Mr. and Mrs. D. W, Bath of ful melodies »list a sweet lullaby from the waves of the river a, Hilisboro celebrated their silver conies they roll along down toward the great wedding Wednesday, May 15. ocean, and s, you glide along In your little boat. It seems as If that song Mr. ami Mrs. Bath are counted would sing you to ,’eep Oh. If we among The Herald's staunch only could reallae how beautiful nu friends, hence we are glad to lure la. we would » *h to live foreier. How happy the farmer, who. after note the happy event of our fel- the day's toll la over, can »It down In low publisher and his wife, who, h's easy chair ar.d read the new, of world How fully he realise* then by the way. are publishing one ' the how much better off ho I* than ltu> of the biggest ami best weeklies at rlkera In the city, who nr* never aatislod w th their wages. but always in the state. Can we not *>m- craving for more Published Every Friday at Gresham, Ore , hy tire B savkk S tats IV sushix « Co. TIMOTHY BROWNHILL, Fono* M oxtatii .1 a ttrrii K. 315 Villa Av. : Ihwrn asi » ami » M axaoss . Ovricx. SOU G»>mliii»iigh Ruililii.g WStCSITTiSS SATt* IVr Year Ilia* in ait vs nre. io forelgs coaatrtea, SI «’ Thtv« Month» trial KiitecriiMlon» 2-'v Single istpi.-» V. Ark ter our clubbing rslea amnaacn ahouM bl- wnt t»> liaimsa or fo»i. n>re Money Ontor. K.-si.lenil teller or Check Stamp» am-i-picil up to SV rent*. ItCtirTF (er »ulcH-ription» an- not w-nt unlvsa requretnt The taWI on your paper »ill initt cate within two wreka the rrcvtpi of your w-mtttams-. Uu dore uol pkrasa nolify u- SIXCMTisulariS In .1. .. renre lo the »i*h of the majority oi our »ubwribrr» the paper 1» »ent until all arrearage 1» paid and an order to diaewtiilnu« ia received. It you »i»h your p*R«r •toppeil at end of the year, »tale the tael when you »eml your »ubwription ami it »ill be done, CNAW6E Of ADOKESS lr ordering change of aii.irv»» give obi a» well a» new a>1*1 ere* ■mmunity It no eorrrepomlem-e appear* fro» ywur CftUfSmaftflUS rv uanlol in even Sisi lo »end u* a* many kind ileui* a* you can. netghborhotMl., you are rmpectfully req AftHITlSlM UTH Lffi. \l. Al \ FRTIKIX*. *el in leaded »i& point. SV- per »ingle column Inch each insertion. DISPLAY A DY FKT1SIN«» Xo | r*l each Irene no reader ai-i-epteil for li-re than Atresia, UH AUJ (Want t'olumn onl) ). 1«- p r word each Irene, counting two Sgurv*. an initial or an abbreviation a* one word. No local accepted for k-re than IX cent». rKv»FKi*»l<»XAL t'ARDS (one inch). 25c each insiu . CARlleiOF THANKS fuel exreedtllg two iliehre), Ml rent», I ETl BM ially We are src’.l equipped I- .!.*lbebe»tw >rkat irr.-nt i-ri.-e- Kapreialty farnivra* »ml buainree men'» Leiter Head*. Cnvek*pre, Hutter Wrapp, r*. Siatsaeenl» etc., in »mall or large goaniiciea. Auction Bill*. Bodgee*. Foaier*. etc . printed on »hort notice mn Entered *: EDI T ODIAI The decision of the Portland ' General Electric Co. to hereafter f prohibit the sale of intoxicating liquor at the Oaks will meet with general approval by tht» better element of Portland and vicinity. Hho Arc IrJc.Nirablcs Troutda'e, Or.. M»y 13. Beaver State Herald G rvshair. Or. Mr Editor: As s subscriber ot your paper I have road a num tier ot articles in it on different subjects and have found you treat them very fair as a rule, but on reading your edi­ torial (ti the last Issue, "The P tm dent Wl hln Ills RUhts.” a doubt arises ;n mv mind as to your being correct In this case. We w II leave out the case* pending avainst these men. for. as vou say, they have not been de- elded, and