THE GIRL WITH A MILLION By D. C. Murray ——— ' < ’ 11A I’T I! II VIII (CunUaued ) ’Well," Mid Mr. Frw«(. "tVbet to up now. sir?" "I mura ovar with Dubrxkl from Hol glum thl« tuurulng," Mid O'Hourk». ['With Dubruahl?" returue»! lb* vlaltor "IMtroakl ha« au liilruduvllou from me ><>u. I’ ii I om lu> h«a tu kuuw II that la Io Mg, untes h« Buda II out by v»»m •'•a li-ii» while yen and I ar» tofttktt lia heed net know that we liar« mat to •lay. Ila luía a plan which will serve our purtmaa perleetly. With hto name bahlud It. I think It certain that our people will aovpt It." Ila akotchxl Ikibruakl'a ni*liluiare rap Idly, and Mr. Truel Itoieued. "There la ability In It, of a aort." I»» «aid. "A« a fmil trap, Il haa tuarlla; but It won't act." Thar, era obruakl." Mr. Froet maided and took hi« way. "A r»ry flnlabed mere I la Treat." mid tba patriot to hlmaelf when tba vlaltor had been •hown out of the front door "Rut capa Ida. It took ma a year to And him out. though I waa gullied by that «hlfty eye of bla. It la aurpriaiug to notice bow y«ry few of three fellow« think It worth wbll« Io «tudy in«near." chapter rx. There waa only one thing ju«t now that troubled tt'Rourk«. 11« wanted to get back to bla heireaa hunt, aud he did not went to Imva Dobroakl In hla bulging« to bring there any mad tbborlata and blued thirsty dynamiter« who might chuoaa to gather about him Itut Itobroaki hituaelf mv rd him from thto dilemma. "You will not think, air," be Mid on the aerotid morning of hla stay, "that 1 do not value your hoapitallty. Rut 1 ahall be more free to mom If I am • way from you. and ahall atlll, after the publicity of our Joint arrival her«, be abl« to communlcata with you with par feet freetlpm." O'Rourke waa mor* than politely re­ gretful at parting from I*ol>roakl. but he recognised th« wladom of the pro poaal. and th« old man took lodging« at ■ quiet hotel much frequented by t'ontineotal people who were not of the conaplrlng da««. Thto left O'Rourke free to go back and puntué hla ault, and he had written a hasty looking note to Dob rioki to my that he waa unexpectedly called to th« Continent, when a nerving inaid brought up the card of no leaa a perron than hla friend Maakelyna. 11« hardly knew what to mak« of the vlalt. and could only conjecture that Maakelyne waa here to mak« torn sort of appeal or protrat. with reaped to Angela. Rut be atood with a look of friendly etpectauey on bla faca, and held th» door of hie room back with oa« band while he reached out th« other In welcome to bla friend. "Why, M««kelyne, old fellow, what bring« you In Ixmdon. Como In, old chap. come In." Maakelyna «hook cordially enough, but with «gíreme gravity, a grav­ ity »mutual even for him. "Dobroakl'a staying with you, ! be- llevaY' he Mid, queatlonlngly. “I have an Important meeMge for him. I follow­ ed him to Bruaaola. but could laarn noth Ing then until I found out fuel night that you and ba had come ovar together, •nd that he waa actually «laying with you." “lie waa, until thia morning.” Mid O'Rourke. “1 wanted to «bow three peo pie here that an Irishman isn't afraid of sympathising with him. They were talking aliout our getting Into holM and corner« at Janenna, and eewined to think that I dare not own the grand old fellow In fiondon.” "Where la he ataylng now?” Maake lyne sakud. “I want especially to And him." “WhalY* cried O'llourk«, gayly, «Ittlng down at hla de«k td write th« addreaa. "la Maakelyna aleo among the anarch- let«?" "No," aald Maakelyne. "I'm an out eider there a« eleewher«." If thl« «perch •rpre«Menalve co­ quetry. Hhe bad large eye«, and a rather quettl«l> little nooe. turning up at the tip. When «he mulled ah» showed white, •mall aud regular teotb. Iler hand« were ■mall, delicately white, and very helpleaa looking. "1‘rettylah !" Mid O'Rourke to hlmaelf. "Rhe'a worth a «core of MI m Butler." Hut perhapa he mw her through an at- moapbere of dollar«. "Of courwo you know of Mr. O'Rourke already?