Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, June 14, 1907, Image 2

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In I Condensed Form lor Our
Busy Readers.
A Resume of tha Lass Important but
Not Lass Interesting Events
of tha Past Week.
The city council of Aberdran re­
fuses to accept a 815,000 gift from
Government crop reports show a
decrease In the acreage ot spring
wheat this year of 7 per cent.
Heney has closed his prosecution
against Schmitt, having brought out
plenty of evidence to secure convic­
A sister-in-law of the Duke of
Weetminster Is traveling as a gypsy
In search of material tor writing a
The mayors and city councils of
many towns In France are resigning
and joining the strike against Im­
pure wines.
The Water-Pierce Oil Company of
Texas, goes into the bands of a re­
ceiver as a result of a jury verdict
against them.
Howard Gould can't go on his
usual vacation abroad this year
will stay In New York to fight his
wtfe'a divorce suit.
Relatives of Edward Ward Van­
derbilt are trying to annul his mar­
riage to a Spiritualist, claiming the
woman influenced htm.
The state assembly of New York
has passed over the veto of the mayor
of New York a bill for a recount in
the 1905 mayoralty election.
Prominent Japanese in America
deny the whole story of war plots
against America and say the Japan­
ese In this country are not trying to
overthrow the Salonji ministry.
Baron Kuroki ts on his way home
to Japan. Before leaving he said h-
was much pleased with his visit In
America and has the best of feelings
for the American people.
While pursuing two horsethieves
Wyoming officers shot and killed one
of them, who Is now believed to be
one of the men who held up a train
In Montana recently and killed the
Hay» Into Honey'» Hand» by Oponlrg
Way for Ruef.
flan Francieco. Juno 12.—What
looked like • field day tor Mayor
flcbmlta In hla trial for extortion,
waa tranaformed by a sudden coup
of Francis J. Heney Into a distinct
victory for the prosecution.
both Schmit« and Ruef on the stand,
the day was replete with sensations,
but capping all waa the neatly laid
trap Into which the defense made a
precipitous fall. The trap was care­
fully la'd, even to the point where
the Mayor himself unknowingly
sprung In.
When Mr. Heney announced that
the prosecution had completed Its
case, the defense, thinking that the
danger from Ruef had passed, de­
cided to put Schmits on the stand
The Mayor, accordingly, appeared In
his own behalf and. regarding Ruef
as no longer a menace, rushed ahead
with his denials.
He reached the
point on cross-examlntlon where Mr
Heney asked him If he had received
any of the money paid to Ruef by
the French restaurants, and. despite
the warnings from his own attorney,
Schmit« answered In the negative
In so doing he played completely
Into the hands of the prosecution,
not only by laying a basis for the
Introduction of the testimony of
Ruef In rebuttal, but by passing the
entire extortion up to Ruef In such
a manner that the captive boss will
eagerly refute the testimony by de­
claring that he paid half the money,
or 82590. to Schmitx.
Both Mr Heney and Mr. Burns
were confident last night, and well
satisfied with the turn of events.
"We look for conviction.” said
Mr. Henev
"We believe we have
proved our case.”
American Clt'sen Wore Rad Noehtle
In Ruaalan City.
Riga. Russia. June ll.—Two cases
of groat interest to Americana were
beard at a special seaalon ot tho Rua
elan dupremo Court, sitting here
One waa the caao of Theodore Smith,
uf Aatoria. Oregou. who waa arrest­
ed because he hud on a red necktie
aud was charged with being In aym
pathy with the rebela In the Baltic
provinces. Tho other was the case
of August Slbbul. an Ksthonlan farm
er. who had been arrested tor read
Ing a trauslatlon of tho American
Declaration of Independence to a
meeting ot peasants.
Both mon had been condemned to
death, but Influential friends had ub
tallied for them a new trial. After
hearing the evidence produced, the
court sentenced Smith to prison tor
10 months and Slbbul tor 18 months
Both men were defended by Vladi­
mir Ckvolaen, an eminent crluilnul
He la trying now to have
Smith, a naturalised cltlxen ot the
United States admitted to ball, as he
will carry the caao to the Ruaalan
Senate. Slbbul said to your corres­
"I beg you to express my most
heartfelt sentiments to the American
people, whose glorious declaration of
Independence will be read uow In the
Huaalan prisons
It has caused me
hard suffering, but I am glad I read
It. I have not been any way a rebel
or a terrorist and know only my
farm work, I am a farmer. Just as
the Americans who wrote and read
this great manifesto of freedom were
“Un the anniversary of tho declar­
ation of American Independence I
try to express with my fellow-suffer­
ers here our reaped for this great
historical day. We will tear up our
shirts and paint the pieces with the
stars and stripes and so make Utile
American flags, which we will wave
out of the prison windows,”
It Is possible that both men will
be exiled to Siberia, although neither
really committed any political of­
fense, for the wearing ot a red neck­
tie and the reudlng of the American
declaration ot Independence la no­
where In the world listed among the
statutory crimes.
