Lindgren in honor of her birthday' Those present were I*. Salquist and fam­ ily, A. C. Sward and family, C. I* John­ son and family, T Anderson and fam­ ily, Mr. and Mrs. h W. Anderson and Mrs. Bottleeon. . A number of Powell Valley people went to Portland last Sunday to attend the annual Missions meeting in the Swedish Missions church. Chas. Ilaiumarback of Brantford, 1 Kans , visited over Sunday at the home of A. C. Sward. Ilammarliack intended to g<> to Mexico and came this way, but changed his mind, liought a place and settled down in Warreu. The Missions church is being given a new coat of paint which make* it lk more attractive. C. A. Lindgren ia do­ ing the work. •••••••^•••••••••«•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• i ORLAND 7FFK the Pleasant Home Blacksmith STRAW STOCKS. fact, most all garden product* except melons do well here Tonin toe* yhdil Tka Waste of toll Xiaterlal »a West* abumbintly, but owing to cuoi ulgtits rra Lurtuk. an* baisi to ripen on tlie vines. I'oru • I. ■■■ ■■■■ II ■■ ■■ A good Uetiuan farmer was talking Is grown for table use and could be —WB CARIIY IN •fUVt— about growing wheat at an llliavi» lu- grown for silage. Imt clover bay al • atltuts. lu hla odd. pointed way lie present constitutes the roughage Moat • aald lu regard t > tillage on wheat all fruits, except lieaches and apricots S Wagons, John Drrre Buggies, Farm Tools and Machinery land, "We are lazy too much hi work­ thrive here All lierrlea. plums, prunes J Heavy and Light Harness, Hamess Extras, Horse ing land for wheat." Many are "laajr Brushes and Whips aprica, pears mid elierrlea do exceed J loo much" In making the most out of tllgl.v well. Trees overlauir and as the' the straw in this corn wctloii. where arx* not cared for baie the ap|iearauci • lUM quality. I.oavat prirva. Ilvrvulra blaalmg p>»wd9r( ih’Hvarvd any then* la no eud of c.iruatiilks. It may • • tato bug* on the com>t ami mi appi- ••••••••••••••••••••••••a••••••••••••••••••••••••••• straw' to stock. It can Iw fed. however, with pro(H'r grain to good advantage. norms tn Ileavcr valley. There an But there la no business sense lu let­ aphis, cabbage worms, cut worms, but ting great piles of straw lie and rot no worse than other piare*. Dairying down, almost a t-ital loss, when the la In Its Infancy lion*, but ow ing to the land la hungry for the hmnua this •blindatila* of clover and pure mu straw would make if It was worked nlng waler It Is destined to become a luto manure or otherwise got Into the leading Industry Tbe sumo can be ALL KINDS soil evenly. There Is no sense lu burn •ahi of poultry raising Swine are lug straw, and still that Is not much healthy and five from disease.—L. O Ladies’, Misses’ and Children’s Spring and Summer Hats worse thus letting It rot down In great In Orange Judd Farmer. KELSO stacks. It'may lie ls*st smietlmes to Children’s Embroidery Hats, Babies* Hoods Fraternities In Public tic boots. A musical program consisting of violin, burn stubbles when Insis ts are taking NBW AND tP-TO-DAHU.INI S Opinions differ among educators and mandolin and auto-haip music was ren­ crops as the lesser of two evils Bui dered last Saturday evening at Jonsrud otherwise lio not burn straw or vogetti college authorities ns to the liifiuenecs We give every baby in the community ita ttrxt ¡mir of ahotMi, ble matter In any form. Get It ly public money, that they which now g’ww to waste, liquid worth, elevate the few tavoritea of cliques to of Seattle, was also present. t'has. Sharnke is painting R. Jons­ pound for pound, much more than the honor and distinction. Ignoring tbe solid manure. Get twice ns many loads Firat•rlaaa aintiH»tla(iona rud's house this week. of manure In a winter and worth about rightful authorities and the entire stu­ ('oininrrulal Iradr mtlirilrd Mr. Carlson's house is now ready for twice as tnneh per load If you want to dent tanly, and foster sentiment against ('Ivan I hm I b and