Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, July 26, 1907, Image 5

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    Troutdale, Oregon, July 22, 1007.
To the Editor:
Harlow, Blaser & Harlow
lake this first opportunity
to publicly thank,
their many friends
for the kindly and tireless
assistance rendered
the company
during the Troutdale fire,
whereby a part of its stock
in trade was saved
and cared for.
panv, and the aurveying crew it has in
eantrrn Oregon ha» liven ordered baek
to Welch’s, and it ia rantored Unit they
are going to netting grade ataken, and if
• > nucli la- the cane, it will not le long till
the no far visionary railway to Mt. Ilm.l
* will la- an aaniirrd fact
•• • your
• .4 ■
Jas. H. Latham,
Have Removed to
Tin» tlrat automobile |»»u tv to reacli
Mt. II. mh I ct>nRiHt«-il of the following
II. E. I’oppleloo, wile and
l»al»y, Mr». Riley, Idtelie Pimhin and
R. V. Sritoii, mid tin* gentlemen of the
party made the auront of th«* mountain
Tuemlay, the 5th Inal.
Branch Sturt 211 Stcond Strut
\\ here th»jr will br plraurd to •«•«••II
thrlruld «uMotuvra anti many !»«•* "it'«
Mi»» Hailie Wright spent Munday will, was here last week to rent ■ boose for
lier mother, Mrs. Ellen Wright,
tlw winter.
Houses in Fairview are
Itatital Richardson and family of Hi. very scare«, and Mtas Wilcox is having
| Johns were gm sts of relatives here on difficulty in securing one.
: Munday,
II W. .Mathison has sold bin business
Judge Otto Cramer of Portland visited al Fairview to J. X. Martindale, recent­
F". E. Harlow and wife the first of the ly from Michigan, who expeeta •« en­
large the buainea* and add a general
line of hardware.
.Mr. Martindale ia
I.. A. Harlow returned home from ;
very mueli impressed with Its outlook
the Is-ai h when the report of the tire i
and future proapecta of Fairview.
rcsi'lied hint.
will move hi* family to Fairview at
Miss Margaret Stafford was in Port­
once and intenda inveating in real prop­
land Mom Uy.
IdUuU Helming Im* fn<*ve I hi» Uinily
Hix cars ,f grading material, includ-
, itilo hl« cottage on the hill.
' mg steam shovels ami eleclw crane«, are
Fretl ^itiiiiiermnn Slid Uinily, who
being lukiaded at Fairview from the U.
have lieen occupying the Helming cot- if. A N. tracka for the Mt. Hood rail­
Ing«*, will go to Walla Wall», Waah., to way. It i* pr**omod work will 1er on
remain for Motne time.
j in full blast arxm.
U hiim Helming and RicLanl Ijtiotirell
quite a number of large real mtaU*
are re cfrtablUhing their saloon bu»ineati , 'leaIs are expected to lie cloeed in a few
in tentn.
Mr». H. H. IxFgan ha* also aerured u
John ll'dm of Handy visited friends
large t«'iit to Met tip btlMnesM Unii* «rar* liere on Sunday.
A. T. Axtell has returned from Sea­
hwift ami Co. are having their build­
ing, *ituute«l near the plant, furniidied
l< J. < oates, sawyer for Mr Palmer,
to accumo«Ute »everal of their men for ha» tnen at work putting up a nice r.s-
lioth room ami In »a rd.
t ¡deuce this side of the church.
I>r. W.C. Belt report» Richard Nich-
Mrs. Woods rented a house of Mr.
ulaon, th«* man who k » m mo liadly burne«l Roota ami will run a first class barber
lo re Sunday, aw »till living at thin writ­ -hop. He expects to get started the I
latter part of the week.
Mi- Suit her land ha* inovt-d into the
Jim Braunam, formerly proprietor of
Osl'iirn cottag«* on the hill.
the Boring hotel, was here this week.
