NEWS OF THE WEEK h I Condensed Form for ta Busy Readers. IAPPENWGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Resume of tha Laaa Important but Not Laaa Interesting Evant* of th* Past Weak. Rufaian officiate fear no outbrrakp aa a result of tire dissolution of thedouma. France Is threatened with a revolt in the south over the wine growing indus­ try. Governor Hughes lias signed the bill granting a recount of the New York mayoralty vote. The Adams Express company has just paid dividends to the extent of 200 per oent in bonds. Rnef has been gven another week to answer indictments in connection with the United Railways bribery. OPPOSE FOREST RESERVES. RUSSIA IS QUIET Public Landa Convention Start* Cam­ pa gn f«>r Their Elimination. •••opt* Receive N< ws of C*ar’* Ac­ tion In *rl«nca. Denver, Colo . June 19.—A mighiy campaign to defeat the policy of the pr«»ent administration at Washington, which aima at the conservation of the remaining public lands of the United State*, waa inaugurated in Eten vet to­ day. A convention known as the Pub­ lic I Anda ronvention, with delegate« in attemlauce iu greater ot leaser noraher» from all the states weet «'f the Mlasouri river ami from the territories, twit real­ ly dominated l>y special interest« in Coloiado and Wyoming, ia to form the bau*e of tins movement. The statee. through some of theit representative«, argue that it te essen­ tial to their development that the na­ tional government atay ita pdicv ot conaeriatior, so that niillmn* of acres of laud may be thrown open to unre­ stricted entry and exploitation. Great areas of conserved lamia deprive the state« of revenue through taxation, as well as by preventing rapid growth of population. The argument round* log­ ical, anil can be met only by the arous­ ed interval of the entire country— North, East and South, as well as Warty feel mg ruua high. An outbreak of sgranali disorders In *ev*tal tegiuna of tlie em­ pite ia anticipated later, when Ilia |ieaa- antry learn uf the dissolution, but a spirit ol quiet confidence in the ability of the goveruiiieiit to handle the situ«, tion prevail» in adiuinieUnlive cirviea, New« of th« dissolution rvaelufvl the Ht. Petersburg («per» U hi tele fot their test edition«, but Hie public was quick- ly lutoruied through extras ami great poetera set out by the ¡»dice at all street «ornerà, containing the ukase aunoune mg the diaeoluliou and the Imperial inanifeato. VOTE CANAL LEVY The state has introduced letters written by Haywood which implicate Assessment to Dig Lake Wathington him In the flteuuenberg murder. Waterway Carrie* China is grateful to the United State* Seattle, Wash , June 19.—The King for a re«luction of tbe indemnity grant- i-ouuty boanl of commissioner* this ed at tbe close of the Boxer trouble. afternoon granted the ]> tition of the Schmit* has notified the supervisor* Lake Washington canal enthusiasts to that he is mayor and any action taken forma *1,075.1X8) assessment district to construit the waterway between without his sanction will be fought. Puget round and Lakes Union and Benjamin Ide Wheeler has declined Washington. A petition will immedi­ the presidency of a Massachusetts col­ ately be filed in the Federal court for lege in order to remain with the Uni­ the appointment of a tear»! of assessois versity of California, although tbe to levy an ass. ssruent upon benefited Mas-achsuetts position pays *5,000 per j property. year more. This board will number 11 persons Market quotations are to be posted and a tenative district extending from on Union Pacific trains. ; the Snohomish county line to a point Va zx* — rv aro I I d&aaHAwa three mile* a.viit south of Lr*«rvF Kent koo has Kwi been ap­ Denver is full of delegates to attend proved. Thia would include the entie the land law convention. city of Seattle and half