“ Mid Maakelyne. “lie to one of the notabllltle« on tble aide of the water, and la pretty often beard of on our own." “! bare the plMaure to know Mr. O'Rourke already,“ Mid the lady, In her purring voli-e aoft. languid. American. "I heard him «p»ak at New York. I waa »ery much Imprvwaed by your addreaa. Mr O'Rourke." They act out for the railway elation, where they were Joined by th« young widow, «ho wore a travallag drew of tweed, cut In aueb a manner aa to dto­ play her prwtty figure to the beat advan tage. and a wondroualy enticing little cap of tweed to match the roatume. The buatle of departure began to grow rapid and argent about them. Maakelyne «hook hand« and weut hla way, and O'Rourke and the charming widow found a carnage. It waa empty, and the young man made no demur about accompanying the lady, and the tody gave no aigna of dtoplearore at being accompanied. There waa «till a aoft twilight In the ■tri-eta, lu which all objecta could b» plainly «•■••n, b’ut the gaa waa already alight wl'.hln the «tatloa, and a lamp burned In the carriage roof. "1 don't tiling," Mid Mra. Spry, "that women ought to he «o lielple«.« a« they • re. It'« the faahion to be helpleaa. We can't get ou I aide the faahion can we now? But ll'a the tyranny of mankind that make« It." "Don't you think,” returned O'Rourke, with bia bright face beaming and hla manner at the Mme time full of gentleat deference tb» aweetaal good humored ¡fo- liteneM and gayety in combination — "don't you think that ladleo tyrannlae over tie much wore than we over them?" "You don't think that," »he returned, setting her little head rather more than ever on one aid«, and looking at him out of her big, eipraaaha oy«a “You don't really think It. Mr. O'Rourk«.” “I think It.” declared Mr. O'Ronrke, •nd «1 that Instant the train began to glide out of the elation. "But for my own part I don't object tn the tyranny." CltAFTXR X. It waa night In Ixmdon, and a aum- mer rain falling. Mr. George Front Mt In a dingy apartment Illuminated by a ■Ingle candle, by the light af which be w>> ■cribbllng unmeaning pbraaee on a dirty «heot of totter paper. "No grub, no tunde. Thlrty-Mven pound* dropped laat night. I'll never touch a card again. I wonder how often I've aworn to that? But a man'a luck muat change some time. It can't go oa forever like thia.” A knock at the etreet door broke the thread of hla growl Inga, but be went on pacing atlll, and did not hear a atep which came bhtnlerlng up the ata I ream and halted outside hi« door. “t'ome In!" he cried, In startled an­ swer to a tapping on the panel, and a ■latternly aervant girl puahed her bMil round the eilge of the door. "Hereto somebody for you, Mr. Froet. Gentleman with a portmantMU. He didn't give no name." “I'll come down and have a look at him,” returned Mr. Trout, taking up hto candle. Four aeimrate flights of dirty wooden atalra, uncarpeted, brought blm to th« ball. Froet, holding hto candle high, advanced toward the shadowy figure of hto guest. “Itto you !” he Mid, with an odd laugh. “Come upstairs." The guest, eelaing the portmanteau, mounted after hlin, and the dingy apart­ ment at the top of the house waa reached. "la thia the palace you continually lira In?" aakra the guest, with the faint­ est poaalble tree« of rome foreign accent In hl* volea. "I had eapected from your laat totter to have found you In marbto balls, with vaiMto and serfs at your aide. Oho! you have been at It again, I aup- poaa,” Mid the viallar. making a move- ■■•ot I* Italtatloa of the dealing of • pack uf cards. “Isn't It time yoa ilroyped tb*l? Haran't yuu lust euuugb by tbl« tl*»«? Wbat slwuld you bare duue It I bad aut turned up?" "1 dun't hauw." Froet answered, care leMly ettougb "But I was tblnkln* al tbe very minute wbeo I beard yau kiwek at the dour, and Mylex tv myself, 'I'll drop It ' I'll tell yuu tbe truth, Zeno—" "Tall I be fluor unstrapped bl« portmaa- tmu aud took therefrom a raaor case, a ■mall metal soap l»owl and a brand new •having brush. Froet watched him In si­ lence, Zeuo took olf hla coat and threw It scroM tbe back of a chair, tnen produced • pair of «clMora. and taking a great baudful uf bls beard, sliced It off before tbe glaro; than another, and another, and another, uutil be was cluae cropped all urer the » beeke aud thrust sod chin. Next he attacked tb« mustache, aud cropped (hat ai«o an cluae a« tbe «ctoaoni would go to tbe skin. Theo pouring a little hot water Inio the ruelal bowl, be Itegan to lather hlmaelf with great energy, and then to shave. Even to hlmaelf th* uietamorpho«to be produced must hnv« >ceiueed and moistened another corner uf the handkerchief, and scrubbed at hto eyebrows. The handkerchief becnm« black, and the eyebrow« Mndy. like th« hair. Then be resumed hto coat, «at th« two candle« upon th« table, drew a chair betw«*n them, and Mt down. (To be continued.) U0ID 1IBLZ A3 CI PHXX. NEWS FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL GOOD HIPURf FROM CANAL BARS UP AGAINST WOMÍN. f acavatton Proceeding Wall and Death Mala Secretarla* Only for Ma!