The Gate Keeper SELL YOUR CREAM "In Faith, In Hop«, In Charity, and with FhleHty. !! ( '« *1 »H to vrv to buMilttN’N of to lih'h tlie follotoiiig in a brief nviioimi I» ; ....----------------------------- to ------------------------------- ;; Butter-Iat, f. o. b. Boring, 25c. Prices subject to ; ; ! : change. Wagon will call. Write lor particulars to I ls> sold to Mdtlvrs al I J Vi i»r acre. I A résolution was adopted thanking the last legislatura lor passing the bill giving women equal rights with meli over community priqierty. It was resolved that Ilia acceptance of (m-s by alate otllccrs was Illegal and action to recover was demanded. DAMASCUS CREAMERY COMPANY BORING ... OREGON ’ T Every Man His Own Doctor. “Please, sir.” ah« said, "tba lady says she Is anxious to see you.” Tlie average man cannot afford to em­ He walked flrnly to the door, opened ploy a physician tor every slight ailment It aud entered. He bad made up bla or injury that may occur in Ina family, INITIATIVE INVOKEIt. mind wbat to aay aud how to say It nor can lie afford to I eglect them, as so Two initiative lawa wert» «itlborlxed It would be best lo ask wife to dis slight an injury as the scratch of a pin cum matters In a friendly spirit snd THE KT A KT FROM WKLCH'K EOK MT. HOOD. and Ibe exrculive eommitt< cause the bias of a for their dsughter*» sake agree to ntriH'ted lo prv|-nrv ihvm. Tb« first some arrangement whereby Constance limb. Hence every man must from rama up in a raport fron» tlie committs« HTATE omCfeKH* KEPoKTH. During many au Atlanll* crossing be candor. should see her occasionally. There neceaaity he hie own doctor for thia class ■>n e-lucatioii, advising lli« grange to and Nr. Traill bad talked of that last Ntnle Maater Buxton in bia r«*|H>rt told "Khe Is much lietter," she asaured need be no tears, no recriminations, no I of ailments. Kucceeo often n prompt treatment, which can only of the rffeetlve work «lone by the ciilty. Il reeommendeil tli« adoption Ind Ju«t Joined the service, sat at their "'Hint's all right," be announced, as of the vanished years. Tlie passion, the lie had when suitable medicines are through eu*o|M«ratt<>n ami a|«»kr for ei* bible, aa was the custom *if Jr.ilor of If a load «*ere off Ills mind, and then, agony, of the old days was dead. Their o( tlie state lecturer's Suggestion on a kept at hand. Cbaaaberloin’a Remedies leimioii of thiN phaae of ita activity, lie fleers lu those years. yns and no vole. A Committee of Ihre« somewhat to her mystification, ba en­ secret bad been well kept It waa have lieen in the market for many years toko mlhMl iittcntion to the orgiinixnlioit Mr. Traill smiled, lie knew wbat tertained her with th« news. known only to tiioae whom they could was also autliorlse.' to get Inlorinalioii ami enjoy a good reputation. aw a factor in regulating l< gial»ili<»n> and wab In tlie other man’s mind. Elsie aud Mamie bad quitted Pen­ trust, and they might part without and Ist la lelating to Normal schools Chamtierlain's Colic, Cholera and urged tlie tiiembera to work for invaaiirva "Do you see a likeness lu this young zance the prerlous evening, an aunt heart burnings, while < onstauce would from ollier state« com-ertdiig learuiiig lady to any one you have ever having traveled from Boston as aoou be spared Ibe suffering of knowing ¡•isrrhiea Remedy for bowel complaints. to their o tin iih til inter cwt. In «(Making and general c-hiiational Systems and By LOUIS TRACY. k.ihwu?" be asked. