I his grange, lodge or his town is going to do something and then is when his real worth comes to the front. Things may not go his way, in fact, he ma_v be set down on altogether. You may not find him in the lead, or even in the center, but you can bet you will find him somewhere I near the real load and pulling like a wheel horse on a bad up­ hill curve, and then it does one Publi.hed Every Friday at t.iwham. Ore., by the R kavir S tat * P vbli . hinu Co. good to watch him work. It is TIMOTHY BROWNIUI.L, Enrroa an » M anaobb . i mighty easy then to forgive him M oxtavilla Ornea, .315 Villa Av.; Pom.*»» Ornea, -W Goodnouÿh Building- for all his ugliness and cussed­ ness in other things. What this MBKNIFDM RATH Per Year SIM In advance to foreign countries. U W Three Months' trial subscription* 2ftr Single copte« 4r. A»k for our t lubhing rate* district needs, is a few wheel NfBiTTANCtt »liould be »ent b) Kiprx**» or l\*loth»'e Money Order. Registered Letter or Cher A horses. There are lots of lead­ Btam|w accepted up to 36 cents. NfCflFH for subM-ripttons are not sent unless requested The label on your paper will Indi ers. but too few trustworthy,sub­ cate within two weeks the receipt of your remittance if it d»»es not please notify us stantial fellows who are willing NtttONTiMANCIS In deference to the w tsh of the majority of our »utw rtbers the paper is sent until all arrearage is paid and an order to dim <>ntinve is received If you wish your paper to get in and dig even if they stopped at end of the year, state the fact when you send your »uberription and it will be done can't be the leader of the team. CNAMf Af AMNESS In ordering change of addrvM give old as well as new addrraa The Herald would be Iwsely ungrateful indeed if it did not acknowledge receipt of so many favors at the hands of our sub­ scribers. A share of the choice things raise«! on the farm and in the city gardens have again and again been laid on our table, the editor not knowing in many cases from whence came the good things so thoughtfully and so kindly brought to us. We‘ certainly feel that we do not de­ serve such kindness, for. while we have been doing our best to suggest many helpful-things and to give our readers the cream of the news, we have failed in so many instances to reach the standard set for ourselves that we have often ha«l nothing but censure for our shortcomings. CMXEVMMITS >,rr wanted in every com mu nit J If M» correspondence appears from yaur neighborhood, you are respectfully reqv wted to send us as many local items as you can. UfilTtsmt UTis LEGAL ADVERTISIN'«. M t in leaded sU point. Mr per siugle column Inch each insertion DISPLAY ADVlRTISlNf. No position guaranteed M* per single column inch each issue; 1ft inches or over. Av per inch each issue ft) inches or over. 17 1 A- per inch each issue. SO inches or over, Iftc per inch each issue. For poailiou (any site) Be per Inch additional READERS. lc per word each issue no reader accepted for leas than .V) cents. LOt AM (Mant < oluiun only). 1c per word cerh issue, counting two figures, an initial or an - ' CA*D> IXKB ' «>»• < co'.' LETTERS OF CONDOLES’ K (not exceeding fo»«r i»che»). |l OBITUARIES for actual sub acribers or members of th«ir families, up to M3 word». free; all over kv words, lc a word (invariably in advance). C ount the words and remit accordingly. All Lodge. Grange. School. Church, or other notices or advertisement* of socials, parties, dance*. con«'crts. theatricals, etc., given for a profit, charged for at regular rales. In onier to insure change of ad advertiser» mu*t have copy in this office sot later than Tuesday preceding day of publication. A reasonable discount will be allowed from above prk*es on written contract only. For particular* enquire at office AM MMTNK is our specialty, " e are well equipped to do the best work al current prices Especially farmers' and busin«-** men » Leiter Head* Envelope*. Rutter Wrapper», Statement*. •Vc., in small or large quantities. Auction Rill* KMdgers Posters, etc printed on slp»rt notice. The annual grange fair and carnival movement is fairly launched, The big ship is otf the ways and is nicely atkmt. Of course it will take time and a lot of labor to get her rigging in place and sails up before she will fairly get under way but what the grange puts her hand to is usually a success and so the coming fair and carnival is going to be the biggest and best thing ever undertaken in its line in this "neck o’ the woods.” THE AITO NUISANCE AUXIN Following the suggestions con- tainevi in the editorial columns of the Herald a couple of weeks ago. the Peoples Press, Port­ land's East Side popular weekly, takes up the automobile question in its usual able manner and very truthfully says: Then» are a lot oi peewdo Barney Old- tM«l, in thi« town who «Might in in«k- ing hie for »uburbanite« * terror. The W. H. MARKEll t