BEAVER STATE HERALD, MARCH 8, 1907 6/>e PILLAR OF LIGHT By I.OUIS TRACY. A«Ml>«< «I "Tk« Wing. «I lb« Nanai««' Cop yr I«IH. IWM. by K4ward Ì. < liât» 'XZ\/wxzxz, zxzxzxz.zvzxzszxzx RYNOPHlH. CHAPTER I —At >i»ybr<*nk an ■ •»i«t- «lit k««|»-r <4 tln* liyhtI ioiim *, v«*r« in tln» dlatancr » «hip in ilblrra». Ht«*|,h- < n Hrnn'l ugicv« t<> « wiiii out to il In yn iloiny In* rum«*« in contact witb « ■l>ark wliicli liv kllln and l>oarda thè ■hip. 11« fimi» on Itoitrd tln l«»!y <4 « un II.— Tlir burnii« containa a live baby of w lih'li a hicli Jonca awunira ebaryo. la-ltcra "E T" aro tuli mi on chiid'a cbdliing. Baby ia plnciil in i liiiryc of nurac ulto bar cliurg'- albo of Sb-|il»«-u Hrand'a cliiblie'i Clilld i» min,«4 "Eiihl Trevi!- Itoli. 111.—Eitfliteen yi-ara la lev, Cull­ atati«-«', iliuigldcr <4 Biand, and Enid V" 10 Ilo- li^ht I ioiim , alili un old fi«li«*rmim naiiiod Boli. Tbey are i auglit in a atomi and aatliey ni artho liglithouae hvnr tin­ tinnar «iinial troni tln- r<» k The) land aati’ly and timi tbat twn inoli ha», la-eli liuti. Brand aernla thè iiijim-d meri Imik dilli Beli. IV—Jack ami ami Batea gre lowered itilo thè boat alni Ben t tkea tbein back lo l'eiiram-e. The l*aiay ia inet by l.ieiitvhunl btiinluq»- ubo la devoledly III love uitli Enid. Ili- aaaiata in carina tur lite miunded meli. — V Enid apiea .1 lami ap|iroa<'liing Ilio na-k. 11 la l*.e Izipwlng Brami dia>overa tinti il la aailed liv Htaiilioia- Ile alenala for ihein noi lo land, ami Stanho|a> re- Itirna lo Pcnxanci- The pirla a|>.iml thè night at thè r launch out Into a full cxplnnntloti that Instant. Ko he signaled: "Every one alive, but many ennee of grave collapse." Htanliope was again the signaler— evidently li<* had arrange I matter« with the admiral nt I* irtonoutb— so Brand eg|>ected the reply: "How an* Conntauce and Enid?” "Quite well ami cheerful." The tall man near Ktnnhope bent closer. "Are Mrs. Vanaittart and Pyne all right T* Brand n«niime«l tlmt the Indy was In no won«* condition than others. Con­ stance, telling him the atnte of the nick during n hasty visit, had not mentioned her name. So he n«*nt the msMcd nsnurance nnd went on forlornly: "ttuppoae no cff-»rt can lx» mnde to often communication?*' To bls great surprise the answer came: "AVe are constructing a raft. When the title falls tills nfternoon we will try what can lie done." Ah. bow glml he win thnt he lind not otieyed Ills earlier Impulse nnd horri­ fied the anxlohs rescuers by n prophe­ cy of lingering death for tunny, with the prelude, perchance, of murderous excesses comniltt<«d hy men on the verge of madness. If thnt story had to be told bo would not flinch, but It wns n grateful thing thnt tlie hour of Its telling might nt leant lx* deferred. A long message followed, a string of loving word« from relatives ashore to ateainer. "If you would like to aei> him,** he Mid, "I have no doubt .Mr. Itrund will let you atand on the gallery for a lit­ tle while.** Hhe declined, excualng heraclf oil the ground of weak nene. "iu thin high wind.” alie auld. "It will Ire very cold out there, and any further exfrrraure would make me very III." "That'a true enough.** he u greed, though be wondered w hy ahv rained no queatlon concerning the uieannge alie Wlaiieri him to convey to Mr. Traill. Ilad nite forgotten tbo urgency of her worda overnight? lie Itnd carried Iter liiatriictlou» quite faithfully to Hrrind ami the latter Milled at the fantany. "Time enough to think of nucli thing» when we are anaurerl of the lurly'a de­ parture," he aald. and they left It at that. Thinking to Intereat her, I’yne told iter of thr crowd oil the Falcon. "Moatly rrtem, Brum! tUluka,** Im Mid. "What a »lory they will build up In the New York pu|a*m! It wilt I m - more fun than a ixix of monkey» to get hold of thin week’» newa and read all the flapdoixlle they are print lux " But Mra. Vaiinlttart