BEAVER STATE HERALD, JANUARY 8 Blacksmith Wanted, For Sale, Lost, Found, Etc. 1907 r A A1L L A WANT COLUMN GEO. Me BRIDE. 25, Mrs W II lewis of Milwaukee, was a Villa visitor last Monday. [Ubll HUTS 01 lift RS < > ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦H44444444444444M444 i; The CENTRAL STORE < > < ► < ► Every Day is a Busy Day for us. Why? Because Every Day we Sell the very Best in o up" that can take any satisfaction out - > Declares in Favor of Pushing of the cold snap, and in the Villa even All local advertisement» will here­ that individual complains of being over­ Street Improvements. after lie run under thia head at the rate worked. of One Cent a Word each Issue. No The Improvement la-ague held a very ad. pupliahe«! for less than 10 cent». Mr. Bert Song of Elgin. Ore., has re­ Cash in advance except to regular ad­ I i enthusiastic meeting last Monday even­ cently moved on Henery Kane's farm. vertisers. If you have anything to sell, ing and transacted consider»hie import­ or wish to buv anything, or have lost Ih«n McMillan sold a half interest in ant business. President Burden, on anything, TRY A "WANT AD.” in hi» confectionrrv store to Gee Sloan. the I »-half of the commute« ap|»>intvd thia column. The results will surprise When going to Portland leave Then Dan ai.d Gee opened up a pool to m<*ct with the library committee of ' I you. your horse at the room in the Sloan Metzger building. the Home Training association, reported ¡[ AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. TRY US AND SEE PAGE WOVEN WIRE FENCE. that no general meeting had been held, I ► Orrie Hayworth could not work Sat ­ Guaranteed. Chas. Cleveland, agent, but that rooms bail secured al a month­ < ►_____________________ _ urday on account of a »prained wrist. ♦ Gresham, Ore. ♦ ly rental of Aid for tem|»irary quarters. XV. E Marshall, Geo. Phillipa, Fred : Secretary Carter reporf«*d that a meet­ SV NR ISE NURSERY and Earl Bryseii and Roscoe Yarnell ing of the various committees on East Cherry Seedling* and Small Fruita a Best of care. Prices Reasonable sang at the opening ot the new | mh >I I ► Specialty side theatre had been called for Wcd- End of Car Line, room. L*>gan and Phenomenal Berry. nv'd»y evening, at the club rooms of Himalaya Giant and Mammoth Black­ Quite a large crowd of Montavilla’■ the East side business men's club on the berry, Grape vims, Cherry tree». MONTAVILLA, - • OREGON J • young people were out at Kelley'» pond top tl sir of the Hotel Sargent. An in­ Asparagus roots. Etc. «♦«♦♦♦♦« ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< ♦ Kinsel St.. Montavilla, opp. Convent last week skating. vitation was extended to all president» 13 and secretaries of East Side pu»h elul* The revival» at tin- Methodist church to lie present. M C. Avisworth of the NOTICE. will cm tmue the lest id this week, library committee s|»-keon that »object • ny person having li nd er at the old would like to »ce more Voung folks ns Tin- question of the pro|»>»ed remon­ well as old out. , mill yaid, Cottrell, will call and remove strance against tl.e improvement of with us and get thesameimmediatly. W A PROCTOR. Goral I alti, belt is going to Melloni llildiaid street w«» tak< n up and con- Dealer In Drugs, Chemicals, 1‘atcnt .Medklncs, studying trie mysteries of short hand aidernble attention given it. I resident Toilet Artlilcs, Stationery, EU. FOR SALE — At a Bargain, G o od. and type writing. ♦ Burden, II E liappersett. II II. 