Beaver State herald. (Gresham and Montavilla, Multnomah Co., Or.) 190?-1914, January 25, 1907, Page 6, Image 6

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K(k KW00D
A. H. Bell » mi 1 in Port Jami on Satur­
day attending the Mystic Shrine, lie
was acei>ni|>anied by lu» a lie.
Grandma Bolton received word of the
death of her »later in Canada, one day
last week.
The house of Mr. McGee waa burned
with all ita contents on Thursday last.
Mr. McGee had the misfortune to lose
one of In» horse» in Portland some time
Mrs. Geo. Covert's father has been
paying her a visit recently.
Rockw<>o<l grange held fheir regttlai
meeting on last Saturday with a goodly
numlier present. The social committee
decided on holding a Valentine party
on February 15. laidies are to bring a
Isix with lunch in and a vai« ntine in an
•nvelope, which the gentlemen arete
Mias Beard, the teacher of Rockwod
•cl tool, was too ill to attend to her
»■head duties on last Friday, but is now
feeling better.
ljigrip|>e is quite pievelant around
Kockwo<»l. unda number vf,a.«es arc
quite serious.
How One Breeder Kee|.s Ills Herd «1
■ n Kve« Ufluhl.
Mrs. Ida Cronston went to Portlan-
Monday to care for her brother's httl
•on, Curtiss Benfield, who has tin
typhoid fever at St. Vincent hospital.
N. P’ Gleeson was in the city > n bus:
ness Wednesday.
Mr. and Mm. Frank Reed »pen
Thursday and Friday in Portland.
Miss Bertha Henry attended tin
Multnomah teachers Progress Olub 11
the city Saturday.
Miss May Littlepage who holds a posi
tion as stenographer fora lumber tiro
at Pallas spent several days at he
home last week.
Ethelvn Smith whois attending!;
W. B. C. in Portland »pent from Satur
day until Monday evening at her home
Troutdale Place.
Every uiuu who take» some pride In
his herd dislikes to »es It couipaeed of
pigs of various sites, some grow thy
aud thrifty, others stunted aud weak.
After this difference In ala* anti thrift
Is once established. If not seen to. In­
stead of evening up the dlfferencs will
be apt to widen, for the stroug will
crowd back the w eak aud take the best
places to eat aud sleep.
Another prolific cause of runts Is lack
of trough room aud roomy sleeping
apartments mid keeping too many
bunched together. One of the greatest
uuisanei-s in the hog business Is that
old fashioned trough w ith one end pro­
truding through the fence Here we
can conveniently pour in the slop on
one side of the fence, and It will be
eaten up by the very strongest Just ou
the other side. It Is not possible to
raise an even bunch of hogs on slop
fed lu this way.
The best trough I have ever found,
the one 1 have used for many years.
Is the V shnped. w ith a swinging door,
provided with a drop latch. This can
be pushed toward the pigs and the
lateli dropped, so that every III man­
nered porker must stand back until the
feed Is ¡mt In. Then the door Is drawu
forward, and the trough Is on their
side. Every fellow can now come up
and get his share, and not much more.
Kura < are and Feed.
Rut the oue thing »tore all others
that will almost obviate the runt evil
is the seimrate lot. with its own house
and trough for givlug them extra g sal
care and the best of the feed. As soon
as a pig drops behind its fellows lu
growth ami thrift he should go at once
to tills runt lot The Inmates of this
pig hospital shot-' 1 first be supplied
with any milk there may be to spare.
They should have the first chance at
the choice bits and scraps that every
farm affords. Soon some of these will
be thrifty enough to go to the regular
herd, and their places can t>e taken by
new patients. Ry this constant sort­
ing and extra care and feed the runt
can almost be eliminated from the
herd.—J. Al Itobie in National Stock-
man and Farmer.
Rye For Paatwre and Soltlna.
