First |«ge.)
•vening to those who attended from the
Pleasant Home Haptist Church, Gresh­
am M. E. Church, Gresham Free Meth­
odist church, Gresham German church
and many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. McCulluck were
Miss Ijiura Cottrell lias returned from
Long Beach and will spend the remain- doing business in Portland on Wadnes-
der of her vacation with her grandpa­ day.
rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Regner.
Mrs. D. M. Roberts and niece were
W. fl. Karr is building a new house visiting at the old home farm of the for- ;
mer's parents near Troutdale last Tues­
for O. Palmer at Boring.
Al Hart, wife and baby returned Mon­
W. 11. Mathison, the retired tner- *
day night from Roseburg, where Mr.
Hart has a ranch in the Linking Glass chant, and his family, of (leone, were
seen on the streets of Gresham Tues.lay
Mrs. Maggie Ulm and Samuel T.
Miss Inex Lasted spent Saturday and
Crow were married in Portland at the
home of Wm. Hausman on Saturday 1 Sunday in Portland visiting friends.
: • Montdvillds New Hotel • :
Gresham Thursday looking for a vacant 1 e new'
house. If he succeeds in finding one . J**- Goodfellow recently received
he proposes moving his family here 1 'I’xit*' an injury while at his work, caus-
j ing him rime inconvenience, hut lie is
and go into the meat business.
! on duty as ever. Hia shop has been
E. P. Smith of the Eastwood nur­
series presented the Herald office with given quite a modern appearance by the
addition of new machinery.
three ripe plums last Thursday. They
Mite Ella Merrill will take a »hort
were very large and splendid speci­
business course in Portland.
men« of early fruit.
End of car line.
The pla«v t<> timi it in at
Muffili» ami riMjnm hv «lay, wwk
J or iiuuitli
K b II kmm as .
Fad •(tar Ha«. HibUtirfM , MeatavilU
Iii th»» “llvart <>f tlu*(’aM-afl«*«,*'at an vl«*vati«»n <*f 1W) feet, mirrounded
by iM’Mt flahinji and hunting groundM in Htate.
to Mt
I*. <>., «torr aiMl every «*unvt*nfence on ground«.
Dealer in SLAB WOOD
(Uaoitne Saw - I ull Meaaure
ofiii r, iXr lllliiMir<1 ■! MAaTiwi« 11 aar
Attorney - at - Law,
Notary Public . . .
orrira :iu7 <‘4»mm«rrial hi «I m . «'or. 3nd and
Waghlngl’n Ht I'om.AMb
I'honr Pan. |»V|
R mim
Ila ivaatM M cmtavi I s U M
| hninr vvrnlnga.
Treat* all dini'am** without drugs by
Improved metlimla, by imelical elec­
tricity ami physical methmia, hy­
416 Hilihard Nt.
Mo«rr»vii.i.A, (las.
: R. C. Williams à Co. :
Summer Cottages.
Free Camping Privileges.
Plenty of Everything the Market affords.
Reached by automobile from Portland in five hours, by car from
Portland to Boring, by stage from Boring via Sandy to Welch’s
over one of the finest scenic routes in the West.
K Nhailea, Go-carta, etc. We make •
a specialty of packing Furniture •
a for shipment. Hntiafaction guar- •
, anteed. Your patronage solici tod. •
• III Has«* Line road. M ontavii . i . a *
3411 llihbartl Street
Would like to figure on your
For RaU-s, Rerervations, ami other information, write to
Kern & Wern,
For consti|Mition there ia nothing quite
ao nice as Chamlierlain'a Klomach and
Liver Tableta. They alwaya prmluce a
pleasant movement of tl.e liowels with­
out any disagreeaHe effect. Price, 25
cents. Sample« free. All dealers.
Subscribe for The Herald.