inaurane« in the grange Th«y ar« Icwl, Orwguti, h>r a month's trip among laith s>'lid and sulwtantlal and riwapor th* grain flvid» at Ruhl«'» ranch. than any other. Thera ar« facts w hich you can “Mcerlaiu by finding out.’’ The Gate Keeper ••io Faith. In Hope. In Charity, and with HdeMty" Conducted by E. I.. Thorp». The Grange—Its Work, and its Mission—The Old Loft—Good of the Order. Women have the liest ol the men in Ed. Smith of Aurora, Oiegon, Uaited the grange. They an* eltgibfe to evmry office, while four office« are their« to Ixxwi Nifey over Sunday. F. A. Bauman, who received •ever«' • which no man may aspire. That ia one u lrn 1 reason why the grange ia auch a amvera , injurtea from a fall three weeks ago ia I There is som» talk 0Í increasing the «•"ling very slowly Gua Richey, wife ami children, start- yearly dm*» of Multnomah county Pm I mona. It I will probably becituH» neera- «1 Momlay by team for the «owl. going We an* able to cmtcentrate public saw if it must pay l-M to the local i to Neatheart'a hay, n«ar Tillamook, A well-known farmer and h »rticultu- 1 opinion ami in shaping |Hil>li<* senti- grange which entertains it every three ' where they will spend a lew waeka, rist <>f the Willamette valley, who wishes * month». I 1. W. Butler uf l*l«>»aiit View aveiim* his name wfthheld, haa written The I meat. Ex-Govetmir Nash o( Ohio u bile Corrwpondence ia wanted from each was a Herald visitor rally Monday Gate Keeper as follows : “The other day I saw a copy of The speaking of the value of the order, said : grange. Some have appointed a re­ morning. While then* was only about 10 per porter. some have not. Publicity ia the Frank Moore of Ohio ia spending Ida Beavkr Stele Herald and at once be­ came interest«! in vour grange dejwrt- *vnt of the farmers of the cmntrywgan- beat thing known, and The Gate Keeper vacation with hi. brother. W. V. Moors. ment. 1 began to think that parhap. «•’«*>•“ 10 '*r <*'“ •>«*>»**'> ia anxious for new». Write us all y«at The grange ia to build a hall here in there are don't know, am! -trumentel in unng mor. legi.I.Don know and ask your brothers and sisters the near future. the work and miraion of the grange is ">•“ benrfeud to the agncultural for more. Send it in Iwbwv Tuesday. Mra. M Woodson of l.mthi-n. Ore , one uf them. Now, will you kindly ■»ten-.ts than the enbre 90 per cent Bring an application or two along was a guest of D, M. t'alliey and family enlighten me and vour other readers 'r*10 *vr* unorgaiiiMsL when you visit our county fair. It will [ the past week. is .7* no good raaaon w hv any .nd rand me a sample copy eont.ining Then* T'-' r>' J* f*.^."^'"2.1 Iw a gixxl opportunity to induce your ; farmer should not join the grange, and Mra. S-hnidler, »ile of Wrn. Schrod your reply T" neighbor to join the grange. Bcaide«. ! every good reason why he should. The ler, whu has i-hargv of F Drvsrar's atom you will l*e doing good, which ia one of . The Gate Keeper is glad to answer history of the grange prove« its success at Gearhart, made a living visit to her your obligation«. Your neighbor« will the above letter, not only for the bene­ and with the wisdom of the past, a sister, Mra. D. M. Cathy, Sunday. raaliae your gvxxi work after he become« , fit of the writer, but for that of all oth­ growing membership in every i*art of a member. er». Our reply will not I* original, lie­ the country it will prove a greater bene­ cause it will only lie what every meni- ROLkWOOD factor to every farmer in the future. ber of the grange has heard at one time Mr. and Mra. J. Young of Salem are or another; but it will be instructive, THE 01.1» BARN LOFT. On the death of Edward CoIlina of visiting Rockwood frieiitla thia week. even to them, ami others are invited to j There were day», a* a bov. when 1 wailed the Multnomah grange. No. 71, Multnomah Real estate i» liootning near here. read it with a view to remembering coming county. Oregon. S. Bliss I ms sold his ten acre« ou the what is written, and to profit thereby l Of haying and harvest with infinite give. Whereas, tn the wisdom ol our heav­ Base Line road for ibani. Other queries will be answer«!, if |»ssi- For I knew that the barn would be filled to enly Fatlier lie has sen tit to remove oerllow ing Mr. and Mrs. J. Brown left last Sat­ ble. W hh sweet •rented clover from over the lea. from our midst. Worthy Brother Ed­ There are other agencies besides the When the «wift summons tied and the ice king ward Callins, who departed from this urday for the coast. Mr Brown will •lay ever Sunday. Ins wife remainipg a was turning grange now at work in many rural dis- ( Ufe June 10. 