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for of tlie State Agricultural College hr dv as tlie flrat tidings of the wreck reach­ that ber mother and she were sepa­ aiilunit sani« b> Ibe esecutive commil- AstKav si ~n» Wieg» at Uvv M.rwlag- "Well, sir,-I biqie It will uot hurt ed her rated forever. cough, colds, ero-ipand whooping cough. clarwd it a liuilitiv« mii «I trachinif eor|w Ice aa a livlp in prv|mring tlie pro|M«ed your fe lings, aii.1 It's n good many These things were well ordered In bls "Khe was a young, nice looking aunt, Chamlierlain's Pain Balm (an anti­ ahould l*v rnlaig<*«| to meet the lived of years ago uow, but I could have sworu too," he said cheerfully. “And 1 was brain when be looked at bis »lfs. Khe meaaiire. septic liniment) for cuts, bruises, burns. »* rapidly increuaing Httrh nt '"That Is what struck Elsie, ” he ad ­ school mattem, wlille Slate Icvturer suffering from collapse aud lu a fever­ gas|«d Emmett. stomach troubles. preiH'hl IN I f I i G in |M <*Ottldiva, the ill- mitted. "Khe said she didn't know why VValdo iavored such a priM-edure and ish stale. Tlie doctor's verdict was A small aervlnt maid with the ears I couldn't marry Auut laiulaa right off, Chamberlain's Salve lor diseases of crenae in iiicinlM^rNhip l*<*iiig KV1 for the that she was lu some danger, but advieed the gruitge tu takv up a matter of a raid» I was Usteulug «*u*ll xiumj at the skin. year. The rvceipta for the | n * n I year would recover If i-aiwfully teuded and the o ; m * ii w indow lien* Inlved was a aud then we could all live together so­ «hielt the legislalure bad rrhieed to ciably.” One Isittle of each ot tlieae five prep­ were The vi|trnnra of the arc- kept In absolute quiet. choice tidbit for the milkman au»l the «eitle. Mis. IValdo »sei tlie |«ople bad "Ob! And what did the lady any?” *'ls t'oustaiice wltli her Y' asked Pyne. IMMtumii uml th»* butcher's and gro arations coats but 11.25. For sale by all rvtaiy*« oilier n nioitn I rd to IUH.7*^. "She thougkt It was a great Joke un­ Iven lurned down by Ilie legislalure and "Yea." doalera. Giber expenditure# brought the total up cer'a Isjys. From this lower current til I said that unfortunately 1 had state executivr; tlial Ilie grätige repre- “And where is Mr Bra nd Y' the streamer talk flowe I upward until t*> |;kkl7,7l. Total receipt# and ItalanrrN “lie will lie here aoou. He asked me It reached ilie august drawing room of made other arrangements. Then she «entrd the people and «hoiild give thein Notice of Sheriff's Sole. were llo.O27.7U, leaving mi hand guessed ber niseia hau got a bit out of an ciise of By virtue ol an execution. Judgment order, “Oh. yes," said Jack's mother snare- inilialion. eveuts «luce we lauded. ” cle?" be said cautiously. nual re|M>rt of the llnnncinl coiiditi<»n of decree nud order ol sale imued out ol the above ly. "It Is quite true. Of course I have The otber law to I m * iniliated by the From that point their conversation "Yes." she faltered. entitled court in the above entitled cause, to the Oregon Stale t¡range aa follow«: known It from tlie first. According to dealt with generalities. Koon the girl grange ««■ lakcti up on a resolution by "Did lie say anything else?" me directed and dated the third day ot April, present arrangements, the marriage KM'tum. IW, upon a judgment rendered and enter»**! perceived bla Intent. Ills sole desire "Yew cousin." A I Mason, and a messure will I m * «ule will take place lu the spring. Fluid's In said court on the ninth day ot October. lWS. I st C«*h on hahd Ual rv)M»rt *'l«'t me take you right In. I guess It marriage settlement will be nearly a was to place ber at ber ease, to make uiitted whicli will drprive tlie h-gisla* In tnvor ot Ven Burnt A Pavla Co., plaintiff, M«rrlv«H| ho« «.I»» u ber realize that no matter wbat trou­ «-ould make a sensation If I here. quarter of a million." ture y tlie initiative. If faced with a smile. Khe responded . J KJ bard for U m *, will you?" biflburi»cm*’ntB word. A mllllou. even In fractions, la a per ceut per annum from the twelfth -lay of The commitle« on legislslion subniit- to bls* mood and eullvened the drive While tin* ^tldren waited In the ball I «.JU I» so glib, yet so unattainable August. ISM, and the further sum of Slt.h'i with balance on hand teil a resolution to amend Ibe initiative be accoiupanled tlie girl up the stairs with comments on the people