- NEWS OF THE WEEK lAPPEMÜfiS OF TÏ0 CONTINENTS The floods in Missouri are subsiding. The Hague conference is considering limited armament. Korea is in a panic, expecting emperor to be dethroned. the Burglars broke into the South San Francisco postoffice »nd secured 01,800 in stamps. The 40,000 Japanese troops in Mex­ ico is in reality but 400, according to a Mexican army officer. Corvallis business men have raised 030,COO to build a railtoad into the in­ terioc of Benton county. The Alabama legislature has flirted ex-Congressman John H. Bankhesal to the United States senate. Hener is having trouble with wit­ nesses in the Glare case and lias offered to fight Attorney IVlmaa. Retains of deaths from the plague in India sh w the appalling total of 1.- 060,067 for the six months ending June 30. ORCHARD CORROBORATED. RUSSIA SEEKING TROUBLE. Prosecution Offers Evidence to Rebut Showing of Defense. Gunboat Violates R«gh!e Accorded ta American Veesels. | Boise, Idaho, July 17.—In the text stages of tho cose against Willim L*. Haywood, the prosecution put six wit­ nesses on the stand yesterday to rebut th« evideexxo of the defense. They testified to conditions in the Coeur d'Alenea in 1899, and to the situation in Colorado during the strike period ot 1903 and 1904. The important wit­ nesses ol the «lay were called to contra­ dict the showing made by witnesses for the defense for calling out the militia of Colorado other than a desire upon the part ot the mine owners to drive members of the Western Fedetaticn of Miners from the mining district. One witness flatly cntmkited the evidence intr dixvd bv the defense to show that the expbaion at the Vindicator mine was due to an accident. While the big trial war giving on In tlie District cvxiit. before Judge Fre­ mont Wood, an interesting offshoot ol the case was being beard by Justice of the Peace Savage. W. H. Aller, the depot agent, who waa arrested charged with perjury, war brought before the magistrate for preliminary hearing. The state was represents»! by Prosecut­ ing Attorney Koelsch, and the prisoner by Peter Breen, an attorney ot Butte, who has been assocratexl with Hay­ wood's counsel, having been retained by the Miners' union of Butte to watch the cats. Fred Miller, who waa Orvh- ard'a conneel at the preliminary hear­ ing at Caldwell, immediately after the murder of Governor Steunenberg, as­ sisted Mr. Breen. A motion to dismiss will be argue») this afternoon. Aller was release»! on depcait of 02,600 bonds. FAIRBANKS GOES HOME. Eugene business men have started a movement to boycott Harriman lines by asking wholesale hou-es to freight over Vice President Starts East After His Portland Barquet. other lines so for as possible. Portland, July 17.—Charles Warren The “Four hunderd" of Newport, R. Fairbanks, v:ce president of the Unite»! I., have formed a gambling club. State« and generally conceded to be a A Chinese tong war ia on in Los candidate for the presidency in 1»OA, Angeles and several Orientals have been spent yesterday in Portland, Hit com- killed. ing was sttende»! by no salute ot artil- Richard Croker has declined to be­ lery nor rataplan ol drums, He was come a candidate tor the Englith parli­ here in a purely unofficial capacity and eave for the informal dinner tendered ament. him by the Portland Press club at the Congressman Jonee, of Washington — 9 Sargent Grill, there was no public dem­ announces that he is a candidate for onstration in his honor. the senate. The tecond citixen of the la ml was Fire which started in the kitchen of accompanied only by Private Secretary the Hchlitz hotel, Omaha, destroyed King and took his chance« on securing a room at the Portland bote) like any 070,000 worth of property. ordinary private citisen. Honey threatens the indictment of The Pres« club had. the night before, several big men who are influencing extemied Mr. Fairbanks an invitation witnesses in the bribery case«. hy telegraph to be the gueet of honor at The anthraciite coal miners are ap­ dinner, which invitation be accepted by parently satisfied, aa the board of con­ wire, and-that dinner was the feature ciliation has no work before it. of bis visit and one of the most suc- A number of witnesses for Haywood's ceesful affaire ever held here in compli­ defense have been arrested for con­ ment to a public man. Vice President Fairbanks had already tempt and more ar rests are to be made. made himself en rapport with al) the A young Italian woman