Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, May 10, 1907, Image 8

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• at present the gm-t of Mrs .1 D Sul
• ivati ami ta iuipt•» mg.
lh*V anvy. of Jeffervon,
eeeeeeeoeooeeeeeeeeeeeoaoa lire., arrive*! for » «mil with her sis
Found. Etc.
ter, Mrs J D. Sullivan, amt will n*-
Preparations are l«eiiig mad* by Rev. uiaiu until next w«*ek.
Gilman Parker to observe Memorial
Mrs. A. I.. Hill is a delegate from;
Day with appropriate services in the
Montavilla to the Cirel«*» ot Wood
Baptist church, Sunday, Mav 2tt, al
craft in the city this wv*k, where
l0;3l)a. m. Ren Butler Post, Ben Itut-
plan» will b«* mad«* for the olwervam*«*
ler Relief Cor|* of Portland, the Ladies
of lh*coration Day ill th«* Villa.
Circle of the G. A. R will be present in
Sunday, April 28, 17 chihlren were
Mr». Webber, win» ha» been sick
: body as gu«vts. A c«vrdial invitation to
with th«* grip, is making encouraging given their tlr»t communion Ths oc«M-
all ohl soldiers ami sailors ami th«* pub­
■iou win further enhance«! by the pres­
lic in general is extended to lw preaeut. progress tow ar*I health.
ent* of Esther L. A. Bmssrau. who lias
Member* of a Portland male quartet
l»*en a patient at St. \ lucent'» lewpital
w ill assist th«* girls' chorus of the church having bean afflicbd with la»th iuea> ' lie has lw*n in charge of the pariah
m the presentation of choice musical and whooping cough.
since the early days of thia monastery
numbers ami th«* w«*alth of May blos­
Chaa. Hvle, **f th«« brotwa factory, ami liaa greatly «•nd«*ared liimaell to the
soms have heen bespokma to beautify mad«* a trip to Gresham on Tuesday people.
During Ilia alienee Father
this place of meeting.
and in conipaii» with Timothy Brown­ Charles» has lieen officiating
hill took an exten«k*d drive into the
•‘I like to come here; a fellow can
Services are conducted morning ami
«•onie here when he can't go anywhere
evening al the monastery ami during
Mr. Martin. wh<* rvtvntly diapewd the eveng of each woek in May.
««Ise," was the remark of serious tow
beade«i youngster with a Lincoln drawl, of an old piece of property in th«* Villa,
overheard by the librarian. Miss Midi- will rebuild in Kinwy Park.
Al total advtrtiwment» art run antler this
head al the rale <4 ONE < ENT A WORD EACH
ISSLK No ad publtahed for les* ihanlScent».
All Work Guarante*«l-
I'aali tn advance except to regular adverilatrs
If you have anything toaeli, or wUh to buy .«-I, the other day “8o say we all.”
For Special Bargains iu Watches. See
Ehvtion «lay in Montavilla passed
anything, or have loat anything. TRY A
• M A N’T AD ’■ in thUcolumn. The result« will s«>ems to l«e unanimous with the t«oys with good feeling ami lack of diaturle
Mr. Devlin was th* people's j
who frequent tin* library in large num­ om*e.
surprise you. Cash or po»t*ge »tamps.
bers and take great pride in the books I choi«*e.
FOR SALE — JOO-Acre F*riu. 120 and periodicals placed there. From the
Real estate ha» l*een quite active in
acre* in cultivation; g"»i house, barn time of the dismissal of school to the
i in the Villa of lat«*
Several acres
191 Morrison St,
an.l outbuilding». running water; three closing hours of the library the boya
were pnrelia.»«sl <*f R«»lim>nd A Co. by
acres in goo*l variety of fruit Three
miles from railway station. Price Mki make this a rendervous of recreation Aim* Iranian
Ihikland, Cal., and J
Near r*»p'« Ke*t*ur*nt.
per acre. Enquire of J. K. Hall, Orient, ami Study, stimulated in a large meas­ I. J. Taylor of Millon, 8. D„ pur­
ure by Miss Michael, who is very popu­ chased two lots of the «am«* company. t
lar with the children
Other purchaser» w. re, JR. C Price
A SNAP — S5 Acrs#. 20 acre* in high
****♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦«♦♦♦♦♦♦ state of cnltivstion, 1 mil«* from go<xl
Mrs. Burdette is recovering from a of Portland, two lots; also 1 J. Taylor
rsilroa*! town.