'Dick­ on i all your deposits ♦ Second-Hand Plow, al»« Buggy. Al inson and other«, pro|H>rtv owner» on ♦ Hart, Gresham, Ore. Mr. Hickman w ho run the confection­ ♦ the street, s|sike strongly in favor ot ery store, closed his store and molili to I est cured ami iresh mesta at G. pusking the iniproieti ent. tin motion Phone East «73, Butchers, Rase Line mad, cast of cur Lents where his patent» reside. of IL B. Dickinson, seconded by II. E. 4 line. llap|H rsett, the following resolution WANTED. Beef un foot, at G. »»• unanimously adopted : 4 Butchers. Resolved, That it is the sense of thin league that we greatly apprediate tin- Forslab and block waai cali up W R prompt action of the city council and Mo»er, phone Tabor 553. The St. Johns l-iiwlilig team did not engineer's office in the matter of the A g<> d steak, lini 1, or roast of mect show up Sunday to Is-wl the Montavilla improvement of Hibbard street, and can al» ai s le found at iiilin Bros. 4 G E N K R A I. Terriors. tlist we approve of the kind of improve­ ment adopteil by them, and weres|icet* We understand that aftei Monday fulli urge thill tin- same li« completed cows must be kept lip. >kid>»> fur as sisin ns piactieal )•-. IS NOW OPEN fur patronage. Local and transient cows. For a good h«t cup of c- flee. or a abort AND XVAGON REPAIRERS Tin- league voiced it« «entiment in custom solicited. order lunch, go to McMillan» confie favor of giving the pound mnstcr every Horseshoeing a Specialty tioneiy |«»rlor». Base Line road. 4 assistance in kit ping stock off the BASE ¡.INK. NEAR END i AR LINE Meni»« iiik I I4« k > iiim l»y I »«ty. Week or Motttli streets. MONTAVILLA. ORE. The following o tlieers were riveted to T1 TT Hit-bar«) St.. I nd of Car I Inc •••••••••••••••••••••••a serve for the viisuing year: II B. Dick­ inson, pr< silent; W .1 Btinlen, vice- For pure flavoring extracts and home president; <> E Carter, “eelctnri • treas remedies tri the Watkins. C. H. lane tin r. The rlei tioll of an execution com- agent. Gresham. niittce wa« deferred until next meeting, Attorney - at - Law, to h II ow a change in the constitution in reference to the same to |H- made. Notary Public . . . GROCER1 ES __ i: Feed. Hardware. Tin and Granileware Montavilla ♦♦ 4 LIVERY AND FEED j. e . STABLES Cor. Car Line and Base Line. Phone, East 732. C. L IDLE MAN, Prop. : M c C aslin , Start a Savings Account • ♦ ♦ • : ♦ 4 PER CENT ♦ Warren’s Pharmacy PRESCRIPIIONS :: (ARI I Uli Y :: DISPENSED ♦ « ♦ 2 Doors Iasi of I’ostollke. Base line Road, Monldvilld. Dougherty & Ccpenhefer Blacksmiths Grj.e Baptist Chun h Notes. OFFICE. so: cowusrcial bi . dg Cor. Second and Wa.hintivn Sts, Pheae Pacific 1151- Portland RESI D E N C E, 20 Villa Avenne, * - Montavilla Phuae Tahar SlC At Home Evenings. Patronize Us Pioneer Woodsawyer of Montavilla H, L. Searls, Residence. 22 Broad Street. PHONE .MASQUERADE BALL at Rockwood hall. February 22, given by the K. O. T. M. Tickets 11. 4 EPTON. FORSALE—Cheap. Bay team, weight attaint 1200. For particulars see B. C. ALTMAN. Pleasant Home or C. W. ALTMAN on Slough road, H miles west of Fairview. 7 EAST 4112. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS : • e : eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeeeoees The branch of the city library is now assured. Headquarters are to lie es­ tablished temporarily in the room re­ cently vacated by D. McMillan on the Base line. The thawing of the ground has placed the streets in a miserable conditii n It is reported that a 1*000 church Pedestrians on Hibbard have to take building is to I m * erected on North Ebey the ‘‘middle of the road” in order t ■ navigate. Oh! for some street improve­ street in the near future. ments in M< utavilla. The surveyors for the Mt. Hood rail­ Dr. McIlwain has so far recovered road have resumed operations in and from hi“ attack of blo-si poisoning as to near Montavilla. lie able to I m ? out agein. He has I mm - ii Mrs. Pugh who was recently injured laid up since New Year’s. in stepping from a car near Broad St. is Mis» M. E. Palmer returned Monday reported much better. evening from a brief visit with friends D. W. Butler is suffering from an at­ in Centralia, Washington. tack of lagrippe. George Fulton is occupying the cot­ J. W. Farrier has sold his wood-saw tage on Broad street recently vacated by to R. J. France, who has for some time W. J. Behr. been connecte I with the woo i-vard of The plumtier is about the only “grown W. R. Moser. Getting Acquainted . . . is sometimes quite difficult, but it has been easy for us. The reason is we know what people want and buy accordingly. When You Want GOOD THINGS TO EAT, Call up Phone East 413 Get our prices on FLOUR and FEED. Frank Sper^er Successor to Henry Wingert Cor. Ebey St. and Villa be., ■ MONTAVILLA, ORE. montavh . i . a . Arc offering some splendid bargains in CUTLERY NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY TREES FOR SPRIN6 PLANTING. The annual roll call will be observed I.OsT—Five dollar gold piece in the Gresham joatotfice on last Saturday af­ Thursday evening February 7th. ternoon about 2 o’clock. Leave at the The enlargement of the church build­ Heiald office. Reward. ing is an indi»|M-n-able necessity which will lie seen to in the near future. FOR SALE—135 acres, several clear­ Pastor's serm in« next Sun-lav, m irn- ci, bouse, barn, fine water, timber enough to pay for place, saw-mill near. ing: The Exclusion of Jesus Christ from Will trade for house and lot. We also hie church. Evening: The King's Fa have houses to sell, from 9* >50 up. Easy vorite Healed. terms. AYLSWORTH Phone Talmr 570. . il . Merman, A --------- ll-illy, with berries on, RI kh I im I cii - ,dri ns, and other varitie« of evergreens. A*«« Rosea, everblooming, etc. For sale at lowest |»i«»ili|e prices write for price list. Russellville Nursery Co., II A. LEWIS, Proprietor. .Montavilla station, Portland, Oregon. W. XV Ia-wis ia authority for the statement that the new electric railroad J will pass within a quarter ot a mile south of bis residence. HINTS FOR THE SHEEP BREEDER ■ ■ L Eicry farm should have n flock of sheep. The number kept should de­ pend somewhat upon the size and makeup of the farm. There U always eur'i' h forage on a farm that can be Util.zed to. good advantage, if it Is tak- ej care of in time, to keep a small flo' k at I -list through the winter. Take n flock of breeding ewes, and there 1» no strx-k on the farm that will pay any better, writes a New York breeder In American Agriculturist. They should | be k-|>t through the winter in a g »»1, thriving couditi in. not too fnt. They can la- kept in ties condition by judi­ cious feeding of -orn fislder or bean pods or clover liny. A change of feed Is desirable. A little wheat brim and oat.« make a fine, healthy grain ration. A yard or field to run In during suit­ able weather will keep them In the best of condition. They are sure to bring fine, thrifty iambs. They should hate a good shelter at night and away from storms. Nhi-ep iiould be kept dry. especially in win­ ter. As the season draws near to the lambing time they need watching care­ fully to see that their udders are not caked or sore. If the ewe Is In g .