5 BEAVER STATE HERALD, JANUARY 25, 1907 : : ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦❖ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦< $1 a Month Protects You Necessaries For the Cook If the olii adage is true thut the way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach then we are the. instruments for furnishing necessaries for the discriminating cook. Against Accident, SickMM ind Dtitk As In the ¡«••I w«* ihnll «•mir« vor to • »rry a full I In«* of )<«*«l <’ro«i «n«l Mon niMilr M«MHta which are thr Inal Also a f'lll line of I I m * Iwlin« branda of F« m »1* wear. Ov«*ralla, JuiiiiM'rs. Whirl*, Uli«l«*rwrar aiol Notion« Wr «I mi carry a fine lina of hand m» TrunBB anil Null (*aa««a If you air wanlln« Hardware. Tmils, Niiivra, or nearly anythin« uaad on Che* farm u«»me and ««e u* We will trral you One«* their wa> an old maid who •al«l ah«* did not nred to marry, «h«* had a parrot that «wort*, a moiik«*y thnt «•l|uWt»«l titbacco am) a ral thul went out nl«ht« Th«* man who han an K New Powell St. Store i¡ ¡ GRESHAM, OREGON. ¡ ¡ •••••••••••••••• • • ALL BUSINESS placed in my hands, such as FARMS - OR - e Town Property L fOR SALE or FOR RENT I). S. JOHNSON Deiler i* REAL ESTATE. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. IOTÀRT, C0NVETÀNCIH6. ETC. Next Door to Postoffice. will receive prompt and careful attention Money to Loan GRESHAM, ORE. • • ••••••••••••• •»•»»saaeaaeeaaeeeeee . » • • Miaa la-na Gintier baa l>een sick thi» kindred ailment». week, her place aa telephone central Mr. ami Mrs. R. Childers liaby suffer- ; has been filltil by Mia« Florence Stafford ed more or less from the effects of the of Melreae. cold weather last week, little fellows are II. E. Ihrvia and wife, Mr». Hevel, D. not partial to the east wind. M Roberta and Charles Cleveland were Mrs. E. L. Thorp, of the Base I ine doing buaineaa in f^rrtland thia week. r<>ad, made The Herald force a pleasant W. II. Markell of Pleasant Home call on Tuesday. helleyet in doing a little shopping in tieorge Preston paid us a pleasant Portland liimarlf, be was caught in the visit Satnrday. He says he doesn’t act last Thursday. know when he will go down the river. TheGresham Public Library Asaocia- Mr. ami Mrs. George Ix»slie, Mrs. G. tion will hold a meeting in the library Lusted ami daughter Olive spent Mon­ room Monday afternoon January 2H day in Troutdale with, Mra Leslie's son All members are requested to lie pre«4i tit Fred Westell, one of the Western Union] -------------------:----------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ... *■« s* .. ,7 1 'and any dhe interested in the Hbrarr i» foremen. He and hie wife have their ' also invited. Meeting at 3-H0 sharp. private car attached to the linemen'. There will l»e election of officers. train. Mr*. J. II Mctxger i» complaining of Watch! for the notice of the grange a colti. entertainment in next week's ¡Mite. : : : : GRESHAM, ORE. Mrs. J Culy i* quite ill with la grippe. Mia* Shives, of Portland, will lie present « P owell S treet , to assist in the program. Don't forget ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••a•••••••••••••••••• Roy Gibb» and Surveyor Hnrltiurt the time and place, Grange hall, Satur­ are looking upgrade* on Gresham streets day evening February 2ml. thi* week. Mr. and Mrs. George lawlie, Mrs. R. S. P. Biiss, of Pleasant Valley, «»» R. Carlson and Mrs. Manning went to doing tmsinesa in tireahnm thia week. the city on Tuesday. “It was bargin <> Mrw. CHAS. JOHNSON. F-roo. o OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE, Gresham, Ore. We ack now bilge a pleasant visit from day" so Mrs. Leslie said. « < ► Mr. ami Mr*. John Thomas, of Pleasant Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Lane have moved Valley,and Mr». J. F. Ulm, of Cornelius. into the John Bliss house ou the Base Oregon. Mrs. Ulm lias rented the Line road. Gresham hotel nnd will take charge Fresh Every Day, 5c a loaf. Fiesh and Good, 10c a dox. Newton Orr. of Sandy, was doing al«>ut the first of March. business in Gresham this week. o Cakes, 10c to 35c, on hand or mabe to order. The Gresham Public Library will not <» M. Rickert, The Herald'« genial agent, lie open on Tuesday and Thursday even­ o All Kinds of Gandy. Crackers. Tobacco. Orange and Apple Cider ings hereafter ami all |>ereons having watt looking after business interests in liooksdue on those evenings bring them Gresham thia week. Mr*. Hevel anti daughter-in-law Mr». January 28 the W. O. W., will cel­ Annie Hevel attended the matinee one ebrate their tenth anniversi rv. at their afternoon thia week. hall in Gresham at 8 o’abx k p. in. There will lie a program, refreshments BEST QUALITY and a good time. : Mrs. I. McColl, Editor Asbury of the New* Reporter of McMinnville paid ye Editor a pleas­ ant visit last week. Mr. Asbury is one of the oldest ami ablest newspaper men of the state, having followed that pro­ fession for alsmt 25 years. c. L. CRENSHAW, Tinner and Plumber j Butler Wrappers We a< know lege a pleasant visit from Mr. tieorge Lusted of Pleasant Home. Send us a trial order. We guarantee Miss Lusted mid friend Mias Francis satisfaction. a<*coni|mnieamaseiis every Developed to It. "Do yon undo fund thnt onr first I parents were >.iki»ys?" "Adam and Eve? No. but th* ser Gresham Market Report pent wxm made monkeys of them." POVI.TRY. Chickens, Hens lb. U<*; Not Too Sober. mixed chickens, 13<*; Eggs, "Whnt Is j our sober Judgment about BETTER, Country, |wr roll NV; the n-ntter?" Creamery, tki/^itlV. “Rtty me n drink, nnd I will give It DRESSED M EATS. Veal. 7.'» to 125 to you.” pounds, lb. 1*^; Hogs, 100 to 21*0 ;>ounds, lb. W- Good For Him. BEEF. Live weight, lb. "Docs your watch keep good time?" "Tea." replied the genial postmaster MUTTON. 