simply put the question. What constitutes a “desirable" citl- sen. or If you will an undes rable? IxHiking backward, for we cannot with precision look ahead, we And In his­ tory a number of undesirable cl Isens among them we t!m! such names as Martin Luther. George Washington Patrick Henry, Abraham Lincoln. John Brown and as far back as we date. Jesus Christ, and many more too nu­ merous to mention. All of these were tn their times classed as undesirables by the powers that ruled then. Some Wh>| pathlse with those strikers? krv they not sometlmea »at ,tied with their atation In life and atay out <>f trouble. Life !a ju,t a* we make It la It not the craving for more of th » world's goods that has pul no many of our state', most trusteil officers tn trouble? For a crown or kingdom I Money would not be In their place and riches are not what make happl ne„. Nay. It I, a aatlsAsd and con tented a* tit ths' bring, happiness to mankind. MRS I* ANDERSON LONG AND EVtMtUl HIK lilt (Continuisi from page 1 ) starteli for the wilderne*» lor the acqui­ sition of new land and property. W itli a eoni|wny of twenty-one the journey waa made down the Allegheny river on a raft with an Indian for a pilot lanini* were placed on the raft for protection and cooking purpose*, and, »ave an ac­ cident or two, the trip wa* uneventful. Near the historic Iwi k< ol the Walwali a site was chosen al Terre Haute, Ind., w here a aetllenient ■>( alsull <«> families were associated in cl ose sympathy and intereat. Here the rolling prairie stretching to the lunka of the river in­ vitisi to clearing of land, and a twi>-»t>ry log cabin waa constructed and guarded with the lock of the wooden This, Mr*, latch key. rotta any*, wa* also Abra­ street car tide avxrral senra ago, which shucked Iter nervous system somewhat, The Pillar of Light ■A-W0MEN ik -“"*“1 Portland Railway Light & Power Company RAPID FREQUENT One Dollar will the gnme. Therefore, during your ten table tnctica. If the dowager, or that old spitfire. Mrq Taylor Smith, «ay, n word to you nlsmt Brand. Just give 'em a rib roaster with Enid's two hundred thou', will you? While they nre reel Ing under tile blow throw out n gentle hint Hint Constance may ensnare Traill's nephew. 'Ensnare* Is the right word. Isn't It? The l»e«t of It la, I know they have lieen worrying you for months aimut tny friendship with 'girls METZGER & CO. p ANCAK ê COMFORTABLE O. W. P. Division TIME TABI.I ITAÎI0M «I 1 V ' u V V Ft U|¡ M III N U HI * II lu N ID lu » MU» It» A th .’« HI -a Mu» *’ lü a 17 io >T-IN suits side bv side with the illus- e'en hunK b-T their rul ng class ham Lincoln's mode of protection. and others would no doubt have been Protection was needed, for Indiana trious names and deeds of the or fared worse If they could have got APPEARANCES LOOK GOOD them. Some of these men preached were troublesome those d iva, requiring men he has mentioned, he will Through the courtesy of Will­ violence and bloodshed to save their tact and courage to endure their con- iam Bridge of Orient we have find there is absolutely no com­ country and benefit their fellowuien •Lint presemi'. The Wyandotte», Itela- Do we abhor these men today for warea, Chippewas, Ottawa, ami other, before us two copies of the Nem­ parison. especially with the last. their acts, or do we adore them for ! The Herald fully agrees with were those once lord, of the noil, ami what they had to suffer* How are J aha County Republican of date Mr. Peterson when he asks “ a we to know that these men. Debs. were naturally resentful of the ,ucvraa- May 10. 