has been diners by his unaffected friendliness, found murdered in Chicago and It ia but it remained fot his address, which believed the deed was done by the was entirely impromptu, to disprove Black Hand association. completely the charge of frigidity so All interested agree that the climax often made against him While he attempted no oratory, his in the telegraphers' strike is near when other men will join in the strike or else address wa« eloqueont in the highest those already out will go back and the •ense, ami its sincerity was so apparent that all hie auditors were deeply im­ trouble be adjusted. pressed. Voliva threatens to build a rival He will ’eave thia morning at 8:30 Zion City. over the 0. R. A N. for hia home in A stringent prohibition law is sure Indianapolis, making no stope en route. to pass in Georgia. Htoessel ana other defenders of Port Arthur are on trial. Canada is also having its troubles with the Japanese influx. Greeks at Roanoke, Va., were badly beaten for hitting an American boy. Chicago telegraph operators have been notified to be ready for a strike. The Hague conference will adopt nearly all of the American proposi- tlons. Ambassador Aoki proposes Intermar­ riage to cement the ¡Japanese-American alliance. The rate law prevents railroads com­ ing to the relief of farmers by giving a special rate on farm implements. Harriman says the Interstate Com­ merce commission report ia a political document and be is being per sued per­ se nally. The Interstate Commerce commission has reported the Harriman monopoly illegal and the attorney general will decide in a few days on what action to take. Htenaland, wrecker of tbe Milwaukee avenue bank, Chicago, has made 020,- 000 rince in prison by charging fees for releasing mortgages. A movement has been started to pardon tbe bank wrecker. The emperor of Corea is said to have abdicated because of pressure from Jspan. Haywood made an exceptionally good witness for himself in his trial at Boise. Peter I Arson, second richest man in the Northwest, is dead st his boms in Ealms. Japanese spies have been caught sketching Fort Roeecrans on the Cali­ fornia COMt. Tbe National Educational association has placed itself on record as tavoriag Llghecr salaries for teachers. Fairbanks delivered an address before the Christian Endeavor convention at Beattie. He had anaudienceof 12,000. Telegraph operators in New York have been ordered to prepare to strike St a moment’s notice Should they 1« Sailed out 2,600 men will be affected. Leading citisens of Toledo, Ohio, have been sent to the workhouse for or- ganizig an ice trust. Acting Mayor Charlee Boxton, of Han Francisco, says he told Heney and Burns everything he knew sbout the grafting officials to secure immunity for himself. Christian Endeavor people are spend­ ing busy days at their convetnion in Beattie. Pennsylvania railrmds are suing to restrain enforcement of tbe 2-cent pu- senger rats law. Ths National Teachers’ association in convention at Los Angeles has refu>ed to adopt suggest*! changes in spelling of words. Colorado Graft Ridden. Chicago, July 17.—“Colorado is the moat corrupt state in the Union. It ia overriden with graft Even the wo­ men, who are possessed of the right of franchiss, have been reached by corpor­ ate interests. A franchise grant in Denver ia indorrel by the people, no matter how bad it is. Throughout the commonwealth wealth overrides hones­ ty and the popular will ia smothered in dollars." Judge Ben B. Lindsey, Den­ ver's bellingerent Juvenile court judge, sat in the Great Northern hotel and re­ cited a story of a politically rotten state. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST wKtaroraBOBBiaMns EXCITED OVER COPPER FRUÌ TOROWt HS ENCOURAGED Hao Fiancieco, July 16.—The bark- entin» 6. N. CSetle, Captain A. Feder een, arrived livre today Irom the cod Hshlng grounds off the coast ot Biber ia. Ledge Uncovered Accidentally Which Promises Rich Deposits. Fine Cherry Crop and Good Prices and reports that the veaeel had been boarded by tlixr RiiMian gunboat Maud Bring Prosperity, Albany—Mill City, the site ot the Albany—Five tons of Royal Ann rtret- Curtias Lumber company's big mills on riee nets grown this reamMi on a tyro- aero orchard owned by Cyrus H. Walk­ lhe North Haniiatu river, has teen er, near thia city. Walker has «son- turn*! into a mining town. Workmen tract*! to sell the entire crop at 5 cents exrarating to replace the compxmy per pound, rtaliiing