In spite ot the strongest protests
In the Douma against the cruelties
committed by the Russian prison
and police officials on the political
prisoners, they are dally torturing
the prisoners In a moat brutal way.
Mr Smith said:
“I have been beaten four times be­
cause I refused to eat the nauxviu«
prison food My brother provided me
with better food, which was brought
to me from outside the prison."
Nicaragua and Salvador Ignore Peace
Mexico City. June 12.—Nicaragua
and Salvador are at war. Iuite vee-
terday afternoon Dr. Manuel Del-
gado. Minister to Mexico from Sal-
vador. received the following tele-
gram from President Figueroa:
“San Salvador. June 11.—This
morning the revolutionists captured
the port of Acajutla.
They were
commanded by General
Rivas and came from Corlnto on the
cunboat Motnometombo. armed by
the President of Nicaragua. In this
manner Zelaya complies with the
treaty of peace of Amapala, which
was entered into with the Interven­
tion of the American Government.
Acajutla Is the most Important
seaport of Salvador, where all of the
Pacific liners made regular calls.
It was but poorly defended, and the
Nicaraguans and Salvadorean, rev-
olutlonists landed with ease.
It Is
In direct rail communication with
the capital of the republic, to or
from which point troopa can be con-
veyed in six hours.
Fsw Bogin to Overrun Woods and Fields
of Linn County
Albany—A» an aftermath of the
Salem Prices of text books, unlike
prices of all other necessaries of life, Bslglan haro tad which swept this
show no advance today over »ix years part of ths stats about 10 yssrs ago.
ago. While the bids submitted to considerable country wrat of Albany
the State Text-Book Commission ts populated with ths little anlmala.
have not been made public, repre- Psopls driving along roads out ot
tentative« of text book publishing this city can sra them any eveulng
houses say that the hgures will not and many havs bevu killed recently
They live In ths thick­
be above those named in contracts by farmers
made in 1901 though cost of paper, ets along the roadsides.
The Belgian hare fad found a
wages and freight have very material­
strong foothold in Albany.
ly increased.
\\ hile member« of the commission dreds ot the animals were Imported
arc maintaining absolute secrecy as and for a time a public display was
to their intentions, there is a very maintained by enthusiasts, a large
well established opinion among text- hall being rented for that purpose
book men who have been talked with Many local cltlxen» became as famil­
at various times m the past two iar with Belgian hare pedigree as la
months, that tew changes arc prac­ a horseman with his horses.
But the fad died out and what
tically certain Abandonment ot the
vertical system of writing, adopted six hares were not killed were turned
years ago. is probable, with the looae. A few evidently found their
adoption of the medial system, about way Into the country wrat of Albany
half wav between the vertical and the and have lived there ever since. Thl*
year for the first time they have be­
old slant style of writing.
come numerous enough to attract
considerable attention. The number
Barry Prices Up Again,
Is growing every year but the hares
Hood River—Cold weather and do very little damage.
rain which fell here for the first time
tn many weeks is holding back the
400 Fira Wi-dv s
strawberry crop, tho season for
Salem — The
which Is thought to be about half Commission met here and elected
over. Prices for berries have taken Governor
an upward tendency, bringing In the and E. P. Sheldon secretary. The
S. C.
neighborhood of 82.75. So far 30
cars have been shipped out this sea­ Bartrum. Roseburg. L. S. Hill. Eu­
son with the expectation that as gene; J. w. Baker. Cottage Grove;
many more will be moved before It H B. Van Dusen. Astoria and E R
is over. This does not Include the Lake .Corvallis.
