by Fred G. Conley, a former res­ ciations ot his o«n I cart*.stone. Ohs ident of Gresham, announces in cannot iitrwt a man ot •>»•'!> li»m*ti- ability, with hi» loutig son by hi» his last issue. June 11th, that > dtKHia Mils, without rsalialag that alter all the owing to unforaeen circum­ | inm ! man is exprc»»»d m his paternal stances. the paper will suspend affection. publication until further notice. It does not require an acute ohaerver to see that Mr. Itariiman is an aggrvw Pubhuhed Fiery Friday at Gresham, Or.-., by th« Bum S tats P ubusmixu C o . TIMOTHY BROWNHILL, E mto * amd MaaaoML. MoNT>rtu.a Owns, S15 Villa Ar.; Foart ln.iugh Building. SfeSONFTIM Mm per Year II ou tn advance. to forrtgn rountnaa. Bl to Three Mow th« ’ trial «ubacriptiona Tic. Single roplea to. A*k tor our clubbing rate* BMNTTMCfl -hould be «ent by Kiprenn or Poatoihw Money Order, Reg Ute red Letter or Check, •temp* accepted up to 25 cents MCflPTl lor luhecriptiona are not aent unlraa requested The label on your paper will Indi •ate within two weeks the receipt of your remittance. It it doe« not please notify ua BtSCBBTNNHaCfS In deference 1.» the wi*h of the majority »4 our subscribers the paper la aent until all arrearage to paid and an order t«» discontinue la received It you wish your paper •Copped at end of the year, state the fart when you send your subacrlption and it will be done ClAMt Bf LIMIN In ordering change of address give old as well as new address CBtlftPMtflTl are wanted tn every community. If no correspondence appears from yaur •eighlorhiMMl, you are respectfully reqr '•ted to send us as many local items as you can. «•YfBTWM Um LEGAL ADVERTISING, set in leaded sin print, Nk per single column inch each insertion DISPLAY ADVERTISING —No poaittou guaranteed tor per single column inch each Issue. 15 inches or over. XV per inch each issue to inches or over. 17 I-Ar per inch each issue; «0 inches or over, 15c per inch each issue. For position (any sine) be per inch additional RKADKRR, lc per word each issue, no reader accepted for leaa than »cents LOt AL8 (Want Column ouly). 1c per word each toaue. counting two figures, an initial or an abbreviation as one word. No local accepted tor leaa than la cents. PROFESSIONAL CARDS (one inch), tor each issue. CAKI*S OF THANK« (not «««cwdiug two inches) to cents. UCTTER8 OF (XINDOLKNiK (not eseweding tour inc has). |1. OB1TIAR1K3 for actual sub scribers or members of their families, up to 1a a man's baud an n>enti»>ned wldcti quickly |>as>es awav as other subje«‘'a like coin? Roy S. Bkxig«tt. formerly of Dufur, recently took charge of the Ione Proc lai me r and is mak­ ing of that sheet an up-to-date country weekly. —■ a It is all right to differ from the other fellow providing you do it in a gentlemanly way. If you have anything good to say, say it now. Wait till tomorrow to grumble. < c >me up. Mr. Harriman gave a cordial greeting to several senators whooin I e met in the Marble Room, ami then the change waa at once apparent, but tln're w.w an air of tetrle-aiiesa and cand< r about him, whether talking with sen­ ators or the lad by hn> side. After all is said and done, there i» something about tin» much talk»-»! <4 man that gives one the inipnw-ion tl at It Is now declared that Ralph Wald > it may not have been pure veltishueea and gree»l of money that impelled Ida Emerson origina ted the Itacouluu the Auy great achievements in the re-orgauita- ory of Shakespeare's wr,tings. lion of the railroad sy.tems with whirl» way. It I» more sensible to discuss the he has become prominent Joe Mitch­ authorship of the theory than the au­ ell Chapple, in National Magasiue for thorship of Shakespeare. I June. Lphold District Atlonttfs Haris G hvsham . Or»., June IS -IWt Ed­ itor: It appears by aiiiiouucvment in It is not too early to begin planning the papers and action already taken (or the summer outing. We may have that