BEAVER STATE HERALD, FEBRUARY 22, 1907 2 CASCADE COUNTY INDI I INITIU.Y POSTPON'D. that time will not efface. Its in­ fluence; like a speck of snow at The bill before the legislature the mountain top guthers size as providing for the establishment it rolls on. until at last it has be­ of Cascade county was indeti- come a mighty force. nately postponed, killed and buri­ ed by the senate committee. ••••••••••••••••••• Senator Whealdon and the edi­ $1.00 a Month tor of The Dalles Optimist are • accused by the News-Letter of Hind River of not playing fair in • «g<4in>t Sickiir«», Accident and • the matter. • I» ith. • Whealdon’s recon! in this ses­ • Accidenti will Hippan Gel Protection * sion of the legislature and the • Avoid living m film1 of rlmiity at • the of olliura, • recent attitude of The Optimist • * concerning the peoples’ rights, • NORTHWESTERN HEALTH AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION ? would seem to indicate that the e Í or iMiRi i and , o .< e e News-Letter has some grounds e Vail or w rite e e John Brown, Agi. IOC I WOOD. ORE # for its suspicions concerning them. One thing is certain, the bill was not considered on its merits, INSURANCE AI ■■ COSI ■ ■ ■■■ ■■■ ■ ■■ . • if it had it would have passed. Politics plays altogether too much ('an I h lia toreifn eounlrlc*. Il *> Three Month* trial »uk«toptions arc ae» eplcd trvni n» « - - nbcr* tor I ■ KKMITTKM »hoiild be »* nt I ) hxprv^ or !‘o»iortu« Money Order. Registered l etter or Check. Stamp* accepted up to ‘15 cent-« DUH ONTlXl INI t> lu deference to the wieh of the majority »4 our »iibMT»»en the paper t« »ent until all arrearage is paid and an order to discontinue is received If you wish \our paper stopped at the end of the year, state that tael when you send in your sulMH-ription aiul your request will tn- beetled. CH A S’, E OF AbbRE» In ordering change of address give old as well a* new address A'ORRK>PONI»h\TS are wanted m every community If no correspondentappears tro»i y*»ur vou are respectfully reqv *tvd to s* nd us as many hn al items as you van ADVERTISIN'« KATES *rv rrasonamr and w .11 tn- promptly »ant upon application JOB 1‘KIX I IN', is our sins ialty M c are a ell equipped todothv best work at current prices Send 25c in Stamps for Three .Months’ Trial Subscription. Entered as second-C la "* matter at the po%torti< e al i.rvahain, Oregon. EDI TO R 1 A L ••IF THINE EVE BE EVIL.” “If thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of dark­ ness.” It would seem that Harry K. Thaw must have had an eye single to “evil. ” From the time of his first escapade at Wooster. Ohio, until the fatal shot was fired at Stanford White, his life had been nothing but that of a profligate. For all of which his parents, especially his mother, was largely responsible. Evelyn Nesbit was one of those irresponsibles born of a woman, who can be classed as none other but a human hyena, willing to live and enjoy (if such living can be enjoyed) the com­ forts bought by the depraved methods of a too willing and obedient daughter. Stanford White was but anoth­ er of the class who have an eye for nothing but evil. The pretty­ artists model was a moth, which attracted his attention. The web was set with extra care. It was gilded with all the snares that can be devised by the sensual, depraved son of wealth. The girl had no one to warn, and not sense enough to realize her dan­ ger until it was too late. The outcome has indeed brought darkness of the blackest kind, character besmirched, name stained so deeply that it can never be removed. One life lost, another branded as a mur­ derer. These are the results of a few