5<(ir5Sri "under the present administration." IltMIS, «Sf. ■ • , •• Mikes »nd Repairs all kind» al Tia Wark. Plumbing a Specialty. T#w Irada «alicitad. Call and See our Heating Stoves. GRESHAM, - - - OREGON. . • ✓ Corps last Saturday. While here they paid the Herald office a pleasant visit and arrangul to put the finishing touches on their dairy business by get­ ting some neat butter wrappers printed. V o i ► Groceries, Vegetables, Hardware FLOUR and FEED <*n Saturday evening Jan. HI an en­ joyable dinner was given at live home of Mrs. J me Culy. in honor of .Mias Alida Culy and Mr. D. W. Metzger's birthdays. < • Carries a Full Line of LIGHT and DRAUGHT HARNESS, Printed on short notice with COLLARS. PAM, HALTERS, WHIPS, BRUSHES, COMBS, Etc. specially prepared inks at Port­ .1. W. Batea, ami his daughter-in-law HARNESS. BOOT and SHOE Mra. Geoigia Bat"» of Gage, were in at­ land prices. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. tendance at the G. A. R. ami Relief ALL WORK GUARANTEED. “The Reliable Real EMnle Man.“ I AND RAYO LAMPS? on Wednesday evening. BEST BY TEST Has no equal for Dairy use Perfection Goal Oil Heaters • A very pleasant an r prise was given Mr. II. W. .Metzger, at her home Fri­ day evening Jan. 18. in honor of her birthday. A crowd of friend* and rel­ ative. called bringing with them refresh­ ment. and aliei aome very pretty pres­ ent« An enjoyable evening wa» spent ♦ with games and music. BEST HOMEMADE BREAD, DOUGHNUTS, Tonaorial work of all kind* neatly and quickly dons Ore. »4 0•♦♦♦»♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ >♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦' Home Bakery and Restaurant !; ORE. DOUGHNUTS. BUNS. ITC.. ♦ ♦ Have you seen our line of : Kalsomining, Papering. Bread It is just this principle that is boosting our business and compelling us to enlarge our storing capacity. Stationery, Notions, Etc Decorator and Painter Butter-Nut Don’t need to. WE DO GIVE FULL VALUE RECEIVED • • for every dollar spent with us, and this is what counts. The N otion S tore ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ PRICES LOW LOCALS We Make No Leaders Will. Lusted, of Lusted*, paid the Herald a friendly call thia week. He is hoiking hale and hearty and ia a. cheer­ ful a* ever. G. W. Landon was s welcome caller at this office on Monday. He i* one of oui Uncle Joe Emery, who haa lawn tick young friends, being just past 74. at the Inline of B. W. Emery, ia «lowly Jack Forrester and Ray Metzger are recovering. little hustler«, they know how U j drive Mrs Timothy Brownhill conducted a a gissi bargain Usi. They are putting state .i hiHil examination in the Regncr iu «pare hour, doing old jobs in place of building Thin «day and Friday of this loafing on the street. Pretty gmsl re­ week, law Merrill, Wilbur Thompson, commendation for Imya isn't it 7 John Hoasiier, Mi-» Patti Darrell ami Th« Livery Stable, Hotel. Dr. Short’s Victor Nut ley for practice. water plant. The Herald office, Ford Life Manning was home from Rainier Metzger'» water pipe« and several other concerns felt the effects of the severe over Bunday. cold of last week. The Baptist Ladies Guild will meet Harry Preston, while working in the next Thursday at 2 p. m. at Mrs. L. P. slaughter house of T. it. Howitt, had Manning's. the misfortune to cut tlie big toe on bis The Mis«-« Frazier, of Portland, were right foot in two. the gm-sta of tl.eir Aunt, M rs. Ef Tacoma, h I mai Mr«. Ix?e Ina confectionery alore to Naahville on Buskirk, of University Park Port Un« I Mt. Scott line. another daughter, were visitor« at the L. C. Metiger paid The Herald office Baptist par»,magi' this week, Thursday ami Friday. .Mr. Nutley is a brother to a pleasant call last Friday. Pastor Nutley. O. Burr is complaining of kidney and : < ¡retsliiiii>. < ti c. OREGON - thi* urt'k on mission work the West Indica. I lliivc J iim I Oprnctl ii New A'F TAWNKY’H (>LI> HTAND Where I nm prepnrec! to tlo noy ond nil kindM of Mkiileel mid ordinary hliickMinith* Ina mieara in thia week* issue. •• Beaver State Print • • "The Right Imprint” Send orders to Grcshùm. Oregon i The FARMERS’ FEED YARD | : ♦ ♦ » ♦ Opposite O. W. P. Depot < i Conduits d General Livery and Feed Stab’es FARMERS’ HORSES FED AND CARED FOR AT LOWEST RATES XVe Buy and Sell Eastern Oregon Horses Horses On Hand All the Time SMITH & BYERS, GRESHAM. OREGON. ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