Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 21, 1907, Image 1

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Volume .1
a Program as the Committees
Have It Outlined at Pres­
The various ruiiiioiiU« r« «if tin*
a Hlrtiahain fuurlh of July movement
met in th«« Town llnll last Monday
I niglit, «ubiuitted tin Ir <1iff«Tvnl report*
Our |»ru«*« defy <* mhi | h ** a 1 und roiiMullvd a« a abide im to fuuir«*
i ofirmtlon«
E E Chipman and N. L. L. Htidih,
11 OI K. I HO. HAMS. HAHIN • ri*pre««*nling the G. A H . were prra*
a i ent and amid their muinla rw would par­
a ticipate in the parade and aa«i«l in the
a work of th«* day. The Iniildiiig and
a d«M*orating of tin* lilx’rt) ear ua* left
a to the me in I m * ra of that la«!/ alao the
a aeruring <»f the relief rorpa, Hfe and
drum corp«, ete , with the a««uranet*
liinl the ohl a«»ldirr» and th« ir naaiat-
anla would I m > on hand and at the head
; Grcsliam
of the column on the morning of the
TioiMtrial w«*rk <d all Mini» noath and
quiriti) ilittir R m «ut«
Miei p«il In
ur«l«*r hvil d4N»t l«» Orvahaiu Hi*|« I
Th«* i|ueation of th»* arlrction of a
Robert H. Chilifera, l’rop.
ttoddeaa of l«ii»eriy was decided in
•••••«•••••••••••••••••••a fat or of lea* ing the matt* r open u» a
|M»pitlar v«»te, any while maiduu un­
der 25 year« and over IH year« of age
• •
Itvhig eligible.
Tlie Greahniii Drug
Ht*«rr waa »circled aa the votiug place,
live rente a vole, tlie price.
2^ arm« in cultivation; ha I n nee
Huilubh* priiva will | m * given for th«*
ea»il) dr .»ml ; abundahcr <>( fruit ;
driving ng appearing in the parade
fair buil'linga; liking water; 3
making the I m « i apitearaner, either
nul»*« from Grcwhani. $•'1,000.
aingl«* or double ; alao for th«* lieat bua-
inr»« men'« tloat, singh* or c«>mbin«*d.
Tin* following program luu berli
aubj<*cl to change ;
"Th. H.llal*!« Mol EMU. Mln"
D. W. Metzger Ä"
Barber Shop ;
J. H. Chalker
at the
Notion Store
Fourth of July
If we haw not what v«»u want, let
ua order for Vou.
Phunr F St
MRS. McCOLL, Gresham
I. I. (olllns Drpdrts this Life
E. T <‘«»lliiw. f«»r wvvml y«*nra ««
r4«Nhi<*nt of Pli’AMnl ll«»m<*. <lh-«l Ml
hia horn«* Imi Sunday morning. Jun«-
Ifl. Tin* funeral aorvi«*«*» w«*r.» held
f«N»in tin* M«*lh<*dhil <*hurvh, Pl«*a«nnt
llumr, on Tii««»dny, l<« \ (’ E t’rnn-
«fall «»ttieinting Th«* burial wa* in
Pl'-aaaiil Hum* rr:n«*t«*ry
Th«» eld)
dr»*n who mourn the I«»»*» of a tieloved
father ar<* Jennie, Jewell, L«*ona and
Archie All )uin in sympathy with
PoundmaMcr'a Notkc.
4dU a in
10 ,<JU a in.
a. m
Hunriav aalule.
Parade will atari (rum
(ireaham Grange hall.
Arrhe al ground«.
National air by band.
Invocation, Dr. A Thuinp-
Song, choir. ".Mj Coun-
Addrraaof welcome, May­
or J. M. Short.
S""K by choir.
11 JOO a. in. Introduction of speaker
■ nd addre».
a . m. Kong,
" Klar Mpa.iglvd
Selection by baud.