of the valley The new Salvadorean revolution is between Seattle and Tacoma in the area not making much headway. adjudged to be benefltted by tbe canal. The valley benefit teonsiste i vrgely in a Limitation of armament will not removal of danger from damage by come before The Hague conference. flood», with the improvement in real Tbe wife of ex-Governor Wells, ot eetate values fiom the open ng of the Utah, has been fatally hurt in an auto canal as a secondary consideration. wreck. By the action of the county commis­ Baron Kaneko is to succeed Aoki as sioners approval is given to the plan of Japanese ambassador to tbe United raising *’.,000,000 by special as-ess- ruent up to 10 mills for the conrtiuc- States. tion of a canal. The extra *75,000 is A fire in a Boston garage de*troye«i needed for office work and the expense* between 35 and 40 automobiles, valued of the commieaion. at (100,000. The canal will be a temporary affair, New York brokers report the theft ot the single lock in Shilahole bay being *20,000 In bombs which were in transit the only piece of concrete work. It is believed by the projwrty owners in the from London to New York. Lakes Cnion and Wa-hingt'n district Orders have been received at Hono­ tliat the open'ng of a waterway b> tween lulu to double the capacity of the prin­ the sound and the lakes will be fol­ cipal armj post near that city. lowed by government control and im­ Prominent railnad surgeon» believe provement. that many wrecks might be averted if tbe employee were retired upon leach­ STOP ALL WORK ON CAPITOL. ing 40 year*. SE I ILERS WILL LOSE LAND. I___ NEW LAW IS OkAD LETTER. K'amath Falla Arousad O»«r R«c*nt Groccryman Continue to Mak* Salas Ruling by Gai Ba d. ot Polson for Spray*. Klamath Falls—A decision tecantly ttelern—That the law giving «Iruggiats made by Secretary Garfield haa com­ the rxelusive tight to sell puiroiw will not be enforced is evi.leut Irom the fact plicate«! matter» in township 37, range that some of llie .Iruggiats have f uud 10. This tract of latul was securv«l on it meewary to puichss«* their aupplie» scrip by IMuiela A McKael, a Wiscon­ of poison from gr*a*er)intMI. They aie sin timber firm, aeventl yeais ago, but hardly in a po*iil«ui, therefore, to proa their filing was rejwted at the Lake­ •cut« Hu* gructryuien fitraelling poiron Home time ago a druggist seeurc«l an view land oilice. the officia’s asecHitm opinion from the attorney general, in that the rcr p was Iraudulent. t*u ap which it was held that tbe pharmacy iwsil to the eoinmia.-loner ol the gvuer«il tew of 1907 prohibits the sale of poi­ land offiiv an«l to Se-rvtary liitiheork, son» by any per» ns except registerevl the Likevlow land o8k*e was upheld. (ilutrinaeota, and this was held to ap­ Recently the Wi»con» n firm serotvd a ply to such (H'lroi s as are uae«l in fruit reheating before Secretary Garfield, »pray* and for other agricultural pur- who rvndete-l a decision reversing the [Kiree Agricultural (»per« pretty gen­ one formerly rendered an«i giving the erally con«l«*mned the law, fur the r«a- land« to the tiuilwr company. The son tliat the druggists charge a higher tract of land ia within ten miles of this price for poirons 1 han gnverymei) and city ami ia especially valuable for tim­ dealers In agricultural supplies ate ae- ber, while »liue of it is suitable for ag­ CMlotned to do. It was asserted, how­ ricultural purposes. Several perveos ever. tliat the tew would be enforce«! f-om Klamah Falls have homesteads in and that prosecutions would follow if the township and have made itnprove- others than druggi-ta continued to sell uieuls on the I ind, but accord,ng to the such «omni'xlitiee ns srseuste ot seda, secretary'a decision, must give up the •«-elate of lead an«l Taris green. The lamte. gro-erymen rawple*! the eha I long» and In a