they mgt StiU the laid w>thlng. interest al the rate of « per cent per annum Tlie only paraon who was slightly ' and villages they pass- «•as seate-l near the window, ami ber rom the twenty-fourth »lay of April, lsu». and referendum lawa by inaerting an ami threw o|ieu the door ot the slltiug dissatisfied with the progress of eveuts and the bouses ed. For two hours the world went well MIKl’EI I AN EOI H MATTERN. eincrgi-iicy clause. Il was cootemled room beautiful eyea. brilliant as ever, were costs, disbursements and attorneys' fees, and was Pyne. Constance never appeared. “Here la BouwtKMly you want to see. Klie shared with Mrs Kbeppard the because it wss forgotten. fixed ou bis wltli barrow lug Intensity. tor the further sum of H.XO. accrued coat» and W N. l"Kcu wab the principal s|M'sker that only copv aliould I* inxvsaary lor Enid. the conspirator. waited until They xboue with the dumb paiu of a disbursements, and the coats of and upon this um'le." be cried and rejoined tlie little care of ber mother. Enid, blithe and al tin* session. II« argued against a »» |«*raon aoliciting algnatures nnd tliat oues writ, »-onimanding me to make vale of the lol the pair In the dogcart were out of wuiluded animal. guileless lu the public eye. did the tlie state sliould la-ar all expenae. Il ’ lowing described real property, to-wlt: prop m * I amcialmcnl t*> the initiative "Hoo-rooah!" be yelped. "Now let's housekeeping and represented the sight. Tlien «be went to the little room He walkej toward ber and held out ’ Southwest quarter ol northeast quarter and and relervnduut. The stami taken by was aliown tliat if an emergency clause buy a toy store." at the back of the cottage where Brand bla band. Her Illness bad brought out household. ' northwest quarter of southeast quarter Sec. M. tlie grange is that the anieiidmcnt prac­ slioiil-l Iw allaclied to any lull tliere Euld aud ber fattier faced ench other pretended to lie busily eugaged In com ­ certain resemblauces to Constance. I T. I. K. R. ( k.. Multnomah county. Oregon. Braud, too. save for a couple of via tically makes tlie amendment proliib- would I m * iio recourae, nur any danger for some ae*-oiid« In silent bewilder­ its to the hotel, remalued Invisible, He piling a scientific account of bls auri- Khe look«*d younger, as xume «'omeu Sow therefore by virtue ol raid execution, acofie. ilive, owing b> tlie great ei|M-nse it cn o| I um by tcclmicalities, any veutlonal words lu such a moment? behind tlie screen of Brand's reserve. if I'yne's calculations were worth any ­ lion on aewssnienl ami taxation and should be painful. It Is better that we iwenlv-fourth dav at April. 1«®. the date of "Constance takes after ber father." re|s>rt at Hie next meeting. Il was memla-ra of different counties were not Iler lips quivered, and tears trembled be told himself. "There may lie trou­ thing they should have fair play. should have a quiet talk than that we Ibe judgment, or »Ince that dale had in and lo In her eyea. Then he knew, Tile lace approved : “ Oh. ” be commented sharply, “ but should |»art again In auger and bitter- the above described property or any part votisi the sctiliiimnl id tlie mis ting also ble alsiut ber mother. In the scurry 1 | the maid Is In?" thereof, to satialy «aid execution, judgment To bring about the division of coun­ around her white neck waa fastened may get left. I must think this out." uess.” that tlie grange is in favor of employing order and decree. Interest, cost» and ate ruing "Yes. She Is such a stupid girl in ties into senatorial and representative with a little gold I ihmm -I i lM*nrlng a four She caught his baud In both of hers. At last cairn* a day of warm sun­ prison lalur on public highways. R. L STS VIMS leafed shamrock In emeralds. He look­ shine when Euld announced that the some things. If—If our guest rings you 8ti!l she said nothlug Her large eyea Sheriff of Multnomah county. Oregon. Thursday