wun uot to tie rottaed from her melancholy. Hlie dreaded the leant pliyek'ul Buffering. Privation wan a new thing III tier life. Today alie wu< Inert, timid, a woman who cowered u «ay from the door ami «0» olivloualy unxloun thut lie aboiild leu vo her to tbo quiet miacry of the packed I-cdroom. An tlie day panned. >1 wearlnome Iter­ ation of all thut bud gone before, a new feature In the relation» of the crowded community made Itaelf dlna- grerably apparent. Meu drew apart from each other ulugly or In »mall group«. An luconaolable gloom aetth*d on the women. By nouie menu« the knowledge spread flint they might all nturve to death Iu the heart of thin cold dungeon. They began to loathe It, to upbraid Ita ateadfaatneaa with nfxiken curarn or unrestrained ti-arn. The »atic tuary of one day wan iM-comlug the tomb of the next. No longer waa there competition to look at land or «<*n from tbo o|x*n wlmlown Everywhere wan settling down ■ pall of bluuk, horrible alleuce and «U»plclon. Even (*onntan<*e yielded to the com­ mon terror once alien the men of the watch <-a<-orteear oue. d<> not ask me. AA'e must not think of such things.** "But dad Is thinking of them. I watched bls fare when I took him a scrap of fixsl Just now, and"— "Hash. dear. Ix*t us pray aud hope." There was a clatter of feet down the Iron stairs. Tlie men of the watch were bustling to unbar the Iron door. A solidly built, circular raft had been lowered from the Trinity tender. An aaslatant keeper, wearing a cork jacket, with a rope about bla walat. was clinging to a stumpy mast In the center. Two stout guide ro|x*s were manipulated from the deck of tlie ves­ sel. and the flat, unwieldy mass of tlmtx*r wna slowly drifting nearer to the lighthouse with the tide. Tlie door of the column opened to­ ward the east, so tlie wind, with Its pelting sheets of spray, was almost tn the ojiposlte quarter, ami the stout granite shaft Itself afforded some de­ gree of protection for the entrance. The scheme algnal<*d from the steamer was a go-xl one. None but a lunatic would endeavor to approach the rock Itself, but there wns n chance that the raft might lx* made to drift near enough to the door to permit a grnpnel to lx* thrown aero«« the rojx* held by tlie gallant volunteer on the raft. It waa ills duty to attach the two ropes and thus render It possible for a stronger line to lx* drawn from the vessel to tin* pillar. There waa no oth­ er way. Tlie lighthouse did not possess 11 rojie of sufficient length to lx» drawn hack by tlie raft without the Interven­ tion of some human agency. This wns precisely the puny, half de- «IMilrlng do I go that the reef loved to play with. Catlike. It |>ermltted the queer, flat bottomed craft to approach a'most within ball. Then It abut forth a dnw of furious surf, the heavy rnft wns pl< ked up ns if It were n flouting feather, turned clean over nnd flung ninny fntb.iuis out to nen, while Ixitb of Its guiding cnliles were snnpped with contemptuous ense. The assistant keeper, kept nflout by Ills Jacket, was linitled. half drowned, back through the choking froth, while the wave which overwhelmed tlie raft curled up n spiteful tongue and almost siiccee buxines« only with atsme, Enid and others who brl|>sd to north of the H<-IHy lal<*« and runs Into th<«e who have a coOaMerable amount <4 money which they s«*ek to deposit. the tliiul stream again exactly at thia apportion tlie eutaldes could treat all Tili« is not true. Banks are <4 as great advantage to the man of moiierato means as to thoae who are considere«! wealthy. alike. Home fared lx*tter than others point. The result often ia that, wblla In quality If uot iu quantity. The un­ little pleasure boats cou sufely run There are a great many men who have busines« to transect who undertake to transact it in the old way. They trv to make their own collection« or em­ fortunate ones