g«**! meats kjttaln the highest auecees unit are not the prlmlimls ami Individual teachers. occupancy. fwd Sllblt II CMNttiM Other Influences uro cited as detri­ The grader is busy improving the "lazy too much." Practical Farmer. mental, but these might la* exerted on roads around here. WHEEL ROOST. the playground even were there no so­ CASPER JUNKER, Prop Service» will be held in the Lutheran cieties w orking In eecwt. Wave! 1*1 nw For Mrvurln* Warmth church, June 2, at 3 p. m. Sandy, Oregon Chicago sctiool authorities find the mm «! CttMfort («• Urn«. Read the editorial. “Citizens and Oth­ problem a difficult one. Many smaller The <*oaleAt anti most practical device er Citizens." in last week's Herald if Imaginable fur funiHhing warmth an«! communities have tackled the question you have not already done so. It con­ comfort to the hem* during winter and carried the contest Into court with tains some truths that are wholesome to varying remits College students nre read. more mature and have a dis*|*er sense of liomir to set us a restraint upon couducL They may not. like public SALMON ' school pupils, claim rights as against Mr. McIntyre is having a new dining teachers amVfaculty. Greek letter so room, kitchen, and l>edrooms built ou clerics .amid not exist In higher Insti­ tbe hotel. tutions of learning without tbe tolera­ tion of the autliorttlea. Unless (lower Frank Brown, deputy fish warden, was out for a short visit to wife ami two Is given to public sctiool boards to sup­ press movements of this character It children, who are staying with his fa­ will devolve u|ton |*ar»-nts to co-operate ther, Thomas Brown, superintendent of with the school authorities and use the state hatchery here. their moral Influence with the boys and Oliver Shidler has sold hi* home here girls to regulate If uot stamp out tbe to J. T. McIntyre ami will soon leave evil wherever It appear*. with liis wife and two children. He A XI* HTYt.l OX HOOoT. has not decided where he will go to Tkt TboroiObrn Ptrtbtroi Stillloi Our Irish Immigration. nights lias recently tieen suggeated. make his future home. After a thorough cleaning of the floor The fact that more than eight out of Owned by Ihr Grcaham l'vrchrron The road crew for the toll road has I In tlie poultry house a stout hickory every 1.UU0 Inhabitants of tbe old aval llorw A*B"*cialion. can Iw fimmi at l«een out some days under E. Coleman ■ post about two and one-half Inches In •migrated to this country lilsl year W. F McMnnry’a harn, IT«-«*anl and are getting the road ready fur trav- | diameter Is driven firmly down alsmt shows Hint our charm* nre still *u Home, Wcdneadaya; Boring, Thur»- day»; The** Bruggcr’* liarn, timb­ el. They report the snow nearly gone three feet from the wall. If the bouse perlor tit those of the Irish Autlenilgra- alli, Monday», Tuexlaya, Frulav» and in the mountains. 1* small, so only one Is needed, put It in tlon league. Nearly as many (Mople as Satunlay». The fami'.v of J. A. (.Mell are nearly a corner. Sharpen the top of tills now Inhabit Irvlnml have left Its shore* lilU'ltig i* Ave r*«r« olii, a >*-l black, stake and set then-ou a discarded rivali llmbe«l, vvr> quirl In 4l«|>.wlllon. all suffering with measles but none so •rltrr *h.l halnleun* *a ■ plrlurv, wrlgb. wheel This makes an ideal roost, one for other lands during tbe past forty or iimol. .