few instam-ee hohlen made final announced their intention to stay in pnxif on timber claims in this town­ the business. Since that time several ship *n«l dispose»! ol them to third per­ druggists have ten procuring their sons. The situation ia qoite complicat­ poison ru|«plie* from gro vryinen. Fea­ ed, ami it is likely that auother rehear­ sibly they liavo been doing this for the ing will be reqiie«-ted. f purixoe of »ecuring evi.lenee, but this WON'T RUSH STRIKE Talegcapher* Raaln» Great Cost to Businas* that Would Follow. SCHMITZ IS DEPOSED Galhgber to Temporarily Occupy Mayor’s Sul. SOON WILL YIELD TO ANOTHER Urlbsry-Graft Prosecution Is Now In Completa Control of San Fran- cisco Government. flan^Frauciaco, June IB.—Acting un­ der Instructions from District Attewney William II langdon, the teard uf au- |iei\i»ira »h'rtly after 7 o’chx'k test night adopted a reMiluti«iii «hvlaring Mayor Eugvtie E tw-hunls temporarily utiuhle to pet form hl*official duties and appoiuting Supervisor James I.. Galla giier acting inaytu. Th« tetter say a hr will aseume the mayoralty al «UK*» ■n*i he den ire tliat he ha» made with tbe distriol aatt«>riiey or with any «uie elar au agreement to resign at command, in onlrr to make way f««r a reform mayor, wlinao name ia yet to lie announced. Mr lAugilon, Assistant I'islrict At­ torney Henry, Rudolph Hprwkels ami their Immediate aseuciat«« tn the Imb­ ery graft proMeution are by this UMiva place.1 iu actual w ntrol of the munici­ pal aituatlon. That they will be allow ed ao to remain without legal ixMiteet hy tbe convicted mayor's altotm ya is not «ii»|iectey or on Wednesday ireit, t*kM in connection with thi fact I hat Ihrro I* Io I* nu oth­ er sesaliMt until Tuesday, ha* erealed ■ Iwlliig tliat the elate la not going Io prvarot such a strong caae of «tot ritirata- lion a* waa anlk*l|Mted. Tha reeeou h r Hile feeling la pniliably twofold, tliat the law of i'oii*|nr»cy a» laid down in th'* stali* I* not fully uiidcr»t«Hsl by Hie public ami that Hie extent tu which the alate may rely upon rebut lai testi­ mony I* not known. The law aa laid down in lite Corco­ ran < sm > I» very lib ad and it I» under- Hood it* general principle* apply in this rase, Imt that fact la not gia»|>etrote«rale Orci «ani’a sialrmrnt tl al Ila) wool »«ill him U> kill Meuneiilwrg,' SCHMITZ MUST STAY IN JAIL Judge Haa No Discretion and Qiva* Sharif* Strict Orders. Han Fnuinciacu, Juns 17.—"Nu lull lor Eugene E. Hchlilita," the coin icted mayor ut Hau Frauciaco, was tha luting made by Judge Frank It. Ihinne, In the application mad« hy the mayor's coun­ sel that he I* given Ills llbrrty under bond |M>n«llng arnlance, winch the cuuil will pronounce on June 27. Jutige Ihinne adopted a* hi* own the stand of the pi«wention tliat in the ryea of the law Ibe mayor Is no dlffrretil from any other (H-r-on on whom the jury lias a«l llie brand of leluliy. Ex Judge J. C. I'atirpbell, the may­ or's chief cotinael, iua«le the formal trie- tl«'» for the a>lmrltaix*e of his client to lull on lire atreiigth of an affiilavlt in which the mayor Sty* tliat, by naaori ot having lv«u compelled io giva al- magi hl« whole time and atlcnlioti to his trial for the last firar weeks, public biuutrevs te-prlrlng lit* atleutloti haa Ireeii delayed and there Is now a large amount of it pending amt undrtermln««l and requiring his I mine« irate attention. New York, June 18—The Commer­ cial Telegrapher»' union lias not yet received an answer to the demamte on the Western Union Telegraph <-oiu|»iny, according to Priaident 8. J. Hinail, of the union. Alter a meeting of the ex­ ecutive committee tonight, both Presi­ _ is nut probable, for there l«aa been no BY RAIL TO KLAMATH FALLS. nee«l to re*> rt to that n by the Progreaaivre tiers, Astoria—Atamieting of the 1907 M. Petersburg, June 17.