E«i. rxNch O P Pott, J. E. Redmond Redmond & Co. Real Estate, Loans, etc Al kinds of Properly. Indudlnq farms. Houses and lots. Acnw From one acre up to 3,000. Before buying else­ where you will make money by seeing them. LOCAL Nt WS ITT MS : Roy Jewell son-in law of Mr. ami Mr» McCaslin has not permanently lo­ cated yet. C, ll. Armstrong, who recently came from Arlington, S 1». rrevived a letter from that city last Tuesday, urging his return to attend to important business. He left for that place Wednesday but expects to return to the villa in a few weeks and again take up real estate work with his mule. George Barringer. hould. couaequently I« confined to her home. PLEASANT VALLEY Contracter J. W Higgins taxa that the new butcher shop he la building lor la'ander l.ewi*, to be occupied by Giles Brothers, will l>e one of the moat con­ venient shops in the country. recently vieited F»ta«ar» are making their appear­ !.. J. Tolls returned from Seattle last ance in three ¡»art«. Friday. While sitting in th» cafe of th»> The grange hold» delating route»«». Ranier Grami of that city, lie «, with the J. Z. Olreon ha* been marketing hl» oilier guetta of the hotel, felt a decided earthquake shock. "It left a sort of potato»», apple» »ml cider. Joi«n Foagrvu ia fencing hi« place. queer feeling,'' said Mr. 1'olla, ami he »»• not sorry to la- aide to gvt through J. II. Wildre ami »later, Mr». Hol- hi» business and leave that city very comb, are vieiting in 1‘orthud. shortly. Jaa ami Edward Kelly and »ialrr John Mitchell, Win. Keidy, and Mark Baxter ami daughter Mary, were recent l'oitlaml viaitore. Montrvilla t'amp No S7 W. O. W at Mr. ami Mr». Caawrll have left for The dance given in Warren’» hall by their mreting Monday night elrete.1 J. the grange last Satunlay night was a their home in Alberta, Canada They E. Blackburn and J. W. Higgins to the decided auevesa. will probably laby which liaa lx-en Wanted. For Sale. Lost. they look pretty to«». ti» the Xalionat Capitol he was accorded quite »ick ia improving. The business men of Moutavilla ought every courtesy by the official« who Etc. to form a merchants protective asstwia- slu'wtsl him everything worth seeing in AND WAGON REPAIRER Al local advertisement« are run under thi* atiou says Dan McMillan and incident­ that city. MELROSE. hfwti at the rale of OM OMT A WOBD I M H Horseshoeing a Specialty (T««» Ule fur l.*l wrek ) I^CK. No ad publl»hed for le*» than 15< « nts ally «ievise way» ami im«ans to encour­ J. E. K«hlm«uitl will move their <’a»h in advance except to regular advert i-vr* age ¡wvple to trail«« at home. BASE LINE. NEAR END «'AR UNE M»«lr<>«' wm »««Il repreH»Mit«l al tb«« oftiev laiilding on the |»r«»|*erty, rtvenlly If you have anything to «ell. or wish u» buj Powell Valley akaliug rink Natuniay purchased by Mr. Kedinoud from Cap ­ MONTAVILLA. ORE. I. X. Sutliffc an»l family of Kay anything, or have kwt anything, TRY A I iriglit. •••••••••••••••••••••••••a • W ANT AD.” in thi» «.xUumn The result» « il; county. Oklumah, old neighbors of J. tain Sehnvitler. on the corner of Winter surprise you. Ca»h or postage »lampe- Jamea ami Arthur Burna were in L. Yarnell, spent a day la«C w«»ek visit­ «treet ami Bate Line r«»a I at eml of car ing him. They haoiie ami Mr» ten years. Mr. Sutliffe was liighlv as well pleased with the buxines« already Mower, phone Tabor 553. pleased with M«mtavilla ami predicted a done. They have every prospect for a Henry Richartlaon of Trout>lal<* were large ami growing business ami have viHiting with Mr». S. A. Staffuni 01» Woodsawyer PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE bright future (or it. come I«» stay. I'uewlay. Guarantee*!. Chas. Cleveland, agent Erank Willard, who has lw*vn suffer­ G ree ham. Ore. Mr. Abler vi»it«i in Portlaml over Mrs. J. E. Kfislmon l it now able to l»v ing for sometime with an a I h ' vhs in his up an«i supervise the earc of the tine Sunday. head, («wind it necessary to go to the GEO. F. BARRINGER. to them about Johnie Str»«bin i. home from Corval- and sells Real l»oo«i Samaritan hospital last Munday baby girl that came Notary Public. Buy« 1 lis »¡»ending a few «lay» with hi» ¡»ar- Estate, Loans Money, — etc. 131 Base and have an operation p*rt »rme-l. It three weeks ago. Line Road, Montavilla, Ore. ia is to be hoped that il will affect a O. P. Potts is looking fur the fellow ' ent». , cure. Mr. ami Mr». Conrad vlaited with who borrowed his wood, The borrower STRAWBERRY PLANTS' Residence. 