Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, March 15, 1907, Image 1

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Volume 3.
i which, until recently ha» generated all
i the juh'e uae«l by the cars of that coin-
I |*aliy on the whole line eaatof H.*ll«<»»l
Tbi» plant alone repren-nta an invest-
* iiient ul almost $llM),Ut)O (M> ami is alilv
<*l>er»l>'<l l>v chief engineer J. M Davis,
usaistant, Ed Edward», ami oiler, liomer
Good Chance ol Becoming the Fisher.
The office of poatmiatieea i« al>lv filled
Metropolis of Eastern
by Mra. A. Moruml, who attend» to the
■ wants of al«*«it '.is* patrons, l*e»Me car-
ing lor the Farmers ami Pacific Htat«*»
I Tel«q>h<»no lin«'» centering at Boring,
The tlrigon Railway A Navigation Co.
und other railways al»o have a tie in­
(F. M Morgan) ha ute I here,
who«- entire tinx is taken up in the
Among Its Prominent Men Are inspvctioii of ties ami lumlier l»>ugl>t
for the «liffi-rent conq>ai>y».
W. H. Boring, J. Root
One of th>< most important in luatriew
l<a-atr«l at Boring is the big creamery of
and O. A. Palmer.
V’etsch A Mons, this creamery ia shipping
.'«Utt pounds of the finest butter every
The territory tributary to the Oregon «lay, is known all over the Pacific Coast,
Water Power railway in Clackamas i ami brings a top notch price. A new
■ ml modern factory haa just l»*«n finish­
county is Improving so rapitlly that one
ed by them at great eoet to the firm,
haa hard work to k«w*p track of all the which will enable them to turn out a
go«»! thing» going <m. A visit to Boring, yet larger supply with very little more
the coining center of north-western labor.
Clackamas, wm not only a pleasure, but
Education ami religion, the two moat
a real surprise Ye scribe had imagimsl ini|»or*i»nt things in any «-»immunity has
that Boring was (»imply ■ »tation on the kept |mCe with the progrrsa of the rapid­
railroad1 ■ point of rail as It were, be- ly growing town, a splemlid achoollivnae
hol«l our astoniahment then when we slamls on th«« eniiiivnce overlooking
found that Boring is the biggest »hipping deep creek, ami near by ia a neat h»>k-
|»>int on the whole ol tin* Oregon Water ing new chiirrn under construction by
Powerline. A few b«<t» gullicrcd from the tnenils-ra of the M. E. church,
W. J. Telford, tbe obliging agent o( tbe • wlrcli when cvnq«let«l will l*e a credit
Oregon Water Power Co., i« sufficient , to the community.
proof of this assertion. Through the
This article wouhl not lie coinplet«*
Boring station is hamll««l about 32o ton« without a w*>r«l concerning William
of fr«*iglit |*«*r month, 2is> car |oa«l >*f tic» Boring ami his «-»timable wife, after
ami lumlier; 2W carluml» of woo«!; and whom the town takes its name. For
lolly lu<M pn»»engers |»*r month coin« many years l»*ring precinct was a factor
and gn through Boring.
hi Clackamas county politics, it was
Boring 1» to Noylhwcatern Clrnkamn«' known sll over the county and over a
w I at Tlx* Dalles u»c«l to b»* to the region go*»| |»>rtion of the atat«>, Ie k *«* «lien
E i«t ol the t'asi*a*lr«, a shipping center. the Oregon \Vnt«*r Power laiilt their
The r**a*ls are literally lined with teum«, line* through Hie place the name Boring
coming from every direction, aixl haavi-. «m n.loptcil as the one most fitting to
Iv |oa*!««l with lumber, ties, shingle, hay remember tin* work of the old time and
and fatm pr«»lm*«« of every kind, re-; highly re»i*ected settlers.
turning with freight for the merchant«
The thanks of the writ«*r are «In«« to
at Orient, Pb-a-mit Home, Cottrell, .1 Tclfotrl, ths popular rail«av ag« nt,
Samly, Firwond, Diver, Cherryville, un i to J. W. R«»>t, the owner of th«*
Salmon, W el«*h’». Bull Run, Aims, Mar- Il*>tmg town»ite, aixl one of its moving
mot, and other flourishing ¡»«Inta East spirits. Mr. It<»>t wa«one of tIt«* first to
»«••■ tin* wonderful resonr«-«-» vf Boring
ami W«*»l of the Study.