Fir«l Liinom and uiie were in Port­
Ttainias McCoruiick has started the
land on SiH»«Uy«mll>e gueHtN of John |>r-
eaectioo of a blacksmith *l«op near the
ao«i ami u lie.
I liver} barn.
Fred \\ «-at of Portland viwited fricndu
Mr. and Mrs. Morand «pent Sunday
here on Munday.
with Messrs. Kaessels A Frey» at their
11 .«Try Ga com ami wife of Vancouver, ' summer home, "Camp III.- A ubile,”
Waah., an* gu«»*U of Mr». Owen.a |«ar- just beyond Firwood.
entw, William John »on ami wife.
< has. Palmer and wife have moved
Bert Barim «»i Portland in visiting hi* to Willamina, where Charley is leggin»
aiMier, Mrs. John llmifon.
for his uncle, L. C. Palmer.
Newton Courier of laiLmrell visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jiui Cooke spent Sun­
rvUtivew here on Ttieeday.
day with Mr». Foster.
P ortland , O r .
Notice for Ihibllcathm
Departtn«'iil of the Ulterior
land <»*<*•» at Portland, Oregon. July 9. IW7
Nntl«*e la hereby fl' mi that Ale« Trlrkey <»<
Palmer, «>reg<»n. han rtl<*«1 notlca of hl* Intt n
thru to ma hr rtnal live year proof In aupp«>rt of
hl* claim, via Ifomeatea«! entry. No i * j , k »7. July 5 1W. for the H UN K II an<1 H
I 2 N \l 14 Ker tl Twp. INK "> K an«l that
aai«i pr.H»t will be made before the miiMrr
and receiver at Portland, Orrfon, on Augiet
•/.’ l‘»»7
Hr name* the following wltweaara to r»r,o.
hl* routlntuuia r«*aldanoe upon, and einlKa
tlon of. the land, via
N y 1 urner and Kd Trlvkey of Palmer. Ore
gon «irorge Amlth «»f Bridal V ell. Oregon, a ml i
Al< a Harr .4«mr«dle Falla. Oregon
A1UKMNON N DRKM m KR. ltrgl*t«T
FlrM publication. July 11. Ia*t pubileathm.
Aug ».
Notice for l*ubllcetlon
Timber Land. Act June JI. 1H7».
United Stale* La »4 Ogier. Portland, Oregon«
May »», lta>7
Notice I* hereby given that In compliance
with the pruvlalon« of the act of Vongreaa of
lune 9. IK*. entitled An art for the aale of
timber landa In the Ht ah** of California. Ore
god. Nevada, and Washington Territoryaa
rat! ndrit to all the Public«l Stale* by act
of Aitguat 4, IM«,
of Portland, County of Multnomah Míale of !
Oregon, ha* Ihl* «lay fll«*«l In thia oflh’r hl* j
sworn «tatciNviit No 74.1o. for the pun ha*« of
’’ w I' <4 NW I « .n.1 «» I ♦ «£•* is..«
»«•lion No II. tn Township No I ». Itane* No i
4 Ku.t «0.1 will off«T prowl to «ho» limi th.
I.n<l «ni* hl I» mor* v.limhlr lor It. tlmbrr or
•lot»' Ih.n lor .«rlrultur.1 mirpo«.-« .ml to
establish her risiili to «al<t lami hefore R. «l.t*r
■ nd Kei-elier»t Portland, liregon,on Tiiclsy, I
the loth .tar O< Heplemher. IW>.
II. iHiiirt ». „tiñeses Il W Hand of I ori
land. Orrion. <> I. Kennedy of Portland, ttrr
■on. J l” Hnrlii* of I'ortland, l>rr(oll. I. II
Uoodard of Cortland. Oregon.
Any and all nersnn. rtalmlng adv*rs*ly the
■ Imre ilescrlta-d land, ar* n*i|lt*atrd to ft Ir■
thrlr claim, tn Ihl. oflli-i- on or bi-for* .aid loth
dal of ».Urnlirr . IWff
- ..
a U i K h M un ■ i>muwt*, Ri-«i«t*r
Ural |iubllcatlon, June Jh. It*,. last Au,, rs
E. T. Cornett and family are visiting
with his parents.