Il 3D A 111. Barn-ball game, Hliattuck
Blue. va. Albina
m Tug of War.
Itoya* race. Girls’ HMT
Boys’ tlirve-li-gged mee.
H ímm *^ raer
Hack rac*
Fat ineii’a race
professional race
2:30 I» m
Running broad
Running high jump.
I» m. Baseball game^ < ir<-aliaui
v*. Montavilla
4 20 A 111 Trotting race. Running
race. Boys’ puny race.
M :3l) p in. Grand ball in Metzger’s
Anyone expecting hi enter any of
tin- alaivs conical* will pleaae (end in
names to I.-wis Shattuck, chairman
of eoniiniltee on arraiigeini'iita.
Tin- coinmittesa respenlfully n*|uest
everyone owning Imrses and buggies
to decorate same and parlici|*te in
the |*arad<- with a view of winning
the prise. No firecrackers or other
explosives will lie |H-rmilte<l around
the parade, insuring perfect safety
to all participating
Noti«*«« ia hrrvhy given that I took up
on laat Thurraia^ , June 13th. ami now
have at the |M»un<l. corner II« mn | avenue
and Fourth attwt/1 ireaham, Ore., three
yearling Imiterà described ns lull«»«»
one a «lark hrow n color w ith white s | m >| r ,
ones light Jersey, and one white with
r»tl apota; (liai if the same are not
claimed ami redeemed un or ladorr
Thursday, June 27, at I p. m., they will
I n * aol«l hy me at plildic ani«* at the said
Honoring (he Grddujles
pomid for poundage sial cotta.
A very enjoyable |>arty waa given at
A M. WIDEN ICR, I'oumlmaater.
the home of Master Harry Hamill* ion,
Gresham, June 20, 1007.
■on of Mr. and Mm. F. E. Hamilton,
Sanday load, on Saturday, June 15,
from two to six o'clock, in honor of the
1 have* at III*» | n » uu <I in Grewbam, cor­ eighth grade graduate, of diatrict No.
ner II' mx I avenue ami b»urili alreet, two 7 ami andiMricl No. 3, Mamie, Margaret
yearling lieiirri», ml i»|M»th*<l with white, and John Sli.ntine, Carrie B<a-k, Beulah
taken up by me Saturday, June, 8th 07. HendeVatm and Harry Hamilton.
Tlie house was beautifully decorated
Il not calletl for mid re<l<M*m«*<l <»n or I m *«
f«»m Saturday, June 22, 07, al twelve with Howers ami featoon. of class color.
o'clock, noon, aame will I m * wold at auc­ Tim dining mom waa drain'd in rihb ma
tion for enough to cover |M)nndnge and of emerald green ami ruby red, class
color, of diatrict No. 3. The library
wore the color scheme of orange and
A. M W iiuknkh , Pound master.
«•m»r»l*l roe ti, ria» colora of illatrli-t
No. 7. In tli<> ball ami |>arlor lbw col­
ora wer, Ix-aullfully blami«l.
A number ol
II as formel
teachera ami |>ar«nts wars present
Tlie time waa plrssalllly >1*0111 by tin­
cbiklren with ga on» 011*1 in naie, altor
which ■ in« »al delicious luncheon waa
rAffMr.ttj' n~Ar<H
Big Majority in Favor of the The Most Expensive Flags Are
Eastern Multnomah Union
Made of Bunting and Sewed
High School.
by Hand.
A name a|»ken alwaya in loving respect in his lifetime an l u'lerfl
now in luiahed tenderness. A deal aweet nature richly endowed with
mental attainments, a man for whom a welcome waa written over the
portala of every home in our midat. A noble generous nature, a kin lly
voice and hand, whether giving counael to those stepping over the
threalmld of marriage or to the bowed mourner at the bier. Alwaya
open to aocial pleasantry, jolly, fatherly and kind ami beloved by all
who knew him, irrespective of creed or nationality. Hia place can
never be tilled in the heart! of his pariah; ami he ia mounted by one
and all of them. A laborer among them for long yearn, the en l came
almost al the hour of aunaet on the 12tl> inat., when death came peace­
fully. No hand can touch the grandeur of aneh a life, none write of a
work wo well done, but memory will linger sweet am! lasting while tlie
name of Fattier Anselm ia apokon. Ilia deeds of personal sacrifice and
manly trail, have won for him a monument of love and esteem on
which hia exemplary life haa written ila owo epitaph No words of
mine could pay him a better tribute, or expraaa m ire ten ler gratitude.