* Bu- Rala Lwwarad. | raau Chiefs. oo . ■.»_ 27. m —Tlia detailed . Washington, July report of tlw operations of ths Isthmian Canal cuiuinlasion on the totfluius fot Juua last haa been teoaived. kicava- tion in tba Culebra divlaioti waa «24,- fiHti cubic yanls, against 66»,366 cubic yarer (hovel cannot be consid­ ered a aerioua falling ofl whan the ex- ceeaive laiulall (13.34 inch««; for June is taken into account. The excavation at Gatun amounted to 76,013 cubic yarat Vancouver Lai racks are to be removed to Heattie bar just been re­ vived. When tbe attention of Senator Bourne was called to it, he tock it up with the War department and finds that there is no thought of abandoning Van­ couver barracks or of reducing ita garri­ son. On tbe conttary, the adjutant general advise* tbe aenator that it has lieen decided to increase tbe garrison by add ng one battery of field artillery with a corresponding increase in tbe accom- moilation« cf the poet. Thu* is the rumor buried for another 12 month*. "Katy" Road Called to Time. Washington, July 30.—Recently in- fotnialion wa* received by tbe Inter­ state (bjmmerce commiMion Oiat cer­ tain western and south western lailn ads were engaged in alleged violation« of the rate law by imuing passe« to per­ sona not entitled to them under tbe law. In the case of tbe Missouri, Kanraa A Texas railway, the informa­ tion waa eprcific that the agent* of that syatem were iMcing paseea to so called "bondamen." An order therefore has been promulgate»! by tbe commiMion requiring the official* of the aystem to answer tbe chargee made and to rtate the ground on which such action war justified. Ysrw SewM Selemea Tel* et a Mae» rise« Kaaaaeweel- When sb* left truiue In tits «mail town tu come tu New York tv take up a special cuuraw uf study, her pet sla­ ter wa* faat reachlag tbe crisis uf a luve affair. Tbe pet sister wa* a tuoat wlneume )uuiig lady, sod bad long kupt • goodly train uf «ultvrs a sign­ ing Waa this affair tu be tbe grand affair? Tbe old slater hoped au. fur •be llkad tbe young man cordially— thought be waa Just the aurt tu make a proper brother-in-law. But ths weeks passed and uut a bit of daOnits news about tbe progreaa of the affair did the older sister receive la her city boarding bouse. Mbs became •uxioua. L ou I m , sbe thought, muat not go on recklessly trifling lu such Import­ ant matters. Than one night about 10 o'clock. Just as ahe waa going to bed, catue a tele­ gram. Tlte aervant brought It up. Tbe older slater waa country girl enough to be thoroughly frightened by tbe pale manila, black-inked envelope. How otnlrioua It looked! At length abe gath­ ered courage to open IL Tbla la wbat abe read: "Sotomou six three, LOUISE." Holvmou six three I Whatever la the world! Oh. why, yea, stupid. It of course meant tbe Soug vf Holomon, sixth chapter, third verse. But—and her cheek* flushed with shams—aba had no Bible! There was s great scurrying about tbe boarding bouse to And a copy of the «acred book Tbe girls were rout«! out In vain. On all aides tbs cry aroee, "Who's got a BibleY’ Just think of tbs sister trying to sleep that night without knowing what that ver«e waa! It would have been Just like a woman to lie down to pleasant dreams, con­ tent to know that she could Mtlafy her curloalty In the morning—not! Tbe landlady, good aonl. cams to tbe rescue. Sbe was no bcatben. She bad a Bible. Up to her room with It flew tbe sister, and shut tbe door. Such a turning over of pages by eager, ner­ vous Angers! Boltnon six three. Hhe found It and then «be cried "Hurrah!” and laughed, for tbe verse waa: “I am my beloved's and my beloved la mine."