Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, August 02, 1907, Image 5

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und pay tin* fullowing prie«*«:
Italian Prune*, Ic a pound
Peach Plum*, Ic a pound
I ame Blackberries, 4c a pound
Will lakv any amount.
Must I m « in giwal aliRjM* fur sliijNiMHil.
oimw ,
(’•II in«« up l»y plion«« ur wriU at
W. Ellison, -
Cleone, Ore.
Now’s the time to order your
Mr». 1> H liritlith» i» entertaining The latter waa taken lo the hospital
her ai»t«r, Mr». Hamish Probst ol wh< re lie told llie doctors hi» hmd hurt
| him ami tlu-n la|*e»l into unconscious-
Rev. C. E Crandall will preach in new, from which I m - never awoke. Ill»
the Mvlliialial church next Huuilay ev­ I xkull was split from esr to ear, ami he
ening, services beginning al
7:40 |M»<*e<l away at 7 40 in the altermxrn
IkxeaM-d was a »on of Mr. and Mrs
prompt in order to close before the !*'<»>
S. Dougheity of Floyd, Wash., formerly
o'cliM-k car leaves tor Portland.
,,f 4>r*'»bam, ami also a brother of Mm.
Angelo Richar*l»ori and wife ami Mr
Talbot. He leaves a wife.
Napier and wife, all of Portland, vi»ite*l
lie accepted Chriit at the age of nine,
II. A Richardaon and wife on Bunday.
livil g an exemplary life, la-loved by all
Fred Zimmerman ami wife are mak­ who knew him. lie was laid to lest in
ing their home with the l.iglit family. tlie cetm-lery at Eugene. < iregon, await­
They expect to leave for Walla Walla, ing the resurrection mom. Halunlay.
in fact, anything you will need to have printed.
We are printing Trespass Notices in plain, large
type, on cloth, size 9x12 inches, and selling them at
a very low price. Order now.
We are printing Butter Wrappers on best butter
paper, in special blue ink. Just the thing you need.
Mr» Emma H< hart entertained th>-
1-adies Aid society Wednesday after­
t <» ih > y <» i k
Jas. H. Latham,
Detention Home for Juvenile Court
Hut Chamberlain1» Colk, Cholera and I A (wot lory detention home for the
Diarrhoea Remedy Cured Him
Juvenile Court Will l«r laiill in lite nest
•is weeks at M«»nUvilla. The work will
l>e done* by the rotmty for the Juvenile
Axjurt, and the improvement will
from |11,000 to |I2,IMML The building
will l»e ready for orru|ian«*y by the end
of (he year, and will provide arvomoda-
tiona for all the ward* of the eoort with
rural Murroundingn, clean home com­
fort« a lid with i.iatructon« ami guide*
for the children who have been unlucky
enough to mimi the home nurruuningn
ami have I «ven left to grow without any
particular heed to their habit« or future.
— People*« Pre««.
**ll 1» with pleasure that I give you
thia uuaolwiteil trstiiimnlal. About a
year ago when I had a severe case of
ineaali*» I got caught out ill a hard rain
and Ihr niraalce willed ill my stomach
and lamela. 1 had an awful time ami
had it not been for the use ol Chamber-
Iain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy I could not possibly have lived
but a lew hour» longer, lull thanks to
thia remedy I am now strong and well.
1 have written the above through aim­
pie gratitude, and 1 shall always sprxk
a guod word (or thia temedy."— Ham II.
tiwin, Concord, Ua.
For sale by all
Chamberlain's Colk', Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy. Better I han
Three Doctors
"Three year» ago we had three doc-
; tor» with our little Imy and everything
that they conM do seemed in Vain. It
l»al, when nil ho|ie seemed to lie gone,
we l.-gKii using Chamberlain'» Colic,
i Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, »nd in
a tew hours he Iwgan to improve. To­
day lie is ns heallhv a child as |mrents
could wish for."—Mr». B. J. Johnson,
i Union, Mia». For sale by all ilruggi»t».
Lh;’m: “m1'"7* op iome trist
Eyesight Specialist
■M omre
hi in ».
triact Offict et» lr thMM. SnrtXM tren*
»alili Ibi. .|*xi-*- l**r Usi«- »1»
Will tw In» nere ••»< li
monili Vour *■>*•• exsuil»*«l. gl»«aas
»tl«*<l Hattslartiun «n.reulovd
HI» Own Idea.