From Boring al»<> starts nil th«* •( igr« nn I to ptollt thereby, h<* lias however
not l»een »«*ltl»b in tin* mutter mid
<>( the various lines ami |u»»t<*tticr». anxious to pu«h Boring to the front, lia»
which in summer time nr«* literally lui«l out numerous bhs*k» ami lots ami
lin««l with tourists ami sumnn r camp­ ia rapidly disposing of them to perma­
sett lets.
ers in <pie>t of s|«>it ami heullli at th«* nent
We «’otili. lent ally expect to see Boring
numerous siiinmer r«*»orts of that region. ! one of th«* l»*»t tow ns on the w«*»t«*i ii
Fully 200 men ar«* on the |«av roll» of «|o|w* of the Cam*a<ie* ramie aixl Th«*
the big mills, logging ami w<w«d camp» in llt-iuld lx>|M*s to l*e a decide«! factor in
ami tributary to Boring. A lew of the its growth.
mills at pr« »ent hauling to Boring are
the Straus Lumlier Co., Pr«>ct<»r A Beers. I
Presbyterians Will Build.
N. E. I*oiiahne, Davis A Davis, Johns-
G. A. Blair ia pushing forward
rud Bro'», Rich
Hall, J. B. Chapman,
l»*»i<le the big iixnlem mill recently con- the organization of n Pn-sbyterian
»tractsd by O. A. Palmer A Son in church in Montavilla. Service» are held
i in th«* < M«l Fellows Hall Bunday «•veil­
The business enterprises contributing ing» ami Sunday ech<»>l nt 10:30 a. in.
to the public welfare in Boring are two Mr». J E. McCaslin is president of the
general merchamlis«* stores, owned by Eadie» Aid auciety.
Lots have I h *«* u punrhaned of Mr. Hile
J. W. Root ami S. E. Car«l; two hotels
<>l>ernted by Chris ljirs-m ami A. D. bard two block» north of Spergi'r’» »tore
Herr; on«* sal<»>i>, own«wl by T. M. Alli­ where a cliapel is la-ing built which will
son; on«* livery stable recently built aixl la* ready for u»«* about April l»t.
Mr. Blair recently organized a new
ofwnral by Morgan «k Harris; a g«»»l
blacksmith »hop run by O. I*. Roe; a church at Vernon and steps are ls*ing
large skating rink an«l confectionary Inked toward» th«* building of a
fiarlors owned ami o,H-rat<*<l by Izmir edifice here. Th«1 Presbyterian church
Ritzer; a largo carbolincnni phi nt own­ on F.a»t 12th and Taylor »fleet» la a
ed by Fischer Thornton Co. ; l»*si<lMthe monument of Mr. Blair’» work.
big sub-station ami elecric generating seem» no doubt of the auec«*»» of hi» un­
plant of the Oregon Water Power Co., dertaking in thin queen of suburbs.
\ LL STORES find when spring opens up that
* * they have some goods that are not fast movers,
do not sell as they should, some broken sizes
or the fag end of a line. Most stores hang on to
them and keep their stock looking old and shelf
worn. Now we are putting all this this stuff on a
special bargain counter and will offer it very cheap.
All good and clean goods, but slow to go. You
can get them cheap. Call in and see our bargain
Number 11
Everything marked in plain figures, so
you may see for yourself.
Report of the Experts.
At the rignlar annual meetingof the
CONSIDERED GOOD ■ members of the Oregon Fire relief Aaso
Mr«. Horberg in enjoying a visit with
her mother.
ciation, in January, a resolution was
H. G. Knox made a business trip to
| a-s< <1 directing the tru»tees to have
Oregon City Thursday.
Farmers of Eastern Multnomah Ellis Ricbev was out from Portland Wider Villa Avenue Wanted piil lislud the repoit of the experts who
were going over the accounts of tbe uffi-
By Property Owners
and Clackamas Counties
rers of the assoeiation. In following
W II. Boring visited with hi» brother
< out this direction, we Iwg to call your
and Farmers.