It was decided that about 400 men
number of crates shipped by express,
which has reached about 8,000. Ths Interested in the protection ot for­
ests from fire will be appointed fire
total number ot cars shipped last wardens wltheut pay front the state,
year was 28. so that although the though moat of them will be In the
crop Is not as large as expected It Is employ of timber owners. Fire hun­
a better one than that of 1906. Grow­ dred coplea of the new forest fire law
ers now look for It to reach 60.000 will be printed for the Information
crates against 75.000 or 80,000. ot wardens.
which was predicted early In the sea­
Drill Farmer Students
Washington—Ou recommendation
Rain Welcomed In Clackamas.
ot Senator Bourne, Captain Ulysses
Oregon City—Light rains are fall­
G. McAlexander. of the General
ing in nearly every section of Clack­ Staff, has been detailed as professor
amas county, and with a falling bar­ of military science and tactics at the
ometer there Is prospect of wet Oregon Agricultural College. Corval­
lis. IK will assume hla duties Au­
weather continuing for several days, gust 15 next.
On request of the
General satisfaction Is expressed by Board of Regents ot the college. Mr.
farmers, as the rain of last week was Bourne has recommended that the
not of sufficient duration to be of department allot 4*0 niagaslne rifles.
material benefit. Crops generally 30 caliber, to the college for use ot
are In prime condition, and with fav­ the students In military drill, to­
orable climatic conditions give forth gether with breechloading field guns
every promise of a prolific harvest. of 3.3-lnch caliber.
June rains are always beneficial to
late potatoes, and will be welcomed,
Ram He*ps All Crops.
as there is a heavy Increase in the
Salem—A drtullng rain has added
potato acreage this year Farmers In several hundred thousand dollars to
the south end of Clackamas county the value ot the Wlllamettee Valley
have planted extensively, because of crops. Spring grain would have been
the late floods In the Sacramento val­ almost a total failure without It. Po­
tatoes were suffering and hay crops
have been promising light. The rain
Contract Spuds at SI 10.
will probably prevent the usual heavy
Salem—The largest deal in potatoes June drop of prunes, and will help
ever made in Oregon was closed here the hop crop wonderfully.
when Lachmund 8t Pincus contracted
35.000 bushels of the growing crop at
Dair,ing in Marion.
81 10 per hundred The buyer is
Oregon City-—E. M. and Chambers
I.. Howell have purchased a 100-acre
Scateno. of San Francisco. I.ach- dairy farm In Marlon county at Jef­
mund & Pincus are well-known hop ferson. and the place will be oper­
dealers, and growers, but this year
they have 142 acres of spuds. The ated as a dairy ranch. The land
short crop in California has turned valued at 810,000.
buyers to this state, resulting in the
Lane Timber Land.
remarkably high price named in the
Eugene—John W. Blodgett. of
contract made today. The figures are
net. the buyers furnishing the sacks Grand Rapids. Mich., has just sold t..
The contract calls for September and the Booth Kelly Lumber Company
October delivery This is the first 16.199 acres of timberland lying In
potato contract reported in this vi­ townships 20, 21. 23 and 23.
cinity this year.
Big Price For Orchard.
MillstuflFs—Bran, city. 817; country
Medford—The record sale for
818 per ton; middlings, 324.50f<> 25.50;
Rogue River Valley orchard property shorts, city. 819; country. 820 per ton;
was made last week when the beautl- U. S. .»mis,
Mills, uairy
dairy cnop,
chop, 815 SO per ton
ful E. J. De Hart orchard near this | Wheat—Club, 86@87c; bluestem, 88
city was purchased by C. E. Marshall ©•J11 Valley, 86@67c; red, 85c.
of Rennsalier. Ind. for 833.000 This I
1 ***“'• *28<a30’ gr’y'
Price» Will Not Advance and
Charges Will Be Made.
Reports if Minister Takahashi
Confirm Rumors.
Takahashi Ha» Gone to Japan
Arouse tho Public Agal at
United Stato».
Washington. June 11. Thousands
of dollars are being raised by the
Japanese of the Pacific Coast to carry
out the compact they havs entered
Into with the Progressive party of
Japan fur the overthrow uf the H«l
onjl ministry, the annulment uf the
exclusion clause In the Immigration
bill and the guarantee uf the natural­
isation rights of the Japanese resld
Ing In this country. These additional
factors In the International plot were
vouched for In semi-official circles
last night. The enormous fund
which Is being collected will be used
to arouse a feeling In the Japanese
empire antagonistic to the American
Notwithstanding the swooping do-
nlal of the existence of the alliance
between ths Japanese of the Pacific
Coast and the Progressives. ths anti-
administration party of Japan, glvru
out by Charles Takahashi, uf Seattle,
the Associated Pre«« secured the text
of certain reports which he forward
ed to M. Yamaoka In Seattle and the
Jupanese Society of Seattle.