tin- grange held joint memo­ districts. ed at her with a profound reverence I will bear ber. Would you mind asking gaze*I up at bim as If she sought to luialld by the doctor's orders was car ­ Emmons A Emmons, Attorneys. To give the public (yll ownership and and caught her tiy the shoulders. rial service with Canby I'i*st, <1. A. Il Mar)' wbat It is iu case she gets mud- read In bis face the thoughts he might Paled this third day of May, 1W7 ried downstairs. i died?" "My dear." lie murmured, "you are Tim grange dead, in honor of whose control of railroads. First Issue May ID, 1WT. last issue June 7,1W7. not utter, the memories be might not "Has Mr. Brand seen ber yet?” asked Changing bylaws in regard to method very llke*your mother." He glanced at ber. She was pulling recall. Her lips distended. He saw ber memory the service waa livid, were Fyue. *‘I sm glad.” she said and kissed him. on her gloves aud vastly bothered by a mouth twitching at tlie corners. Jli lge II. I*. Itiiaeof Nalvm ; Mrs. Elisa >>t electing deb gates and payment of "No," replied Enid, with a little It is pri>|MHivd to hereafter “Nanette." be said again, though bla moral sulckle once tn tuy life. Let It Willina of Turnvr; I'lymplon Kelly of mileage. rloud on ber fair face. “He never men refractory button. CH A ITER XIX. “If I bear the bell I will Inquire.” be voice was not «ell under control and ■■flee!“ tloua her. And bow we wish he would, Ewiling Star; Mra. Mary Walker ol pay but 3 cents mileage each wav. WEEK passed. In the fickle lie Is suffering, but keeps Bllent. aud said, aud she esca;>ed. feeling quite something rose lu bla throat and stifled The fixed plan of the study, with Its Changing Hie bylaws tiling tenure of Albany; Alls'll Mit'minell of Mayville, memory of the outer world ths tielther ('onstamv nor I can make any | wicked. him. “I appeal to you not to give way carefully arranged phrasi-s. was not ao office of delegates at two years; also to ami Mrs lantha Kruse of Tualatin. story of the Gulf Hock light­ Suggestion." When be was alone be did not re­ to—to emotion. You may-become 111 readily acceptable to the man now. The cash prim*« for excellence in l-slge initiate amendment« ; also to raise sal­ house was becoming mellow sume Ills task. In the next room, sepa­ again—and I would never forgive my­ Wbat would become of bis wife if he "But what « III l>e the outcome?" work were awarded by the state master, ary of secretary of State Grange to EVO with age Men now talked of war In drove her forth this time of bls own] "How can I tell? Ttiat ulght after rated from him only by a brick wall, self." Africa, of the yellow larril. of some we left the Imtel he told us the story was bls wife. A wall! Why should the «inner of the baimera fn five dis­ a year. Still clinging to his band, she sank on accord to live In mournful solitude,! brooding over a wasted life and look I Tn ap|sirtion state school money ii|s>n baccarat squabble In a West End club. tricts being: Evening Klar Grange, of bls married life. It did not seem to there al«ays be a wall Iwtween them? ber knees by bls side. But there was It was i«t of bis buildiug. Had she uo wild burst of tears. Her sorrow Ing forward only to an occasional visit Milwaukie Grange, Hop. Grange, lire- the basis of attendance. l»e utterly lni|M>sslble to straighten But Its vitality lingered lu i'cuzance. from her daughter? To change duration of policies in There were side Issues which I’yue's matters, but we knew uothlng of ber made It Impassable during the loug «'as too deep for such kindly aid. town Grange, Blue Mountain Grange. years? Aud what would be the out­ A host of impooxlble ideas jostled In “Stephen.” she whispered faintly. "I grange tire insurance from three to live All of these grange« were also awarded device bud kept from the public ken, enrver during so mauy years. Was »be come now that Constance was lu dally cannot ask you to fo^et. but you have