4 BEAVER STATE HERALD tional sum of anywhere from fifty cents to two dollars annu­ ally assessed to the individual farmer, according to the amount of this world’s goods he happens to possess. Thia ia a time that we must not be penny wise and pound foolish. All petty jeal­ ousies and prejudices should be laid aside and every vote cast with an eye single to the one end - steady advancement of educa- tional interests in eastern Mult­ nomah. proper officials are furnished the necessary evidence of any viola­ tion of tha Sunday closing law in their reapective communities. “CwMt that day lusl wlmsr low dv «evading « uh *< Vissrs from thy hand uo worthy action duM." the pnwiaion« of tbe statute relative to the Sunday ckreing of aaloon« will Eritemi a* «econd-clasb matter at the poatuffice al <*rv*ham. Oregon. A FEW MINUTES WITH THE EDITOR PRINCIPLES ABOVE PARIN fa THE MUCH Bimi R WAV Some days ago we saw two people trying to drive a pig. kepi for aale. J ohn M annino , They didn't succeed very well. District Attorney, Finally a little grain was brought, 4th J'kiicial District of Oregon a little patience used and the Portland and Multnomah county are to wear tbe lid cluee shut on and after pig led to where he was wanted. Sunday, June lfl, and John Manning, Sometimes parents try to drive district attorney for Multnomah county, , their boy in about the same way i. to fa the weight that kref th. top pig'was driven. but -harsh on and down. Sheriff Steven», so he ia I w’ords, whips and driving meth- dd, will aid the avoir- , reported to have------------------------ dupoi» of hia office to the process ami odfl seldom succeed in driving <‘n,,*r _» '* ----- ‘h** .u- ”*1 — '* I..-------------- providing f->r anywhere but pijf away - Sun- . the ---- boy . j ike thg he U,lh “* from home. letter. leads much easier. We there­ People of Multnomah county niuat fore would suggest to our folk fill up the larder on Sat unlay week and , provide Sunday amusement and refresh­ that you use patience, kindness ment before the midnight 1*11 has tolled and lovable ways in leading, or they will 1« both dry and unaniu»e>l. rather than driving, your chil­ John Manning has issued an otfleia) dren in the way they should go. rigi ly enforced. Tin» applies to all places wliere intoxicating liquors are under «laich tukuli« may fa vugdirled.—Qrvgouiau. Whiaksy-llMt'» AH. Sallow nr m Transformed to Dusky Beauty Nee yon ruddy fared juulh and III» light A dark akin tacoMM law ins I fa when dslicat*ly wdl, undetqueail In In« vy», I'tear »■ la-ani« ul th» aun in the blns of the sky, But—h» look» un th» cup, and tw-hold Ilia groat fall; Whlakrv - that*« all. A LliSSON TAl'UHT The result of the recent Port­ land city election leads one to PuWishvd Ev,ry Friday at Greaham. Ore., by tire B bavbh S t * t « PvauawiNü Co. M»-« aubb . leaden in the republican party M oxtavili . x Omet, 315 Villa Av.; Poaruxt» Orne«, ÏW> G.xxlnough Building to understand that the time has LID MUST CLOSE IN MULTNOMAH come when the dear people can­ amcarriM Ulll Per Y«ar. Il <•« In «.l«»n.-v. l.< (or»>«n cMinirt««. 11 sa Tkr«« Woatk»’ trial *ubarripti«»n» 25c Singh* c«»pi«'s V A*k for our clubbing mice __ The Oregon Daily Journal of not be herded, browbeaten, bul­ ■HMniKft-kouia W a»M l>> kxprm.w l-.-ioSi.Non«} OaSar. k.-«l»Urol lMt«r or<'berk June 7 contains the following lied and forced to vote for every Rtasmi« acerpUHl up to 2ft cent*. KCCIFTI f»»r •uhsscriiHioni» arr not eent unlr«* tequewted The label on your paper will indi official notice from the district “yaller dog” on the ticket. •at«* within two wcrlts the receipt of your rcmittam'e. l( it dinw n«H pAeaw notify tut. .’’Vote *er straight” doesn’t go BtSCMTiWABCkS In deference to th.