Mr Wendell has moved on to the
Cord farm.
W. P. Brown lias taken charge of the
I>ew Hitler lias gone to eastern Wash­
ington to the harvest fields and llie
candy store and skating rink are in
Norris Stone has aa guest», his moth­
charge of Clarence Davis.
er, Mrs. Stone, ami Miss Glen Havideon
Mr». May Montgomery and sister,
of St. Joe, Missouri.
Mr*. Kramer, ran out to Boring in their
Mr». Clutterham, who has I teen visit­
auto ami s|«*iit a couple of days w ith '
ing her »on here, ha* been spending a
Boots', Foster's and Morand’s.
few days at Dallas.
Mm. Clulterliam »
II. G. Knox ami "family arrived from ■
home is in the east.
' the Chautauqua at Gladstone after
Mm. Eugene Limon is trery ill ami a*
camping out for a week.
m»t expeci<*d to rtg«»ver.
W. H Karr of Sunnyside is building
Mm. Amanda Clark of Spokane is a
the new house for Mr. Coates.
gnret of relatives here.
Tom Allison ta having a large porch i
Jack Stafford of Portland visile«! his
built aenws the front of the aaloon.
sister. Mrs. II. A. Richardson, Monday.
Mm. Grace Allan! Mon>e is
.1 week at North Beach.
Bargains in the “Herald Want Ads.”
Mm. Cvlie Bartuni of Portlaml is a
gue»t of her abter, Mr». Emma Scharf.
Mrs. (tusait* Jmlil of Boring is a guest
of her mother, Mr». A. T. Tiller.
Ilernufn Bauman, wife ami «laughter
Hannah and Herman |»e«lrick vi»it«*«l S.
S. Logan and family on Tu«*tkhiy.
The drug store at this place has
|M*n«lc«i buain«*»».
You ought to investigate the insurance company
you are about to join, just as much as you would
investigate the deed to a piece of property you
were about to buy. 11 you lose by fire you want
your money, and want it very quick.
Our Flan
Our funds
Our Officers
Our Books
Everything we have is open to your inspection.
The only rdidble insurdnee compdny is
The Oregon Fire Relief Association of McMinnville
Including organ, dining tab!*«,
rockers, lie<tati*a<ta, spring mat­
tresses, stands, etc., etc.
OREGON, known by almost every man, woman and child in Oregon.
For further information for prompt attention incase of insurance or
lues, call on, phone or write to
Saturday Morning. July 27,’07
J ohn B rown , Agí., R ockwood , Ore.
Phone Gresham 168
C. A. NVTLF.Y, Gresham.
Remember the date.
Ward Evans had Hie misfortune to
lone bin tamt work horn«' last week of
II W. M.ithisun, wife am! children,
which lie han rentiil, and Mr. laughlin
took poaaeaemn of Inn new Imme last have all lx*cn ill with tonmliti».
week. He gets four head of cuttle with Mathison has I hvii very ill and ha» not
the place.
l«evn able to attend to hi» duties in the
■Mins Katie Ellis .4 Portland in visit­ store.
Portland Railway, Light & Power
— BrrwKKx —
CfJdrville June lion and Troutdale
2$ 2
Rase Lin«* 7
H 2
• t'urti»..
M 2
M 2
Dr. J. X. Volkmar, wifv ami «laughter, Ihiviii
Kea<l y Kitt . 7
w lie have been residing at Urea well, ate Trout dale 7 At»
visiting Mrs. V«>lkinar*s }»arents, 0.
Shepard and wife. Dr. Volkmar may
lm*at<' here.
» un tn m 11 N 1 W »
'S in to ns 11 S3 1 N «
Mrs. J M. Ashcraft, Mr». A. L. Stone, Itavi.