bls brain. He strove desperately to but which the town’s folk pondert-d. married again? I have usked my fa cash prim*« also of fl.’i Ollier granges years. commuulon with lier mother? The doc­ «lioken of forgiveness. Can you for­ find sonle easy way of suggesting the To fix a coni|M-n«ation for the legis­ Lady Margaret Stanhope. obeying her tber. He believes she was, but la not tor lu kiudly Iguorauce bad told t'm also won smaller prises. settlement which appealed to him aa give?” sou’s liehests, tantullxed her friends by Certain." lative committee. The liftli ami sixth degree* were con­ He bent over aud would have raised the fitting one, but bls soul revolted “Father” was Mr. Traill; Braud re- that Mrs. Vansittart was convalescent smiling serenely and telling them noth ­ That sulairdinate lialgea retain all of and would Is* able to travel In a tew ber. She cluug to him with such en from the notion of formulating a de­ ferred upon a I a « of nearly 21X1 at an ing when they pestered li<-r with ques­ rnalned "dad." Thus did Enid solve days. In response to a question th« ergy that lie desisted. cree of banishment against this ethe­ « veiling session, after w hielt the entire initiation lee, and pay State Grange but tions- that la to say. she spoke not the dltflculty. “Ia she nware that Constance knows doctor added that the lady heraeli ; “My |*oor wife." be murmured, “wbe real. ghostlike creature who bad been grange |iarl<«>k id a straw lierry festival 15Vents a quarter on each member. one word almut tile lady who was be­ asked when she might be moved. am I that I should deny that which 1 thrust back Into bls very keeping from To give sul sin 11 list e granges the power ►he la tier mother T' ing nursed liaek to health In the light ­ in the iqiern house a« the guests ol the Wbat was her plan? Mr. Traill that hope to obtaiu from my Creator?” out the heart of the storm. "AVe think so. Iudeed we are sure to initiate laws and measures insslble to pre­ doubt on tliat |>olut." since she first knew that lier former lust of wealth I strove to crush you morrow or next day. Some of the ed : vent an atmosphere of mystery from as favoring a law which w ill place the “It's a pretty bard nut to crack.” said ausbaud was living. out of my heart And now that God young people will be returning soon. Opposition to nny change in the Aus­ clluglng to Mrs. Vanslttart. Again, inheritance tax in the common sc I kmi I Pyne. He blew cigar smoke Into rluga. Suddenly Brand pushed back bis has humbled me I must bumble my­ If you wish It I will uot tell them 1 tralian ballot law. the gossips were greatly concerned Seemingly the operation aided reflec­ chair from the desk at which be sat fund. A resolution rcatllrmingdemands self. Stephen. I am not your wife. 1 have seen you." Representatives to National Grange about Enid. For a young woman "In tion. for a parcel» |»mt was adopted. Another “The young dog!" he growled. He obtained a divorce"— “It Is for you to decide, Stephen.” were instructed to vote lor establish­ ber iHMltlou” to lie engaged to an oltl "Say, Enid.' he went on. “If the bad. In fact, followed the exact mental She seemed to l»e quite lio|H*less, re­ resolution favored employment of con­ "Nanette." be cried. “I.cannot bear cer In tlie royal navy and admitted to ment of a National Grange paper. weather Is flue tomorrow do you think process wb eb i’yue mapped out fot to see you kneeling at my feet. I ask signed to auy twist or turn of fate. vict lalsir on public highways. tiie sacred ranks of the aristocracy Connie would coiuf* out for a driver* Friday, Septemlwr 20, was chosen as 1 forgive you any Here was a broken woman Indeed, and bim. Tlie letter, the drive. Mrs. Shep­ no revelations. A resolution from Lanta Grange, fath­ was a wonderful tiling In Itself. But "I dou't know. Certainly she needs Grange Hay at the state lair. pard's absence, Euld's uneasy wrig ­ beautiful womanhood. I meet my