District Attorney Manning be­ but a day or a few of them at most, ami taken a crack at th«- saloons and »ill there may tie no money to »[«eml on procee»! to take a fail oat of them by dress or travel, but this should not dis­ enforcing section 1V7 > of the compihsi courage ut. We all n«*ed the vacation, laws ot Otejim, which has for years and we are all longing to get away to been a dead letter on the statute Iwoks. the green fields, tbe forest, the stream Now, it will be up to ami imu'nda-nt or the water-aide. Not even tlie (arm upm every tenipriaiie»* advocate and family, •<» surrounded by the beauties of every law abiding eitisen at the very- nature a» at times to tire them, wants first move he makes io rush in »nd pat to go to tbe city for a change. Further him on the back, or he may call it quits away from the haunts of human beings - after tie first round ami give as an into the wikis aud solitudes is tbe one excuse that “lie wn» not supportevi’’ cry, “back to nature" ami to tbe fresh, ami that “no one did anything only to sweet air and dear, health-giving sun­ kick," and though lie may hav«> sai«l (of shine. If one will but plan wisely, do-1 evMirae in this case by implication only ing little bv little the things that must that lie woul»l make Multnomah county be d»me, keep ng always in view the 1 “a pliu-e where we »ill la- piou I to live, things that will serve best for tbe holi­ ami others will be glad to im*,“ and. day Hitting, the “getting ready t«i go" although in taking office lie look a should not be burdensome. We shoul«! solemn oath to support the constitution leave hebin«l us all tlie uniK-i-essary, | an«l enforce the law», he might sav that hin«tering things an»l look forward to hk **nia«le no promise*. ' ami, though be the simple life that befits our antidpa- may say “we are going to make thia a tions of restful change-, the dominant clean town.” anil that "if we can get idea should be comfort, and the casting ■ the evidence we will prow-cute." There aside of care. If matters are looked at -till might be an un<|er»tauding with in the right light, there can be real the sahions that “they »hould eloee up comfort ao«l rest for a very little money. tight for two or three Sundays ami »ben If you cannot spend money or time to open their back dmirs and go on with go (ar away, take day vai-ations as of­ their business quieth and thev would ten as possible; or even an afternoon, not be molested, ami again polk-e otticers spent in luxurious idleness in the woods mav lie instructed that "their salarier or the meadows, or in some not fre­ are not sufficient to warrant them in quently visited place will rejuvenate the making complaints' in case of snch participants, men, women or cbihtren. »light infractions ot the law. And if all A few neighbors i-oukl go together some the»»- things should develop then it «lay, if only to a camping ground a few wouhl ret|uire a strong editorial white­ milee away or to some shady, grassy washing in every n<-»s|iaper in the pasture or on the banks of a stream, i-ounty to eqnare him with the law with no “fuaaing aliout food," gartied in »bidding people ami hold them in lin> comfortable, every day garments thst when their votes are needt-1 for futiir« will stand the disasters of the trip, giv­ elections. ing the »lay over to idle happiness. If In conclusion, let 11s hop- that if the the wliole family could not I* spsre«l. evlitorial wl itewa-li becomes lie» «—.try . let the mothers have the day, free from the stuff will be mixcil evenly ami the care of the kitchen, taking plain -pread on -mooli ly, because whitewash wbol«-some foods ami something in pul on in daubs ami lumps looks lui.l which to make «-offer over the camp tire, I iiave read or h> ard a g>»sl many of and let the little folks do the table act­ the shove words ami eentenrrs some­ ing an«l chore». Y’ou don’t know bow where sometime, ami »0 put them m the little things enjoy the responribility quotations to protect myself front a of waiting on the “big folk»."