I Molbln« Dvina. Why Refer to Doctors I ; Because we make medicines for them. Wc give them (he formula for Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. They trust it. Then you con afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. “ Aypr’a Cherry Partoral Is s rstttady thst •hnut«l he in ever* hum« I h«*vs u »« m | « 1 . f It f..r L«I I ..>11. ha R||>| « ..Me, ami I himw what • a|»I v ndl>l tn^dlclhe II la 1 can HMl r«H'i»mi>itti>'i II t|H' hli m Ou.. Ixrwsll, Maas. uftMiurvrs of »A IK AHAMU LA HI I«. H air VMOR. JMMMMMMU Ayer'» Pills greatly «Id the Ch rry Pwcto-al In broakinu up a bold. tt was a dull uiornlng In th« poll«« a clearly appro- bensì ve tone. "No." was the reply. relieved. The magistrat» looked 1 1» 1 rnean “That's K< hh | that t haucht there wasn't anythin« worth writing. ' be aalil. New York Hun. mBOUND TO COME Conflict With Japan Is Inevitable, Says Senator Perkins. APPREHENSION IN WASHINGTON Rsynor and Gearin'* Fpeechek It flams People of Japan — Failure of bthool Suit Predicted. Wanliington. Feb. 2. — “We have luiti the fuuruiation for commercial >u- pri-mni'y on the Pacific coaxt, and at Home point in the future count« of na- tlonal deatiny the |«lhway of national progrera on the ]>art of Japan ami tbe United Htatee will converge to a point of inevitable conflict." In theoe worda Senatrr Perkin« of m onl pay California, luHt night predicted a cla»h One Way. licks I.AXATIVK MkOMO Qt'tNlNK TsblsU lietween the United State« ami Ja|«n KI llaymow (Illume u ticket t* Slab 1 hr issl’ls refund money If It falls lu cure. X. W town, mister. at Home indefinite period. He deliv­ i.MoVk'S signature Isen each bos. 26c. Agent One way? ered a «peech before the National Geo­ Ila Kscw, KI Haymow Why, of course, y’ duro Tmchcr—Now, wliat little boy in thia graphical «ociety in which he m , .1. a I» ■>. ... J l hat .. I., ■ tloi.el reu*«*«IH.a I, a ... -a. la < aua .1 Cy an In- people«, but alwayw ru«h to the aatdst- Iltfferenl Bbades. Ham *1 «-..n.liin-n ol tie inn-<>ua lining <•( lt.n The celebrated medium rapped three ance of their native land. Kuatarhlan Tule W hr,, thia lutw la intlai... I {cu have a runiblltte m . iiii U or linpnrlo. I bear. ; times on the black cabinet. ng, and when It 1« entirely «I omhi , l.eatn.-.» la There wan no abatcinent of the ap- “And now. kind sir,” she said, tn, I I, a annual >->n can . la.ex util and tt Is tula- re t‘> ad lo Ita I .on.al j i sfusiky voice, "wlint shade would prehenaion and uneMineM felt in offi­ ca.ndlil'.u, hearing will tar destroyed forever; cial circle« here over the relation» now Bln • caaes out ol t< n ar« renard try < atarrh. 1 you like me to tell you about?" which la nothing I ul an Inllan.ed tondlllon of exiHtlng between the United State« and “ Why, ” replied the little man In the 11.« uni. an. aurla. < a Wewillglre fine Hundred In liars for any -lUdleni’e, “1 would like you to tell me Japan. It can lie j>o»itively «tated that «aso ot I a as trausrd by catarrh i that ean hot lo. cured by llall a t atari h t ure. sen«', lor the shade my wife told me to match thia feeling of alarm, growing out of a eirculara, free. when I started down town today.”— F J < IlKSEY A ( U.. Tuledo. 0. aerioua ami critical «ituation, i« more Chicago Dully News Sold by Inuits lata, 74r. general tonight than at any time «ince Haifa I atnliy 1*11 ta are the beat. Shake Into Year Shoes the beginning of it» development. Allen's Foot I,,«. A p-. i.lrr, Il makes tight The Itotharhllda* start. The diacreet men in both branche« new shoes (««I easy. It Is a certain cure f«r Tlie founder of tlie llothacbild fam­ or sw«atlng. callous and hot, tlr«-ciateH in check and prevent ae«mall«ld amt silver. Hl Mrs (‘Itllllcon Kearney—I don't won­ nor and < iiarin ade ita caae in the Fede­ collector. tlie court banker to tlie Land ral court« <>n the question of forcing the grave of lli-aae. This banker was no Winter