* BEAVER STATE HERALD, FEBRUARY 8, 4 1907 -1 TROUTDALE WATCH US GROW / Mr. and Mr». Bert ll.iyt went to Portland on the .llat and underwent an operation. We regard the steady continued growth of this institution as a credit to the enterprise <»f our Imsiueas community as well as an evidence of the esteem in which our otfievrs and our business policies and methods are held. We invite you to make this lamk the clearing house for your finan­ cial affairs. We want the small accounts of individuals a* well as the larger business of ttrma. The wage-earner has lived of the liank as well as the I usiness man. You will find no Iwtter or more opp -rtune time than now to open that bank account. Your initial deposit, added to from time to tune will soon Maunie such proportion« that you will be surprised at your own effort«. Regin depositing now, pay all your bills with your own check and see how much l>etter you get along. Paul O-burn WM visiting Mi«« Bertha Woods, who ia «topping with her aunt. Mi»« I E. Gotham, la-fore her de|«irt- ure for Kansas. when people were satisfied with any kind of ;► blacksmithing. IT IS NOT SO NOW. We are in a position to meet the demand. Our x work is our best recommendation. Remember, < > Jas. H. Latham, - - ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ An Ideal Store Is the one that carries what is needed at reasonable prices, and gives a SQUARE DEAL to all o o II o o < > o < > THE POSTOFflCE STORE Has earned this reputation J. N. Campbell, Prop. ORIENT, ORE • Will hold good until further notice they are only a sample of similar LOW PRICES in all our good* and Eox treats you right. The Largest Stock and Assortment of Genial Tom Corder and Mrs. H. Rich­ ardson are among the latest to lie enrol­ led on The Herald's subscription list. OREGON - George Coleman was visitirg hi« family. The last cold «|a-ll resulted in break­ ing down all the wires. Trains have not run since Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lalourvlle visited in Portland. < > No mail, no trains, no freight. Buried? not quite, pretty near as bad. Last week's Herald carried by Troutdale. No west-bound train to bring them back, hence no |>apere. Hope it will be better this week. Medicines in Multnomah County Miss Bertha Helming, the popular waitress at Hotel Helming, is kept very busy these day«. Mrs. Brant Miles and daughter, Miss Marguerite, of Salem, are visiting Mrs. Miles’cousin, Mrs. F. E. Harlow. < < < < > > > > THEE MUST SAVE! The surest way to save IS tO — - — — — — I : i 2 cans Standard Tomatoes, . . 15c . • , 25c 8 bars Golden Star Soap, . . 25c 6 “ Wolverine Soap, . . 05c 1 bottle Bluing, . . 25c 3 pkgs. Mush, . . 35c Gunpowder Tea, 50c value, . $3.90 Flour, per bbl., , 50c to $1.50 Ladies’ Wrappers, Feed of all kinds at lowest possible prices. W. E. MARKELL & CO Pleasant Home, Oregon Canned Cream, K -C Baking Powder, Golden Gate Baking Powder Stump Powder, 50 pounds, box, Blue Ribbon Tomatoes, Com, Very Best Pork and Beans, Breakfast Cocoa, Finest Extracts Lemon and Vanilla 3 for • . • • . . . 3 3 3 . 3 25c 20c 39c . $5.00 for 25c for 25c for 25c 20c for 25c We will guarantee satisfaction to every cus­ tomer. We are back of our guarantee and stake our repu­ tation of 15 years of con­ tinued business in this community. 1 " "yX.II IlliWvJILI IE 1 1I • Every Day is Market Day with us. Have you seen Jim Latham'* new sign?—It's a dandy. Mrs. Henry Vanderhoof took their baby to Portland Thursday for medical treatment. Mrs. Fox and Mrs. Timms were Port­ land visitors this week. BUY fOR CASH ONLY I t , Till further notice we offer: Pearl Oil, .... 5-gal. Can, $1.10 Flour,........................................ bbl., 4.00 Swift’s Soap, . . . . 9 bars, 25c Graham Flour, . . . . 10 pounds, 25c Crespo,........................................ 3 pkgs, 25c Washing Powder, • 20<- Remember, If it isn’t right, Fox mnke<4 it ritrhf Harold J. Cook, manager of the Cook- Clark Investment Company of Spokane, was visiting friends 111 Troutdale this week. L. A. Harlow went to Portland Thurs­ day, taking the delayed west bound mail with him. The Llbraiy Association held their annual meeting this week. IF THEE WOULDST WEALTHY BE The Following Prices I The Herald acknowledges courtesies from A. Fox this week. SPECIALTY OF HORSESHOEING - Your Little Child can Trade as Safely as you. W e (ìive no Due Bills, We Dav Cash. WE PAY the Higest Market Price for Butter and Eggs. The Union Meat Vo. received 21 car- loads of tine lat call I from eastern Oregon. J. Moore of Portland was visiting hi« mother. Mr«. A. T. Tiller. The time was ... TROUTDALE, I Mr« Dan Griffith and Mi«« Vulo have returned home an al srnce of several weeks in a Portland hoapital. i All Work Done Promptly and Quickly FAIRVIEW Mr«. S. S. Logan was in Portland on the 29th to buy her spring and summer st-wk of dry giaai«. GRESHAM, ORE. dank TROUTDALE Miss Eda llublwird was in the metrop­ olis the 30th. FIRST STATE BANK rA^WEWS FOX & CO Rev. A. W. Brickley ami son and wife went to the metropol • on the 2nd to visit with another «on at Lenta. Ml PCI 4 Pt R CEM ON TIMt CERTIFICATES rm A. FOX, PltASANT HOMI. Union House LKADINU HOTEL IN TKOtTPALE ROOMS AND BOARD COMMERCIAL TRADE SOLICITED Satisfaction Guaranteed Born to the wife of Forrest I.oudt-rback a baby girl, January 30. Miss Alice Stephens is visiting friends and relatives here. Mr. Goetz made a trip to Portland Saturday. A great change has lx-en made in the Douglass store. It has been enlarged and improved generally. Mr. and Mrs. Frank New, of Portland, are visiting relatives near here. The Baptist Aid Society met with Mrs. I.. Jack and the re|s>rt made show­ ing an increase of more than half over the receipts for the previous year. The receipts of the fair amounted to over ♦50. Mr. Taft, an old settler in this neigh­ borhood, was calling on old friends last week. ' Uncle John Laughterliack is very ill. ••••••••••••••••a See the new ads of J. N. Campbell and W. E. Markell A Co., in this issue. ‘ Want Ads. on page 5. Shoes ! Shoes! ! Shoes! ! ! Direct from the Factory ! Four strong lines to draw from ! Peters, Sunflower, Napa Tan, Louis Helming Prop. Troutdale. Ore Mai* Street ••••••••••••••••• Strootman It’s “ up to youthey’re from Missouri, so come in and buy before the lines are broken. S. S. Logan, WANTED The Shoe Merchant TROUTDALE, ORE. Every lx wly to know we do Horseshoeing “TS. $3 All Kind« of Wagon, Plow and General Repair Work at Reaaoruible Rate« If poverty Is n blessing II) dlsgiilHe, the (linguine In ho perfect that no ulie