—Tele­ j charge of plagiarism. phone Register. D. 8. JoHXsoX. Fhe Summer Outing Qulsk to Lsarn. The l'ark avemis trolley line In thè city of Rochester Is v rosse»! by threa evase» ulive Street» wlil. h la-ar mam-u- Ibis suruaiuea. Vn ItUliiunu wltli a carpetlwg vuterod oue of tlie vara ilio other day ami sut down glugerly orar thè door. Four or rtve «»Hier men nmi- plvted thè lisi of iHissotigvnt. The car swung a round ilio corner of t'he-tuut Street ( "James." ahoutod thè conduetor A mali slamile»! lilm, thè <*ar ato|>|s-d ami thè uiau allghte»! A hall minute alter­ narti thè cor baatvd atiotlier erosa Street. "William." aunotiuced thè » A noi ber imiti ind out The Irlshinan's eyea grew tlslltly largar. "Alexander.” shoutml thè comluetor. The thlrd man left Ilio car When It had starlet! bit thè Irlshmnn ami ap|*rtauebe«l thè couductor. "Di want to oli out al Avuta» II." li» salti. “Me fimrslst name la Michael” — Yovths Ftnupaulon. That “New York to l'arU" Itallway. Apparently Americans will lot able to reach Furls by airship before the mooted all rail route via a Boring stra't tunnel Is open for bualueas. Mr. A. II. Brooks of the I'nltod States lieolitglenl survey dheuasea the railway acbeuie In ecuueetlou with oilier Alas- kan rallruiul projects and comlu-les that while the tunneling of the strait wonk! not be Impoaalble tn an engineer- ing feat, the cost would l>e virtually prohibitive. Were the railways of both bomb spheres built to the headlands on each side the lev* tlia-s would prevent fer­ riagq acroas tile strait lit leuit neveu months of tlie year, and railway com muulentlou would be broken mean­ while without a tunnel. Tbeexpeuse of bull.ling extensions to the far north In Alaska and Siberia would be heavy, and there w mid tie no business for these lines unless the difficulty *d span­ ning the strait Is wdvcl. When scan­ ned In detail Mr. Bnsika conclu law that this lutercontlneutai railway proj act la Impracticable. As further proof of the claim made by the Graphic that the Oregon Agricultural College is 30 conducted that the farmer boys are known among the stu- dents as hayseeds and are not made the “main push,” as they should be, we cite the fact that while the graduates this year from the agricultural department number fourteen and household science nine, the graduates from the electrical and other depart­ ments number forty-five.-New- burg Graphic, ° june 14th Editor M. A. Fergu- published the Helix Herald for the last time. He announces that the plant will be moved to LaCrosse. Wash., where it will be used in the printing of a new weekly paper, the LaCrosse Her­ al(j. Mr. Ferguson has published a good paper at Helix and the citizens of that town will lose a great deal more than the editor ¡n permitting him to leave that place, evidently because of lack of patronage . ’ The Herald wish- e3 Mr. Ferguson success in his new venture. o________ w S U’Ren. the man who mutilated the referendum law Good Citizenship WOMEN TOOK A HAND winter so as to make it un- There are people in nearly all commu­ intelligible to the ordinary un­ nities who consider themselves good Fair Sex Showed the Men How ta Clean a Town'« 8treet*. Jerstanding, now suggests that citizens because they comply with the All honor to the women <>f Brush. civil statutes and moral law ami attend ^be people get up another bill Colo.! They have made of their pretty their own business. little city, nestling ou the plains at tlie and pass it by the initiative pro­ to Attending to your own business is a of (lie Rarasitic hanger-on in so­ tlie full voting frnncblse. but there wns uo election [s-mllug ami none In sight aasasaasssaaaaaaa League meeting in the Marquam ciety. This spirit of selfishness is one for fifteen months at least. Dauntless Watches and .Jewelry to be avoided, just as prodigality or dis­ ami determined, they met and orga ri­ Krand in Portland. Too much REPAIRING A M!’K< lAl.TY sipation sltonld be-avoided. People are l»ul for war under the banner ot the emphasis cannot be laid upon bound to differ as their natures differ Brash Woman’s club. AH Work <»iiMrnnle«’ l. For Bpecial Darx>tliiB in WMlchen, Her the good work being done by and some «ill lie enthusiastic and oth­ In n body the women served notice that body. Tom Richardson, ers inclined to indifference, I ait every­ on the town council U»nt If the street were not cleaned tborougbly the moving spirit therein, is to one ow<-s a reasonable amount of inter­ I , crossing» est and attention to the common weal. within twenty-four hours tlie fair sex WATCHMAKER and JfWEITR he congratulated for the good of the place would undertake tlie work Home are so seif-<-entered as to refuse to w°rk done, and more of the tske a single step or turn a hand in any and shame the men. Tbe latter still 191 Morrison St., prove«! obstinate, and a regiment «»f same kind still coming, way in anything that vout Catholic, the Reverend harm. The good citizen takes an active Then the abasned men were aroused, < I and now every crowing In the town 1» < I Father had a ,hr?e number Lof ami intelligent interest in the thing» clean and will lie kept no. with us end get very strong friends among the abont him pertaining to the common Tlie heroic example of the gom! wom­ 4 PER CENT protestants of the community. go-«l as well as the personal welfare. en of Brush might well lie followed < > on all your deposits Together with many others, The The man who does not is an iuenbos, with profit by the women of ninety- though he toil from sun to nine out of every hundred cities of Herald regrets the loss of so val- sun, < > though t»e pray until he is black in America. And the remiss nml slothful uab|e a man to the community, the face and shouts hallelujahs to wake city father» would awaken to instant activity, to tlie vast benefit of all of ---------- -o ■ the eternal hills.— Milton Eagle. these [»laces. The Dalles Optimist, one of For two years the minimum tariff Oregon’s most quoted weeklies, The Famous Mr. Harriman. rates will be applied to American has entered on its second year. The Harriman letter controversy re- guo«la < nterlog Germany. It Is for the I>o Not Neglect the Children. The business men of The Dalles called the fact that I made the acquaint Sixtieth eongreua, which will couveue * t if »in MfHMon of the yenr th»* flot tin- ance of Mr. Harriman during the clos ­ and the citizens of Wasco county • u Iietember and adjourn sin«- die a naturnl loopeneMi of a child’« I<> m <*I h jn general, evidently appreciate ing days of congress, an«l I must confess few months liefore tbe present tem whould have immediate attention. The that I was nuicli impressed with tin- the good work being done for strong personality of this small sizetl liorary agreement will come to an end, IwMt thing that <>m lie given i« Chiim- say Whether there shall or shall not IxTlain’« (’olie, (Tedrra ami Diariho-a them by the Optimist, and so man, who has prove»! such a gigantic to be a tariff war between two countries, Remedy followed by enwhir oil hh directed they should, for Editor Bennett power in the railroad world. neither of which wants one. American with etch hottie of the reioedy. For certainly gives them one of the He entered the Marble Room with producers do not wish tbelr exports to gale by all deafer«. hie eon, a bright lad of about fourteen. I Germany curtailed, as they wouhl lie If best papers in the state, Colic and Diarrhoea. and the two were evidently enjoying the maximum tariff duties of that coun o — Paint in the ntonnirh, eotir and Dior- their talk together, perfectly oblivious try were put Into operation. Tbe Ger­ The News Record of Enter- of all surroundings. It is plain that lie I rho rt are «|iii< kly relit v» d by the n-e of mans wlab to sell more, not l«rM, gmxls ('ha in be i lain m ('«»lie, ( holera and I >iur- prise, Oregon, owned and edited shuns society an«! loves lies! the asso to tbe I nlted Htatss. , rn il> tu li• ti 9 w lalu 1« 1« Ul ff« Ml 1« • 44 »HO Il NI mNI N Iti io M 11 >41 M4 MI M • U 1 11 )•> NI MIN IM t. io I« «Tl IU 4U IT il M uto NJI1 111 rii M« «111 II mn io i in ini in iti« w tati Muu lunga If yc-ur trocir does not »«II It, i«ndus th« Monty for a pack»*«. Bookl«t. esn- ui ■ »% ««-.'