—Fm|wror The road will in all probability ■ not reach Klamath Falls until the regatta committee officers were elected who had not ex|HH'tnl Hi alirogation ol Nicholas a tin er« I 14» signature Hulur- tall of 190S, as it will require con­ as follows: W. E. Schimpff, chairman; Thought That This Can Be Raised in llie law* ro ter forced fron« llie govern­ day to an lm|wrlal ukase abollihing lbs siderable time to complete the dike O. I. relerson. vice chairman; J. IL ment, but provoked the higliee enttius- prisent douma »ml ordering Hurt the Francs Now. across the marsh and to construct Whyte, secretary; Albert ia*m from the Union uf True Russians, elrctions of memlsrrs to its MMvesaur, Dunlar, Pari*. Jun« 18.—While (rohtical con­ the drawbridge across Klamath treasurer. The dates for holding the who toalay cvlehrate«l the went with which is to mrwl November it, lm hehl siderations of high order contrlbuteal to river. 1 regatta were set lor September 5, 8 an«l the saru-tiou of the authorl lea. under the new election law, which pro­ the negotiation of the new Franco-Jap ! 7. A farinera' fair will be held on the | AM-oiii|Miile«t hy a Cwsack band the ! vide* ag«inst the ’’suhmergetic« of th» anese entente, there is no longer any Planing Mill for Silverton. -ame «latee, and the Norwegian Singing uneducated I True Humans marched in pro.*v*«KMi educated claa-es by the Silverton—A movement is on foot in Club Sangerfeet is scheduled for the i doubt tliat the substantial quid pro quo to the «wtlmtral, where a special aer- massea,” given by Fiance wav the promire ol ac ­ this city to establish another hindering same time. vice wa« hehl. They carried huge Rus­ The com mil lee intends t<> Th'» action ixuiatitut*« a virtual o-up enterprise, which premia«« to be a very ratio (8,000 to lie given aa prizes for cess to the French market lor future sian lianner* and butta of high govern­ d'etat amt overrhlea the fundamental Japanese brans. Japan did n t newt a important addition to lumbering inter­ the regatta events and will start out at ment officials. Tr.ere were no exer­ law» solemnly proclaimed by hi* majes­ French guarantee for Core* and Formo­ ests in Silverton. C. J. Simeral, once after subscriptions. cises. ty on the eve of the convocation ol the sa, but a Japanese guarantee for In«i«e Brewer Bro*., Al Porter and LeRoy Hitice the dissolution of Hie douma first tluunia, winch declare that the China was worth a great dial to France. Browne, all owning sawmills neat i On* Woman and a Chinaman Hie police liave atre»le>l more Ilian 30) electoral law can nevrr Ire elianged Ja|>an. »«voiding to the cunthlential here, have purchased eight acre* of lan.l I persons, including Hires professore, the wlihoui the «vuiaent of pari ament Salem—Fifty four applioanta for a«i- south of the depot and will in the very misaiun to the bar link the examination statement* made by some of her high­ lewder* of the different Radical partie* itaelf. This breach of the constitution Tbe trial of Orchard for the reorder Sacramento Trade* Council Finds near future erect a large planing mill, before the Supreme court last week. est representatives in Eurepe will need •nd several teimlie*. Inclu«ling a num­ ia ju-tlfle«l by the great law of ueceeai- something like five billion franca (*l.- Stone Cut by Non-union Men. where all kinds of dresae«! Inmlwr wiil of ex-Governor Steunenberg has been Governor General tv, the adv hers of the emperor holding Of these one was a woman ami one a tXM>,000,(AX)) within the next few years ber of children. postponed until after the Haywood-Pet­ Kaulhare summonnl tet re hlm II It im|M*»ible under prreetil condition« Sacramento, June 19.