—New York Presa "The mind Is a marvelous thing," Mid Prof. Zachanah Terwilliger to hla psychology class. Ills lecture and Ita sequel are printed In the New York Sun. "Let me consider." went on the THX OPENING DOOR worthy saye. “the procemi expressed In tbe good old homely phrase, 'making *«■•4 that Iler l.earwlws up one's mind.' I am on the threshold Make Iler ot Help •• Olbera. Change Motive PowaT’ Navy Ceaplain Under Firs. of an Important decision. What I de­ Had any one hapt»encd tu ask Mias Washington, July 26. — The Forest Washington, July 26— Chaplain termine to do may have a grave bear­ ttluunons— which uolxxly ever did— sei vice today iaeued a permit to allow bow her imMlun for study came to her, H. W. Jones of the battleship Minne­ the Nortliem railroad to erect two dams ing on my future. First I ponder over atve would have been unable to explain sota. Is to be tried by court martial and two power plants in the Yakima tbe matter carefully. I look at It In It. Iler father and mother, and their on charges of scandalous conduct to division of the Washington forest ie- every aspect, examining It searchlngly parents before them, bad been plain, the destruction of good morals, and serve lor the purpose of generating elec­ in all lights, from all angles By the hard-working peopu- attempt on the life of President Ca- unalterable decision.” lar novel. It offered an opportunity brera, bnt • ho was released after tained, Franke will be sent home to be Tbe students departed much Im­ Innocence, and departed turned over to the state authorities for to "inform iter ntlnd." and sbt- listened proving his from the country, returned two proper care. He came here !a«t mouth pressed. The professor. In a glow of with tlte same unquestioning ¡»atlence weeks ago, following an absence ot to collect »100,000 from tbe govern­ self-satisfaction, sought hl* home. Mra with which sb* read an hour every two months, Shortly after his re- ment, and when he undertook to see Terwilliger met blm at tbe door. night turn, Wilkinson was summoned to the president and demand payment, he "Zechariah.” she said, "have you made up your mind on that matter?” Tbe great evento of life often come to the foreign office and was ordered to was taken into custody. "Yea. my dear. I have thought It our door clad In boddeu-gray. Miss leave the republic. He made a state­ ment to the American Consul-Gen­ over and decided to say no.” Simmons, going to begin a week's sew­ eral, demanding that the Guatemala Sells Relic of Wooden Navy. "Really!” There wa* a touch of ing at the A'an Dykes' and rrettlng be­ government recall the order. Washington, July 26.—Acting Irony In the good lady's tone. “Well, cause tbe bottom ot tier poor skirt waa Secretary Newberry accepted the bid I've thought It over, too, and I've de­ "draggled." wa* aa far a* |«»mlble from Demnrrege Law a Failure. of C. E Boudrow, of San Francisco, cided you must accept. It would be guessing that the day was to be tbe Tacoma. July 31.—The reciprocal who offered 39.200 for the old wood­ greatest one of Iter life. At noon, demurrage law seems to have proven en sloop of war Marion, now Uow lying '■.»:»>* nonsense to—" Mrs. Terwilliger's as­ when Katrina Vau Dyke came in from a failure. After its having been in :*t the navy yard. Marie Island, re- pect was otnlnoua “Very well, my dear." Interjected tbe for nearly 60 days, only'cently stricken from the naval reg- school, site did not glance up. Katrina, operatlon _i_a_ i__ e«s __ _______________ 1 however, waa used to commanding alt one claim has been presented to the Ister as unfit for naval purposes. professor, quickly and meekly. “All Northern Pacific Railroad by a lum­ The Marlon was built by the gov­ right; do not let us have any worda uatlona. ber manufacturer seeking to collect ernment in 1871-1875 at Kittery. Of course I shall accept; of couree." "Can you read French Y' ahe sated. damages Attorneys for the North­ Me . and has rendered creditable ser­ “I've got a horrid exercise to do. aud ern Pacific announced that It would vice in all parts of the world. Telltale Prist a. I'm stuck." It was like Katrina to I contest the constitutionality of the Of Count Julius Andrasay, whoae law on the grounds that "a man can ­ look for aud usually discover what she Bourne Take* Vacation. monument was recently unveiled at not be made to sell something that wanted wherever she happened to be. Washington, July 30.—Senator Budapest, the Neue Urease gives tba he does not possess ’ ’ Mtos Btmmous looked up. Bourne left Washington today for a brief vacation at Deer Park, Md. following Incident: "Why. yea—a little," ahe anawered, Count Andrasay bad a habit of Thia la the first time the Senator haa Creates Forest Rssarva In Alaaka. embarrassed. smoothing with bla band hla richly been out of Washington since he ar ­ “Then." Katrina commanded, “show Waahington, July 25.