CO. EAST SIDE DEPARTMENT STORI Corner oí Grand Avenue and East Alder Streets PORTLAND, OREGON Our Big Removal Sale Offers Bargains in Every Department We are preparing to Remove soon to our big new and modem building on southeast corner of East Morrison and Union Avenue. Prior to this removal we are offering wonderful bargains throughout the store, so that we may close out our present stocks as nearly as possible, that we may start in our new store with Handsome and Large New Stocks of Merchandise which an* already bought. Men’s Tailor-Made All Wash Goods Suits All Reduced! Reduced chap who never did anything but blow in dad'« eash and the reckletw chaffeur with a load o( drunken men and women, Entered a* aerond-cU®» matter at thv pœtoffic* at Gresham. Oregon. Recent Important Oregon Events ru»h over the East Side street, with the Special Corr« '|M»ndcncv. machine humming on the top notch PoartAXD, Oregon. July 15, 1MI7.— and nothing lull a cloud of du«t to mark Suits from $5.95 to $16.95 Handsome New Goods 4c to 24c yard A FEW MINUTES WITH THE EDITOR the flight of the buzzing engine. Men, Th«- banquet ten>h-r««l to the Hon. Jaa. R. Garfiekl, aevretur« of th« interior, at , women «nd children have been run BENEFITS OF THE Pl Bl.K LIBR ARY matter on journalism, Our down. wagon, have been shoved into the Portland Connnereial club Saturday , evening waz a moot repreoentativw af­ Montavilla, Gresham and oth­ wants were made known to the llie ditch, and the «>nly solace given is 1 fair. Judge Geo. 11 William* prexi.hti the Mtirical toot, t>x»t oi the falling r«xl er points throughout the district librarian and what we wanted or green devil h«x>ting it along. i as toastmaster, ami talks on Iwhalf of are indeed fortunate in securing was not on the shelves of this li­ No attention is |>aid to the city .{>eepond«->*■>» »1 this time is free use of the citizens, nothing Talks on Writing English, Cor­ paved lMMilev.nl. ami highways; it ha,! 0 eepeiia importante » to Oregon, an but the best of literature on his­ rect Writing and Speaking. paid for them and keep« improving •hown by the many prominent |>eople Good Shoes, and cut-prices on nearly all And practically everything in the store tory. geography, travel, science, Style, Practical Journalism, The them, and now it finds them monopo­ • >f the state who attended the Imnquet. lized by the auto racing flend, who inva ­ kinds. reduced in price. law, medicine, theology, the Preparation of Manuscripts and riably sticks to the middle of the road, The organisation of the Portland trades, agricultural, bee and a hand book of Punctuation. and the taxpayer and the farmer can , Country Club and láve S|.| street mere droth trap«, and a pall of sibly be helpful to community A. to Z. learn of the organization of the Port­ Sometime ago one of our force dens«: dust hovers over the place day ami land Rom» 1*estival a.*?<»elation, aMiiting ReNtoration to Entry of Land» in and educational life. night with the gleam of rushing autos National Forest. $1.00 a Month INSURE YOUR 1 ARM BULMNGS We do not believe, however, we needed instruction on certain shining through the murk and the noisy an annual roue show. Notice in hereby given that the Iu nix weeks more the colonist rates phases in the art of high-class land« «lescribcNl b»*h>w, embracing _ honk of the brazen horns clearing the can be accused of exaggeration UMŒS AID SCHOOLHOUSES to Oregon will be in efiect againt con­ 40 urn*»», within the Cascade la-Mu.le Na­ IB TUB when we say we doubt if ten per printing, including some instruc­ way. tinuing for sixty day^. Every commer­ tional Forest, Oregon, will l>c mile againnt Klcknesa, Accident and cent of our citizens really know tion on the uses of cylinder press­ The East Side is not a racing track; it cial organizltion ghoul 1 get busy with ject to wttleincnl and entry under Death. Jnstead of employing an is not leing improved ami settled for their correspondence with prospective I the provisions vl the homestead las« o( of the benefits to be derived es. | th«* I'nilvd States and the act of June the sole benefit of the idle racers who Accidenti will Hippsn Gsl frslnclisn aettlers. During this vacation |>eriod | ¡ L pawl.' 311 St J ." i ’ ll at \he rfíiü"l II >'IA <»«» nt th« t ’ mf.Ml expert at $5 per day. his wants from a close acquaintance with, eat tip miles with an ever increasing Avoid lM*ing a ran«* of charity at the boys and girls have lime to write to| States land office nt Portland. Oregon, were made known to Miss Fox, rapacity. The East Side has something friendi iMu k EaAi” aad tell tliem about '.I1’ or in fact even know the books th«* hand* of other* I!