S 1» 10 I" Il NI N <
Mrs. Wetmore, Miss Lu«*y Higgins ami fair» ><■» s OS in 11« HIS
« IV tu « 11 111 11 «
William ami Elltert Slone attendetl K«*e l.lli<
S U 10 11 tl I« 1 1« «
« 16 10 1.» 11 It 1 It «
Chautauqua last week.
Cnl'vlltoJ » mio Wil 111 Nt
42 • 42 I M
411 411 11
41 4 41 I 11
51 • 11 • 11
541 54 1 XI
ing her stater-in-law, Mm. Myrtle Ellin.
Oliver Hickey is also visiting at the El-
'Die Mountain View hotel Itaaa large . lin home.
01111111*1 •>( guests ami more are contin­
Mrs. Miller ia visiting her sister, Mrs.
ually coining.
T. L. Evans.
401 «
419 »1
There are many ehangea in the anon
499 N
G. M. Laughlin of Kansas, a nepliew
499 09
ti olita of Ml. Hoial, and from appear- of 8. I., latughlin, expects to nmye to
52 9 12
54 9 14
ance* there ir going to lie a new crev­ move to Oregon this fall, where lie will
59 9 19
asse iqmn on the np|s>nite aide of the make his future home.
59 9 19
crater from the present one, thus malt­
Hon. J. II. Middleton of Portland
ing the alterni more dangenma.
was a Sumlay guesl of W. Ellison.
Best Medicine in the World for Colk
limerà atantl the mountain tmy that it
Miss Chte Crandall, who has lu*en
and Diarrhoea
Servia llauglum has Iwen taking cat­
ia only a question of a few yearn till the
spending som«* time at Hoo«l River, has
Colic, Cholera
top w ill ta> inaccessible from thia aide, tle to Troutdale lately.
retiirntHl to her home here.
and Diarrhoea Remedy to lie the liest
no all winhing to climb it had lictter
Miss Mae Itoweti ia staying with Mrs.
Mrs. Rolierl Hofer, a former reaMent
remedy in the world,” »ay» Mr. C. L.
take inlvant.ige of the Hint op|>ortiifiity. Nelson at Pleasant Home.
of Fairview , a<*companie«i by Mrs. Math­
"I am
A large party left Welch's Tuesday,
Mr and Mm. Johnson ami daughter ews spent Sumlay with iriemls here. Carter of Skirittn, llaliaina.
I j »»1
the 1MI> itnd., to iiM'end the mountain, Huth of Portland were recently visit­ Th«* Hofer» now reside in Canyon City. ! subject to colie ami diarrhoea.
spring it seemed as though I would die,
and expected to return here on the fol­ ing Mr. and Mm. I> latuiierluiek.
Mrs. G. O. Dolph returned last Satur­ and I think I would if I hadn’t taken
lowing Saturday.
John Holman moved into the No. 2 day fn»m several «lays’ vi»it with friends
Chamberlain’* Colic, Cholera and Diar­
Three email boys walked from Port­ cautp recently.
in Washington.
rhoea Remedy. I haven’t lieen troubled
land to Mountain View hotel, where
AlonSn Radford lias Iwen helping
E. Muller ami w ife of Portland were with it since until this week, when 1
they intend »laying for a few ilaya. Hans Km>k during haying.
guests of C. Barner ami iamily.
had a very severe attack and took half a
They expect to diinh the |«*nk thin
taittle of the twenty five cent sixe of
week. They are only twelve and thir­
*|s*nt Sumlay with his iamily at the Clianilierlaiu’s Cholera, Colic and Diar­
teen yearn of age, no their grit in worthy
rhoea Remedy, and this morning I feel
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Max Kligel, a home of Mrs. II Shaw .
of pruine.
P. W. M< Kinley «»f Poillaml spent like a new man.” For sale bv all dealers.
The Mt. limai Electric Power and girl, July 19.
Sumlay with Rev. W. T. Scott ami fam-
railway company Inin changed ita name
Take the Postmaster'» Word for It
to Mt. limai ami Eantern railway cont- land from Joe Bonier, and is preparing ily.