Rye is not half appreciate!! by tb<
American farmer. It is very hanly
will grow on the poorest land, makes
good winter and spring pasture and
if sown early enough makes good fall
pasture. It la a good early spring sail
Ing crop. It makes a fair quality of
hay If cut in bloom or before, and It
always sells at good prices and makes
the best of bedding for cattle am!
horses. It is also an excellent green
manure crop for turning under In early •
spring. While It does not add nitrogen. '
as the clovers do. It makes a great
deal of humus. and thus Improves the
The small boy who says Lie likes to texture of wornout soils.
It will
po to school Is striving to be a hero grow In any section that can grow
for bls country's good.
any of the small grains Where corn
or potatoes or cowpeas are grown after
When approaching a millionaire It is corn, rye may be sown In the corn at i
mighty hard to find the blind side.
the time of ’ laying by" or may be
•own on the stubble after the corn 1»
Joy doesn’t go around calling atten­ cut and be plowed under In the spring
tion to itself with half the persistency for any of the crops mentioned.—W. J.
that sorrow does.
Sometimes It looks as if only the wise
people are the fools.
Your conscience Is Uke your watch—
not to be depended upon unless you
keep It always In running order.
Some people never have anything to
give, not even a frisndly greeting, un­
less they can collect a toll for It
Ignorance la rich |n assurance and
The natural bent of some men Is the
crook of the elbow.
Ths time I waste tn working out
Some schemes that will not work at all.
In figuring how I may make
A dollar notice when I call.
, Ln plan» which. If they would outpan.
That ought to put me to the good,
I might, had I but sense enough.
Mach better use in sawing wood.
It la I'm much Inclined to think.
A weakness common to the bunch.
j We like to sit around and dream
About a fine and foxy bunch
That's going to drop a fortune down
And go away without a fuss.
' And so we cannot notice work
Or hear the woodpile calling us.
We dream about the things we ll do
When, treasure ladened. comes our scow.
And then we hypnotise ourselves
To think It's here already, now.
And all the hours we sit and smile
Are wasted moments. I'm afraid.
We could have made had we but worked.
At least a dollar with our spade.
Trying to have a good time comes
for choice just before trying not to
have tooth a "lie.
If the otlier nine-tenths bad automo
biles, doubtless the present owners ol
machines would be down in the leg!»
lative balls lobbying to have automo
blling suppressed.
The Korean Wife.
In Korea if a man meets his wife In
the street he Ignores her presence and
passes her as if she were a stranger.
But what’s the difference anyway?
Those are the moments we enjoy
Hie future seems a Christmas tree.
On every branch a uaeful toy
Had we been working all the time
To keep the throbbing boiler hot
- tr-’ffht have had a dollar more
To buv a guiu — — Ir Hke as not.
< >
< ►
Sandy for Boring at 6:30 a. m. and 2:00 p. m.
_ _ _
- - - -
Boring for Sandy at 8:35 “ and 4:45
Schedule subject to change without notice.
AT SANDY makes con- ♦
nections with Salmon Mail ♦
Stage. Also makes con- t
nection for Aschoff’s and
meets first car at Boring.
Durinq the Remdininq Days of January
We have decided to have a Grand Clearance Sale
A Splendid Variety,
All Sizes,
Best Qualities,
Every one a Bargain.
The Douglass Cash Store
Clackamas County
Nous» Irland
rd It giiMki noi
• a isgiramlrd
Polaiid-tbliiaa have lieeu bred aud
handled by me for the past twelve
years, writes a Tennessee breeder lu
Orange Judd Farmer. 1 find that they
do best in au o|»en wood lot where they
hate ueeeas to one or more imaturo
fields. There Is plenty of water, aud
they secure an abundance of nuts and
roots. During the summer they are al­
low ed In the woods mid pastures, while
In the full I give them the run of the
fields containing peas, »own at the
time my corn Is, laid by. I prefer to
lune my sows farrow early In the
spring or ns early In the fall ns possi­
ble. Occasionally we have a litter of
One <<( the largest audiences <>( the
Benson su» present Iasi Saturday even­
ing a< thedel-ating club'» meeting.