an tncome of 06ple [*«»-1 Albany will mean quite au item finan­ perting alt over the town and on all cially for thia city. In part years lhe two acree of Royal antes. The ore ts re|»ort*i very rich Ann Ire«a in the Walker orvl»ar«i have and greot excitement prevails. The discovery was matle at a point yielded about two tone annually. Thia directly in the tear ot where the buru*i has made the tree« very profitable, but store stood tor years, an«! it seems mar­ a yield ot five tons, with the present velous it was not foumi sooner. The ' price, makes cherry growing a moot [xifooncHts effteta from drinking water 'notkeable profit yielding Industry. A great many cherries are iwlng ship­ at Mill City, which has been noticed | many times tn the part, is now attrlb- ped from Albanv now. The Royal Ann uled to the copiHT dvpo*ita in the variety are Lteing tent to the cnnneiiM jjronn,! ¡at Salem anil Puyallup, Wash. Repub Mill City Ison ths Corvallis A tiwt-' chvrrixs are sin railuwi, 3* miles east of Albany. «Bing amt dirset to the Portland, Seat- He and Astoria markets. A good many | cherries are being «hipped from thia Opsnirg Will Cause Rush. city to lhe various points along the Cor­ K'amath Falls—The re-t»n at ran order vallis A Eastern railroad. Black Re­ I mu *1 by the »ei'retary of lhe interior publican cherries are now ripe and be­ attesting land« in Klamath county will ing marketed with the other varieties. cause a big rut h for homesteads on Royal Ann cherries are bringing 5 cents September 28, when the lands will be per pound everywhere, an»! the other thrown open to aett lenient. There ste varieties 4 cents. only a few good claims, that is, claims " | All cherries yiehi»«! liountifuily thie valuable for timber, in the entire dis *' ­ year in thia part of the etate. There trict to be restored toeutry, and already gre ^,1- are only five or six eommeicial cherry 50 local reaiilenfs.are making arrange | lu Ui„ 'tin thie vicinity, but every meuta to rush.onto the land and acquire mhoow its or «hard aud I altiMiat -------------- ____________________ a prior right through squatting on the every yard In Albany Its Kentish or same an«! making improvements. While Black Republican tree. The demand the land is restored to settlement on for chetri*« has also been stronger this September 28, it is not open to entry | _ - year than ever before and all cherries until 30 dayx later. C squatter who is on the land first after it yield and demami this sea*« have is restored to settlement slar.dx the best demonstrated the feasibility cf ths com­ chance to acquire title to the same. I mercial growing of ihxrrisa in thie vi­ The number of available claims is very ' cinity and this ytar'e «xperien»« will limit*!, and the land seeker« are so probably lead to greater things here In numerous that many legal entangle­ Uiis industry. ments are sure to follow. North Powder Valley Clip. Blue Ledge Mme Is Sold. Jacksonville—The Blue l edge mine, North Powder—Sheep shearing and located in the Hisklyoua south of thia dipping are about over in North Pow-1 I place,lias been sold to the Towne syn­ der valley, and, while hauling and dicate. of New York. The price paid weighing are still under way, it ia safe was about 0150.000. The Blue Ledge to say not lees than 360,000 pounds of mine is said to be one of the richest wool will be baled at the two shipping copper proposition, on the coast. It is points for the Eatern market, Baker ■aid that there is 08,000,000 worth of City and Pendleton, aud ewtiniating at ore blocked out Among the improve- the lowest tigutee for good and better meuta for that district promised by the grades of merino wool, 17 to 18c. not new owners is a 600-ton smelter, a sew­ lees than 07,000 will come to North er system. electric light system and Powder's sheepmen from wool sale« water works. A large town is expect­ alone. Owing to the long-coatinued ed to be built there. cold rains of spring, lambing was be­ low the average. Both lamb and mut­ Land Office Active. ton are bringing good prices aud are in Halem—Governor Chamberlain lias steady demand. At this time the received a letter from the commissioner North Powder valley sheep, with a of the general land office containing a good bill of health, sheared and dipped, | certified copy of approval list No. 13, are moving on the trail to the reserves containing 14,092.96 acres ot school in­ in fine condition. demnity selections ot the state of Ote- gon In