—At noon to­ be manufactured. The four mills in­ Chinese, the latter being Heid Back, Jr. to convert her present high rate loans terested in the enterprise have a capa ­ ti boos-Moyer trial*. day all of the union men employed on Out of consideration for the feelings of and to furnish the capital necearary fur public officiate arid warned them against to aecure a par liameut capable of co­ city of 50,000 feet of lumber a «lay. those who may fail, the Supreme court industrial an«l commercial development commenting on the dissolution, uther- operating liarmouiouaiv with the crown Telegraph operators cf the United the rtate i-apitol were ordered to cease They will incorporate, and it ia expect­ wiae their punishment would I« aua- and reerurng Russia from anarchy and will not make public the names of in Manchuria. States will *ik congress to take charge 1 work on the repairs of the building, on •co unt of a controversy that has arisen ed that one or two other millownera those taking the examination, but in a (lenaion. revolution. ol the line*. between the Building Tradee council will become interested in the transac­ few daya an announcement will 1« SCHMITZ MAY UPSET PLANS. A Great Northern passenger train and the firm of Hayes A Townsend, the tion. Fire Destroy* Montana Town. made of the name* of those wl.o NO CONTEST ON BOND ISSUE. wa* wreckoi near Minot, North Dakota, contractors in charge ol the br>ck ami Butte, June 18.—A special Io the pM*ad. •nd 17 people injured. Logs That Will Soon Be Paper. : If He Secure* Bail, Scheme for Re Miner from Harlowtown, Mont., ray*: stot.e work. Union PaciAc Vote* S 100,000,000 Oregon City—Huge rafts of hemlock organisation May Be Delayed. Ra n Help* Grand* Rene* Crop*. These orders were issue«! shortly be­ “Fire which broke out In Marshall’» Tbe elder statesmen and ministers of for Improving Lina. general shire lias practically l Japan do not regard as serious tbe agi­ fore noon by George Duffy, the agent and spruce logs from the lower Colum-1 Ite Grande—The tain of last week San Francisco, June 18.—A radical of the Building Trade* council, who b a rivet are in the Willamette at thia ha» greatly benefited the Grand Ronde change in the executive branch of Bun thi* village. Before the fire couhi lx> tation in San Francisco. Hall lake City, June 17.—At a »ne- discovered that the sandstone that is city, an«l hundreds of log» line the valley farmers, stockmen anil fruit Francisco's government is contingent controlle«I everything in the buainrw clal stockholders' meeting of the Union Delegates to The Hague (■eace con­ used in the vestibule of the building river below tbe entrance to the canal. grown». Nearly an inch of water baa on development* in the case of .Mayor streets lutd been burned except one store Pacifk* Rallr««d company lu re it waa ference have little hope of accomplish­ was being cut by a nonunion etone- There is about 275.000 feet in each fallen. Farmers are a»snie«l ot more Schmitz, who is temporarily incapaci­ and the railroa«! station. The build­ «I co M m I to I sm * OlOOfOOOgOOO I b ot* ing anything towar«l disarmament. cutt< r in the employ of Carlow Bros., raft, and it ia probable that the Wil­ than an average crop of hay and grain tated by reason of his imprisonment In ings destroyed Include the Ix>l*ml ho­ ■tack. The Issue I* for the purpiae of Harrimanx’s business enemies have the firm furnishing the stone. It ap­ lamette Pulp «1 Paper company will while the fruit crop ie normal and the county jail. tel, Bet,jamin Tur' er’* general stole, a meeting the ex|cn»e* of improve maul*, started a movement to compel him to pears that the sandstone cutters, who have about 50 rafts brought to the mill much better than average in quality?' The «late for the pos-ing of sentence meat market, two «ninons and a num­ pte*ent and prospective, along Hi* line this summer to be manufactured into give up tbe control of other railroads. are affiliated with the Building Trades The of the Union Pacific, on Mayor Schmits in the extortion case* ber of ether business buildings. pulp. Hemlock is worth *6 per thon- ! S'.OOO Fourth at Bend. The exact vote on the bond issue was on which he has been convicted has loss is aatimaterl at about *128,000, A new mavor will soon be chosen in council of flan Francisco, have been on sand and spruce twice tlmt amount, Bend—Ben«! will celebrate the been set for June 27. 