**•' ( mhiu .1«. * ih I I. • .ur« lual gvllrr far so far are seriously ill. which will accwmmf I hr atAic ui Oregon for Mulliioitiah county place, employing some twenty men, is ner the two walls will furnish two with the steady flow of Irish emigra­ a »tuck of preclou* melala aufficlent to Van Hum! A l*avta Co . a corporation, plaint sides of the pr'qsnied "bedroom." Rot provldo an ample tmala for Ila cou running on full time with a ready sale tion Grent Britain han enjoyed a de ­ Iff. va tirorgr Kinrrtrm. drtrmianl a post of 1 by 2 Inch strip four feet atanlly expanding credit ayatetn. for its out-put. 1 >ly virtu« of an nmHlnn, judgment order. from each of the side walls. Null other gree of prisqierity which should have Iilcx-rve and order of «ale I muci ! out of the above Curtis Judd, who holds a position strips from the top of this post (which bad the effe<-t of making all parts of Tiler» 1» little hope of reform and mt It lr*I court In th« above «nt it led cauae. Io with the Willamina Lumber Co. of should be two feet higher than the tlie kingdom n desirable (dace of alssle. directed and dale«! the third day of April. tlie abatement of the ao called "expert I I me wheel) to the side walls. From these I 1W7, upon a judgment remlerrd and enl«re«1 Compared with the flmsl tide of Im­ Yamhill Co., is visiting here this week. evil," aaya Dr. Alleu Mclznie Hamilton, In aald court «»n the ninth day of Ortobef. I mim , Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Stanton and son, strips bang a curtain made of either 1 migration to the United Rtatea the tbe riotiil nlleulat rrlnlned for Thaw, i In favor <»f Van Burnt A Uavla <’o.. nlalnllff. canvas, muslin, coarse burlap or old Farris, were visiting at St. John's Sun­ carpet, according to convenience, showing lu riveht years has declined until the expert la made in a measure i and again»! (»«urge Kinerlem, defendant, for In bulk, hut for the very gd reason day. which can he rolled or put up In the that there were fewer to emigrate the direct repreaentatlv, of the trial the aunt of F*7 with Interest al (he rate of 1 * per cent per annum from the twelfth day of J. H. Alexander and daughter of An­ d.ivtlme out of tbe way. Over the top Fifty years ago, when this country re­ Judge himself, aud the aooner aotu» AuguM, IWBB, and the further sum of lit N& with aconda, Mont, and P. R. Alexander of make either n board covering or one of ceived about tki.ow) Irish Immigrants leglalntlou to thia effect la provided the J Interest at the rale of 6 ¡»er cent ¡»er annum Independence, were visitors at the tlie curtain mnterlal. In this way the better not only for the reputation of rum the twenty fourth «lay of April, iwv, hens are comfortable even In n cold annually, tbe population of Ireland tlie medical profeaalon, but for the wel­ ' c redemption) to the blgheet bidder for rash The young people of this vicinity dent. Tlie old way of fastening the business depression. The phenomenon I in hand, all the right, title and Intereat which spent a most delightful time last Sat­ roosts makes it difficult to successfully la probably due to tbe fact that the of a man on trial fur murder la made the within name«) defendant had oh the urday evening at the home of Mr. and fight lice and mites. It Is also n grent gold taken out of tbe Transvaal mines the subject uf a liet. The wagera laid twenty fourth dav of April, ivun. the date «»t on the outcome of tbe Thnw trial were i the judgment, or since that date had In and lu Mrs. Jerome Smith. After playing var­ economizer of room. The floor space does not stay In that country. I the above «Ivarrlin’d nropertv or any ¡»art ious games and listening to music on , thus saved can lie kept clean for There was a time when tlie Unite«! not the least revolting feature of a pe­ j thereof, to satisfy said eiccutlon. judgment culiarly distressing <-ase. order an«! decree. Interest, costs and aivrulng the phonograph, light refreshment« scratching purpose«. States, nithough a producer of gold on roaja. were served, foHowed by a candy pull. It I*. MTIVRNS a vast scale, was periodically In a Sheriff of Multnomah county, Oregon. In Oregon. state of monetary (ionic ami business Tlie late Gnluahn A. Grow was on Krnmons A Emmons, Attorneys Legumes, root crops, cucumbers, Mention The Herald to your merchant | I>atr<| thia third dav of May. IW>7 •quashes, pumpkins and cahbages ln depreaalot^ a condition which, In many Mr. Carnegie's private pension Hat. First Issue May lu. IW7. last issue June 7. IW7. See