hus­ the spectacle wus torturing. He had ered by Rev. Hiram Vrooman, favoring that she should lie on open terms of It was recommended that active work the greatest Intimacy uot alone with some freah air. What between her gling at the door, were all parts of au band, whom I might have loved and never understood her as a bright young a special grange tax commission, to anxiety and her mother's Illness they I m - taken up in several counties where the elderly Mr. Tfti III, but with his ordered plan. He was to l>e glveu an houored. patiently following the path girl aud a bride of nineteen. He did studv laws and melliiais of other statve, are la-glnulng to look like sisters." opportunity of seeing bls wife and dis­ Into which my neurotic Impulses drove not understand her now. A man of hla most needed a« an experiment in dep­ good looking nephew, even calling the “Just meution to Connie In her fa- said commission to Is* empowered to oaklike qualities could not grasp the uty work, and *2300 was appropriated latter Charlie and treating him ns a flier's presence that If the sun shines entangling the twisted strands of blui. Stephen, do you think my punish­ draft 'quality laws, all at the ex)H'Hae nature ot a «oman who l>eut as a reed near relative, was an nimixlng circum­ at 11 I will I m * aloug lu a dogcart. twenty years, lie rose impatiently and ment Is complete?” for same. before each puff of wind. of the State Grange, «ns defeated alter |>aced the room quietly withal lest the The bitter self condemnation In ber stance only surpassol by the compla ­ Tin1 secretary was authorised to have Mrs. Vanslttart will be downstairs by It was bard to utter even a common­ n sharp debate. The grunge iqqiosvd woman In the next room should bear voice was not deflant, but subdued. cency with which laidy Margaret aud that time.” IUI0 copies of ths session journal printed bim. A decisiou had been forced on She had traveled tar In spirit through place farewell. She held him by ber new laws on taxation, insisting that en ber son regarded It. “Yes." very belplessuess. But the rapid trot for distribution among the subordinate him. He could shirk It no longer. The actors In this comedy seemed to the vale of tears since the Gulf Kock forcement of existing laws wax all that "Andjf Couule comes out with me of a horse caught bis ears, and while granges. mut ­ "I ’ yue has contrived this," he lie sublimely Indifferent to public opin ­ barred ber onward progress. ia nwsl'il. Aa a compromise, however, you Just And an erraud In town, lloiie he stood Irresolute he saw Constance Gllieera of aulsrnlinate granges are ion. That was tlie worst of It. Enid tered. “He thinks be can see in ore Though she asked a question she tlie apiMiintinent of a committee of five Jack into the scheme or auy old dodge alighting from the dogcart. His wife not to la- elected successively for more was escorted alaiut tlie town by each of that sort. Take care Mr. Braud clearly luto the future than a man seemed to expect uo answer. Brand, was deei'I'-d ii|wm to hsik into tlie quea­ looked out too. They beard their daugh­ twice bls age. Enid is In the plot too. and all of the men at all hours. Now thinking to render ber task less trying, than two years, ami all changes in by­ knows of it. By the way, send Mra. And Connie! No. not Connie. Dear ter laughingly regret that she could not lion ami report at next session. she was at the hospital cheering Bates Sheppard out too.” was still looking through the window laws were voted down. The executive committee waa instruct­ heart! She Is worn with anxiety, yet and watching the steady churning of ask Mr. I’yne to luncheon—meals were and Jackson or the Injured people from "AVliat In the world"— irregular events Just then. ed Io examine nil laws pass'll by the she lias never once mentioned her the wreck, now arranging for the de­ the tender toward Carn du and thence "You’re Just too pretty to think