*’!’, Any Mettler who OF PoBTLAMO, <>HKta«M that are to be found upon the who immediately furnished him serious in life ah«*ad of it; it has no the Orvtfou country. A. an illustration wan actually ami in goral«*>| |MTIAN|), OSBUUN right to make a bomvatend entry for the wanted in every county. Fur jmr- « «II or writ« visit to the Gresham library, ing to us considerable money. law enforced, petition the police for offi­ ties <|ouhl«'<| the |>opulation of tbe school lamia actually occupied. Maid lamin ' ticulani writ«* to John Brown, Agt., Rockwood, <>r. district merely through corre.|»nM*kn, < Iregon. can about the business through deliver it to you on the following seeking relief and failing to find it are Is a confederation of states rather than [Signed] R. A. B alunokr , a centralized empire, an»l responsibili CommiMioner Thursday. of the General l.aml of-1 which you not only expect to now determined to end this era of road ty for river and harbor Improvement*« flee. • One thing more : Do not crit ­ monopoly by autos if they have to get earn your living, but to build up Approve«! .lune?, 11107. rests with the several states. The meth your farm and fortune as well. icise the library without first down old Brown Bess and shoot a few od as explained recently by United (Signal} J amkm Rrmtueii G ahfiki . d , «100 tires full of holes. The East Side Secretary of the Interior. What in the way of books making an intelligent investi­ has waited long enough for this reform States Consul Jay White is Interesting gation and then be as charitable at thin time. Says Consul White: Bad Burn Qukkly Mealed are then to be found in this li­ era to set in of its own accord. It is Ths Improvement of navleed and contribution If any conditions of national pain of a burn almoHt inalantly. It ie STATIONS prove that the auto is a blessing and not Importance are fulfilled. This, however for tale by all deBlera. C hicago P ortland ' V «I A M and marketing and other minor prosperous, but you get him seldom the »aae. If the construction of MPE.t I Al. fur 11»., I < asa«lrr<» Lvl 11 bally. a curse to the wayside populace, but the a is harbor 303 40S 30 1 00 Is of « special Interest to an In ••••••••••••••••• works. Suppose you as a farm­ hooked up. He may start off all tri be of the professional auto racer and dividual I MM 17X7 V 3711 373 47 9 0 09 3T city that dty pays a proportion 7 i» I’ M Curriimrlll«* i Watches and Jewelry 7 a w 4311 •J S3S 43 0 I* er want to build a house or a right and even go till he strikes the professional car driver for profit and ate amount toward the costs. The few i Al*|i«ugh 7 46 V 4411 403 MS 40 0 14 cltlea that are the actual possessors of a — REPAIRING A SPECIALTY bam, lay out a lawn or garden a hard place, then something the speetl-inad idiot and the drunken harbor are liable for all the costs, though ' Engi»- <*reek 7 4V V •VII 403 us 40 0 IT All Work Guaranteed. ! H« rloh . the state may. If it seen nt. make a con 7 M » Ab,11 r*. 1 SS4 oss SS • 21 plat, look up the question and hurts his feelings, and without fool is too numerous for the health of trlbutlon. For Bpecial Bargains In Watches, Hee These proportionate contribu­ Ml«*fer . m IVI9 ««212 S2 2 024 170 0? 0 V ND A M importance of silos and how to warning back he comes and not the East hide, and this tri lie hat to be tions rarely occur, and up to the present Höring M 0f> 10 DM2 M2 ISO 0 13 Dally attended to ami attended to speedily. time there has been no fixed scale ac­ o Anre 1m p«>rtant Improvements have to be sanc­ tioned by the parliamentary committee W«>rks executed by the Individual states are carried out by contract, which Is con­ sidered the more economical metho«1 The contractors hsve to furnish a large b«>n«1 and pay a high penalty If the work Is not completed In the ape« I fl nd period The contractors have no appeal to th« ordinary law courts, but disputes are set­ tled by a special board of official engi­ neers Rtates and communities that build th# harbors also, as a rule, build the nec­ essary d«Mks, quays, stores and machin­ ery required for them. Some large cor­ porations nr Arms that have hired space construct thefr own works. Within the limit« of the empire there «re at present 4.34 n>llM 3010 f’«»larvllle M AIM I Myramor« . Io ftw* Silo Lent« June S 97* .17 10 M MIO Gott June Portland Ar 7 459 loll I Greihum STATIONS $2.75 $1.50 All foi Git out thia •drertiaetBral Md ae«d wrth $1.50 t« SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMES FLOOD St DC, SAN F RANCI SCO m 200 300 340 400 470 030 27 7 11 0 10 0 N 0 24 0 30 0 37 10 92 10 1010 30 A4 40 13 so 00 10 30 40 9 SOO 130 20 0 20 0 30 0 34 0 30 0 490 400 44 02 17 24 30 34 30 43 40 S2 1 7 7 7 8 0 0 • 0 0 0 IS 33 40 SI •1 EAST IOUNO Portlami.Lv Goli June Lenta June Hyramore <‘«*12 io? JO 4 .17 12 3T4 A21J 12 3 52 5 10 1 103 10S 30 3 40 J 034 10 4 10 4 304 34 4 30 4 394 304 00 14 20 23 30 ft 4A I*. M !>ally HUI ANTORIA .nd W«y |»oílit«, CODIirrtID« . whh «learner for Ilwa co ami North Hra< h, ■Iramer Ha«Mln. Ash at •luck (waler per ) ft on p M Daily «irr pt Bunday. FOR DAVTOM, tiff Í |'in < lt f >n