of Her niaeoateat. Rlngleton Hollo, old man I You're city of San Franciaco to admit Japan­ Impressed by Mayers bum nena ability looking blue thia morning. What’s up? ese children to it» «choola. Anticipat- that tie loaned him money fur Invent Wedderly (gloomily)—The price of ing aiK-h »n outcome, the adminiatra- inetit, and It was In thin way that the tion want« to avoid the conaequeQOM, great banking Orin of llotlincUlld wan coal. _ ___________ for it fear» tliat it cannot fulfill the established. Ehler Monthly. A Warrior, Too. aaeurancea given to the Ja|mne«e govern­ Ttie wooden boards that had marked AILING WOMEN. ment on this subject. The Japanese the graves In a certain rural cemetery government haa let it lx* known tluit »« rotted off. and were raked up In the Knap ths K.dnsya Well sod ths Kid­ I spring cleaiilrfg"! consequently, on Me- avail! »a the Federal court» have piiaaej on the test as to which grave belonged to Captain CONFERENCE AMONG JAPANESE “Backaches hurt me I Blodgett and which to Hannan Ericson. so I could hardly Hie mistaken delegates hea|M«d their Merchants Think Exclusion of Coolies stand. Sjs'lls of dlz- Would Settle Trouble. off« rings u|M>n Hannah's last resting- simws and sick head- law Angeles, Feb. 2.—Gouroka Ikida, aches were frequent place, and departed. That afternoon and the action of the Ericson, the widower, drifted, with the of San Francisco, secretary of the Jap­ kidneys was irregu­ rest of hla world, to the cemetery. anese association of America, a prime lar. Soon after I be­ When bo saw the ting nnd the tlowcra mover in tlie Japanese school contro­ gan taking Ikwin's Kidney rills I plow. I above Ilnnnah. the astonished Swede versy at Sun Francisco, Is here to meet fell to chuckling joyously. several gravel stool's. 1 got well and to (liar A coin the trouble Inis not returned. My back la good and strong and my general health lietter.” Hohl by all dealers. 50 cents a box. I Flatter-Milburn Co., buffalo, N. Y. ■ -•wrvtam. "Yell,” he explained, delightedly, with 23 representatives of the associa­ “dose faller bane pooty smart, too! Ay tion for a two days' conference on ques­ tnnk dat vor all right and sum gude tions of interest to Jupanese. yoke on Hannah—he vor pouty gude “We have organized to promote Jap­ tighter beraelluf." anese welfaie in America, and this is our third conference," said Ikida. “There are 00,000 Japanese in this country, and there is necessaily much of importance to lie discussed. "Tomorrow we expect to take up the discussion of the advisability of exclud­ ing the Jit|ianetie coolies who go to Honolulu as lalsirera from the main­ land. 1 Is-lieve that if only the l>eet elites of Ja|«nese merchants come to California, thete could be no objection. We want to build up out trade ami then« is no reason why we sliouhi not bring much that is good to America." For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought AVeiiel-iUe Preparation Tor At slmil.it inf? the Food andlleifula- linft (lie Stomachs and llowvls of I I I s I J Promotes Diflestion.CheerruL ness and Rest.Contains neillwr ()|>uim,.Morphine norMuicroL N ot N ahcotic . Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years Aperteci Remedy forfonflllfw, Hon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Fewnsh- ncss anil L ohs of S lekp . Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. ---------- Bears the 1 EXACT COFV or W1UFJCW. F GASTONA Women Working for Canteen Wnsbingt-on, Feb. 2. — Preei lent Roosevelt today gave n hearty greeting to a committee of the Woman's Army Canteen (Tub, No, 1, of Washington, which is working for the re-establish- ment of the canteen, The committee wni accompanied by Representative Kahn, of California, who favor» its restoration. The members told the president they intended to organixe branch clubs throughout the country which would take up the crusade. The president is understood to have ex­ pressed his approval of the work. McClellan Loses Round in Fight. New York, Feb. 2.