the la Grande land district. “I Dates for Tillamook Fair. desire to congratulate the present offi­ Tillamook—It has been decided to cials for tlieir promptness in thia mat­ hold the animal street carnival and1 ter,” said the governor, “which la in county fair in this city on August 22,! j marked contrast with the dilatory meth 23 and 24. The fair this year will be1 ode of their predecessors.” on a more extensive scale than last vea , with more substantial prizes offered in Big Sawmill Burns the stock show, which will be made a Cs«cade Locks—The entire plant of special feature of the fair. As there the Wind River Lumber comply at are so many visitors and hemeseekers this place, Including lumber in pile, ia pouring into Tillamook on account of burned to the ground, involvirg a loss the railroad building into the county, of over 0150,000, and throwing out ot every effort will be put forth by the employment 125 men. Fire broke out citizens to make this the best fail ever in the boiler rm of tire planer, and held in Tillamook. there beirg a high wind it rapidly jur, her ship's paper* taken and wartie»l to stay 30 miles frotti lhe shore, under threat of being tate»l that no steamers, mills and canneries joined lu fishing would be allowol within 30 harsh but lou»l eclaim. Shortly alter 4 o'clurk the procession miles ot the shore, ami gave the H. N. Castle and the other veaasls seven days formed an«l h«a»led by a platoon of po- I kw , the Charleston's Innd and the to get beyond the limit. As a uumber of the Fretre'nt'x crew cruiaer'a full complemvnt ot marines were on shore st the time, lhe ve«arle and blue jacket« and follows»! by the remain*! for six days awaiting their vice proMHient and the other gue«ta ot return. Wiien on the sixth day the the city in automobiles prtx-acded to the gunboat again appear*! un the hot I son, Van I hirer, field, where Mr. Fairbanks lhe Castle and the J. D. Hpreckele anil- ad«lre«MH»d a crowd of reveral tli«>uaan«l *1 fot Han Francisco, leaving the Fre­ people who had gather*! to hear him. Mayor Wire welcomed the distin­ mont and the Papeete. Chptam P*ler- ceu will lay the matter before United guished visitor in a tew well chosen Htatee AtUuney Robl. T Devlin tomor­ words and then Henaior Fulton In Ina row mor. mg ami request that it Iw usual happy manner Introduced the Mr. Fairbanks' taken up by the Washington authorities gue«t ol the day. at once. The H. N. Castle belunge to ■peech waa purely ot an impromptu nature, but he i« a pleaalng talker and A. li. Pond, of tills city. hia numerooa witticisms and Imwl kits ro»m aroure»l the enthusiasm ol the au- JAPAN TURNS TABLES. 608MB and diapellrd the idea tliat he la an “iceberg.” aa so often depicted Los Angeles Workman Insults Ameri­ He «poke ol the great and unvqtraled prosperity ot the country, of the won­ can Flag and Faros Badly. derful opportunities Io be found in the Loe Angeles, July 16.—T. Yonl, a We«t, and prophesied tliat the Japanese employed as a wi|>er in tho ity ol America aa a nation waa Southern Paci&i shops in thia city, nar­ beginning. Following Mr. Fairbanks, xhort rowly escaped aerious injury at the spee» h«« were made by Governor Cham­ hands of an enrage»! mob of American berlain, Senator Mulkey and Congreee- workmen today. Yonl waa wiping an ma:i Kills, when an informal re»eptl< n engine on which ha»l been |>la»-e«l two waa held and Uie public was given an amall American ttaga. While wiping op|«Ntunity of making the pereonal ar- the engine. Yoni turned and deliber­ qUBintanee of thelt diatmuiahed gueet. ately spat upon one of the flags Ills At 6 St* in the evening a «pecial train action was seen by another workman, lew ring Vice Freerdeut Fairbank« end who immediately pulleil Yoni from the parly left for Hxaalde where a banquet engine to tire ground, at the eame time acquainting the other workmen in the waa held. building of Yoni'e act. A crowd BRAVE SOLDIERS BURNED. quickly aurround»»er California. Three Japan»««« g»»ner«ls who held high rank In the Ruaoo-Japaneas war have Ivsru in Meaico for three moaths. They drees like M sx I cm rancheros and are »«lenalbly buying last«!. Tiie Ttano-ikxetnlc IuiwilgralIon com­ pany, wlioae vice |ir> snlvnt is T. Hina- ta, a niernliei of the Japanese perils* men I, Is eubaldiae»l bv the Ja|MUie«e government to bring Ja|siiiil Hut) per month, landing at Halina Crua, Manranlllo and other Peclfic ports. In esse of war, the plan 1« for tl«e J «[Mur esc fleet to sail up the (lull - aii«sw war. Japan, In her war against the United Statao, will drapoil Mexican territory, which lias no navy, just aa she did tliat of Cores In Hie war with Rustle. Foreign diplomata here, and especial­ ly those <>f Kurope, are wetchlng the developments with interval and a»V>ti- iah merit because of the lna»leqiiato Amerie thoroughly Inform«»! of Jaii pan's o|>erali<>us in Mexico. This story is absolutely correct in every detail. Judge Wlckerzham Creates Sensation by Speech on Alaska. Heattie, Wash., July 16.