2.19.3,315 shares out of a total of 2,- Prior to that with small insurance.” San Francia.-o and then the heads of a strike since last March. and the value of the logs will azgregale Fourth. A grand fish barbecue will date he cannot possibly procure lail, 9811,188) aliaría. While the [nil was tbe several departments will be re­ be given, and there will be aports *150,000 before the aearon is part. Bribery Case Set. tea Blocks St. Michael. kept «qieii for two hours aa re«|uired by *■ cording to the decision of Judge moved. of all kinds, such as ball games, San Francisco, June 19.—The case Ihinne, but the law provides that after Seattle, Wash., June 18.—Ice la still statute, the pr< cred inga wen« merely horse races, broncho riding and St. Louis set apart a day for the kill­ against John Martin, Frank Drum and Oudook Was Never So Good. dancing. A purse of (1000 haa been judgment lias liven [aared, the matter blocking Ht. Michael, A Ian Ira. The perfunctory. It waa e*|dained by the ing of rats and now the authorities will Eugene de Sable, indicted for bribery Condon—Heavy rain fell here last of allowing bail is discretionary with passengera on the ill fated steamer officers of the romfany that the new have to do something to get rid of the­ alleged to have been committed by week soaking the ground down six or raised and a good time Is assured. any magistrate having jurisdiction. Ohio, tran»frtr«ad*, were also postpone«!. Judge outlook is a I rent the best in it* history, brewing, nominal; rolled, *23.50^ and Great Britain and Hjain. mutually manner for the steamer Ella to go up American opened the way for western experts shows a rapid decline since Things never looked better than they 24.50. Lawler intends to conduct the inquiry guaranteeing the integrity of their re­ the Yukon. civilization and deplores the war talk. February 23, the dale of the te-glnnlng do at the present time. I Corn—Whole, *28; cracke«l, *29 per spective countries and their insular and on all the cases at the fame time. of the strike. The total nuniler of ton. The Chinese crop* will be short Fir* Torpedo at Admiral. colonial possessions in the Fast Atlant­ cigars exported in five months thia tear again thia year. Hold* Option on Water Power. Hay—Valley tmothy. No. 1, *17(%)18 Negotiation* Are All CfF ic and Mediterranean and which was Hebaatopol, June 18.— Rear Admiral was «3,897,000, against 105,111,(88) fur Oregon City—M. F. Donahoe haa se­ per t n; Eastern Oregon timothy, *21 officially denied, was fully confirmed Wtren, in command of the Black sea Chicago, June 19.—Secretary Wes- ths corresponding months last year. Adams is to be forced to testify in @23; clover. *9; cheat, *9@10; grain cured from Frank Habelt a renewal of ley Ru-sell. of the Commercial Tele- today by M. Pichon, French ministr r Het, was cruising in a steam cutter yee- The value of the exports during tills the Haywood case. hav, *9@10; alfalfa, *13@14 an option on 280 acres of land three graphers’ union of Am< r .c*, returned of foreign »flairs. The fact that he ter.lay while a tor)>eeeta, *2.51) negotiations or a settlement of tl.e The Oyster Bay, June 18. — President trating the latter's water tank. All employe« of the Western Union nesn, It may lie said with some truth, per tack; aspnragu*. 