1907, published at Au­ Moyer and Haywood, are not the pit» ive Ionia, Five I. hundred .......... ... of _ a .re.... lumi burn, Neb. A splendid letter square deal for all men.” and ne-ers and B»ttyr* of a new system to 'campad near Captain Tillotson, watclts»! from Mr. Bridge to old acquant- takes this opportunity to reiter­ take the place of one that today per­ i opp»rtunity fur barter and »ere mis- mits some men to pile up hundred, ances is one of the conspicuous ate what we have so often said of millions? Even today we find the chievious. One dav during ths cap­ itals'* absence levera) »quaw, invaded before, that every citizen should church dignitar es of the Roman Ca’h- articles published therein, in “M »tiler.” aalil lie suddenly. "Mr ol‘c church in France preaching re­ their home armed with long bowie Traill mid I have had a lot of talk obey the laws of the land, fully which Mr. Bridge reviews his sistance to the laws of that country knives. A nunilwr > i aquaws and buck* ab >ut Enid during the |>nst two days. recent trip east and at the same and promptly. If the law is at Are they then undesira'fes. or is followed in their wake. One squaw in I have not sivu you until thia evening fault, remedy it in the way pro ­ the law at fault? When certain Eng time improves the opportunity part c ilar wiaheil t*> l»arter a yanl of before dinner, so I bare had no op- Every citizen lish subjects assisted the Boer* in calico for two bualn lauf corn. “Mother |M»rtiinlty tn tell you nil that linn oc offered to say a good word for vided by law. their struggle to keep independent, eumil " Oregon. We do not personally should insist that the laws of the they were tried for treason and of ’ said it waa to> big a awap.’’ In a mo- “Some new Imbroglio. I nnppoae," course were undesirables Does that ment of anxious silence, when each land should be enforced to the know anything about the town make them so .Some of these men squaw patted unceasingly her knife, the she sa hl. n»t at all iimwased hy lila of Auburn. Neb., but judging very letter against rich and poor that our President classed by title door opened and in marched the cap­ reeuilng careleaaneas os to vvliat the ilnwager Ijidy Trvgartben or Mrs. might have been more sinned against from the paper we should say alike, and by his vote work only than they have sinned. Methinks that tain and hi* faithful attendant, a big Taylor Smith might say when gossip for the man , irrespective of for enterprise and push its mer­ our Pres dent and ourselves had bet­ black bulldog. The captain grnbl>»-*l a started. leave to posterity whom are and chair and onlere-l the gang to “puck-a- “Well. It Is. In a sense." he admitted. chants are away above the aver­ party—friends or foes—whom ter whom are not desirable citizen*. and ebea”—to leave, and the dog ''tliruule-l ' "You aee. we nre Jolly linn! up It la a he has every reason to believe age of country merchants in in the meantime let us dig the Pan •qneere for you to double my |siy, and. several, ami the rc!i>ain*ler slow y re ­ Oregon. Some might ask the will, in a competent, impartial, ama Canal. What think, you? Yours treated, aneiml to Inform Mr. Traill that tor a square deal I waa going to marry Enid, long l»efvr* question, why? The advertisers intelligent way, do his very best The dog, by the wav, appesriil sud­ ERNEST PETERSON. he knew she was Ills daughter. It cam* for the common good of the citi- denly to the captain en route from New are nearly all represented by i ns a bit of n shock afterward to hear York and was a match for any Indian. that lie Intends to endow her with page, half page and quarter page izens of his country. This at advertisements, with page and least is the writer’s idea of what I Commends Great Family Weekly It was * common belief that it* master I'jisi.OtO on her wmlillng day Now the waa killel by Indians, and that the dog question to !»