22 Broad Street. Mr. Putt« friend» aenia» Sandy Sunday, Magoons for sale. Plant* In in new C. P. Earl has bougt the Fulton *fc did not stop at the wood, says he took the team too. PHONE EAST 4112 ts-da, roots free from worms, at $2 per Beach grocery st«tck. Robert Hchmeer waa re|»>rted on the thousand. Orders delivery.! (rre m Annie Metzger is sh»wly recovering •ick lint laat week. Multnomah county. A. L. MAYBEE, Reverend Culiman of Salem was ex­ head and Mr. ami Mra. E. S. Bra in hall of Oak Greaham, Ore. 17 pected to till the pulpit at the Mrth<>- front a recent trouble of the ••••••••••••••••a Grove ami Mr. ami Mr». Hollingwheml ears. dist church last Sunday evening but a Jewelry of llartfonl, Cnnneticut, were the WANTED—To purchase a good farm J. W Hook has bought the ¡»wtotiiee -REPAIRING A SPECIALTY- horse, weight 1200 to 13IM, bay or black freight wreck on the Southern Pact tie guevta of John Hrauihall ami family oil All Work Guaranteed. preferred, must have trial before pur­ prevented his coming. He will, huw- an t »tore from A A. Steven». Mr». Saturday. chase. Gill Brothers. 1 mile north of • ever, come at a later date. ll«x»k will have i-harge of th«- store. For Special Bargains in Watches. See Russellville. Cleone P. O. Mina Geneva B. Rhoadea han been The class recital to b«- given l»v th«' ' C- E. Watt» i» plastering a nuuil«r of quite ill for the ¡xut w»*ek. For Sale—good pure reeleaned seed pupils of Miss Lena Merti will take new liouaea for William Spicer on the Mi« Mary Armatrung »¡»ent Sunday oats. Silver mine' at Shattuck's, Gresh­ place April 13«h. at 2.30 p. ni. at the \ Powell Valley road near the O. W. P. WATCHMAKER and JEWELER at her home. am. resi«lence of the tea.'her, 507 Milner crossing. Rev. J. H. W.*»l made a trip to Port- street. All are cordially invited to be 191 Morrison St, HORSES—For trade. - range horses, land laat week in the interact of the preseut. Villds KeoHjdnized. for gmxi 1200-pound mares or over with PORTLAND, - - OREGON ehurvli. the heaves. Enquire of Ed Smith, The Montavilla baMdmll team, known J. F. Tracv and lainily Near Pap’s Restaurant. * have move28 Grove street The Pleaaant View »ch«>lhou»e was bt“»»! several changes made in the team, F or SALE—Go«*! w,.rk ««r driving and is occupying the same. horse. Howitt, Gresham, Ore. which will naturally strengthen it, ami crowd report at George Enoch »poke of hi» eaperience tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed. * WANTE D—a quantity of clean linen or convention will be held in Spokanne. the elite«* of the season. Hall ami in the recent earthquake on the island cotton rags «3 2S.c * 1 “ - at Herald office. Your eyes fitted at home. Write for July, 4-5-U-7. This will l«e a splendid Probat will put the ball over the plate where he waa a missionary. free booklet describing our method. FOR SALE—Good 3-yr. old bay colt. opportunity for Baptist young people to in a style that will keep their oponenta Great was the surprise of Misa Winona Remember, the glasses we fit you E-rfectlv sound and gentle. Enquire at get in touch w ith national work as well guessing, and Smart at backstop will Ogden laat Saturday night, when, after to are worth $3.50 anv where on erald office. as to enjoy a splendid vacation in one of give a good account of himself and the • ¡en.ling the evening with her sister »he earth. Our price, only $1.00. Seed Oat»—Good, ¡«ire and reeleaned the most famous districts of the West. rest of the tram will give good sup|»ort. return«-«! to her home shortly after nine OVR REPAIRING departBest is awt conplete Mais ,print St 00 W itch ciesned White Russian, at Shattuck's. Gresham. £1 00. Send roar work br resutersd wail. AU who are interested shouM see the J. C. Martin will be manager, l>. Mc­ a- 5« repair, an, watch. MEN WANTED—For steady work at jiastor. Rev. Giluian Parker who can Millan, president, Harry U itzell cap­ Columbia Brick