M attis E. B ccklkv .
up <lay" for tlie town of tinmliam. ft
ia certainly to tie Imped that each and
every citiawn will take an active interest
in the g<><xl woik and aee to it that
tire>bam ia made preaentalile for the
entertainment of Ila numeroua gueata
ou the coming Fourth.
E. I*. Smith recently prevented a
flue bv*Ui|Uet of roaca to The Herald
Dedlcdtion of Borinq Methodist Church
The new Methodist church at Boring
has been completed anil will lie dedi-
scaled next Sunday, June 23. There
will l>e services morning, afternoon and
evening. The pastor will be assistsd hy
able ministers from other places, ami a
. good time is antici|ule»i. There will be
a picnic dinner.
Last Tuesday night a basket social
' was held on the lawn at Mrs. O. A.
Palmer's residence, ami »*<0 was realized
An ice cream social will la» given
by Mra, Emery's Sunday bc I mk >I claas
in (¡range hall. June 21. A program
will l»e fullow«*d hy ice cremi.
. which will insure to tlie public the liest
B W. Einery ia Asaisting in the service obtainable for the money.
good work of street gradiiiK by re-
Veterans E. G. Rickert. Joel Bates,
ducing the grade in fruiti of hit ata- Noonan Smith and E. E. Chipn an
hlea on Powell street. At the pres« were recent an*l very welcome visitor» at
ent rale of progress Gresham will the Herald office.
soon have better graded and graveled
Recent visits ami drive» with Prof. C.
Nt recta than any town of its siav on
Raker and Tliendore Bnigger were
the Coast.
I «rnong the real pleasure» of ye Herald
Mr. ami Mra. Lewis Shattuck made a «cribe.
huriieil bui.ineaii trip to Tlie Italie,
The Greahun Library association will
lari Friday.
| meet next Tuesday evening in tlie Li-
A. Meyer, haa the mitf.faetmin of | brary room. let every one intervated
knowing that bank robber Kelly haa at come as business of importance is to
last la-ell brought to laatk for »poiling come before the meeting.
the look, of the Firat State Bank .aie
Postmistress Mrs. I McColl has in­
la.t w inter.
stalled a new set of combination boxes
Ihm McMillan, the popular caterer of
Mon lav i Ma. haa secured control of the
concession for refreshments on the
Fourth of July ground, at Gresham,
Laugh and Grow fat” '
tiMricia Fiild Win Fmt
I All Sizes and Prices !
• ••••••••
Gresham Real Estate Co.
The Gresham Harness Shop
Mrs. Win. Beyers and Mrs. J G. Tur­
ner went on Wednesday to Salem for a
few weeks’ visit with relatives.
A lctier from Prof. E. E. Daring
of Cedar Ixslge. Siletz, announces
that h«- has accepted the principal-
! ship of the Coquille school; that he
has tiled on a homestead near Cedar
Lodge and expects to make that place
his future home.
Verne Chalker has been under the
weather again for the past week. It is
■ thought he will yet have to undergo an­
other operation.
D. J. Hite of Boring paid the Herald
office a pleasant call this week.
Mr. and M re. James Swafford of Ore-
gon City were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
John Clanahan last Sunday.
Miss Genevieve Powell of San Fran­
cisco is a guest at the home of her
grandparents, Dr. and Mra. J. P. Powell.
H. P. Hatch, the new proprietor of
the Home Bakery paid us a pleasant
visit last Friday.