Highly Favored.
at Damaacua last week.
attention to the attache»! report which
Mia* Currie Heacock visit«*«) with II.
they have filwl. We have not publiXheai
to tli«- H<ml<L)
The exwutive council of the Monta-
II. Peter«one day last week.
the figure« contained in their report .«a
l*OHTI.ASi>. M-rthH. IU)7. — Tlir
Improvement Board met laat Mon­ they are only a recapitulation <4 the fig-
Little Andrew Hederman, who ie Buf­
farmer» of Multnomah county can fering from a broken limb, is getting day evening at the office of the becre- ure» contaim*d in our annual report.
M*ar<*«dy realize tbe prosperity that is ■ long a« Well a» could le expected.
1«»ry. to hear the re|>ort of the commit­ We wish to assure the public, however,
Mr. and Mr«. J. F. Wilmarth viaited tee having the improvement of Villa that at any time they will call on uh , we
coming to them, in addition to that
will be please«! to »Low them any of the
which they now enjoy. 11 tbe indica­ Mr. and Mrs. I.. C. Stark ol Portland avenue in charge. W. J. Burden of the i
committee, reporte«l that they had call- record» of the office.
tion» are corr««ct, there w ill I»* two elec-
W. C. HAGERTY, Secretary.
Will lledermanri is laid up with an • <i iq«*n the r«pieaentativ«*« of TheOrw
trie railways to th» haae <4 Mount lloo«i
To Hon. II. H. Hewitt, 8. A. Riggs
built in tbe Ilea- future. The past injured hand.
ern Guarantee Co., both large holders of ' and Chas. Cleveland,
week the Portland council grantul the
R. B. Smith ia visiting hi« daughter
property along the propoee«l improve­ appoint«»! to examine the hooka ami
Purtlaixi A Mount li*«»l Railway com- at Baker City this week.
ment and found them heartily in favor accounts of tbe (Iregoo Fire Relief A »so.
panv a franchise over certain streets on
Walter Hal)'« l>aby i» very low, tbe , of an HO-foot street. When the fact i» cistion.
lbs East Bide and the county court ha» doctor was called on Monday.
taken into consideration that the fuuld Gentlemen : We beg to report that we
gr»nte«l tbe company llie use of snu» <4
Mr. Miller from above Kandy wai intermt», the Jones estate, and other haw nta<le a complete and thorough
the county roads on condition that it
visiting Mr. Vetoch's the Aral of tbe owners of large tracts, a» well ■• a large examination of tbe accounts of the sec­
build a spur to Kellv Butte, where the
number of small pro|>erty owner», have retary ami treasurer «4 the Orgeon Fire
county r<a*k crusher is l*icat«si and also
already declared thcmselvm in favor of Relief Association, having cnecked aU
that it <-arry crushed rock fr«^> of charge.
a wide street, it can readily l«e i»*en that receipts and disbursements for a period
Dr. M G. McCorkle of hast Portland is Washington.
tbe chance« of securing an eighty-foot of three veer», beginning Jan. 1, 1!<M.
the apparent promotor of this enter­
roadway from Grand avenue to the up to an<l including Doc 31, 19U6. We
prise ami be declares that work «ill
Grace Baptist Church Notes.
Eastern city boundary are exceedingly have found tbe system of kt^ping the
■tart on this road a» soon as the mayor
bright as the citv council cannot but re- 1 accounts of tbe members of tbe aseacia-
signa the ordinance. He aavs al*“* that 1 On Sunday, Mnn-li 3*1.. there were four­
cognize the vast amount of benefit it tion one of exactness and in which an
there i« ample capit al at the l>«*k of I teen <leci»i>«n» t<> hvafthe Christian life.
would be to the territory traversed, and 1 error, if made, can be readily found ami
thia ynterprise ami givea »»surauce that On 8mxl.«y, the 10th, there were
The l»x>ks are kept in a
when lau ked up by the large majority corrected.