if bis ad is in this issue. If not nil Instances, could lie traced to •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • • MILLINERY.. THE DOUGLASS STORE, PLASANT HOME. ORE. ÜÜLSandy Hotel Correspondence E6YPT Mrs. Isonman is improving She has had the best of care of by Mrs. Vail and Mrs. Gebhardt. Tbe meeting in the tent last Sunday was well attended. W. F. Burkholder has gone to eastern Oregon. Mrs. Vail and Christie Burkholder were in Troutdale last Monday. Miss Christie Burkholder is visiting Mrs. Vail. -r DAMASCUS grange at Orient Saturday. Among ¡other it was decided to buy a lot of Mr. ! Cannon which is a fine location. Lewie Shattuck and family visited at John Sleret's Sunday. Guy Robertson is sporting a fine new rubber tired buggy. Jim Hillyard, road supervisor, is do­ ing some repair work ou tbe roads in this district. John Sleret returned from his trip to La Grande Saturday. Ed. Sester has been sick this week. Mrs. Annie Craswell went to Trout­ dale Sunday to take the train for Hood River to attend tbe State Grange. Mr. Burton and son Harry were doing business and visiting old friends this week. COTTRELL Tbe Union school will bold the last day exercises in tbe church this even­ Sam Johnson, who has been keeping books for Chas, tlleson, is going to take ing. Mark Heacock of Pendleton is spend­ charge of a gang of men on the railroad ing a few weeks at the Wayside with I from Vancouver to Washougal. Miss Ellie Jones and grandmother of his people. Mr. and Mrs. Tumey of Portland Orient visited with T. Bowen and fam­ ily Saturday and Sunday. spent Sunday at the Wayside. Clifford Schneider led the Christian Albert Bohna's little son is suffering Endeavor meeting last Sunday evening. with spinal meningitis. August Oleson has lieen taken to tl.e A good many young people were present. Mr. Cotte and daughter, Mrs. Dicken­ hospital, where be will be operated on son, who were very ill, are improving for appendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Forbes, his sister, Nel­ rapidly. Miss Minnie Smith is now staving lie, and family of tbe Base Line road with Mrs. C. A. Hu-Ison. spent Sunday at Hillcrest. Mr. and Mrs. V. Griffith visited her Leona Heacock has returned from a brother, Richard Radford, and family. trip to his farm on tbe Sandy river. Fred Radford's new bouse is being Mr. Weddeler was in Portland Satur­ rapidly improved. day on business. Frank Kolsky while working in the woods at Robb's mill had the misfor­ BORING tune to cut his foot. Al. Holman, who Miss Louise Ballard has been very was working at the same mil), cut his sick with spinal meningitis the last hand. week but is reported some better this Asa Smith and Newton Hedin have Wednesday. been surveying recently. Morgrn A Donahue are having an a«l- George Osburn and 8. Woods, who dition built to the livery stables. have been hauling ties from Oleson's J. W. Roots, our progressive mer­ mill, are going to Vancouver to haul chant, has returned from a trip through wood. eastern Oregon. John Berrisford of the Kelso Tie Co. SECTION LINE received a painful injury last Friday | Tbe closing of our school last Friday Hom a blow from his ax. will be remembered by the pupils and Road Supervisor Knox has l>een do­ their parents and friends with more ing good work lately. He has finished than passing pleasure. Tbe day began grading and clearing the old Oregon City road as far as Herz' corner. He with recitations at the schoolhouse by the pupil, after which the march was now has a gang cleaning tbe road run­ ning through Boring, and another crew made to Jenne's crossing on Johnson creek where refreshments were served blasting stumps on the Orient road. on tbe grass and all sorts of appetizing Two cars got away from Morgan’s viands were laid out to be enjoyed by men and ran into tbe freight car, knock­ the hungry picnickers. Ice cream was ing the latter off tbe track. furnished by the teacher and cake by some of the