— Federal Judge Jamee Wlckeraham, of Alaska, speaking before the State Bar aaaocla- lto«i, created a sensation hy declaring that he waa tired of acting ns the gov­ ernment of Alaska, and that the tar of the stat* must «hip the congres clonal delegation into line to grunt some power to the people of Alaska. Ilia a|wwch overshadowed that of Vico President Fairbanks in Importance, for he Insisted tliat the only authority of any kind in Alaska la that of the judi­ ciary and Hie governor Is a mere figure­ head with only authority to appoint a private secretary end notaries publie. He denounced Heattie for quirt y en­ joying a 02U.ooo.iHM* annual trade with Alaska and refusing to aid Alaskans in getting a system of government. 1 he Bar as* elation banquet lasted until 1 a. m., Mr. Fairtanka, Governor Msad, Congressman Humph rev», Sena­ tor Files and others speaking In re­ sponse Io toasts. FREIGHT CAR POOL BREAKS. Big Roads Abandon Project Which Doss Not Succeed. Chicago, July 10.—The American railway clearing house, which tor eight months has been trying to perfect a pool of all freight can in the country, is In prcEvse of disintegration, accord­ ing to the Inter-Ocean. The Chicago A rpread to the rawmill and In 15 minutes Alton railr>*d, which was one of the every structure between the railroad strongret advocate« of the car pooling Salem—Governor Chamberlain has and the river was enveloped in flam««. scheme at the outset, will withdraw. appointed the following delegates to the No one was injured. The Chicago. Mllwaukre A Ht. Paul American Mining congress, which will railroad has already withdrawn, and meet in Joplin, Mo., November II to Wild Blackbarries Plentiful. many of the big moda In the Fast ami 16, 1907: J. K. Roring, James H. Alhany—Wild blackberries are very West have determined to alwridon the Howard, Baker City; F. 8. Baillie, plentiful in all parte of Linn county project. Sumpter; L. B. Wickereham, Grants now, and hundreda of gallons are being The organisation baa fa I Id in Ila Gypsies Forced to Freeze. Paes; D. M. Kelly, J. A. Panting, F. picked. The 1 »Tries are more abund­ prime object, to insure each load hav­ Geneva, Joly 17.—A party of 23 gyp­ R. Meilis, Baker City; Emil Malier, ant this year than for many years, the ing on its own rails all the time the sies, men, women and children, are Po irne; Thomas C. Burke, Burkemont ; i vines In the woods being completely numlier of cars owned by It. It lias i stranded at the topol Great 8t. Bernard John C. Lewis, Portland; Jeff Hord, J. filled with berries. foiled to do this liecau-e it had no pass. owing to curious circumstances. F. Reddy, Medford; James Crochett, power to penalise the r»a»le for disobey- Ship Mules to Islards On being expelled from Italy they as­ Thomas Kenney, Jacksonville; Al PORTLAND MARKETS. ing the mandates, beyond the lirpoel- cended the pass, intending to go to Geiser, Geiser. Seattle, Wash., July 16.—A ship­ lion of the established rate of rental Wheat — Club, 86c; bluestem, 880 8wi zerland, but when they reached the ment ol 450 Missouri mules is held in Jailed foe Contempt. per diem. 89c; valley, 86c; red, 84c. top were refused admission to Switzer­ Milk Condenser for Amity. the government corrals at Fort lawsori Han Francisco, July 16.