II,Ire baptized u,sin profession of faith,
it lias already lieen financed.
of tbe frontage will not hesitate to pass businees-like manner and the balances
Dr. McCorkle’» road must not la* cou- I and three m«re professed conversion. the nece»Hary ordinances. ’ Nur will it on hand in the different funds as report­
ne<*tcd with tin- Mount H«»»l Railway
T‘ie l>i<ls for the contract for the new »top at the city boundary, as tbe farm­ ed bv the secr«-tarv ami treasurer oil Dec.
and Power company, which lift» ac<|uir- building will l>e opened in a few day»
ers to the eastward, almost to a man, 31, 1906, are correct. The officers anti
•• I large pro|»*rty east of the Sandy river then the building will proceed.
hire demanding the extensions through entire office force have aide«i ami assist­
at the junction of Bull Run. Thia i« a i The young js-oples' business meeting
to Fairview, and are only waiting for ed us in every way possible in making
«rparate enterprise from the other. It * and social on Wednesday evening was the city to take definite action to put this examinrtion.
ba» been iu the field tor sviu<- time pur­ largely attendeJ, and a very interesting ; * their «Jemands in proper shape before
We desire to make special mention of
chasing pmperty on the East Side for I literary and musical entertainment was ’
the i.eatness and accuracy of the books
' the county commissioners.
terminal facilitiew, having b «light lots greatly enjoyed.
The committee al»o reported having ami awiunts kept by the accountants of
and parts "t bio***« to the umount of
the city engineer’s office, and the association-
S.Vi,lN«i. OuAi In of Portland its route I Allred Ohlson and wife of Moline, III.,
are visiting their aunt Mr«. Oliver S.
lias not l>ccn determined, hut it is un-
covering the balances as shown in said
Ohlson for a lew days. He is much cally completed.
der«t*w»| that it may l>e located between
accounts in the McMinnville National
pleased with the Pacific const and Port­
the B* im > a lei Section line roails. This
bust and if I m * can arrange his bwinee» school building, reported that work Bank. Also, the following lionds,to-wit:
company will also erect a big power
||Expense fnnJ Kinds ami mortgage
to suit will make bis permanent .home along that line was being pushed and
plant on its land at the junction of the
. that it was exi»sti‘*^ that a representa­ face value, amounting to *22, 559.
Sandy anil Bull Run River.
Prepaid I -- fund bonds, *10, 000.
Rev. Gilman Parker ha« moved from tive from the building committee of the
If these two electric railways are
All of which, is respectfully submitted.
school b *ard would soon visit Monta-
built, as now seems probable, travers­ the corner id Spencer ami Baseliue road • villa with a view to looking up a suitable
ing the country between Portland and to 103 Grove street.
F. M. RedfieM,
location in the north end.
Subject of sermons for next Sunday
the base of Mount Hood, the advantage
Jolin W. Roland,
It was also suggwte«! that Montavilla
tc the farmers cannot la* estimated. «erviceA will l>e as follows:—In the morn­ shouhi have a block of ground set aside
Dr. McCorkle proposes to erect a sani­ ing will lie the fourth sermon in the for park pur|*oa«*s, and this will likely ' Dated Jan. 16,1907.
tarium on Salmon river, and hie enter­ ¡course “Tie Divine presence-’; subject. be taken up at the next regular meeting
prise includes the construction of a c<>g- The Presence, With Christ at his Bap­ of the board.
family. Messers. Campbell, McLawand
railway up the side of Mount Hood, the tism. In the evening a sermon to ____________________________________ Zimmerman are pre,airing to erect res­
same as is done in many Eastern places. young people on “Launching out into
idences for themselves on their large
The electric power which will I* used
When completed one can buy a ticket the deep.”
1 to operate the new grist milt here will i farm here in the near future.
to the top <>f Mount IL hs I, which will
be supplied by (tie Cazadero plant. The , Mrs. A. T. Atxell has been entertain­
lie going some, won’t it ?
,»>les and wines for that purpose are al- I ing Mrs. W. C. Bailey from Tillamook.
Flmer Jenkins and wife of Portland in place.
Mrs. M. B. Slerel’s 75th Birthday
The ,<oles and trolley wires for the Ce­ spent Sunday with Mrs. G..O. Dolph.
darville to Troutdale extention are near-
Mrs. M. J. Littlepage. who has been
Mr». M. B. sieret recently celebrated
1 ly all in place and we hope to see cars spending the winter in Portland, return­
her "Mb birthday at her home at 1135 E.