Uttle Te*l Brown wan a strenuous
lad an<l bad formed tlie not uuusum I
habit of kicking and thumping hi» play
One day hl» motlier found him not
ouly kicking ami pouudlug oue of hl.
friend», but even »pitting on blin
Rhe waa duni founded at thia and.
taking Ted Into the bouae. »aid to film:
•Ted. 1 don’t know what to make of
you. I think the devil ba» got Into
your head and taught you tbla kicking
and »trlklng and »pitting."
Ted. getting more Indignant every
■ecoml. balked up at hie mother and
“Well, the devil may have taught me
the kicking auil »trlklng, but tbla here
•pitting la my own Idea!”— I.lpplucott'a,
î J
lirai nt feed .11 th. ,.-.« Oood wintrr
pastura»** xli.n.-r Call on or writ.
I I HUkllN
THOl’Tti At.K a
J. I. Illi RUN. phon,. n
Portland Railway, Light & Power
- HirrwicKN —
(fddrvlllc Junction und I rout dak'
Odrllle J
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Ida Lawls.
A catboat waa capelxed In 1851 near
Lillie llock lighthouse, Newport, It. I.,
aud four young men were left atrug
gllng In tlie cold wave» of a Choppy
•en Koepar Lewis waa not at borne,
and hi» alck wife could do uothlug.
but their daughter Ida, twelve year»
old. rowed out In a small boat and
eared tbe men. Daring the next thir­
ty year» »lie reacued ulue other» at va­
rious lime» Her work w»» done with
out »»»latance aud »bowed »kill aud
endurance fully equal to ber grant
Flour, Feed, and Groceries
II we haven't what you want
we will g»’l it for you ...
i I
Give ua a trial order and tie
convinced it’» . ...........................
County fair PteMed
Fox is here to stay
and is determined to make the prices an ad­
vantage to you while the increasing volume
ol trade is an advantage to him.
You can afford
to go out of your way to trade with us for
we have the goods, we make the prices and
there is no competition about it so far as we
are concerned.
The Busy Time
Henry Ruhl ami Mrs. Mary Behaffer
of tlie Hection Line road were doing
1 biiaineaa in Gresham Tuesday. The
Herald acknowledges a pleasant call.
— the harvest time — is here, we have pre­
pared for it and can supply all your needs.
Call us up by phone when too busy to get
to town.
Robert Iloane made tlie Herald office
a pleasant call Wednesday
Trespass Notices,
Butter Wrappers,
Cards, Stationery,
• We are Prepared . . .
Mrs. P. Mitchell ami her sister-in-law,
(CoiitiniMxl from First |*age.l
formerly ol Greaham, were Portland
evening to those who atlemlnl from the
visitors a lew days last week.
Pleasant Home Baptist Churrh, Gresh­
Mrs. J. F. Roberta of (ireaharn was
Hobert While ha» pnrvhaaaul Mr» am M. E. Church, Urssham Free Meth-
the guest of Mr. ami Mr». J. II. Meta-
Carrie Powell’» houae ami Iota just '»list church, Greaham German church
ger tlie past week. Also Mr. and Mrs
ami many friends.
south <>f Main atn-et.
D. W. Metzger spent Haturday ami Mun­
J. W. Claghcail and wife of Hu It-m are
day at the Metzger home.
giieela of Mrs. (’lagln-ad'» mother, Mrs.
Baptist Church Services
Many |<eople from Fairview and
Frances Allard.
Rt-V. (!■ II McKee, the new pastor of Troutdale are (pending their vacation
Mi»» (Irate Young of Vermont i» via- the Greaham Baptist church,will preach here.
iting her uucle, II. if. Young, and wife at that place nrxl Sumlay morning at
Mr. Bond spent a few days al Hesside.
Mr». Young gave a reception in honor II o'clock ami again in the evening at
Mr ami Mr». Leslie have a beautiful
of her niece last Thu relay afternixm at eight o'clock. Tlu-re will 1« Sunday
which a number '•< Troutdale linlie» m -I hxi I at 10 o'chx k In the morning and camp, "Wayside," where they ars en­
joying al) tlie pleasures of a seaside
were present.