Wilbur Thompson left last week for a
few months visit with his brother at
Columbus, Washington.
J. E. Stubbs of Geeshain has been
electe»l Principal of the Frankton High
school at ILxal River, Oregon. He has
also in this porition two public schools
under his su|<ervislon. His friends are
congratulating him on his success and
know him to be eminently worthy.
Work on F.*l Cummings fine new
house is progressing rapidly.
direct from St. lamia
the great shoe center
of the world !
Each day sees »onie improvement in our ehoe trade. There’, a reason,
and I'll leave it to you to find out the reason, but will help you out to
aome extent by raying that people do not aa a usual thing go where they
cannot get good goods at reaaonable prices.
And it ia with great aatiafaction that we have had customers on
ehoe. who have tonight from lie slide* for theniaelvea and families for the
part ten year.. QUALITY COUNTS'
—Can vara, Patent, White, Black, Red, Brown,
We have all kind.—For Men, Women and Children,
—And all the Neweat and Vp-to-Ihite Style..
ikdlcrs in the best of everything, at lowest possible prices
Main Street,
T ia not generally known that Sags *••••%••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••
of the common and cheaper va­
riety are prtuti-d ou a-pre«* simi­
lar to that used for nswapapera.
yet such ia tlie fact. At present a new
plate and beuce a new liupresslou are
required for each color. Thus for our
red, white and blue banners, which
bloaaorn all over the laud each Fourth
of July, two plates and two linprew
slons are needed, one for the re.l and
one for the blue. The white is fur­
nished by the orlglual color of the tnua-
lln or other goids on which the flags
are printed, ft la hoped in time that
one plate may be made to do the work
when the exjtenae will be lessened ami
the facility of production Increased. It
must not t>e Imagined that two run
nlnga through the press are reqnlred. 4*
Just as four or more colors are printed
on newspaper* at oue running through
the preset so the two color* are aup
and you can laugh ami grow tat.
piled to the national emblem In the
same way. Tin* effect Is reached by
J. H.
Gresham, Ore
the uae of two sets of rollers and Hucceunor to Mr», ('haa. Johnaon,
platea, the good* pAMsing from one to
the other.
Melrose is Second Eden.
ft Is said that the largest flag fac­
tory In America. iliti for that matter
A recent trip through the .Melrose or
A Bargain-"^',7^
In the world. I* located In Cincinnati. Cedar district, reveal, many interesting I s
Here are manufactured a large share
thing* concerning that aplemlid »gricul-.
vation ; g»s*d house and liarn ;
of the flags use»! In the United Rtate*
amt some even for England. There are tnral community. Among the uioat ■ s tine running water; small bear­
ing orchard ; 3 miles from Gresh­
126 peofile engaged in the factory, and o-*tice*ble being that J. U. Holme, has'
ten wholesale establishments handle a very rightly farm home, that J. C. I
am. *4<IJU.
the output. This factory waa made Duke take* the cake for oniona and
possible by the Invention of the flag other truck, that Harry Filkina haa a I
press before mentioned, which waa the farm aecond to nene, that neighbor
work of a Cincinnati man.
Eberls haa a very neat and tidy home
GSKSAAM, oaeoo.*
In the manufacture of flags, niuallu
for a Iwtchelor, that Dan Htrebin is
(Continued on last page.)
planting lota of apuda, that friend Wil­
in Gresham. He will also *i*-ak in the helm is a thrifty farmer bacbe'.or, ami
lit* a house big enough for two, that
Sam Strebin know* a good thing wlien
Boy* don’t forget to polisli up ami
he gee* it, so is |*l«nting more ,purls,
i* bettier prepare«! than ever to «ell you
1 decorate your rigs and take a part in
heavy «»r li»:h< luru»« of all kiada,
that Alex Thompson's exellent garden,'
hon»e an«l «*arrU<e tarnUhinf«, <rte.
tin- Fourth of July parade at Gresham. well kept fences, and clean and well
HarneM an«! »hoe repairing.
