Volume J. MONTAVILLA, and GRESHAM MULTNOMAH COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY horns t-hli fly. It requ'rlng lea» care office a pleasant call just an we were go- a and being easier to harvest than the ; ing to press last week. a a ■lumlard corn. Wlhen cured In the Some People Say : a J lloMner wds a Herald visitor last a o|mn as It la on most Oklahoma farms a st a Friday ami join«! the Harald family. It Is not always of a good color and 1» a a a a more brlitle In fibre. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Palmqnist were a a A standard corn broom will usually • a recent visitors to the Metro|olis. HERE a outwear an Oklahoma dwarf corn Grandma Potts of Montavilla a Can It Be Raised on Pacific broom a long tme. The Herald acknowledge« a pleasant a a Traces Ancestry to Time ol call from A. L Turner of Cleone. Broom corn has been planted sue- a a Coast? Broom Manufac ­ a a ressfully In the Weal along the Bnakn a a William of Orange. John C'analian was doing laismes» in River In Idaho, and also In the east- turer Says, Yes. a a the Metropolis last Saturday. a a ern parts of Washington, and al Moro a near The Dallea. on the Columbia Mrs. Besoie laiwrence visited rela­ a River. Stranger than fiction anal a» romantic tives in Gresham Sunday. a Oregonians as a rule encourage | Ninety a Ninety five five per per cent cent of of the the broom broom baa been the life of Mr». I.ydia Pott«, a Harry Tucker wa« seen on our streets ' a home production when they can do so com used by th« manufacturers of r I wboreairiM in th» Villa. Eighty-eight a without loss to themselves This " " ' aen- Oregon and Washington, amounilng agaiu Sunday. year» of age, winoono-, graciou» and t ment doubtless accounts for the rap­ to about 2ou cars, valued at approx Mr. Barnes who recently moved to a id growth of the Montavilla broom Imately 1200,0M. Is now imported marked kindly by lie touch of time. a a a factory. While the Standard Broom from Oklahoma. Kansas and Illinois Without doubt »he 1» the ok I eat inhale Gresham baa liegun the erection of a ; a a i Company have made a Splendid show­ There being such a demand for the itant of the town, but »bare« tl>e honor cottage in Carlson’s Addition. a ‘ were able to secure home article and the posalbl ity of raising a ing. If they HAVE YOU SEEN OUR Harry Huxley has recently lieen do­ a grown coru th»/ could make still a It here, the farmers of Multnomah with Mr». Jane Ely, near Hunnyanle, a a a I better one. County had ought to experiment w th who ia two year» her aenior, the two ing considerable painting and pa|»-ribg : a PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVE? a a a The following article from the pen making merry the < ightli day of Novem­ in Fairview and vicinity. a I of Mr Charles liyle Is a very Inter- a small patch to assure themselves a It U th«* l>eiit i<»r Ihr hMHivy. of the advisability of putting In largo ber, their birthday jointly. a a •Mrs. Grace Metzger and her sister, ‘ a eating as well as a very timely on*', acreage a Surely It Is worth a trial Born in tlie Empire atate in tlie year Pearl Lindsey, were home over Sunday. ■ a and w» hope our iieople w II not only a a IHlIt at ( anamlaguia, »lie was reared read It carefully, but do as la ■UR- J. B. Bates and his daughter-in law, Oregon a midat the atrife and ionqueat a|>er sent to C. 11. j • Gresham liarbcr Shop a a like |2 ooo.ooo The Kansas crop aver ing on lb«* festive chin, He way« K. C traced hia «me» try back to a brother of Bates, who is at Wardtier, Idaho. a * TutiatitUI Morii of all kind* •»«••( l> aivl a aged about 1H.OOO tons and brought Lindsey is at Mcaablr building « summer John Tillotaon, w I hi wa- bi»hop of Can­ Rev. Dr. I. D. Driver t.f Eugene has a «luidtly dour Hnaor* Itwtted ami i*ul In a from |l!