BEAVER STATE HERALD, JANUARY 25, 1907 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- —---------------------- I ■ THE PILLAR of LIGHT 11907 Louis Tracy, Author of "Th Wings of th« Morning** Copyright, IM», by tdwird J Clodr x dHr.. feeling «tour nini troll aa every stirpe wns hiirl—d tmmy f<*t attive lu>r head. At lieti «he ntood oli thr lowest floor Ilew.itli ber fret wnn mitighi but granite and I roti barn II ere wnn nolldlty. Ilow grateful to know of Ibi* fimi Ita»*, rotte,! In thè vcry World lli rlntirt le>i|»-y ylcldlng to Ita utmo«t fury. limi for tlx-iu no terrore. But thr «tark pillar whlch tlliidu-1 frolli no nr«aiilt l»e- Wlldered thrin It non lm|H>veni that it is sailed by Stanhots* lie signals for them not to hind, and Stanhn|«r re­ turns to Prnminrr, Th«* gills tq»Mid thr ii'ght nt th«* r*s k. Iruring thr night a furi<»us slot in render« sl« « p im- |s»s«ip|e. At «lawn Brand makes out a ship in «listres«*. VII A voting Ameri­ can named Pyne tbrows a r«q»e to Brand w lio iiiiiktM fast to th<* lighthouse ami by meant of a pullrv arrangement aev- rut/-« ight are waved Indore(he ship gF UE.VIETEKY WORK | J • • Portkind, • East Street, * - • Oregon • • • Watches and Jewelry ’ • Fred D. Flora, ; m and JEWELER , Two Small Tracts • for Sale. Your CREAM Î j Ì VETSCH & i i i ' i | • There was no ambiguity In the word«, "You speak a* If the Chinook were no halting sonteiicv which otic«* 1 a nearly ns old a i this llgh !mu-e. yet I 335 Morrison * way for n man to plead, "I thought It luive in-ver even beard her name tie- l>«-bt." Tho-e who frame I the rule fore.” what they aald. No man «•ould “You know li. r well enough al! the *»end t!:«- «t‘*el of their Intent. same.” «aid the other ruefully. "Thia Tu end the lnt d<*rubl«> strain of his I« her m:il I In «tori*. That should main­ Surprised, even while Enid awaited e All Work Guar«DU*«d. Involuntary ex l.imatioa. th- ol ler woman's demand, the listen- • For Special Bargain* in Watcbea, See • “Certain! Well, surely 1 ought to tain life. It Is u vegetable oil." Then «’ in-it.ifx i- llirust her glowing •rs beard the words: know. I have pissed most of my rerv- "Awake, my «oul. and with the sun k-e with the eou.pauy In her. mid when fa >k a <-rew to Cramp's 11 navlgite Shake off dull aloth, and joyful rise her to New York after she was «mart- men wish to know If they may smoke. To pay thy mornins •acriflce.” WATCHMAKER • Poor fellows! They are so miserable, mis! up I I ttle Itnng ned I would ««•« The rough ton«-» of the men were so «Mid mid damp an I dreary down her laid by forever the next time we 191 Morrison St., • softened nnd hurmonlz<-d by th* dis­ • saw the lights of old Eng'and. My tlx-re. pltras«- say ‘Y«-*.’ ” - - OREGON * tance. It was a ciiant of prajse, of a PORTLAND, g XMlness. even what was left of the old CHAPTEIt IX. * Near Pap'» Restaurant. • girl ought to know her way lietter'n ill! purser, faithful to his trust, ♦I it" "But what did really happen?" had iwctircd the ship's books. "Drlvln' her. 1 toll you drlvln' her He alone among the survivors full |iclt to Ian I the mulls nt Noutli- of tb<- Chinook liad brought a nmptoii twelve hours nh<*ad of s<-iing< r. «tint they wore, their money and in some mnld you expert? Poor Perkins! A | cases tlx-lr trinkets. tare hard worker too. Now lie’s gone Mr. Emmett suggi-sted that a list of • 5 1-2 acres improved, running * down with Ids «hip an' over 200 passen­ those savi-d should lie «-omplle«!. Then, 9 water, seeded to timothy and a gers an' crew." by ticking off th«* names, he could a clover, on Sandy road, 1-4 mile « "Judging by the number sort'd I classify the Inmat«** of the lighthouse • east of Cleone. • fenre«! that more were lost." and evolve mine degree of order In the • 6 1-2 acres, all improve«!, seed- • "It's the off Kenson, you know. The community. • ed, 4-room house, well, good fene- J pnssenger list was light. For tlx* I.ord's It was foand that there were thirty- sake, think of what It might have been seven otfiis-rs and men. including stew­ a ed garden, orchard, plenty of all a In Mny or June!” ards. tbirty-tbree saloon passengers, of ; • varieties of fruit, 1 mile east of • “It In bad enough as It is. All has not whom nineteen were women, counting • Cleone on Bandy road, one mile • endnl with the dlsappearan«*e of the the two little girls, and