Young People's aocietv in the evening
Mr« Frank Brigg» of Sellwood visited Mi-mliera and friamla are urgently re-
A very pleasant trip to the ship Ga­
friend» here last Friday. The Hellwood i|imxted to attend these meetings.
lena waa sujoysd by Mr and Mrs. Ita­
i’reihyterian Holiday «cln.d came out
Rr-v. Mr. McKee haa justdoawl a very
lic, Mr. and Mrs. Conley, Mr. and Mrs.
to Fairview for a picnic last Friday.
•ucceaaful work at lli«»l River, where
Kenuey, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Metzger, |
<J. N. itcyuiilda ha» ar-cured tempo­ he ha» la-en inalrumental in buildiag a
.Mrs. J. F. RolierU and .Mr and Mra. :
rary i|iiarter» lor hi« market in the fire line new cliurcb. He has a state reputa­
llemdiaw of Houlton. The party hail
hose huildlng on Main street.
Mr. tion as a worker ami the |M»*ple of this
a dainty lunch in tlie captain’s quarters.
Keynolda expecta to erect a liuililing community will find in bun a vary e(- i
The weather haa been delightful here,
for his shop.
flcient Christian worker.
the mornings taring cool while the after­
Mr«. U. N. Iteynold» i» visiting her
noons are generally warm ami pleasant.
daughti-r, Mr». F. A. Jette at Cham
Death of former Gresham Boy
Mr». Miller and son Ralph ami J. W.
Charlca II. liouglierty, brother of Mr». I^wrence were thegueata of Mrs. Mitch- ‘
A. K. Derry'» children are very ill
Den Tallart, met an accidental death ell.
with whipping cough
July 21, 1M(7, near liia home in Hacra
Many improvements have been made
William Wright ha» taken him a uienlo, California, llr wax bridge in- '
in Heaside since last year. Ttu- railroad
brhie from the lt<xe- City.
Hie* wax xpectur for the Houtbern Pacikc railway
has been extended to tlie Heaside bouse
Mi«« Nora llanlile
Mr. and Mr». uml had liia own gasoline motor car.
ami a new bridge has lieen built arrosa
Wright viaileil hi* mother, Mr». Ellen White starting away (rum the city at
tbe N'ecanicum river.
Wright, here on Humlay. The happy 0:30 in the morning in company with,
couple have the beet wishes of many a frieiul, when » few miles from the city
Troutdale friend».
the car left the track. Ilia friend, Mr
Ray Moon* visited hi» xiali-r, Mr», Clarke, was thrown out, but came back
(Continued from page 1.)
tluexie Judd at Boring on Huuday.
lo where Charles waa lying unconacioua. 1
Farmers, I want your Fruit
Will furnish
Win. Sales lias been enrolled as
a member of tlie Herald family ami
marie the office a welcome call Monday.
Phone Farmers 281
Miss Leia Gibbs, wlm baa lieen suffer­
ing for some time with appendmilia, I
was taken to Portland Monday evening
ami operated on Tuesday morning. Al- :
though the operation was quite serious,
it is thought she will recover.
Everything You Need
----------------------- , N -----------------------
C. J. Littlefiage, a prominent granger
of Corbett, waa doing businee- in Gresh­
am last Halunlay. He is delighted with
the idea of a Multnomah cuonty grange
fair and carnival ami says he ia sure it
will be a decided succeM.
Multnomah county is to have a fair if
Mr». Clulterham returned home on the plana of Gresham grange material-
Sunday from a few days' visit al Ihtlla». ise. Following tlie example of Evening
Star Graug»- the member» of this grange
Mr» B. E. Morse returned on Tues­
have started a campaign lor a fair to be
day to her home al The Halle« after
T. R. Howitt and Fritz Hamilton left
wide III »cope and to la- of value to
xevi-ral days' visit with her mother,
last Momlay morning for the Siletz In­
every buxine«» man amt farmer in the
Mr». France. Allard. _
dian reservation, where they go to buy
■ ounly. There are ten granges in Mult­
Mr. Purtelio haa been elected assist­ nomah county, all of them east of tlie sheep and cattle.
ant superintendent of the Sunday Willamette, ami llir-ar- ten granges num-
G. W. Kenney returnel from Seaside
achoul, to eatxwed Mr» F. I> Hubliard, tier in lln-ir membership practically all on a >lay or two's business trip Tuesday,
who is now auperintendent
the subiirlisn agriculturists in Mulino-> ami he waa hot,—that ix to say—well,
A xtell A Cree of Fairview are build­ mall.