growled aud talked of out Into the bay from Tensance, there Is 11 rii<-e over tlie rock tbat would 1 ploy an attorney to do ao, pay their bills at a distance by sending money favoritism. through the mails at a great risk >4 l'*»s, or purcl«a«e a [sxitoffire or express A crisis waa reached when the sec­ break up a strand«**) battleohlp." money order at exhorbitant rate«, when the whole matter could lie handle*! "Huy. do you like this klml of life?" ond officer mustered the night watch. through their home liaiik which is always retuly to look after the >lelails in all "I have given my lx*st years to It." When one sheep lends the others Will such transaction«. Pym- was smoking u pl|x*. oue which follow. A stout tiermiin from Chicago IT IS NOT NECEMSARY to wait your turn with several bund nil people Braud lent him. The tobacco was a asked liluntly: at the court hoiiMe in order to |re«h*rn, near to who dared to any wlrit they all «•nrrle-l In bls pock<-t. car line If |M««ui1ble Till» arrangement was to lx* kept a thought. Their feet «Iniffied Iu sup FOR MALE M»-arre tra< t well Improved, on Kaae Line. |7.o 0. Al»ol enough to Imagine tbat ......... -I milk, retained for their exclu­ you lire lieln-* «-heated by people who sive bq.ef.t. "bo y->u t;:luJ my saying that you nn* dividing their last crust with you?" "How do ve know dill? I»osc girls— ur<- a io> ! bit of au enigma?" he liaz- dey are chokin' uilt Mr Fyue nil der 1 nrd-xi lx*tw«-«*n puffs. Mountain sch »>1 ia prepiring for an SEC 1 ION LINE. "It may be so. but I like the service." day. In*y cun'dkio dut u.:d be hungry Ea-ter egg rolling |«arty an*. "You unmitigated ns«."' auid the dis­ when I took a trip a« fourth engineer several in our lx-rg to alteml the mar­ on a tramp In the gulf of Florida. But Mr». F. II. Rix prov«*s to be a welcome gusted officer. “There Is fooj here for riage of Mias Anna Rub, to Dr. Luther three p-*op|.*. They have fed eighty* that dl 'n't signify being tl«*«l to u long an«i interesting visit ir <>t Ma intain one of us for two days and w-l!l keep uoH«-d oiler for the remainder of my AA". Fromm of Candle, Alaska, on Wed­ school. I nesday evening, Octolwr i«i, i'JOfi. Tl«e ns going several more days Cau't you days." "Are you a tnariue engineer?** in­ ceremony was preformed at the resi­ figure It out? isn't It a miracle? Money isn't everything, but it often Hen*! Who's for guard and who uot? quired Brand, with some show of In­ lience of Mr. and Mrs. 8. Pepper of that makes a rood imitation. terest. Let us t greeted w.tii en­ sion." ! LIST YOUR PROPERTY NOW Z The lighthouse keeixr laughed so friends are tendered for future happi­ thusiasm. but a few valiant spirits * TYuring the |«wt few weeks several * came to bls n« dataller. A co-.tplc of naturally that the younger man was ness in her far off northern home. * A' pie«»-« of property in Grttsham • liymus were feebly rendered — and gritlhed. Polite disbelief may be a Mrs. Peter Krom-nberg of California e »nd vicinity have changed hand«. • 1 c- . again silence. hi on a visit to her |* fact, nevertheless. My find Brnnd trlniuiln;- tlie «pare tamp. * soon — $25 from the middle states • r..:i f -.' w.i« pleased to Invest a J. C. Buckley attended the funeral of * to Oregon. Gresham wants her • "Not toii'glit," said Brand. "Why not? Hell u>uy lirei.k loose at dew <. dial- 1-, real «‘»late ou the Mh«*ep Samuel J. .Alixmey, which took place in * share of incoming honiewekers. • fv-i.i Manhattan avenue now Portland on Sunday March 3d. For a * list vour projx-rtv n--w with tlie a any nminent downstairs." "What has occurred? I beard some­ >t . s. My uncle has half; my mother number of years the deceased has been Z GRESHAM REAL ESTATE COMPANY ; thing of a dispute when the w atch mus- . had the other half.” an n«l visitor in our midst where "Are both of your parents dead?” ten*d nt H O'clock." he owned several farm«. "Yes; year« azo; lust at sea, too, on "Tiling« nre worse now. One of the my father ’ s yacht. ” A surprise |>arty took )1. Alllwuse bv e waeaeeaaaaaceaaaae men found a gall >11 of methylated spirit "AA'Ii.