seven men and « west of Troutdale. Write or see « • Major H. W. Love, Troutdale, Ore. • vessel.” one woman from the st«*erage. The sailor shot s sharp glance at "It Isn't usual, on a British ship, for “Who are pouf” whispered. Brand. the crew to bulk so large on the list,” «train. Ha! Listen to that. The bat­ "You can't be thlnkln' any one was to aald Mr. Emmett huskily, "but It tering ram of ocean applied to a thin blame"— be mmmmcwl But Brand , couldn’t lie bellied. The pas«engers bad ihaft of atone. Surely It muat ba waved aside the fancied Imputation. Sell to be battened down. They couldn't pounded Into fragment«. "Blame!" be said. "With a broken . live on deck. We never gave In until Said one with Indefinite bellow amid shaft! In that whirlwind! No. no. I , the last minute.” the I lack turmoil: "I can't stand thia, sent for you to talk over the new dlffl- “JfiM Brand, givt me one moment." "I saw that,” aald Brand, knowing mate«" cuky which has to be faced There are . the agony wblcb prompted the broken thanksgiving, tbe offering of those wbo "Up aloft for me!" cried another. food, water and fuel here for three I explanation. bad been snatched from death and "I^t'a die with our eyea open, any­ men for two months. If you do a little "An' not a mother’s soul would bars from mortal fear more painful than how.” chime«! In a third. sum you will find that the available escaped If It wasn't for young Mr. death. Hut a light flashed In the rolling orba stere« on the basis of full rations will Pyne,” went on the sailor. SONS, : Tbe singing ceased as suddenly as It * of the man who waa already on tbo maintain elgfaty-one p«*ople for two Boring, Oregon "Is that the name of the youngster began. Mr. Emmett and tbe purser atalra. Aatoundrd. be drew back. days and a quarter.” wbo climbed the foremast?" were warning tbe first watch. Conatance atood In their midst, a mere "But we're on!y slz miles from the That's him. It was a stroke of Tbe interruption did not seem to girl, radiant, smilingly uncvricerned. malnlsnd." Mr. Emmett had not yet genius, bls catching on to that way help Mrs. Vanslttart. She spoke awk­ addrraalng them In calm words broken grasped the true meaning of the fig­ out. He was aa enol as a cucumber. wardly, checking her thoughts as only by the fitful noises. ure«. Just look«*) up wuen be reached the though fearful she might be mlsunder- We pat on wagons. Write for J [ "Sorry your quarterw-ao vary un- "t have been here more than once for deck an* saw the lighthouse so near. «rood or say too much. But Enid, wltb a parting amlle, was Prices. < » oleasant Only last a—couple of hours. six weeks at a stretch, when, for a*1 Then be asked me for a rope. Planned "I am better,” ahe explained; "quite halfway toward tbe next landing, and the assistance we could receive, we the whole thing in a second, so to recovered. 1 gave up my bunk to one Mrs. Vanslttart was free to re-enter Twenty-five years- far worse gnlae might aa well have been within the speak." tbe crowded apartment where her fal­ Want any more cocoa?" wbo needed it" "Tbnuk you kindly, inlaa, we're quite arctic circle.” "He Is not one of the ship's com­ "I am sure we are all doing our best low sufferer« were wondering when Again the sailor Jerked bls thumb to­ pany f comfortable.” Thia from the mao who to help one another.” volunteered Enid. they would see daylight again. She ward the reef. wished to die with hla eyea open. "No, sir; a passenger, nervy of Cy­ "But I am restlesa. Tbe algbt—of did not stir. Th« darkness was Intense, "Is It as bad aa all that? ” be queried "Please, nilas, tuny wa auuAe?" said rus J. Traill, tbe Philadelphian mil­ your alster—aroused vague memories. tbe narrow passage drafty, and tbe anxiously. be who couldn't stand It. lionaire. Haven't you beard of T sill? Do you mind—I find It bard to explain column thrilled and quivered In an un­ "Yes.” Not much of a new«pai>er reader, eh? —your name Is familiar. I knew—some nerving manner. She beard tbe clang Constance hecltnted. Blithely uncon "But six weeks! G«>d Ixtrd!” Mr. There was a lady on board, a Mrs. people—called Brand—■ Mr. Stepben of a door above and knew that Enid sclous that a whiff of mutiny bad Emmett had done the little sum. swept through the storm toiaed fold, Vansittart, who was coming over to Brand—and hla wife.” bad