I Or« Hiatorical 8oci«ly x City Hall ■ X K ’’ z 1 J» CONQUERED. GRESHAM and MONTAVILLA, MULTNOMAH CO., OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 25 Volume J GRESHAM WILE HAVE NEW ELECTRIC EINE New Company Is Purchasing Large H Jdihgs on East Side. |«|irrl»l tn th« Hvrsl‘1 I PORTLAND, ORE,, Jan. 2fi, 11107— It will doiihllv»» interest the r.-iidvr» "I 11 ••• ll< •raid to know someHdug id tin- movement* of the Mount IL»» I Electric K-dlwav, inasmuch as it will likely pass n-ar Gresham when it ia built. Mci-aii judge of the real in i-ntioii» and pui |»>«e» of the cump.iiiv bv its invi-stimut» Through H C. Col b the c ilnpnuy has puridiasi-d on the East Hide Is-tween *.'*),*»ible. It is judged that the eompanv ha» ample mr.itis nt its I hi ■ k, and that It w ill build the railway to Mount ILssl. Il certainly has the most extensive holding» r t a i>e<- to Portland and the entire county. It will tie one of the finest ■cento routes in the world, and will mean more for Multnomah county than will even lie conj«mture. W I’.. whl<;ii baa a huu Cazadero lu»* not liwilt tliia Mount ILssl railway. Beside« reaching into a virgin district it will tap the grandest country on tlx- earth, and make it |»>»sil>l» for tourists coming to Oregon to reach tie- fool "f Mount H<«»1 in C'liitort ami without loss of time. Di»eo»enng Pike'» Peak. They have been making quit* a liai In Colorado •tils summer over tin- dis covery of I'lke's peak, as though It had lieen a hard tlilug to do. While It la true that It would have remnliieil i>mll«covei* iiutalii hadu't crun led lu a bole, unr ras It Id dug I m -M ii U ii sage­ hush wh«n Pike li>ip!>eiied along. A* we understand It, It was standing around Its lui»e waiting to lu- dis co\cred. Great redit Is doubtless du» to thv Intrepid explorer» who hriiHlinl pnsl th<* Incjann nini took thia grand ohi iuountii.n In ■ mt of the cnhl. Imi «1111 a abort flighted man w atild have to w ho t- mid pllsH It without UOtiglllg •ometbiOg. It I* oo very, very obvious. Number 4. Improvements In Swift's Plant. Seeking Location for Stoic Wjrks. Sudden Death of Fremont Bryant. We are Indebted to Hiiperintritl II II Young for hi* kinduesa in allowing u« over theHwift packing plant at Trout­ dale till* week Maliy improvements have liven made during Hie |m»t year. Modern lavatoriva are furnished for the men, whii-h are provided with plenty <>f water, soap and towels and a chlnsin.m employed to keep everything clean, no spilling and no dirty method* are al­ lowed, everything lias la-en brought up to the highest standard of sanitation. Atwell LAO men are employed at 'lie plant, and dally kill sismi 1W cattle, .’tub sheep, andDOft head of bog*. About 700 hogs have ren-utlv been shipped ill from Nebraska, which is cerbilnly not »|**nking very Well for Oregon's f.irmvrs. The coin|sinv are making insili improve­ ments tn t lie phmt, smong I hem living the Installation of a new ice tnai-hine, which will more than double the pre­ sent i-i'pHi-itv. They have also recently installisi ml tanka and are now slice« »a- fullv lowing oil as fuel. They expect to move I » St. Jolms inside of a year. T. 8. Wilcox aud Robert Walker of the firm C. W. Babcock A Co., Stone Work«, of K'«ota Minnesota, were in Greaham laat Friday and took dinner with A Mever*. Messrs Wilcok and Walker are looking for a ha-ation on the |«>-ific coast for a branch office and yard where atone can 1« work'll and [»»I in readineaa for building* and «hipped advantagronsly to the larger cities on the coast. They thought very favorably of Tacoma on account of it* central location, no definite action will lie take' until they have consulted the home office. Fi'.m here they went to A*t >ri.a and will viait Han Francisco and I>>» Angle* before returning to Minneaota. C. W. B.ila-ock A Co., employ als.iit 2J0 men a« workers of