• dlacusaed I* uot whether half pages in the ascendancy. constitutes a desirable citizen, j Upper I-atourelle. Or., May 20. thirsted for vengeance. Charmed, it the adopted daughter of n ¡w-»r light and an undesirable citizen, also To the Editor of Beaver State Herald: Page and half page advertising seemed, tin- dog lived a life of 12 years, bouse kee|ier. who tuny tie I-onl Tin* Dear Sir: Please allow one of your an1! Tlial In disguise. Is n gisu] jwstrh in such a paper costs money, the obligation of every citizen to subscr bers a small space In your and was awarded a loving burial. for me. but whether an lmpe4ffi»Ua his country- Eleven miles north of Terre Haute paper and permit me to say that we and lots of it. but these men are lieutenant In the royal navy Is sinh a are so well pleased with the reading I amid lieautiful surroundings another tremendous enteb for evidently not afraid to spend it. “Several school districts about mat'er It contains that I feel like ' home was made bv Captain Tillotson. fortuwe." With them it pays; their ads I Iresham will try for a high urging all farmers to subscribe for Soon afterwards Mrs. Potts attended a great Mdy M irgnret was ■ftinnml. She especially where there are young show that it pays. They art school through consolidation. it folks or children In the family. When ! private bearding school iu Terre Haul* ts-gun to breathe quickly. Iler ntinoat well written, not only crowded We wonder if they will follow the paper first came out. I gave It ■ and atti-n'led a seminary conducted at ex|sx-tationa were surpassed, Before with matter. are certainly not Hood River’s example of a year but I ttle notice, and simply said to [ t ale’s Tavern. When only 17 years of sbe could u’der a word her son pre­ tended to misunderstand her ngltatlon. myself that such papers were not given just to help the editor or so ago and vote it down ? ” worth reading, because there was no age her father died, and ahe remained “Of course It was fortunate that Enid .it home till »he met her husband, a along and speak volumes for the asks the News Letter of that much in It. But to tell the truth I circuit minister of the I'nited Brethren and I had Jolly well made up our not taken the trouble to Invessi tnlnds somewhat In ndvance. but It was enterprise, thrift and good, sound city. The Herald suggests that had gate the merit of the paper, but 1 church, whom site married. Genial, forc­ u near thing, a muller of ting signals— business sense of the merchants Gresham and the adjoining dis­ can truthfully say now that the, more ible, physically e<|uippea- AdminUtrator*« biotic». Nolle* I* h*r*b) glvvn that th* uu«l*»*l|fn*»1 Mrs. Fotta is still « mi joying the heritage hat I h ' vii appoint*«! a«lnilnlalrator o( th* aatata o( a go* a I life and »pleads go*»d cheer «>( TI huhm * i'ullH'tit*««n. devcaavd, 1») I he» ount) court «4 Mulllinniah «>»uni\, Rial* <4 Hragoli. with her wholesome personality. All p*r*«»n* having vlahn* agalnal *al>l ealala arc r«Hpilrv«l I»» present the •amatoiii**. *l»il) v«rlHe«l. at lb«» office of tny attorney. Newton Met'«»), room Tift Otegoidait bulMing. Port Un«l. Oregon« within ala month* from the (Continued from pagv H.) •late *»( thin nolle*. |ieeni with llio