* wUh .4 the majority rtlanndcnce appear« from your of Pur«land and Multnomah county 1— gambler and riffraff of the earth, ueighborh«M>d, you are respectfully rvqv *«t«^l to send ua a» many IncaU ilrui» •• you can 1 dvaire to call yonr «iteou,,» to avcUon will continue with UVEITtsaK UTn LKHAL AliVKKTISIN«. m t tn leaded all point. rer single column Inch 1974 of Bellmgvr A Cotton'» Colas and of course, each inaertkvn. IHSI’I 11»\ F KTI>1 \t. x * * i* r single column “ the interests ” to “vote *er Sututre of Oregon, which provide Inch each issue; 1.5 inch«*» or over. JUc per inch each issue. Al inches or over. 17 1 hr per inch each issue, SO inc hr» or over. IX per inch each issue For ppaiti«»n (any siar) fie per inch *'No treiron »hall krep .qren any houre straight.” The sensible nutn additional. BKAMUtt, ie prr wont ea< h issue, no reader ahrcpCed for less than M) cents or room in whk-h intuxicaliiig liquor ia will vote for. law enforcement, Lot AIJ8 (Want Column only). 1c per word each issue, counting two Agurea. an initial or an kwpt for retail, on lbw first day of lb« •bbn riation as one worvi. Nd local a«wpted for less than I* cent». PROFKSWOMAL clean methods in office and the CARlia (one inch). 3V each issue VAKKB A m » 4 r w /fe a /to* er FREQUENT O. W. P. Division í l ÜJ2 j Whiskey—that*a all COMFORTABLE RAPID TIMI: TARLI: Tbe drunkard »talk« on by the river of ITATMBI loar», niidal the In tlie glooiu id tlie night gnau ol the year«. The glad day» of hope are all itisi recall, USK SKLF-RAISING Wlilak.y—llial'a all. Hark ! there are demon like yells from the maniac's cell, • Nlwfer .. I ilitrlnii A i»tli'r«<»n Wluy tlie torture, are keen as the tire, of liell, C»»a«l»ro l-v K«i«ca«la iuriltisvlllv AUptugh I K«glp 4'rwh j Ito rivi« -, Hut reason has tied ami she hernia not his call: Whiskey—lirai*» a'l. <). tlie crimes and rvtuorwaiid th. l>k»d DELICIOUS HOT CAKES of the »lain. O'er mantle tl.e cfaui midst the death Tlw product oi the chokext whewt carefully prepared by our »petal proca*. 4 poun(| p^ldqf 20‘ throe» ami pain, They cover the earth like a funeral |»dl ; Whiskey—that's all. * If »our grocer doer »ot «all H. lead ua the msney lor a packsg«. Booklet, cow- t«InIng recipe, fa all our products, free lor the asking. / - —Solon L. Goode In The American Farmer. I Mi furlldfid flssriM Mill» Cs. S.n.c. on iMvr.RM, there eau be uo eaay priuf ut virtue Fortum- la»b I B£ •r * a II a i h > 4311 411 ui » » W II toi un ; Ms U II 4M i wi B » b a a a hia a IS* s Mil U Ui U7I2 o io mil h ia mi win hu ana ant u i Kl Bl ii i iai B4 04 BA ua IM B B h It IV • n ft B II I« B M It • B I B • h • B M III M II • 11 • mm * ■MO »II I B hub ft bill i B ’• U I F M IO M II «1 IM Ml IJ 1« II Itorttond Ar : €M» ion io i in tot in Itti B 1 IBI HAI IMI l.vl «Anil June * Lritta Jun«* NQtHMtorv ly fil .lhk baby weekly, takes the Oregon­ We would therefore suggest to F«>r OrvRoii ('ily, (*gti«'iniih I‘ark and OVR RBI-AIBING 4»iwrt»«»i 1« ■>» ian to task for its recent refusal the Press that instead of that iooo.l»,» M •>•«»«<"« *1 <»> W »Kh tl»»«», uuy puittla, rhr«it('* oar» al Gulf Junc­ ♦ i in *wnd »o«r work b» ,*«>»i»r»4 »»*1 tion e to support the Republican nomi­ paper losing 10,000 subscribers X.' V t»l«lt» •«> w,«k Fur i.'Mila, Mount Hooll mid eaal aide by reason of the action mentioned nee for Mayor of the city of METZGER & CO. |a»lhta, change ffitfb al Lgnla Juncliou Portland. The Press alleges it will gradually add more than iii atxr» ervarr eurum one of law loving sub- W. P MI I.I IIAY, that the enormous sum of $150 that number ........................................ 