atone and the town in which they di cide to ha-ate will certaiulv 1« henifite I by the industry. F. B. Stuart, of Stuart A Co. Greaham and hi» mother, were cslied away sud­ denly Tneaiiav last, to WiMailand, Wash, on account of the tragic death of Mr. Stuart'a brotber-in-law Frcmon' Brv»nt, a prominent lumlierniari of that place. It seems Mr. Bryant was walking on the N. P. track near tbe I-ewia river bridge Tuesilay, going from bis home to a r inch that he nwneil a few mile* from town. Being bard of hearing it is »uppisieil he did not hear the train warn­ ing and the inevitable resulted. He a a» lifted from the ground and thrown | on top nf the boiler of the locomotive, death must have lieen instantaneou, as hi* neck was broken. A coroner's inqn> «t wa* held to deter­ mine tbe responsil ility. Lxiat August the deceaaed lost a son by drowning. The widow, a lister ol Mr. Stuart, and three children are left I to mourn the loss. Death of A. J. VanJever, Resolution by Gresham Grange. A. J. Vandever died at the home Of Mr». Emily of Hurlburt the 17th of Whereas, the toll charged at the January. He ha* lieeu a sufferer for a Oregon City h»-k* i* taken from the GRANGE NOHS long lime, he leaves a widow and two profits of the producer, whether shipped J onathan bourne , At the ri’Riibir thrrlhif <»( l/’titii »ons to mourn his hi»». He was bnrie I by rail or water, la-caUHv it lessens the («rung«« hint Saturday m I nmi I I Who»v i-lection I i«t June it* I'tiited State* Senator for Oregon ha* just been rati­ Sunday from the Union ball by the W. competition b«-tween rail and water • »t the order uvre |»r«r»«*nt. Thin war» fied by the Oregon Legislature. He will aerve for the term of viz yea'». O. W. and Fonest-rs of the World in transportation, and the toll, when tlif'duv < f the hr» ad content (or which Douglas* Cemetery at Troutdale. freight is shipped bv water is direct y |*rof«M>m>r IxMit had offered 1» oo an flr*t, issess iole to the prisin-er; be it unan- |.'l mi id * ¡1 »»-«<>n«l mid |2.00 km n third lierai J to be Mailed tarier Are You One of This Kind ? imoiwlv “B- rol .’ed by Gresham Grange prize. Mr*. A EiMHtii«’«’» won fir nt priae. ft is »aid th it there are aomu people We haw repeatedly la-en a»ke«l, “why No. 271). That we petition the congress Many fine loaven of hrvud ware on don’t we get our paper on Saturday ?" in this country who will go ten mile* to of the Unitdl States to build lock* at < ihiliiti«*n. Ford Metzger wm arreste 1 last Tues­ Oregon City and operate them for the We confess we du not know. Wv have buy a pair of »hoe», if they can Have five In the iiltrriHXin. Mr*. II. I . Vail of tried our very best to get the paper in­ cent» on try and treat the man that is doing hi* ■ log did last week, in consequence teotber. W A. Y * ting, Aili ta. State A Joint Installation the car leaving here at fip. m. Fri­ l>e»t to *«-rve your want* (as reasonable whereof there is sincere griei in the St»*uard, and F. M. <»ill, Slate Iteputy. day night. The papers for Sandy, Orient, a* j«»»ihle) in a more considerate wav? Kuegg f. roily. as well a» regret on the Clover Circle No. 302 and Clover It wan a very nuc» * mhil grang«* meeting. Welch*, Salmon, etc. al1 leave (irvaham if you have any money to apend give the part of “Joe’s admirers.” | Camp No. 318 W. <). W. held an entho- 1 ji*l tti’E’k the«d!hrin <»t Rramdlville home merchant a chance. And we will on the mail car Saturday morning. This Grange were iiiatallvd hv County l»e|>uty The ads in this week's Herald are »iagte meeting at the Vl,**jnian'* hall should insure the Herald to all it» rend­ guarantee a npiare deal and an easier Maaler IL W. (»ill. J<»lm Wrlbea. in consvietice for you every time, re.nl the trade gathers. It will pay every one last week tiie occasion being a joint, er« in thi« district on Saturday. It ba* i