FAIRVIEW, ORE., March 12—The running in a few days.
ed to her home here a lew days ago.
Taylor atreet, Portland. Tlx*»«* present
Tbe route for the Troutdale to St John's
were, "r. ami Mr» John Sleivt, Mr. concert given in the Mati»'sli«t church
Oral Snover of Portland spent Sun­
ami Mr». Fr«*«I Ruegg, Mr. and Mr*. • mi Friday vveaing under the direction extension is being surveyed. The right- day with friends here.
<4 Mra. K. Smith was a success. The
George Sieret, Mm. Lewi» Shattuck, <4
i of-way through some of the farms has
proceeds «ill la* applied to the pastor’s alremly been secured. Some of the' Miss Alta Wilcox visited relatives in
Gresham, Mr. and Mm.
Idleiuan, of
salary. The program was as follows: fanners, whose place« will be almost ru- Portland the last of the week.
Miaitavilln, Mm. J. W. Townnen<L «>f
Rev. F. E. Bellington, state secretary
Troutdale, Mr. ami Mm. E. A. Limitary. Organ ««><«», Mrs. E. A. W hitney; reci­ inol by the r<*a«l, are not cherishing any
for the Oregon Christian Missionary So­
I of Porthuai. AU her children were
i««ndne»s for the O. R. A N. company.
ciety, visited his sister. Mrs A. T. Ax­
Smith; recitation, Mra. C. Cree; solo,
present exrept E. E. Sieret.
George McKinly of Spotane was a re- tell, recently while on his way to bis
Mr». Sieret reaided in Gresham for
<wnt guest of trieiMis here.
home at Cottage Grove from Athena.
many yearn being a pioneer in this vici­ Ashcraft; baritone solo, Rev. C. E.
Mrs. A. W. J^iiuniermau and dsugiiter,
Crandall; solo, E E. Heslin ; recitation,
Mrs. J. M. Ashcraft, Miss Nellie Hun.
nity. Site ha» many acquaintance« and
Miss Cloe Crandall; organ solo, Mrs. E. Miss Rae, formerly «4 Portland, will ter, Miss Itene Stone, Mrs. A. L. Stone,
friend» here. It will be a surprise to
A. Whitney; a«>lo, Mias Pearl Cramlall. make their home in Fairview tifis snin- D. S. lhinbar and wife. Miss Ethel Hea-
many to know that »he ha» attained the
mer. They are now residing in part of lin ami Mrs. A. O. Jackson were recent
I age of "B, being well preserved f<«r her Axtell A Cree are at work on Mra. A.
honsr vacate«! by N. W. Rice and Portland visitors.
B. Moller’» new house.
| "gr*
Why Do the Ladies Come in and Look Spring Time Means Seeding Time
And we have the essentials for this particular season of the
and Remark
year including all varieties of Garden. Lawn and Flower Seeds,
“What a pretty stove that is. I
never thought I would like a range, but
that one surely suits me, and if 1 can get
my husband in the notion I am going to
get that one.” They are looking at and
talking about the Lorain, and right here
we want to add a word or two in regard
to quality. There is nothing any better.
Asbestos lined, malleable top, complete
set of dampers and drafts, very heavy
steel plates and all solid and perfect
throughout. And you can possess one
very reasonably, either for cash or on
terms to suit you. We also have Supe­
riors, Mohawks and useful Niagaras.
Our line is very complete.
also Field Seeds, including Silver Mine Oats, White Russian
Oats, Spring Vetch and Clover. Timothy and Alsike Clover
seed. We want to call your attention to our seed Oats—all
recleaned and perfect seed. Call and inspect them and be
Men’s Furnishings
That has ever been shown in a country store just received
from San Francisco, California. There is nothing better in
Multnomah county.
You are invited to call and see for
Always Remember that We Sell Peters' Shoes
We Carry a Complete l.lne of
fresh fruits and Vegetables
Get In your orders for
Land Plaster
So we will know who to notify.
$1.00 by so doing.
You save
SVnSrs- Hardware and Steel Goods
Bring us your orders and we will give you
estimates and figures ' on your hardware,
whether it be for building or farming, -we
can and will save you money on this line.
Poultiy Netting and Barb Wire in endless