Works, Hogan station furnish all information as to rates etc,. tain and McKinley assistaint captain. near Gresham Any team wishing a game can be ac- iu The Ladies Aid society of the Grace cominodated by addrenidng J. C. Mar­ WANTED—furnished rooms for light Baptist church has just eX|«ende I $101). house-keeping, young couple, enquire tin, at 232 LiW ta street, Montavilla. D V F V R of Mrs. Wm. Bvers, Gresham. on the inerior of the church building, The line-up w ill be, Hall ami Probst, FOR SALE—Full bl«>od Poland China and the contractor broke ground this pitchers, Geibesh and Rideout, catchers. Attorney at Law i Boar, ten months old, enquire of or week for the B. V. P. V. addition. Smart, S. S. McKinley, 1st Imck, Sloan, write to W. T. Hensley, near Troutdale, 737 Chamber of Commerce Richard Latourell, one of Troutdales 2nd back, Ki"»-, 3r«l back, Weihush L. j Oregon. 14 most prominent citizens, accompanied F. Witzrll. R. F. Frrenwale, C. F. ami Phone Main 3366 P obtlaxd , O bcgon FOR SALE—Pure Bred Mallard Puck by his father, Joseph Latourell, of Lat­ Gum ami Hofftnau will br substitutes. eggs. Wendell Cleveland Gresham Or. ourell Falls, were doing business in the FOR SALE— Te«m, harne»» and light villa Monday. farm wagon. Horses weigh 2300 uges, tn tertdin ment for Readinq Room. Attorney - at - Law, It is reported that Mrs. Mansfield has 11 and 14. Sound, gentle, true to pull. Notary Public . . . Arrangements for the program to lie Outfit for I2UU W. H. McLaughlin Bor­ sold her 70-acre farm adjoining Monta­ Orrirv 507 Commercial Bldg.. Cor. 2nd and ing, Ore 14 villa on the east to a San Francisco given April 12th in Old Fellow’s hall Washingt'n St.. P ob TL amj Phone Par. ISM. R kmiuksce 3» Villa Avenue, Mom villa . At FOR SALE—Second hand 3’. wagon. firm, consideration, $42,000.00. It is for th«- hem-tit f the M intavilla readidg home evening». Al Hart. Gresham, Ore. also reported that the new owners, who room are nearly all completed. It is NOTICE expected that Mrs. Walter Reed FOR FRESH MILCH COWS—enquire it is thought are interested in the pro­ posed Mount Hood railway, will plat Portland will »¡ng in addition to Montavilla, Ore., March ♦, 1907.— of N. G. Hedin Orient, Oregon. 21 the tract into lots, grade the streets ami many other good things promised Notice ia hereby given that the firm WE PAY CASH—For Bees in boxes, wine of Portland's musical people. heretofore known as Dougherty and gnms. etc. Williams Bro»., Lent», Or. soon place it on the market. There will in* reading* by Western Copenhefer have thi» 4tb day of March, Box 177. Miss Alto Doscb recently accepted the Academy of music students ami by Miss 1907, diaaolved partnership. position of chef al the Montavilla hotel. EGGS FOR HATCHING—From prize Margarite Eghurt, vocal selections by winning single comb Brown Leghorns, Lloyd If. Herman, who had his linger the Cunningham quartet (men’s voices), Notice for Publicatiofl. $1.50 per 15 or $",.00 per hundred. AI-> Land Office at Portland, Oregon, March 9, matured birds $1 anJ up. Write or call mashed two weeks ago, is still unable to students of the -arne school, and Nord­ 19 h 7 on E. J. Gradin, Gresham Oregon. 14 work. strom brothers and Mins Grace Peter- Notice 1« hereby given that the following- named aettler ha»> filed notice of his intention son. FOR SALE — 50 cords good wood. $1. J. J. Herman it ¡«lowing for J. C. to inakr final proof in support of his claim, Miss Melba Westengard, a pupil ui ami that »«aid proof will be made before tha 62 at the stump, 4 miles east of G realism Campbell. Regi«t«*r and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on f 14 Mrs. C. Bak«*r, will give the Spring song April 19. lto'7. vis William Bobbin«, H E. No. E. J. Gradin. The many friends of Miss Agness as a violin •olo an. I Miss Florence West- 13012. for th«- 8 1-2 BE 1-4 Sec 30, 8W 1-4 8W 14 WASTED—To buy a medium size Bee 2» and Nto 1 » NW 14 Bee 32. T. 2 8.. R. 7 E He nameh the following witnesses to prove range, must be in good condition and Wolfer' who was recently married to engard will give a piano solo. hi« continuous residence upon and cultivation cheap. Enquire at this office. William < irimm, will lie glad to learn The accompanists will be Miss Nord- of said land, viz: John T. McIntyre,Balnmn. that the young people are happily set­ strom and Mr.