7 . Trafta Agent. for the use of one column of its scribers to its already big list. $1.00 a Month (•«•neral <>rtir«'a, F»rwt and Alder Sla.t paper was not even a temptation I'orrtANh. <>ag«M»M. TOWN AUTHORITIES MUST ACT to the great daily to publish re­ King Disappoint« a Grandchild. Juat after King Edward'« cur-matlun. publican matter, even as an ad­ It is a notorious fact that for when be underwent an operatkiu fur nggitKl HickiifiiA. \evid«'iil mid vertisement. and this, thinks the weeks past the back doors of appeudicltla aud waa lylug louvale« Ib'ttlh Press, is sufficient cause for the Gresham saloons have been open statement to the saloonkeeper» of tbe cent, be •«•ut fur bla grnndchlllreu. lecidnh gill Haw«« 6«f PraladiM Portland Daily Journal to swipe and business transacted therein city of Portland and <4 Multnomah “Give to the world the l>eat you have Tbe little oure tn»>|>nl Into tbe room, cautioned by their uuroe Uiat they Avoid bt«lng a «'Mr of charity al at least 10,000 of the Oregon- on Sunday in open defiance of county, calling their attention to section A od the beet will come latch to you.'* niuat keep very quint, aud »loud about lh«' I mi id a «if «>th«»rM ian’s subscribers. the state law, the Mayor and IS74 of the cutie, making it unlawful for their Kraudfatber'a bed He talked NORTHWESTERN HEALTH Alb them to do buaineaa on Sunday. He with them fur a few minute«, and they We confess that in the past town council of Gresham, and directs that on ami after Sunday, June Seaside lost in its tight on local replied lu awed wbl*pera Then, when ACCIOEHT ASSOCIATION regon we have not been overly im- the wishes of the majority of 16. they must observe tire law or pay option, says the Signal. The tbe nurae told them they muat go. OF HIRTLAND» OKHIOM Al- the penalty. < all ur «tile pressed with the Oregonian’s the citizens of the town, hort ine Herald symj>athizes with the Prince Eddie aatd: policy, but during the last few though fully cognizant of the In taking the step shown in his letter better element of that city, and "But. grandpa, can't we arc the John Brown. Agt., Ruckw,««!. Or. babyr years, together with many oth­ situation, no action has been Mr. Manning state« that Ire is doing so certainly feels that defeat came nion acific because it ia the denire of the people of ’« Dream of Papa. ers, we have noticed that the taken (except in the early spring) Portland and Multnomah county. through no fault of the Signal or Willie 3 TRAINS 10 lilt IASI DAILY One morning Willie said to Illa father Oregonian has shown itself to be either by the mayor, members of Sheriff Steven», «o it is reported, has Rev. Mr. Housel. The splendid very seriously. "Papa, I had a strange Thniutfh Pullman «t«n«laMa and touHal a paper of the people, and no the council, _____ _______ marshal, _______ justice of ____ «t»Ud that be will not only enforce »«•- work done, however, will not be dream thia morning.** • !c«*tAiiB «*«r* dally tu Ornaba. Chli agi». Kpo bah«'. Tiiurl.l atrvpli'f rar dally I»« Kali* «» Vapa - Indeed: Wbat was It? better assurance could be pro- the peace, deputy sheriff or the i**’" ,9"'* o( ,h* ,aw “• quofal f,y Mr. lost, but will gain added strength l ily R> i iluiiig t ha«« rair« (Mala Err«) t«* lbs **1 dreamed. papa, that I died and Kaal dally but he will go the d,strut as the days go by. duced in support of this than the citizens toward the abatement went to heaven, and when St Peter attorney one better anFI‘oT I l«*avoa | Arrivas. evidence so nicely brought out of this shameful and criminal 1UB8, which reads as follows: met ma at the gate, luatrud of «bowing I Iw.wJuU, ifalowd.