Pri«*e 11500. Address recent illness.
a lot on Winter street
A. G. Bornstedt, Sandy, «»re.
Aylaworth A Epton report several <
Mrs. Wallack and daughter. Miss
For slab and block woorl, or gas saw
! sales, among them. R. Riley purchas
with us and get
callup W R. Moser, phone Tabor 553. Daisy, who recvntlv returned to their
old home in Ads. Ohio, have written to i ing th«* Windle pr**i« rty. A (tarty from
FOUND—You can tin I just what you their friends of their safe arrival and of i the l>all«*» bought several lot» of Mr.
have been looking for on the Racket
on all your deposits
passing through bluxards en route in Weatenberg in Kinsey Park.
Counter at McCaslin's, Montavilla
The tract heretofore known a.» Tabor
Spanton A Co. have moved a little Terra«* is hemvforth to lx* called Ter-
Chas. Cleveland, agent,
house on to their tract. Tal»>r Terrace, race Park.
2 IM Grnd Áre..
PORTLUD. ORE. 2 Gresham, Ore.
The Home Training assoctation en­
ami have a representative on the ground
For Sale—good pure revienne«! seed their real estate business.
joyed a pleasant hour last Friday af­
onto, Silver mine* at Shattuck's. Gneb-
Mrs. J. Gorfinkle is a sufferer from ternoon listening to Dr. VanWater»'
addrt*«« on guverning children. The
the grip.
| next meeting will 1« on May 17th, at i
HORSES—For trade, - range horses,
S P. Osburn
W. H. Osburn
Mr Hamlin of Cooe Ray is visiting
for good lAO-pound mares or over with
, which time the subject “Teni|»*ranc«*"
tbe heaves. Enquire of Ed Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Aylsworth.
1 will lx* presented by B la*e I'aget.
Gresham, Ore.
Mr». G. H. Huffman returned front
The epidemic of inea.-l«*» has greatly
GILES BROTHELS, at Montavilla, Corvallis on Sunday where A m was ! reduced tbe attendant* at school.
for cbo’cest meats. That’s all.
called by the ¡linea» of a sister.
• •
Roscoe Yarnell, former com*»|»»nd-1
WASTE I>—aqiianlitY of clean linen or
cotton rags
a lb, at Herald office. ent for The Herald, is on the staff of'
Seventy-Second Birthday Anniversary
a Hood River paper.
Sw4 Ltots—Good, purr and recleaned
Mrs. J. W. Gilman is convalescing! On the afternoon of May 4 a party of
White Kuseian, at Shattuck's, G tea ham.
--------------------------------------------------------------- 1
people, young and old, gathered at Rose
after a severe illness.
MEN WANTED—For steady work at
Cottage on the Russelvill* rrwl to cele­
Columlua Brick Works, Hogan station
Mr. AVallock and his son had a thrill­
brate the seventy second birthday of
near Gresham
ing experience n-cently. They boar«i«*<i
Thomas E. Lewis. They were liis child­
STUMP POWDER—We now have a freight car intending to jump off
plenty; carload, 8l»> cases, just ivceived. shortly. The train did not slow up »t ren and grandchildren, ami the hours
Pricrrs right. Lewis Shattuck, Gresh­ the expected time and Mr. Wallock, spent there will long be remembered by
List your property with us
for quick sales. We don’t
j senior, jumped, sustaining some sever«* | all.
The co»y home, reflecting the excel­
keep property; we sell it.
PRUSSIAN STOCK FOoO—Juat ar­ bruises from which he has been laid
lent taste of its charming hostess, was
rived at McCaslin’s, Montavilla.
up since. Tbe son escaped uninjured.
decorated with lilacs and narcissus and
Mrs C. L. Ridout, until recently a vines.