1907, and whereas, in llie The air and the waters to crystal» full oft. week or ten days longer as the guest of tricts which are not cr«lit«l to the death of brother CoIlina Multnomah I chuckled with joy for the pleasure o< spurn­ Mra. II..Bell. grange, yet which are indirectly the: Grange has loot a worthy brother, the ing effect of ita work and inluence. These The Nichols place on the Rase Line Hi» gift* for a frolic in the old barn loft. community an honored and reepected agencies have lieen maintain«! and Oh. many the time have 1 waited iu gladness citizen and the family a devoted father, was recently sold at a good price. much ne«l«f relief secured for the agri­ For the mow to be tilled from the floor to the therefore be it Mism*» Mary and Maude Harvey vis- ] comb; cultural classes, in and through the Resolved, That we extend our lieart- i*«i Miss Mari« Lovelace Sunday after­ Ami many the bruise have I carried in sadness grange. IUM>U. Mementoes of tumbles from heighths near felt sympathies to the Iwrvaved family. E. B. Dorsett, lecturer of the Penn­ the dome; Resolved, That our charter lie draped sylvania state grange, says: And sometime* l’d see, through a crevice or for thirty day«, that a copy of these res­ MELROSE grating. “Tbe very spirit of progress w hich is olution» be sent to the family of the de- Old Dubbin awaiting me dow n in the croft. Mrs. Clark of Spokane, Wash , is vis­ so manifest today, the ‘reform wave' ceased, a copy to the county paper for But always tn vaiu was his neighing aud wait which seems to be sweeping our entire publication and a copy I k * spread upon iting her sister, Mr». S. E. Stafford. ing. country, is largely the result of that Until through with my sport in the old barn the minutes of the grange. Quite a number from here attend«! inspiration which comes through asso­ loft. the funeral of our esteemed neighbor Mas. Axxix Ca.swaLL ciation and organization. The study of My , hand* would reach out for a beam or a ami friend, Alfml Baker, in Portland. Maa. E. D. H xmiliux the many intricate questions «instantly rafter A. B. Wood. Little Bertie Wheeler lias liven quite A* I sprang from tbe hay for a swing in the arising in the broad field at agriculture sick again. air. and other departments of rural life, But often I’d mi*» with a fall to come after The social given al the Lome of Mr. would not have made such raytid prog­ Each failure to reach them with never a aud Mrs.Alder was not largely attend«! ress had it not been for the stimulating care. John Bramhall ami Homer Kirke vis­ and fostering influence oí the grange as For I kaew itut the seedy lour, down by the mauieers. it«! at Estacada Sunday. an organization to help it along. The Resolutions of Resped Correspondence Would stop tuy wiki tumbles, though not social conditions of the farmers have ¡ quite as soft been greatly improv«! by the influ­ As the great piles around me. nor free from all danger ences of organized effort." As the hay cushions there in the old barn These won!» by Brother Dorsett are loft. but the refl« tion of what every granger And nou, when my footsteps are slow or tin already know«. He was speaking to an steady, outsider, even as we are doing. Every And 1 feel my way by the slept» near the wall- person of intelligence who has taken I grasp a firm railing that always was ready Tv save me, pe nr ha nee from a slip or a fall. notice knows that the spirit of emula­ And always when reaching the summit of