gone Into tbe second spartment "That Is exceptional. A week is the marry old Trail! ««^geovle said, and site pondered the problem. She saw no She baited, seemingly at a loss. Enid, given over to tbe women. Somewberv average, unlees the unexpected hap­ tbc weddin' was fixed to take pla«?e In striving helplessly to solve tbe reason higher up was tbe glaring light of harm In It. pens. after a gale like thia. And a . Paris next week. Young Pyne was for thia unexpected confidence, but wblcb abe bad • faint recollection, "Yea," ahe said. "Smoke by all week will test our endurance to the actin' as escort" quite wi«bful to make tbe explanation though she was almost unconaciom menus. I will ask my father, and If it "la she lost? What a terrible thing!” easier, found herself InteremeiL should lie dangerous I will come back limit." Mr. Emmett whistled softly. A gris­ Tbe chief officer glanced down tbe "Yea,” «be said. "That la quite pos­ ■when unbormd from the rope and cne aud let you know. In a few hours It will tie daylight and If the sea falls be ly phantom was creeping at him. He purser's lists and slapped bls thigh sible. of course, though you must have rled into tbe service room. And at that moment, not knowing it shivered, and not from cold. with much vebeuH'oee. been quite a girl. Mrs. Brand died will come aud open the door.” she bad been near to Stepben Brand, "Ry Jove!" be aald. "What's to be "No. by gosh! Here she Is, marked many years ago.” By sheer Inspiration ahe hnd uttered O. K. Well, that beats tbe band!” Mrs. Vanslttart flinched from tbe fee­ might have spoken to him, looked Into the formula «lestined to annihilate the done?" bis face. Wbat was be like? sbe won­ "In the first place you muat help mo "So tbe lad baa discharged ins trust ble rays of tbe lantern. necromantic bluster of the hammering “That Is so—I think I heard of—of dered Had be aged greatly with tbe waves. Open the door! So tlila pon­ to maintain Iron discipline. To leave ' to his uncle?" Mr. Emmett was going to say some­ Mrs. Brand's death—In London, I years? A lighthouse keeper! Of an derous racket was a mere tidal trick, the rock today oae mon* thoroughly. "Queer world,” he muttere«!; "queer "I am a mere nobody." she said. trick was fate about to play her that "All right, miss, an* Gnwy. otllccr Emmett. The sailor, with the minimum." perturbed. Enid, Intent on tbe occupa­ “died many years ago." when she, Mrs. "Please come." she cried In her win tors«» directness of Ills class, told how tion of the moment, believed their lit ­ "Of course 1 will back you up In Vanslttart. was "quite a girl"—the girl the lltlnook had made an excellent every way," said Mr. Emmett, who felt some wny. “These stairs are too uar- tle chat was endetl. To round it off, so lnherlte«l the clear profile, tbe wealth voyage from New York until she ran chillier nt this moment thnn nt any row for courtesy.” to speak, she went on quickly: They stepped heavily onward. She Into bad weather nlxmt 4(R» miles west time during the night. "I know you T imagine 1 am tbe most mysterious of dark brown hair and a grace of flitted away. Emmett raised hl* lan­ person living—in ray early history, I movement not often seen In English of th«* I.lznrd. are noting wisely, but I ndmlt I nm “It seems to mo," be said, "as If we «can'd nt the thought of what mny tern between the purser’s face and bls mean. Mr. Branil saw me floating to women. Though her treth cbattere«l with the | dropix'd on to the track of that liurri- hnppen—If those days pass and no own. ward tills lighthouse in a deserted boat. "What do you think of that?” be I was nearly il«*ad. Tbe |ieople who cold. Mrs. Vansittart could not bring cane after It had curved nwny to the help Is available.” herself to leave the vaultlike stairway. norrard and that the blamed thlug had been with me were gone—either Brand knew what would happen nnd whisper«!, awe stricken. The man of accounts smiled broadly. starve«l and thrown Into the s«n the tablet of his brain, n thlug to Emmett shook hla bead. He mur­ linen was marked 'C. T.’ That la tbe not only knew the words, but «'ould lead them mightily In the tunes of indicated by the sea. be fought out liehind bnrreil door, re­ mured to himself ¡ •’T guFSs I'm tired. only definite fact I can tell you. All many old favorites. Mr. Emmett hold ont a clinched fist volver In hand. the rest Is guesswork. Evidently no , 1 see things." The opening of a door—caused by tbe with thumb Jerked toward the reef. body cared to claim me. and here I Whatever else took place. If men and Enid hande«l an armful of dry linen passing to and fro of some of tbe ship's "I wouldn't brentbo a word If he am. ” women, perhaps his own iwwt girls, i to the damp, steaming women In the officers—brought to her distracted earn wasn't gone," lie said, "but the old man Mrs. Vanslttart was leaning back In wen* dying of thirst and stnrvntlon. lower liedroom. She was hurrying out. the concludbig bars of a verse. When was drlvln' her too hard. I knew It, th«* light must Rhine nt night aver Its Some one overtook hersnt tbe «loor. It the d«*ep glootn, supporting herself the voh'es swelled forth again sbe and the chief know It”—he meant the against the door of tbe toxlroom. nllottixl span of the slumlierlng sea. Mrs. Vansittart. caught tbe full refrain: chief engineer "but he wouldn't listen "What a romance!" she said faintly. There on the little table tieside him "Miss Braud,” she said, with her al) "Raise thine eyes to heaven to either Mac or me. Fact la, he was "A vague one. and this Is no time to lay the volume of rules aud regula­ , sufficing smile, "give me one moment." When thy spirits quail. fair crazy to set up a new record for gossip about it Can I get you any ­ When, by tempests driven. tions. What did It any? They ato«xl In the dark and hollow the boat. She's lieen crossIn' the At­ Heart and courage fall." "The keepers, both principal and as­ sounding stairway. The seas were lash­ thing?” lantic forty times n year for upward Enid felt that she really must not sistant, ar«' enjoined never to nllow ing the «-oiumn repeatedly, but the ( to ■■ coirrravwD.J of twenty years, and the recent alter­ any Interests, whether private or other­ night's ordeal was nearly ended. Even pr«>long tbelr conversation, and tbe ations, although they added fifty feet wise, to Interfere with the discharge a timid child might know now that etluff Annan's exclamation threatened to her length, only Increase«! her en­ of tholr public duties, the Importan«^ the howling terror without hatl done further talk. gine power In proportion." We print butter papers^cheap "No. thank you. You'l^excnsa me, I of which to the safety of navigation Its worst nnd failed. From the cavern- “You surprise me,” broke In Brand. I ous depths, mingling with the rumble know. My natural interest”— _ at The Herald office. cannot be overrated." • | : • : Marble and Granite Monuments : • Telling the women of the plan to dry their underclothing In arctiona, «hr ask­ ed them to help her by arranging mat- ters so that their garments should ba divide«) Into lota Then she went to tbo second bad room and made the same •uggestlon. ITie rase of the sufferers In the hospital required more drastic tn ensures. The little girl she stripped with her own bands and clothed her In one of Brand's flannel shirts aud a commandeered reefer jacket. Two of Brand's spare suits and a couple of blankets enable«! the two in­ jured women, who were able to walk« to get rid of their wet garm^uta In the crowded room tieueath, aud the lockers of Jackson aud Bates made It possible for the men who nxmt nee«In! attention to lx» made comfortable by the Invalu­ able hospital orderly. Conatauce was kept busy flying up and down to the kltcheu. while Enid, having met all Immediate demanda In the matter of a hot beverage aud some­ thing to eat. supplemented her lat>ors. Pyne worked like a Trojan. Aa each pile of sodden gnrments was delivered to him he »queried out as much water as posalble with his hands aud then applied himself to the task of baking them dry. He did this. too. 1u a very efficient way. speedily converting the kitchen Into a miniature Turkish bath. At thr end of an hour be had succeeded so well that more than one half of the females were supplied with tolerably dry miked In at the kitchen. Pyne loomed through a fog of st«'nm. "Pay no heed to theae"—ahe wan In­ terrupted by another mighty thump and cataract roar—"theae blown of Thor's hammer," ahe cried. "Play me for an anvil,” lie returned. She dencended to the depth* to rean- enre the men. Talking with shrill Cberrfulnenn nt each doorway waa «any. It helped her to go down, down, 3 •