419 McKay Ridir. Third and Stark.
Notary Public, Buys and sells Real clerk for .McMillan, has gone to Spo-
A delicious lunch was served, during
Estate, Loans Money, etc.
131 Base
i kane.
which, letter» of congratulation from
Line Road, Montavilla, Ore.
Dr. Warren takes recreative pleasure distant states were read and good w ¡»li­
Office phone :
Pacific 1941 ; Res.
FOR SALE—Having bought of W. in poultry pursuits, the recent hatch« sa exchanged. Mr. Lewis was the re­
Scott 4016.
II. Dougherty, of Mt. Talor, his entire
cipient of a handsome watch and chain
stock ol bees, bee hives, supers and sec- ' ing by incubator of &) chick» attesting
from his son and daughter, and other
’ tions, I am prepared to supply a limited his bent in this line.
quantity to those desiring such at less
gifts from wife and relatives.
given by the
I than Portland prices.
Tho»e present were, Mr. and Mrs. E.
ROY STONE, Fairview, Cleone P. O., Ladiea Aid society of the Methodist
Daniels of Portland and their children,
| Oregon.
i church waa a aucct-ss in every way. A
340 Hibbard Street
Stella, Cashie and Tom. Mr. and Mrs
Would like to figure on your
short pngnftn included numbers by
GOATS — 30 bead Angora goats for
Lucius Lewis of Kuseelville and child­
sale cheap.
E. A. Yunker, Gresham, Mias Janet Daniel, Miss Elaine olicrg, ren. Blanche. Linnete and Orville and
Terry Oberg, and Mrs. Rider.
Oregon.___________ ___ ____________ (19)
J. Holtzapple. [hiring his long resi­
Mrs. Goltra, of Centenary church, dence near Russelvile, Mr. Iaotis has
Notice of Sheriff’s Sale.
Beginning June 1, 1907, the postoffice ' will be the guest of the Missionary held the re«;ect and esteem of neigh­
In the circuit court of the state of Oregon for
w ill close at 8 p. m.
• society of the Methodist church this bors and friends, who join with us in
Multnomah county.
M bs . I M c C oll , P. M. ; afternoon at the parsonage.
Van Burnt A Daria Co., a corporation, plaint­
wishing him many happy returns of the
iff, vs. George Kineriem. defendant.
LOST—Pair of long black »ilk gloves,
Rev. John Flynn, well known in the day.
By virtue of an execution, judgment order,
decree and order of sale ¡»sued out of the above between the Baptist church' and my annals of Portland, has been engag'd 1
entitled court in the above entitled cause, to home. Mrs. Frank Wostell, Gresham. , to speak in the Methodist church at
Grate Baptist Church Notes.
me directed and dated th** third day of April.
FOR SALE — The finest small fruit ; an early date.
1907. upon a judgment rendered and entered farm in Oregon. 10 acres, seven in fruit;
Last Sunday ope of the bent com-
in said court on the ninth day of October, l'MMJ. small house and barn, good well; horse,
The Union Provident League, a bene- ’ inunion services in the history of the
in favor of Van Burnt «k Davis Co., plaintiff wagon, harness; 150 tochickens; all I ficiary order recently organised in the
church was '>l>served. The girls cborus,
and against George Kineriem. defendant, for furniture. Price, 12600. 1 mile west of
Villa, hel'l high jinks last Friday even­
the sum of S57.50 with interest at the rate of Rockwood near survey of Mount Ibssi
under leadership of W N. Morse, 31)
A percent per annum from the twelfth day of railway. Enquire of JOHN BROWN, ing with a large attendance.
m numler, dressed in white, renders«!
August. 1MRS. and the further >um of
with j Rockwood, Ore.
Mr. Gordon has recently laiuglit appropriate numbers. Tbe boys quar­
ill ter eat at the rate of 6 per cent per anuum
several lota and ia putting in nualeni tet assisted.
from the twenty-fourth day of April, 1900,
WANTED—Female Help.
A god
co»ta, disbursements and attorneys' fees, and Jiri f or kitchen work in small private equipment for poultry raising.