visiting ladies. Tbe teacher LUSTEDS was tbe recipient of several gift* from Melvin Long of Portland visited his the pupils. The teacher in a few mother, Mrs. Ralph Neibauer, over well chosen words presented to the school Mrs. Buckley's annual gift, a Sunday. memorial tribute to her dear mother, Mies Jessie Francis of Gresham and tbe late Mr. Bertha Van Vlash, whose B. J. Goff of The Dalles, with a few of great love for the children was her most their friends here, spent Sunday after­ charming trait. The gift consisted of noon at Bullrun park. useful articles for the schoolroom. John Burby spent Sunday with friends J. Tomlison, who will erect in the at Gresham. i near future a handsome bungalow on Mrs. Arnold Ruegg gave a grange tea | the tract west of the Ruhl place, has at her borne last Wednesday afternoon. just hail a deep well dug on bis place. A large number were present, several | It is his intention to pass a part of each friends and relatives coming up from : year on this picturesque spot, his busi- Gresham, and all expressed themselves . ness being in Portland. as having a delightful time. Strawberry picking has tiegun, the Miss Olive Lusted visited in tbe vicin­ crops looking promising despite the ity of Gresham last week. worm pest. The singing club met with Miss Eva Arnspiger Lodge entertained as its Snyder last Sunday afternoon. guests on Sunday Mr. Raber and daugh­ Mrs. Ara Lusted made a flying trip to ter Ruth and Master Frederick. Mr. Portland Saturday. I Arnspiger is at present suffering from a Mr. a .id Mrs. S. E. Roberts of Bull­ very heavy cold. run spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Ruegg. POWELL VALLEY Children's day at the grange will be The Powell Valley school closes to- observed June 8. All children are in­ night with appropriate exercises in the vited to dinner and asked to prepare ... sAoolhouse. After the . program, ------- ic* something to help with the program, cream will be served. W. H. Carr as The juvenile will have a special pro- principal and Miss Lyda Bramhall have gram, under the direction of Flora, taught a very successful nine months' All who wish are invited to attend in school with an enrollment of about 60. the afternoon. The girls' auction sale in tbe Lutheran Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hamilton attended church Saturday night was well attend- the Seventh Day Adventist camp meet- ed and a great success, bringing in over ISO. ing in Portland. Tbe singing club met at the home of C. A. Larson of Warren was visiting Mrs. Schneider Sunday afternoon. liin Kansas friends here last Sunday. There was a half day meeting of the A surprise was given to Mrs. C. A. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DECIDE ♦ BORNSTEDT’S Our Line of Summer Shoes —.Made fcr us by P eters is Superb Patent, vici and canvas slippers for men, women and children, also a nice line of san­ dals for children, Look for the basket full of» odds and ends at the door. It’s FULL of BARGAINS. : We Can Supply all Your Paint Wants : SANDY, OREGON Next time you come to Sandy take a “ 1900” washer home, use it a week or two and if not s a t i s f ac- tory, we will call and get it. Show us a n- ot h e r washer that can be sold that way. Fourteen are using “1900” around Sandy every Monday. Ask any one of them. HATS-Tiger, Champion J. B. Stetson are our leaders. We also have a few ladies’ trimmed hats left. ILL IINOS OF STRAW HATS. I. A. Braude* : : : WE PAY TUI: FRIJGHT F. F. Brand»» ! 1 Brandes Creamery ♦ CREAM BUYERS J 127 Find Btreet—Between Waaliingbm and Alder—PORTLAND. Ore. ♦ Hiqhest Prices Paid for Sweet and Sour Cream. Butler and E ms ♦ Write fur Price* WHY GO TO PORTLAND » When you can *ave money by buying of J. B. TAWNEY Sandy, Oregon We handle anything in tl • IfaeTof Wagons, Buggies, Farming Implements, Harness Moline and Peter Schutler Wagonii, Acme Harvesting Machinery, etc. Give u* a call and lie convinced. ; ! I