—Tlte preaident rived last December. The protracted oiled hair. One day an Important docu­ me thia." today signed a proclamation creating hot apell has made Washington very ment bad passed the Austrian Council She pulled up a chair and opened her the Chugakch forest reserve in Alaaka, uncomfortable and the Senator de­ of Ministers. In tba content* of which l«x>k. Mis* Blnunona bent over It, a embracing 868,000 acre* of forest land cided to take a short rest in a nearby Count Andrasay wa* Interested. Short­ nervous color In her thin cheeks Hup- south of the main divide of the Chn- cool resort. ly afterward the Austrian president of gatch mountain« and between Copper l«»«e ahe could not! Hut shyly and tba ministry said to one of the minis­ river and the west coast of Prince Wil ­ Sanford Will Report to Bonaparte. hesitatingly, then mor% and more con- liam aound. Washington, July 30.—Assistant ters: fldently, site did. "Count Andrasay has read tbe latoet Attorney-General Sanford left thia Finally Katrina abut the book with afternoon for Lenox. Mass., to pre­ document.” Thank Land Office Appointments. a bang. "That'* all right, sent to Attorney-General Bonaparte, “How do you knowY’ you, Mlaa Simmons," ahe aald. darting F. • | wrlO Washington, vy *Nli l * ifui? July mv 26. « —Thomas & living** r I II K his Ills SU«llIIi “r Tavullvtl who IS Is SpvUil spending summer vacation "I And on It the Imprints of Count Hallewitte, of Seattle, ha* been ap-[there, the results of his Investigation off. Andrasay’* fingers." responded tba Hut left alone, MI m Simmons sat pointed *teriographet in the land office, of the North Carolina railroad rate president, with a laugh. . Mr. Sanford refused to at Roseburg, and W. M. Walker, of .controversy. T.:^. Sczfcri tc with a greet light dawwing In her eyea. Polate* Paraaraph«. She had never dreamed that It meant Wisconsin, as clerk in the land office at make any statement. the power to help other people! Sud­ Burna, Oregon Men are willing to confesa tbe things Litaaaving Station Contract Lot. denly, aero* tbe gray of common days, they can't lie out of. Washington, July ÏS.—The contract ahe saw tho blue of tender aklee»— Naval Cruisers Arrive. It la safer to do business with a waa today awarded to Mclnnea A Har ­ Youth's Companion. Washington. July 30.—Rear-Ad­ crlpplad mule than with au unloaded miral Dayton, commanding the Paci­ rington, of Beattie for the election of a gun. fic fleet, haa Informed tho Navy De­ lifesaving station in Waddah island at Very Likely. If a man hopes to awake and And Jenks—Is this a monkey trick, to partment that the armored cruisers the entrance to the Btraits of Fnca. hlmaelf famous ba muat do a lot of West Virginia and Colorado arrived The contract ptice is 112.200. turn out the llglits and leave* ua lu hard work before going to bed. Mexi­ at Cavite yesterday for the naval the dark like this? can Herald. maneuvers. School Land District Approved. Mra Comeup Indeed, I feel real ner­ Literal. Washington, July 26.—List No. vous In thia almlau darkneaa— Balti­ Rural Carriers at Kerby. "Wall, what do you think ot our 20, of Indemnity school land selec­ more American. Washington, July 26 —Charles G. tions. state of Washington, tn the rogues' gallery exhibit?” "I call It a 'bum' allow.”—Baltimore Rapid growth of the finger nails la Howard has been appointed regular. North Yakima land district for 21.- James E. Howard substltuta, rural »06 acres was approved by the Sec- American. a sign of good health. ratary of the Interior today. carrier, route 1 at Kelly, Ora. INVESTIGATION NOW Hit Wirft Betwm eitlem ol r*l*Mkto aHA 0aa uuiuuiuia hi mi rm ■AISE CIAI6ED WITH CIUELTT Captain Tafla Why Ha Refuted Mere Passengers Life Preservers Stand Hard Teat. San Francisco, July 27.—The la- vaatlgatlon Into tba sinking of th* steamer Columbia, whereby, accord­ ing to the latest figure*, 81 Uvea were lost, was resumed today by Captain John Birmingham, United State* Supervising Inspector. Offi­ cers and mem bet a of the crew of both veaaela were examined and tbe deposition* of Captain Hansen ot tbe San Pedro and bla flrat officer read. The testimony brought out tb* statement from Captain Bermlngham that It waa the flrat time be bad ever known that life-preserver* had ac­ tually been effective in saving life,* qualifying It by adding that people were usually too frightened to don them correctly. Captain Hansen, In bis report, de­ nied that be bad been unnecessarily