In one of tho reports, which. It waa
authoritatively stated, was afterward
read by M Takahashi at a secret
mass meeting of Japanese In Seattle
on the evening of May 26. he quoted
Ambassador Aokl’s statement In re­
gard to the relations between the
United States and Japan growing oui
of the recent disturbances In San
Francisco and the adoption by the
congress of the United States of the
Immigration law excluding coolie
labor from Continental United States
Takahashi's report In part la as fol-
"My object In discussing the Jap-
ane«e Immigration limitation law
with Ambassador Aokl waa:
“First The nullification of the
present Immigration limitation law.
Seen.] Opposing the would-be
Immigration law
(reatyl said to be contemplated by
Japan and the United States
“Third Acquleaence In the Jap-
aneae naturalisation rights In the
United States.”
To these discussions Ambassador
Aokl said:
"Japan has ample grounds to op­
pose the Immigration limitation law,
but. If we go Io extremes, I fear war.
Regarding this Japanese limitation
law, the Japanese government abso­
lutely disagrees with the United
States and will ask the naturalisa­
tion rights for the Japanese people,
which ths United States government
will have eventually to grant.
present the re-election of a president
Is nearing. America so far hesitating
at this time to bring up these ques­
tions. which are unpopular In Amer­
ican politics.*'
Thirty or Mere Killed—Houses Tntel-
ly Demellshs«! by tornado
Chicago. June 10
known dwid aud 40 person» Injured
atmatltute the list uf Msunlltlsn in­
sulting from storm« uf tornado se­
verity which swept over Southeru Il­
linois and tndlaua and ('«ntrul Ken­
tucky last week These storms earn»
In ths shape uf cloudbursts, high
winds and electrical disturbance«
The property damage will reach many
thousands uf dollars
lluuxea wore
swept away, bridges deeiollehed aud
thousands uf acres uf growing crops
Gradyvllle. Ky . was the worst suf­
A cloudburst deluged (hat
village ot 175 people shortly sfter
midnight and 11
At Now Mlndon. Ill . a turnado thia
morning killed five perooua and In­
jured half a dosen others
At York. Ill . on the Wnbneh river,
throe persona were killed and 30 In­
jured by a tornado which descended
upon the town la«t night.
At Duquoln. Ill . many bouwra
were blown down around the out­
skirts of the towu and four persous
wero Injured.
York, III , June 10
Three per­
sons arc dead and eight fatully In­
jured as a result of a tornado which
practically wiped out this town last
The loss to property Is esti­
mated at 0180,000.
Tho storm broke while moat of (ho
people were at supper. Entire fam­
ilies wore burled
The storm lasted
The Methodist Kplacopal church
was demolished and the proprietor of
a saloon across tho street was hurled
through hla door Into a thick hedge
50 feet away.
Many horses and cattle were blown
away, and the carcass«« apparently
fell Into tho Wabash river.
latulsvllle, Ky . June 10
one persons were killed, the village
devastated Kild several thousand
acres of crop« ruined by a cloudburst
that descended on llradyvllle. Ky .
and vicinity last night
All the dead
were residents nf llradyvllle
lli.- dlaaatcr win due to Illg Creek,
..ulluarlly a small stream, which
waa swollen by recent ralua
the cloudburat occurred the creek
took a new course with tho Impetus
of a tidal wave.
The Inhabitants of Gradyvllle near­
ly all wyre abed when tho waters
«truck the place, carrying away alx
large re«l<l«iicea. a mill and a mini
ber of smaller houaea Nearly all the
victim« were drowned, but four were
crushed by the colls pee of dwellings
Nashville. Ill , June 10
A tor­
nado swept over New Minden, seven
miles north of this city, at 6 o'clock
this morning, killing five persona and
Injuring eevoral
A number Of
houses were demolished
The storm struck the northern
portion of the town nnd moat of the
houaea destroyed were cottages
the town the German Lutheran
church waa badly damaged, the roof
being blown off.
The church bell
waa hurled through the large pipe
organ below, badly damaging It On
the north aide of the church the par­
ochial school was demolished These
buildings were practically tho only
ones In the village proper that were
The French strikers are returning
to work very alowly and reluctantly
The present revolt tn China is be­
lieved to have been organised In
British War Office Suppresses Honest
A terrorist bomb thrown at Lodi.
History of Boar War.