—The first Oats—No. 1 white, 027.60028; gray, and will be foiwareled to the Philip­ land territory by Swiss gerxiarmea. Un­ Amity—A rmxlern milk condenser serious blow to the bribery graft prose Schmitz* Appeal Is Sham. able to return to Italy, as Italian gend­ plant, complete io every detail, is now nominal. pines within a few days on the trans­ cution was struck by the I xmls Glass Han Francisco, July 15. — Mayor Barley — Feed, 021.506422; brewing, armes followed, they are now camped svured for this place. port Dix. The last shipment of 232 At a meeting defense In open court yestoniay through Hchmitz suffere»! anothi r «lefeat tlile at an elevation of 81,00 feet, unable to recently it was d«cide»l to incorporate a . notninial; rolled, 023.60024.60 per mules needed to fill out the order for Emile J. Zimmer, seconil vice preal- morning when his application toc»ihipel advance or retreat. They may freeze joint stock company with a capital of ton. the Philippines arriver! last week. The <1 -nt and director ol the Pacific Htatre Judge Dunns to art a date for settling Corn — Whole, 028; cracked, 029, unless Italy or Switzerland relents. average cost of the mules to the govern­ Telephone A Telegraph company, who 042,500. Before lhe meeting closed the bills of exceptions In ths case in ment will be 0210, when the animals fl rot refused to lie sworn afterward ac- 01,400 of the stock had been subscribed. per ton. which he was convicted of extortion Hay — Valley timothy. No. 1, 0170 New Frisco Mayor. are deliver'd in the islands. There are copied the oath, answered two or three A meeting has been called to complete was not granted. C. W. Cobb, repre­ San Francisco, July 17.—Dr. Edward the organisation and in the meantime 18 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, 16 horse« held at Fort Lawton for ship­ questions, then refuaedto testify fur* senting the prosecution, declared tliat clover, • 09; cheat, 09010; ment to the Philippines to lie usertaa R. Taylor, physician and lawyer, dean committees are actively at work raising 021023; . , ther. He waa, by Judge laxwler, com­ the petition waa a sham and a pretense. mounts for officers stationed there. of the Hastings Lu* school ot the Uni­ the balance of the capita! stock, with 8r**n hay, 09010; alfslfa^J013014. mitted for contempt to ths county jail The petition charges that Judge Dunns Butter— Creamery, 26027j^c per versity of California, was tonight, by every prospect of success. “for a term of five days and until the waa b ased, ami tliat he is purposely pound. Passer ger Trains Crash. the board of supervisors, elected mayor question is answered.” hindering the perfection of the appeal Poultry—A verage old hens, 15c per of San Francisco, and by the open avow­ Leavenworth, Kan., July 16.—A Maryland Invites Mr. Smith. In order co keep Hchmitx In the nounty pound: spring chickens, 17018c; old al of the bribery-graft prosecution the Hood River—Hon. E. L. Smith is 11 roosters, 106r,l2e; dressed chickens, 16 Chicago Great Western passenger train, Floods In Germany. Jail. so-called “reign of the big stick” came the recipient of an invitation from the running over the Kansas City North­ Berlin, July 16.—From six to eight to an end. Dr. Taylor was the third Maryland State Horticultural society to ’ '017c; turkeys, live, 11012c; drees*!, western tracks, ia reported to have run incbee of rain have fallen threngbout Panic Three tan a All Japan. choice, nominal; geese, live, !0c; man to whom the election was offered deliver an address before that body at into a Burlington train at Bethel, be­ the greeter part of Germany during the ictorla, B. C., July 15.—A financial by Rudolph Spreckels and District At- its annua) meeting which will take ducks, 809c. tween here atxl Kansas City, at 1 last three days, and aa a result a Bom­ depression waa being severely felt when Eggs—Fresh ranch, candì*!, 24026c o’clock thia morning, wrecking the torney William II. Langdon. place this year at Jamestown, Va. In ber of rivers have overflowe»! their the steamer Tartar, which arrived to­ per dozen. sleeper anil killing and injuring several extending the invitation the society bonks, carrying death and destruction day, left Yokolioma June 28. A meet­ Fra its—Cherries, 8010c per pound; Count Boni Finally Loses. states through its s>cretary that it Is 1 apple«, 75c00I per boa; storage Rpits- passengers. The injured ere to be in the surrounding country. No less ing of the managers of eight of the taken to Kansas City for treatment. Parie, July 17.