months’ dissipation. There is a lesson here for every­ man, woman and child in the land. It pays to heed the warn­ ing given, and to live above the very appearance of evil. GIVE. BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY. I The Portland Labor Press in its issue of February 11th cites a number of accidents occurring on the lines operated by the Portland Railway, Light & Pow­ er company, which it claims were not published in the Portland dailies. We note that the editor of the press has also forgotten what happened on the lines of the company. During the recent sleet storm, a handsome loo' - ing team were unable to draw a heavily loaded dray up the incline on the west side of the Morrison street bridge. The team had be­ come discouraged, but had not refused to pull. The driver had sense enough to see that his team had done their best and could do no more. About this time a street-car came along, the car could pass alright, but the motor­ man saw the predicament of the team, backed his car, a piece of scantling was placed between the front end of the car and the hind end of the dray, the power applied, the team assisted over the hard place and the car pro­ ceed on its way. It was a small thing perhaps. Yes, so it was, but it may have saved a valuable team from becoming spoiled or the breaking of a leg. Let the public have both sides of the story. ------- ----------- • It is said that certain individu­ als living along the proposed right of way of the Mount Hood electric railway company are ad­ verse to selling a right of way across their holdings for anything like a reasonable price. Is this a wise procedure? A few men. who are penny wise and pound foolish can drive the railway a mile or so further north, add nothing by so doing to the value of their farms. Yet work a great hardship on the town of Gresh­ am and vicinity. It would pay to remember that a railroad does not usually detract from but rather largely adds to the value of the land through which it passes. The city council of Portland have decided that Hibbard street Montavilla must be improved, even at a cost greater than many think should be expended for that purpose at this time. Those not in favor of the improvement will do well to keep in mind that all the property on or near the street will not be liable to be lowered in value by reason of the THAT BOY OF MINE. improvement, but will doubtless Where is the father or mother be increased in value a good deal who at some time have not had more than the actual cost of the to face the problem of “that boy improvement. of mine?” Johnnie has learned to swear, steal, drink or smoke The Gresham Commercial and or something equally as bad, and Development League could do the household is up in arms try­ nothing better just now than to ing to tame him. Some have appoint a committee to interview tried whipping only to find it the officials of the Mount Hood made him worse, others have Electric Railway company to as­ sent him to the country, while sist in every way possible in get­ others again have tried to find ting that company to establish a NEED OF CHARITY. th? cure for Johnnie in the Re­ d ."pot in this city, to assist in se­ There is a spirit of unforgive­ form school. curing the necessary right of ness in Gresham that will cer­ How many have tried making way and to encourage these peo­ tainly have to be overcome before Johnnie’s room brighter and ple in the building of their pro­ the best results can be obtained more cheery, inviting the right posed road, which, if built, will from the work of the Develope- kind of young people home with mean more to Gresham than any­ nient