Rnssia, killed two detectives and
London. June IL- England la not
wounded five others.
to know the real truth about the
Boer War. To save the reputations
The assassin who killed ex-Presi-
of certain well-known generala and
dent Barillas, of Mexico, says his
Launch of Ba tlesh:p Minnesota Lost
officials, the war office has bad Col­
cousin hounded him to It.
With All On Bord.
onel Henderson's unfinished “history
Three men made a balloon voyage
of the Boer War" destroyed. It waa
Washington. June 12.—The loss
from Washington, D. C . to Harris­
written as the official hlatory by the
at one time of six young midshipmen
burg, Pa., 200 miles. In 4>4 hours.
greatest English writer on military
fresh from the academy at Annapo­
The government will soon begin lis and a boatswain and four enlisted
subjects since Napier, but its author
suit to force Harriman to tell what men attached to the battleship Min­
died before completing It.
he knows concerning the Alton stock nesota. 11 men altogether, was re­
After Colonel Henderson's death
the war office examined hla work and
ported to the Navy Department In a
WaN Street Men Rely or Statute of
found that It waa much too out­
An earthquake In China Is report­ dispatch from the fleet at Hampton
ed to have killed 4.000 people and Roads which says:
June 10
The decision
"A ditty box belonging to the fire­
left thousands more deetltute and
nf the Federal authorities not to In-
has therefore entirely suppressed his
man of the Minnesota's missing
stltute criminal proceeding« against
work, and order the compilation of
launch has been picked up near
E II Harriman In connection with
It Is said the Standard Oil Com­ berth No. 47. and I am forced to
an entirely new history by a staff of
pany is so busy fighting the courts conclude that the launch with all on
officers under the direction of Gen­ Rldlculous to Think of Any Serious the railroad operations was the prin­
cipal subject nf discussion nn Wall
and legislatures that It has no time board Is lost. I have ordered a board
eral Sir Frederick Maurice, who is
Trouble Over Small Matter.
Mr Harriman «pent tho day
now for politics.
perhaps the only military writer who
of Investigation. The steamer was
Seattle, Wash . June 11.—General at hla country home, and his asso­
could adequately fill Colonel Hen­ Baron Kuroki, who represented the
Japanese residents of Tokio de­ last seen at the exposition pier about
derson’s place. But the new official Japanese Emperor at the Jamestown ciates would not discuss the matter
mand that their government take ac­ midnight last night.”
history will deal gently with the rep­ Exposition, declared here shortly be­ for publication.
tion regarding the diplomatic rela­
Interrala friendly tn Mr llsrrlmsn
utations of the distinguished mud- fore sailing on the Kakn Maru for
tion with China and the United
Senator Morgan Dead
assert a belief that the government
Washington. June
will abandon Ita cnee agslnat the so-
between America and Japan.
called Harriman lines The Idea that
John W. Gates who has Just re­ States Senator John Tyler Morgan,
Lays Corner Store
"The friendship that has existed Mr Harriman would be criminally
turned to New York from the South­
Washington. June 11- President for 20 years cannot be broken by prosecuted was never very seriously
west. says the damage to wheat does night.
Roosevelt, as a member of the blue such an Incident as that at San Fran­ entertained In fltranclnl circles
Senator Morgan had been In bad
not exceed 5 per cent. Cotton is dam­
cisco." he said "There will be no war
aged somewhat more, on account ot health for a number of years, but
lodge of masons, made an address at between Japan and America In my Harriman's friends say that there
had more or less regularly attended
heavy rain«.
has been no basis for such action
the laying of the cornerstone of the lifetime or In your lifetime
value of I | Flour
84.80; mieignt,
straight 81.25 Masonic Temple which Is to be erect­
rinur —
----- I Patent,
41CIH. ♦T.rru,
the sessions of congress. ~
He suffer- sale demonstrates that the
and that moat nf the alleged Illegal
The name of the baby Prince of ed from angina pectoris, which was orchard properties in *•
— ”
------- c • ]ear$ $
^ 42s, ..
84.30(84 40, gra ed at Thirteenth street and New may be momentary flurries and some acts Imputed to him are barred by
Spain has been entered on the roll the cause of his death.
