Hon. W. P. Keady, right of way agent for the Portland Railway Light & Power company, has purchased 40 acres of H. S. Stone adjoining the townsite of Fairview, which will be immediately laid out in 2 1-2- acre tracts. Special cars will be run from Portland to Fairview, bringing prominent Portland people who desire to invest in Fairview property. Among them are parties planning to establish a large general merchandise store in next 90 days. J. W. TOWNSEND’S NEW RESIDENCE AT EAIRVIEW LARGE CATTLE BARN ON THE SUNDIAL RANCH NOW BEING BUILT The New Time-Card The O. W. P. company d the O. W. P. electric line which goes into effect August 1st gives Fairview is interested in our town and is giving every induce­ ment possible to make a good town. Nine Trains to Portland and Return each day. The Mt. Hood Railway The early car leaves at 6:05 a. m. and returning arrives at 6:08 in the evening, giving workingmen a good chance to get to and from their work Light & Power Co. has seen fit to locate its Junction at Fairview and this will mean much to the future of this town. From Fairview to Troutdale or Portland, O. R. & N. DEPOT AT FAIRVIEW, SHOWING FREIGHT TRAIN, AGENT AND CREW RESIDENCE OF W. ELLISON, AGENT OF O. R. & N. GENERAL VIEW OF DEPOT AND WAREHOUSE AT FAIRVIEW Showing crew unloading grading outfit of Mt. Hood Railway and showing Methodist church and parsonage, and residences of G. 0. Dolph and J. T. Stillion in the distance. Another Big Thing for Fairview, not heretofore mentioned, is the location here of the Big Sundial Ranch THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS are being spent in imported blooded horses and cattle, sheep and hogs, for this already noted farm. A large tract of land is being cleared and numerous buildings erecied, among them a big feed barn for cattle, 70x128 feet with 36 - foot posts, concrete floors, water piped to every stall, thereby permitting cattle to be fattened in the stall. A large sheep’ bam will also be erected on this property on the same plan. DON’T FORGET that all this means something for the town without saloons, FAIRVIEW, the coming residence city of East Multnomah and Portland’s most attractive suburb. All Fairview Lots are 50 x 150, and are going rapidly at reasonable prices, on easy terms —— --------------------------- --——----------------- For further particulars see ----------------------------------------------- A. L. STONE, - FAIRVIEW CLEONE P. O., OREGON