In the meiulvrsliip of these he returned Thursday to cool off. Too
ing a bouse on Sandy river for Mr. granges can lie fouml tbe men ami , hot in Gres ha in for him now.
Swank who is from a point near Salem. women wliu raise the flower, the fruit, ,
Mr». Hattie Wiartell and children are
S S. E>g»n is having Axtell A Cree the grain and the vegetables that make enjoying the cool sea breezes of Seaside. '
draw plan» for a store tmilding to be Portland markets what they are, ami
A. I- Stone doesn’t usually coinplain,
erected un th*- ail«- of I I m - building many of the granger» live in the city pretty generally looks on tbe bright side j
limits on the East Hide.
burned down.
of things, but he was rather thinking of
It ia planned to make the fair not the shadowy side Wednesday when he
only an amusement ami exhibit enter­ was in Gresham hunting a ccxil spot;!
prise, but to make a Chatampia of it I he didn't find it ami left in a hurry for
nnd to have educational courws by the Fairview and a chance to get a waft of
ex|wrtx of the Northwest. Everyman the Columbian breezes at that place.
who raises a cow. a lien, a hog, who
Ed. Smith, one of our staunch sule ;
aaeista in making a puind of honey or scriber» at Cleone,was in Gresham look­
J. M. Martindale lias Ixmght II W. in gathering a pound of fruit will be |
ing for a cool place Wednesday, coming
Mathison's stuck ul merchamlise and la
nskerl to take part, and that tlie fair to the Herald office be was immediately
now in charge of the «tore. The Mar­
will lx- a succees it unqueetionm).—Peo­ relieved—of a dollar—and tbe «alitor re-
tindale family are camping here for the
ples Press.
present. Mr. Mathiaon ami family will
Consult the "Want A*ls." on page 8. !
go lan k to their old home in l*»yton,
County Exhibits at State lair
Ohio, in Sr-|4emlier an*l llie Martin­
Tuesday was undoubledly the warm­
The county exhibits at tbe Oregon est day we have experienced in a num­
dale's will take their houae.
R. C. Starkley of Oregon City and Mr. state fair in Salem are always interest­ ber ot years, the thermometer register- I
(¡rant of this place have taken I). F. ing, ami a big advertising feature for ing 108 in the shade at noon ami at 5:30
This year ■ in the afternoon in the Herald office it
IIigginlxilliam's lease on the Home the sections represented.
Mr. and Mrs. iligginlxitliam six counties will exhibit, as follows: stood at 9#.
have gone to Oakland, Ore., to visit Marion, Benton, l-ane, I-inn, Clatsop
Charles McColl spent a few days in
and Multnomah
The last two have
Gresliain tlie fore part of the week be­
never been represented before. The
fore leaving for Rooster Rock, «litre he
T. R. Ilowitt left on Monday for
county courts of Multnomah and Clat­
is employed as flagman on the railroad.
southern Oregon to |uircluu<e a large
sop counties have each appropriated
Hix-k of sheep.
|10(M> to provide for an adequate display. I The Young People’» orchestra gave a
Dr. B. F. Row land preaclieil in the
Marion county will exhibit, but she picnic at Bullrttn but Sumlay, in which
Meth<«liat church last Sumlay morning will md coni|xte for the prise. The meinliers of the orchestra and friends
to a very appriviative audience.
outside counties say that Marion has an and relatives joined in having the time
E. D. Netuiore, who ia employed in advantage in living nearer the fair. Ac- I of their lives. Luncheon was serve*I by
eaatern Oregon, apent a lew days with cordingly she will withdraw and the the young ladies that would tempt the I
hie relatives here the final of the week. oilier CMiteetanls will have an equal palate of any musician. A splendid time ,
was had bv all and except for the un- :
Nelson llr-netiel, wife and son John chance.
timely accident on the return trip, it
and Mr. Dumas, all of Portland, visited
was voted » grand success.
friends at the home of Mr. Ellison on a prominent feature in the pavilion.
The Gresham concert band practices
Two entries have already lieen made:
every Tuewlay night, line night each
Mrs. Lulu Miller and Miss Alice Mrs. F. A. Wolf <>f Falla City and W.
week open-air concerts will lie given
Forties visited at the Imine of Rev. W, II. Ilulburt of Allainy. The first priae
during the months of August and Sep­
T. Scott on Sunday night and Monday.
StudelMiker wagon, donated by that j tember. New music lias recently lieen
Mrs. R. W. Wilcox ia spending a few
house, while tlie second premium will purchased ami the band is doing well 1
days with her son. C. C. Wilcox, at
lie |A0 in cash an.I a $65 Iowa Cream under the leadership of Fred Field­
separator, donated by tlie Mitchell, house.