—Justice Leven- tritt t.xiay denied the application of counsel for Mayor McClellan toset aside the service of summons and com­ plaint In the quo warranto proceedings brought by the attorney general in the matter of I m I lot count. Judge I»even- tritt granted a stay of proceedings in the matter until three »lava after Jus­ tice Fitts, of Allsinv, handed down his decision on the motion of prohibition against Attornex General Jackson. No Gambling In Arizona. Phoenix, Aris., Feb. 2. — The Ari- gone assembly passetI and the governor signet! a bill previously parseti by the council repealing the statute permitting the licensing of gambling in Arizona. The criminal ernie, without this saving statute, makes the running of a gamb­ ling game a felony. The new lav takes effect April I. Tr««p< !■ Maar KTatlaas. There arrived io Lindon last even- ill k an aged man named Mark All who has been wandering for tbe last six years. Mark All la an engineer by trade and be •et out from Fleet atreet on Aug. <1, HWO, with the object of walk- Ing tiOJXlO miles In seven years. The Idea of the enterprise was to disprove a theory, which All attributes to engi- iM-ering employers, that after a man has reached 45 years of age be Is use- lea« for manual labor. Some gentlemen who were desirous of disproving this theory agreed to pay All £5 If he could walk UO/XK) miles In seven years, earning bls liv­ ing st his trade, and that be shall not beg, sell photographs of himself or pictures post cards, make apeei'bes or eihlblt himself at music balls. All these conditions, he says, be has faith­ fully observed. He has been all over Lie three kingdoms and has visited France. Kpain, Mwltxerland, Belgium, Holland. Italy and Germany, icit failed lo get Into Russia. His record now Is 58.IXXJ miles. He pro|M>ses to take a week's rest In Txmdon, then wslk to New Haven and cross to Dieppe, where be will resume his pedestrian exercises through France. Throughout bis travels Mark All wears tbe union jack on bis right arm. — Loudon Chronicle. ' lavttla*. Tlie following announcement to the hungry wns ¡sisted tbe other day in front of a restaurant conducted by a Greek In tbe Horseshoe ¿ection of Jer­ sey City: , Kurncut beefe and garbage In flu etile too-day. NO LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL Contagious Blood Poison has brought more suffering, misery and humila- Hon into the world than all other diseases combined; there is hardly any limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being ransmitted to innocent offspring, a blighting legacy of suffering and shame. So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it >y using the same table ware, toilet articles or clothing of one in whose >lood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison but a very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by the little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the suffering which is to follow. It comes in the form ol ulcerated mouth and throat, unsightly copper colored spots, swollen glands in the groin, falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on the body, and in severe cases the finger nails drop off, the bones become diseased, the nervous system is shat­ tered and the sufferer becomes an object of pity to his fellow man. Especi­ ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown when the infected person endeavors to combat the poison with mercury and potash. These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles for a while, and the victim is deceived into the belief that he is cured. When, however,the treatment is leftoff he finds that the poison has only been driven deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually in worse form because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poi­ son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs and barks, the best in Nature’s great laboratory of forest and field. We I offer a reward of $i.ooo for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral in any form. S. S. S. goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virus and adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thoroughly docs S. S. S. cleanse the PURELY VEGETABLE circulation that no signs of the disease are ever seen again, and offspring is protected. Write for our special book on Contagious _ ________ ____ Blood Poison, __________ which fully ex- plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat­ ment for all sufferers of this trouble. No charge is made tor this book, and if you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, otxi physicians will be glad to furnish that, too, without harge, ~ THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA, Tlie proprietor raid he made the algn I all by hlmaelf.—New York Sun. s. s. s. RUBBER STAMPS IF YOU PLEASE Kindly remember that we buy and aell all kind* of Minins block« and Honda that are on We do not take orders and peddle our Rather th,- market Should you want to buy or aell »lamps, beats, £tc. W. manufacture our own goods. Oar equlpim ni la lb. newest write or wire and beat money ean buy. Write today for ouz f. I. CATT fRLIN * CO. ■■Hubber btamp Catalogue.” Invigorate the Digestion. To invigorate the digestion and atimn- lat>- the torpid liver and bowel« th1 re', nothing -o ! <>o i a< ' hat < hi family rem­ edy, Bramlrrth*» Pills, wh < h lias been in 1 25 Abinston tluilding Portland. Orexon use for over a century. They ch a ise the Member ot Portland Slock Exchange blood ami impart new vigor to the body One or two every night lor a week will uaually I* all that i« required. For Consti­ pation or lty.pep.ia, one or two taken every n gbt will in a ah rt t uie afford great relief. AS HUH PERFECTION AS lirandreth’« Pills are the aame fine SOOEH FUUltltt CM MOOUCt lazative tonic pill your «ran parent, uwl and being purely vegetable are adapt­ HICKS • CHATTEN ed to every system. ENGRAVING CO. Hohl in every dru - and medicine store, KiWndss«, Portland. Oregon UNITED STATES HEALTH & ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY Of Saginaw, Michigan. WRfTf TODAY asking about our populai__ _ __ month plan that pays accidental death and accident and sick indemnity. Give age and occupation. All business on the Pacific Coast paid through the Hraft National Bank of Portland. R. L ALDRICH, MCr. Wntem Offics 205 210 ttaroiia PACIflC NURSERY CO. Tancent, Orecon Catalocue free. | Ferry Seed« are not an experi­ ment, but with proper culti­ vation, they assure success from the start. Users have f.o doubts at planting nor disap* intments at harvest. Get CITP *'• v to«* Panra and all Nvrvooa Dlaraaaa Il IO p«-rmanontiy cured by Dr. KI im ' i (¿real £ ewe Restorer. Bend fi>r FKEE |2 trial bottle and treaties. Dr. H. lLKlln. , L4..K1 Arch SL. PUUa..Pa Serial ot Oae Mlllloa Worge. An advertlser In a London paper aays he ba« Immedlate use for a "sen­ su tlonal serial,1 which must consist of Tbe longest about 1,000,000 wurda. novel, so far. Is said to be George El lot's “Middlemarcb," which contains in ’he Upper Snake Valley« Idaho« where nearly 329.000 words. .’5.0LMJ MiKAiMlppI Valley hemeweeker« are air**adv o ated SCO.0o j arr- s unde» elop. d. irrUab e land «till await the settler. hlcb-st a >d best watered PtltS CLIRfD IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. valley In the world. FlatM c ¡mate: ^ho cest fruit; PAZO OINTMENT la guaranteed to cure any Immens-- crops of «rain, alfalfa auear beets. H.0U0,- invested 'n sugar factories. New R. R. exteir j caae ol lchlng, blind, bleeding or protruding 000 s:on to Yellowstone park (»oeps country of vast re­ sources. A«hton started Jan. 1. ISO®, a record pllea in 6 to U daya or money rafunded.Mc. breaker Write for part cular*. CROPS NEVER FAIL Rryoml C.C. MOORE REAL ESTATE COMPANY Hla Capacity. Her—Do you 8)>enk any language other than the mother tongue? mtn—No. And I never exjiect to be able to talk like mother can. The Kidneys When they ara weak, torpid, or stagnant tbe whole system Buffers. Don’t neglect them at this time, but heed tbe warning ot tlie aching back, tbe bloated face, the sallow complexion, the urinary disorder, and begin treatment at once with JJOO.GOO Ci»it>l Slack. 