League, or any thing else. him, or furnishing him with a thing else in view. There appears to be but little little music, good books, maga­ charity among a certain class for zines and papers, a way to make The Daily News, Portland’s the faults of others. It might a little money for himself, a East Side baby daily, is a splendid be well if they could for a short companion to his father, leaving little seven-column folio, well time see themselves as others see a feeling with Johnnie that he edited, printed, and clean in its them. In fact this would be isn’t the meanest boy in the makeup. M. H. Vorhees is tl e good for all. world, but that he is good and business manager and T. J. Dil­ No man living can please all, that you expect him to remain lon editor. The News will fill a if however it is known that he is so ? long felt want on the East Side doing his best to further the in­ and should receive the hearty terests of the town and of the AMERICANITIS. ' support of its business men, and people in general, he should be citizens in general. Rev. George Robert Cairns, given all the credit due for such work, and aided as much as the world-famed evangelist, de­ When Gov. Chamberlain veto­ livered a splendid lecture to men possible in its doing. ed the bill appropriating 515000 only at the Y. M. C. A. last Sun­ for the benefit of the juvenile Every man stamps his own day afternoon on the subject of work in Multnomah county, he value upon the coin of his char­ Americanitis or the disease of made one of the biggest mistakes acter in his own mint and he can “not know-ing how to live.” The of his official career. The senate not expect to pass for more, and great crowd of men listened for did well to pass the bill over his should not be disappointed if an hour to the splendid sugges­ veto. people do not take it for more tions offered by Mr. Cairns as a than its face value. If there is cure of the well known American a pitiable object in the world, it disease, the best of which, he “First in war, first in peace is the person who has soured on said was found in Titus, “deny­ and first in the hearts of his life, who has become cynical, ing ungodliness, and wordly lusts, countrymen.” Asa boy, citizen, and who sees only the crooked, we should live soberly, righteous­ soldier and statesman, th«* name the ugly, the discordant, and the ly, and godly, in this present George Washington stands as a world.” The mad race for the great diamond among a multitude bad. -Success. dollar is causing men to forget of brilliant, but lesser lights. If you like The Herald tell your self, friends, honor, and all that Educated, refined, tactful, gen­ friends. If there is any thing in men should hold dear. We con­ erous and brave, the great states­ it you don’t like, tell us. It will sider the lecture delivered by Mr. man left an example to the gen­ help us to make a better paper. Cairns very timely and helpful. erations of his beloved country (HEAP, SAFE PrtOMPT, Ol>R RKPAIRINC, dar>»rt«i«nl I« moot iono.I.U M«riii, * »I W >h In l»«n»d I <«1 beiul mat ax.rb br Ball, j SO repair» .nr watch. METZGER & CO. in Gresham Harness Shop Portland Railway Light & Power Company Gl’ST LARSON, Proprietor. Carries a Full Line of LIGHT and DRAUGHT HARNESS, C0II IRS, PAM, HALTERS, W HIPS, BRUSHES, COMBS, Etc. HARMS*. ROOT and SHOE REPAIRING \ BKCIAII V. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. HARRY HUXLEY, FREQUENT Kalsomining, Papering. TIMI; TABLE WOKK NEAT PUK ES Low r.UICîsl I AM. 7 »1 V I’aaa'tvro L t I T a? m Lata' M‘l*» I t ♦A e Curi I imn h Ir Ab>|«u|fh ft »♦ V IV V Ka|h' < *rr eb Burton ■ ■ r ÍÍY V Hlvlrr K II» a in Boring At>«!rr»« « ctlarvlliv OKK. F. A. BIIUKT, M. D. J. M. mioRT. M. D. . ' I)rs. Short & Short Twu Small Tracts * for Sale. • , hyrainuf«* i U ni» J uim ! •♦»»!