The subject diacussed Wks the Jn|Hine»e
exclusion from schools.
Mi»» Margin t Canning was a visitor
at the Sandy school Thursday.
The light wagmi lielonglng t<> Gilliert whs thrown over the gisde
on Meiuig's lull last week. The bn-«-eh-
ing broke making the horses unmanage­
able. Mi. VandeiTioof jumped and
e»ca|H»l injury.
The I hldlclluH» laslge IS established
in Sandy now, and the Wednesday avvii-
mg meetings are well attended.
Henry Hummers sustained a severe
ill) .iv to Ins head while at woik ill
, I’r.H-tor and Beers mill. Bornstedt of Epping, N. lb, is
' visiting with Ins folks it tins place.
J. T. Maelntyie was downfroin Sal-
I mon River Tuesday .
pigs In July, but we aim to have the
A. G. Bornstedt is buying |»>tatiH-s for
bulk cotne In the spring. The young­
sters are fed anything we can get bold the lliggin's Commission Co.
,1. II. Cooper of Povi-r lias entered the
of on the farm. They are sometimes
given small quantities of dry corn, employ of B. F Halt.
with a little bran or middlings mixed.
llerls-rt Bose i i of Aims was a Sandy
1 like to feed ground oats with some
cornmeal made into a thin slop, as 1 V silor Monday
Jrik t'lblsin» of Sandy Ridge visited
think this very desirable for young
pics. 1 usually supplement It with a in Sandy Sunday
little shelled corn nt night.
Jas. S. Sharer id Ikiver, transacts I i
Summer pigs always have n<-cess to
tlie pasture. I seldom change a sow’s I business in Sandy Tuesday, he had the
feed, except to cut It down a little a misfortune of having In» hydraulic ram
few days before and after farrowing. hurstetl bv the recent heavy frost.
With my sows seven pigs Is a fair
Mrs. C. Corev arrived from North
average litter. I lose very few aud Dakota Saturday to make tier home
frequently raise a full litter. In my with her husland and son Claire, who
experlem-e I have got the ts-st results
arc holding dow n a valuable homestead
by putting my pigs upon the market
when they are from three to five south of Cherryville.
Janies Tegliw of Marmot was a Sandy
months old. The usual price for breed­
ing pigs of tills age Is $10 each. Tlie visitor Monday.
market pri<*e average* atsiut 5 cents
Ora V. Hickman of Aim» transacted
per pound. I think farmers could
I business in Sandy Tuesday.
breed more pigs to good advantage.
Wm. Harding of Aims was seen in
My swine have nil open run for the
winter, but 1 provide them with plenty Sandy Monday.
of shelter. I find a small V shnped
The recent cold snap was the cause of
bouse set In a well protected spot. In
lists to potato owners iu
which are placed plenty of straw, leaves
and other litter, makes a very desira
I. . Wane and wife returned from Port-
ble nesting place for the animals. This
might not do in the more northern : land Saturday, where they had been
Staten where the winters are severe, I spending the holidays.
but with us It serves the purpooe. and
Francis Stone of .Cherryville was a
the animals do well. A farmer should
select the breed he likes best, but business visiror Monday
should take care that he gets the best
Hon. T. G. Jonsrud of Kelso was seen
•tock In the market for the money. I in Sandy Sunday.
purchase the best Individuals I can get
Geo. TenEyckof Marmot was in Sandy
hold of so as to build up my herd along
he reports roads considerably
certain lines I have In mind. I believe
In feeding swine all they will eat up im proved.
clean from the time they are six weeks
J. M. French, a prominent fruitgrow- j
old until they are marketed. I try to er of Ellsworth, Wash., was linking up
raise all my feed on my farm I pay a location for a big apple orchard, near
special attention to the sanitary condi­
I Sandy this week.
tions of our bouse and bedding places.