|~« 1 «ore» w 1 en to the guklen «treat, aa I by the editor of the Press. The procedure. « lilt A«»«» ItlRTl.AXh •♦ ■> t M 7 »» 1* M. “Section 196H. If any person shall •nJ «MrU» »U h A Clllw * ' ’ Missouri has decided to oust me thr- way MpKt 1A I. for Ihr ha»t 1 »ally. Ifeliy. be took lue out Into a larg- Herald gives the Oregonian cred­ Some have objected to making krep open any «tore, «hop, grocery, the Standard Oil Company: Kan­ expected, «ad «il fa fa Waw. a rw V ta 11 unt iitglufi, Held, and tn tbe middle of tbe field • ■ Ol A M such a move on the flimsy ex- bowling alley, billiard room, or tippling it for being easily the cleanest, •IUKAXK ri.YSK sas has finally downed the liquor there wan a ladder reaching nway tin TCWW «10 COVXTWY JOWVUL iMHjr »*“2 ■ ......... ■ 1 1 >*far « traffic. influence in politics; in Oregon Into the sky and out of «tgbt. Tlieu Nt the most newsy and the best ed­ cuse that the Sunday closing law hou~ ,or P“'!— hn Ra.lrru W «»luiigt,,«. «I ai|« Walla, tew- U e» $0.50 c j ■ . or any place of auiuaeu><-nt on the fir»t Peter told me that heaven tri« at tfa •■ a M. coast. It is loyal to every* true Of the county, hence should not or the Ured'e day, .och perron, occasional vagra nt. —People’s mnat take tbe big piece of chalk he I for ihr Mat ria Hunt l»a lljr. I »Bll > gave me and »lowly climb the ladder, I ng Ion. republican principle, but has be enforced here. The recent upon conviction thereof, abaii fa pun­ Press. writing on each rung some «In 1 bad . roRTI.ASb HluoM l.o I M Mar V. by • fine Of not lew than fifi nor common decency enough to abso­ action of District Attorney Man- ------------------- O' ■ ■ — I < ‘A L, tor ail (oral ptiint« Ifelly. committed." bail). i attorti Hlgga ani»trict Attorney .Manning not i fie» with at«' m mt-r Lqr llwa* •ar« |>i •ad arad w«th |I W to sists upon allying itself with, of Gresham are closed, front and It is also farther provided in the sec­ the «aloum* of Portland that tlrev muat second rung I looked up aud aaw you r<> ««Hl North Sunday «teatnrr H mwm I o . Ash al down.“ and standing pledged to the sup­ back, but the business houses as tion of the law shall not be construed to cloee, and remain closed, on Sunday«. coining SUNSET MAGAZINE 4OeR (W«trr P«T ) “And wbat waa I coming down for?" apply to acta of mercy or necessity. port and protection of thieving well. And if the saloonkeepers Mr. Steven« stated today, however, Tbe alate law is explicit in it« require­ JAMFJI H j OOO MDG. SAN fRANOSCO H>R DAYTON. <»re lie» M I ïi I' M. "That'» what I asked you. aud you y«>h < Ity anti Yamhill, I mi ly batir corporations, whiskey, beer and and others do not voluntarily that he had not made the statement ment» that no liquor »ball fa »old on told ma you were coming down for Klwr points, Aah at -i»r|.l r are pl ■•oww <•!»Ik.“ •lot h (waler p«r ) Sunday», though there ia no local ordi ­ Sunday. Nu inlay. gambling interests, and every obey the law, they should not «nd would cauM his office simply to nance to that effect tinder tbe Portland For I A-w talon, Idaho, and waj pointe fr<>m low down, rotten device that only be prosecuted to the full follow the instructions of the district charter. KIi-arta. Ua«h Tlie Oregonian think« the I a * u \« Klpmrla ft 40 A M nr upon Arrival attorney. could be brought forth to steal extent of the law, but when Ira in No 4. daily rictpt M^iinday. district attorney ha« abundant author­ * vz For IO CENTS In the opinion of many attorneys A*rlvv Ki|Ntrla 4 I* »..dally varrpt Friday away man's self respect and his bonds are provided, they should tliere is grave doubt as to the ability of ity for hia action, and it think« U m that To kaap poetad on tha market. of hard-earned money, to steal the be declared forfeited, and their either District Attorney Manning or the aaloon proprietor» will make a grave D £ ftj louil Sfhrdule the United State« and aepecially In n bread from the mouths, and the licenses revoked. They have Mayor Lane to close the saloons of error if they resist. In