( JtilH* l*h' akiana Sur grona. Orrjjon Grrwhu’ii. Wil 1 !W«0 IT AUG 111 Call or write him al • GRESHAM, ORE. COMFORTABLE O. W. P. Division 1 i ’ RAPID Decorator and Painter * W. II. Snashdll, AqL. suits strut . postcard . or » >*ortlan«1 .till a, n «ill Kill 1. II CJ II 4 -’ll iA|| II 11 IJ 17 .••IJ » 1 ?•! «91 K 1 1T3 «II . 1 Ml 13 » «■ 1 Ml II > «•*! •II »1» ■ 1 IB4 K > tl¡ 07 4 13» KI to 4 III 111 114 3U It J 114 30 KJ 204 391 IO 144 34« ]«> .’0 4 40 >1J >74 »II :o >7 47 44 41 00 00 11 14 • IT 1 71 r« 0 70 r I » it • 70 w 1 44 1C • 40 p Mm 3« III ’ 17 :< .1. 11 7 5. 10 •17 tn »’. 1 7 Ar 7 *’ V 1« II lu 1 10 3 101 3i r It rt • 0 • 0 I • 0 0 to 11 10 01 10 10 • u 11 I # • VI * » V r r » » > n S .< IV I) t < 1, i 1 i • • v«l, 4 l<>»ni h'HKe, well, g«ua| h nr- J* • t ! V < Í• • »I . \¡ * 'i > *n«|y ri! i i • i I, * • »,«• ® .til e Dille • »’• • *•! r •* it I il<- STATIMI C. II. ATWOOD, M. D. PortUtol Lv V 7 , «»«tit June •t I lattile J him 1 r*)« «tiuori* 3« * < r«UrVille <1 XI a a S7 a «»rrehaiu llotfah ' AthlvriN'M. n Burin« lloiiKiop.ithic Ph\hivi.Hi dihl Surgeon Call» Attended to Day or Kight Oflh-r I’hnn«*. M* 1 1 1 '•?. Rva. I'liune, Malli 1 40 74 T M :c • 01 74 9 01 if 0 00 M» 4. 1 14 4SI 44 0 20 41« i; • 71 to it 0 10 (I 1 r 0 70 HI Of 0 70 »II it 0 41 IO n • 40 IO 14 0 II 40» M« l>( 301 30 Ml 30 0 1 n« »irva III Pnrk and cTiangr car» al (coll Junc­ For la>l>ta. Mount Scott and ea»t »ida point», cliutitfe car* at l-rnt* Junction. W. P. Ml I.CHAY, The product of the choicest wheat carefully prepared by our ipecial Droce«. V fl«art* I In <1 l> »Hr SUHGtON AND a a M a a way |M>int», tion. < HiHOON W. C. BELT. M. D. ANO OCT M black. Call. Promptly attended ta. MANOV. IM 1 Nt140 Tattle Agent. CAIL* 4 pound Package 20c Pltt'MfTlV General Office», Firat and Alder Street«, ANlWllftO I* ohti . awi >, O ubiur . If ycur jroct« do«« not »<11 it, lend ui th* money for » package. Booklet, con- laining recipet for all our product!, Ire* for the asking. T routdale . f The Portland Flouring Mills Ce- I )K‘. IL IL OLI Portland, Oregon '♦i 1» It N T I M T DECIDE < • re m 11 / > 111 • OREGON O regon Sttogr S hort L inë ine I PACIFIC Í OVER POSTOFFICk United Artisans ! ■ i .v-rmi.iv, n ». iiicctii in K'*giM*r • I ft, ana UNION PACIFIC llrtll Dt nivl .'hl Fridny rarh month. Ili’ory Dotilhit, M. A.; O. A. Nutlrv, Sfu’y. All ArtiMiiiiH Welcome. 3 IRAIVS 10 Illi IASI DAIIY Ix’a vm 4 IIK A<»<> IMIRTLAM» Hl*L< I AL fur Ihr Laet via IItintiiigtuii. Gresham Lodge No. 125, I. 0. 0. F„ Meet» . very SatunLiv night in odd l ei- low»' Hall. .1. G. Metzger, N. G.; D. M. Roliertx, Secretary. F.ncarnplnent meet« lat and 3rd Wednewlay» of each month. All visiting brother» cordially HI-OKAKK Percheron Stallion SANDY L0D6E, No. 195, I. 0. 0. F. Meet* in O*lre- gon, everv We Re»tauraiit. a Win. N. 1 11 • E»«tw«r‘i I* M P M M»|| Hp', Izocal lnt« lutw««n Bigge Htier ) lo un 1' M PASTURAGE N HORSE ini i- M Dally. RIVER SCHEDULE. •••••••••••••••••••••••••e DECIDE 7 7 »» I» M. I »ally. For Ea.t.rri « »•lil>i«t<.n, W »II« W»|la, L*w- laton.t orur d'Alent and Orrat Norlln rn ¡Milnta invitetl to attend. The Thoroughbred Imported Fl.YKR •i :m a M Dally. a «H n 80 M 4ft .... 7 (»ft 7 SÏ » no » Mr 7 87 IN o oft.......... « 7 fe a (»2 9 14 1 .McMurrav, J Schedule Of Trains (Xdl We et ward A M AM F M I M«ll If Ar TORTI ANO un wt HMM r»mviiw TROUTOAIE konir» « inioit nn Port Tort A K Flyr fxrcal No n No » Vn 1 M 001 ft Ift !» • 2ft 7 nn » 40 .......... I.,»... 7 * 18 7 1» « in R 4 m « « a