£» for all our producta, free lu. t’.c a»klnj. . l*ort buoi l.% <• 7 *• » »11 «•! Mi 4«9 44 1 II Uulf J uih * ; o «oli thi ttjiiitt i u i«rnt« Jutiv « A R 0. IO wait Ml «3 4 11« IT 1 41 fi"ui Uar.d Hou.'iiio Mills Cs «9.» Il 10 II 11 111 («4 NIBIM Myrahiurr Kor find, (hcgvtt («dai villi* a ria n tu n U 111 144 Wl M 1 «1 « ra ano x-il 2«) N4NIMIM «iroaham » J« h> n II MI >44 M« to « N The 11 rnhi Util hvtp v<»U illhllAttlg il.«ali (tlds-r«oll « «h*ni JMI1 ni 194 to« <1 « 14 t%!i»l in Mi lling uhat x» u unnt. Boriti« » v»i" r u to> »4 it« 4« « to r » »io »11 to> N4UIUI 1« liartoh » 4.- lu 4.S11 4>1 U4 Ml II I to a 31 IO 1 11 til «Il «1 1 to I M Ka»U* t'rorh U»|«a tigli « >4 10 «Il H1UI M'Nlto f ¡tit you i<» r>e ytaaeci or «pec « *. lu ri 11 111 Ut ITI 11 • 41 « uirliiav ili« ' rnilra. Perfect ht guaranteed K*lava«ta «UNII 4B INllìl 1)1 IÎIM Your eyes tittrd at home Write lot t'aiadero Ar «1 » lull IO 1 II) IIININIU I Iter Ixtoklei dc«\,iibing uur meilHid A M ligure« In Homan r M Agurve lu 1 Rrmrmlwr, the gI.issew we tit you d lh»ll) vac« pl Huuday. to are worth $3.50 any where oni|iirtr Main si>i»nM Jl tl' «h hclr«'ied «-t R n A M t'Al., (orali local point» Daily * ■ • '• nini » ait'l Tur Ila Ih! W>2.7^) » aj A M. Itoli F Itoily M HIVKR M IlhDlJI.E. All lor............................$1.50 Cut out t!ii« advertisement aud aettd wtih >I.5U to SUNSET MAGAZINE JAMIA R j OOO BIDG. SAN FRANCISCO FOR ANTONI i a«4 a on 1* M wa> politi», rounrrtlng Daily «villi »I«-».ni«*r tur llwa rirept a ami s«o11, n» «.. h . hulula f. st«*wnu*r |lMP»alo, A»h al Nat urilaV ItK-h ( h alrr pvr ) 10 ou I* M & FON DAYTON, Ot» 7 VF 11 Airlv»«. 1 l«raVMi rtlh'AGO roNTMMD 9 VI A M ’IH l\l • • 1.. t Daily via liuiiliagioii. 7 I* M arOKAKK FLYKR IMII) ROAD CF A THOUSAND WONDf.3 a Itook of 75 patr«. cofttauurg 1.0 colored p|kufrtpa| -ha of $0 75 ptctumwiue aputa iu CaUorrua ** ___ T gî J „O regon S hort L inb mo U nion P acific 3 TRAINS TO TUT LASI DAIIY _ MAGAZINE READERS por io CENTS To keep potted on the marbete of RJ Locai Schedule the United Ctatee end especially in 11. 01 fraina your locall'y, subscribe for the old Fart ward W rat ward reliable Northwest P.-cific Farmer, for t M if >• M A M a m r M 38 yeare the etandby of the agricul­ Blgga Mali ¡ Rp’a ¡Malí 1 P°rt Tori A g Flyr I-ocal tural interests of the Pacific Coaet. Locai A Ei Flyr «No * N„ 1I I» A » Nn fi No « Nn V We will send It to you 10 weeke for V>. RI'. R I.M 7 «■»' PÙNTI INO » «h M QO fi 4S 10 cents on trial. 8tampa will do. R 21» N 2>i! 7 V j UtT «M I * 7 HA 0 40 Address CI Hilf 0. R. & R R • 9 9 Pacific Farmer Co. Fred D. Hora* Start a Savings Account A dark akin bfcvm«« famnatiiqr wlu-n Jrlit alfly iiu.lrtapread with th« radiant ^low which indi catetahaahhy. mtivtakin. Robert- ine keep* the akin tcKned ¡»quality, krr)»«pt»rea(rcc(rutnclugKin I .ot Vainlilll Mi , I’ortlanA, On-Kon, I I. H ikilh , Agt , Boring, Ore., or to II W M m vMHAi.i., Trefl., (ireaharn. • J j • • . * • • •••«••••••••••••••• letter Cured A lady cti*loinrr of onra haa anfferrd with tetter for two or three yearn. 11 got no bad on her liahda that «he could ' not attend to her household «IntieR. One box of <'hairdaTlain’a Salve cured her. < hninlN rlnin'N inedii ineR give R| Jendtil wiitirffaction in thia community. | — M. II. Rodney r bring remittance h itli order. « inly. I*a|mri i. Mubserlp-