-it a terrible thing!” Ktorni on Saturday evening last, the Z WHEN II NEED OF A GOOD RI6 . . . . Z Iu the workshop." "It must have been something like occasion lieing his .birtli*lay. A num­ "(lo-xl hcaveiis! Did lie drink any of that. I was o >ly six years old at the itr* ber of ginrsts responded to invitations * Remember that you can always * get it from the * "He nuil his mates have emptied the . time. My uncle lost his wife and child, an«l were highly « ntt rtair.e«-ate«i in one of the e gasoline launch to the river where be "She Is a nice woman In some ways," finest fruit districts in Oregon. e He glance«! up at the glass dome. ex|«cts to make a trial trip soon. Has a family on-hard in full bear- # Heavy drops were pattering on It. said Pyne reflectively. "Not quite my Cecelia AA’oudward attende.1 a social • ing. Plenty of water, timber and # Tlicy looked like spray, but Pyne shout­ sort, perhaps, but a lady all the time. • plenty of outrange. Will make e She Is not an American. Came to the ed gleefully: dance at Bridal A'eil Friday evening. • an ideal dairv. stuck or fruit farm. Rtates aliout HO. I think. an«l lost her "Is It rain?" ’ Peter Andersen was in Portland for • Price, »2,000.00. "Yea. I wav Just going to summon hubby on a ranch In California. Any­ two days ins|>ecting his property and the watch to help In filling every ves­ how. the old man Is dead stuck on her, sel. Ry spreading canvas sheets we nn«i they ought to hit It off well to­ reports Upper Albina booming. can gather a large supply If It rains gether. The A'anslttart you kuew didn't Helen leaver was tendere 1 a surprise "The Reliable Real Estate Mao." * ban!. Moreover, it will beat the sea hap|x*n to marry a relative of yours?” party on her fifteenth birthday February • "No. He was a mere acquaintance. ” • • down. Man alive, tills may mean sal­ 26. A large crowd was present ami a “Odd thing." ruminated I*yn*- "It Z GRESHAM, - ORE. Z vation! Tie those weaklings and sum­ has Just oceurred to me that she re­ jolly lime was enjoyed by all. mon every sotx»r man to help." sembles your daughter— your elder •oeeaaaoeaaaa aooaea* With a whoop. Pyne vanished. lie met Constance ou the stairs, coming to daugtite: — not sb much In face as In see her father before she stretcheil her style. Rann* sort of gra«*eful figure, Notice for Publication. weary limbs on the hnrd floor of the only a trifle smaller.” Timber Land, Act June 3, 1M78. "Such colnclden«*e« often happen In T’nited States Land Office. Portland, Oregon, kitchen. Oc’tober ». IMG. Rhe never knew exactly what took the human family. For Instnnce, you Notice in hereby given that incompliance place. It might have been politeness, are not wholly unlike Enid." with the provision? of the act of t'ongrvsa of "Hully gee." sal«! Tyne, "I'm too run June 3. 187H, entitled -,An act for the sale of but It felt uncommonly like a squeeze, timber land* in the State* of California, Ore ami Tyne's face was extraordinarily down to stand flattery!" | gon. Nevada, and Washington Territory,” ax "Likeness Is often a matter of envi­ extended to all the Public Land States by act close to hers as he cried: Robertlne give« what «very woman of August 4. 1NW. Joseph R.Coopey, of Portland moat deilrea—a perfect complexion. "It's raining. No more canvas whis­ ronment. Characteristics, mannerisms, county off Multnoman. State of Oregon, hax It bring» that soft, smooth, fresh, i this day tiled in this office his xuorn statement ky. Get a hustle on with every empty the subtle distinctions of class and so­ cial rank, «oak In through the skin No. 7097. for the purchase of the 9. 