utmost prywialon. Ha I »a 1*4 ihla *J4 4a) of April l*»7 J H liana. unapt lent nietboda are |>lllle«*ly sim­ ple It caleul.ilo* with mathematical A4mlnlatralor of th» ratal* o( Thoma* Col belitaoii, *I«**'*>M'**'*I. nicety tlnme details of toilet, tlioa* delicate tiuanc of mnuner, w hich dla- New ion Met’»»), AH’) tor Y4uili»l*l rotor r> Ji tlngulidi the woman habituated to re tlnemeut and good mHlety from the lnterto|>er or men* copyist. It bad alway* been a matter of uiikl wonder In IVusaiie* how t'uiiatiinoe * « Braud had acquired Iter Fry-uch trick of wearing her clothes. Home women ure not properly drvaaed after they have t'lM ii au hour p »slug lu front of a H.ibartlna give« what »v^ry woman full length mirror: other* cuu give moat daairwa a perfaet c«»mi»b'»l<»n one glance nt a costume, twlut aud pull !l brlna» that wtl, »m«M»th, frrah. It Into the oue correct |H»ltli»n uuil clear lint lu lha cheek that .b*i»«»la* walk out perfectly gowned, with a hap­ youthful!»***. It will bring beauty py coiieclouaniMiA that nil I, well. to th*»aa who lack III II will retain Every Parlalcnue. aim* Americans, It for th«»»a who alr*a«1y poaaaa» It. a few Kugtlahwiuneli. poaaewa this Il will enable you to »uev«M»tulljf gift, t'onatanee had It. mid Lady Mnr- combat th* ravMacw of w«ather and garet knew now that It waa u lineal time Don't doubt-don't ar»ue. Juat iicqulaltl >n from her mother The dis try Httbertlne. Your drugglat will ■ Iva you a free »ample. Ail drug emery rulimicvd the belief, always Kinta keep Hobart Inc. prevalent l.u-ally, that Brand was a geiitlemmi born, and her Imi y alilp waa nmv sagor for her son's aailatnncv lu lo-ikliig up the “landed Gentry“ ami e» other works of reference nitidi dctlue and glorify the upper ten thousand ot the Culled Kingdom. Perhaps that way light would be vouchsafed. Being a little narrow minded, the ex­ fit you to eye gUtiea or aptc* cellent creature ts-llevial tlial a scanilal lac I ci. Perfect hl guaranteed among "gmd" people was not liulf so Your eve* fitted at home. Write t«w Hcmuliiloua as mi affair lu which the free I m »»klet describing our method. princlpnh were tradesmen “or worse.“ Keinrrnber, the g!a*»e» we fit you She confided something of ilils to her to arc worth |Uk&) *nv where on son as they drive bouiewanl mid wa* earth. Gur price, only 00. very wroth with him wlieu lie treated Ol’Jt RE PAIRING department la m l^rnd ycNit work by regiatcred utail “My dear b >y." she cried vehemently. L' So repair* any **t*h. “you ilou't understand the value of such credentials You always s|ieuk mid m t us If yon were on boanl one of Ill SUIT* STRUT. kUSTLASD, 0U y >nr hector ug w arshlps. w here the l>est titeial and th* heaviest gum* are all Im­ portant. It la n >t so In society, even USE SCLF-RAISING the society of s small t'ornlsli town. Although I am mi earl's daughter, I emm >t afford to be quietly siicertsl st by some who would dispute my ■uclal supremacy.“ A* eacb complaisant sentence roHed forth he laughed quietly In the dark Mas. «•>* lull »»Il 1. II UH «All Wil Mill irjll II Il 11 (All »»11 B 11 ♦•II ' IT 11 t" I tumm »'1 >. 1 Mt «« 1 Wl V>l Ml III 111 Ml Ml Ml in ttJ 141 401 411 131 144 Ml Ml 1)4 ne lie !•• N« Ml «•4 4M 4M V I 301 V 3 «33 Ml 44 3 M« •34 •44 114 114 >•4 M4 M4 1)4 HI III » II 43 U 44 M •: • I I • I I • m • it I It • M • M • M • INI Il K III« M M II 14 II IS M M N 44 44 41 34 M •• M till ••«»• l*i«rtlah«l l.v ■*> W? * • »»Il »'1 MI Ut 44 I II 1 IMI •«•))» liolf J Uli* HUI t>4 114 H 1 44 la-hl* J Ulu­ a >*• • li) «a mur* «i J. » 1« <> l< Il !