> io (120 a ton It was plant­ a collage (or Mrs. William .Mvtxger, If. terbury, <4 whom it waa »aid, “He lieen delivering a aeries of lectures this i a orr Io <«rv«bain H«»l« I ed from April to July and the rnnv» a a brought preaching Io perfection." Robert II. Childers, Prop. a of hat vest was dlatr holed over near!» C. Carlson has just returned from Sea a week in the Methodist church. The Through thia l>i»hop'a inatrumeutality OKMHCIN a a likKMllAM, I subject« have been mostly theological aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa as long a period, which shows that side, where hr built a summer collage almost any old time will do for broom (<»r himself ami family. but the lectures have lieen lull of prac­ corn tn these states. If. L. h*rater forman » ( one <•< tin* •••a»»»»»»»»»»»»» tical, timelv suggestion». On Thursday In Oklahoma the corn la usually Mount II amm I I'ouvr ami Kail way Co*« . night his subject waa, ‘ How to Make a planted In newly broken ground, re ­ 70 ACRES Money." Dr. Driver lias been one ut a ceiving little or no care, and If no nurvryiiitf crew«, |*ui«i llu* Herald oftiicr i *J> m rrw in cultivation; nrw sia* a Into ra ns come, the a ways abundant a plraaunl viail. Mr. Fraxer ray« hia I the greatest lecturers and debators of ruum I mhim * ; Mbuii'lrtnvr of fruit; a harvest Is dried and prepared for this or any other laml. The lectures twogiMMl Itiirnu; tram, w,1'i a shipment out tn the open under free crew now have hea‘l<|uarlerw al the , will continue during the week, closing liMrtxw; slock; lull m *1 larmiiitf a skies Should rain prevail during the Greeham hot«*l, an<*«llste rather those fortunates who have sh»l town ami a ill duubllrm ni.tkr tl>v new | m NMM'aaion. ter to rover the better grades, dry survey through or near lirrham. LONG AND EVfNIfUL HER HEE HAS BEEN MONI Y SPE NI IN THI IASI FOR BROOM CORN MAN WANES III ILE 24, Number 21. 1907. a a a See our complete line of Tilt Ke n ney Shoes BELOW." For spring styles and honest wear. All sizes. styles and prices. Every pair guaranteed. F. B. STUART & CO. • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• List Your Property • D. W. Metzger AN IMPORTANT LEAGUE MEETING ” Thr Reliable Real tSiftIff Mu« - * t the ORE. Many Matters of Special Inter­ est We Be Up Tonight. Notion Store Al l<< ami IW «•»»•h, '.**»< |w r pair At hf ami l<* » spiavi from l"V to "’■< meh I* b<>n«* F dB MRS. McCOLL, Gresham GRESHAM, OREGON TUf fDECMlU HflTFI I IIL VnLOIIAIvl llvILL '***' r*T,«tnt*d and thoroughly reno- vated and ia under new management and fully prepared to offer it» guenta the lieirt the market afford». M rs . J. F. ULM, Prop. Special Oyster and Chicken Dinner Sunday» GRESHAM. OREGON The Proof of the Pudding is in ftie Eating * & wearing. Men bring blooded homes to me to »hoe because I cure all evil» caum-d by |»»>r »hoeing. GENERAL BLACKSMITHING of alt kinds. James Goodfellow, Powell Street, G resham , O regon We Want You to Remember G R E S H A M v™»v‘>kin. W. I*, Tlio standard com 1» harvested freight wa» taken violently ill at Boring much like the Ind an corn by cutting on Tuesday. Later he i» reported Im­ the broom corn down close to the ground and then removing the broom proving. cor nwlth a knife, whereas the dwarf A n»w lameliall nine, callisl the' Slurt- corn is pulled by hand out of Its » tuck Blurs'', wa« recently organised, socket. Thli; constitutes the only difference with Harry Crenshaw »» captain and In the harvesting of the dwarf and Ed. Metzger manager. New suit» are standard varieties on the way and when attired in them the Th a cut standard corn I« then boys will do ervdit to Gresham. spread upon ricks, which •re placed one above the other, and la thorough Cecil Metzger left Sunday for Estacada ly dried Aa s ated before, the more to seek employment. the drying corn is shaded and pro­ ■ I'astor Nutley ol liresliMu lias receiv­ tected from rain and dew. the better will be Its color and fibre and the ed the »«'I intelligent* ol the drown­ more elastic when cured ing of his brother, Oliver, at Tacoma This shed-drted corn Is then taken last Wednesday. Oliver Nutley and to bal ng machines and baled Into another young man were out tishing bundles of from 200 to 400 pounds to from a small skiff near Pol.it Defiance, be shipped to the manufacturer of brooms Hhe choice shed-cured stock the incoming tide caused the u|Metting naturally commands the beat price ol the boat and as Oliver could not sw im and w|!