<>d condition, there Is usually very little trouble about the Inmb starting al) right. Ag soon as poaslble, when the ! weather will admit, I like to shear the ewes. They will do better, and their udders are not so liable to get sore. | Thu lambs w'N nlso do better. Of course the ban! V?|w»re they are kept should be dosed, so the flock Is kept fairly warm. The owes need stronger fe<-d ns the lambs licglii t > grow It will not I m - long before the lambs will begin to ward to ent. ami n place should te provid'd for them to run into where it little wheat bran can be had. als> a little clover tiny These should I m - put In fresh every day. it Is astonishing how soon they will be­ gin to eat th'-m «ii'l soon lM*gln to show the g'MMl dTects. Everything ali-iut the feo<| trough« anil ri,cks sh mid lie kept clean. There la no animal so par­ ticular as a sheep about Its feed and drink. They should have clean water where they can get It any time. As nearly all the sheet* kept now nre of the mutton bn-e»t<>llicp oli Base Line. No. 3— One lot, blk. of I* <> ITIM. No. 4—7 riMim h-m»e, 2 lot», blk to car line, pine 913i)O. No. 5—One lot, blk <-»r line, fòlli). No. il—5-rooin houseaml lot, «m- blk. car line. | h <)0. No. 7—DI lot», 5 blk». to car line, flisl sud up. No. H—Two liusines» lot», Base Line, No. !•—3 Iota at lenirei a ■»»!, 4 blk». to Mt. Beoti lini-, ai flW«neh. No. 10—One lot, one blk. troni car 1300. No. Il—Fine residence lot on Fasi l'or!lami lleiglit», lx-t. twocar line» 9700. No. 12—One lot on 31st, X, blk. car line, price 9350. No. 13—Choice 2 acre» on Villa ave., with 31 apple, pear, prune ami cherry trees in full Irearing, al 91300. No. 14—40 acre«, 4 n ile» of Montavil­ la, ori Base Line road, fimo No 15—2 lot» w il li barn .'MxH4, lilai-k ■ alliitll »bop 21)130. olle blk. of |MMt- ofllce o|| Ita»«- Line $3000 No IO—I- riHim lioiiM-, on» blk. of car Ime, lot 50x11»), pi ice flOOO. No. 17—< )ne lot in M > i»l»t<»'k, 5 blk» of end of car line, prie*- 9*5. No. IH—2 lot», 3-room house, woi»|. lem»«-, giKtal barn, frmt tree», blk. car line, price tli»»i. No. 1'.)—-2 liou»es, 2 lot», 3 blk». car lini-, pri<*e $250 i-ai-li. No. 20—Box hoii»e, fair barn, chiek- en house, city water, lot 92x70, pi e ♦ UH). No. 21---2 corner Iota 39x100, 25x100, lie togelher, price 9200. No. 22—-10 acr«-» four inile» «mt, near Ba»e Line, tl nere» »tra* la-rrie», lialnncu fruita; borse, wagon, UH) chicken» limi all turni tl» go witll place, price 92400. No. 23---A acre». 2*f niile» out, near Base Line, price 9«WH). 143 BASE LINE, MONTAVILLA, ORI:. ■ G. they require considerable shelter, but they mature rapidly and at twelve months old. when well fed, will dress 100 pounds. <’ure. however, sh mid lie taken that they do u->t luy on fat too rnjildly.” Trent*nic Font Hot. Foot rot must be attacked by the sheplu-rd In the most determined imiu- ner if he ever hopes fo cope with the disease successfully. The most Irn portant part In the treaMnent of this scourge Is the getting nt the seat or foundation of tame with the knife nud cnustlcw. Every I oimc or detached piece of hoof should lie cut away uud any of the caustic prorations ap­ plied. There nre some honest horse trailers. That Is why the other kind remain In bus I lies». Laugli at your own jokes, and the I world doesn't laugh with you. \V. FAKRIER Wood naw ver I have just purchased a new gasoline saw, latest improved mcdel, and am prepared to do first-class work on short notice at lowest prices. 9 GIVE ME A TRIAL AND BE CONVINCED. * G. W. EARRIER 344 Hibbard St., MONTAVILLA, OH. 1‘liotie 1'nloii 4014 E