That prize may be yours. It i* worth
kept farm bnildins i< aecond only to the \ GUST LARSON, Prop., Gresham
j trying for too.
the well kept home, and splendid cook-1
The ball game played on the Gresham ing of bis generous wife—ably secomle»!
field last Sun,lay between Montavilla 1» her mother, Mrs. 8. J. McDonald, I
and Gresham resulted in a scure of 6 to that the appearance of the Chamber-
7 in favor of Gresham.
Decorator and Painter
lain * farm, and others too numeroua to
Miss Jessie Pearl Turner and niotlier, mention, forces one to the beleif that < Kalsominiag, Papering. Prices low.
Work neat. Call or write him at
Mrs. J. E. Turner, were pleasant cal­ thia community could very properly be
lers at the Herald office this week.
The luillot box and tickets have al­
ready been installed in the Gresham
that are certainly a credit to the town. drug store and voting convened upon
The usual services at the Baptist candidal?» for Goddess of Liberty, the
church will lie held Sunday. This will following name* appearing u|*>n the
l>e Pastor Nutley s last morning service list : Misses Edith Gonlon. Effie Rob-
WE have just received
Citiaens of the town of Gre-shani take
notice that Tuesday, June 25, 1907, is a
designated aa “cleaning up day” for the a
tow n of Gresham, and it is so proclaimed
Lady: I’d like a fine comb,
by the mayor.
Clerk: Yes. madam. A fine-
1>. M. R oberts , Recorder.
tooth comb?
Lady: No, sir! I want it for
my hair.
The Ladies’ Aid. of the Methodist
We have the tooth brush for
church, will have an ice cream and
the teeth and combs for the hair,
also brushes, mirrors and every­
lunch counter on the Fourth, on Main
thing needed in the toilet.
street, adjoining the Rank building.
Ths English Language
Everybody patronize thiastand.
ice cream. Price» low.
It’s a Dandy.
Gfesha.n Drug Store
erts. Ruby Emery, Grace Iaiwrence,
Pearl Metzger, Pearl Lindsey, Mary.
Mail onlefa promptly attended to
Shattuck, Rena Knapp. Alaytue Doane
and Jessie Francis.
Districts No. 8, 10. and 36 voted not
to join Gresham in a union high school.
Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Clark, and son
Chauncey, of Bull Run, were Gresham
visitors this week.
Mrs. Grant Sloop and baby and
Miss Bickford of Pleasant Home made
the editor a very pleasant visit this
George Preston has returned from
Sandy, where he has been spending a
few days.
The first quarterly meeting for
Gresham circuit.
church, for the year 1907. will b-
held at Gresham commencing Friday.
June 21 and continuing over Sunday.
Rev. C. W. Cook of Woodburn will
! have charge of the services in the ale
sence of Rev. W. N. Coffee who is at­
tending the general conference of the
Free Methodist church now in session
'at Greenville, Illinois.
; i ►
C au - imimxii , P ackkhamunu
O REP 1,
B«».. Pleasant View Av.,
o Phone EX::
l/reslinin. Dre.
Landen’s Goods
s •••••••••••••••••
WHER II REED OF i 6000 RI6 . . . .
Remember that you can alwaya
gtt it front the
Livery, Feed & Sale Stable
B. W. EMERY, Prop’r
fed and cared for bv
a Single Meal, Day, Week or Month
6reshaa, Or».
a • •••••••••••••••A
Yoar want« »applied on page 8.
The haying season is now on and we have the best line of
hay’ng tools ever brought to this end of the county.
The name “Landen” is a guarantee that you have the best
in the line of haying tools.
Everything for the haying season ! The largest and moat
complete stock of FORKS, RAKES and ROPE, all bought
early with right prices. Be sure to call and see our stock.
Dealer in “Goods of Quality”
We have a great many lines that we cannot enumerate here but here are
two of the most seasonable. When in town call and inspect our stock.