any conflict be­ W« lì« kA lie 01 Irdins c.O" tween them and- the law there can lie your locality, aubacrlba for tha old clothes from the backs of little been gi ven every opportunity to Portland on Hunday because of a qoeer Lati ward " r»t ward only one result. The public ia in no reliable Northwest Pacific Farmer, for AM 1* M 1* M A M AM F M children, and broken hearted obey the law, and just as often and not weI1 known ^ntence in the humor ju»t now to have the plain pro­ 3S yearn tha etandby of tha agricul­ HI«. M.ll 1 «P', 1 I Mail “ pr°’M*d in “Wi’ vision» of law trifled with by the saloou« wives and mothers. Of course have flaunted open defiance in ci.‘Lcb',rt*,r l*»rt r.r. tural Interaata of tha Pacific Coaat. txM*al A Ki Fl yr 1 , -_i_x »L- 1 • »l»MH> AS of chapter 3, article 4. of the A k Flyr Ixioal Watches and Jewelry the Oregonian, the same as any the face of every nght thinking ..b.rtOT, „ ,.No proviBion of or by any element of society. We will »«nd It to you 10 waak« for to. « Mft fi Nn I λ 4r Na ft Nn 1N« V — REPAIRING A BPE ft 40 Addreeo and will continue to balk to sup­ ity. The time has arrived when . i'»« ««y »pirituou», vinous, fomenteil has liven nt, the statute books many .......................................... For Bperlal Bargains in Watrhr«, Net ...... eiMM year», but it ha« never been enforced in or malt liquors in Multnomah county port men endorsed by such inter­ a halt will evidently be called. " •*’» 7 « UlffllW 7 W » 1» ■hall apply to the sale or disposition of Portland, chiefly because the public * ft ao ft fit) 7 ft? TNHTIAl 1 7 |A ft 10 ests and the party they repre­ was indifferent and the authorities had i »1)6 • 7 59 MSI UN I the name in the city of Portland.” ■ 4 53 147 Front Street, Portland, Ortgon. THAT UNION HIOH SCHOOL sent. 0 14 ft 10 MWAI Vf ft WATCHMAKER and JEWELER « M « «3 It has been held by various attorneys their own reasons for non-action. But. Loyalty to party today means The petitions from 3chool dis­ who have been investigating the ques­ there is now a movement all over the Tick<-t olile,-, Third noci Washington. •••••••••••••••••a 191 Morrison St., loyalty to the grog shop, the tricts 4, 8, 10 and 26 are all in tion that this provision of tbe charter land for the strict regulation and con­ k Telephon«, Main 712 C. W Stringer, trol of the saloon. It is part of the POHTEANh, - - OllEliON nullifies the Mate law in so far as Port* INSURE YOUR URM BUILDINGS brothel, the interests and open and legal notices issued that on < lljr rieket Agent. Win McMurray great moral uplift that is going on every ­ Near Pap’s Reata urani. lien’l I’asaengi-r Agent. defiance of law and common de­ Monday, the 17th day of June, land is concerned ami that for that rea­ where, having its inspiration largely CHURCHES HO.SCHOOEHOUSES son neither the dijtrirt attorney nor the •••••••••••••••O cency. Oregon today is in need the voters of these districts will inayoF’can <*lotte the sa1ns on Sun* l.y. from Washington in the enlightened IN TUB of men who have brains enough be called upon to decide as to It “ srgued on tbe other baud that the and righteous policies of President , Farmers’ Mutual Fire to size things up as they are, whether or not eastern Multno­ cliarrer provision is clearly unconstitu­ Roosevelt. Saloon licenses are being MMta inn niuio tao otkr rmu and courage enough to fight for mah is to have a union high tional ill that it in effect leginlare» privi­ raised by many of ths cities, and in Relief lege» a» exemptions for Portland which practically all -if them, East and West, j their convictions, and who can­ school. You (dn Save Money Wherever union or are denied other part» of the state. In the dra of every such establishment ' Or P ortland , G rmmin