At the evening service the quartet
for the further sum of <4.20, accrued costs and boarding house in Portland; »ool place
J. E. McCaskey recently bought the consisting of Miss Effie Just, Mrs. O.
disbursements, and the costs of and upon this and a god home for a young girl who
writ, commanding me to make sale of the fol­ wants to come to this city to work. land owned by Mr. DeLoma in Kinsey II. Ohlson, Messrs. W. T. Smith and
F. Slater, sang a sacred favorite.
lowing described real property, to-wit:
Write or come in person to see me. Mrs. Park.
South went quarter of northeast quarter and P. F. Olson, 251 Seventh street, Tort­
Next Sunday Rev. Gilman Parker
The Women of Womlcraft met Wed­
northwest quarter of southeast quarter Sec.
land, Ore.
will addre»» the young people on "The
T 1, N. R. 4 E., Multnomah county, Oregon.
Historical Proof of the Inspiration and
»hip in the I. O. O. F. hall.
Now therefore by virtue of said execution,
Truth of tbe Bible,” second in series
judgment, order, decree and order of sale and
Rev. F. S. White ia planning to hold
In compliance with the commands of said writ.
of request«?*! lectures.
services both morning and evening
J will on Monday, the tenth day of June, 19U7.
The funeral services of A. J. Stover,
Tbe young peoples society held a
at lv o’clock a. m., at th«- front door of the
county court house in P«Frtland. Multnomah who died in Montavilla last week at every two weeks in the Presbyterian dedicatory social in their new quarters
oounty, Oregon, sell at public auction (»ubje< t
to Redemption) to the highest bidder for «-ash the age of 72 years, were held at Dun­
¡on Wednewlay evening.
The annex
in hand, all the right, title and interest which
Miss Laura Wheeler is recovering
was crowded and a good program was
tiir within named defendant had on tbe ning's Eastside parlors yesterday after­
twenty fourth day of April, 19W, the date of
Rev. Gilman Parker conducted
the judgment, or sine«- tiiat date hui in and to noon.
the at>ove described property of any ¡»art the services, the Ben Butler Poet par­ rheumatism.
The La.lies Aid society ot the Bap­
thereof, to satisfy »aid execution, judgment
Mias I>-ota Ix-gaunt. an
tist church met at the home of Mrs.
order and decree, interest, coats and accruing ticipating.
After the services, Mrs. Stover left the telephone service in
Lancaater recently, the JO members
Sheriff of Multnomah < onnty Oregon. with the body for interment in Neb­ Depot, waa taken very sick Sunday making quick work of the nwdlework
1MI. d this third day <»f May. 1W7.
evening with ptomaine poison. .She ia 1 laid out.
Find issue Mav 10, 1907; last is»ue June 7. ISHrT raska. Several children survive him.
Watches and Jewelry
Fred D. Flora,
¡ Start a Savings Account :
Real Estate. Acreage
Umber Lands
and City Property
A Thriving Institution
The parochial school of Monastery of
the Most Precious Blood lias an aver­
age atiendace of 40 pupils, a num tier of
whom coms a distance of two mil«*»
Seven grad«*» Iwginning with the |>ri-
mary are »uperiorvd hv two Si»t«*r» of
Mercy. The lower grad«*« are much
iuterestml in the study of Palmer'» »)■-
tern of |*eiiman«hip ami gave a practical
demonstration of the free hand move
uient to the reporter. They are doing
splendid work in waler color »ketch«*
Preparstiou» aiv living made to sutsr-
tain memlerw of the tirand Army at a
date not yet dt tsriiiiiiwl the last of tliv
L»-ate<l at the «sm junction of the car line and Rase Liue road,
wlieie si' are making a apse ¡ally of
Prussian Stock Food
of all kinds, as Well aa everything else you need
in our litt«.
J. E. M c C aslin , Prop.
End of car line, MONTAVILLA
Mrs. .lohdnrw Curt son hid to Rest
Mr». Johanna Carlson, a former res-
ident ot the Villa, died at the G«xxl
Samaritan hospital last Friday follow­
ing a critical operation.