•) I«4 NIH 1 M • ‘«««lar vi II«*. a i >•» I< i H 11 HI 144 NINHI a » w .* '’i) Ml M4 »M4 1 03 Gr**ham • J 1 J411 MI 144 MI M 4 M llogali Y ml« ra«>ii • 'Il Iti M4 M4 43 1 14 * vi] Ml Ml Mill 1 H H«»rt ng »I 34 2 3* 4 4*4 3) 1 Hh'lrr , . A4 1 ' « Il 443 43 4 334 31 • M Hartón Ke»glr trvrk 1) 3» 31» 41 1 M • M Al»|>«u«h • « <• «Il 441 14» 44 F M 4 M <*ur rltmv III* • V »> ■ Il 4)1 III 4)1 II • 41 ♦ Util Oft 1 Ml 431 IS) Il • 44 K*u«ada <'aM«l«-r«t Ar .1 ’• lull lu 1 141 SRI M) M I 4S A M blurb ttffurea In Koitian 1* M «1 t’ali) r*««|’l Hun«la) flgurva in I <»r Oregon Chy, Cum mah Park and rhaiig*•<’*r* al Golf Juu*’- wa) m For I.«* ii I m , Mount He<»U anti mat »ide ptdlilit. change vara nt l. ‘hl* Junelioii W I» Mt I.I’IIAV, Traili«’ Agent. DELICIOUS HOT CAKES Gem mi OfRcra, Fimi and Alder Sia , l,«»nri am », <»»»«••>% Th« product of th« choked wheat carefully prepared by our tpecial proc«»». 4 poun(j package ¿oc II your jroccr do«» not m H II. >«nd us ths monty lot a packs««. Bookl««. con­ taining rscipsi lor *11 out product,. Ir<* lor the a.king. The PurlliiNd I loariN« Mills C*- „O regon S hort U ne Portland, Oregon $1.00 a Month PROTECTS YOU tigniiiMl Sickn« «N, Accident mid lh*ath. Accidents will Hippen Get Protettios Av«»id tft'ing h en»*’ «»f chnrily nt II««* linnd* <»t other* «o U nion P acific 3 nUINS tv Illi IASI IIAIIY Through I’ulliitNh *t«n«1*r <>lftah«. < hh ag*» h|n»- k*hr. I«»tir|>l »I« a-plltg « «r «lall) Kat> a* i'lljr R>«'Ihiliig « hair >r writ* John Broun, Agt., R»i«*kuood, ( tr. HIMIKAKK MAGAZINE READERS r llwa • » «nd North Heath, • t< Mftirr II m ** m I o Aalt *i <*ily Mini Yamhill, Neither rising generation to read. Ihilly $0.50 itinerary embracing the historic battle to th- farming wintern ol Ü.« III»« r pohii«, Ash at son of Troutdale, in which he contiguous districts. does its appearance need to make • w.rpl •lock (*■(«•? |»er ) W«t ground oi Tippecanoe. Poor roads, poor • yea* Munday . | boys and girls blush when they take takes exception to an editorial lit up. as do our daily papers, because pay, high water, hard experiences on ROAD OF A TMOUSARD WONDtM published in a recent edition of In a recent number of The they are so full of dirty and unsightly borsel a- k marked the annals of tbu cir­ • l>ook of 75 pa«*», contamina I ¿0 color rd ph<«OgT»[k» ol y The Herald relative to the presi­ Herald it was said that Mr. and advertisement* in the shape of men. cuit rider. I ut lie was n >t to la- daunted. pictureaque apota ui CaUort*.» and children In undressed Acrepting the hospitality of a notorious dent’s attude toward Debs, Hay­ Mrs. J. Timmerman of Boring women * m 1 Owgo*. of their «Inss.' I th. the Joy of the en ­ form I can not see why the mer­ gambler in the circuit, during a series Total . $2.75 cannot advertise their wares wood. Moyer and Pettibone. counter! It niust be like blowing up were the parents of a son. As a chants D £ N Local Schedule without It being necessary to picture of three weeks' meeting», 57 were con­ a battleship with a lupin-liny luipi'iiny First—Mr. Peterson gives this matter of fact this was an error off those uns ghtly models Right verted, among them men noted as gam­ . I\. a 11. of Rain* AU for $1.50 torpedo Ismt.” paper credit for its general fair­ in correspondence, as Mr. and here is work for the Mother’s Club blers Tin- wa* only a criterion <4 the So her ladyslilp- not without ponder K hn I w ur1 a>M>uts unknown"—went to bed, l>ut The Herald believes a desir­ treasure. Our apology is there­ cieties good for the sake of mankind wh ch “ It seemed a device of Satan.