I*ots of Material, good
Tools, none but skillet!
Workmen employed :
• •
Demands a square deal for everybody, and you
get it too of
Seasonable Goods at Reasonable Prices!
We will Sure Suit You
In cawe you wbh to travel we have unricellrd facilities for carrying
credit with you without carrying any money. Call on ua when in need.
Old Fashioned Honesty
FAT 11 E R
Not keeping a bank account.
Over confidence in strangers.”
Thinking crooks don’t know when you have cash.
Intending to start a bank account and not doing so.
Eire in your house where you have money hidden.
Yielding to get-rich-quick schemers
Offering cash in payment of bills.
Undue carelessness with coin and currency.
Boasting of money and displaying it.
Accommodating strangers with change.
Not depositing your money in bank.
Keeping cash about person.
Ijtat M**n*lay afternoon found a good­
ly number of citizen* at the annual
•chtiol meeting held in the bc I mmj I
building al tireaham. O I. Neal waa
elected hi aucceed hiinaa-lf aa director
for the enauing three year>, and II. L.
St t'lalr re lecl.-d clerk for one year.
Prof. Jamea Preaton of Berkeley,
California waa preaent and at the rr-
queat of Chairman Neal and other*,
told of the «uceeMof union high aclxail
work in California. Following the re­
mark* of Mr. Preaton a vole wax taken
on thia diatrict uniting with di.tricta,
H, 1U and 36, resulting with 51 vole*
favor of and five again«', the move­
ment. After the nliove vote had been
caat. remark* were made by Timothy
Brownhill. Theodor»- Bnigger. Charlea
Cleveland. Dr. J M. Miiort. J. J Kob-
ertaon. Dr. A Tbumpaon. A. Cornutt,
Rev. David Cathejr, H. L St. Clair,
Lewia Shattuck and other*, aa to thy«
advisability of continuing und improv­
ing the work of the liroham high
achoo) if the union high acliol move- j
nient failed
An expreaaion waa eaUed for and re-
aulU-4 unaiiiioualy in favor of a for­
ward movement along higher educa­
tional line* in tireaham acliooldialii.-t.
The clerk'* report »how. d 24* chil­
dren of achool age in the diatrict,
acliwnl property worth about |7.'a»>'<*
and everything pertaining pi acliool
matter* in a very aaliafaclory way.
Coiumari'lrr E. E. Chipman, H. V. C.,
Jorl Bales, Q'lsrtrriuaster, floury Kono
and Past Comuiamlrr, N. I.. Smith ol
H. A. Rosa Poet No. 41, Department of
Dragon <1. A. It., accompanied by aever-
membora «1 the rs-ls-ii Corps, will attend
l>rpurlmrnt encampment at Newberg,
Juno 25, 26, and 27. TlieU. A. K. will
furrneli Ofe and drum corps, standard
bearer, at head of command, follow«!
Iiy the Iteleif corps, IJlierty car, wagon
for 42 girls ami <i* »Ideas of Liberty nt
the coming fourth ol July Celebration
in Gresham.
E. E. Chipman, rrprraenting the (i.
A. It, would like for all girla in Greek-
aiu and vicinity to report to him at 5
o'clock Saturday afternoon at the town
hall. Forty-nine girla are needed be­
tween the agi-a of ail and fifteen for
maids to G aideas of IJlierty and to rv|e
resent the different states on lila*rty car
in the coming Fourth of July |>arade.
ft ia sincerely hoped that parent* will
take an active interval in thia.
II. W. Emery has been a Very busy
man lately. Tripa to Aatoria, Portland,
anl> other places have kept him on the
jump. Foreman, Frill Stoker however
baa kept (binge moving at tlie l*arn, ari
friend Emery waa not at all uneasy
about l.uiainewa affairs white away.
Mayor Dr. J M. Short haa issued an
official proclamation aetting aside Ture-
day, the 26 th day of June, aa "cleaning
Number 25.