River Valley Is rapidly Increasing, .............
ham flour,
50; whole wheat flour York avenue. The gavel and trowel
the statute of limitations. The stock
of a regiment, and he wears the
serious will come of It. The senti­
At the deathbed were his datieb- and It is a foregone conclusion that
number of It tn gold pinned on his ters. Miss Mary Morgan and Miss Southern Oregon lands will, in the | Barley—Feed, 322@ 22 50 per ton; used were the same as those used by ment of friendship between the two market's response to the news waa n
substantial rise In the Harriman Is­
President Washington In laying the
bib. A room In tho barracks is re­ Cornelia Morgan, both of this city, near future, bring the same prices brewing, nominal; rolled,
“ '
' cornerstone of the United States Cap­ countries Is too deeply seated among sues. with correspond I ng advances
served for him as the latest recruit. and his secretary, J. O. Jones.
the people to allow a small matter to elsewhere In the Hat.
that prevail in the Hood River Valley 24
itol. September 18, 1793, and the
Queen Victoria is doing well.
Mr Morgan's home In Alabama and Yakima country.
Corn—Whole, 826; cracked, 827 per Bible was used by Fredericksburg provoke nn open rupture.”
The Honduras National Lottery was at Selma, where the funeral will
Ix>dge No. 4. of Virginia, when Pres­
Down to Work.
Hay—Valley timothy, No. 1. 8t?<@ ident Washington became a member
Company, of Wilmington, Del., suc­ take place, the body probably being
Moro Loss In Bay City.
Arc Lights tor Medford.
Norfolk, Va., June 10.- Reveral
cessor of the Louisiana Lottery Com­ taken there Thursday.
Ran Francisco, June 11.— Fire
Medford—Dr. Ray. manager of 1’ per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy. of the fraternity.
hundred prominent business men of
; clover, 89; cheat. 89(810;
pany. has surrendered for destruc­
the Condor Power Co., who recent- 8216123;
which broke out shortly after 11
tion all Its boeks and paraphernalia,
Norfolk. Including physicians, law­
ly purchased the Medford lighting grain hay. 89 0 10; alfalfa, S13@14.
Denmark Will Not Sell Island.
paid fines aggregating 8284.000. sold
yers, architects, engineers, newspap­
London. June 12.—Thomas J. plant, tendered a banquet to the i Domestic Fruits—Strawberries.
Ita printing plant and quit business.
Commercial Club last evening, and
O'Brien, lately minister to Denmark,
The ermen. printers and patriotic rltliena
box; apples, $182 50 per box; goose­ tions of high living have claimed an­ damage estimated at 8200.000
Raisuli. the noted bandit has been who Is on his way to begin bls duties today began the Installation of a berries. 601 7c per pound; cantaloupes,
modern arc system of street lighting.
other victim. "Dandy Jim" the only fire started In a stable, and although In general, went to the Jnmoetown
offered a pardon on condition that he
32 508 3.00 per crate; apricots. 81.50(8 dog In the world who possessed a fire alarms were turned In and a Exposition and engaged In hard man­
leave Morocco and live away from as ambassador to Japan, is In Lon­ For the first time In Its history.
large portion of the fire department ual labor, assisting In the genera!
Tangier on a pension to be paid him don. He says that the recent report Medford Is using arc lights for street 1.78 per crate.
| Root Vegetables—Turnip«. 82 00 per personal fortune of 810.000 and was on hand In a few minute«, the cleaning up of the grounds prior to
by the government.
A friend of that the sale of the Danish West In­ lighting.
sack; carrots, 82 50 per sack; beet«, many diamonds. Is dead. As to the Franklin Grammar School, the Yose­ the arrival of President Roosevelt
Raisuli proposes that be make a tour dies to the United States has been
81 25<fi.l 50 per sack; garlic, 7|<gl0c precise cause of his death there Is mite Flour Mill«, a lodging-house «nd the Georgln day celebration Mon­
of the British and American music renewed, but Is baseless.
He said
per pound; horseradish. 7@8c per unhappily no doubt.
"Got too fat nnd the wholesale houses of the Cus­ day. It was found Imponatble to Be­
halls. It is believed that Raisuli fav­ the matter had never been officially
to breathe" Is the verdict of the phy­ toms Reed Company and the Ran en re sufficient laborers, and the bus­
ford has rendered an opinion In an­ pound; chicory 30c.
ors such a scheme.
discussed by the Danish officials
Fresh Vegetables—Cabbage. Cali­ sicians who attended him In the sud­ Francisco Paste Company plant were iness men volunteered.
swer to an Inquiry from W. W. Cot­
A waterspout in Kentucky did 850, and himself. He added: “Personal- ton. of the Board of Regents of the fornia, 3/q3lc per pound; cauliflower, den selxure of apoplexy that followed destroyed
ly I now think the sale is out of the Agricultural College, in which he 81*8.1.25 per dozen; lettuce, head. a light luncheon of chicken and may­
000 damage.