1-2 of N. W. clear tint to tho cheek that denotes vessel." 1-4 of Section No. 13. in Township No. 1 North quite ns sensibly ns they nre conferred youthfulness. It will bring beauty Range No. 5 East and will offer proof to show He need not have been In such a by heredity. Take the plowman’s son l that the land »ought i» more valuable for ita to those who lack it: it will retain whirl, however. i timber or atone than for agricultural purposes, It for those who already possess It; nnd rear him In a royal palace, turn nnd to establish his claim to said land before Wheti the shower came It did not It will enable you to successfully the lufant prime Into a peasant, and Register and Receiver at Portland. Oregon, on last very long, and there were many i Wednesday the 17th day of April, 1907. combat the ravaces of weather and who shall say when they reach man's difficulties In the way of garnering the | He names as witnesses: Charles Coopey of time. Don't doubt—don't argue. Just «■state, ’Tills Is the true king.’ You will Portland, Cregon. Edward Trickey of Palmer, ttirlce blessix! water. In the first place, try Robertine. Tour druggist will remember It was salt! of the Emperor Oregon, C. O. Gullander of Portland. Oregon, give you a free sample. All drug­ the lighthouse was expressly designed ; J. T. Bagley of Hood River. Oregon. Augustus. Trbem laterltiam invenlt. gists keep Robertine. to shoot off all such external supplies; • Any and all persona claiming adversely the mnrmoream rellqult (Tie found the I above described lands are reoue*»ted to tile In the second, the total quantity ob­ their claims in this office on or before said 17th city brick he left It marble*). The same tained did not amount to more than day of April. 1907 noble result tuny lx* obtain«*»! In every ALGERNON DRESSER Register. half a gallon. I First publication Feb. 15.1907; last publica- healthy child pro|x*riy educated.” • Hon Apr. PJ. 1907 But it did a grent deal of good In The college bretl youth hn«i not enter­ other ways. It brightened many faces, ed iuto any general conversation with It causeil the drunkards to lx* securely Brnml before, lit* had tin* tact uow to trussed like pluekixl fowls ami dumpej bi« ustouistiuieut at th»* manner along the walla of tlie entrance pas­ of bis friend's speech. sage. nnd it gave Brnnd some degree "You fling heredity to the winds, of hope thnt the rescue oix*nitions of thou?” In* asked. tbo next dny would lx* more success- Braud r.i.x* to his feet, ns was his ful. way when deeply moved. Welch has bent his eA'ery energy in procuring' a swell When the mln cleared Off the moon "Tluuik God, yee!” lie cried. line of Men’s and Boys’ Furnishings to please you this spring: flickered In 11 cloudy sky. This wns n A fnlut hoot came to then: through further omen of better fortune. Per­ th»* chortling of the wind. The Lee $3 Hat haps the Jingling rhyme of Admiral "One of our visitors." sbout»*il Brnnd, I-'Itaroy's bnroineler was aliout to be "ami here we nre gosslpiug as though The John B. Stetson $4 Hat Justified: singly seated tn armchairs at the fl re­ Long foretold, sell-." The Sphinx $2.50 Hat Ixmg last; He liurrled to the gallery, putting on Short notice. Golf and Negligee Shirts Soon past. an oilskin coat. "AA'e must win through, nnd I guess And the htirrlcnnc had given but And beautiful Neckwear galore I'll play imll with my father-in-law,” slight warning of its advent. "1 feel It In my boues that we shall quoth I*yne to himself ns he followed. This time It wns the Falcon alone. all be ns frisky ns lambs tomorrow," said Pyne when he rejoined Brand ■ ud sin* signalt*»! with a lamp that It after the scurry cause down again like . I«) » to patroise our advertisers. WZ»/7 I I FIRST STATE BANK • Livery, Feed & Sale Stable: : see _ chalker ; «XeWOMEN Stunning Spring Furnishings The American Clothier 221-223 Morrison St., N.-W. comer first St.