installation. Organizer Davidson was Mi nter, Edna Burrell, Ijcvtiirer ami la-en proven, however, that there are ad* in The Herald and tell the merchant to read the ail* as well as the editorial, present and not only installed the officers Mir»n .hnnina, S«fretirry. About fl fl y you saw them there. correspondence and local*. some w lio do not receive the paper e a perpetual example to the young Inhabitants roasting to death?" (if notliiug happens) will soon have to learn that the pilgrim fathers wen- Emil Palmqutot. "True enough." replied tbe tyrant u* Monday of each week. Correspon­ things coming way again. only human and -hat some of them through Ills tear*, "nnd I should lie the dents *t Montavilla, «Jioiild send in a* worked quite industriously at it. happiest limn alive, but. oh. there i* many local* a* |«i«ail»le on Monday ami Secretory Long has been digging Oil Meal For Horae*. Sorceaafnt Sheev lloabanery. one thing leeklug!” the lialaiicc (lionkl la- mailed not later The one great so-ret in successful down luto tl>e reconls with a deodor­ Oil meet is rteforc he goes In­ anil that la failing to make good when to sheep. Io»ks ah mt himself, studies the Ilves of niont any people, no matter only a small amount—say a handful— child's play compartii to letting it go. you try to do It yourself. hl, conditions. Investigates the de­ what pretention» they make, we will along with the ether grain feed. When mands of the market and then formu­ usually find tliar they can prove rela­ fed in this way it is not expensive, but When some men start the furnace fir« Sonic people lie by Instinct, simc by lates some well defined purpose to con­ tionship to Ada n without nincli of un is a very valuable a Idition to the ra­ cheerfully It la evidence that they ar, force of habit and some by tin* hour at stitute a base upon which to found fu­ effort, so we nu y throw tbe maotle of trying to aqua re themselves. tion. It has a m'klly laxative effect on so much per. The latter Is to be rec ture operation Is the one that Invaria­ charity over tbe pilgrims, nieauwhlle the bowls, tones up the system, smooths An minitcur poultry raiser la a* long ommended when viewed commercially, bly makes a success of his chosen en­ keeping up an mdustrious search for the hair and has a generally beneficial the lieatn in our owu eye. I but either of the former from an ar­ terprise. on ligure» aa lie la abort on eggs. effect.—Farmer. tistic standpoint. ■ ! "LORAIN LEWIS SHATTUCK, RANGES GRESHAM, ORE WE ARE SELLIN G New Arrivals this Week! T hem r I 0- The Best at the Lowest Price Í fob ' Recent Purchasers of Ranges The following us. since January Mrs. Max Mrs. Mrs. I have purchased Ranges of 1, 1907: A. Hevel, Davis, C. H. Sloop, C. Lewis. we Car Salt, Car Olympic Flour, 3 Cars Feed, Brown Shoe Company’s Shoes Rubber Goods, Men’s Furnishings, and all other lines, have been materially strengthened during the past week. We can undoubtedly satisfy you all if you are in need of anything in our line. Call and we will do our best to please you. Our lines are the most complete of any in the country. Our new Garden Century Flour, $1 Sack Have you tried eur century flour, if not come along be­ fore it is too late. One sack to each family as an intro­ Seeds have arrived ductory order at $1 per sack, regular price $1. 15. Noth­ ing superior to it in quality. Furniture Our line is complete, containing everything you could ask for, such as Dining Chairs, Rockers of all grades, sizes and shapes, Exten­ sion Tables, Book Cases, Bed Lounges, Couches, Iron Beds, Springs, Mattresses, Kitchen Treasures, Dressers, and Sewing Machines. All new and sold to’ you at terms to suit you. Gents' Furnishings Our line is complete and we can furnish you all that you could desire. We ask that you investigate this line of goods before you buy elsewhere. ■