Freak of Lightning.
The influences which de­
354145c dozen; onions, 106a 12jc per
Japan Would Take Un Armi
Kuroki gave aearly 8500 in tips to feated the former attempt stili exist. holds that the Board must apply Its dozen; tomatoes, 8225(84 50 crate; onnaise of salmon, topped off with a
Denver, June 10. George S Speer
1907 appropriation of 865.000 on
the Chieago hotel employee where be
and M C. Weimer, both of Chicago,
1907 contracts and Its 1908 appro­ parsley. 25(<j30c; artichoke«. 65<875c
leader of the opposition In the House
Degenerating Into Anarchy
wore struck by a bolt of lightning
priation ot a similar amount on 1908 dozen; hothouse lettuce, 82 box; pea«.
Cruiser Comkg.
6^,7c; radishes, 20c dozen; asparagus.
Ixmdon, June 12.—A St. Peters­ contracts.
Harriman eannot borrow money
north of this city Saturday nfternoon
Kumamoto. In the Sutauka rebellion,
6c pound; bell peppers. 30<83Sc per
abroad, owing to attacks on his roads burg dispatch to the Telegraph says
Cound; rhubarb. 4c per pound; cucum- er Charleston, flagship of the Pacific la reported to have said anent the and badly shocked. Both men were
at borne.
that the Internal condition of Rus­
New Railway Corporations.
squadron, was ordered to Portland
stunned but will recover. Speer and
Minnesota may form a league with sia is growing more serious. Mur­
Salem—The Portland Eastern Rail­ crate; beans, 121(815c Pfr pound; to participate In the rose festival, be­ American question: “The persecution Weimer were conducting an experi­
other states to fight for state control
ginning June 19. and to remain In of the Japanese In San Francisco In a
der Is common: pillage has become a way Company was incorporated today ■quash, 50c881 per box.
of railroads
ment In photographing n large area
by E P Clark. Arthur H Fleming.
Onions—Oregon, 32(82 50 per hun­ the harbor and take part In the most wicked act. Should diplomacy
Fourth of July celebration.
fall to bring about a satisfactory so­ of country by sending up a camera
After a very eold and backward
Is but an expression of the peas­
When it was ascertained that the lution. the only way open to us Is an attached to a kite, when a sudden
spring, the Eastern States finally have ants' dissatisfaction with the land­ C W Miller, with a capital stock of
Potatoe«—Jobbing price: Oregon
Charleston, drawing 2 5 feeHof water, appeal to arms. "Our mind Is firmly
warm weather.
owners. Statistics show that during 85.000.000 The company proposes to and Eastern. 82 25 per sack; new po­ could safely cross the bar and ascend made up. It Is certain that America storm came up nnd before tho kite
Longshoremen to the number of 15. the week ending J8aturday. 158 per­ build a railroad from Portland to tatoes, 5)(86c pound; sweet potatoes. the river to Portland, the president will yield, for Its people are radical­ could be hauled down a bolt struck
Clear T.ake. Wasco County, by Salmon 6c per pound.
It and prostrated both men.
000 returned to work on a compromise sons suffered,
Eighty were killed
River and Troy Lake Pass
| Butter — City creameries:
Extra saw to It that the flagship was de­ ly commercial In their sentiment.”
with tho steamship eompasiee.
and 78 wounded.
¡creamery. 2U825C per pound. State tailed as above stated
Oust» ths Breweries
All linemen employed by the tele­
Wants a Receiver.
New Government Survey.
creameries: Fancy creamery, 24c;
Topeka, Kan . June 10.- The «fate
phone company in San Francisco have
Establishes Colony.