The fuueral
service» were conducle«l at Finlay'» un­
dertaking parlor» and the burial waa
in Riverview cemetery. Reverend Ear
liter, a former |>a»tor al Montavilla.
a|a>ke briefly and was »a»i»te«l by the
Woodmen lodge and IN-gree of Honor.
Many friends were present and a
profusion of Iwautiful flower» expresa-
«d mutely the love ami sympathy of
Mrs. Carlson waa 30 year» ol«l and
leaves a husband, mother, brothers ami
»i»lrr» l«r«*ave<t. The mother is espec­
ially afflicted, having l«Mt four mem­
ber» ot her family in the past lour
Hill Not Abandon Hibbard Street,
The report regarding the altandon-
meat of t-affic on Hibbard street by
the car company, to loop Villa avenue
through the Terrace to Woodstock line,
is contradicted by the company.
Instead the company states its plan
is to coutinue operation on Hibbard
street, extend the line down Hase line
through Terrace Park and back west*
want to Villa avenue line.
This will not disturb the business
traffic of Ills streets mentioned. It also
will add to interest of Terraco»Park
and help tbe Villa generally.
Russellville Doings
Mrs. W. If.
gone to visit
her daughter,
—4M> Tl>—
M. E. H(X)K’S
When you, want
Hardware ■, Garden
Tools, Bay State
Paint, Window
Screens and Doors.
1 F redi camlic» daily. Aleo ligar» * 1
and Irmi» Canned goutte »
¡ ¡
« i
Everybody Enjoys
Home Cooking ¿
Tliv pla«'V lo fimi it in ni
low ds They Moke Im
Montavilla’s New Hotel
Meals and funsi by day, w«*k
or month.
A E. HaaatN, Prop
kail olear liar. NlbbargSt., M.aiavilla
223 llibliard St
• ••••••••••••••••
lull line of Sprlnq <inJ Summer
Juat in. also Men'» ami Ladle»'
Patents Pull line of Ladies'
and Children's while and
gray Oifonls
Mrs. Tolls, the Shoe Lady
Addis of Rtisarlville has
her |»arvnts at Yacuii.
She was arroti)pa ni et I by former»' grounds the •eon* being JO to
It. Tlu* g»me n> very exciting ami
The Russellville baseball team de­ • >ine tin,' work waa done «*|*cially by
feated the la*nt» aggregation on the pitcher Davie.
R.C. Williams Ä Go.
Shiulr«. <io-«*arl«. rite We make
a n|M «*taity of pavkitiR Furniture
for -‘ iijhii . nt
***1 Iiint lion tfuar
mitred Your|>alronatfi* aolicitrid
III Haar Line n>ad. M omtaviiia
Emmet Hoffman waa elected over-
•e.*r of Russellville grange at the last
W. E Lewi» ha» just flni»h<<d hl»
large «lone fence.
It is built of con­
crete blocks.
To the People in and about Gresham:
Now is the time to get in on the ground floor and buy lots in
Thompson’s Addition at bottom prices. The lots are so centrally located
that they will become more valuable in a very short time. There could
no more desirable building site in the city, as the view and drainage are
Thompson’s Addition is positively the coming residence district of
Gresham, and by our liberal terms and easy payment plan it is possible lor
anybody to buy now and reap the benefit of the increase in value ol these
desirable lots.
For an investment for the young man it cannot br beat. There is
no place you can possibly put your earnings away where they will be as
safe and at the same time pay you the large rate of interest, as the
increase in valuation of these lots in a very short time, and do it as
easy as with our easy payment plan.
The young man of today is the old man of tomorrow, and in our
old age we want some place we can call our own. Avail yourself of the
opportunity while you are young and buy a lot in Thompson’s Addition,
for every dollar invested now is five laid away for a rainy day.
To those intending to purchase one or rcore of these lots we wil|
say: Do not delay as the party just ahead of you may have selected
what you want. Thompson’s Addition faces on the Damascus road and
is only 200 feet south of the new Methodist church with 700 feet on the
Damascus road and running 1000 feet east. The drainage is perfect.
By calling at our office in ihe Library building in Gresham our
man will be pleased to give you all the information you wish and cheer­
fully take v<ju out and show you the land.
The Reliable Real Estate Agency