10c per pound; Sandy. Roosevelt has referred to Charles P. promptitude cf the crew in lieachlng ia largely run on cupa of ten. There la throughout the United States are ready troubles have been broken off. A force beans, IO«12^c j>er poun«l; cablege, today of clerks was busily engaged the cutter taved the admiral from to go on strike. Neill, commissioner of lalrer, without no more profltable trade than the tea 2‘*c per pound; corn, 35@50c per Eight Killed During May mailing assessments to members of the comment, the various appeals which drowning. shop burines» in the city of l«ondon, Mayor Schmitt* remains a prisoner union preparatory to the strike. Salem—Eight killed and three injured dozen; ciicundiera, 75c per «losen; let- have been made to him by wire and where the «onauniptlon of tea an«l cof­ in jail and the board of supervisors will is the record of railroad caxnallirti in tire. head, 25c per dozen; onions, 15 mail to interlens to prevent the threat­ Chine* « Kilt Official*. fee, especially tea. Is enormous. On an Medico* Are in Session elect his successor. Oregon during the month of May, aa @20c per d« *eti; pews, 2Ht* 4c per ened telegraphers’ strike. The p«aii. Victoria, H C., June IB.—Further Los Angeles, June 19.—More than shown by report* receive«! by the Ore­ p,’in«l; rad sties, 20c per dozen; rhu- tlon is taken that no emergency «lists advices regarding the relrellion in Houlh average, Lyon* A Go. opens a new de­ The German Insurance company haa gon Railr>a«l commission. Of the larb, 3%c per pound; tomatoes, *3.50 such as obtained at the time the presi­ China received hy the steamer Mont­ pot in London every month. Taking 300 members of the National Medical offered its San Franclaco policy holders Izmdon a* a whole, it is estimated that association met today in this city in killed two were trainmen, two were fs.4 (>er crate. 50 cents on the dollar. Potatoes—Oregon, |2.50ffi3 |>er sack; dent intervened in the anthracite coal eagle today state that Ann Yat Hen, 2,(XtC,(H8l cup« of tea ar« conanmed their seventh annual session in the other employes and fonr were persons strike, but, on the contrary, the situa­ who for year* has l»en organising an every day at Hie tea >ho|is and cafe». new potatoes, «'«@4^« per pound. Japanese he pe the visit to their coun­ Hotel Alexandria. The delegate* are not employed by the romls. Of the Butter—Fancy creamey, 22 J4 <9 25c tion presented is one where setion by anti-dynastic movement in China, left This reprisent« a turn over of *800 000 try by Secretary Taft may lead to a from all parte of the country. The injured two were employes ami one the government, if taken at all, inuy lie Tok Io a few ww-ka before the outbreak •>r *z5,(M8>,(XH> a year. per pound. new treaty lieing framed. meeting was called in the regular order was not. No passengers were killexl initiated by the bureau of labor. and is reported leading the revolution­ Poultry — Average old hrns, 13@I4c at 1 o’clock. After a prayer by Rev. or injured so far a« r<-rrarted. ists near Hwatow, having taken the Harriman has given up control of per pound; mixed chickens, 13^c; Sugar Companies Uni'*. Robert McIntyre, D. D., Mayor Harper Pol»» Fe*r for th* Futura. Held May 22 and opened operation» 1 y the Alton railrosul to the stockholders spring fryersand broiler*, 16(917c; old Halt lake City, June 17.—Thomae delivered an add res- of welcome. This Sixty Five Graduate at U A C. Warsaw, June 18.—The newspapers attacking the walled city of Kwang R. Cutler, general manager of the Utah after making a nice profit. roosters, !)