J. McDonnell expects to commence
I provide plenty of water and shade in
the summer and comfortable quarters the building of a new residence on his
for my animals In the winter. With farm in the earlv spring.
care In selection, proper feeding and
personal supervision I consider theas
animals among the best money makers QUOTATIONS FROM THE POETS.
on my farm.
Ceav»Bteet Has Osts.
Th, Stars lteal
Mads Saadi
ED BORNSTEDT: “A man he is to
I have the best chute for loading
hogs aud calves Into a wagon that I all tlie country dear."
have ever seen, writes W. F. Schults In
ED BURNS: "Truth from his lips
Breeder’s Gazette. Chicago. It Is made 1 prevailed with double sway.
like a sled and can be used for hauling
JOHN FEIJtON: "How how the
a hog a short distance by putting end woods lieneath his mighty stroke."
B. NELSON: "A bashful youth."
FRANK McGUGIN. "The law thy
calling should have been, With thy wit
Í so ready and tongue so free."
OTTO NEINIG: "From the crown of
gates In slides nailed In for that pur­ his head to the sole of his foot, he is all
pose. The cut shows one side. I se a
16 foot 2 by 6 Inches, making the run mirth."
E. COALMAN; "The gravity and
nera six feet nine Inches loug; 1 Inch
by 6 Inches and 1 Inch by 4 Inches stillness of thy youth the world has
should be eighteen feet long to cut to noticed."
MR. BEI.E, (In debate): "lam sure
advantage. Cut floor boards two feet
long and nail an Inch apart. The angle > it fits thee to be ever talking, and—1>
for the end cut and standards can tie I no purpose.”
found by placing one end into the wag­
LEO McCABE: “A finished gentle-
on. Bore boles and use stay chains to
I man from top to toe.”
pull by. It Is light and convenient.
VERNE ROGERS: "A fair and equal
friend to all mankind.”
Castrating Colt» Rarly.
ARLIE MITCHELL: "Open yet wise,
My experience of the early castrat­
ing of colts extends over forty one tho' gentle, full of fire.”
years, and I will say that the younger
>-KH K. M.
the colt the better it is, writes D. E.
Weinberg In the Breeder’s Gaaette. I
have operated on them from three
days old to three months old, and I
can show just as fine horses as nny
Mr. Macom Isrtourcll spent Friday
one can show. But remember there here.
are exceptions to all rules. Stock
Tlieyoung people of lurtourell spent a
growers most assuredly know that the
younger calves, lambs and pigs are pleasant evening Saturday «lancing.
trimmed the sooner and nicer they de­
Mr. A. Isttourell ami family spent a
velop. This lielng the fact, why should few «lays in Portland. On their return
It t>e unreasonable to attend to the colt they ha«l the misfortune of looseing 1 heir
at least before twelve weeks of uge? house and furniture. The family barely
What I any In regard to my own ex­
escaped being burned, but no one was
perience I can say of ninny other ras-
trators, for I have done nothing but injured.
Mr. G. W. Joseyh and friends were
treat all kinds of stock for thirty three
visitors here Sunday.
The young people have bail a jolly
Feeding l,«»h> After Weaning.
The time for weaning lnmlm depends time skating while the cold weather
upon how much milk they are receiv­ lasted.
ing. When they are four months old,
Mr. Ford is slowly recovering.
however, they may easily tie weaned
Miss Clara Holford has been employ­
with advantage. If they have been
fed grnln previous to this their growth ed at the Latourell Hotel has left for
will not be checked. After weaning Portland.
the lambs should be gradually made to
Mr. Chas. Latourell has left for a visit
rely on oats. As the principal grain to Portland.
ration, feed half a pound of oats dally.