“ n » 7 R HIT FM I • ’Jft 7 M 5 40 not to sleep, wherens Jack Stanho|»e able citizen to be a man who loves fore extended to Mr. and Mrs. we cannot help but appreciate, that Following a year of service in Wiscon­ never afterward remembered undress­ Cl Mill we must wait and hope that they will 11 7 ®l FAlOVIfW ft 15 his country better than self, for Timmerman, and our correspond­ succeed 7 M sin ami again near the old home, al a ing, so thoroughly tired was In*, nrnl 7 Ü in doing more good along the 50 a 80 B 10 TROUTSAII 7 IN not wlllistH tiding so nbaurdly happy. I time of residence at Woodburn, l»ack in to do so produces a citizen who ents advised to be more careful line mentioned. Of» « 7 W 40MTF4 4 ■ 4 M the awkward situation i divulged at the 14 N 02' 4 4J voluntarily and gladly obeys its in the future as to the truth of How interesting the Beaver State Wisconsin, Rev. Mr. Pott* die I and was dinner. 4 MJ 441041 Ft II Herald would be If the farmers from buried at Boscotrel. Nine children were laws, studiously and carefully such statements. ’he d fferent sections would write to Pyne, left with his Uticle, act him Ticket ofttcc, Third and Wiudiinghm. To keep posted on the markete of their heritage, of whom .Mis* Sarah L. the paper how they succeed In farm­ self to divert the other man'a thoughts the United States and especially in Telephom* Mnin 712. (’. W Stringer, studies its needs, and, in a gen­ Pott« and <>. P Potts, residing here, are g what kind of soil they are culti­ from the embarrassing tuple of Mrs. tlemanly, intelligent, legal, ag­ The following petition is being in your locality, subscribe for the old City Ticket Agent. Win McMtirriiy. vating and what are their most bene­ well known. The other* living nre .Mr*. Vanslttart. reliable Northwest Pacific Farmer, for Gen’l PiiNHi'iiger Agent. ficial products, and also give Items circulated and will soon be pre ­ 8. II. Erie* of Hillfboro, Mrs. Willis gressive way educates, agitates He knew Hint Brand wna not likely stock raising. This section !* Rnney of .Minnesota and Mrs. S. I>. and votes to correct those evils sented to the Portland Railway, about to leave them In nny dubiety ns to the 38 years the standby of the agrlcul. s ttiated about 900 feet above the Co­ past. Discussion now was useless, a turai Interest* of the Pacific Coast. Light & Power Company. If lumbia River, and the land consists of Drunie of California. he has discovered. Following a resilience in lows, in 1KHI mere Idle guessing nt probabilities, so We will send It to you 10 w*ek* for excellent blac ’ 4 soil. Parmer* are Third — Mr. Peterson asks: you have not already signed it, able to work their ground right after Mrs. Pott* came to the coaat, visiting lie boldly plunged Into the mystery ns 10 cent* on trial. 8tamp* will do. KITE* Sttri NFRALO MD OTNEI PIKRS “What constitutes an undesir­ do so at your earliest opportun­ rain. We are able to raise all varie­ friends in Washington at Montesano yet surrounding Enid's first year of Address You Can Save Money able citizen ? ” To w hich we ity. There is great need of such ties of grain and abundance of hay, and Kalama. After a residence in Bun­ existence. ; vegetables, fruit, etc., but first and Mr. Traill, glad enough to discuss a by ,ulH«'ribiii|{ through B kavkh S tats nyside .Mr*. Pott* eaine to Moiitavilla reply, the reverse of a desirable a service. last the well-known Burbank potato. more congenial subject, mnrshnled the citizen, or one who has no re­ Tii« citizen» of Gre»bam Lave been The last few years have been very in 