| always bring from |S0 to |IO<) lie sank, rising but once, the water tir­ or more a ton. and la used only In ing very deep and the undercurrent very tlm manufacture of th» best standard * strong Bo far the laxly lias not la-en house brooms. The dwarf variety la raised In Okla- recovered. Livery, Feed & Sale Statole PAY BY CHECK It iiet'oiir working capital, the money tlint vou are receiving and paving out all tlm time, that wo want to talk to you nf»>iit. If yon have a checking account with some other Isink, you will appreciate w liat we have to say all the more; if you have no cheeking accrmnt, please take this as an invitation to <>| h - ii one with its. Your money i» safer in the bunk than any where else. All caah in hand ia kept fully inaurvd against burglars xml “hold ui>." All banker« know, and the depositors should know, that the soundness of a bank does not dc|a-nd upon the aize of its capital or surplus, but upon the character and amount of its louns and the proportion of ita de|swit» held aa a reisane. IM.IM4.Ü0 Our deposits May 21 ............ ...................... Our loan» May 21—loans that arc collectible any time demanded |I2,1(V>(MI Lian« for specified time....................................... 23.3B3.M Cash reserved for immediated payment» ................. $20,553 mi One-half our loans are on first mortgage» on farm property. I n you know of anv safer investments? litarl nil account and try it. You need not come Io the Imnk once a year If you do not want to do >o; mail your checks for de|n>sit and they will lie promptly credited and yuu notified. FIRST STATE BANK GPESMAORE, L_rar Notary Public The New Restaurant Spool S cm I di J Silk i « Ó. S. JOHNSON, Justice of the Peace The Gresham Development l>-ague will laild its regular meeting on Friday When in Gresham night. May 24, in the town hall, aud all I members and citiaeM are invited to be ' Patronize . . . Ne>re«t to O. W. Depot present. The la-ague will elect dele- < <*• *• gates to the convention of the Oregon Development 1-eagues which meets in Meals at AU Hoars Portland June 21 and 22. The securing i mrs . l Y dia potts of a late car, at hast on Saturday and 1 Sum lay niglita, will lie diacuaaed and it the leadership of Rev. C. A. Nutley. •••••••••••••••••• William of Orange was crowned king ol , is deaired that a strong action be taken Everyone is invited to attend. England. In recognition William ap- ou this by th» Gresham l.-agne. ladies are requested to bring as manv isdnted him clerk of the closet. One of The arrangements for a Fourth of flowers aa possible so that all the graves 1 Ilia brothers remained in England, one July Celelntion will also Iw < i»cua»e again. Now tlie rates are good all over ; relatives and friends, among them, Ly ■nan Davie, brother of the groom, John wax a prominent fur trailer with John ■ the United States. Burbee, the bride's iwrenta and brother Jacob • »tor. Sybil married Benjamin It ia to the interest of every resident i . Whuttenmaver, at one time member of of Oregon to get our |ieople in the habit ; and sisters. HARRY HUXLEY, . . the Indiana legislature. William No. 1 of urging these rates ti|ion their friends ; | These two young people are well ' Decorator and Painter known and highly esteemed and have 1 did ia did iu infancy, while William No. and acquaintances in all sections of Jthe ■ ( Kaloomining, Papering. Prices low. 2 waa a merchant in I-ogansport, Ind. country and to make it the central fea- ' the beet wishes of a host of friends. Work neat. Call or write him at Nancy No. 1 died in infancy. George ture of the work of all our organizations ( After a short wedding trip they will Gannett, - - Otnwx has settle in Gresham where a horn» was a successful farmer. Nancy No. 2 which have for their chief purpose the - been pre pareil for their coming. married Mr. Brown, a prominent phy­ development of the siate”. •••••••••••••••••••••••••a sician of Clinton, Ind. Martha married a wealthy farmer. Greshdm and C-anby Bat Imbued with the spirit of the time. Memorial Senices Our boys again men defeat. This time Captain Tillotson took his family dur­ The G. A. R. have made arrange­ at the hands of Canby, nevertheless Lady: I’d like a fine comb, ing the second year of Lydia's life and pleaae. ment» to have their memorial sermon they put up an interesting game. The Clerk: Ye», madam. A fine- (Continued on page #) preachevl next Sunday by Rev. Ihtvid Telegram says: Canby and Gresham a a tooth oomb ? Wolfe at the Metholist church at 11 a. played a fourteen inning game at Canby a Lady: No, air! I want it for m. Reverends Thompson and Nutlev Bunday, the home team winning, 1 to 0. a __ a my hair. out Hating land near Sandy last Friday will assist in the services. The mem­ Townsend, of Gresham, struck out 11 We have the tooth brush for and Saturday. ber» of