by aiilHM-ribing through B kavsk H tati not be dictated to by the ward county high _ schools have JHH __ been other words the provision place« Port­ are shut on Sunday. Seattle ami Ta­ Iacorporat«Nl IWM II kmai . d , heeler, the rurr^seller, the “yal- tried they are in every instance i land above the law which lies over the coma allow no Sunday liquor selling, I Herr I n the lint. Inomiirh, however, Ii nsnrance st actual roat. Tried nor does I xm Angeles; nor will San, ler dog politician,” and the sup­ pronounced a success. Then res» of the state so far as Sunday clowing and not fourni wanting. nw wv Imvr to Rend riuih in ik I vhiki * (nr „ Agents Francisco. probably, when other grave of saloons ia concerned. nil (Miirldr Nfilffirripliank. wr iihir I n*k wanted in rvvry county. For par- porter of fallen women. why not here? In the Herald’s problems tfare have lieen settled. Port­ tlculnra write to you to kindly ng rrmiltanre Give us men, manly men. men estimation the only thing lack­ It ia though«, therelore, that the pro- land now joins the universal movement. ' with order. poaed action of tlie di«tri- t attorney in J. J. KKRN, fac’y, I Mft Rafft who hold honor above pelf; ing to make these districts far enforcing the »late law will »erve an a The Oregonian is no prohibitionist, Yamhill _ . ** _ __*/** Mt . Port _]laM, Oregon, F. E H irfkr , Agt , Poring, Ore., love of country above the dollar; above any other in Oregon is the test of the law by tlie Portland liquor for it has no |»t H-nce with the irrational or to policies of ami equally irrational prac­ II. W R narwall , Pres., Gresham, loyal men, loyal to home, to wife one thing already within our interests. tices of that cult, but it thinks quite and the babe upon her knee. grasp; i. e., the union high The above is certainly in ac­ enough liquor can lie sold in sis days to t»o Not Neglect the Children. This, Brother Sleeth, is what the school. cord with the wishes of the do for «even day». It approves unqual­ Tetter Cursd * t thia aeaaun of tire year th«- flrat un­ writer believes the Oregonian Every farm in the districts majority of the citizens of Mult­ ifiedly the pir|>ose of the district at A lady cnatomrr <>f olir» lisa nuff. rrd natural Io,arene»» of a chfld'a Imwala stands for today, hence its re­ mentioned—if the high school nomah county in particular, and torney to require the salootia to close »houl immrvliate attention. Tire w illi tvltcr for Iwo or threc yegra. It fusal to stand by Devlin, whom law is voted upon favorably— of Oregon in general, It will, if on Sundays, and it caution« tlie saloon treat thing that can Ire given ia (,'ham- got so Imd ori ber banda that alia could WKKK I.Y OKKt<-at, for there is a pur­ 4 J ft One I mix of L'hsmberlsin'a baivi- climi bAiÎ.înÆ.'H,JinR'r,,,,N'*N I A • 0 Remedy followed by caator oil aadireeted nomah county believe to have Every boy and girl, rich or poor, toward enforcement of law and pose here in I'urtland to require them 5 AY JOURNAL 7 .10 aale by all dealer«. 4 mt l’Af'IKK' the saloon element of the county, opportunity of receiving an edu­ The Herald would urge every ness as decent and orderly aa it can I* 1 7ft I m> — M. II. Kodney A Co., Alinond, Ala. fa < rriu iioMkKi kai » I 50 MA Colic and IMarrhoea. POULTRY JOI’RN Al. (MonthIto Chsmberlain’s medicine» are for »ale by TIIK and the Herald, together with cation second to none, without law abiding citizen in this county maile anywhere. - Furthermore, the I 2ft 7ft M IIOOL AN|> |f< »M K (M'tHiy Paine in the atomach, colic anil IHar- 1 mt • xft public generally, working if nee U L P MAGAZINE READERS J ß WEEKS b" CUTS ••••••••••••••••• Pacific Farmer Co. Fred D. Flora, • Mutual Association X Combination Subscription Rates uiiiM uni.