Mita Laura Dolph has returned from l*ewis A Slaver company.
Mrs. L. M. Littleot St. Johns, recently i
spending a few day« with her sister,
»«■nt to The Herald, through ber sister, j
Mrs. E. Jenkins, in Portland.
Amerkans "Trekking" to the Cana­ Mrs. E. M. Ikinglasa, an elegant liou- i
Mite Ethyl lleslin has returneil from
quet of sweet p*M, a sample of what she
dian Northwest
a fortnight spent at Seaside.
Americans are “treckking” to tbe is raising for the coining fair and car-
K. F. Grewell and wife of Portland Canadian northwest, and a glance at nival.
The Portland board of water comtnia- {
s|*ent Sumlay with Mrs. Grewell's the figure» shows that -4« people went
mother, Mrs. Mr». H. Cook.
there in IHl»l while an armv_of Ameri­ sioners have a surveying crew locating >
Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware,
Farm Tools, Feed, Etc.
hie cans, lao.nwi strong, sought this I-ast
West in 1W6. It certlKnly cannot I*
W. Ellison has sold to Mrs. M. C. said that the Slates farmer is moving
Cornett a cottage and two lots situated for his Uwxlth. There is but one rea­
son—he is moving Ix-cause he can »ell
in the southern part of town.
Mrs. Lee Sha* and children have his ow n laml in the home country ami
returned fri.m a visit with her parents multiply it tell lime sin area in Western
Canada for the same price, while real­
near Damaacna.
ising an umlnwmisl profit ami constant
Mrs. R
Bonnette of Portland has
^advance in value for years to come.
lieen spending some lime with her
The American settler of today knows
mother, Mrs. J. Strucken.
exactly what he wants, ami conducts
Mias Rae Zimmerman has hail as farming on strictly business principles,
goeala Mias Georgiana McMillen ami rather Ilian in the somewhat haphaaanl
Miss Marie Zimmerman of Portland, lashion of earlier dave.—Joe Mitchell
laiat Thuraday evening Miss Zimmer­ Chapple in the National Magazine for
man gave a bonfire and |«rty in honor August.
of her gneata. Misses Chloe ami Tearle
Cramlall, Clara Junn, Messrs. William,
Bonds Burned.
Cedric and Elliert Stone, Charles Fisk
Welmter grange of Monroe county
Jones and Peterson were the invited cvh-hrated
its twenty seventh
niversary In May. The chief feature
Mrs. E. Mctiaw ami daughter, Miss of the programme waa tbe burning of
llr ssie, are expected here this week to 135 bonds ranging from *10 to *380. a
total of about *7.000. These bonds
make their home in their new cottage.
were given for the erection of their
Miss Lucy Higgins spent the latter fine grange building and purcbaalng
part of last week in Portland.
Ice Shaw
family here.
apent Sunday with
a route for the pro;ioaed new pipe line
from Builrun.
Gresham's amateur taucliall team
expect to play at Seaside Sunday.
Make it a point to attend WELCH’S
Genuine Removal Sale
Men’s Clothing
Men’s $25 and $30 Suits, Sale Price $19.75
$20.00 Suits,
Sale Price 14.75
15.00 Suits,
Sale Price
10.00 Suits,
Sale Price
7.50 Suits,
Sale Price
Men’s Hats
Ar» your moutal menus as attractive
M tbe supper menu» In your grange?
Price $2.85
Price 2.45
Price 1.95
Price 1.35
Boys’ Clothing
(Continue«! on jwige 8.)
Organisation among farmers for mo
tual protection Is becoming more necco-
■ary every day aud year.
Boys’ $4.50 and $5 Suits, Sale Price $3.65
Boys’ $4.00 Suits,
Sale Price 2.95
Boys, 3.50 Suits,
Sale Price 2.45
Boys’ 2.50 Suits,
Sale Price 1.65
Boys’ 2.00 Suits,
Sale Price 1.45
The American Clothier
221*223 Morrison St..
N.-W. cor. First St.
WELCH MOVES to fourth and Washington streets about Sept. I