tion has brought great changes in tbe clover, betterment of rural homes and the gen­ To fond recollections my hat ha* been doffed. eral conditions of the farmer« of thia For I know that the days cf my boyhood are over country. And all my wild joys in the old barn loft. The grange has been the means of E iu K mk L. TMoars. strengthening the fraternal ties which bind us together in fraternal fellowship, GOOD Of THE ORDER. which is of more value to us than all The doors of the grange always sw ing the cost. Tbe grange stands at tbe hea-1 of all other organizations as an inward—never outward. educator, loth in morals and intellec­ Rockwood grange initiated three new tual development. It has been an im­ me tubers at its last meeting and bad & portant factor in shaping the inoral, nice social time. social, political, business and intellec­ Rockwood ia making preparations for tual education of its members. Com­ Pomona on Sept. 18. Always some­ pare the conditions of the people of the thing doing at Rockwood. rural districts today with that of thirty Attendance at the grange meetings is years ago, and note the improvements rather light just now, but wait until the which have come to them as a direct harvest work is over and then watch us. result of tbe work and teachings of the That county fair is coming. It will grange. be one of the good things the grange is Tbe political benefits which have doing everywhere. The grange has come to the farmer« are due largely to begun the work. Everybody push. grange effort. It takes the lead in all Some of the granges say they will not government reforms and attracts the attention of misdeeds of public officials. entertain Pomona for $20 ami furnish It brings almut public improvements everything. Perhaps the old custom of that are alike beneficial to our members bringing heavily laden baskets was the ami all others who belong to the great best after all. GOTTREU. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simmons »ere visitors of Portland Satunlay. Mrs. J. M. Hillyard ia very ill. Mrs. Florence Wihlon was in Port- land Friday. Farm Views Misses Alice and Lilly Rasmussen «pent Sunday at Andersen’s. Residence Properties, Family Parties, is my Specialty Transportation of Baggage or Families Phone Orders Promptly Attended to When Going to the Mountains Take ... Boring Livery ¿ Stable’s Stage Line MEETS 9:30 car Irani PORTLAND, arriving at BORING 10:35 a. m., making connection at SANDY with stage lor SALMON and WELCH’S. LEAVES SANDY at 12:30 noon, connecting with car leaving BORING lor PORTLAND at 2:05 p. m. BORING, OREGON X < Morgan & Donahue» Props. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ Mary of Corbett cwll«l on Mr. and Mrs. Ekdptlst Services Next Sundjy M. Rickert last Sunday altermsm. Miss Rev. S. 0. Sherrill of Vancouver, Mary is the principal oi one ol t’ncl« Washington, » pnuiiliienl Baptist min­ Sam's Indian raboola. ister, will presell at the Cottrell Itapllst Mi»s Advlaine Hammuml, a teacher church next Sumlay moruing al II ill ime of the Portland school», I» visit­ o’clock, from the text “Jesus Wept”, ing with Mrs. Rae Eians during vaca sinl at tlie'l’lessaiil Home clia|ivl in the lion. afternoon at three o'clock. Memlsrs Ttioo. O. Regan Jr. ami hia sister ami Iriemis of the cliureh arc urg.-ully Margaret »|wiit a trw dava in Portland r«|u«*»tnl tu alten.l tlie»e mevliiiga last week. Mr. Sherrill «mie» well r«-ommeinl«l ami is worthy of a gissi su.liemr PLEASANT HOME Combination Subscription Rates Mini suit muh in irai rtau You ( een«l raah in stivane* fur all mitaule auliarriId lark laat Satunlay A large num her were preaenl ami a good lime was enjoyed by all. M im Minnie Shriner has gone t<> Kelso to visit bar sister, Mrs E E Jack Miaa Alice Stephana and Mias Mary Hughes of Portland were visiting friends and relative» at Pleasant H oiik recently. H W «Be I yr W KKKI.Y OMKUONI AN gJ U l»AII Y '»IlKaiONIaN tu» D id and **I N|»AY (»KK u ONIAN a ta> Notks for Publication OAIIA 'TAI KURAM i« MF.MI WKKKI.Y JOI KNAL ttt l*e|wriment ol ths Interior DAILY JOI RNAI. AUB I .a n«l office at Portland, orrgon, July •. lav? Î &• Notice I« hereby gtvrii that Airt Tri« k« y of HAII.Y and M('Nt»AY J o VRN a L PA» IPh ’ MoNY III. Y in raliner. tkrrgon. ha« tiled mdlre ««I hl« Intrn I sa ihm to make Huai Ave yrar pr«a»f In «up|M>rt >>f P A< IFIf lloMKxrKAl» Pxkl’LTKY JOl RNAt (Monthly! I ffi hl« claim, via Homcatead entry. N«> i.