Mr. F. M. Hamilton, postmaster at
to build.
Mr». E. J. Snow of Portland wnx ■
Cherryvale, Ind., kee|<w also a Mock of
giiext of Mr». O. A. Jackron Htinday.
Mr. and Mrs W. E. Steplm
general merchandise and intent medi­
Talror visited Miss Annie Jarl
Mi»« Maud Kelley, who ia »pending cine*. He say»: "Chamberlain'sColic,
and Sunday.
»•nne time with relative» her», vialted t'bolera ami Iharrhoea Remedy is stand-1
Hc*t of ferii «II the year G imm I winter •
• pasturage Shelter, t all «Hi or write
Mm. Vucrettie and Miss (’amlina Portland relative» the tir»t of the week., ard here in its line. It never fails to
a I I Hll KI IN
THOt’TPALB • Vnerettie are spending a few weeks
Rev. IV. T. Scott ha» ta>en »(lending give satisfaction and we could hardly ,
- J. I. Illi Itllll.
I'hom* Main '-i
■onie lime aero«» Sandy making prep- be without it." For sale by all dealers.
«•••aaaaaaaaaeeaaaeeaaaaea with Mrs. Max Kligel.
at 10 o’clock, at residence of
The a liool directors of district 35 ih -
F. G. 5[cGaw in having a reahieace
cided to give the school to Mrs. M. E
Graham for the coming tear at a salary erected «»n the Sun Dial ranch on tin*
of frat per month.
corner where Fairview road join» Sandy
Î<'«*t11iiitit*«I from !•««<• 4.)
Mr. McGaw h |«ent the winter
S. I.. Ijtnghlin of thia place has road.
The Rlipply of h I*« m * h , «•<«•., will k«rp, taiught a 'Jtl acre farm of J. W. Ehcnoti and »pring here ami Mr». McGaw and
ln»wrv«*r, mid Mr. W. cannot fiiipriM« mwr Springilalv.
Mr. Ericson ha* dauglitvr will move here when the
them ni noy fiiliitv time.
movml into a lent mi an adjoining farm, h«mm* i» completed.
Hyland Bros. I »£*»«
Th* walcra of Uir Columbia ■lough
her. am rapidly rnnling and it will
Miss Edith IteyfXilds of Portland vis­ only I* a short time until land is cov-
ited her pgrelttx, <1. N. Reynolds and «r«l with cxcnltaiH pasture.
wife, on Htinday.
Miss Gracr Wilcox of Homi River
Several Greek laborers, wbo were em­
ploye«! I»y the Cnion .Meat Co. ami the
O. R. A X. Co. here, were causing quite
a «li.*tnrlianre about town and during
the tire Sunday morning helped thern-
«ivlvrs to all they coultl get hold of.
I he citixen» of Trvtildal«* gave them
ju»t 24 hour» to leave town ami they
have all gone.
Very sincerely,
Ilarlow, BUm r ami Harlow are hav- side after a few days' stay.
ing tlm lower Hour of the Masonic hall
John McRoberts aud wife were guests
arrdiig«*d for a »tore building ami are <4 A. Kronenberg aud wife Sunday.
ki lling u«-Il net up in btiMHieMM again.
through your valued
• We are Prepared . . .
■ration* to *r*ct * Prasbytcrian «burab.
Mrs. Mcott acts?inpwntad him on aoine ui
hia tripa.
Now’s the time to order your
Trespass Notices,
Butter Wrappers,
Cards, Stationery,
in fact, anything you will need to have printed.
We are printing Trespass Notices in plain, large
type, on cloth, size 9x12 inches, and selling them at
a very low price. Order now.
We are printing Butter Wrappers on best butter
paper, in special blue ink. Just the thing you need.
Flour, Feed, and Groceries
at lowest possible pricks
If we lmvrn*t what you want
wr will R»-t it for you . . ,
Give us a trial order and I*
<H>nvin«*ed il> to . • • • •