-. Ella Jones. M arty Oregon, George Oak* of Salmon. Oregon, E Truman of Salmon, Oregon, J. A. Odell of Bal tled in their new home on Bourne thanks are due the latter, w ho is a music mon, Oregon. ALGERNON 8 DREABER street, Portland. teacher of Portland, as she has been in­ Register. First publication. Mar. 15. 1907; last publ.ca- fluential in pres uring the services of Mrs. Neefus and daughter, and Miss i<»n.April 12. 19U7 Feltrnan , of Estacada, visited with Mr. these people. This is only a partial program as full and Mrs. J. J. Herman last Sunday. Notice to Creditors. arrangments have not been made. Notice is hereby given thAt the undersigned Mrs. Haterwhite of the north uilla left has been by the county court of Multnomah Tuesday night for a visit with friends at county. Oregon, appointed administrator of ANDERSON STATION Fhe Improvement Board. Seattle. the estate of Sarepta Smith, deceased. All persons haviug claim^agalnst said estate E. ’ The Montavilla Improvement Board The seven- horse power marine gaso ­ are notified to present the same with vouchers, line engine for the Barringer—Herman held it» re gular meeting lant Monday duly verified, at the law office of Mendenhall I W ill sell at Public Auction to & Mendenhall in the Commercial block, city of launch has arrived and will soon lie in­ evening w ith <|iiit« a large attendance the highest bidder the following: Portland, Oregon, within six months from this present. Th»* re t committee report- stalled. date. c B. SMITH, 1 Lumber Wagon i ed that the widening of Vi Ila avenue . l»atr<1 March 16,1907 Grandma Nicholls, who lives near the 3-22-4-19 Administrator aforesaid. . had b«t»-n brought before the Htreet com­ 1 Spring Wagon cement works, fell and hurt herself sev­ mittee of the foiiucil but action had 1 Top Buggy eral weeks ago uut is now rapidly re­ been d<*ferr«on in the near morning and evening, and were greatly future. enjoyed by very large audiences. Spe­ Dr. William J>eVeny announced that i cial music was rendered at both ser­ he w ould be a < an elate for the no inina- I vices. Tn the evening Pastor Ol>erg Lion for councilman at large at the com- | Russellville Notes spoke of the importance of the work of ing election. While the Boarerated low»- Hall. WATER GUARANTEED M. Roberto, >• - r«-t try. Encamment ex Barrel and moved to Montavilla. on for appendiertis a few weeks ago, Terms on Application meet« lat ami 3rd W» driPM'lay* of each A large number are talking of attend­ has fully recovered from the operation month. All visiting brother« specially ing the State Grange. * but fails to gather strength aa rapidly as invited to attend. Montavilla. Oregon 143 Base Line D. L DOUGHERTY Blacksmith Found, Patronize 1ÏS Pioneer of Montavilla H. L. Searls, Watches and Fred D. Flora, One Dollar will o’cluck and found it tilled to ill» her friend« who came to give her a farewell surprise. Bhe is to leave for her new homo a I Forest Grove eoon. We were ind«*ed glad to welt tin* Mr. mid Mia. Woodin bat k from \ 3IM. Gr«'<*h- iihL meet« hi Itegnvr't Hall ¡ , inr« L« in Rrgnrr « »•ide of the Section Line r««u«l from the — ■■■■■■■ Hull l-t aii'l 3d Finlay radi month. resident« along the line o( the pr«»p»»« d ILury potiilut, M A -, C. A. NuUcy, Mt. Hcod railway to increai»«’ the toidth ><•« y. All AHi«an« Welcome. SECIN»\ IIM ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ OODMARl), Fine Impored German Coach Stallion Registered No. 7«7 Wut»« Fit« Ttirt Old 1400 1»«. ; ; SEASON IOO7 Ü II it I*.ml Hli«*.- i -«I t Valley, On rhani ba will “»jni W'dnradiK a and btiduya; -nil milaa lye. h■ -in Mondayi h‘ .« tn , I" I'li.-Mduv, 2 1». m. ; at • r ■ * ■ ' ii -in.'. 1 i in . Io I p •!» al ■ •. n HaUiniaya ' ‘ o ' ► < ; i • ' ► ' < 1 Terms To itiMur«*, h'Ap, $10 DICKINSON Saturday, April 13, IO A. M We di«l not have rouui f«»r the •lory, The Pillili* <»( Light, tins week. niret«« til Odd Fellows' Hall, S*n«ly( Ore- Our new tcledhone line, «larling at g >n. <-»<-ri Wedm-sdav night al 7 30. John Mervbon’a an«l extending to the «-enti.il Visiting