bard, Brand felt a timid hand grasping hla, last legislature, »ml, if nwessary, bring parture of some of the I«Hirer sur­ Enid. It causes wrinkles. Do as 1 ask. mother to me since she carried ber In­ to the lighthouie. STATE GRANGE NOTES. and a choking sob proclaimed that Con­ to the house like an ailing child.” vivors when they were able to travel, there's a good girl.” At last he spoke. inatlerx op|s>»'«l by the grange to notice stance's mother was crying. The referendum upon the university now flitting over to Marazlon to see Back and forth he walked, wrestling "When I entered thia room,” be said. of th'* next legislature with requeat for Enid was delighted to And that with the problem. See his wife he He stooped with a motion that waa appropriation by Linn county wan bus - Jim S|M>n<-e, and once actually visiting “ I meant to avoid a acene which must amendments or re|M‘»l. Brand strongly supfMirted the sugges­ must and before she quitted Cornwall. almost a caress. tnined by resolution approving filing of Mr. Jones, the Innkeeper. have been as exhausting to you as It Is tion that Constance should take the The grange reafllrmod its opp<>»iti'in "Don't cry," be said. "I cannot bear petition by secretary of state. At last a part of ttie secret eked out drive. Pyne, sharp on time, drew up a Was It advisable In tier present state painful to me. Yet as It happens It Is to the Tuttle and Johnso.i road laws and of health to take her hy surprise? well for both of us that you have lifted IL” Enid went with tier father to ask bow Eugene wan chosen ax the next meet­ smart |H>uy In front of the cottage anil “I can bear anything, Stephen," she authorised the state master to draft a Mr. Emmett, the sick chief otflivr, was did not twitch a muscle when Con­ I’yue evidently thought so. Aud the the veil from what baa gone before. sobbed. "If only you will let ma stay doctor! Good heavens! Was the doctor Now It should lie dropped—forever.” road law requiring the stale to pay 50 ing place and State Master Buxton re­ getting on They found him smoking stance, veiled aneak now. I will not trouble.” she said, and «Tien he looked matronly eye. knocked at the door of and for mine, Stephen, If it la not too no change in the present methods of dorsed. Traill noticed tlie sailor's covert at her a alight color was visible through the sitting room, lie heard her deliver faint nor yield to weakness. I will late.” Benator llonrnn and Representative assessment. The question was vigor­ glances at Enid, so be said: live. Have no fear. Death does not the veil. So Constance, hastening up tho gar­ his message. There was no audible “By the nay. Mr. Emmett, yon were Hawley were indorsed in their efforts ' ously debate-l, the sentiment living in “How la your mother?*' he asked ab­ •newer. He was lamenting his folly, come as a skillful healer of the wound­ den path, could uot believe her eyes on the Britannic when my wife and 1. favor of alMilishing the 3 |>er cent relate. to secure juxtici’ to settlera in the matter ed conscience. It may lie s >ught. and I | ruptly. when she saw ber father lift ber moth­ hoping against hope that uo III results her sister uml two children entne to ol the Noulhern Paeitlc land grants, ex­ The resolution was thus approved. He felt rather than saw her start of might be forthcoming to the Invalid have thought of that. But Constance er Into bls arms and kiss ber. Knglnnd before the Esmeralda was would suffer, and If It will spare her tending from Portland to Mary«ville, Nearly 100 members were invested surprise. thus taken by surprise, when he caught TO BE CONTINUED. tost?" Khe did not expect the relationship to Mary’s formal “Yes’m," aud the girl pain I will endure to the eud. Surely I I •nd demand is made that railroad lauds* with the fifth and sixth degrees. "Yea sir” Hsienvd owe ber that reparation. I committed be acknowledged with such sudden ctuuc to bltu. Me PILLAR OF LIGHT 0