*«/.* TIIK M lhM»| AND IlnMKlMikiy) I I. I«» fur Ihr M I g N K I 4 ao«l M N m i wp i s it rr ... i .i-i waid prostf will be inaile hrfurw the rvglutrr «nd rr**vivrr at Portland, Otvguti. on Augu»t Si. 1*4 Ile nani«** ihr folltiwlng w itto prove hi» «xtntlMUow« rraidvitce uptMt. and t uitiva littii of. th«' land. »I« N >- Turner and K»l Trlrkrt of Palmer. Ore gun. h«M»rgr Nmllh of Bridal veil, <»rvgt>u. and Aiea Harr of I aionrtdle Fall». Oregon A iurrmon H D rrmrr . Ktglalrr Pir«t publication, July i'J. Ia«t pubi h*a I ton. % ug V. The firm of Ursm A Quay has sold out to Mr«. George Car|M*nter am! her sister, Miss Lena Smith. Thi« pure ia lor delivery by mall »air Papar» m<) tw> orni Io M-1 tarale addreawa Mu bar rip lion« may begin al any lime CARLSON & IÌMFRY Undertaken und tmbdlmcrs I omplrtr «lork of ««»ffint au«l furnlabluga llearaa furnlahed If deairrd «*-..1».-, « all« promptly ali»u«l«*d ulCAlIlB.lif. Subscribe lor The Herald. Subscribe for The Herald. C. H. ATWOOD, M. I). liuuKipathic Physician and Surgeon Cali* allrn«h-«l 4a) or ulgbl. < »fRt r phoiir. Main AS; It«*» pb«»ne. Main M OtBcv. over Hliiart u «torv. Main Mtr«et ml «IrfM*«*, Main »trrel. near Third. UlCliHHAM J. M. Short, M. D. S. P. Bittner, M. D. Pk » sl< laas-S«rgt«sa Gresham, Oregon • SELL YOUR CREAM DR. H. H. OTT, K N T I «I T - Oregon Damascus Creamery Co. J. G. McElroy, Butter-iat, f. o. b. Boring, 25c. Prices subject to ] Wagon will call. Write for particulars to Sl'RGEOi < > change. atlradcd ta PHYSICIAN-*’10 (alls Promptly Ottur at Sandy Holot. BANTYY. till ORK< •< >7 EAST SECTION LINE K . B . ; ™ ! Orevfthttm» Mr. Woodward haa been home the |«st week attending to the harvest of hia hay. Mr. and Mra. Ekstrom and daughter Mrs Samuel McKeown ami daughter sjient Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mary have left for a visit in the east. Mrs. John Palmblad. John Lynch has returned home from C'has. I'nia and daughter Elizabeth Alaska looking fine. have been visiting friends at Stella, Mrs. L. (’. Klingensmyth and Mrs. Washington. J. F. Altobouee of Pittaburg, Pa., who Miss Emily Palmblad has been visit­ were visiting M. J. Allahouae ami wife, ing her sister, Mrs. K. Gustafson, of have left for Seattle, Wash, Portland. Mr. Johnston haa moved his family to A number of young people from here Mr. I^evel'w place. attended the camp meeting Sunday evening. and photos of Churches, Schoolhouses, DUFUR Attorney at Law 737 Chamber ol Commerce Phone Main 3.3flfl Poan.axo, Gunmi« ßreshd« Lodgi No. 125,1. 0. 0. F„ Meets every Satunlay night in Odd Fel­ low»' Hall. J. G Metzger, N. G. ; I». M. Roberta, S«-retary. Encammenl meet» 1st and 3rd Wednewlays of each month. All visiting brothers npn-ially invited to alterni. DAMASCUS CREAMERY COMPANY ¡J BORING ... OREOON i ....................................... ............ •••••••••••••••••••a............ .. : . --------------- - HAYING TOOLS • — GF EVERY DESCRIPTION — Everything from a Fork Handle to a Rake or a Mower is carried hy ORLAND 7FFK the Pleasant Home Blacksmith Clover Camp No. 3IH. Gresh- who also does All Kinds of Machine and Repair Work at fanreat Prices ‘ ' am, meets in Regner’» Hall LUSrEDS We are all glad to see Carl Keller j on ft! and 4th Mondays at M p. m. J. N. Horscshocinti my specialty. See me for Vehicles. Machinery. Elc. around again. Mrs. Ralph Keibauer is staying with Clanahan, C. C.; L. P. Manning, Clerk Visiting Woodmen We'come. PLEASANT HOME, ORE. Arie ta. her mother, Mrs. lfamlin, near • — V Mi»iu*e 11 ilma and Tilla Lind ami •••aaa«aa«»a««aaaaa«a»».