the G. A. R. will meet at their men, and Baty six. Gresham batter, the teeth and combs for the hair, Fred Powell, the popular clerk in our hall at 10 a. m. and will march to the also brushes, mirrors and every­ made four hits and Canby men eight. thing needed in the toilet. drug store, has been very ill at his home church in a body. All citizens are in­ The line-up: * in Powell Valley. vited to attend. TRY OUR 35c HAIR BRUSH Cabby. Position. Gresham. Verne Cbalker returned home from a It’s a Dandy. Memorial day (May 30) will be duly R. Baty................. c................W. Hamlin prolonged stay in a city hospital last observed by the G. A. R. and citizens a C. Baty ................. p.................. Townsend a a Saturday. a a of Gresham ami vicinity. The services R. Knight............. 2b.............. Sumberg a W. Baty .............. lb lb .............. B. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. ('has. Gcdanike were will be held at Gresham Grange hall, a Mail orders promptly attended to 3b L. Ericksen , 3b .............. C. Merrill recent Portland visitors. commencing at 10 a. m. Rev. Dr. \V. Knight .cf ,.C. WirtZi •••••••••••••••••••••••••a W. J. Ferrell of Portland and W. H. Thompson will deliver the address and E. Krieger . rf ..... Dimie* L. Merrill If Reati the want ads on page 8. Osburn of Montavilla paid the lleraFl special music is being prepared under E. Smith.... Skirl and (oat Hungers Collars 1 have »pent .everal hundred dollar* in advertising vince the brat of the year and am in a piantino to han­ dle your buainewn in a aat¡»factory way to you. I have all kind» of real property for vale, do conveyanc­ ing of all kind», attend to collection», etc. GRESHAM LOGALS J. H. Chalker GRESHAM. with the Man Who Advertises If You Want Results i AWyii.n* ivnrsic B. W. Emery, John Sleret and Chas. Kam-l<-lt thia week for a »twit to the Cardinal Gold mines near Baker City, ill which they own stock TI.ey will be met at laGramle by D. M. Rolierts, an­ other stockholder who will accom|«any them on tlie trip. Gresham Real Estate Co. • •••••••••••••••• The Gresham Harness Shop Grandma Stuart lell last week for a visit with her non, J. L Stuart at Seattle, Washington, where she expect» to np«-nd tlie summer. Mrs. Stuart has won many friends during her stays in Gresham and they always n-gret to see her leave. D. M. Roberts, Emil Palmqnist and George Brenton, delegates from the Gresham (kid Fellows Ixslge, are ill at­ tendance at the Grand lodge which met at La Grande Wednesday. Wm. llornecker was a welcome visitor last week, lie arranged to send the Popular Home Weekly to a relative, Mr». E. W. Brown, in Michigan who used to live in Oregon. The English Language Mins Clytie Stuart in spending a very enjoyable time at Hotel Portland, Port­ land Oregon, w here she han an engage- ment as pianist with the noted hotel or­ chestra. I The many friends of Mrs. John Met­ zger will be glad to know that she has returned from the hocpital in Portland much improved in health. J. M. Stanley and bis youngest eon Jack were pleasant callers last Friday. Mr. Stanley is having splendid success raising dueks this year. Gresham Drug Store The Gresham Real Estate Company— with Admiral Dewey in the lead—were a a A L I HORSESHOEING DONE AT AL. HARTS SHOP a a New Arrivals at Lewis Shattuck’s a a a a DEALER IN GOODS OF QUALITY is First - Class I nterfering and F orging stopped • a a a a Furniture, including lawn seats, bed lounges, mattresses, springs, exten­ sion tables, center tables, chairs and iron beds. a a • OR NO PAY a New Mattings, including Q uarter - C racks and T ender F eet C orns , SKILLFULLY AL. all colors and designs. effects. TREATED Some beautiful New Hammocks just in. All colors, kinds and prices. NeW Shoes. Club ties, patent, tan and white, women’s summer goods, including white and patent oxfords. Men’s oxford’s. Patents, black and tan. full line of Hay Tools fOr harvest. We are agents for the Louden hay tools. Full and complete Hardware line of all kinds, for all seasons of the year. An Elegant Line of Straw Hats We want to call your particular attention to the fact that we are sole agent for American Field and Elwood wire HART fences and gates and can quote you prices and make you terms most liberal. and will explain their merits. GRESHAM, OREGON i The cheapest and best fences made. Call