@10c: dressed chickens, 16 was responded to by Dr. E O. Sharp, Corvallis—Ex-Senator John M Ge«r- @l7c; turkeys live, 10(912c; turkeys, issued extra* containing the new» of tie Kong, which was easily captured. Hitgar company, the Idaho Huger com­ According to report a plot has been of Guthrie, Okla. in made the annual address to the stu­ dressed, choice, nominal; geero, live, dooms'» disrolution, which has rrestrd pany and the Western Idaho Huger found the victim of which was to be dents of the O. A. C. at Hie commence­ a profound impression. The emper.rr ’ a Devlin Must Aid Japanese. per pound, 8c; young ducks, 13(914c; w tnpsny, ann< unca* that tire Eastern Vice President Fairbanks. Tropical Heat In Madrid ment, which saw 65 graduates in vari­ action is the subject of eager discussion, Han Francisco, June IB. —United •tuckholders In the three oetjmratlon* old ducks, 10c. The Madrid, June 19.—The heat here is ons departments get diplomas. the people fearing that the new election States District Attorney Devlin tralay The launch of the battleship Minne­ Eggs—Candled, 21022c per docen. have approved the plans for their con­ ailutatory was by Belle Bonney, of intense. On Bunday it was 95 in the law will exclude the Poles. Itomlclli- sota ha« been found, together with the receiv«! a letter from Attorney General solidation. It is pro|x»cd to merge the Veal—Dresaed, 5>i@7Kc per pound. Woodburn, on “ The Prime Wisdom of shade. King Alfonso and Queen Vic ­ ary visita are nightly occurrences and bodies of the men drowned. Bonaparte in teapgpse to that which he com pan lea under the title Utah-Idaho Heel—Dressed bulls, 3)4 4c per toria are enjoying the cool atmosphere Life.” The valedictory was by Darwin arrests of Socialists and Nationalists Stolypin, premier of Russia, demands at La Granja, where they will prob­ G. Thayer, of Rainier, on “American pound; cows, »’/"jfl^c; country aterra, •re frequent. Troops to the numlier of sent cnntslni g a report on the riot Hugar company, I mus *10,(8X1,000 of through which a Japanese restaurant preferred and *3,(MM),IMiO of common 6H@7 c . the arrest of conspirators against the ably remain a month, ft is said they Agricultural E«lucation.” Mutton — I »reared, fancy, 9c pc 200,000 are massed around the city was damaged. It I» rt ported, however, stock in exchange for the old stork. rear under threat ot dissolving the will spend a fortnight on the Isle of that he has l*en inatructe«! to lend pound: ordinary, 5@7e; spring lamb*, ready for emergencies. douma. Wight in August. Exterd Cartral Oregon Canal. whatever assialance he can to the Jap­ 10<910)4c. Railroad* Must Comply. Bend—The D„ I A P. Co. will Several severe earthquakes are re­ Mexico Ha* Car Famine. anese. _ . f*’’ pound. Pork—lire-sed, 8@854er pound, according to General Thompson haa till'd an Injunc­ New York, June 19.—District Attor­ Inverted stave pipe or flume, to be quality. Mcrte, an official of the American New Yorkars Di* of H««t. Idaho land fraud trial* have been built across the old river bed In the tion against four of the principal rail- ney Jerome announced to«lay that the I Hmelting A Refining company, stated Wool — Eastern Oregon average best, New York, June 18. — Five deaths delays«! by the illness of a juror. Powell Buttes region. This pipe Is grand jury investigation of insurance rhe first work In an extension of the 186»,22c per pound, according to ahrink- yesterriay that mining and smelting In­ • ml several pnattrations, due to the r«»ul lines in Nebraska to compel them to maintain the two-cent fare and anti­ Ths Portland gateway will not be companies haa been concludeP His Central Oregon canal, and the exten­ age; valley, 2)1*22«!, according to line­ terests in Mexico are teeing a crisis in liest, were rrqrerte«! yesterday. The pass enactment!«, now operaliv«, ami opened to Washington lumbermen un- office, he said, will now prepare cases sion has long been deaired by the ns«*; mohair, choice 29(g30c per the matter of fuel and ore tranaporta- weather bureau showed a temperature to put Into effect tha commodity til next year. la.ainst indicted officials. settlers of this region. pound. of 90_at noon. freight rate on July 9.