—The appeal of Count deeirious of securing Mr. Smith in or­ enlx-rge, 03.50 per box ; cantaloupes, A wrecking tiain Is now on its way than a dozen minor railroad accidents most prominent tanks of Japan waa Boni de Castellane from the deciaion der that they may be instructed in the from wssbouts have lieen reported and held shortly before the Tartar nailed, of the court on November last granting Hood River methode of growing and 02.5003.50 per crate; peachra, 85ci«»01 from Kansas City to the scene. dispatches coming In from the country for the purpose of devising mrana to per crate; raspberries, 01.2601.50; a divorce to the Countess Boni de Cas­ packing fruit. traversed by the swollen streams relate cheek the depression. The government blackberrire, 8012per pound; lo­ Denies He Is Japanese Spy. tellans, formerly Miss Anna Gould, the destruction of ereps, ilwelllng has redeemed treaamy bills, recognised ganberries, 01 25 per ciste. was dismissed thia afternoon and a Tokio, July 16. — General Teranchi, High Price for Oregon Prunes. houses and outbuildings. The floods nationalised railway shares as negotia­ Vegetable«—Turnips, 02 per sack; final decree of divorce duly entered. Salem—M Selle Bros., of Albany, carrots, 02.50 per sack; beetx, 02.50 the minister of war, in an Interview to­ are severest in Western Germany. ble securities and [«Id proximate in­ Attorneys for the count made practical­ have purchased a pool of prunes esti­ day, contradicted the reported arrest of terest on these, but the tanks consid­ per sack; asparagus, 10c per pound; ly no contest. a Japanese spy at han Diego, Cal. He mated at 500 tone, at a 3 % -cent basis. | beans, 7010 per pound; cabbage, Rede Dsnouncs Cabinet. ered a more drastic course. Thio means about 650 cents a pound to per pound; celery, 01 per dozen; cu­ Mid: “There are no Japanese military Montpelier, France, July 10.—March­ Summer Buzzard In Austria. the growrr, orchard run, for the prunes cumbers, 5OC00I per box; corn, 360 officers in America except military at­ ing workmen and their sympathisers, Good Will Tows rd s Korssns Vienna, July 17.—A sudden cold will probably average 45 to the pound. 50c per dozen ; lettuce, bead, 25c per taches. The war office has never In- singing anarchistic airs, stopped to­ The Hague, July 15.—It was official­ struct*! any officer or ama'eur spy to wave has struck Austria-Hungary and Thia is the highest price that has been s0«Me per pound. Immigration inspector» at laredo, on with the celebrahirs, who were not dis­ opinion about the present condition ot snowed in and the railways are not Halem—A. E. Gebhardt has been se- B«ef — Dressed bulls, 3)t04c j*r the Mexican border, arrested five more orderly. At a mesa meeting the work­ that country, and only expressed tho working. lected by Governor Chr.mberlain for pound; cows, 606Me; country steers, Japanese near Green's station yester­ men condemned the government and ex­ belief that no action can be taken here, day, making their way into the alate press*! sympathy with Hout horn France. adding that if the Coresnx desire to state fish commissioner. H. E. Bick­ «M07e. Why Dreyfus Resigned. ers, of Pendleton, who was superintend­ Mutton—Dressed, fancy. 809c per through the brush. All will tie sent to make representations to the United Parir, Paris, July 17.—The Patrie says the ent cf the reform school uridrr Governor pound; ordinary, 507c; spring iambs, Han Francisco for deportation to Japan. Try to Blow Up Lelshman. HtatM it must te to the government. real reason for the recent resignation Geer, will attcceed Ijooney in that place. 9<99j0e per pound. Constantinople, July 16.—A bomb from the army of Major Alfred Dreyfira Corean Plot Is Ex posed. Pork—Dressed, 608 %c psr pound. exploded last night In front of the sum­ Europe Has Summer Shivers. Bridge to Replace Ferry as because General Plcquart, the min­ Tokio, July 16. — A dispatch from Hope—607Xc per pound, according mer quarters of the American embassy Berlin, July 15.—Unseasonable cold ister ol wsr, refused to give him the Eugene—The county commissioners to quality. Heoul, Korea, reports the sensational at Yeni Keui, a suburb of thia city. irevaila throughout Middle Europe. rank of lieutenant colonel. General have just decided to erect a bridge Wool—Eastern Oregon, average beet, discovery of 24 men, who were conceal­ Four peraone were «lightly Injured. Temperature« as low aa 41 degrees have Picqnart ffiaoflkht it would be impolite across the Willamette near the Hyland 160z2 [M»r pound, according to shrink­ ed In the Heraglio palace, it ia supposed (Xherwiae no damage aa done. The au­ been reported In Southern Bavella, to repoen the affair by making this form, to take the place of the ferry. age; valley. 20022c, aeeording to fine­ with the intention of assassinating some thors of the outrage have not been and It la reported that enow is foiling promotion. The cost will be about 06,000. of the emperor’s ministers. ness, mohair, clioice, 29030c. >traced. In the Voagee mountains. Delegates to Mining Congress.