«»a»»»,aa»aea«..aaaaa»aaaaaa• There Clara Johnson made a business trip to who is suffering from a cancer, Notice for Publication is small hofies for her recovery. Timber 14in«1. Art Jnne S. IM7N Portland last week. < ...................................................................................... ............................. ... (JnlU*<1 Htatet I uud I office, Portland, Oregon, John Burby baa been working for L. May 3U, I*r7 o Al________ ■ I • Nolive in hereby given that In compliant*«* A. Itaviea, helping dig a well for the with the provision* of the aet of CongreMi of NEWTON Oil, ;; THREE-SIX Jone :t, IH7M, entitle«! "An art for the Mie of I «st week. thither land* in th«* Mt• ten of < allfornla, <>n- Proprietor Mr». C. Coffman ha« bean dangerou«- i gon, Nevada, and Waablnglon Territory,"an Lusted are the Mr. and Mr». George exterfoled to all the Public I j U k I state« by art ly ill. MAVCa proud poaeaaors of a fine new up-to-date of August, t, I m V2. KMMA KKNNffhY Handy tor Boring Ben Beach haa gone to the eaatern top buggy. m. ;; of Portland. County of Multnomah. Htale <»f • • •• «4 m. < » Oregon, han thin «lay filed In thia office hit» Oregon harveat held». Guy Rola-rtaon and «later, Mias Mar­ Rworn statement No. 74.1«», f»r the pureha»« <»f Boring fur Handy. m. ' > •• •• «« Judd Amend, lately of Oleen'a mill, ian, apent Saturday afternoon and the W 12 of NW 1 4 and NW I 4 of MW I 4 of m* : : S«*rtlon No. 14. In Township No I N, Range No han been visiting L. J. Banner and en- Sunday at the home of their cousin, I Ka*t, an«l will offer proof to «how that the O Al^Hsmly makes connections with Salmon mail stage Also land nought in more valuable for Ita timber or joying liimm-lf fishing and hunting. for Am*huff> J ’ Am-hofT'a and an«l meet« mreta firat car at Boring. ««»ring. Mra. Max Davie». atone than f«>r agrlr ii It oral uiirptHtr« and to Now is the time to get a good picture of your farm home or family group, your fine stock, etc., etc. Uf n W Sandy Stage and Livery We do anything and everything in the line of high-class photography at lowest rates. As an introduction I am offering Stamp Pictures, 24 for 25c Mias Maud Manary fa home for a month'» vacation with tier parents, Mr. The TrouUlale fire recently left the an- has been staying. ke, T. Anderton of Port lau« I anti lionirr Miss Mary Bowen is home. Kirk and daughter, Mm. Knapp of Nor­ John Dickenaon visited his folk» Sun­ ton, Kanaai, viailed at the borne oi day. Mr. and Mra. John Brainball Sunday. Walter I-usted visited lx* Roy Ra*l- Arthur Menu«-a ia visiting with liia ford Sunday. aiater, Mm. l>ai Ntrebin. Clifford Schneider led Christian En­ Mr. and Mra. Grant of Portland *|M»nl deavor last Sunday evening. Quite a Sunday with Mra. Grant*« parent*, Mr. number were present. and Mm. McKay. Tom l-auderhack visited hi» parents Sunday. LATOURELL A crowd <•! young folks enjoyed the ' Mr. Crowston, our old friend ami afterniam on the lank« of the Sandy | neighbor, wax here last week looking river Sunday. A new road is being being built from after bin farm. Miaa Stella Anderson has returned the Sandy road to the pipe line. (rom Hillsdale where »be lias been vie- Al Edwards, with a gang of men, is iting friend». busy working the roads in this vicinity. The thdiing of Salmon in Columbia Chas. Oleson A Co. will shut down Biver ia improving rapidly. their saw mill for a aliort time for re­ H. W. Rasmnssen, who ha» large pair». buainera interests in Tacoma, left thia J. If. Dixon, wife and lavbv are visit­ place for home last Tuesday aci ompa- ing Mrs. Dixon's parents. nied l>y hi» wife. They have »|>ent a Tom Dunn ia night watch at Proctor couple of week» with relative., here. A Beers' saw mill. Min Maud Walter», who haa been working in Portland, ia »|»-nding a cou­ POWELL VALLEY ple of week» at home. Mrs. E. E. Elliot visited in Gresham Remember there is both fire and life Satunlay. class of agriculturists. Livery Rigs by day or trip PLEASAM VALILY • e • a • • • Pmrn.sgn, Ga. J Wagons, Buggies, I arming Implements, Harness Moline and Peter Schutler Wagons, Acme Harvesting Machinery, etc. Give us a calk and Is* convinced.