1200.000 Jcpoirtcd wrtk bu Dcyt oi lichigu J [ for biggest, surest, best crops— L at all dealers. Famous for over t bt. Anthony and Ashton. Idaho. k C. 6EE WO FREE SAMPLE Wonderful Hoot Treatment MVLE-TEAM BORAX With 32-i‘ftKe illustrated booklet, giving 1.000 uses for Borax in tbe Home. Farm and Pairy, and a Souvenir Picture. 7xu in., 10 colors free for 6c and your dealer s name. Address Pacific Coast Borax Co., Oakland, UaL Hood’s Sarsaparilla which contains the best and safest curative substances. In usual liquid form or In chocolated tableta known as Sarsatabs. 100 doses *1. AUSTIN WELL DRILLS This wonderful Chi­ nese Doctor is called gri at b«-cause he cur s people without operw- t on that art. g ven up to die. He cures wl h those wonderful Chi­ nese herbs, roo s, buds, barks and vegetables •bat an* entirviy uu- known to medical Bcl- ence in this country through the use of those harmless remedies. Th s UruoUS doctor knows the ax-: ion of over 500 differ- at remedies, which be uses suecessfu’ly In different dlseaASS. He guaran***es toe ire catarrh, asthma, lung, throat rh« umat.sm, nervous ess, stomach, liver, kid­ neys, etc.; has bund re is of testimonials. (. barges moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write for blanks and circulars, bend stamps CONSULTATION FBKlu Address The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Co. 163'4 rirat SC. S. t. Cor. MorrtM« ^Mention paper fortland, Oraton^ F. N. U No. 6 07 Made In all «tylea and a I alte% tier water and oil anywhere. Best brllllng Tools made. Oet cala- '<*• «i'1 l>rlcM BEALL & CO. Many Afflicted Country People 321 Hawthorn« Av«. are coming to me for treatment and returning nome cured. We perma- nentlv and promptly cure Indiges­ tion, Rheumatism, all Private and Wasting Diseases, Nervous Disor­ ders, Diseases of Women and Child­ ren. Fcxema, Blood and ^kin Dis­ eases No matter what your trouble may be, come to see us. Frw CoasulUtioa xad Examination. Portland, Or. f Harvesting Dollars New York Surgical and Medical Institute ia possible if the seed be judiciously planted. Pmnuiratiy Lwated at Conn tt Stith aad (J2J1,) waihiMtoa Sts.. Fortlaad. Ot. There 1« no satisfaction keener than being dry and comfortable when out In the hardest atorm. OOARE SOU or IW5 IP YOU WEAR I Southern Alberta, Canada, has demonitrated beyond a doubt that it ia the greatest cereal growing country on the continent, and “Alberta Red Wheat'* grown there took both the Gold and Bronze medals at the Portland Exposition. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company has 3,000,000 acres of the beet of land, irrigable and non-irrigable, just east of Cal­ gary, Alberta, which they are selling at from 112 to f 15 per acre for non-irrigable and 118 to |25 per acre for irrigable. I-ande sold by them three months ago at these prices are now now being held by the purchasers at |50 per acre and upwards. The harvesting of dollars invested in these lands is just as certain as the harvesting of cereals. If you are interested drop a card to the address below for literature fully describing the opportunity of the age. WATERPROOF OIL» CLOTHING •LACK OS YVUOW D CKMMtVMYWNUL The Canadian Pacific Irrigation Colonization Company, Ltd. 54 Ninth Avenue West, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. SALCS DtPARTMtNT, CANADIAN PACIHC RAILWAY. HtRIGATtD LANDS Ba war« t, mantio. this «»par when wrillng. A. J forni