1902, where she reside* with her *on ascertained facts. It vvns easy to see 147 Front Streat, PorJand, Oregon. for farmers and In general and daughter. She i* a memlier of the flint here at least he stood on firm spect for his country, or who led to believe that when the ¡mwer plant favorable at Cazadero was in operation they would prosperity among farmers Is prevail­ Seventh Day Adventist church mid is a ground. ••••••••••••••••a wilfully disobeys its laws, or get a late car service, and we therefore ing. However, I fully believe that power for good in the community. TO BE CONTINUED the farmer that keeps wide awake and who obeys its laws only because petition your company to run a car to by Near their old home farm Joseph INSUKf YOUR I ARM Bill DINGS careful management is the one Relief from Rheumatic I'alns he is forced to do so; one who Gresham, leaving Portland at ll:.30p. that I* ahead of many of hl* town Smith brought a colony which wa* CHURCNESANDSGHOOLHOUSES openly advocates the correction m. on at least Saturday and Sunday friends who toll year in and year out driven away by the settler* for their *« 1 sufferfiI with rlicuinatisni for over IM THK evenings. Thanking you in advance for for steady salary. Taking all In con- “rambunctious" methods. They quietly two years, ” says Mr. Rolland Carry, a of wrong by unlawful methods, siderat on, the farmer's life is a h>al- •Pl'rqpriated the cattle, laying they patrolman, of Key West, FIs. “Some­ this service, which we feel you will grant thv and happy occupation. We have instead of by education, the bal­ us tiecause of urgent necessity for same. were the b>rd’*, and what una the times it settled in my knees and lamed Farmers’ the privilege of working out in the Lord's was theirs. They U*>k refng«* in me so I could hardly walk, at other lot, or the use of legal measures. (Signed.) pure fresh a’r In full view of God's Relief Association great wonderful na ure, and the pleas­ Nauvoo, III. Mr. Peterson then calls our time, it would be in mv feet and hands ure of sitting down to a table decked Mrs. Potts rernPinlxiFH a con vernation so I was incapacitated for duty. One attention to the fact that "Mar­ (I* I’oflTI.AXI», O h RUOX We acknowledge receipt of the | with pure, wholesome food, which tl»i between her father an>er- and not found wanting. Agent, ' which is proved by the number of Jesus Christ and others were in gon Pioneer Association at Port­ gar ling nlavery. "If Calhoun winhea lain’g Pain Balm. I was rublied with it wanted in »'very county. For par­ ticulars write to their time classed as undesir­ land, Wednesday, June 19, 1907. automobile load* that spin by here to extend slavery he should bo shot,” and found the (>ain loul nearly gone on Sundays for recreation and rest. was their verdict. J J. KERN, Hee’y,* during the night. I kept on using it for I ables.” If Mr. Peterson will How sweet seems the perfume that, W» F.n»t Yamhill Mt., I'ortliimi, Oregon, Covering a period from Monroe's pres­ a little more thin two weeks and found “Offenses are easily pardoned comes from the orchards, how happy idency to Teddy's, her life* has indeed that it drove the rheumatism away. I F. E. H irvkk , Agt , Boring, Ore., carefully study the past lives and inr. m iKNii. AND ll<»MK (M’thly) or to seem the birds as they swing them­ Thl* price I n for delivery by mall only. have not had any trouble from that utterances of the men under dis­ where there is love at the bot­ selves up toward the skies and fill been eventful. II. W. H xashali ., Pres., Gresham. rimy be sent to separale H