Mrs. Alice Courier made a trip to the
If on good aftermath clover and blue
grass pasture a smaller quantity will
bo required. Always remember that
Mr. and Mrs. A. I-atourell are now in
weaning lambs should have the very Troutdale, where she is having medical
best pasture obtainable.
Our Spring line oi Hats have arrived.
The Celebrated
“J. B. Stetson” and “Tiger” Hats
are our Leaders.
We have cheaper ones if you wunt.
Our Line of
Peters Shoes
is on the way, will lx> here soon.
All Calicoes Advanced
one-half cent (n January 17th. Knowing this we pur­
chased 2500 yards before the advance, so we
are “Jonney-on-the-Spot” with a larger
stock than ever at the old price.
More Tips
M XI U 1.1 K
Sandy. Ore.
The Sandy Hotel
Commercial Trade Kulicited
; Clean Beds and Good Meals
Feed Stable in Connection
Casper Junker,
King Winter afforded the boys a rare'
treat on Kelly's |M>nd several nights last
week. Hugh bon-fires lighted up the
skating ground anil hundreds of la«ls
from all directions joine<i in the sport.
The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. F.
Fitzgerald and a grandson of Mr. John
Moll, died after a brief illness, at the
family home in East Portland last week. I
I-agrippe ha» claim«! a victim in al-
moat every home in our center. The
most severe sufferers at present are Mr. ;
E. Arnspiger and several members of
the Buckley household.
J. Monoham of Portlaml lately pur­
chased a hamlsiimu driving horse from
Mr. Hornicker.
P. Lynch was the unfortunate loser of
a |iet «log which disap|H'are«l in rather a
peculiar manner lately. The i et and
constant coni|«nion of an aged man and
bis loss is severely felt. Has anyone
«leprived its owner of the canine willingly
there ia surely something to answer for. 1
The sight of master an«l "Teddy" on the
section line road is a familiar one and
the sympathy of humane friends is
tendered V« ag«ssl neigblsir whose life's
svnds are running rapidly.
Miss Guasie Bertchinger of Portlaml,
is visiting E. D. Hamilton and family.
Mr. .’oalvin Ding is home visiting his
mother, Mr». R. Neibnuer fora couple!
of weeks, he is now located in Eastern !
< iregon.
The young folks of this neighls>rlioo<l
enjoyed some fine sleigh rides for over a :
There was about thirty neighbors i
gathered at the home of George Lustisi
and family last Wednesday evening, th*
time waa »|>ent In singing and music arid
playing games. At a late hour candy
an<l apples were served and all present-
expressed themselves as having a very
pleasant time.
Miss Goulet, while on her way home
on the tram leaving Gresham, about six
p. m. was liadly shaken up by the colli­
sion that occurred on the line Friday
evening, |*rha|is from a nervous shock
an«l a bad cold, she waa unabls to open
school Monday.
From all accounts there ia several
hundred aacks of [sjtatoes froze in tlii»
We are sorry to hear of tlie death oi
Jack Vandever and express our sym­
pathy to his wife an«l children who
survive him.
The frost has «lone considerable dam­
age to the |s>tatoes and apples
Mrs. Godskeeen of Portlaml is visiting
Mrs. Anderson fora few dava.
We have just ha«l our telephone line*
put in order. They have lieen down a
great deal during the storms.
W. Hicks ami W.Crowston were busy
baling bay last week.
Mrs. R. P. Rasmussen nn«l «laughter,
Alice, were in Portlaml on Saturday.
Alice is busy getting ready for a term at.
Monmouth Normal school, which tM-gins
in February.
Wo understand that Floss' are going
to nmve to Gresham, we are sorry to
lose our old friends.
Subscribe for The Herald.
: A Bargain Every Day :
; ------------------- IH OUR MOTTO ------------------- <
We try to give our Customers the long end on ;
> every deal.
This is especially so in
Groceries and Feed
Get our prices on
i S. w. SCOVILLE i