Washington—A. H. Sylvester, of
supreme court granted a Judgment of
struck in sympathy with the telephone
London. June 12.—Letters i patent the Geological Survey. Is at work
Cheese—Oregon full cream twins,
Boaton, June 11.—The submarine cation was made In Common Pleas ouster agslnat the Anheuser-Busch
establishing a responsible | govern- topographically survevlng land In 16c; Young America, 17c per pound
boat Octopua was towed to a point Court here for a receiver for the Brewing Company and held that the
Japanese merchants who speak both ment In the Orange River colony Oregon. including Bull Run forest
Poultry—Average old hens, 14c;
Span ish and English ere steadily ex were Issued Monday night, With a reserve and that portion of the Cas­ mixed chickens, isle; spring fryers six mile« northea«t of Boston light­ Farmers' Co-operative Harvesting recent appointment of recrlvera for
tending their trade in the larger cities few modifications the new |_ govern- cade forest reserve which Includes and broilers. IA412OC; old roosters, 9 ship snd underwent here deep-sea Machine Company. The company la the property In this state of foreign
ment follows the lines laid down In Mount Hood. This area covers 'h- 8 10c; dressed chickens. 16<gl7c; tur­ submergence test. lowered Into the capitalised at 8600.000 and was or­ brewing companies was legal and
of the west coast of South America.
proper In order to protect, preserve
the Transvaal constitution.
drainage basin for the Portland keys, live. 10812c; turkeys, dressed, sea by a powerful derrick, the Octo­ ganised three years ago by William nnd render effectual the court's Juris­
In the poorer districts of Chieago
choice, nominal; geese, live, per pus was sunk to a depth of 205 feet, N Whlte’y, the well-known agricul­
water supply.
A dozen foreign browing
vest, pork sad mutton are entirely out
pound, 8c; young ducks. 17<818c; old where she rested on the bottom, re­ tural Implement manufacturer
Devil Wagons In China.
The com panto« are affected
The opinion
of the market and only the poorer cuts
maining 40 minutes. When the sub­ complainant la a stockholder, who al­ was written by Justice It A Burch,
Pekls, June 12.—Three French,
• 600 An Ac -a.
of beef can bo reached by tho con
marine was raised she was found to leges the financial condition of the the other Judge« concurring.
one Dutch and one Italian motor­
Oregon City—State Treasurer Geo.
Eggs—17jc(8 U|c per dozen.
be In perfect condition, not the company Is disturbed.
cars started this morning In the Pe- A. Steel has sold his 32-acre farm
Veal—Dressed, 75(®125 pound«, 5*8 slightest leak being discovered.
The English government has prom­ kln-to-Parla race. The Chinese were near Meldrum station, on the line of
Rock Springs Strike Ende.
ised relief for evicted Irish tenants, much astonished, as this was the the O. W. P. division of the Portland flie; 125(8150 pounds. 7e; IMNBMO
R««k to Ov«rihrow Cabin»!.
Omaha, June 10
At a meeting In
and aleo education, in return for the re­ first time motor-cars had been seen Railway, Light A Power Company, to pounds, 6c; 200 pounds and up. 5|(86c
Beef—Dressed bulls. 4(®4jc per
Omaha Saturday between D O. Clark
jection of the Irish bill by the Nation­ in Pekin.
an Eastern man for 816,000.
Odessa. June 11.— In consequence brought from Japan by ths steamer general manager of the Southern Pa­
alist convention st Dublin.
of the fear Inspired by the terrorists Bellerophon that when Admiral Yo- cific Coal Company and Thomas Gib­
7(8 fie.
Defeats Persian Rabat».
New Carrier at Ho'broek.
Delegatee of the French sailors have
Mutton—Dressed, fancy, 9c per here, two police Inspectors, five sub­ komoto, now traveling with Prince son. president of District No 22. of
Teheran, June 12.—It Is reported,
___ _____ —Herman
advised them to return to work, pend
W. Gans pound; ordinary, 8($8|c; spring lambs. Inspectors and 17 policemen have Fushlml, returns to Japan an effort the United Mineworkers of America,
asked to be allowed to resign
The will be made to defeat Premier Ral- the strike In thè coal mines of Rock
lag a promised settlement of their de­ that Hlssam Mullk, the rebellious has been appointed regular. Oscar 108 loic
mands In spits of this, however, 1,000 nrlnce, attacked flalar ed Dowlea. Folkenberg substitute, rural free <Jo. j pork -Dressed. 100(8130 pounds. authorities refused the request, as­ onjla* cabinet and form a new mln- Springs. Wyo , was brought to a tem­
­ latry headed by Admiral Yokomoto, porary sett lament and work will be
strikers at Havre have voted to eoa Saturday, but waa compelled to r»-. livery carrier, route one, at Holbrook sj(8»c; 1508200
ds, ?®7ic; 200
stitute treason.
treat with heavy leases.
I pounds and up 6
former Minister ot the Nsvy.
resumed Monday.
Siane the strike.