cruel in refusing to take any more survivors on board after be had res­ cued 75, givlag as a reason for hla action that bls own vessel waa lb such a condition that it was danger­ ous to approach her, and therefore ordered the other boats to keep off. Chief Engineer Arthur V. Wil­ liams testified that the San Pedro did not lower all her boat* because the vesael waa under-manned. The alleged action of Third Offi­ cer Hawse, of the Columbia, in re­ fusing to give hi* coat to a woman was brought out in the testimony of Quartermaster Curran. The latter testified that there were unclothed women In the boat, and when Hawse waa asked to give his coat to one of them he had refused, saying that the coat belonged to him. The wo­ men, said Curran, had been exposed for an hour before Hawse covered them up with a piece of sail. Hawse interrupted the proceed­ ings by interposing an indignant de­ nial, and for a few moments counter­ denials flew back and forth between the two officers. Hawse was placed on the stand and testified that he had offered hla coat to Miss Maybell* Watson, the plucky Berkeley girl, but she refused It and asked him to give It to another woman more des­ titute than herself. GLASS CASE WITH JURY. Consumed Fourteen Day* of Ac'.ual Trial Besides Argument*. San Francisco, July 27.—The ease against Louis Glass, flrat vice-pres­ ident and general manager ot the Pacific States Telephone and Tele­ graph Company, charged with the crime of bribing Supervisor Charles Boxton in the sum of »5.000 to vote against an ordinance granting tbe Home Telephone Company a rival franchise in San Francisco, went to the Jury last evening after 14 day« of actual trial and a day and a half of arguments by Assistant District Attorney Heney for the people and T. C. Coogan and Delphln M. Del- mas for the defense. The reading of Judge Lawlor's charge to the Jury consumed one hour. At it* conclusion the court­ room wa* cleared, the jury was given In charge of two deputy sheriffs and by them conveyed In a tally-ho to the Fairmount hotel. Haywood Case Finished. Boise, Idaho. July 27.—Evidence and argument is at an end and this morning the jury will be left to de­ cide what penalty, if any, William D. Haywood shall pay for participation in a criminal conspiracy resulting in the assassination of ex-Governor Frank Steunenberg, with which he is charged. United States Senator William E. Borah, engaged by the State of Idaho as special counsel for the prosecution, spoke the last word last night. This morning Judge Fre­ mont Wood will charge and instruct the Jury, which, it is expected, will retire to consider its verdict at about 11 o'clock. Bev* Bl.000,000 Yeerly on Mell*. Chicago, July 27.—The revenue de­ rived from hauling the United State* mails by tbe railroads running west from Chicago, Pt. Louis, St. Paul and Minneapolis and the Miaouri river ia to be further reduced approximately »1,- 000,000 a year as the immediate result of the reports of 1?5 inspectors, who have been at work for the laat six months determining whether the space used in railway postal can by the for- ernment waa in excess of space suffi­ cient to accomplish the work. The railroads have been notified. Oppose* German Agreement. New York, July 27.—A policy of op­ position to the new tariff agreement with Germany recently put into effect was adopted by the board of manager* and the executive committee of the American Protective Tariff league at * meeting in thie city. It was decided to take np tbe subject with President Roosevelt, the members ol tbe cabinet, aenator* and representatives. A reso­ lution offered by William F. Draper, of Maaeachnaette, waa unanimously adopted, declaring that the agreement ia contrary to law. Getting After Opium Trade. Pekin, July 27.—The Chinese gov­ ernment haa formally announced 11a assent to tbe proposal made by tbe United States for a joint investigation by tbe poweae, including China, into tbe whole question of the opium trade and of the production of opium. De­ tail* of the procedure will be arranged later. China's delay In acceptance wee due to e misunderstanding on her part that aix indtpendent commiMion« com­ prehended such an inquiry. Butte Plumber* Want Mer*. Butte, Mon»., July 27 —The local Plumbers’ union struck today lor »6 per day of eight hoars. The men now receive »7. Buildings aggregating »1,- 000,000 in vslue under construction are i tied up.